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The Difference Between

Green and Sustainable

Though the words “green” and “sustainable” are often used interchangeably,
there are several differences between them, meaning that a “green” building is
not always “sustainable."
A building is green when it helps reduce the footprint it leaves on the natural
environment and on the health of its inhabitants.
Green home  design  includes building for energy efficiency, including the use
of renewable energy sources such as wind, water, or solar; creating a healthy
indoor environment; implementing natural ventilation systems; and using
construction materials that minimize the use of volatile organic compounds
(VOCs) in the home.
The use of materials and resources that are sustainable, have low embodied
energy, and produce a minimal environmental impact are key elements in
green construction, as is the efficient use of water by appliances, faucets and
shower heads, the recycling of grey water, and the reuse of rain water for
landscaping and other non-potable purposes.

While the definition of green is relatively simple, sustainability has a more

precise meaning derived from the term “sustainable agriculture,” which is the
production of any plant or animal products using farming techniques that
protect the environment, public health, human communities, and animal
welfare without compromising future generations’ ability to do the same.

sustainability “creates and maintains the conditions under which humans and
nature can exist in productive harmony, that permit fulfilling the social,
economic and other requirements of present and future generations.”
The importance of sustainability lies in the “future” factors, which set a higher
standard than those used to define green building.
Sustainable products reduce the impact on the environment by using
responsibly-sourced products; those that are either completely renewable or
sustainably harvested. A sustainably harvested source material is gathered in a
way that does not affect the surrounding area, pollute the air or permanently
reduce the supply.
In ecology, the word “sustainable” describes how biological systems remain
diverse and productive over time. For humans, it describes the potential for
long-term maintenance of well-being, which in turn depends on the well-being
of the natural world and the responsible use of natural resources

A very clear example of the difference between “green” and “sustainable,” can
be the popular “green” bamboo flooring. There is no doubt that a lumber
product made from a renewable resource is green, but most bamboo flooring
is made in China and transported by ships and trucks to different countries all
around the world. The air pollution caused and the fuel used to transport the
material turn it into the opposite of a sustainable material, since it contributes
to global climate change.
Another example can be the wood used to build a house. While wood is
generally considered an eco-friendly or green product because it is natural and
durable, it is not always sustainable. Wood is sustainable if the company that
cuts down the trees does not permanently deplete the forest. If it is harvested
in an environmentally irresponsible way, it is not sustainable at all.

Following this reasoning, it is very important to evaluate the way materials are
produced and transported. Using reclaimed wood or FSC Controlled wood,
can be both “green” and “sustainable.”
Only a house that meets zero energy standards – with zero net energy
consumption and zero carbon emissions – can be considered sustainable.
Buildings that contribute to urban sprawl and large homes which consume high
levels of energy and resources can not be considered sustainable.

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