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Republic of Iraq

Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research

University of Technology
Civil Engineering Department
Geomatic Engineering Branch
4th Stage 2019-2020
The Subject of Foundation Engineering - Course II

Dynamic pile load test

A Report
Submitted to the Geomatic Engineering Branch
in the University of Technology as a Part of the Final
Exam Requirements 2019-2020
in the Subject of Foundation Engineering-Course II

Abd_alrahman Malik

Supervised By
Dr. Zina Waleed Abawi

JUN2020 Tamos 1441

1-1 Introduction :
Dynamic load testing can be an attractive cost effective alternative to
traditional full scale static load testing. Instead of costly, time consuming
proof loading using Kent ledge or anchor piles, the technique uses a heavy
falling weight such as a piling hammer to impart a short duration impact to
the pile head, whilst monitoring the pile response using attached
transducers. The test generates data required by the foundation designer
to provide assurance on the relative capacity of the foundation and can
usually provide additional information that can be difficult to obtain via
static load testing. The test is performed by striking the pile head with a
piling hammer or other suitable drop weight whilst monitoring pile soil
response in terms of pile head force and velocity using specially developed
bolt-on reusable transducers. The test may be performed on many pile
types. The equipment used to energise the transducers and record their
output is rugged and portable and easily accommodated in the back of a
small vehicle(1).

1-2 Dynamic Load Test:

Various techniques for dynamic loading tests are now available. These tests
are relatively cheap and quick to carry out compared with static loading
tests. Information that can be obtained from a dynamic loading test
1. Static load capacity of the pile,
2. Energy delivered by the pile driving hammer to the pile,
3. Maximum driving compressive stresses(tensile stress should be
4. Location and extent of structural damage

1-3 Test method:

The dynamic loading test is generally carried out by driving a prefabricated

pile or by applying impact loading on a cast-in-place pile by a drop hammer.
A standard procedure for carrying out a dynamic loading test is given in
ASTM 4945-00.The equipment required for carrying out a dynamic pile
loading test includes a driving hammer, strain transducers and
accelerometers, together with appropriate data recording, processing and
measuring equipment. The hammer should have a capacity large enough to
cause sufficient pile movement such that the resistance of the pile can
be fully mobilized. A guide tube assembly to ensure that the force is applied
axially on the pile should be used. The strain transducers contain resistance
foil gauges in a full bridge arrangement. The accelerometers consist of a
quartz crystal which produces a voltage linearly proportional to the
acceleration. A pair of strain transducers and accelerometers are fixed to
opposite sides of the pile, either by drilling and bolting directly to the pile
or by welding mounting blocks, and positioned at least two diameters or
twice the length of the longest side of the pile section below the pile head
to ensure a reasonably uniform stress field at the measuring elevation. It
should be noted that change of cross-section of the pile due to connection
may affect the proportionality of the signals and hence the quality of the
data. An electronic theodolite

may also be used to record the displacements of the pile head during
driving (ASTM D4945-00) .In the test, the strain and acceleration measured
at the pile head for each blow are recorded. The signals from the
instruments are transmitted to a data recording, filtering and displaying
device to determine the variation of force and velocity with time.

1-4 Methods of Interpretation for Dynamic Load Test:

Two general types of analysis based on wave propagation theory, namely

direct and indirect methods are available. Direct methods of analysis apply
to measurements obtained directly from a (single) blow, whilst indirect
methods of analysis are based on signal matching carried out on results
obtained from one or several blows. Examples of direct methods of analysis
include CASE, IMPEDANCE and TNO method, and indirect methods include
CAPWAP, TNOWAVE and SIMBAT. CASE and CAPWAP analyses are used
mainly for displacement piles, although in principle they can also be applied
to cast-in-place piles. SIMBAT has been developed primarily for cast-in
place piles, but it is equally applicable to displacement piles. In a typical
analysis of dynamic loading test, the penetration resistance is assumed to
be comprised of two parts, namely a static component, Rs, and a dynamic
component, Rd.
There is two methods of analysis are described below.

1-4-1 CASE method

This method assumes that the resistance of the soil is concentrated at the
pile toe. In the analysis, the dynamic component is given by:

Rd = jc Z vb
Here jc = the CASE damping coefficient
Z = impedance =Ep Ap/cw
Ap = cross sectional area of the pile
Ep = Young's modulus of the pile
cw = wave speed through the pile
vb = velocity of pile tip
The appropriate jc is dependent on the type of soil at the pile toe and the
actual pile dimensions
Typical ranges of jc are given in Table (1) These represent the damping
factors at pile toe and are correlated with dynamic and static loading tests.
In practice, jc values can vary significantly, particularly in layered and
complex ground conditions, causing potential errors in pile capacity
prediction. For large piling projects where CASE method is to be used to
ascertain the load-carrying capacity of piles, site-specific tests
can be conducted to determine the appropriate damping factors by
correlating the CASE results with static loading tests or results of CAPWAP

Table (1): Range of CASE damping values for different types of soil(2)

1-4-2 CAPWAP method:

In a CAPWAP (CAse Pile Wave Analysis Program) analysis, the soil is

represented by a series of elasto-plastic springs in parallel with a linear
dashpot similar to that used in the wave equation analysis proposed by
Smith (1960). The soil can also be modeled as a continuum when the pile is
relatively short. CAPWAP measures the acceleration-time data as the input
boundary condition. The program computes a force versus time curve
which is compared with the recorded data. If there is a mismatch, the soil
model is adjusted. This iterative procedure is repeated until a satisfactory
match is achieved between the computed and measured force-time
diagrams. The dynamic component of penetration resistance is given by:

Rd = js vp Rs …………………………………………………….... ........
Where js = Smith damping coefficient
vp = velocity of pile at each segment
Rs = static component of penetration resistance

Input parameters for the analysis include pile dimensions and properties,
soil model parameters including the static pile capacity, Smith damping
coefficient, js and soil quake (i.e. the amount of elastic deformation before
yielding starts), and the signals
measured in the field. The output will be in the form of distribution of static
unit shaft resistance against depth and base response, together with the
static load-settlement relationship up to about 1.5times the working load.
It should be noted that the analysis does not model the onset of pile failure
correctly and care should be exercised when predicting deflections at loads
close to the ultimate pile capacity. Results of CAPWAP analysis also provide
a check of the CASE method assumptions since the ultimate load calculated
from the CAPWAP analysis can be used to calculate the CASE damping
coefficient. Sound engineering judgment is required in determining
whether a satisfactory match has been achieved and whether the
corresponding combination of variables is realistic.
1-5 Dynamic Load Test Arrangement:

A typical dynamic testing system consists of a minimum of two strain

transducers and two accelerometers bolted to diametrically two opposite
sides of the pile to monitor strain and acceleration and account for non-
uniform impacts and bending.
The use of two diametrically opposite mounted strain transducers is
essential for a valid test. Generally, strain transducers and accelerometers
are attached two to three diameters below the pile head. Figure (1) to
Figure (4) illustrate the typical pile preparation procedures required for
dynamic testing. In Figure (1) a concrete pile is being prepared for gage
attachment by drilling
Pile preparation and gage attachment typically requires 10 to 20 minutes
per pile. After the gages are attached, the driving process continues
following usual procedures. The individual cables from each gage are
combined into single main cable which in turn relays the signals from each
hammer blow to the data acquisition system on the ground. The data
acquisition system, such as the Pile Driving Analyzer shown in the Figure (2)
receives and converts the strain and acceleration signals to force and
velocity records versus time. The force is computed from the measured
strain times the product of the pile elastic modulus, and cross sectional
area. The velocity is obtained by integrating the measured acceleration
record. During driving, the Pile Driving Analyzer performs integrations and
all other required computations to analyze the dynamic records for
transferred energy, driving stress, structural integrity, and pile capacity.
Numerical results for dynamic quantities are electronically stored in a file
which can be later used to produce graphical and numeric summary
outputs. In this system, force and velocity records are also viewed on a
graphic LCD computer screen during pile driving to evaluate data quality,
soil resistance distribution, and pile integrity. Complete force and velocity
versus time records from each gage are also digitally stored for later
reprocessing and analysis by CAPWAP.

During pile driving in the field, the Pile Driving Analyzer uses the Case
Method capacity equations for estimating the ultimate static pile capacity.
Case Method capacity results are calculated in real time from the measured
force and velocity records obtained for each hammer blow. Correlating
Case Method capacity results with pile penetration resistance information
is another means of establishing the driving criteria. The CAPWAP analysis
method is a more rigorous numerical analysis procedure that uses the
measured force and velocity records (PDA data) from one hammer blow.
The CAPWAP program uses the dynamic measurement data along with
wave equation and soil modelling to calculate the ultimate static pile
capacity, the relative soil resistance distribution, the dynamic soil
properties of quake and damping, and the driving stresses throughout the
pile. CAPWAP capacity results are considered a more accurate assessment
of the ultimate static pile capacity
Figure (1): Strain transducers and accelerometer bolted on the concrete piles (2)

Figure (2): Pile driving analyzer(2)

Figure (3): Dynamic test arrangement Figure (4): Dynamic test arrangement
for TP-1(2) for TP-2(2)

The Advantages of Dynamic Load Test:

1. Can provide information difficult to obtain with static load tests, for
example data on skin friction distribution and end bearing
components of soil resistance.
2. Can be used to assess pile integrity.
3. Provides check of operating efficiency of driving hammer.
4. Can be used to investigate anomalous driving behavior.
5. Cost effective and rapid to perform.
6. Up to ten piles may be tested on a day.
7. Causes minimum disruption to piling operations.
8. No Kent ledge or anchor piles needed.
9. Can be performed on piles installed over water.
10.Piles do not need to be preselected for testing prior to installation(2).



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