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The combination syndrome: A literature review

Sigvard Palmqvist, LDS, Odont Dr,a Gunnar E. Carlsson, LDS, Odont Dr, Dr Odont hc,b and
Bengt Öwall, LDS, Odont Dr, Dr Med hcc
School of Dentistry, University of Copenhagen, Copenhagen, Denmark; and School of Dentistry,
Göteborg University, Göteborg, Sweden
Although combination syndrome is recognized by many clinicians, documented observations seem to
be rare. The aim of this article was to critically review the literature regarding combination syndrome
to evaluate the evidence for this concept. A search of the dental literature with Medline/PubMed
through July 2002, focusing on the combination syndrome and related features, was undertaken and
combined with a hand search of older references and textbooks on removable prosthodontics.
(J Prosthet Dent 2003;90:270-5.)

L oss of bone of the anterior edentulous maxilla

when opposed by natural mandibular anterior teeth is 1
plants to preserve questionable roots for support in the
posterior part of the mandible.
of several features of the combination syndrome. Al- A few years later, further characteristics were added to
though recognized by many clinicians, documented ob- the combination syndrome: loss of vertical dimension of
servations seem to be rare. occlusion, occlusal plane discrepancy, anterior spatial re-
The Glossary of Prosthodontic Terms1 defines com- positioning of the mandible, poor adaptation of the
bination syndrome as “the characteristic features that prostheses, epulis fissuratum, and periodontal changes.3
occur when an edentulous maxilla is opposed by natural However, these changes are not generally associated
mandibular anterior teeth, including loss of bone from with combination syndrome.
the anterior portion of the maxillary ridge, overgrowth In spite of his emphasis on the negative role of the
mandibular RPD, Kelly2 wrote: “The early loss of bone
of the tuberosities, papillary hyperplasia of the hard pal-
from the anterior part of the maxillary jaw is the key to
atal mucosa, extrusion of mandibular anterior teeth, and
the other changes of the combination syndrome.” This
loss of alveolar bone and ridge height beneath the man-
view was previously published in The American Text-
dibular removable partial denture bases, also called an-
Book of Prosthetic Dentistry4 in 1907 in the following
terior hyperfunction syndrome.” manner: “One of the most commonly observed cases of
Ellsworth Kelly2 was the first person to use the term this sort (localized adsorption) is that in which a full
“combination syndrome.” He followed a small group of upper plate denture is antagonized only by six or eight
patients wearing a complete maxillary denture opposed lower natural teeth, there being no teeth posterior to
by mandibular anterior teeth and a distal extension distal this point, adsorption of the alveolar process in the max-
removable partial denture (RPD). Of the 6 patients fol- illa in front occurring as a result of the undue pressure on
lowed up for 3 years, all showed a reduction of the it.” Clinicians have recognized a number of the afore-
anterior bone in the maxilla along with enlarged tuber- mentioned features in some patients, but documented
osities. For 5 patients there was an increased bone level observations are rare. About 25 years after the publica-
of the tuberosities. Kelly2 blamed the mandibular RPD tion of Kelly’s2 article, a review of sequelae of treatment
and the lack of a posterior seal in the maxillary denture with complete dentures argued that there was a lack of
for these changes. He discussed “excessive bony resorp- evidence for the combination syndrome.5 Today, ac-
tion under the mandibular removable partial denture cepting the principle of evidence-based dentistry, a crit-
bases” but provided no values. Kelly2 discussed various ical review of the documentation behind the concept of
possibilities to avoid combination syndrome, including “combination syndrome” seems warranted. The aim of
extraction of the mandibular teeth, but did not advocate this article was to evaluate the evidence for this concept.
this solution. Instead, he proposed using the roots of
anterior mandibular teeth to support an overdenture. LITERATURE REVIEW
He also mentioned the option of using endodontic im-
A search of medical and dental literature through July
2002 was undertaken by use of Medline/PubMed. The
Professor emeritus, Department of Prosthetic Dentistry, University focus of the search was on combination syndrome and
of Copenhagen.
related features such as alveolar bone loss, bone resorp-
Professor emeritus, Department of Prosthetic Dentistry, Göteborg
University. tion, maxillary tuberosities, denture stomatitis, and
Professor and Chair, Department of Prosthetic Dentistry, University maxillary abnormalities, all combined with removable
of Copenhagen. partial denture variables. Along with the articles found



in Medline/PubMed, those found by a hand search of vestigations of series of patients. No longitudinal study
older references were also considered. In addition, some with the extraction of the anterior maxillary teeth as the
common textbooks on removable prosthodontics were starting point and randomly chosen mandibular status
scrutinized for additional documentation. exists. Most studies comprise only small groups of pa-
tients. However, some cautious conclusions may be
Residual ridge resorption— general aspects drawn by comparing results from available studies of
various designs.
After extraction of teeth, a remodeling process of the
Most studies have used radiographic cephalometry
alveolar bone occurs, including bone resorption and a
for measurement of residual ridge height. With this
changed contour.6,7 The loss of bone in the maxilla was
technique, 1 study7 compared bone resorption of the
reported to be less if an immediate denture technique
anterior maxilla in patients wearing a complete maxillary
was used compared with a healing period without den-
denture with different mandibular status: (1) mandibu-
ture.8,9 For the mandible, no difference or a smaller
lar complete denture; (2) anterior mandibular teeth and
difference in resorption rate during this initial stage was
a Class I mandibular RPD; and (3) natural mandibular
found between the immediate technique and a healing
teeth only. No statistically significant differences were
period without denture.9,10 After the initial remodeling
found between these groups. However, the smallest
phase, there is continuous bone resorption under den-
resorbed area of the maxillary residual ridge, calculated
ture bases. It is inevitable and has been called “a major
from the radiographs for the period between 6 months
oral disease entity.”11 The initial prosthetic technique
and 5 years after extraction, was noted for group 3 (nat-
probably has no long-term influence on residual ridge
ural teeth only). Grouping the subjects with complete
resorption, which is more pronounced in the mandible
dentures together with those with natural teeth includ-
than in the maxilla and has been demonstrated to occur
ing molars, and comparing them with a group having
for up to 30 years.11-14 Bone resorption under dentures
only anterior teeth (with or without an RPD) showed
can affect not only the alveolar bone but also, in some
slightly greater bone resorption in the latter group
situations, the basal bone.11-13 However, great individ-
which was significantly different (P⬍.05). However,
ual differences have been noted, and factors other than
there were considerable individual variations in the ex-
the wearing of removable dentures may be involved in
tent of the changes in all groups. In a 21-year follow-up
the resorption process.15-17
of the same patients, the individual variations were still
There are clear indications and little doubt that the
very large, and there was no support for systematic de-
removable denture plays an important causative role in
velopment of “combination syndrome.”13
the bone resorption process. This is supported by studies
At the same center, other groups of patients with a
showing significant differences in residual alveolar bone
maxillary complete denture and various prosthodontic
between edentulous subjects wearing or not wearing
solutions for the partially edentulous mandible were also
removable dentures.18,19 Subjects not wearing dentures
followed.25,26 The first group had no posterior teeth and
had more remaining bone. In groups of patients who
no RPD; the second group had a Class I mandibular
had been wearing complete mandibular dentures for
RPD; the third group had an RPD retained by a bar
different lengths of time, the continuous bone resorp-
splint uniting crowns, primarily on the canines. Over a
tion stopped in the areas distal to the mandibular foram-
5-year period there was a significant reduction of the
ina after the patients had been provided with fixed pros-
measured height of the anterior maxillary bone in the
theses supported by implants placed anterior to the
first 2 groups with similar mean values for both groups.
foramina.20 In another study, a fixed implant-supported
In the bar splint group no significant reduction in bone
prosthesis of the same design produced bone apposition
height was noted in the anterior maxilla. When evaluat-
in the posterior parts of the mandible, whereas an over-
ing the horizontal dimension and calculating the ante-
denture supported by 2 implants resulted in a continu-
rior bone area of the maxillary residual ridge on the
ous resorption of the same areas.21 Moreover, animal
radiographs, a reduction was noted in all groups without
studies have shown that continuous pressure from an
significant differences between them.
experimental denture caused bone resorption when ex-
Only small and statistically insignificant changes in
ceeding a threshold value, and that the resorbed bone
the bone height of the edentulous maxilla were found
was not reshaped when pressure was discontinued.22-24
during a 5-year observation period in a patient group
where the complete maxillary denture was opposed by a
Maxillary ridge resorption in relation to bar-retained mandibular RPD.27 The bone resorption
mandibular status under complete maxillary dentures was also studied dur-
Mandibular natural teeth with or without RPD. Bone ing a 5-year period in patients wearing either a conven-
resorption in the anterior part of the edentulous maxilla, tional complete mandibular denture or an overdenture
the main feature of the “combination syndrome,” has supported by roots of the mandibular canines.28 Similar
been the subject of many clinical reports and some in- values were noted for both groups. An earlier longitudi-

SEPTEMBER 2003 271


nal study over 7 years found no significant difference in were noted33 but maxillary bone resorption was smaller
maxillary bone resorption in patients wearing a complete compared with that reported by Kelly2 in the situation
maxillary denture opposed by either a complete mandib- with remaining anterior teeth and a Class I mandibular
ular denture or natural teeth and a removable partial RPD. According to the authors, a possible explanation
denture, even if somewhat higher values were noted in of these improved results could be that implants do not
the latter group.29 supra-erupt as natural teeth do.34
Examination records were reviewed in 150 consecu- Using panoramic radiographs, Jacobs et al35 followed
tive denture patients at a dental school with regard to up 3 groups of patients, all with a complete maxillary
“prevalence of symptoms associated with combination denture. In the mandible, 1 group had a complete den-
syndrome.”30 All patients had a maxillary complete den- ture, another group an implant-retained overdenture,
ture; however, the mandibular status differed. “Maxil- and the third group had a fixed implant-supported pros-
lary anterior alveolar bone loss” was nearly nonexistent thesis. The most pronounced annual bone resorption in
in the group with complete mandibular dentures as well the maxilla was noted in the complete denture group
as in the group with natural dentition including bilateral and was statistically significant compared with the over-
molars. In groups with unilateral or bilateral missing denture group. Bone resorption in the fixed implant-
molars, different percentages of maxillary anterior bone supported prosthesis group demonstrated values in be-
loss were noted. However, the authors found no signif- tween the other 2 groups that were not significantly
icant difference related to whether the patients wore an different from the other groups.
RPD or not. This might partly be explained by the small The masticatory forces and deformation of the max-
number of subjects in these 2 groups. In fact, the highest illary complete denture during function have been stud-
percentage of “maxillary anterior alveolar bone loss” ied in patients with either a complete denture or a fixed
(56%) was noted for the group wearing a Class I man- implant-supported prosthesis in the mandible.36 The re-
dibular RPD. The authors listed 5 changes “most con- sults showed a marked improvement in “chewing abil-
sequential to denture wearing and most difficult to cor- ity” after implant treatment, as indicated by changes in
rect”: maxillary anterior bone loss, mandibular posterior measured masticatory forces. However, no significantly
bone loss, maxillary alveolar ridge canting, tuberosity increased levels of loading were measured by the strain
enlargement, and hypermobile maxillary residual ridge. gauges placed in the maxillary dentures. The conclusion
All of these changes were prevalent in less than 7% of the was that there should be no increased risk of failure or
total sample but were found in 24% of the patients with complications associated with loading clinically with the
a bilateral distal-extension RPD. It should be noted,
type of fixed implant-supported prostheses that were
however, that this was not an epidemiologic study of a
random sample, but findings in patients at a dental
In another study of a group of patients with implant-
school. Further, all variables presented in the article were
supported overdentures in the mandible, frequent mid-
dichotomous, and the criteria were not clarified to the
line fractures of the opposing maxillary complete den-
readers. No epidemiologic study of the combination
ture was noted, indicating an increase in denture
syndrome was found.
deformation during function.37 However, this finding
Mandibular implant-supported or -retained prosthe-
has not been confirmed in more recent studies.38-40
ses. An Australian implant center reported on anterior
Regarding changes of the edentulous maxilla in com-
bone resorption beneath complete maxillary dentures
plete denture wearers, there are also several studies in
when opposed by implant-supported mandibular pros-
which radiographs have not been used but measure-
theses.31,32 The situation with a mandibular overden-
ments have been performed on casts.41-43 The relevance
ture supported by 2 bar-connected implants resembled
the situation with natural anterior teeth and an RPD. of these studies concerning bone resorption can be
Maxillary changes similar to the combination syndrome, questioned, and they are not included in this review.
anterior bone loss in the maxilla, and “posterior loss of
occlusal contact were observed.”31 The situation with a Enlargement of the tuberosities
fixed implant-supported prosthesis in the mandible32
“did not appear to promote a condition similar to com- In a study of denture patients treated at a dental
bination syndrome.” However, “loss of posterior occlu- school,30 “tuberosity elongation” was found in 5% of
sal contact” was also observed in these patients. patients with complete dentures in both jaws. In patients
The anterior bone loss under a maxillary complete with bilaterally missing mandibular molars, “tuberosity
denture has also been studied when the mandibular elongation” was found in 22% of those wearing a remov-
overdenture was supported by a transmandibular im- able partial denture and in 56% of those with no RPD.
plant with 4 posts penetrating the mandibular crest be- The groups were small, and the study was not longitu-
tween the mental foramina.33,34 Some changes consis- dinal, indicating that no conclusions can be drawn about
tent with signs associated with combination syndrome the development of the noted “elongations.”



Papillary hyperplasia of the hard palate’s “combination syndrome” does not meet the criteria to
mucosa be included in such a list. In a review of the literature, the
authors have found no epidemiologic study of “combi-
Epidemiologic studies of mucosal changes in denture
nation syndrome.” Compared with the main feature,
wearers mostly report low percentage figures for “pap-
“loss of bone from the anterior portion of the edentu-
illary hyperplasia of the hard palatal mucosa,” also called
lous maxilla,” findings such as “papillary hyperplasia of
“papillomatous stomatitis.”44,45 No study was found fo-
the hard palatal mucosa” seem to be rare.44,45 Enlarged
cusing specifically on changes in the maxillary mucosa
tuberosities may also have other causes than those de-
with respect to the mandibular dentition status.
scribed by Kelly2 as part of the combination syndrome.
Enlarged tuberosities are often seen together with
Extrusion of mandibular anterior teeth supraerupted maxillary molars. In situations where man-
Kelly demonstrated extrusion of the mandibular an- dibular molars have been lost, the opposing maxillary
terior teeth in all 6 patients with combination syndrome molars may supraerupt together with the alveolar pro-
followed up for 3 years by means of profile radiographs.2 cess.52 The supraeruption may create enlarged tuberos-
The amount of extrusion varied between 1.0 and 1.5 ities without influence of a denture.
mm. No other reports have been found regarding extru- Not surprisingly, no randomized controlled trials
sion of mandibular anterior teeth in combination with a (RCTs) on combination syndrome were found. A re-
complete maxillary denture and a mandibular RPD. view of U.S. prosthodontic journals showed that less
than 2% of 3631 articles published over a 10-year period
Bone resorption under mandibular RPD bases could be classified as RCTs.53 A more extensive review
up to the end of year 2000 identified 92 RCTs in prosth-
Continuous bone resorption in the mandible poste-
odontics, but none related to combination syndrome.54
rior to the remaining anterior teeth has been demon-
Perhaps somewhat more surprising, is that there
strated in 2 groups of patients wearing different types of
seems to be no prospective study of the “combination
Class I mandibular RPDs, whereas no change of the
syndrome” in spite of the fact that many people have
bone level in the posterior region was noted for the
been provided with a complete maxillary denture op-
group not wearing an RPD.25,26 In patients who re-
posed by anterior mandibular teeth with or without a
ceived mandibular implant-supported fixed prostheses,
Class I mandibular RPD. A long-term 21-year study of
bone resorption in the posterior part of the mandible
patients wearing complete maxillary dentures provided
practically ceased.20 This result has been confirmed in
no support for a systematic development of the “com-
recent studies, some even reporting bone apposition in
bination syndrome.”13 This does not mean that the ob-
the posterior areas when a fixed implant-supported pros-
servations made by Kelly2 were false. In the title of his
thesis was used.21,46
article, he emphasized the negative role of the mandib-
Most follow-up studies of removable partial dentures
ular RPD. The same view was expressed by Keltjens et
have not included measurement of bone resorption be-
al,55 who found the traditional treatment for an edentu-
neath the distal extension bases.47-50 For example, the
lous maxilla opposed by a partially edentulous mandible
longitudinal study over 25 years by Bergman et al49
with a complete denture and a Class I mandibular RPD
provides no information on this point. However, it may
to be “fundamentally inadequate.” The authors also
be indirectly concluded that there were considerable
suggested use of implants for distal support.
changes of the supporting tissues judging from the fre-
Loss of established posterior occlusal contacts has
quent relining of the RPDs during the first 10 years.48
been discussed as an important factor in relation to the
Kelly2 provided values for the resorption in the edentu-
combination syndrome.30 However, loss of occlusal
lous maxilla but not for the posterior, edentulous parts
contacts can be attributed not only to bone resorption
of the mandible. A study of patients with a complete
under mandibular distal extension bases but also to wear
maxillary denture opposed by a mandibular distal exten-
of the artificial denture teeth, as well as to changes in
sion RPD retained by an anterior bar revealed more
position of the anterior mandibular teeth. It can be spec-
bone resorption in the posterior mandible than in the
ulated that such changes in occlusion facilitate parafunc-
tional activities such as clenching and thereby increase
the pressure on the maxillary anterior alveolar bone.
DISCUSSION This speculative theory fits well with the result that pa-
Dorland’s Illustrated Medical Dictionary51 defines tients who had been provided with Class I mandibular
“syndrome” as “a set of symptoms which occur togeth- RPDs had development of more signs and symptoms of
er; the sum of signs of any morbid state; a symptom temporomandibular disorders over a 5-year period com-
complex.” “Combination syndrome” is not included pared with a matched group of patients treated with
among hundreds of syndromes listed in the dictionary. cantilevered fixed partial dentures.56 It is also compati-
From this review of the literature it seems obvious that ble with results from in vivo measurements showing that

SEPTEMBER 2003 273


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