Katuntu Milling - Iganga Industrial Area - KTMW Millers

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Energy Audit Report

Katuntu Milling

Iganga Industrial Area

August, 2017

The audit team would like to acknowledge the management of Buzirasagama Tea
Factory for investing time and resources towards the audit exercise of the facility.
Special thanks to the factory team for their cooperation during the audit exercise and
for providing the necessary hospitality. We would like to specifically appreciate the,

1. Ms. Rukia Namirembe - HR

2. Mr. Ramesh Es (Production Manager)
3. Mr. Walter Ochola (Technician – Electrical)
4. Mr. Hasan Khan (Financial Controller)
5. Mr. Alex Oliri (Technician – Mechanical)

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[k]W – [kilo] Watt (measure of active power)

CTC – Cutting, Tearing and Curling

FD – Forced draft

FTLs – Fluorescent Tube Lamps

HID – High Intensity Discharge

HP – High Pressure

HT – High Tension

HV – High Voltage (same meaning as High Tension)

ID – Induced draft

kVA – kilo Volt Amp (measure of apparent power)

kVAr – kilo Volt Amp reactive (measure of reactive power)

kWh – Kilo Watt Hour (Unit of measurement of energy consumed)

LED – Light Emitting Diode

MSMEs – Micro, Small & Medium Enterprises

MT – Made Tea

SAG – Switch Africa Green

SCP – Sustainable Consumption and Production

SPP – Simple Payback Period

UCPC – Uganda Cleaner production Centre

UShs – Uganda Shillings

VSD – Variable speed drive

VFD – Variable frequency drive

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TABLE OF CONTENTS...........................................................................................................1
Executive summary....................................................................................................................3
1.0 Introduction.....................................................................................................................6
1.1 General........................................................................................................................6
1.2 About the factory.........................................................................................................6
1.3 Objectives....................................................................................................................7
1.4 Rationale......................................................................................................................7
1.5 Scope of the energy audit............................................................................................7
1.6 Audit Team..................................................................................................................8
1.7 Methodology................................................................................................................8
2.0 Production and Energy Consumption profiles..............................................................10
2.1 Production history.....................................................................................................10
2.2 Energy Sources..........................................................................................................10
2.3 Energy use and consumption profiles........................................................................12
2.3.1 Total energy consumption profile......................................................................13
2.3.1 Electricity...........................................................................................................14
2.3.3 Diesel..................................................................................................................16
2.3.4 Fuel Wood..........................................................................................................16
2.4 Specific Energy Consumption...................................................................................17
2.5 Energy consuming units and systems........................................................................18
2.5.1 Motors................................................................................................................18
2.5.2 Lighting..............................................................................................................18
3.0 Energy conservation measures......................................................................................20
3.1 Existing conditions...................................................................................................20
3.1.1 Electrical system................................................................................................20
3.1.2 Steam Boiler and wood consumption................................................................22
3.1.3 Motors and motor drives....................................................................................23
3.1.4 Lighting..............................................................................................................23
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3.1.5 Energy management...........................................................................................23
3.2 Proposed Energy saving measures............................................................................24
3.2.1 Electrical system................................................................................................24
3.2.2 Boiler and steam system.....................................................................................25
3.2.3 Motors................................................................................................................25
3.3.3 Lighting..............................................................................................................26
3.2.4 Energy management...........................................................................................27
4.0 Conclusions...................................................................................................................28
A.1 Umeme billing schedule...........................................................................................29
A.2 Energy and Production history for Buzirasagama tea factory......................................30
A.3 Inventory of motors.......................................................................................................31
A.4 Inventory of lights.........................................................................................................32
A.5 Measured Data..............................................................................................................33
A.5.1 Production Line 1...................................................................................................33
A.5.2 Production Line 2...................................................................................................33
A.5.3 Production Line 3...................................................................................................33

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Uganda Cleaner production Centre (UCPC) in cooperation with the Ministry of

Energy and Mineral Development undertook an Energy Audit at Buzirasagama tea
factory whose objective was to identify potential measures for energy optimization,
efficiency and conservation that can consequently result into energy cost savings for
the factory in a sustainable manner. The energy audit focused on the major energy
consuming sections of the factory that included Electrical system and Electrical
Drives, Lighting system, Boiler section, and Energy Management at the factory.
Among the key findings, Buzirasagama Tea factory uses three types of energy i.e.
Electricity, Diesel, and Wood fuel with percentage energy share of 8%, 2% and 90%
respectively and 59%, 10% and 31% respectively in terms of energy cost. The bulk of
Buzirasagama’s electricity consumption occurs during the day time (shoulder period)
which accounts for 51%. Energy (electricity) consumption during peak and off-peak
periods is 22 and 27% respectively.

The energy consumption for the year 2015 was observed to be 1,704,089 kWh
(electricity) and the average specific energy consumption for the factory was found to
be 0.73 kWh/kg MT (electrical), 4.86 kWh/kg MT (Thermal). The main energy
consuming equipment at Buzirasagama Tea factory are the motors that are used to run
the machines.

During the energy audit, it was observed that the motors and lights are the most
energy consuming units at Buzirasagama tea factory with 231.66 kW and 188.4 kW
respectively installed consumption capacity. All motors in the factory are standard
motors and there are no VFDs installed to optimize motor operation with respect to
the varying loads. Electrical measurements that were taken indicated that the power
factor for the facility is at an average of 0.621, 0.672 and 0.659 for production line 1,2
and 3 respectively which is way below the recommended. The penalty for this poor
power factor was reflected in the power bills.

The steam system is characterized by a number of poor practices such as too much
steam leakages and poor pipe insulation which lead to low efficiency of the boiler and
the steam system in general. All motors at Buzirasagama tea factory are old standard

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motors and most of them have been rewound at least two times and there are no
variable frequency motor drives.

With regard to lighting, Buzirasagama tea factory is using 4 ft 36 W Fluorescent tube

lamps and 125/250 W mercury vapor lamps in the factory. There are some sky lights
(translucent sheets) are installed on the roofs to allow for admission of day light in the
factory workspace.

There is no one who is solely responsible for energy issues in the facility, and hence
identifying energy saving opportunities is not taken as a priority in the facility and
issues regarding energy bills are processed by finance division. In addition, periodic
energy reviews are not conducted at the facility and top management is only informed
about the electricity bill.

Based on the above, it was therefore recommended that the following interventions be

 Operate motors to near full load to improve on motor power factor

 Install Power factor Correction equipment to improve power factor from the
current 0.62 to 0.99
 Improve insulation of steam pipes and steam valves;
 Maintenance to avoid steam and condensate leakages
 Replace all low efficiency old standard motors which have at least been
rewound with equivalent premium higher efficiency motors.
 Replace all 150 W Metal Halide lamps with 80 W LED High bay lights
 Replace all 250 HP mercury vapor lamps with 140 W LED high bay lights
 Replace all 4ft 36 W & 2 ft. fluorescent tubes lamps in offices, stores and
waiting areas with 18 W & 9 W LED tube lights respectively.
 Install more sky lights (translucent roofing fittings) to maximize use of natural
light during the day and improve the overall illumination levels.
 Secure top management support and introduce energy management system at
Buzirasagama Tea Factory.
 Install smart sub-metering and web based energy monitoring systems with a
focus on the main energy consuming sections.
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 Implement energy management programmes & periodic energy reviews to
allow for verification of energy bills.

The estimated investment for all the above interventions is UShs 466,031,333, and
potential annual savings is UShs. 441,111,783 as shown in the table below. On
average, the resulting simple payback period of 1.4 Years is estimated.

Estimated investment Potential savings SPP

Item cost (UShs.) per annum (UShs.) (Years)
Power factor 15,900,000 27,849,462 0.57
Replace standard eff. 123,462,500 43,876,854 2.81
motors with premium
eff. motors
Improved lighting to 29,455,000 15,116,977 1.95
LED lights
2,160,000 11,237,148 0.19
Sky lights installation
65,000,000 45,088,925 1.44
Energy Management
Totals 0 0
Average Payback Period (Years) 1.65
Further it is recommended to implement the recommendations in this report stepwise
or one by one to yield good results and then monitor changes in energy performance.

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1.1 General

This Preliminary assessment of energy consumption for Katuntu milling, a milling

unit that is part of the KTMW Millers in Iganga industrial area was conducted as part
of the training for SMEs on Energy Management.

1.2 About the factory

KTMW was started in 2011 and consists over 20 maize mill owners who grouped
themselves together in one cluster to be billed as one by Umeme. Their main business
is maize milling which produces mainly 3 categories; pure flour, broken flour and
maize bran. Electrical energy is simultaneously their only source of energy and
biggest cost of production. The rate and volume of production are different for each
maize mill. Each individual maize mill has a sub-meter from which daily readings are
recorded and there’s one general meter belonging to the utility (UMEME) for the
whole group from which billing is done.

1.3 Objectives

The main objective of the preliminary energy audit was to identify ways in which
energy could be conserved and utilised efficiently.

The specific objectives of the preliminary energy audit include;

 Identify areas of energy loss/wastage.

 To recommend measures in which energy usage can be improved.
 To sensitize mill owners and operators on better energy consumption

1.4 Rationale

The energy audit/assessment was intended to provide millers with general knowledge
regarding management while performing the milling process to enable millers to:

i) Obtain knowledge that will help then in taking the necessary precautions
to manage their energy bills;

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ii) To remain informed about the mill’s energy utilization characteristics so
that appropriate measures can be taken to optimize operations;

1.5 Scope of the energy audit

The preliminary energy audit was carried out on only Katuntu milling, one of the 20
maize mills for a day. Specifically looking at Electrical power and energy
management practices in the maize mill.

1.6 Audit Team

The energy audit team was comprised of the following individuals as indicated in the
table below;

No Name Role Organisation


1. Mr. David Team leader Ministry of Energy and

Birimumaso Mineral Development

2. Maclian Senyonga Team leader (Energy Ministry of Energy and

Parameter Mineral Development



1.7 Methodology

The preliminary energy audit was carried out in the following stages; training
workshop, walk through, data collection, data analysis and report writing.

a) Training Workshop

A training workshop was carried out with all the maize mill operators and owners
present on energy efficiency. They were sensitized on simple techniques in which
they can save energy. The maize mill operators and owners also aired out the
challenges they face as they go about production.

b) Walk through

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A walk through began with an introduction meeting where the audit planning was
done with the mill staff. This walkthrough was conducted to physically identify
operator behaviors, machine conditions and other relevant parameters that influence
energy consumption in this mill. Observations were made and used to support the
findings in this document.

c) Data Collection

Data from one maize mill was collected and included;

 Production data in kilograms over one year.

 Electrical units consumed over one month from daily sub-meter readings.
 Energy consumption data such as power factor, maximum demand, frequency,
voltages, and current.
d) Data Analysis

The data collected was analyzed using Microsoft Excel. This data was graphed
showing the demand profile and power factor variation over one hour. The total
production of the mill over one year was also compiled. Specific energy consumption
for each kilogram produced was also compiled.

e) Report Writing

A report was compiled detailing and explaining all the information that was obtained
and appropriate recommendations and conclusions drawn.

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2.1 Production history

Katuntu milling is so dynamic such that milling depends on the need and three main
categories of products are produced at the mill:

 Pure flour – This is maize flour produced at the mill and packaged for sale in
quantities of 5 kg to 100 kg.
 Bran – This is a bi-product resulting from the hulling machine when the maize
seed is de-germed
 Broken – individual customers can bring in their maize purposely for
production of broken for chicken feeds.

The production of Katuntu maize mill for the three different categories is shown in
table below.
Table 1: Production Data over a Year
Month Pure (kg) Bran (kg) Broken (kg) - Individual
July-2016 296585 49430 8723
August-2016 198130 33022 5827
September-2016 83307 13885 2450
October-2016 201956 30878 5940
November-2016 213943 35878 6292
December-2016 185562 30927 5458
January-2017 341590 56932 10047
February-2017 174159 29027 5122
March-2017 218808 36468 6436
April-2017 315230 52538 9271
May-2017 202131 33689 5954
June-2017 202691 33781 5962
Total 2,634,092 436,455 77,482
As can be observed from the table, pure flour has the largest quantities produced with
the months of January, April and July having the highest production.

2.1.1 Proportion of Pure flour to bran

From the data provided, the proportion of pure flour to bran from the milling machine
is 86% to 14%, which is one of the highest extraction rate for the mill.

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Pure (kg) Bran (kg)

Figure 1: Proportion of Pure flour to Bran

2.1.2 Production details for grade I and II for maize flour

For the two grades of maize flour produced by Katuntu milling, the table below
summarizes the monthly production for January to June 2017.
Table 2: monthly production for January to June 2017
Month No I No. II
Jan 22048 27880
Feb 29637 40486
Mar 25649 52848
Apr 17019 40781
May 21728 45270
Jun 9350 39835
Jul 10640 34270
The graph below summarizes the monthly variation for the produced maize flour







Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul

No I No. II

Figure 2: Monthly Variation of Production of Flour (kg)

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2.1.3 Proportion of Grade I to Grade II flour products

From the data provided, the proportion of grade I to II from the milling machine is
67% to 33%, implying that grade II is consumed more that grade II flour.

No I
No. II

2.2 Electricity consumption

Katuntu milling has only two main electricity consuming units namely:

 Huller and Miller motors, rated 40 hp & 50 hp;

 Lights.

2.2.1 Measured data for Katuntu milling

During this period, sample measurement was made for one hour as indicated in the
following graph.


Load connected (W)




0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
:0 :0 :0 :0 :0 :0 :0 :0 :0 :0 :0 :0 :0 :0 :0 :0 :0 :0 :0 :0 :0 :0
:54 :56 :58 :00 :02 :04 :06 :08 :10 :12 :14 :16 :18 :34 :36 :38 :40 :42 :44 :46 :48 :54
14 14 14 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15

Time of measurement

P (W) Apparent power

Figure 3: Katuntu measured load (Huller)

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It should be noted that only the huller machine was running as the mill was under
maintenance. The power factor variation for one hour is also presented in the graph
Power factor


Time of measurement

Figure 4: Power factor variation for Katuntu Milling

It can be seen that for Katuntu milling, the power factor is tolerable.

2.2.2 Historical data

(1) Katuntu milling independent meter

Electricity recordings were available for the month of June and part of July and a
summary is as indicated below

Month Initial reading Final reading Units consumed

June 60640 67184 6544
July (part) 67184 73447 6263

(2) Comparison with the cluster June 2017 bill

Data from the utility bill for the whole cluster was analyzed and tabulated as below.
Table 3: Data from Utility Bill
Item Units Used
Off-peak 2,318
Energy-shoulder 38,988
Peak 7,660
Total 0
Demand(kW) 302
Reactive Charge 18,223

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Observation 1: Proportion of energy consumed in the three time bands

KTMW milling cluster conducts milling activities mostly during day (79%), and
limited milling is done during off-peak hours.




Observation 2: Reactive energy is high

The high reactive energy is an indicator for poor power factor for the cluster which
leads to a reactive charge (penalty) being paid by the cluster, shared equally among
the cluster members.

Observation 2: Katuntu milling Versus KTMW

Electricity recordings (energy consumed) for the month of June 2017 for Katuntu
Milling represent 12% of the total cluster bill.


Total KTMW
Katuntu Milling


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2.2.1 Specific Energy Consumption

In the month of June 2017, the mill used a total of 6,544 units with a total production
of 88,928 kg (maize flour grade I & II, Bran and broken). The specific energy
consumption for the sample mill is thus, 0.073 units per kilogram of product

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3.1 Electrical system

Generally speaking, the facility’s Electrical system consists of a connection box and
wiring is poor with indications of loose connections and unsafe exposure of electrical

3.2 Electrical drives

Motors are the main drives at Katuntu milling. The motors and old standard efficiency
motors with rating 50 kW and 40 kW respectively for the Huller and mill. The loading
of the huller motor as per the measurement was 82.4%.

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3.3 Energy management and house keeping

Timing of milling within the electricity billing time bands

Katuntu millers like other millers in the KTMW cluster conduct most milling
exercises during day (shoulder time).

Measurement of electricity consumption

Katuntu milling conducts daily meter reading for electrical energy used to enable
estimation of the amount of power consumed by Katuntu milling. The following are
the shortfalls for the recordings:

 No indication of how much is used during the various time bands i.e.
Shoulder, peak and off-peak periods – The disadvantage is that the bill is
based on these three time bands
 No indication of the demand and hence loading behavior cannot be monitored
 Power factor is not monitored

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3.1.1 Electrical system

For each of the observations made in the findings, below are the recommendations

 Install a 3-phase meter at Katuntu milling to enable normalization of bill payments

to enable independent millers benefit from ToU tariffs
All millers pay a flat rate of UGX. 700, which practice does not reflect one’s
energy consumption behavior and does not encourage energy efficiency. For
Katuntu millers, installation of a 3-phase meter will result into the following
Current Energy consumed 6544 700 4,580,800
Proposed intervention (Code 20)
Off-Peak 327.2 355.6 116,352.32
Shoulder 5169.76 575.7 2,976,230.83
Peak 1047.04 747.9 783,081.22
Total monthly consumption 3,875,664.37
Potential savings (Ush) per month 700,000

 Power factor correction should be done by installing capacitor banks so as to

reduce the reactive charge charged by the utility company.
Improve power factor from 0.84 to 0.99  
Existing power factor average 0.84
Proposed power factor 0.99
Useful power (kW) -average during baseline period 90
Existing KVA - average during baseline period 107
Existing KVAR:  
KVAR² 3379.59
kVAR 58
KVA at corrected power factor 91
KVAR at corrected power factor:  
KVAR² 164.46
KVAR 12.82
Required KVAR (capacitance) 45
Potential savings (Ush) per month 180130
Potential savings (Ush) p.a 2,161,558
Estimated investment cost (Ush) 3,300,000
Simple payback period (years) 1.5
It should be noted that the cluster power factor ranges between 0.65 and 0.71.
Therefore to benefit from this intervention, the overall power factor for the cluster
need to be corrected.
 Replace existing motors with new efficient motors
Motor Qty Moto maximu Motor Motor load Total Electricity
Description r size m power premium std duration cost savings

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(kW) drawn kw eff. eff. $ (kWh/yr)
Huller 1 50 41.2 95% 87% 50% 3250 17387
Hammer Mill 1 40 32.96 95% 87% 50% 2600 13910
Total  5850 31297
Fixed Cost
Investment Capital (Ush)  21,060,000
Summary of savings
Total savings (kWh/yr)  31,297
Total savings (Ush/yr)  11,586,166
Simple payback period (years) 1.8 

Other recommendations
 Periodic (Daily) un-dusting of the motors and the entire electrical system
 Install appropriate enclosure on electrical connections box and mill moving parts:
This is for safety and management of loose connections which further increases
power loss and pose a threat to motor in terms of overheating. Also, Wooden or
metallic covers should be placed over exposed parts of the maize mills.
 Install appropriate motor switches and motor starters
 A system should be designed and fabricated where maize is mechanically fed into
the mill with as little human intervention/contact as possible. This will help to
reduce loss of grain.
 New belts with higher tension should be procured and the supplier could also be
 The mill operators can reduce on the demand charge by sequencing operation of
the mills such that the highest kilowatt demand throughout the thirty days is low.
 The maize mill operators should switch their production hours such that more
production is done during off-peak and shoulder-peak hours.

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Katuntu milling is a member of the KTMW millers cluster in Iganga Industrial The
miller cluster was not able to be assessed and only one

is report presents energy assessment of Buzirasagama tea factory’s energy

consumption status. As it was observed, the electrical system needs to be overhauled
for better performance. It is critical to correct power factor for the facility given the
fact that power factor for the entire facility is low. In addition to this, all motors used
at the facility are standard motors.

There is too much waste in the steam system which must be addressed as soon as
possible because more of wood is being consumed for no work done but just for loss
of steam. Addition to this, motors performance is deteriorating due to poor
maintenance and this has led to increased power demand.

Lighting is key to necessitating continuous production. Available skylights are not

enough to admit sufficient day light and yet there is also good benefit in the use of
more efficient LED lighting appliances.

Energy Management and Energy Monitoring will help the facility to improve energy
performance. Implementation of Energy Management & Monitoring System will
uncover places to save energy - such as making upgrades or replacing inefficient
equipment, put into place energy saving functions – such as demand response settings
or eliminating wasted energy in unoccupied spaces as well as tracking progress by
analyzing the real-time data and comparing with historical information to what these
efforts are actually achieving.

It will yield good results if implementation of the recommendations in this report are
done stepwise or one by one and then monitor changes in energy performance.

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