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Energy Audit Report




November, 2017

1. Executive summary: Make a summary of the report, not just a table of energy efficiency
measures.. The executive summary should contain enough information for the readers to
become acquainted with the full report without reading it. At least include some background
information, a statement of the problem, a description of any findings, key recommendations
and the major conclusions.
2. Objectives: These should appear in the introduction chapter. Objectives should be in
reference to the exercise e.g to conduct meetings, toobtain relevant data… etc.. cannot be an
3. Energy Audit team: Put these in the preliminary pages
4. Let methodology appear as an independent chapter for ease of reading.
5. Energy consumption profile: Was the Energy Consumption by Area and Equipment based
on nameplate data? If so please indicate. Also say something about the pie charts
6. Some picture are not clear. Try to avoid snapshots/printscreens

For further comments go through the document

An Energy Efficiency baseline for Uganda was conducted by Ministry of Energy and
Mineral Development (MEMD) and Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale
Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) in August 2017. One of the key findings of the survey was that 94%
of the facilities surveyed expressed interest in having an energy audit. Bajaber Millers Ltd
was one of those facilities that expressed such interest. It was against this background that
GIZ in partnership with the MEMD commissioned energy audits for five select energy-
consuming facilities. AOT Consulting Ltd was selected, through a competitive bidding
process, to conduct the audits.

The objective of the audit was to identify energy efficiency opportunities, carry out techno-
economic analysis and make recommendations for energy saving. The audit was
conducted in accordance with the procedures indicated in ISO standard 50002:2014
Energy Audits – Requirements with guidance for use.

This audit report is the product of a detailed energy audit conducted at Bajaber Millers in
October 2017.

Table of Contents

Preface 2
Table of Contents 3
List of Figures4
List of Tables 6
Acronyms 7
1.0 Executive Summary 8
2.0 Introduction 9
2.1 Energy Audit Team..................................................................................................................10
2.2 Objectives.................................................................................................................................10
2.3 Scope........................................................................................................................................11
2.4 Methodology............................................................................................................................11
3.0 Production and Facility Description 14
3.1 The Milling Process..................................................................................................................14
3.2 The PP Section.........................................................................................................................17
4.0 Energy Consumption Profile 18
4.1 Load Capacity...........................................................................................................................18
4.2 Energy Consumption................................................................................................................19
4.3 Specific Energy Consumption..................................................................................................22
4.4 Existing Energy Monitoring and Management........................................................................24
5.0 Observations 25
5.1 Electrical System......................................................................................................................25
5.2 Electric Motors.........................................................................................................................39
5.3 Lighting System.......................................................................................................................43
5.4 Compressed Air System...........................................................................................................44
6.0 Energy Efficiency Measures (EEM) 46
6.1 Electrical System......................................................................................................................46
6.2 Electric Motors.........................................................................................................................48
6.3 Lighting System.......................................................................................................................50
6.4 Compressed Air System...........................................................................................................50
6.5 Other EEMs..............................................................................................................................50
7.0 Summary of Energy Efficiency Measures 54
7.1 Short-term Measures................................................................................................................55
7.2 Medium-term Measures...........................................................................................................55
7.3 Long-term Measures.................................................................................................................55
8.0 Conclusion and Recommendations 56
9.0 References 57
10.0 Annexes 58
Motor and Drives............................................................................................................................59

List of Figures
Figure 1: Aerial View of Milling Process on Mill 3..........................................................................15
Figure 2: Flow Procss Diagram in a Wheat Mill................................................................................16
Figure 3: Peak Demand, kW..............................................................................................................19
Figure 4: Electrical Usage based on Tariff period.............................................................................19
Figure 5: Energy Consumption in 2014 to 2017................................................................................20
Figure 6: Calculated Energy Consumers at Bajaber Millers..............................................................21
Figure 7: Calculated Energy Consumption per Section.....................................................................21
Figure 8: Wheat Flour Production, Kgs.............................................................................................22
Figure 9: Electrical Energy Vs Production 2015................................................................................22
Figure 10: Electrical Energy Vs Production, 2016.............................................................................23
Figure 11: Electrical Energy Vs Production, 2017............................................................................24
Figure 12: Pictorial of Electrical System...........................................................................................26
Figure 13: Electrical System Layout..................................................................................................27
Figure 14: Mill1 Line to Line Voltage Analysis................................................................................28
Figure 15: Mill 1 Frequency Analysis................................................................................................28
Figure 16: Mill 1 Total Harmonic Distortion Analysis......................................................................29
Figure 17: Mill 1 Power Factor Analysis...........................................................................................29
Figure 18: Mill 1 Power Trend Analysis............................................................................................30
Figure 19: Mill 2 Line to Line Voltage Analysis...............................................................................30
Figure 20: Mill 2 Frequency and Unbalance Analysis.......................................................................31
Figure 21: Mill 2 Harmonics Analysis...............................................................................................31
Figure 22: Mill 2 Power Factor Analysis...........................................................................................32
Figure 23: Mill 2 Power Trend Analysis............................................................................................32
Figure 24: Mill 2 Energy Loss Analysis Trends................................................................................33
Figure 25: Mill 3 Line to Line Voltage Analysis...............................................................................34
Figure 26: Mill 3 Frequency Trends...................................................................................................34
Figure 27: Mill 3 Total Harmonic Distortion Analysis......................................................................35
Figure 28: Mill 3 Power Factor Trends..............................................................................................35
Figure 29: Mill 3 Power Trends Analysis..........................................................................................36
Figure 30: PP Section, Line to Line Voltage Analysis.......................................................................36
Figure 31: PP Section Frequency and Unbalance Analysis...............................................................37
Figure 32: PP Section Harmonics Analysis.......................................................................................37

Figure 33: PP Section Power Factor Trends......................................................................................38
Figure 34: PP Section, Energy Loss Trend Analysis.........................................................................38
Figure 35: Facility Description of Grinding Motors Mill1&2...........................................................39
Figure 36: Dirty electrical motors......................................................................................................40
Figure 37: Motor Rewinding..............................................................................................................40
Figure 38: Pneumatic Blower Motor, Mill 1,90kW...........................................................................41
Figure 39: Electrical Motors in PP Section........................................................................................42
Figure 40: Facility Description of Compressors................................................................................44
Figure 41: The Plan-Do-Check-Act circle of an energy management system...................................52

List of Tables
Table 1: Summary of Energy Efficiency Measures (EEM)............................................8
Table 2: General Data of the Company...........................................................................9
Table 3: Energy Audit Team.........................................................................................10
Table 4: Lighting System with calculated annual consumption...................................43
Table 5: Compressor Description with Calculated Energy Consumption.....................45
Table 6: Proposed Power Factor Capacitor Banks........................................................46
Table 7: Techno Economic Analysis - Power Factor Improvement.............................47
Table 8: Techno Economic Analysis: Preventative Maintenance of Motors................48
Table 9: Calculations of replacing with premium efficiency motors on Mill 2 grinding
Table 10: Techno Economic Analysis : Replacing Motors at Mill 2 Grinding Station 49
Table 11: Techno Economic Analysis: Led Retrofit.....................................................50
Table 12: Techno Economic Analysis: Implementing of an energy monitoring system
Table 13:Techno Economic Analysis: Implementing of an energy management system.
Table 14: EE Measures and expected payback times....................................................54
Table 18: Lighting System Inventory with Calculated Annual Energy Consumption..58
Table 19: Motor Inventory with calculated annual energy consumption......................59
Table 20: Compressors Inventory with calculated annual energy consumption...........71

ASHRAE American Society for Heating Refrigeration and Air Conditioning
COP Coefficient of Performance
EAT Energy Audit Team
EEM Energy Efficiency Measures
IRR Internal Rate of Return
KWh Kilowatt hour
NPV Net Present Value
PQA Power Quality Analyzer
SEC Specific Energy Consumption
SOP Standard Operating Procedure
UGX Uganda Shillings
VFD Variable Frequency Drive
VSD Variable Speed Drive

1.0 Executive Summary
Table 1: Summary of Energy Efficiency Measures (EEM)

Proposed EE Description of EEM Potential Estimated Simple pay Net present Internal rate
Improvement annual cost investment back period value (UGX) of return (%)
savings cost (UGX) (years)
( UGX)
1. 107,712,000 101,000,000 1.06 307,313,224 103
Improve power factor in
the plant by installation
of power factor
capacitor banks.

2. Preventive 75,616,070 59,400,000 0.79 - -

Maintenance of Motors
3. Implement Load - - - - -
Shifting in Production
3. Replacement of Mill 2 57,958,24 32,594,500 0.6 187,112,715 176
grinding motors with 0
premium efficient
4 Replacing lighting to 15,884,630 32,950,000 2.07 27,265,245 38.9

5 Implementing an 120,670,872 45,000,000 0.37 412,437,545 267

Energy Monitoring
6 Implementation of an 120,670,872 55,000,000 0.45 402,437,545 219
Energy Management

2.0 Introduction

AOT Consulting Limited was contracted to carry out an Energy Audit of Bajaber Millers Ltd
by GIZ and Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources.

Bajaber Millers Limited is a producer of one of Uganda’s high quality wheat flours under
the brand name, PEMBE. Bajaber Millers is located on Plot 1, 5 th Street close Industrial
Area Kampala.

Bajaber Millers has three (3) wheat milling plants, and one (1) poly propylene (PP) plant
that produces sacks that are used by the company internally for packaging wheat grain
from the Mombasa port in Kenya and transported to the Mills for processing into wheat
Mill 1 which is the oldest was commissioned in 2003 with the capacity to produce 250 tons
per day, and it’s the most sophisticated with automatic system of production. Mill 2 was
later set up in 2008, with the capacity to produce 180 tons per day and mill 3 which is the
latest was commissioned in September 2017 with the capacity 180 tons per day.

The factory’s energy source is majorly electricity from the utility provider; Umeme. The
other energy source is diesel, but majorly used to fuel company trucks for logistics in the
supply chain process. The electricity usage in the plants is to power a lot of motors ranging
from 0.5kw to 90kw, that drive grinders, compressors, blowers etc. that are part of the
manufacturing process of the wheat flour.
Table 2: General Data of the Company

Name Bajaber Millers Ltd

Type Of Industry Agro Processing
Address Plot 1, 5th Street – Industrial Area, Kampala
Contact Person
Working hours 3 shifts, 8 hrs. in a day
4000kVA Combined Capacity of
Utility Supply
Generator Capacity 22kVA, backup for Head Office
Annual Energy Consumption (2016) 5,886,384 kWh

2.1 Energy Audit Team
The energy audit team was comprised of the following persons in the table

Table 3: Energy Audit Team

Lead Energy Auditor Musinguzi Allan

Assisting Energy Auditor Mr. Edmand Aijuka

2.2 Objectives
The objective of this energy audit was to identify any energy saving opportunities in the
factory, and subsequently make recommendations to the management on implementation
of energy efficiency and energy management measures.

To achieve this, the energy audit team set out with the following specific objectives;

 To conduct meetings or interactions with factory management in regards to

energy efficiency activities currently done and also make observations.

 To obtain relevant data as per the energy audit templates and assessment.

 To identify potential energy efficiency measures and advise facility on


 Discuss the findings of the audit and produce a report.

2.3 Scope
The energy audit focused on the major energy consuming sections of the plant’s sections;
Mill 1, 2, 3 and the PP section. Much more emphaisis was put on the;

 Electrical System

 Electrical Drives Systems.

 Lighting Sections

 Energy Management Practices.

2.4 Methodology
The energy audit covered detailed study and assessment of Bajaber’s electrical power
system, putting emphasis on identifying major consuming loads and areas. This involved
carrying out measurements, observations and analysis of major energy consuming
sections to assess losses and potential energy savings.

The audit was focused on improving the electrical system, efficient energy use and
identifying energy saving opportunities. The analyses included payback calculations where
investments are required to be made to implement recommendations, to establish their
economic viability.

A wide array of measuring instruments was used to support the energy audit and
analyses. The specialized instruments that were used during this energy audit included;
1. Power Quality and Energy Analyzer – Fluke 435
2. Power Logger - PEL
3. Thermal Imaging Camera – Fluke Tis65
4. Clamp Ammeters – Fluke 376

During the audit, there was continuous interaction between the audit team and the Bajaber
team to ensure that the suggestions made are realistic, practical and implementable.

This methodology was broken into these activities below;

2.4.1 Planning meeting

This involved the audit team and the designated factory management. In the planning
meeting, the audit agenda, objectives and activities for the audit period was discussed

2.4.2 Walk through and Observation

A walk through and production observation of the entire facility was conducted at the
factory to visually identify any potential areas of energy saving.

2.4.3 Data collection

This included collection of details like:

• Power supply inputs and electrical data
• Data logging
• Electric bills
• Production records
• Lighting inventory in terms of type, wattage, operating status
• Motor inventory in terms of type, wattage, efficiency
• Other electrical loads i.e. compressors
The electrical data collected from the energy bills included maximum demand, units
consumed, power factor, tariff details, etc.

Electrical measurements were taken using power quality analyzer and power logger. The
analyzer was logged on the output of three transformers, after the stabilizer, and at
selected motors. Data logging was carried out for a typical 24hour day to observe the
exact system load profile, load peak and characteristic of the connected loads on a
particular transformer.

The electrical parameters measured for all load types included; power factor, harmonics,
voltage and current unbalance, apparent power, real power, reactive power, energy losses
and phase angles.

2.4.4 Data Analysis

All analyses have been made based on data collected, measurements taken and tests
carried out. The various factors considered for the analyses were generally as follows:

• Load capacities

• Energy consumption and patterns

• Electrical system characteristics

From the analysis, the audit team calculated the investment and payback period.

2.4.5 Report writing

A report was compiled, the findings and energy saving opportunities described and
recommendations made in the subsequent chapters.

3.0 Production and Facility Description
3.1 The Milling Process
3.1.1 Intake Section

Wheat is a grass widely cultivated for its seed, a cereal grain which is a worldwide staple
food. There are many species of wheat which together make up the genus Tritium; the
most widely grown is common wheat. The wheat is brought from Mombasa by fleet of
vehicles, some hired, and some company owned. It is offloaded from the vehicles either
for storage in the Silos (Long frames constructed purposely to store wheat grain) or
straight to the processing line.

3.1.2 Cleaning Process

The grains are conveyed and elevated on top of the silos to begin the process of cleaning
by the blending machines. The cleaning process of wheat goes through a series of steps
as per equipment, among which are;
1. Gravity grading de-stoner,
2. Vibrating separator
3. Horizontal wheat scourer
4. Rotary flat sieve
5. Combination cleaning sieve.
6. Dampeners and
7. Conditioners.

This cleaning process equipment which are all powered by motors separates wheat from
other plants seeds and other grains, dust, eliminates foreign materials such as metal,
sticks, stones and straw; and scours each kernel of wheat. It can take as many as six
steps. All the above is the first stage cleaning, and the second stage cleaning is the
application of water and then it’s a pure clean wheat which is called Conditioning.

3.1.3 The milling/grinding

The wheat from the pure clean wheat silo is brought to the grinding section of the milling
by conveyors aided by compressed air to roller B1/B2. Milling process is a gradual
reduction of the wheat seeds to produce particles of endosperm which are then graded &
separated from the bran by sieves, shifters & purifiers. Each size returns to corresponding
rollers & the same process is repeated until the desired flour is obtained

The rolls are paired & rotate inward against each other, moving at different speeds just
one pass through the corrugated "first break" rolls begins the separation of brand, poland
and endosperm or good wheat flour.

Figure 1: Aerial View of Milling Process on Mill 3

All the milling and the grinding are heavily powered by the motors among which are
18.5kw, 22kw and 37kw.

3.1.4 Mono Shifting

The broken particles of wheat are introduced into huge, rotating, box-like called mono
shifters where they are shaken through a series of bolting cloths or screens to segregate
the larger from the smaller particles. Up to 12 different sizes of particles may come from a
single sifter, including some flour with each sifting. Larger particles are shaken off from the
top, or "scalped," leaving the finer flour to shift to the bottom and these fractions are sent

to other roll passages and particles of wheat flour are graded by size and carried to
separate purifiers. These mono shifters are operated by a motor whose capacity is 7.5kw
and carries an off weight balance to shake as the motor rotates.

3.1.5 Purifiers
In a purifier, a controlled flow of air lifts off bran particles while at the same time a bolting
cloth separates and grades coarser fractions by size and quality with the help of a 90kw
pneumatic motor.

3.1.6 Reduction Rolls

Reduction of particle size of some into fine flour by passing it through a pair of smooth rolls

3.1.7 The Final Product

The process is repeated over and over again, shifters to purifiers to reducing rolls, until the
maximum amount of flour is separated, consisting of close to 75 percent of the wheat. This
wheat is sent to the silo in the packaging area

3.1.8 Packaging

Bajaber Millers has four packaging sections depending on the need. The 2kg home baking
flour and baker’s flour used by biscuit and bakery companies. Mills 1 and 2 use the same
packaging unit and Mill 3 has an independent packaging but sometimes also deliver its
wheat to packaging of Mills 1 and 2

Process Flow Diagram.

Figure 2: Flow Procss Diagram in a Wheat Mill

3.2 The PP Section

This is another section of Bajaber Millers that is a big consumer of energy, used to make
packing bags (poly propelene woven bags) from Poly propelene (PP). This section was
set up in 2003, when the company was setingup the whole factory, with the objective to
reduce on the cost of raw materials in the wheat business.

PP Woven bag making process:

3.2.1 Extruder

The polypropelene plastics is brought in a granuel form, its hearted and extruded in thin
sheet form by a 110kw motor with the help of other accessorioes, its strectcehed and pass
thorugh a oven and later splitting into another thread like stripe .

3.2.2 Bobin

The long exteded stipes are rolled in a bobin independently. The bobinning machine has
about 120 motors that help to roll.

3.2.3 Loom Machine

The bobins rolls are collected , taken to the loom machine from where weaving takes
place., From weaving, one long tubelar bag is coiled on to pipe.
Taken to the printing machine to label it.and the cut to the required length of a sack then
sawed to close on one open end.

4.0 Energy Consumption Profile
During the energy audit period, measurements and recording of energy consumption
parameters was carried out for effective system understanding and analysis. The major
sources of energy use in the company are; electricity and diesel. Notwithstanding, our
focus in this audit will be electricity only, since diesel is used purely for transportation and
no records where availed at the time of the audit for analysis.

Electricity is used to operate all electrical loads i.e. electrical drives, lighting, plug-in loads
at the offices and admin buildings.

4.1 Load Capacity

The observed highest monthly peak load capacity for the factory in a year got from the
electricity bills for the past three years was as follows; 1,318kW (August 2015),
1,287kW(April 2016), and 1,483kW (August 2017). This is against the total installed
capacity of 4000kVA, i.e. 1000kVA Transformer at PP Section, 2000kVA Transformer for
Mill 1&2, and 1000kVA Transformer for Mill 3. We note here that the approximate and
average factory load capacity was about 37%. This shows more room for load addition to
the existing infrastructure.

Figure 3: Peak Demand, kW

As per figure 4, it is observed that the peak demand at the plant is relatively in the same
range over the years, 2014, 2015 and 2016. With the introduction of Mill 3 in September
2017, this demand is likely to shoot up with all mills in operation at the same time. The
company needs to consider load shifting in its production planning process.

4.2 Energy Consumption

4.2.1 Tariff based consumption.

Bajaber Millers is classified and metered by Umeme as a Large Industry (Code 30). The
Tariff rate for Peak demand is UGX 498.2 Shoulder is UGX 383.5 and off-Peak period is
UGX 244.5. These charges were applied in the analysis of this study. In addition, a levy on
maximum demand of UGX 16,644 per kW is charged by Umeme.

Figure 4: Electrical Usage based on Tariff period

Basing on figure 3, the electrical usage at Bajaber Millers; 49% of the usage was incurred
during the shoulder period, 25% during peak period and 26% during off peak period. This
was tabulated for the years 2015 and 2016. Our observation is that the company still has
opportunity to utilize the off peak time, where the tariff cost is the lowest.

4.2.2 Energy Consumption, General

A comparison of the electricity bill recorded for January to December of 2014, 2015, 2016
and 2017 is given by the trend of electricity consumption as shown below.

Figure 5: Energy Consumption in 2014 to 2017

As observed, the trends seem to indicate that each year, production output increases but
monthly consumption seem to have the same pattern throughout the year. There is a level
of predictability with energy consumption on a monthly basis. This should assist us to
determine the energy specific consumption of the factory going forward.

4.2.3 Energy Consumption by Area and Equipment

Significant energy consuming areas or sections were prioritized for this energy audit
namely; Mill 1, Mill 2, Mill 3 and PP Sections. The administration block was not
considered due to accessibility, and the missing information of its loads (lights and plug-
ins) was considered immaterial to significantly impact on the general outlook.

The figures below show contribution of the energy consumption by both the energy
consumers and the respective sections.

Figure 6: Calculated Energy Consumers at Bajaber Millers

Figure 7: Calculated Energy Consumption per Section

4.2.4 Production

Bajaber Millers is a wheat flour processing and selling company. As seen in the graph
below, production seems to be consistent throughout the years on a monthly basis.

Figure 8: Wheat Flour Production, Kgs

4.3 Specific Energy Consumption

Figure 9: Electrical Energy Vs Production 2015

In 2015, we had close to 96% variation relationship where electricity consumption is

explained by the production of wheat flour at Bajaber, as per the graph above.

As per the figure above, it should be noted that the energy baseline for the year was only
18,629kWh which was way too low compared to what was consumed on a monthly basis.
This also confirms that production drives electricity consumption at the plant.
Also observed in the year 2015, the specific energy consumption was 13.3kWh/kg based
on the straight line relationship of the figure above.

Figure 10: Electrical Energy Vs Production, 2016

In 2016, the relationship between energy consumption and production of wheat flour
reduced to about 91%. Although this was still quite good, we need to understand why the
less variation between the two.

Our baseline for the year also went up to about 114,146kWh, which is energy consumed
without production of wheat flour. We also need to understand why this variation increased
for the year.

The specific energy consumption for the year was averagely 16kWh/kg based on the line
curve generated in the figure above. There is an increase of about 3kWh/kg between year
2015 and 2016 and this has a direct impact on the cost of production.

Figure 11: Electrical Energy Vs Production, 2017

In 2017, the relationship between electricity consumed and production output was 25.6%.
This is a very low variation and indicates a lack of correlation between the two factors.
This year is unique and this can be explained by poor production planning, high energy
losses or electricity being consumed but not related to production at all. Further
investigations need to be done.

The years of 2015 and 2016 show clearly that there is a correlation between electricity and
wheat production. Based on the information availed and tallied, our assumed target for the
specific energy consumption for Bajaber Millers should be about 13kWh/kg, since 2015
was our best year compared to the rest.

4.4 Existing Energy Monitoring and Management

The factory has no sub-metering or database for its electrical energy management. The
only existing meter is the the utility meter, but can only be accessed by the personnel of
Umeme. It is essential for the factory to install meters for the each mill and respective
processes so as to know and manage the loads respectively.

5.0 Observations
5.1 Electrical System
5.1.1 Facility Description

Bajaber Millers is supplied with 11kV from the national grid that is stepped down to 415 V
by transformers located at three stations on the factory. There is a single metering point
found at the 11kV feeder, where the utility has its meter. As earlier discussed in section
4.1, each step-down transformer station of 2000kVA, 1000kVA and 1000kVA caters for
Mills 1&2 and administration, Mill 3 and PP sections respectively in that order. Each
station is fitted with a voltage stabilizer of the same capacity and it’s the output from the
transformer that is connected directly to the stabilizer and then to the LV distribution board.

Station 3:
- Transformer 3
- 11kV/415V
- 1000kVA
- Mill 3 Supply

Station 2:
- Transformer 2
- 11kV/415 V
- 2000kVA
- Mill 1&2 Supply,
and Admin Block

Station 1:
- Transformer 1
- 11kV/415V
- 1000kVA
- PP Section

- 11KV Supply
- Utility Metering

Backup Generator:
- 22kVA Capacity
- Administration
Block Supply

Figure 12: Pictorial of Electrical System

Analysis of measurements and behavior of all transformers are provided in the subsequent

5.1.2 Electrical System Layout INCOMING

Tx1 1000KVA Tx2 2000KVA

Tx3 1000KVA

22KVA 17.6KW


OFFICES Loom 1- 28 Printers1&2 Bobbins Section Compressor Oven Motors Extruder


Grinding Cleaning Mcn- Plain Sifters Blowers Compressor Pneumatic Fan Packaging
Motors Drum sieve, MILL 2
B1 - C1R Vibro separator
Cum de-stoner

Pneumatic Fan Purification
Grinding Cleaning Mcn- Plain
Motors Drum sieve, Sifters
Vibro separator Compressor
B1 - C1R
MILL 3 Cum de-stoner

Blowers Plain Pneumatic fan Packaging

Cleaning Mcn- Sifters
Motors Drum sieve,
B1 - C1R Vibro separator
Cum de-stoner
etc. Compressor

Figure 13: Electrical System Layout

5.1.3 Observations and Analysis Electrical System, Mill 1

a) Line to line Voltage

Figure 14: Mill1 Line to Line Voltage Analysis

 The line to line voltage of the mill on average was 382volts, which is OK by any
standards. We have the minimum being 370.2V and 395.9V as being the maximum.
The voltage stabilizer after the transformer seems to working well.

b) Frequency

Figure 15: Mill 1 Frequency Analysis

 The frequency was within the range of 49.5 to 50.5, giving it an average of 50.46
which is OK.

c) Total Harmonic Distortion

Figure 16: Mill 1 Total Harmonic Distortion Analysis

 The THD between voltage lines 1 and 2 are seen to be at maximum of 1.4% which
is ok against the standard of <8%, with the minimum being at 0.7%.
d) Power Factor

Figure 17: Mill 1 Power Factor Analysis

 The average Power Factor of this mill was 0.88 which is below the recommended
power factor of 0.95. A power factor capacity bank needs to be installed to improve
this figure to the recommended levels.

e) Power:

Figure 18: Mill 1 Power Trend Analysis

 This power of 133kw is low, most likely the mill was not under production. However,
if this power is used for idling, a lot of energy is wasted, or a few machines were
running. Electrical System, Mill 2

a) Line to Line Voltage:

Figure 19: Mill 2 Line to Line Voltage Analysis

 The observed line to line voltage of phase 1 to 2 averaged 394V. This is within the
recommended range of supply to the loads, apart from a few instances of being
between 410V and 418. See figure 18.
 The stabilizer is assumed OK, and provides the recommended range of voltage

b) Frequency and Unbalance:

Figure 20: Mill 2 Frequency and Unbalance Analysis

 The frequency on site should be 50Hz. The measured and observed frequency at
Station 1 was within 2% (1Hz) and is thus complies with the national standards.
 The observed unbalance was1.4% which is within the 3% unbalance limits and this
is OK.

c) Harmonics:

Figure 21: Mill 2 Harmonics Analysis

 The total harmonic distortion (THD), for both voltage and current on all the phases
falls within the recommended compatibility levels. The figure above shows values
for voltage phase to neutral for line 1, whose recorded peak was 1.8%, which is
below the 8% limit.

d) Power Factor:

Figure 22: Mill 2 Power Factor Analysis

 The average power factor recorded was 0.765. This is below the recommended
0.95 or greater and efforts need to be in place to correct this.
 The power loss due to reactive power as per the power quality analyzer logging
contributed by this power factor was averagely 56.5 kW, which is also a constant
contribution to the peak power

e) Power

Figure 23: Mill 2 Power Trend Analysis

 The average load by the mill to the supply station is about 490kVA, which is about
24.5% of the transformer capacity.

f) Energy Losses:

Figure 24: Mill 2 Energy Loss Analysis Trends

 The measured energy losses due to load currents for a snapshot point was as
o Loss Load Active: 81.2 kW
o Loss Load Reactive: 56.5 kW
o Loss Load Unbalance: 2.5 kW
o Loss Load Harmonics: 0.2 kW
o Total Loss Load: 140.4 kW
 If the estimated production running hrs. in a year for 365 days and 12 hr shifts, the
company would be losing approximately 614,952 kWh as energy losses. This is a
huge. Electrical System, Mill 3

a) Line to line Voltage:

Figure 25: Mill 3 Line to Line Voltage Analysis

 From the spot measurements done, it can be noticed that, the line to line voltage
supplied to mill 3 is 388.5volts between line 1 and line 2, which is OK.

b) Frequency:

Figure 26: Mill 3 Frequency Trends

 Frequency is OK at 50Hz + or – 1%

c) Harmonics, THD:

Figure 27: Mill 3 Total Harmonic Distortion Analysis

 The total harmonic distortion, for both voltage and current on all the phases falls
within the recommended compatibility levels ranging from 0.52 between lines as
minimum and 1.6 between line and neutral, as maximum. All these were recordings
from the tables above.

d) Power Factor:

Figure 28: Mill 3 Power Factor Trends

 The average power factor recorded was 0.93 which is still below the recommended
0.95 and efforts need to be in place to correct this.

e) Power:

Figure 29: Mill 3 Power Trends Analysis

 The maximum power used on mill3 is 145.2Kw from the loggings done. We note
that this was done when there was low production. Electrical System, PP Section

a) Line to Line Voltage:



CA (V)







C (A)




14:30 14:40 14:50 15:00 15:10 15:20 15:30 15:40 15:50 16:00 16:10 16:20

Figure 30: PP Section, Line to Line Voltage Analysis

 The average line to line voltage is observed to be about 410V. This is within the
recommended deviation range of supply to the loads although higher than the Mills.
b) Frequency and Unbalance:
50.7 5.5

50.5 4.5

50.3 3.5
F re q ue n c y (H z )

U n b ala n c e (% )
50.1 2.5

49.9 1.5

49.7 0.5

49.5 -0.5
14:30 14:40 14:50 15:00 15:10 15:20 15:30 15:40 15:50 16:00 16:10 16:20

Figure 31: PP Section Frequency and Unbalance Analysis

 This section of the factory has a frequency of 50.2 Hz as maximum and unbalance
of 0.5% which is within the standard requirements. Except a one-time spike of 4.5%

c) Harmonics:


%H1 AN (%)







%H1 AN (%)




14:30 14:40 14:50 15:00 15:10 15:20 15:30 15:40 15:50 16:00 16:10 16:20

Figure 32: PP Section Harmonics Analysis

 The THD for voltage, between line 1 and neutral and between line 1 and line 2 is
about 2.4. This is within the recommended range.

d) Power Factor:


0.93 PF Av g






0.925 PF Av g






0.92 PF Av g






0.925 PF Av g


Total (PF)



14:30 14:40 14:50 15:00 15:10 15:20 15:30 15:40 15:50 16:00 16:10 16:20

Figure 33: PP Section Power Factor Trends

 The PP section has an overall power factor of 0.875 which is below the standard,
this could be associated with the nature, age of the motors, and the rewinding

e) Energy Loss:


Loss Load Activ e Max

Loss Load Reactiv e Max
13.5 Loss Load Unbalance Max
Loss Load Harmonic Max
Loss Load Total Max

T ot al ( k W , k V A, k VA, k V A, k W )




-1. 5
14:30 14:40 14: 50 15:00 15:10 15:20 15:30 15: 40 15:50 16:00 16: 10 16:20

Figure 34: PP Section, Energy Loss Trend Analysis

The measured energy losses due to load currents for a snapshot point is as follows
Loss Load Active: 8.5 kW
Loss Load Reactive: 2.6 kW
Loss Load Unbalance: 0.75 kW
Loss Load Harmonics: 1.6 kW
Total Loss Load: 13.45 kW

If calculated for a full year, this is a huge cost to the company that is avoidable.

5.2 Electric Motors
5.2.1 Facility Description

Electric motors have the largest population at the mills, which are used to provide motive
power to drive the different machines on the production mill. These largely include
operating elevators, vibrators, blowers and fans, conveyors, grinders, mixers etc.

In annex 3, we have collected an inventory list of most of the motors in the plant and
calculated their assumed contribution to energy consumption.

a) Grinding Motors Mill 1&2

Overview section of that has

11 motors of capacities,
22kW, 18.5kW, 15kW and

Most of the grinding motors

have loose and worn out
driving belts, which
contributes significantly to
loose of power and energy

The observable temperature
ranges for all motors is
between 50oC – 60oC

A motor on B3-B4 grinding

station has a high
temperature reading of
83.5 C and this needs
urgent attention.

Figure 35: Facility Description of Grinding Motors Mill1&2

b) Other Motors, Mill 1&2

Figure 36: Dirty electrical motors

 Most of the motors are observed to be dirty as seen above, and need regular
cleaning. This condition increases energy consumption by motors heating up as a
result of insufficient cooling from the choked fans and flour coating.

c) Motor Repair Section

 Although motor rewinding in a short
term saves money, this practice once
done more than twice on a motor
reduces its efficiency significantly
and thus increases energy

Figure 37: Motor Rewinding

d) Pneumatic Blower Motor, Mill 1,90kW

Figure 38: Pneumatic Blower Motor, Mill 1,90kW

 As observed from the measurement, this motor was operating at a higher power
rating at an average value of 115kW compared to its 90kW rating. Further
investigation is needed to be done to prevent burning of the windings.
 The power loss noticed by the power quality analyzer was 10.8kW, with a
breakdown of 8.4kW and 2.4kW due to active and reactive losses.

e) PP Section
In this section, the total number of motors populated was187, distributed according to the
machine type and operations. For further information, see annex 3 that has the inventory
list. Our objective was to observe the status and get any energy saving opportunities in the

This extruder is run by a 110kW motor
whose efficiency is 91%. The
opportunity we saw was largely around

The printing machine which consists of

4kW (22pcs) and 2.2kW (2pcs) whose
efficiency is 82%, was observed to
have poor housekeeping and

The Loom drives are 3kW (28pcs) with

an efficiency of 84%. There is
opportunity for higher efficient motors
and good housekeeping.

Figure 39: Electrical Motors in PP Section

5.2.2 Observation and Analysis

In summary the following observations and analysis on the electrical drives across board
that contribute to high energy bill, other than Mill 3 motors that were recently
commissioned three months ago are:
 Lack of preventive maintenance where motors need to be regularly cleaned and
 High active energy losses observed through measurements, probably due to nature
of the motors i.e. worn out belts, pulley misalignments, lack of proper aeration, poor
efficiencies from repetitive motor rewinding etc.

 High reactive power observed from the few measured motors. Capacitor banks
need to be incorporated in the plant.

5.3 Lighting System

5.3.1 Facility Description

Lighting accounts for approximately 1%of the total electrical load in Bajaber Millers. With
this small contribution, any opportunity identified to reduce energy consumption can still be
considered. During the audit, the following existing lighting fixtures were identified and
details such as the type, number and wattage of the lamps were collected. Operating
hours were also determined to enable calculation of the energy consumed by lighting

Table 4: Lighting System with calculated annual consumption

Total Watts Dailly Operating Annual Operating Annual Electiricty

No. Lamps Watts per Lamp Ballast Factor Annual Electiricty Cost.
(W) Hours Hours Consumption
Location Description
(Average Tarriff rate of
[-] [W] [h] [-] [-] [h] [kWh]
Mill 1  Flourescent Tube 39 36 4 1404 24 7488 10513.152 4,310,392
 Flourescent Tube 2 18 4 36 24 7488 269.568 110,523
CFL 37 18 666 24 7488 4987.008 2,044,673
Mill 2  Flourescent Tube 17 36 4 612 24 7488 4582.656 1,878,889
 Flourescent Tube 4 18 4 72 24 7488 539.136 221,046
CFL 18 18 4 324 24 7488 2426.112 994,706
Mill 3  Flourescent Tube 58 36 4 2088 24 7488 15634.944 6,410,327
Stair Case  Flourescent Tube 2 36 4 72 24 7488 539.136 221,046
CFL 10 18 4 180 24 7488 1347.84 552,614
Mills 1 & 2 Packaging  Flourescent Tube 77 36 4 2772 12 3744 10378.368 4,255,131
Mill 3 Packaging  Flourescent Tube 14 36 4 504 12 3744 1886.976 773,660
PP Section  Flourescent Tube 21 36 4 756 24 7488 5660.928 2,320,980
Secuirty Lights Haloge Lamps 14 250 3500 12 3744 13104 5,372,640
Haloge Lamps 5 300 1500 12 3744 5616 2,302,560

Total 77,486 31,769,188

5.3.2. Observations and Analysis

• The lights are on for 24 hours for as long as the factory is on operation, even for the
sections where natural light can be used.

• The translucent iron sheets are so dirty that they don’t serve the purpose thus using
lights during the day time more especially at the PP Section.

5.4 Compressed Air System.

5.4.1 Facility Description

At Bajaber Millers, production of compressed air is to be used to drive pneumatic valves in

the mills. Mill 1& 2 compressed air production is done by 8 compressors located in the
compressor room next to the transformer 1&2. Mill 3 has its own compressed air system
located on mezzanine floor next to the mill.

Compressor Room – Mill & 2 Compressors – Mill 3

Figure 40: Facility Description of Compressors

5.4.2 Observation and Analysis

The location of air compressors and the quality of air drawn by the compressors has a
significant influence on the amount of energy consumed. Compressor performance as a
breathing machine improves with cool, clean, dry air at intake. Further investigation needs
to be done to ascertain the impact on the congestion of compressors in the compressor
room to energy consumption. There is a definitely a relationship.

We collected information about all the compressors and tabulated it in the table below. We
note that the contribution of compressors to the total energy consumption is in the range of
6% as of 2016 bills.

Efforts need to be put in place to manage air leaks in the system, to improve on energy
consumption especially on Mills 1&2.

Table 5: Compressor Description with Calculated Energy Consumption

Equipment Power Annual Operating

Annual Electiricty Consumption Annual Electiricty Cost
Rating (each) Hours
Location Equipment Ref Description Quantity

(Average Tarriff rate

[kW] [h] [kWh] [%] [%]
of 410ugx)
Compressor Room GA 30FF Atlass Copco 6.4 2 30 7,488 449,280 49.59 184,204,800 50%
Compressor Room GA 11C Atlass Copco 8.2 1 11 7,488 82,368 9.09 33,770,880 9%
Compressor Room Gardner Drnver ESM Series 1 7.5 7,488 56,160 6.20 23,025,600 6%
Compressor Room Ecomak Kompressor Air scew ,diamond 2 7.5 - - #DIV/0!
Compressor Room OZEN KT 101-30 1 5.5 - - #DIV/0!
Compressor Room OZEN OSC 20 1 7.5 - - #DIV/0!
Mill 3 Compressor DALGAKIRAN Tidy 10 1 10 7,488 74,880 8.26 30,700,800 8%
Mill 3 Compressor LT 10 Atlas Copco 1 15 7,488 112,320 12.40 46,051,200 12%
Mill 3 Compressor Screw Tidy 10 1 7.5 7,488 56,160 6.20 23,025,600 6%
PP Section Lero soma Atlass Copco 1 10 7,488 74,880 8.26 30,700,800 8%
Total 906,048 371,479,680
Not Functional

6.0 Energy Efficiency Measures (EEM)
6.1 Electrical System
6.1.1 Correction Installation of Power Factor Correction Banks.

Installing capacitor banks improves power factor thus eliminating reactive demand charges
and improving overall system performance. The average overall power factor at Bajaber is
0.863, falling far below the 0.950.894 minimum requirement for a good electrical system.

By improving the power factor close to 1, the following are achieved;

a) Reduction in the kVA demand,
b) Reduction in power losses,
c) Improved voltage regulation and
d) Increase in the overall efficiency of the system

Improvement of PF from 0.863 to 0.980.99 and this requires the following capacitance size
for the plant:

Maximum demand, 2017 = 1,482 kVA

Pf1 = 0.86
Pf2 = 0.98

Capacitance Size, kVAr = Max kW (tan (cos-1(P.F2)) - tan (cos-1(P.F1))

= 1,278(tan (cos-1(0.98)) - tan (cos-1(0.86))
= 1,278 x 0.390
= 498 kVAr

Due to the nature of the infrastructure on site, we propose the following installation based
on the above figure:

Table 6: Proposed Power Factor Capacitor Banks

Section Quantity Capacitor Banks Capacitor Bank

PP Section 1 100 kVAr UGX 18,500,000

Mill1 Section 1 200 kVAr UGX 27,500,000
Mill2 Section 1 200 kVAr UGX 27,500,000
Mill3 Section 1 200 kVAr UGX 27,500,000
Total UGX 101,000,000

Reduction in Demand:

(1)KW = KVA x pf = 1,486 x 0.86 = 1,278 KW

(2) KVA = KW / pf = 1,278/0.98 = 1,304KVA
=> KVA reduction from 1,486 KVA to 1,306 KVA
=> Saved units on maximum demand = 180 kVA
From the electricity bill, the maximum demand charge is 16,644 Ugx/kVA.
=>Saved money/Month = 180 x 16,644 = UGX 2,996,000
Annual saving = 2,996,000×12= UGX 35,952,000

Avoided Reactive Charge:

Monthly average for Yr 2017 = 5,980,000

Annual savings = 5,980,000 x 12 = UGX 71,760,000

Total Annual Savings = Reduction in Demand + Avoided Reactive Charge

= UGX 107,712,000

Table 7: Techno Economic Analysis - Power Factor Improvement

Annual Savings Potential 107,712,000 UGX/a
Estimated cost for investment. UGX 101,000,000
Payback period 1.06 yrs
NPV (at Discount Rate of 10%) UGX 307,313,224
IRR % 104%

6.1.2 Implement Load Shifting and maximum demand regulation

According to Figure 3: Tariff rate comparison on bills, there can be rescheduling of the
production planning to shift from producing during the peak hours to produce during the off
peak, For example, it could be energy efficient to schedule maintenance during the off
peak hours. This also could be very viable for the PP Section which normally runs only for
about four (4) days in a week.

6.2 Electric Motors
6.2.1 Preventive Maintenance of Motors

The report highly recommends a preventive maintenance system be put in place. As

earlier observed in section 5.2, the plant has high active power losses from motors due to
inefficiencies in the system. These losses are due to
a) fan efficiency due to dirt and flour build up on the fans
b) worn out belts and slippages
c) pulley misalignments and
d) friction due to worn bearings

Example on Mill 2, under section Energy Losses, we measured active power
losses in system being 81.2kW.

a) assumed Annual Operating Hrs.(18hrs, 6 days, 52 weeks) = 5,616 Hrs

b) Our Annual energy loss = 82.1 x 5,616 = 461,073 kWh, therefore the
c) annual cost due to these losses = UGX 189,040,176 (Avg 1kWh = UGX 410)

With our recommended Investment in getting more maintenance engineers on board;

Addition number of engineers per Mill: 3

Estimated Salary per Engineer: UGX 1,500,000
Total cost per engineer, inclusive NSSF: 1,650,000

Table 8: Techno Economic Analysis: Preventative Maintenance of Motors

Active Energy Losses - 2017 189,040,176 kWh/a
Savings potential in improvements, 40% 40%
Savings potential UGX / year 75,616,070
Estimated Annual Cost UGX 59,400,000
Payback period 0.79 years

It’s viable to increase your maintenance overhead so as to reduce on the energy

consumption at the plant, subject to all preventive maintenance structures are in place.

6.2.2 Replace Grinding Motors with premium efficient motors on Mill 2

As per the motor inventory list in Annex, Mill 3 has new motors and also, Mill1 has
relatively better motor efficiencies for the big motors as compared to Mill 2. In this report,
we propose to management, that it should replace some of the motors on Mill 2 and here
we suggest to start with the grinding station. Motors that have been rewound more than
once should be replaced with new premium efficient motors.

Table 9: Calculations of replacing with premium efficiency motors on Mill 2 grinding station

Mot Ope Electricit

or n / Motor Motor load y
Motor size clos premiu standa Unit cost durati savings
Description/section Qty (kW) ed m eff. rd eff. $ on (kWh/yr)
ce Location                
Mill 2,
Grinding 4 22 Open 93% 81% 2954 90%
B1/B2 Station
Mill 2,
Grinding 2 18.5 Open 92% 82% 2484 90%
B3 - B4 Station
Mill 2,
C1A/C1 Grinding 4 15 Open 92% 84% 2014 90%
R Station
Mill 2,
Grinding 1 11 Open 91% 76% 1477 90%
C5 Station
1 8,930 141,3
Total   1.0 .00 62

Table 10: Techno Economic Analysis : Replacing Motors at Mill 2 Grinding Station

Price for electricity UGX / kWh 410.0
Savings potential kWh / year 141,362
Savings potential UGX / year 57,958,240
Estimated cost of Investment (n = 5yrs) 32,594,500
Payback period 0.6 years
NPV 187,112,715
IRR 177%

6.3 Lighting System

We propose the following measures under lighting:

 Replace current lighting systems going forward with more energy efficient Led
lights. The table below illustrates the potential benefits with your current setup.

 Through human behavior, fix signage around switches to encourage lights off if not

 Increase light intensity in the production area, by increasing the quantity of

translucent sheets all around the factory area. This will improve on visibility and
also current lights switched on during the day won’t be necessary.

Table 11: Techno Economic Analysis: Led Retrofit

Price for electricity UGX / kWh 410.0000 UGX/kWh
Electricity consumption per year 77,486 kWh/a
Estimated percentage of electricity for lighting 2.00%
Savings potential through Led Retrofit 50.00%
Savings potential kWh / year 38,743 kWh/a
Savings potential UGX / year 15,884,630 UGX/a
Estimated cost for Led Retrofit UGX 32,950,000.00
Payback period 2.07 years
NPV (Discount rate of 10%) UGX 27,265,245
IRR 38.9%

6.4 Compressed Air System

 Reduce air leaks in the system, especially for Mill 1 and 2.

6.5 Other EEMs

6.5.1 Implementation of an Energy Monitoring System

To get a good overview of the energy flows, an energy monitoring system is needed. This
system can be implemented quite easily after a metering point concept is done.

By continuously controlling the energy data, a good understanding of the energy-

consuming processes is achieved. This way, errors and no optimized processes can be
identified quickly to prevent unnecessary energy consumption and high costs over a long
period of time. With different analyzing functions, such as reporting tools, visualization
tools, benchmarking tools and alarm management, a controlling system helps to reduce
energy costs significantly.

The implementation of an energy monitoring system and the effective work with the
resulting energy data indicates that an organization can potentially save 5 to 15% in its
annual energy costs. However, these savings cannot be compared with the other
mentioned potentials, because the energy monitoring system is not “actively” saving, but
shows the potential for savings. Energy management software helps to implement the
identified measures and control its success. It also helps to identify further potentials and
to find new failures faster.
Table 12: Techno Economic Analysis: Implementing of an energy monitoring system

Description Before After

Price for electricity UGX / kWh 410.0 UGX/kWh 410.0 UGX/kWh

Electricity consumption per year, 2016 5,886,384 kWh/a 5,886,384 kWh/a
Assumed savings potential 5%   294,319 kWh/a
Assumed savings potential in UGX   120,670,872 UGX/a
Savings potential kWh / year - 294,319 kWh/a
Savings potential UGX / year - 120,670,872 UGX/a
Estimated cost for a complete energy monitoring system   UGX 45,000,000.00
Payback period   0.37 years
NPV (Discount rate of 10%) UGX 412,437,545
IRR 267%

6.5.2 Implementation of an Energy Management System

The main objective of an energy management system (EnMS) is to assist organizations in

building sustainable systems and processes to improve their energy efficiency. A
systematic energy management leads to reduction of energy consumption, energy costs,
and greenhouse gas emissions. An energy management system in an organization is a
continuous improvement process. An energy management system is thus an important
component in achieving the ambitious international climate targets in the coming years.

In the foreseeable future, it is going to be mandatory for Bajaber Millers to have an energy
management system in place once the energy conservation bill is passed by the
parliament of Uganda into law.

Figure 41: The Plan-Do-Check-Act circle of an energy management system

However, an energy management system should not only be a duty for a company, but be
used for planning the reduction of the energy consumption and therefore the energy costs.
It can also be used effectively for a positive public image of the company. It is important
that an energy management system is a “living” system that the employees work with;
otherwise the desired goals and successes are difficult to reach.

In comparison to the ISO 9001 and ISO 14001 systems, an energy management system is
financed by the continuous improvement process, which means that the amount of
savings normally exceeds the costs of implementing the system

Table 13:Techno Economic Analysis: Implementing of an energy management system.

Description Before After

Price for electricity UGX / kWh 410.0 UGX/kWh 410.0 UGX/kWh

Electricity consumption per year, 2016 5,886,384 kWh/a 5,886,384 kWh/a
Assumed savings potential 5%   294,319 kWh/a
Assumed savings potential in UGX   120,670,872 UGX/a
Savings potential kWh / year - 294,319 kWh/a
Savings potential UGX / year - 120,670,872 UGX/a
Estimated cost for full implementation of energy
  UGX 55,000,000
management system.
Payback period   0.45 years
NPV (Discount rate of 28%) UGX 402,437,545
IRR 219%

7.0 Summary of Energy Efficiency

Table 14: EE Measures and expected payback times

Proposed EE Description of EEM Potential Estimated Simple pay Net present Internal rate
Improvement annual cost investment back period value (UGX) of return (%)
savings cost (UGX) (years)
( UGX)
1. Improve power factor in
107,712,000 101,000,000 1.06 307,313,224 103
the plant by installation
of power factor
capacitor banks.

2. Preventive 75,616,070 59,400,000 0.79 - -

Maintenance of Motors
3. Implement Load - - - - -
Shifting in Production
3. Replacement of Mill 2 57,958,24 32,594,500 0.6 187,112,715 176
grinding motors with 0
premium efficient
4 Replacing lighting to 15,884,630 32,950,000 2.07 27,265,245 38.9

5 Implementing an 120,670,872 45,000,000 0.37 412,437,545 267

Energy Monitoring
6 Implementation of an 120,670,872 55,000,000 0.45 402,437,545 219
Energy Management

7.1 Short-term Measures

 Improve power factor in the plant by installation of power factor

capacitor banks.
 Implement Load Shifting
 Preventive Maintenance of Motors and having an accurate inventory list
for them. Avoid breakdown maintenance practices.

7.2 Medium-term Measures

 Replacement of Mill 2 grinding motors with premium efficient motors

 Replacing lighting system to Led
 Implementing an Energy Monitoring System
 Implementation of an Energy Management System

7.3 Long-term Measures

 Replacement of Mill 1& others on Mill 2 with premium efficient motors

8.0 Conclusion and Recommendations

Bajaber Millers is a big operation and based on the audit, we see that there is
lack of focus on energy management at the moment but with management’s
effort to implement our recommendations, will see benefits on cost savings.

We therefore recommend that the energy efficient measures mentioned in this

report should help and guide management in reducing their overall energy
costs and also contribute to less emission of CO2 into the environment.

Immediate action to be taken on the following points:

 Improve the power factor to reduce the maximum kVA demand and
eliminate the penalty charges from the utility due to reactive energy
from the plant.
 Implement a preventive maintenance management system to reduce
both on breakdowns that affect production and reduce on high energy
consumption generated by the motors.
 Establish a proper motor inventory to reduce on the rewinding business
 Replace some current motors especially those that are constantly
rewound with high energy efficient ones.
 Reduce air leaks on the compressed lines through a preventive
maintenance program.
 Change the lights to LEDs
 Install an energy monitoring system, by fixing energy meters at high
energy consumers and monitoring energy consumption

9.0 References

10.0 Annexes
Table 15: Lighting System Inventory with Calculated Annual Energy Consumption

Daily Annual Annual

Watts per Ballast Total Watts Annual Electricity
No. Lamps Operating Operating Electricity
Location Description Lamp Factor (W) Cost.
Hours Hours Consumption
[-] [W] [h] [-] [-] [h] [kWh] 1kWh = UGX 410
Mill 1  Flourescent Tube 39 36 4 1404 24 7488 10513.152 4,310,392
   Flourescent Tube 2 18 4 36 24 7488 269.568 110,523
  CFL 37 18   666 24 7488 4987.008 2,044,673
Mill 2  Flourescent Tube 17 36 4 612 24 7488 4582.656 1,878,889
   Flourescent Tube 4 18 4 72 24 7488 539.136 221,046
  CFL 18 18 4 324 24 7488 2426.112 994,706
Mill 3  Flourescent Tube 58 36 4 2088 24 7488 15634.944 6,410,327
Stair Case  Flourescent Tube 2 36 4 72 24 7488 539.136 221,046
  CFL 10 18 4 180 24 7488 1347.84 552,614
Mills 1 & 2
 Flourescent Tube 77 36 4 2772 12 3744 10378.368 4,255,131
Mill 3 Packaging  Flourescent Tube 14 36 4 504 12 3744 1886.976 773,660
PP Section  Flourescent Tube 21 36 4 756 24 7488 5660.928 2,320,980
Secuirty Lights Haloge Lamps 14 250   3500 12 3744 13104 5,372,640
  Haloge Lamps 5 300   1500 12 3744 5616 2,302,560
  Total             77,486 31,769,188

Motor and Drives
Table 16: Motor Inventory with calculated annual energy consumption

Annual Annual
Motor Power Effienc Annual Electiricty
Total Power Operating Electiricty
Rating (each) e Cost
Descriptio Hours Consumption
Location Motor Ref Quantity
[kW] [kW] [%] [h] [kWh] 1kWh = UGX 410

Extruder Main drive Kirkloskar 1 110 110 91 4,992 2.00
  Blowers PRIMO 1 2.2 2.2 81
4,992 8,895.74 5.04
  Colling fan PRIMO 4 1.2 4.8 82
4,992 19,648.51 9.92
  Rollers Siemens 1 4.2 4.2 85
4,992 17,821.44 0.40
Recycling 7,654,73
  Glem 2 2.2 4.4 85
Blowers 4,992 18,670.08 2.80
  Oven Motors Bima 4 2.2 8.8 87
4,992 38,218.75 8.32
  Slicer   1 1 1 82
4,992 4,093.44 0.40
Bobin Bobin rolling   120 0.81 97.2 81
4,992 393,030.14 9.04
  Sunction thread Siemens 1 7.5 7.5 85
4,992 31,824.00 0.00
Loom Mains drive   28 3 84 85
4,992 356,428.80 8.00
Printing Machine 1 Wat 22 4 88 82
4,992 360,222.72 5.20
  mahcine 2 Grompton 2 2.2 4.4 85
4,992 18,670.08 2.80

1,767, 724,561,393.
222.91 92
MILL 2                  
Intake Wheat Elavator Wamgroup 2 2.2 4.4 83
5,616 20,509.63 9.12
Cleaninng Vibrator Wamgroup 2 0.68 1.36 67
5,616 5,117.30 2.67
  Blower Siemens 1 11 11 68
5,616 42,007.68 8.80
  Seperator Wamgroup 2 0.35 0.7 60
5,616 2,358.72 5.20
  Vibrator Siemens 1 0.75 0.75 80
5,616 3,369.60 6.00
Second 8,392,83
Conveyor Siemens 3 1.5 4.5 81
cleaning 5,616 20,470.32 1.20
    Siemens 3 2.2 6.6 83
5,616 30,764.45 3.68
  Aspirator siemens 1 12.6 12.6 85
5,616 60,147.36 7.60
  Sorter Nord 1 7.5 7.5 84
5,616 35,380.80 8.00
  Mixer Siemens 3 3 9 84
5,616 42,456.96 3.60
  Screw   2 2.2 4.4 83
5,616 20,509.63 9.12
Grindding B1/B2 Siemens 4 22 88 81
5,616 400,308.48 6.80
  B3 - B4   2 18.5 37 81.6
5,616 169,558.27 1.52
  C1A/C1R   4 15 60 84
5,616 283,046.40 4.00
  C5   1 11 11 76 19,249,40

5,616 46,949.76 1.60
Fan Air lock siemens 6 7.5 45 88.5
5,616 223,657.20 2.00
Blowers   Siemens 2 15 30 84
5,616 141,523.20 2.00
    Siemens 1 12.6 12.6 74
5,616 52,363.58 9.44
    Siemens 1 11 11 79
5,616 48,803.04 6.40
    Siemens 2 2.2 4.4 82
5,616 20,262.53 6.48
Filtration Dust filters Gamak 1 4 4 88.6
5,616 19,903.10 2.64
  Blowers Gamak 2 0.75 1.5 81
5,616 6,823.44 0.40
      2 2.2 4.4 83
5,616 20,509.63 9.12
  Pnuamatic fan Tek 1 90 90 93
5,616 470,059.20 2.00
  Blowers Gamak 1 4 4 88.6
5,616 19,903.10 2.64
  Mono shifter   2 18.5 37 81.6
5,616 169,558.27 1.52
  Elevator   2 2.2 4.4 79.7
5,616 19,694.19 7.41
  Conveyors Siemens 1 2.2 2.2 82
5,616 10,131.26 8.24
  Bran finishers Siemens 5 5.5 27.5 81
5,616 125,096.40 4.00
  Broken wheat Siemens 1 7.5 7.5 89
5,616 37,486.80 8.00
  Elevator   2 1.5 110 83.8
5,616 517,682.88 0.80

  Air lock   2 0.75 1.5 85
5,616 7,160.40 4.00
Bagging (rotor 2,348,61
    4 0.3 1.2 85
flow) 5,616 5,728.32 1.20
  Conveyor   2 1.5 3 83.9
5,616 14,135.47 3.52
Discharge 5,871,52
    1 3 3 85
conveyor 5,616 14,320.80 8.00

Floor Carriege            
Speed 2,894,31
    1 1.5 1.5 83.8
controller 5,616 7,059.31 7.92
  Transfer   4 7.5 30 81
5,616 136,468.80 8.00
Waste sorter                  
  Shifters   2 18.5 37 90.4
5,616 187,843.97 6.88
  Fan   1 11 11 83.7
5,616 51,706.51 9.92
Bran and 31,291,79
Blowers   1 15 15 90.6
Poland 5,616 76,321.44 0.40
      2 7.5 15 81.6
5,616 68,739.84 4.40
  Air lock Gamak 3 0.75 2.25 81
5,616 10,235.16 5.60
      2 18.5 37 81.6
5,616 169,558.27 1.52
  Silo conveyors Siemens 4 2.2 8.8 79.7
5,616 39,388.38 4.82
3,875, 1,588,782,748.
        TOTAL 820.56    
079.87 18

MILL 1                  
  Pnuamatic fan   1 90 90 93
5,616 470,059.20 2.00
Basement 141   1 37 37 92.6
5,616 192,415.39 0.72
  142   1 30 30 91
5,616 153,316.80 8.00
  143   1 30 30 91
5,616 153,316.80 8.00
  62   1 22 22 85
5,616 105,019.20 2.00
  61   1 18.5 18.5 90
5,616 93,506.40 4.00
  70   1 22 22 85
5,616 105,019.20 2.00
  69   1 15 15 89.7
5,616 75,563.28 4.80
  56   1 11 11 85
5,616 52,509.60 6.00
  55   1 18.5 18.5 90
5,616 93,506.40 4.00
  68   1 18.5 18.5 90
5,616 93,506.40 4.00
  67   1 15 15 89.7
5,616 75,563.28 4.80
  57   1 15 15 89.7
5,616 75,563.28 4.80
  58   1 15 15 89.7
5,616 75,563.28 4.80
  60   1 15 15 89.7
5,616 75,563.28 4.80
  59   1 11 11 85
5,616 52,509.60 6.00
  54   1 15 15 89.7
5,616 75,563.28 4.80

  53   1 18.5 18.5 90
5,616 93,506.40 4.00
  64   1 18.5 18.5 90
5,616 93,506.40 4.00
  63   1 15 15 85
5,616 71,604.00 0.00
  66   1 18.5 18.5 90
5,616 93,506.40 4.00
  65   1 18.5 18.5 90
5,616 93,506.40 4.00
  38   1 7.5 88.3
7.5 5,616 37,191.96 3.60
  37   1 7.5 88.3
7.5 5,616 37,191.96 3.60
  36   1 7.5 88.3
7.5 5,616 37,191.96 3.60
  35   1 7.5 88.3
7.5 5,616 37,191.96 3.60
  34   1 7.5 88.3
7.5 5,616 37,191.96 3.60
  33   1 7.5 88.3
7.5 5,616 37,191.96 3.60
  39   1 7.5 88.3
7.5 5,616 37,191.96 3.60
  40   1 7.5 88.3
7.5 5,616 37,191.96 3.60
Second floor 14   1 1.5 85
1.5 5,616 7,160.40 4.00
  13   1 1.5 85
1.5 5,616 7,160.40 4.00
  22   1 2 2 85
5,616 9,547.20 2.00
  17   1 1.5 1.5 82.8 2,859,77

5,616 6,975.07 9.52
      1 1.5 1.5 82.8
5,616 6,975.07 9.52
  12   1 1.5 1.5 82.8
5,616 6,975.07 9.52
  11   1 1.5 1.5 82.8
5,616 6,975.07 9.52
  80   1 15 15 90.6
5,616 76,321.44 0.40
  102   1 11 11 88
5,616 54,362.88 0.80
  112   1 11 11 88
5,616 54,362.88 0.80
  72   1 7.5 7.5 88
5,616 37,065.60 6.00
  101   1 2.2 2.2 84.5
5,616 10,440.14 9.04
  111   1 3 3 85.7
5,616 14,438.74 1.76
  no number   1 5.5 5.5 87.7
5,616 27,088.78 8.16
  62   1 7.5 7.5 88
5,616 37,065.60 6.00
  61   1 1.5 1.5 82
5,616 6,907.68 8.80
  21   1 5.5 5.5 89
5,616 27,490.32 1.20
  92   1 5 5 86
5,616 24,148.80 8.00
  152   1 2.2 2.2 85.3
5,616 10,538.99 4.10
  no number   1 2.2 2.2 85.3
5,616 10,538.99 4.10
  151   1 2.2 2.2 85.3
5,616 10,538.99 4.10

  153   1 2.2 2.2 85.3
5,616 10,538.99 4.10
  71   1 0.75 0.75 79.6
5,616 3,352.75 8.32
  no number   1 4 4 86.6
5,616 19,453.82 7.84
  24   1 2.2 2.2 84.7
5,616 10,464.85 0.30
  24   1 2.2 2.2 84.7
5,616 10,464.85 0.30
Cleaning no number   1 2.2 2.2 70.9
5,616 8,759.84 3.09
  no number   1 0.5 0.5 78.1
5,616 2,193.05 9.68
  31   1 7.5 7.5 88.7
5,616 37,360.44 0.40
  Elevator   2 1.5 3 83.5
5,616 14,068.08 4.20
  Conveyor   6 1.5 9 83.5
5,616 42,204.24 4.20
  helicle screw   2 3 6 85
5,616 28,641.60 4.20
  vibrator   1 4 4 85
5,616 19,094.40 4.20
  Separator   3 0.75 2.25 88.5
5,616 11,182.86 4.20
      2 3 6 85
5,616 28,641.60 4.20
3,460, 1,418,899,065.
        TOTAL 691.6    
729.43 48

MILL 3              

Intake Elevator   2 1.5 3 83.5
5,616 14,068.08 2.80

  Conveyor   6 1.5 9 83.5
5,616 42,204.24 8.40
Cleaning helicle screw   2 3 6 85
5,616 28,641.60 6.00
  vibrator   1 4 4 85
5,616 19,094.40 4.00
  Separator   3 0.75 2.25 88.5
5,616 11,182.86 2.60
Elevator     2 3 6 85
5,616 28,641.60 6.00
  helicle screw   2 2.2 4.4 85
5,616 21,003.84 4.40
  asipirator   1 15 15 89.7
5,616 75,563.28 4.80
  air lock   2 0.75 1.5 85
5,616 7,160.40 4.00
  blower   2 4 8 85
5,616 38,188.80 8.00
  mixer   1 3 3 85
5,616 14,320.80 8.00
  Corne crusher   1 75 75 85
5,616 358,020.00 0.00
      1 3 3 85
5,616 14,320.80 8.00
  vibrator   1 0.55 0.55 85
5,616 2,625.48 6.80
      1 0.085 0.085 85
5,616 405.76 9.96
  Rollers (41-44) Seimens 4 15 60 89.7
5,616 302,253.12 9.20
  Rollers (45-47) Seimens 2 18.5 37 90.4
5,616 187,843.97 6.88
  Rollers (48-53) Seimens 2 22 44 91.4
5,616 225,853.06 2.96

  Rollers   2 30 60 92.6
5,616 312,024.96 3.60
Blowers (33- 122,265,93
    8 7.5 60 88.5
40) 5,616 298,209.60 6.00
    B1 2 30 60 92.5
5,616 311,688.00 0.00
    B2 2 22 44 90.9
5,616 224,617.54 9.76
    B3 2 18.5 37 90.4
5,616 187,843.97 6.88
    B4G 1 18.5 18.5 90.4
5,616 93,921.98 3.44
    B4F/ B5F 2 15 30 89.7
5,616 151,126.56 9.60
  Exterour   2 11 22 85
5,616 105,019.20 2.00
  contentrate   2 7.5 15 88.5
5,616 74,552.40 4.00
  Air lock Seimens 3 1.5 4.5 83.5
5,616 21,102.12 9.20
  Pnuematic Fan Seimens 1 75 75 85
5,616 358,020.00 0.00
  Blower Seimens 2 4 8 85
5,616 38,188.80 8.00
  vibrator Seimens 5 2.75 13.75 85
5,616 65,637.00 0.00
      5 0.43 2.15 85
5,616 10,263.24 8.40
  Asprator   1 18.5 18.5 90.4
5,616 93,921.98 3.44
  Filters   1 1.1 1.1 85
5,616 5,250.96 3.60
      1 0.55 0.55 85
5,616 2,625.48 6.80

  Elevetor   1 2.2 2.2 85
5,616 10,501.92 7.20
  Mono shifter Tec 2 18.5 37 81.6
5,616 169,558.27 1.52
      1 1.5 1.5 85
5,616 7,160.40 4.00
Double helicle 8,611,57
    2 2.2 4.4 85
screw 5,616 21,003.84 4.40
Packaging (12-
  Elevator   2 1.5 3 83.8
5,616 14,118.62 5.84
  Air lock   2 0.75 1.5 85
5,616 7,160.40 4.00
Bagging (rotor 2,348,61
    4 0.3 1.2 85
flow) 5,616 5,728.32 1.20
  Conveyor   2 1.5 3 83.9
5,616 14,135.47 3.52
Discharge 5,871,52
    1 3 3 85
conveyor 5,616 14,320.80 8.00
Bran Carriege                  
Speed 2,894,31
    1 1.5 1.5 83.8
controller 5,616 7,059.31 7.92
  Transfer   4 7.5 30 81
5,616 136,468.80 8.00
Waste sorter                  
  Shifters   2 18.5 37 90.4
5,616 187,843.97 6.88
  Fan   1 11 11 83.7
5,616 51,706.51 9.92
4,392, 1,800,790,729.
        TOTAL 888.135    
172.51 92

Table 17: Compressors Inventory with calculated annual energy consumption

Equipment Annual
Power Rating Operating Annual Electiricty Consumption
Quantit Electiricty Cost
Location Equipment Ref Description (each) Hours

[kW] [h] [kWh] [%] 1kWh = UGX 410

Compressor Atlass Copco 184

GA 30FF 2 30 49.59
Room 6.4 7,488 449,280 ,204,800
Compressor Atlass Copco 33
GA 11C 1 11 9.09
Room 8.2 7,488 82,368 ,770,880
Compressor 23
Gardner Drnver ESM Series 1 7.5 6.20
Room 7,488 56,160 ,025,600
Compressor Ecomak Air scew
2 7.5   0.00
Room Kompressor ,diamond - -
OZEN KT 101-30 1 5.5   0.00
Room - -
OZEN OSC 20 1 7.5   0.00
Room - -
Mill 3 30
DALGAKIRAN Tidy 10 1 10 8.26
Compressor 7,488 74,880 ,700,800
Mill 3 46
LT 10 Atlas Copco 1 15 12.40
Compressor 7,488 112,320 ,051,200
Mill 3 23
Screw Tidy 10 1 7.5 6.20
Compressor 7,488 56,160 ,025,600
PP Section Lero soma Atlass Copco 1 10 8.26
7,488 74,880 ,700,800
906,048 79,680


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