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Define perception and state its importance


Perception is the process in which people organize and interpret their sensory impressions in
order to give meaning to their environment.

There are so many importance of perception and some of those are;

1) Perception is very important in understanding the human behavior, because every person
perceives the environment and approach the life problems differently. For example when
we buy something, it does not mean that is the best product but because we perceive it to
be the best. Thus one can understand that it is because of perception that some individuals
may find a job satisfying while others may not.
2) It helps to understand and predict the behavior of people in a changed environment by
understanding their perception of the current or present environment.
3) It also helps to understand the needs of the people because people’s perception is
influenced by their needs.
4) Perception also helps managers to avoid making errors when dealing with the workers at
the place of work.

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