Vargas Reaction Paper

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Jessica Mae.

O Nubla

“My Life as an Undocumented Immigrant”

By Jose Antonio Vargas

1. Summary
In 1993, Vargas was brought to America to live with his Lolo and Lola. He lived
his life, thinking he was an American citizen, but when he turned 16 and was turned
away at the DMV when he attempted to get a driver’s permit, he found out that he had
fake documents, and that he was an undocumented immigrant.
He continued living his life with the fear of being found out and being deported,
and strived to be a successful person, hoping he could earn his citizenship. At
Highschool, he came out as gay, dashing his grandfather’s hopes of him marrying an
American woman, and becoming a legal citizen. He became a successful journalist, and
did many things, but before he became 30 years old, he finally got tired of running and
hiding. He wrote this article to tell his story, hoping that it will push the Obama
Administration to help undocumented immigrants rather than just deport them.

2. "I decided then that I could never give anyone reason to doubt I was an American. I
convinced myself that if I worked enough, if I achieved enough, I would be rewarded with
citizenship. I felt I could earn it." - Vargas

1. In your own opinion, do the ends justify the means? In other words, desite his
illegal status,  should Vargas be granted legal immigrant status/citizenship because
he has proven himself worthy, and that he has attained success in the field of
journalism, albeit all odds? Why or why not?
 No, because according to the law, he is still an illegal immigrant, and broke
many laws by continually hiding and presenting fake documents to people.
Even if he has achieved success, if he doesn’t go through the proper process
of attaining citizenship, he will not be able to become a legal immigrant.

2. How would the abovementioned question be answered in the field of immigration

law? Does your above opinion coincide with the law? If yes, give legal basis. If no,
give your reason for deviating from law.
 Yes, it coincides with immigration law. He was smuggled in there, and had
fake documents, therefore he should be subjected to deportation, rather
than legal status when found out.
2. What are the legal implications and consequences of Vargas expose? How will it affect
him? How will it affect the United States? How will affect the Philippines? Give legal basis.
 The law requires him to be deported, so I expect him to be deported. The United
States have been dealing with undocumented immigrants for a long time, but
this may urge them to reconsider such situations. This article may either give the
Philippines something to be proud of (because they have an immigrant activist),
but it can also affect the Americans’ viewpoint of Filipinos on how they smuggle
themselves into USA.
3. Where is Vargas now? What happened to him? Research.
 In the years since revealing his status in 2011, Vargas has become the public face
of undocumented immigrants, and he also delivered an emotional testimony at
a Senate Judiciary Committee hearing in February 2013. His article/essay made
the DREAM Act come to life, where they would be provided
conditional permanent residency to certain illegal aliens of good moral
character who graduate from U.S. high schools, arrived in the United States as
minors, and lived in the country continuously for at least five years prior to the
bill's enactment. If they were to complete two years in the military or two years
at a four-year institution of higher learning, they would obtain temporary
residency for a six-year period.
4. Your reflections and other reactions to the article.

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