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erent MMRDA SCHEDULE OF DIMENSIONS FOR STANDARD GAUGE (1435 mm) (FOR 3200 mm wide stock) December — 2019 MUMBAI METROPOLITAN REGION DEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY Metro PIU, 7" Floor, New Administrative Building, Bandra-Kurla Complex, Bandra(E), Mumbai - 400 051, India INDEX PARANO. DESCRIPTION + troduction CHAPTER-1 GENERAL 14 Spacing of Tracks. 12 Cuvee 13 Grades 14 Bulkings and Structures 115 Kinematic Envelope 18 Structure Gauge 117 Extra Clearances on Curves 118 Minimum Track Spacing on Curves 1.8. Cantand Gant Deficiency 140 Walkways 441 Deraiiment Guard CHAPTER-2 STATION 241 Spacing of Track at Stations 22 Platforms 23 Track Gradient in Patform 2.4 Inferiocking and Signal Gear 25 Points and Crossings 26 Super elevation and Speed at Stations on Curve with Turnouts of Contrary and Similar Flexure 27 Addtonal Clearance fr Platforms on Curves CHAPTER-3 ROLLING STOCK 3.1 Passenger Electric Mutiple Units 32 Locomotives and Engineering Service Vehicles (CHAPTER—4 OVERHEAD ELECTRIC TRACTION-26 kV AC 50 He 4.1 Electrical Clearances fr Underground 42 Electrical Clearances for At Grade and Elevated Section ‘CHAPTER PLATFORM SCREEN DOOR 1541 Setting Out Dimensions PAGE NO. 2 13 a 4 w 19 20 2 [APPENDIX NO. Appendix ‘Appendix 2 Appendix = 3 ‘Apoendi3 (TNL) ‘Appendix 3A, Appendix 3A (TNL) ‘Appendix —4 Appendix —5 APPENDIX DESCRIPTION PAGE NO. Permissible Speed, Cant and Minimum ‘Track Spacing on Curves Extra Horizontal Alowance on Curves. (Curvature etect) Cant Elect on Structure Gauge ~ Horizontal ‘At grade and Elevated, Cant Effect on Structure Gauge — Horizontal Underground sections (Rectangular Box Tunne!) ‘Cant fect on Kinematic Envelope — Horizontal [At-Grade and Elevated Sections. (Cant Effect on Kinematic Envelope - Underground Sections (Rectangular Box Tunnel) Lateral and Vertical Shit of Cente of Cicular Tunnel ‘Adéitional Clearance for platforms on curves 24 25 ar 29 a LIST OF FIGURI Figure Ne MneWSG-1 nematic Envelope - At grade ane ‘vated Soctons on lve Constant grace angen ack Figure No WREST Winer Envelope -Atgrade are Elevates Sectone on nv! or natant rade tangent rack at Plato s Figure No-MNNWSG —T NY Kinematic Envelope ~ Undsrrcund ‘Sectors (Tunis) on level o ‘Constant Grade Tangent Track Figure Wa: WSS TACT arate Envape —Underoane Section on lve or costar grade tangent rat at Patorm Fagus WSS ‘Suture Gauge -Ar Grade and vated Seton on level or ‘Constant Grade Tangent Tack (Gussie Stato) Figure No MAWES = 2 (TN) ‘Sucre Gauge = 32m Wide ca Under Ground Secon (Tunnels) ot {oval or Contant Grose Tangent ‘rack (Ouse Staton) a Figare No aR 3 ‘Si of the Conte af rear umn ‘eto rotation oF Tons! to prove forcant, Figure Ne NSSF ‘Bec of canton Srature Gauge Figure No WAWSS— aR ‘eta anton Kinematic Envelope 0 Figs Ne MRSS ‘ct of vertical carve on Stusure Gauge Figure No. WES S ‘Srucure Gauge atrade ang vat staten wth se patos ‘on level or Constant Grose Tanger! ‘rece @ Figure Ne MMVISE-B TN ‘Stucore Gauge underground Staten with sie plato, rectangular box tunnel nivel or enelant grade tangent rack # ‘Suclure Gauge at Eovated Saten ‘tan Bator on nwo constant grace angen ack igre No MNS = TTR) ‘Siruture Gauge af Under Ground Staton with alana lors on vel for consant grad target rack, © Figure No MANES 6 Figure No WaRWSS BTL —] Platorn Gata — Eleva Grade Pistform on eva or cnatant grade fangent ace | Piston Gate - Unde round Dato on lovel or conn erase fangent wack 7 Figure No-WRSS = (TRY Ed Deraled were on cave oF 200m rac with Cant of 110 mn Underground Tunnel PREAMBLE ‘The schedule of Dimensions for Standard Gauge Corridor has been prepared ‘based on following Factors: 1. The kinematic envelope and other infringements have been calculated for the 320mm wide and 4048 mm high roling stock, based on the kinematic envelope ‘calculations. The track and vehicle maintenance shall conform to the clearances indicated therein during the period these stocks are in operation, 2. The clearances are based on assumption that windows are sealed and doors are closed during movement. 3. Track shall be maintained to the tolerances taken for calculation of Kinematic Envelope. 4, The Structure Gauge indicated in SOD shall not be violated under any circumstances except for designated railway operational structures. Designated railway operational structures include platform coping, platform gates, hand ‘ailing in back-oF-house platform edge, Track Access Gates. 5. The Kinematic Envelope(s) indicated in SOD shall not be violated under any cireumstance, 6. The vehicle Kinematic Envelope forthe platform area shall be applied only within confines of stations up to 80 Kmph vehicle speed for underground and 70 Kmph for elevated/At grade sections. At all other location, the Kinematic envelope Corresponding to 85 kmph vehicle speed shall be used for determining the ‘Structure Gauge and electrical clearances. 7. The Design speed of the Metro Rail System shall be 95 kmph. 8 The maximum operating speed shall be 85 kmph in the section, 80 kmph in Underground stations, 70 kmph in Elevated/At-Grade Stations and 25 kmph in Depot. The evacuation of passengers in between Stations shall be done from front and rear emergency doors of the train, hence no separate walkway Is provided However, space available between the track paths shall be used as Walkway. The evacuation system shall be legislated by MMRDA Metro Rail Administration ‘and evacuation shall be effected under the supervision of concemed Metro Rail ‘Administration, It shall be ensured that no train operation on the adjacent track will be allowed during the evacuation, MUMBAI METRO ‘SCHEDULE OF DIMENSIONS ‘STANDARD GAUGE (1435 mm GAUGE) {£03200 mm wide stock) INTRODUCTION “The dimensions given in this Schedule of Dimensions are to be observed in all works ‘on 1435 mm gauge (STANDARD GAUGE) and 3200 mm wide Rolling Stock, unless prior sanction has been obtained from the Railway Board through the Commissioner 6f Metro Railway Safety to execute works which infinge this Schedule of Dimensions, ‘This Schedule of Dimensions is applicable to Under Ground, Elevated and At-Grade sections of MMRDA which shall be with 25 kV AC Traction system and Over Head Current collection. The Rolling Stock shall be 3200 mm wide with sealed windows ‘and doors closed while in motion. “The Under Ground system may be with a Circular Tunnel or Rectangular Box or of any other suitable shape while Elevated system may be with suitable Over Ground Structures such as Viaduets, Both, Under Ground and Elevated systems shall have ‘suitably designed Balastioss (DFF) Track. For depot, the track may be baliasted/ballastess. “The Schedule of Dimensions (SOD) has been divided into five chapters as under ‘Chapter-1 General Chapter-2 Station Chapter 3 Roling Stock Chapter-4 Electric Traction Chapter-5 Platform Screen Door CHAPTER 4.1 SPACING OF TRACKS 41.1.1. Minimum distance, centre to centre of tracks without any structure between tracks for tangent (straight) track for: (2) Under Ground Sections. 3800 mm (b) Elevated Sections '3900mm (6) AtGrade Sections 3900 mm Note: See Appendix-1 for minimum track centers on curves. 12. CURVES 112.1. Minimum radius of curves (horizontal) })— Onmain running tines 2)" Under Ground Sections 200 m ) Elevated and AtGrade Sections 120m i) Depot and other nor-passenger Lines 100m i) Atpassenger platforms 1000 m 1.2.2 Check railfRestraining Rail Cheek railRestraining Rail shall be provided on curves on main line where radius is 190m or less. Check railRestraining Rall shall not be mandatory for curves in depots, yards and non-passenger lines where speed is less than ‘25Kmph. The clearance between check/restraining rail and running ral shall bbe suitably decided ty metro. 41.2.3 Minimum radius of vertical curve 800m 13° GRADIENTS 1.3.1 The maximum grade (compensated) shall be 4%, ‘Note: () There will be no change of gradient in transition portion of curves. (i) The gradient will be compensated for curvature at the rate of 0.04% per degree of curve. 4.3.2. Maximum permissible gradient on turnouts Note: () There shall be no change of gradient (\. vertical curve) on and within 15.0.m {(desirable)/3.0 m (minimum) of any tumout on Ballastess track. In case of Ballasted track, there shall be no change of gradient on and within 30 meters. of any turnout. (ip There shall be no horizontal curve within 15.0m (desirable)! 3.0 m (minimum) of any turnout on Ballastess Track and 30 meters of any Tumout on Ballasted Track, ‘Turnout shall normally be installed on straight track. In exceptional situations, turnout may take off from curve provided that the radius of lead curve (main, line as well as diverging line) is not less than 190m. The negotiabily of roling stocks on such tumout must be certified by rolling stock supplier and ‘confirmed through oscillation tral and a suitable speed restriction shoud be imposed on main andior diverging line based on track geometry and other ‘considerations, if required. In case of turnout installed on curved track, the ‘minimum distance for commencement of vertical curve or another horizontal ‘curve shall be 15m for Ballastiess track. Turnout shall not be laid on transition (iv) The limit of turnout for above purposes shall be taken from Stock Rail Joint (GRJ) to end (i.e. hee!) of crossing for Ballastless track. For Ballasted track, it shall be from SRI to last common sleeper behind end of crossing (v) The maximum permissible gradient on turnout and the location of turnout with respect to verticalhorizontal curves in vicinity shall be confirmed from roling stock supplier for the negotiabilty of rolling stock. (w) The above stipulations shall also be applicable for turnout to be laid outside station limit, if any. 1.4 BUILDINGS AND STRUCTURES 114.1 Minimum horizontal distance from centre of track to any structure for heights ‘above rail level on leveliconstant grade tangent track shall be as under: (a) Under Ground Sections () Circular tunnels Height from rail level Horizontal distance from C.L. of track Upto 65mm 41585 mm (i) 65mm 11585 mm increasing to 1720 mm (ii) 200 mm to 305 mm 4720 mm ((v) 305 mm to 880 mm 1720 mm increasing to 1849mm (v) 880 mm to 1095 mm 1849 mm (vi) 1095 mm to 1130 mm 1849 increasing to 1875 mm (vi). 1130 mm to 2030 mm 1875 mm (vil) 2030 mm to 3348 mm 1875 mm decreasing to 1815 mm (bo) 3346 mm to 3738 mm 4815 mm decreasing to 1380 mm 3738 1380 mm (e) 4601 1300 mm decreasing to zero along an arc of radius 2800 mm sorter 2 (TNL) (i) Rectangular Box Tunnels Helaht from rail level Horizontal distance from C.L. of track (Upto 65mm 1585 mm (i) 65mmto.200mm 1585 mm increasing to 1720 mm (ii) 200mm to 305 mm 1720 mm (iv) 305mm to 880mm 1720 mm increasing to 1849 mm (¥) 880mm to 1085 mm 1349 mm (vi) 1095 mm to 1130 mm 41849 increasing to 1875 mm (i) 1130 mm to 2030 mm 1875 mm (vii) 2030 mm to 3348 mm 1875 mm decreasing to 1815 mm (be) 3348 mm to 3738 mm 1815 mm decreasing to 1390 mm (3738 mm to 4838 mm 1390. mm ‘iso refer to Figure No. MMWSG ~ 2(TNL) (b) Elevated and At-Grade Sections ‘Height from rail level Horizontal distance from C.L. of track (Upto 65 mm 1585 mm (i) 65mm to.200 mm 1585 mm increasing to1745 mm (il) 200 mm to 305 mm 1745 mm increasing to1771 mm (iv) 305mm to 880 mm 171 mm increasing to 1903 mm (¥) 880mm to 1095 mm 4903 mm (wv) 1095 mm to 130mm 1903 mm increasing to 1938 mm (vil) 1130 mm to 2030 mm 4938 mm (vil) 2030 mm to 3300 mm 1838 mm decreasing to 1875 mm (i) “3300 mm to 3736 mm 1675 mm decreasing to 1540 mm (3736 mm to 6250 mm 1840 mm ‘Also refer to Figure No. MMWSG -2 [Notes for a) and (b) above: Extra allowance shall be provided for curves as laid down at para 1.7. il) The term ‘structure’ covers any item including light ones like ladders, ‘isolated posts, cables, OHE masts etc. erected alongside the track li) For passenger platform refer to para 2.2.1 to 2.2.3 of chapter 2. |) Minimum Lateral clearance of OHE Mast shall be 2000 mm in Elevated Sections and 2150 mm on At-Grade Sections for Tangent Track. 4.5. KINEMATIC ENVELOPE ‘The Kinematic Envelope for level or constant grade tangent track, refer to: a) Figure No. MMWSG-1 for Al-Grade and Elevated Sections b) Figure No.MMWSG-1 (TNL) for Under Ground Sections 4.6 STRUCTURE GAUGE 1.6.1 Under) pstions tng S uc 99d Fixed Structure Line) has been arrived at by allowing a mjfrunleadlnce 6}\100 mm to Kinematic Envelope and minimum electrical clearance of 270 mm from 25 KV live parts conforming to the stipulations in cchapter- 4 ofthis SOD. Refer to Figure No MMWSG-2(TNL) for Structure Gauge for Outside station (on evel or constant grade tangent track Note: Extra allowance shall be provided for curves as laid down at para 1.7 1.6.2 Elevated Sections The Structure Gauge (Fixed Structure Line) has been arrived at by allowing minimum clearance of 150 mm to Kinematic Envelope and minimum electrical ‘clearance of 270mm from 25 KV live parts conforming to the stipulations in cchapter-4 of this SOD. For Structure Gauge on Elevated sections (foroutsde stations)with Ballastiess ‘track forlevel or constant grade tangent track Refer to Figure No, MMWSG-2 Note: Extra clearance shall be provided for curves as laid down at parat.7 1.8.3 At-Grade Sections ‘The Structure Gauge (Fixed Structure Line) has been arrived at by allowing ‘minimum clearance of 150 mm to Kinematic Envelope and minimum electrical ‘clearance of 270 mm from 25 KV live parts, conforming to stipulations in ‘chapter 4 ofthis SOD. For Structure Gauge on At-grade sections (for outside stations)on level or constant grade tangent track. Refer to Figure No. MMWSG-2 nce shall be provided for curves as laid down at para 1.7 1.7 EXTRA CLEARANCES ON CURVES Following are the extra allowances considered for curves. ‘Abbreviations used in para 1.7: Cis the distance between centres of bogies in metres, ris the coach (vehicle) length in metres, Rils the radius of curve in metres, Cais the Cant applied in mr ‘his the height from rail evel in mm and is the distance between centres of rails in mm 4.7.1 INSIDE center ofthe vehicle = V (in mm) = 125xC77R ip gauge widening on curves ‘and (i) above, refer to Appendix:2 Lateral shit of 32.0 mm due to nosing is incluced in Kinematic. Envelope for tangent track (and as a result, included in Structure ‘Gauge also) shall be subtracted from the total extra allowance worked ‘out as at para 1.7.1(A), and ii above for inside of a curve in case the value of mid throw (V) is equal to or greater than 32.0 mm. In case the value of mid throw (V) is less than 32.0 mm, the curvature effect shall bbe due to widening of the gauge only. (The Mid throw minus 32.0 mm shall be taken as zero). Refer to Appendix-2 (B) Allowance for Super elevation (@) Under Ground (Box structures), Elevated and At-Grade Sections ‘The lean‘L’ due to Cant at any point at height’ above rail level is given by L=Cax hig (allin mm) For values of Structure Gauge (E;) for inside of a curve with cant effect only, (as shown in Figure No. MMWSG-4), refer to: (i) Appendix -3(TNL for Under Ground Sections. (i) Appendix -3 for At-Grade and Elevated Sections (Circular Tunnels In the case of Circular Tunnel, the cant is provided by raising the outer rail and suitably shifting the centre of the Circular Tunnel towards Inside of curve and upwards, This has same effect as assuming rotation of the Circular Tunnel about midpoint of ‘op of inner rail resulting in shift of Tunnel centre laterally towards inside of curve and also vertically upwards. The Rigid OCS shall also be rotated with the tunnel so as to be along the centre line of canted track. For values of horizontal and vertical shifts of centre of Circular Tunnel {or different values of cant, refer to Appendi-4 and Figure NoMMWSG-3 {C) Allowance for vertical curve (vertical throw) Vertical Throw V; and V2 (in mm) for vertical curve shall be calculated 98 under, Centre in sag or vehicle end on summit} = 125xC37R, tre on summit or vehicle end in sag} R)-(125xC7R) throw due to vertical curves of dfferent radii are sc 4.72. OUTSIDE OF CURVE “ ® Curvature effect |) End throw at the end of vehicle = Voin mm) [125xC,/RH{125xC"R] jy Allowance due to gauge widening on curves ii) Additional nosing due to gauge widening on curves: ‘The values of items (i) to (i are shown in Appendix-2 Allowance for Superelevation (@)Under Ground (Box structures), Elevated and At-Grade Sections above rail level ‘The lean ‘L’ due to Cant at any point at height is given by: L=() Caxtg (alin mm ) -ve sign indicates relief due to cant or reduction in clearance required. Full relief for lean due to cant (Ca) is to be taken into account only for calculation of track spacing without any structure between tracks. In case there is a structure adjacent to track, relief for lean is to be taken into account only ifthe cant provided is greater than 50 mm and shall be imited to a value (ca = 50) x hig. Values of Structure Gauge (F,) on outside of curve with cant effect only (as shown in Figure No MMWSG4), refer to: o) ) |). Appendix 3(TNL) for Under Ground Sections ii) Appendix 3 for Elevated and At-Grade Sections Circular Tunnels In the case of Circular Tunnel, the cant is provided by raising the outer rail and suitably shifting the centre of the Circular Tunnel towards inside of curve and upwards. This has same effect as assuming rotation of the Circular Tunnel about mid point of top of inner rail resulting in shift of Tunnel centre laterally towards inside of curve and also vertically upwards. ‘The Rigid OCS shall also be rotated with the tunnel so as to be along the centre line of canted track, For values of horizontal and vertical shifts of centre of Circular Tunnel for diferent values of cant, refer to Appendix-4 and Figure tical curve (vertical throw) para 1.7.1 {C) above shall be applicable in this case 4.8 MINIMUM TRACK SPACING ON CURVES. Under Ground, Elevated and At-Grade Sections ‘The worst case wil be when the end of a bogie cartiage on the inner track is ‘opposite the centre ofa similar carriage on the outer track. 1.8.1 Without any structure between tracks ‘The minimum track spacing on curves without any structure between tracks shall be the sum ofthe following: > +R, il) Ty (Extra lateral allowance due to curvature on inside of curve) i) T,(Exdtra lateral allowance due to curvature on outside of curve) jv) Minimum clearance between adjacent Kinematic Envelopes stipulated is as under: 2) 200 mm for Under-Ground Sections ) 300 mm for Elevated and At-Grade Sections Where, is the distance ftom vertical axis of centre line of canted track to canted Kinematic Envelope on inside of curve at a height ‘h’ (from rail level) fora given cant (Figure No MMWSG-4A) and “Fis the distance from vertical axis of centre line of canted track to canted Kinematic Envelope on outside of curve ata height'h (from ral level fora given cant (Figure No MMWSG-4A), Notes: |) The value of , calculated from the formula at Figure No MMWSG-4A, includes full relief due to cant. li) The sum of" and F" for same height (which are with cant effect onl), shall be the maximum of values calculated for various heights from rail level For values of E, F, T; and Tp, refer to the Appendices as shown below. SECTIONS FoE&F — ForTsst; '). Under Ground SACTNL) 2 i) Elevated and At-Grade 3A 2 1.82 Witha structure between adjacent tracks ‘The minimum track spacing on curves with a structure between tracks shall be the sum ofthe following: +T)) Minimum clearance to the structure from centre fine of n inside of curve (for cuter track) ‘Minimum clearance to the structure from centre line of Where, Er is the horizontal distance from vertical axis of centre line of track to ‘canted Structure Gauge on inside of curve for a given cant, Fis the horizontal distance from vertical axis of centre line of track to ‘canted Structure Gauge on outside of curve fora given cant ‘Tis extra lateral allowance due to curvature on inside of curve and ‘Tais extra lateral allowance due to curvature on outside of curve Notes: a) The values of E’ and 'F,' fora given cant Ca, shall each be the maximum of values at different heights of structure from rail level. In case the cant provided is greater than 50 mm on inner track, the value of Fyshallbe for the cant of (Ca-SO}mm. In case the cant provided is 50 mm or less on inner track, the value of F; shall be for ZERO cant. 'b) Minimum track spacing, 80 worked out with a structure between the adjacent tracks as per para 1.8.2 shall not be less than that calculated as per para 1.8.1 for tracks without any structure between adjacent tracks, For values of Ey, Fy, T and Tr, refer to the Appendices as shown below: CTI ForE&F, ForT&T a) Under Ground 3cTNL) 2 b) Elevated and A-Grade 3 2 4.9 CANT AND CANT DEFICIENCY ‘a) Maximum Cant on curves 110mm ») Maximum Cant Deficiency 85mm 1.40 WALKWAYS () Minimum width of walkways 610mm {) Minimum height of walkways 1000 mm (ii) Maximum height of walkways 1200 mm. Note: Extra allowances shall be provided for curves as laid down at para 1.7 (i) Maximum and minimum heights of wakway on curves are above inner rail (i No structure, other than signaling and minor signaling equipment post, shall be permitted within the minimum width of walkway. (i Mini re 10 walkway at the nearest edge ftom Kinematic Envelép Bo mm for Underground sections and 180 mm for 5 oh Ip Grade) sections (vy We “should be'‘jsed by Metro Inspection Groups only in non- un DERAILMENT GUARD (a) Derailment Guard shall be provided insidefoutside of running rail on viaduct as well as in tunnel having multiple tracks and at grade section at locations specified by Metro Railway. In tunnel, the deraliment guard should preferably be provided inside the track so that it permits less sway Cf coach towards tunnel wall in case of derailment. (©) Lateral Clearance between the running rail and the derailment Guard shall bbe 210 + 30 mm. It shall not be lower than 25mm below the top of running rail and should be clear of the rail fastenings to permit installation, replacement and maintenance. Note:- Incase of single track tunnels, the derailment guards shall be provided: (Entry of tunnel: 200m from tunnel portal outside the tunnel to 0 m inside the tunnel (i). Exit of tunnel: 50m from inside of tunnel portal to 200m outside the tunnel. (ii) In the curved track having radius 500 m or less including transition portion but excluding locations where check ral is provided, (@) Covering locations of all important installations e.g. location of any substation or hazardous structures inside the tunnel ete., damage to Which in the assessment of Metro Rail administration can result into serious loss of life orland infrastructure as a result of derailment in tunnel Additional Note: In case of Double Resilient Base Plate Assembly Fastening System as ‘approved by MoR, the lateral clearance between running rail and the derailment guard shall be, 250 420 mm. This fastening system, if used in tunnels having multiple tracks, Metro Administration should ensure that KE for adjacent track is not infringed so long as the wheels of any derailed vehicle are within the main rail and derailment guard. CHAPTER -2 STATION 2.4 SPACING OF TRACKS AT STATIONS. ‘Minimum spacing of tracks at station on straight and on curve of radius of 41000m and flatter, without any structure between tracks. ‘At-Grade, Elevated and Under-Ground Stations. 4100 mm 22 PLATFORMS 22.1. Maximum horizontal distance from centre of track to face of passenger platform coping () For Elevated/At Grade section 1680 mm, (i) For Underground section 1670mm 22.2 Minimum horizontal distance from centre of track to face of passenger platform coping (For Elevated/At Grade section 1670 mm (id) For Underground section 1680 mm Notes: ‘) Platform faces shall be flared away smoothly from the centre line ofthe track at either end for a distance of 1500 mm beyond passenger area/ at Platform lend so as to give from centre of track a minimum dimension ‘+ 1795 + 5 for Under Ground Stations ‘+ 1785 +5 for At-Grade and Elevated Stations ») For additional clearance for platforms on curves, refer to para 2.7 22.3 Height above rail level for passenger platform: Maximum — Minimum (2) Ballasted Track. 1085mm — 1075mm (0) Ballastiess Track. 1095mm 1085. mm 2.2.4 () Minimum horizontal distance of any isolated structure on a passenger platform from the edge (of coping except Platform Gates 2500 mm” ji) Minimum horizontal distance of any continuous ‘structure an a.pagsenger platform from the edge of coping fax Gates 3000 mm Notes: 225 23 24 a) The Platform Gates (PG) may be installed at platform as per design of Original Equipment Manufacturer (OEM) of PG but shall have a minimum Clearance of 10mm from Kinematic Envelope. ‘The structure on the platform is treated as isolated ifthe length along the platform length is 2000 mm or less. Any structure having a length exceedng 2000 mm is treated as continuous structure. The Clocks/mitrors/CCTV screens etc shall not be considered structures and shall be located at a minimum horizontal distance of 1000 mm from platform edgefcoping with minimum height of 2000 mm from top of platform ») ©) For platform structure setting-out dimensions at stations, refer to figure No. MMWSG-6 and MMWSG-7 for Elevated! at grade station and MMWSG ~ 6(TNL) and MMWSG-7(TNL) for underground station. No fixed structures should infinge the Structure Gauge except for designated railway operational structures. Designated railway operational structures include platform coping, platform gates, hand railing in back-of-house platform ledge, Track Access Gates. Such designated raliway operational structures should not infringe the Kinematic Envelope under any circumstances. For Structure Gauge at station platforms, refer to following figures: 1) For Under Ground Station Figure No, MMWSG-6(TNL& MMWSG-7(TNL) ) For At-Grade and Elevated Stations Figure No. MNIWSG-6 & MMWSG-7 ‘TRACK GRADIENT IN PLATFORM (a) Maximam in 400 () Desirable Level ‘Note: Theve shall be no change of gradient in platform line INTERLOCKING AND SIGNAL GEAR ‘Maximum height above rail level of any part of interlocking or signal gear on either side of centre of track subject to the restrictions embodied in Note below shall be as under: 25mm 25 mm rising to 65 mm {65 mm rising to 200 mm (b) For Surface and Elevated Stations + From C.L, of track to. 1450 mm 25mm = From 1450 mm to. 1585 mm 25 mm increasing to 65 mm + From 1585 mm to 1745 mm {65 mm increasing to 200 mm Note: Except for check rails of ordinary and diamond crossings, or wing rails and point rails of crossings leading to snag dead ends, or such parts of signalling (gear as are required to be actuated by the wheels, no gear or track fitings. shall project above ral level for a distance of 229 mm outside and 140 mm Inside the gauge face of the rails 2.5POINTS & CROSSING 2.5.1. Maximum clearance of check rail opposite nose of crossing 42mm 2.5.2. Minimum clearance of check rail opposite nose of crossings «36mm (Note : Check Rail Clearance has been calculated forthe ‘Track gauge 1435 mm + 2/~ 1 mm) 2.5.3. Minimum clerance between switch rail and stock rai at heel 52 mm. of Switch Rail 25.4 Maximum clearance of wing rail at nose of crossing 44mm 2.5.5. Minimum clearance of wing rail at nose of crossings. 41mm 2.6.6 Minimum clerance between toe of open switch and stock rai 160 mm ‘Note - Point Machine shall be provided considering the requirement mentioned in Para 256 2.5.7 Minimum radius of curvature for slip points, turnouts and 190 metres crossover roads, 2.5.8 On main lines, the turnouts and diamond Crossings shall be ofthe following types or fatter a) 1 in 9 type turnout 300 m radius b) 1 in7 type turnout 190 m radius ©) Scissors cross-over of 1 in 9 type consisting of 4 turnouts and 1 diamond crossing 6) Scissors cross-over of 1 in 7 type consisting of 4 turnouts and 1 diamond crossing 2.5.8 On depot lines, the turnouts and diamond Crossings shall be ofthe following types or fater- 190 m radius 2.5.10 Diamond crossings not to be flatter than in 4.5. Note: 1) The above restrictions shall not apply to moveable diamond crossings ) There must be no change of superelevation (of outer over inner rail) between points 18 metres outside toe of switch rail and nose of crossings respectively, except in the case of special crossing leading to snag dead-ends, Cr under circumstances as provided for in item 2.6 below 2.5.11 Minimum length of tongue rai: 9000 mm 2.6 SUPERELEVATION AND SPEED AT STATIONS ON CURVES WITH ‘TURNOUTS OF CONTRARY AND SIMILAR FLEXURE. 2.6.1. Main Line: ‘Subject to the permissible run through speed based on the standard of interlocking, the equilibrium superelevation, calculated for the speed of the fastest train may be reduced by a maximum amount of 85 mm without reducing speed on the mainline. 262 Tumouts: |) Curves of contrary flexure “The equilibrium superelevation (s) in mm should be =(1510/127)(V"/ R) Where, R = radius of turout in metres and V is speed on turnout in Kmph, ‘The permissible negative superelevation on the turnout (which is also the actual superelevation of the mainline) may then be = (85 —s) mm ii) Curves of Similar flexure ‘The question of reduction or otherwise of superelevation on the main line ‘must necessarily be determined by the administration concemed. In the case behind the crossing ofa turnout, the superelevation ADDITIONAL CLEARANCE FOR PLATFORMS ON CURVES ‘The additional clearance for platforms on curves is to be provided as shown at ‘appendix-5 Note: (As the minimum radius of horizontal curve for station platform line is 1000 metres, there will be no super elevation and gauge widening at stations on passenger platform lines. (ld) Platforms located in curves shall be fitted with a gap filer wherever necessary to maintain the maximum stepping distance of 75 mm. The hall be of elastic nature and flexible to allow train contact ferse effect on passenger safety and stabilty of trains. CHAPTER 3 ROLLING STOCK 3.4 PASSENGER ELECTRIC MULTIPLE UNITS. 1. (a) Length ofthe coach body 22010 mm (0) The maximum width ofthe coach body ‘320mm (6) Height of he coach body (maximum with 4048 mm ‘pantagraph in locked down condition) 2. (@) Distance between bogie centers 14750%350mm (b) Maximum distance apart between any two 112900 mm. adjacent axles Note: Fittings on the end ofa vehicle, such as step iron, brake/ drainage pipes, electrical ‘connection, cable or boxes, vestibule or gangway, farings ete. need not be kept within the prescribed maximum permissible length ofthe car Body, but may project beyond the end of body to a reasonable extent. 3. Kinematic Envelope for level tangent track (@ For Undeground Sections Figure No. MMWSG-1(TNL) (id For Underground section at platform Figure No MMWSG-1A(TNL) (ii) For At-Grade and Elevated Sections. Figure No. MMWSG-1 (iv) For At-Grade and Elevated Sections Figure No. MMWSG-1A ‘at platform (v) Same pantograph shall be used for underground and elevated conidors. 4 (2). Minimum clearances from ral level under Fully loaded condition for bogie mounted equipment in worst condition” (¢ The worst condition means wheels with ‘maximum tread wear and primary springs with ‘maximum deflection in static condition.) 65mm (©) Minimum clearances from rail level under Fully loaded condition foronRirmaunted equipment in worst condition" 102mm (6) Minimum clearance from ral evel, under dynamic conditions 50. mm, (of Fully loaded vehicle, with maximum tread wear and primary springs with maximum deflection, with the exception of wheels & attachments thereto (vide note below Note. # A tyre or an attachment to a wheel or sand pipes or Wheel’ Track Lubrication ‘Nozzle and ODD rail guard in line with the wheel may project below the minimum height of 50 mm from a distance of 51 mm inside to 216 mm outside of the gauge: face of the whee! 5. Incline of Tread / Whee! Profile 6. Wheet 2) Maximum wheel gauge back to back distance b) Minimum wheel gauge back to back distance 7. a) Maximum diameter on the tread measured ‘at 63.5mm from the wheel gauge face b) Minimum diameter on the tread measured ‘at 63.5 mm from the wheel gauge face 8. 2) Minimum projection for flange of new wheel measured from tread at = 63.5 mm from the wheel gauge face For profile as per SK-91146 ~ At70 mm from the wheel gauge face for UIC profile as per S-1002 b) Maximum projection for flange of worn wheel ‘measured from tread at 63.5 mm from the ‘wheel gauge face a) Maximum thickness of flange of whee! measured from wheel gauge face at 13 mm from outer edge of ange. b) Minimum thickness of flange of wheel ‘measured from wheel gauge face at 13 mm from outer edge of flange, 10. Minimum width of whee! 11. Floor Height @) Maximum height above rail level for floor ‘of any unloaded vehicle 2 a) ROSO Sk 91145 1360mm 1358 mm 860mm ‘780mm 285mm 28mm 34mm 29.4mm 25mm 127mm 1130 mm 100mm 815mm 13 14, 32 b) Minimum height of centre coupler above ra 740mm level for fully baded vehicle Maximum length over couplers 23000mm Length of rigid whee! base for single bogie 2200 mm 0.2600 mm LOCOMOTIVES AND ENGINEERING SERVICE VEHICLES. ther items of rolling stock, viz shunting locomotives, OHE maintenance and inspection cars, emergency re-raiing van, track machines, etc., used on MMRDA System (where these cars would be plying) will conform with the Kinematic Envelope of the Passenger Electric Multiple Units as shown in Figure No, MMWSG-1(TNL) for Under Ground sections and Figure No. MNWISG - 1 for Elevated and At-Grade sections. CHAPTER 4 OVERHEAD ELECTRIC TRACTION 25 KV AC 50 CYCLES PER SECOND Note: Wherever electric traction isin use, special precautions must be taken to ‘maintain following clearances: 4.1 ELECTRICAL CLEARANCES FOR UNDER GROUND 4.1.1. Minimum height from rail evel to the underside ‘of Wearing Copper / Metal Conductor of Rigid OCS. (Overhead Contact System) in Tunnel 4318 mm Note: (@) Location of level crossing from the exit point of the tunnel will take into Consideration the OHE height of 4318 mm at the tunnel exit and the Permissible contact wire gradient. (©) In the Depot deck portion, where Rigid OCS is provided and the track is Ballastoss, the Electrical clearances laid down at paras 4.1.1 to ‘4.1.4 shall be applicable. (6) For location of rigid OCS in circular tunnel with canted track, refer to ava 1.7.1(8)-b and 1.7.2 (B)-. (@) It shall be ensured that environment level inside the tunnel is controlled suitably so that no extra air clearance, over and above the minimum ‘separation prescribed in para 4.1.3 and 4.1.4 on account of pollution, fog etc. is required, 4.4.2. Stagger of Rigid OCS Conductor in Tunnels shall not be more than (a) On Straight... ‘+200 mm (©) OnCunes £300 mm 4.4.3. Prescribed minimum clearance between live pars of contact lines and ‘earthed bodies of structures Air clearance between bodies of earthed structures and lve un-insulated parts Of contact lines, feeders and current collectors for 25 KV shall be as per IEC (60913 as under: Minimum clearance | Absolute minimum] Condition between lve parts | dynamic clearance and structures. between ive parts ‘and structures. 3) [Lona aya 270mm : 8) | ShonSiatgn a SS i70mm i80mm* Lloegr ee re oh ga A, ta “in exceptional cases and considering operating n climatic conditions (Ref: 1EC 60913) 4.1.4 Prescribed minimum clearance between live parts of contact ines and the ‘earthed bodies of vehicles Minimum Air clearance between bodies of vehicles and the live un-insulated parts of the contact line or feeders for 25 KV AC shall be as below: a ST a fowanm oo) pn a aoa —f rome 4.4.5. Maximum width of pantograph ~ Under dynamic condition: ‘The Kinematic Envelope for the underground system with Ballastiess track is shown in Figure MMWSG-1(TNL). The pantograph adopted should be such that its actual half KE width does not exceed &20 mm and 960 mm at the top ‘and bottom respectively in pantograph raised condition for a contact wire height of 4318 mm to fulfil electrical clearance as per item 4.1.3 Note: These limits would not apply to special locations like insulated overlaps: ‘and out of run wires. 42 ELECTRICALCLEARANCES FOR AT-GRADE AND ELEVATED ‘SECTIONS 4.2.1. Minimum vertical clearance (under worst condition of temperature, wind etc.) between any live part of the overhead equipment or pantograph and parts of any fixed structure (earthed or otherwise) or moving load f Condition For Flexible OHE [00 [Long duration (Static) 320mm = [| Shon Duration (Oynamic) 270mm Note: ‘A minimum vertical distance of 340 mm shall normally be provided between rolling stock and contact wire to allow for a 20 mm temporary rising of the tracks during maintenance for ballasted track. Wherever the clearance tequited for yasitfan@tenance exceeds 20 mm, the vertical distance between (6 contact We shall correspondingly be increased. 4.2.2. Minimum lateral clearance (under worst condition of temperature, wind etc.) ‘between any live part of the over head equipment or pantograph and parts of any fixed structure (earthed or otherwise) or moving loads: Cenaiion For Flexible OFE (| Long duration (Static) ‘320mm ~ [@ [Shon Duravon Dynami Bm 7 4.2.3. Height of contact wire [Minimum height from rail level to the underside of ive Conductor wire, )—_Intunnel portal to Ramp area, 4388 mm Under the bridges ‘4840 mm Inthe open (Elevated & at grade sections) 5000 mm h)Atlevel crossings '5500 mm ¥)_Inrunning and carriage sheds wherever staf are ‘expected to work on the roof of roling stock. 500mm vw) Indepot ‘500mm Note: On curves, all vertical distances specified initems 4.2.3 above, shall be measured above level of the inner rail, increased by half the super- elevation. 42.4 Maximum variation of the live conductor wire on either side of the centre line ofthe track under static conditions: iv) Onstraight 200mm, ¥) — OnCunes +£300mm Note: Theee limite would net apply to epecial locations like ineulated overtape and out of run wires, 42.8 Maximum width of pantograph collector: with the size of Pantograph adopted shall be within the Kinemy mn at Figure No. MMVISG — 1 Chapter. 5 PLATFORM SCREEN DOOR 5.1 PLATFORM SCREEN DOOR SETTING OUT DIMENSIONS: imum Platform Screen Door Width 2000 mm (clear opening) a imum Platform Sereen Door Height rom PF | 1500 mm level ‘Minimum Platform threshold offset from track 7660 mm Centerline straight track (Underground) ‘Minimum Platform Scien Door panel offset from ck centerline — straight track (underground) 4675 mm ‘Minimum Platform thresnovd offset from track 4670 mm centerline ~ straight track (Elevated/At Grade) imum Platform screen door panel offset from ‘Track — centre line ~ straight track (Elevated/At- | 1695 mm. Grade) inimun height of Pleform Screen Door Panel | 2595 mm from rail level Note: (8) Assumed plusiminus 300 mm stopping accuracy. (©) Platform Screen Doors at station on curves shall be considered separately taking into account the additional clearance as per Appendix. (6) Platform Screen Coors are considered as designated railway operational structures. Therefore, platform Screen Doors may infringe the structure ‘gauge, but does not infringe the station kinematic envelope and having ‘minimum clearance of 10 mm from kinematic Envelope to Platform Screen Door. ‘Append PERMISSIBLE SPEED, CANT AND MINIMUM TRACK SPACING ON CURVES. UNDER GROUND (TUNNELS), ELEVATED AND ‘AT-GRADE SECTIONS. (REFERENCE: PARA 13) ‘WAXINUM | MINIMUM DISTANCE BETWEEN RADIUS OF PERMISSIBLE "ADJACENT TRACKS ‘curve | car ‘SPEED Seo note (a) ELEVATED ND AT ‘UNDER GROUND ee ae oa a ca} a 3000, 0 35 3800, 3900, 2300, 15 35 3300) 3000, 2400. 20 35 3800, 3900, 2000- 20 35 3800) 3000, [Yeo [5 3800, 350 7500, 30 35 3800, 3950, 200) 35 38 3800 3050, 3000 a a5 3800 3960, 200. 55 cr 3850, 3350. 00 70 85 3850. 4000, 00 85 85 3900. 4000. 450 705 35 3900. 4050. 400 1 20 3000. 4050. 350 Fr 75 3050. 4050. 00 110 70 3050. 4100. 200. “10. 00- 4200. ‘60 10. ca 4200. 2300 450 2 30 4200. 4300. 120 0 rs 4300. 4400 120 o 30 "300 400, 00 2 25 00 800, Notes: {ay The track spacing shown inthe ttle above swthout ary columnistucture between NO ‘rack and i wth equal cat for bo outer ard inner ack. 1 Track epacing shown in Table above i ot appicabl to statons which show be coclted ‘copending on specie requirement but shoul nt be less than as species in para 2.4 .¢) Figures for any intermecate radius of curvature may be obtained by adopting the valve for sharper cure .) Cart provided: lite to desirable value of 110 mm ‘@) Maximum eat deficiency s 85 mm, ccroms coon, teres sbaeeseauves —_ alle F fod [Stewees sunven ian ievoncoen eEeaeeen? 8 seeeeeecennas: AERGGAR SERUEELEI2 5 i HEE 3005 Bf e TREELEE TEEEEE fanaet eck thst ona oa to ttre uae or Tana ck ih on ive fo Sich Gass or cat iraaured along te hw pra sho sp Sec wm 2 0 0 0 fu pemene oop nun UNE ‘a wa wen an 30m pe one oe ay Cam ‘mont ou oun en) B er epee ose ny eum Tomato oy ” ws alalafa | ala | 1 te on os ae “4 = «| ‘WiNozmo}+-3407aANS SUVWEND NO 193443 INYO oo oasanvannn vyexionadey ae [ ao e ones ntinee atonal x nt peng noe pre Ss ‘omni impocatone tapmvantanes ea) | exsiauro| ooo adore 93499 ware) ue p vanes) ome ‘seu £1809 Soa 0 oan uy fp wo ue see m ‘ano Sst ‘m6 Ho ppar am gue» sure aa 097 LEY ew conven ucibe Boone Tease ‘giro oo pounos ae (6 pu 6's Suey) seule ORE NIA ‘putas suman mospoe penton ac sovanep mre ARO scp HU 9, ‘69 52 etm aban ens aa Pos oe paren esa 3 = 1 ~ OSMAN ON JNO rae 0 3OvNd 3UNLONaLs No ANVO 40 103443 ‘in oe uaa fu 4 yn a ‘smonag of e}0 omn y ae ee NO AN¥9 40 103433 7 z > : mms (yaa sane anol BOT3ANE. 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