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2 GRI content index

4 Review of Wärtsilä’s sustainable development
6 Products and the environment
10 Products and environmental aspects
12 Ship Power solutions
20 Service
22 Power Plants solutions
32 Boiler plants
34 Operational performance
36 Economic performance
38 Environmental performance
42 Social performance
47 Summary of key figures
48 Report scope
48 Reporting profile
49 Assurance statement

The consolidated financial statements presented in this annual report have been prepared in
accordance with International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS). Wärtsilä’s date of transition
was 1 January 2005. Prior to IFRS, Wärtsilä’s financial reporting was based on Finnish ac-
counting standards (FAS). In the graphs and tables, the data for 2004 and 2005 are presented
according to IFRS and for prior years according to FAS.

1 WÄRT SIL Ä 2 0 0 5

GRI content Status/Report/Page Remarks

Vision and strategy BR FR SR BR= Business Review, FR = Financial Review
and SR = Sustainability Report
1.1 Vision and strategy 4-7
1.2 CEO’s statement 8-9 4-5
2.1 Name of reporting organization Cover
2.2 Major products and services Cover
2.3 Operational structure Cover
2.4 Description of major divisions 11-23
2.5 Location of operations Cover Wärtsilä’s web site;
2.6 Nature of ownership; legal form 26-29 52-54
2.7 Nature of markets served 2-3
2.8 Scale of reporting organization 2-3
2.9 List of stakeholders 47-48
Report scope
2.10 Contact persons for the report 47
2.11 Reporting period 47
2.12 Recent reports 47
2.13, 2.15 Boundaries of the report 47
2.14 Significant changes 47
2.16 Restatements No changes.
Report profile
Wärtsilä is familiar with current GRI protocols
2.17 GRI principles and protocols 47 but has not adopted all the protocols because
of their trial status.
2.18 Criteria and definitions used 47
2.19 Significant changes in methods 47
2.20 Policies and practices on data reporting 47
2.21 Policy for independent assurance 47
2.22 Obtaining additional information 47
Governance structure and management systems
3.1-3.2 Governance structure, independence 36-41
3.3 Process for determining expertise 36-41
3.4 Identification and management of risks 30-33
3.5 Executive compensation and achievement of goals 36-40
3.6 Organizational structure and key individuals for 36-40,
implementation and audit 45-46
3.7 Mission and values statements 5-7,
3.8 Mechanism for shareholder consultation and its use 36-40
3.9 Identification and selection of major stakeholders 47-48
3.10 Stakeholder consultation 47-48
3.11-3.12 Information on stakeholder consultation
and its use 47-48
3.13 The precautionary principle 30-33, 46
3.14 Voluntary charters and other initiatives 45-46
3.15 Industry and business associations memberships 48
3.16 Policies and systems for managing indirect impacts 45-46
3.17 Approach to managing indirect impacts 45-46 6-45
3.18 Major decisions on operational changes 2, 9 5-13 42
3.19 Programmes and procedures 45-46 6-9,
38, 42
3.20 Certification of management systems 45-46 38, 42
EC1 Net sales 3 3 36-37
EC2 Geographical breakdown of markets 2 36-37
EC3 Costs of materials, goods purchased 36-37
Information is not available at the corporate
EC4 Percentage of contracts paid by agreed terms level. The decision on reporting of this
indicator will be taken after the GRI’s G3
Guidelines are published.
EC5 Total payroll and benefits 36-37
EC6 Interest paid to providers of capital 36-37
EC7 Change in retained earnings 36-37
EC8 Total sum of taxes 36-37
EC9 Subsidies received 36-37
EC10 Community donations 36-37

2 WÄRT SIL Ä 2 0 0 5
GRI content Status/Report/Page Remarks
CORE INDICATORS: ENVIRONMENT BR FR SR BR= Business Review, FR = Financial Review
and SR = Sustainability Report
Information is not available at the corporate
level. Only the fuel consumption is reported.
EN1 Total material use Reporting of materials consumption will be
started when the coverage of the IT systems
is sufficient.

EN2 Percentage of waste materials used from external Information is not available at the corporate
sources level. Recycled materials are used in engine
and propeller manufacturing.
EN3-EN4 Direct and indirect energy use 38-41
EN5 Total water use 38-41

EN6-EN7 Biodiversity-rich habitats, impacts on biodiversity 41

EN8 Greenhouse gas emissions 38-41
EN9 Ozone-depleting substances 38-41 Not applicable to Wärtsilä.
EN10 NOx, SOx and other significant emissions to the air 38-41
EN11 Total amount of waste 38-41
EN12 Significant discharges to water 38-41
EN13 Significant spills 38-41
EN14 Environmental impacts of products and services 6-33
EN15 Reclaimable product after useful life 10-11 Sustainability pages.
EN16 Incidents and fines 38-41
EN35 Environmental expenditure (additional) 41
LA1 Workforce breakdown 42-45
LA2 Net employment creation 42-45
LA3 Employees represented by trade unions 42-45
LA4 Policy and procedure relating to consultation with
employees 42-45
LA5 Notification of occupational accidents/diseases 42-45
LA6 Joint health and safety committees 42-45
LA7 Injury, lost time injury, absence rates 42-45
LA8 Policies and programmes on HIV/AIDS 42-45 No separate policy or programme. These
issues are part of the company’s occupational
health scheme for employees.
LA9 Average training hours per year 42-45
LA10 Equal opportunities and programmes 34-35 42-45
LA11Composition of senior management
and corporate governance bodies 36-44
HR1Policies and guidelines (human rights) 34-35 42-45
Reportable evidence not available. Wärtsilä as-
HR2 Considerations of human rights in investment in sesses its suppliers as described in the Busi-
supply chain ness Review, pages 45-46, and companies in
conjunction with mergers and acquisitions.
HR3 Policies and procedures to evaluate human rights 34-35, 46 42-45
HR4 Global policy preventing discrimination 34-35 42-45
HR5 Freedom of association policies 34-35 42-45
HR6 Policy excluding child labour 34-35 42-45
HR7 Policy to prevent forced and compulsory labour 34-35 42-45
34-35, No separate procedure or monitoring system
SO1 Impacts on communities 45-48 42-45 available.
SO2 Bribery and corruption prevention 34-35 42-45
SO3 Managing political lobbying and contributions 42-45
PR1 Policy for preserving customer health 7, 46
and safety
PR2 Policy relating to product information and labelling 46 Not applicable to Wärtsilä.
PR3 Policy relating to consumer privacy Not applicable to Wärtsilä.
PR8 Policy relating to customer satisfaction 45

• Covered • Partly covered • Not covered

WÄ RT S I L Ä 2 0 0 5 3

Wärtsilä is introducing a SAP-

based enterprise resource planning
(ERP) system on a worldwide scale
to enhance and streamline the com-
pany’s processes. Most of Wärtsilä’s
units are already linked to the ERP
system, and global deployment is
making good progress.
Continuous development of
our operations and recent restruc-
turing have contributed to the
company’s improved financial per-
formance. Wärtsilä will continue
to develop its operations in order
to improve profitability and ensure
competitiveness into the future.
Sound financial performance is the
cornerstone of the other pillars of
sustainable development – envi-
ronmental responsibility and social
responsibility. Wärtsilä’s order book
is at a record high level, providing a
good basis for further development
of the company’s operations and for
achieving the targets we have set for
2005 was Wärtsilä’s best operat- and environmentally sound is also sustainable development.
ing year in the company’s histo- a demonstration of responsibility
ry. Our perseverance in working to towards our customers and the Environmental solutions
achieve our goals has produced re- environment. Social responsibil- create added value
sults that we can be proud of. We ity includes good working meth- Our main achievement last year,
have made sustained efforts to pro- ods, working conditions and con- from the viewpoint of both tech-
mote responsible operation by the tinual personnel development. We nology and the environment, was
company. The objectives of sustain- will continue our systematic work the breakthrough made in DF en-
able development and our Code of to achieve the goals of sustainable gines as prime movers in LNG car-
Conduct steer development of the development. riers. Wärtsilä believes that the use
company’s operations in line with of gas will grow strongly, in both
Wärtsilä’s strategy. Competitiveness is our foundation the power plant and the maritime
Wärtsilä’s vision, mission and The company successfully com- transport sectors. Replacing oil or
strategy set the objectives for Wärt- pleted the centralization of engine coal with gas will substantially re-
silä’s sustainable development pro- manufacturing in Vaasa, Finland, duce environmental impacts. Wärt-
gramme. We are responsible to and Trieste, Italy. Wärtsilä contin- silä has prepared for an increase in
our shareholders for ensuring that ued to make inroads into the Asian demand for gas by developing an
Wärtsilä’s operations are profitable, market as planned. Full order books extensive product family for gas
competitive and efficient. In addi- and high utilization of capacity in engine applications. The main
tion to creating economic added Wärtsilä’s production units have in- strengths of these solutions are high
value, corporate responsibility in- creased the efficiency of our opera- efficiency and low emissions.
cludes promoting the well-being of tions and boosted purchasing vol- Wärtsilä completed the first life-
the local communities in which we umes from our suppliers. The val- cycle assessments of its products
operate. Similarly, developing solu- ue of Wärtsilä’s purchases from the in 2005. The results confirm our
tions that are highly efficient, safe supply chain grew by 9% in 2005. belief in how important engine op-

4 WÄRT SIL Ä 2 0 0 5
eration and fuel refining are to en- Social responsibility added to Wärtsilä’s supplier evalu-
vironmental impacts over the prod- Wärtsilä’s aim is to create and main- ation procedure.
uct lifecycle and increase our un- tain a pleasant and safe working Active dialogue is one element
derstanding of the overall lifecycle environment for its employees, as of the company’s responsibili-
impacts of our products. Wärtsilä needs skilled and motivat- ty towards its various stakehold-
Wärtsilä has further developed ed personnel to reach its objectives. ers. Wärtsilä encourages open and
conventional engine technologies Employee training and skills en- transparent communication with
in order to reduce emissions. In the hancement are a central part of the its stakeholders. Feedback from
case of four-stroke engines, we have Group’s HR policy. Wärtsilä’s occu- them is highly important and is
achieved a NOx emission level of pational health and safety practices taken into account as we develop
710 ppm. The product launch will are based on the company’s Occu- our operations.
be widened during 2006. In the pational Health and Safety Policy Our Sustainability Report was
case of two-stroke engines, Wärt- and Directive. prepared in accordance with the
silä’s Delta Tuning can significantly We use regular employee satis- 2002 GRI Guidelines, and is a part
reduce emissions from engines. faction surveys to measure imple- of our Annual Report. As such, it
There has been keen interest mentation of our social respon- represents a balanced and reason-
and solid demand for Wärtsilä’s sibility targets. Continuous im- able presentation of our organi-
bio-oil fuelled power plants. The provement of the company’s opera- zation’s economic, environmental
bio-oil power plant, and extensions tions depends, among other things, and social performance.
to it, supplied to the City of Mo- on measuring satisfaction, but the We hope our Sustainability Re-
nopoli in Italy produces 24 MW of company also uses these surveys port meets the expectations of our
“green” electricity, and is the larg- to measure how well its employ- stakeholders. All feedback is wel-
est plant supplied by Wärtsilä us- ees understand Wärtsilä’s strategy come, and indeed is essential to the
ing liquid biofuels. and objectives. The next survey will further development and improve-
Service is playing an increas- be conducted at the beginning of ment of our reporting procedures.
ingly important role in solutions 2006.
for sustainable development. Pow- Implementing good practices
er plant operation, engine mod- in the Group network is extremely
ernization and modifications, and important. Wärtsilä reviewed local
a broad service portfolio contrib- working conditions and identified
ute to improving the environmen- deficiencies when starting its joint
tal performance of our customers. venture in China. The company
A good example of this is the con- then launched a programme that
version of a power plant in Pakistan made substantial improvements in Ole Johansson
carried out by Wärtsilä Service. The the working conditions there. President & CEO
plant now uses light fuel oil and gas Wärtsilä’s Code of Conduct cre-
instead of heavy fuel oil. ates a sound framework for guid-
Most of the environmental tar- ing every Wärtsilä employee to
gets for 2005 were achieved. Sales work in a responsible manner. In
of gas-powered and biofuel-pow- future years we will ensure that all
ered plants, for example, were on our employees know and under-
target, and the proportion of O&M stand the importance of our Code Matti Kleimola
agreements in new installations has of Conduct and the requirements Group Vice President
also developed favourably. it sets, and that each employee fol- Technology and Environment
At the beginning of 2006 Wärt- lows its principles in their day-to-
silä’s Board of Management set new day work.
environmental targets for future The supply chain is an impor-
years, up until 2010. Meeting the tant element in Wärtsilä’s business
new targets will require determined operations. In 2005 we updated the
effort and systematic work in both requirements we set for our suppli-
product development and sales. ers to conform to our Code of Con-
Wärtsilä’s management is strong- duct. The new supplier require-
ly committed to reaching these tar- ments took effect at the beginning
gets. of 2006 and the criteria for assess-
ing social responsibility have been

WÄ RT S I L Ä 2 0 0 5 5

Responsible corporate citizenship International legislation and years and its focus has shifted from
requires constant investment in initiatives regulating operation to regulating
operations and technologies that In Wärtsilä’s business, environmen- the products themselves. Wärtsilä
are environmentally sustainable. A tal pollution is regulated at the in- actively monitors legislative initia-
central objective in Wärtsilä’s strat- ternational level mainly by the tives and changes in environmental
egy for sustainable development is IMO (International Maritime Or- legislation to ensure the company’s
reducing the environmental im- ganization) and the World Bank. ability to respond appropriately
pacts of its products. For the com- Wärtsilä’s products comply with to the operating conditions of the
pany to meet its customers’ needs, the requirements of these institu- future. Wärtsilä’s R&D takes in-
be prepared for future requirements tions. Other important environ- to account the requirements of the
and remain a frontrunner in the in- mental restrictions on Wärtsilä’s changing operating environment
dustry, Wärtsilä’s product develop- products are the German TA-Luft and develops products that give the
ment must be continuously inno- regulations often applied to gas en- company a competitive edge.
vative, determined and willing to gine plants and the emission limits
explore new technologies. on diesel engines set by India and Fossil fuels and climate change
Wärtsilä’s product development Japan. The prevailing view is that there
endeavours to increase the service Enforcement of the Kyoto Pro- will be little significant change in
life of products, improve their reli- tocol will have a significant impact the usage of fossil fuels during the
ability and make the products more on the power generation business. coming 10 –15 years. However, de-
environmentally sound. Invest- Wärtsilä supplies decentralized so- clining reserves, production and
ing in product development ben- lutions for power generation that refining capacity combined with
efits Wärtsilä’s customers as well provide high efficiency with rel- growing demand have all pushed
as the environment, both in the atively low carbon dioxide emis- up market prices. The recent glo-
short-term and over a longer time sions. The modularity of Wärtsilä’s bal instability and natural disas-
span. Growth in the world’s ener- solutions enables customers to op- ters have also contributed to the in-
gy needs combined with increas- timize the plant size, while Wärt- crease in prices. If these price in-
ingly strict environmental require- silä’s multifuel solutions help them creases are permanent, this will
ments creates a challenging operat- switch to cleaner fuels whenever speed up the development and in-
ing climate for companies in Wärt- necessary. With respect to green- troduction of alternative fuels and,
silä’s line of business. Wärtsilä has house gases, among the best solu- in this way, will also have an im-
responded to these challenges by tions are power plants running on pact on the market for engines.
improving the energy efficiency of biofuels as these add no greenhouse Wärtsilä’s R&D activities take this
its products while simultaneously gases into the atmosphere. change in the range of fuels into ac-
reducing their emissions. The EU Commission plans to count and the company is prepared
increase the construction of CHP to respond appropriately.
The drivers of sustainable (Combined Heat and Power) ca- Although oil is the most im-
development pacity in the EU area. In CHP gen- portant fuel, and will remain so
From the viewpoint of sustainable eration the utilization of fuel ener- for a relatively long time, a visible
development, the main themes for gy is highly efficient since much of change is the increasing use of nat-
developing the business environ- the residual heat from the combus- ural gas. Improved supplies of nat-
ment are new legislation, the avail- tion process is also recovered and ural gas are making its use in ener-
ability and price of natural resourc- used, for instance in district heat- gy production an increasingly via-
es – especially fossil fuels – climate ing and cooling (DHC), steam ble option. In the past, natural gas
change and a general change in at- production or as heat in industrial has been used by onshore power
titude. Technological development processes. The CHP process saves plants, but today marine vessels are
and the ability to apply new tech- global fuel resources through ef- making increasing use of liquefied
nology are influencing solutions to ficient use of the energy stored in natural gas (LNG) for fuel on en-
the challenges of sustainable devel- fuels. The CHP power plants that vironmental grounds. Internation-
opment. Wärtsilä supplies offer extremely al climate agreements, with their
high efficiencies. requirements to reduce carbon di-
Environmental legislation has oxide emissions, can be expected to
increased considerably in recent boost the use of natural gas signifi-

6 WÄRT SIL Ä 2 0 0 5
Range of fuels for Wärtsilä engines
Liquid, oil-based fuels Gaseous fuels Biofuels (examples)
Light fuel oil (LFO) Natural gas (NG) Rape seed oil
Heavy fuel oil (HFO) Liquefied natural gas (LNG) Palm oil
Crude oil (CRO) Compressed natural gas (CNG) Coconut oil
High-viscosity base oils Associated gas Biodiesel (B100)
Orimulsion® Coal bed gas (methane)
Water-fuel emulsions

cantly in the next few years. Carbon silä’s research organization collab- vanced Engine project, the Extreme
dioxide emissions when using nat- orates with research institutes and Value Engine (EVE) project and
ural gas are 25% lower than in the corporate partners in fields that are the development of fuel cells.
case of oil and 40% lower than for of crucial importance to the well-
coal. An even more effective way to being of society and conservation HERCULES project
reduce carbon dioxide emissions is of the environment. A substantial Wärtsilä participates in the Euro-
to adopt renewable energy sources proportion of the company’s in- pean Union’s HERCULES project,
such as biofuels. Increasing the use vestments in product development which is an international industry
of biofuels often requires political is targeted at reducing environ- initiative to develop new technolo-
decisions, which may slow down mental impacts. R&D expenses are gies for marine engines that reduce
their introduction. At some point, shown in the Financial Review sec- emissions and fuel consumption
however, increasing the use of bio- tion of the Annual Report 2005. while improving equipment reli-
fuels will become unavoidable in The use of multifuel engines, ability. Wärtsilä also co-operates
order to arrest climate change and which give customers more flexi- with a number of leading Europe-
to ensure the availability of energy. bility in selecting fuels and in re- an universities conducting research
into engine technologies.

Prices of fuel oils in recent years Advanced Engine

US$ / tonnes HFO-ARA LFO-ARA HFO-F-MED The aim of this project is to devel-
350 op the world’s most efficient, mod-
300 ern and competitive generating set
250 for power production as well as for
propulsion and energy generation

Extreme Value Engine (EVE)
2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 The EVE Extreme Value Engine is a
Source: Reuters
one-cylinder, medium-speed diesel
engine incorporating a new type of
injection system and a novel valve
Wärtsilä’s product development ducing the environmental impacts control system. It is designed to en-
and significant R&D programmes of their operations, is an important dure forces, loads and stresses be-
Wärtsilä applies new technologies part of Wärtsilä’s R&D. Even now yond the range of existing medium-
that cross traditional scientific dis- multifuel engines offer environ- speed production engines. Helsin-
ciplines and conventional indus- mentally sound solutions with low ki University of Technology is co-
trial boundaries to solve product running costs far into the future. ordinating the research project, and
development tasks, thus produc- Customers have the flexibility to Wärtsilä is the main research part-
ing added value for its customers. operate the same engine with dif- ner in the project.
Wärtsilä’s R&D organization cre- ferent fuels. They can, for instance,
ates the basic elements that make initially run an engine on heavy Reducing sulphur oxide emissi-
a product both desirable and com- fuel oil, and then switch to natural ons from marine engines
petitive. Wärtsilä’s R&D activities gas later when the distribution net- Annex VI of the IMO MARPOL
focus on products and applications work for natural gas has been built, 73/78 Convention, which deals
that are reliable, self-diagnostic, in- or even switch to biofuel. with air pollution from ships, and
expensive to operate and produce The main development pro- the requirements of upcoming EU
minimal environmental impacts grammes during 2005 related to legislation will impose a reduction
throughout their lifecycles. Wärt- the HERCULES project, the Ad- on the sulphur content of the fuels

WÄ RT S I L Ä 2 0 0 5 7
used and stringent controls on the commercial demonstration units in stantial benefits in energy produc-
emissions of sulphur oxides from the 50 kW range within the next tion, including its cleanness and
marine engines. The solutions for couple of years, after which the high efficiency. Since fuel cells are
reducing SOx emissions include the company will evaluate pre-com- suitable over a wide range of differ-
use of low-sulphur fuels and a range mercial special applications. Com- ent sizes, they can be used in many
of technologies for cleaning exhaust mercialization of product units for different applications, ranging from
gases. A sulphur dioxide scrubber numerous power plant and marine small portable power units through
offers a solution for the econom- applications will start at the begin- to medium-sized industrial appli-
ic, logistic and technical problems ning of the next decade. cations.
relating to the use of low-sulphur Wärtsilä’s existing SOFC sys-
fuels. Towards this end, Wärtsilä tem is based on the use of natural Lifecycle approach and
is participating in an extensive re- gas or methanol and lower sulphur using results
search programme aimed at creat- diesel oil. The company is also ex- Since Wärtsilä’s products have such
ing applications based on scrubber amining the feasibility of using the a long operational life, identifying
technology that will reduce sulphur technology with other liquid fuels. the lifecycle impacts of the prod-
oxide emissions from marine diesel Natural gas is an ideal fuel, which is ucts is essential to understanding
engines and boilers. Wärtsilä is col- widely available for power plant ap- their total environmental impact.
laborating with research institutes, plications. Methanol can also be re- The first lifecycle assessments of the
ship designers, shipowners and gas formed easily and is better suited to Wärtsilä 32 engine were completed
scrubber manufacturers to produce marine applications because it is in during 2005. The assessments cov-
a test series that will be used to de- liquid form. Biogases formed dur- ered the entire lifetime of the die-
termine the design criteria and ad- ing the gasification and fermenta- sel engine, drawing on detailed in-
justability of the system, and as- tion processes can also be utilized in
certain its effects on engine per- SOFC units. Additionally, hydro-
formance and environmental im- gen is a suitable fuel for all typical
pacts. If the research results prove fuel cells and does not require any
that scrubber technology is feasible, pre-reforming processing. How-
Wärtsilä plans to offer scrubber so- ever, only a limited amount of hydro-
lutions for marine applications that gen is available, and consequently
will reduce the sulphur oxide emis- the focus has been on other fuels.
sions of both existing and new in- A fuel cell is a clean, efficient
stallations. and reliable method of producing
energy, making it a highly attrac- Solid Oxide Fuel Cells (SOFC).
Development of fuel cell tive option for commercial power
technology production. Wärtsilä is committed formation about raw material pro-
Wärtsilä has been developing fuel to supplying its customers with effi- duction, through the supply chain,
cell technology for decentralized cient and environmentally sustain- transportation and engine assem-
power generation and marine ap- able power generation solutions. bly, to the operating life and de-
plications since 2000. Today the Developing the energy generation commissioning of the engine. The
company’s R&D is focusing on de- technologies of the future, such as operational phase was modelled on
veloping an SOFC (solid oxide fuel fuel cells, is a key element in Wärt- a supply vessel for an oil drilling rig
cell) system for both industrial and silä’s strategy for sustainable devel- and on a power plant application.
marine applications, and especial- opment. Wärtsilä believes that fuel The lifecycle analyses were verified
ly on the design and manufacture cell technology will be one of the by independent experts to ensure
of the system and its integration most promising energy technolo- the integrity of the final results and
with other technologies. Wärtsilä’s gies of the future because of its sub- conformance to standards.
extensive knowhow in combined The results of the lifecycle as-
heat and power generation, marine sessments showed that most of the
engine applications and the compa- environmental impacts during the
ny’s in-depth knowledge of its cus- lifecycle of a diesel engine arise
tomers’ needs provide a sound ba- during the operation of the engine;
sis for developing fuel cell applica- emissions into the air from the op-
tions. eration of an engine and the fuel
Within its existing R&D pro- supply chain relating to its opera-
gramme, Wärtsilä is currently de- tion cause most environmental im-
veloping the WFC20 alpha proto- pacts. The results of Wärtsilä’s first
type, a 20 kW SOFC power unit. lifecycle assessments contained no
Wärtsilä plans to introduce its first The Wärtsilä SOFC product concept. surprises, but rather strengthened

8 WÄRT SIL Ä 2 0 0 5
the company’s understanding of Wärtsilä’s environmental targets for 2006 – 2010
the environmental impacts of its Ship Power Service Power Plants R&D
engines and the priorities to ad-
2010 2010 2008 2006
dress. Furthermore, thorough and Broader gas 2,000 MW diesel Commercially avail- Full release of NOx
reliable lifecycle information pro- concept, e.g. 5 non- to gas conversions able proven com- = 710 ppm engine
vides a stronger base for decision- LNG carriers (today less than bined effluent treat- concepts for power
20 MW) ment unit for various plant engines
making and discussion about pro- plant effluents to (W20, W32 and W46)
cesses and procedures in the future. fulfil the World Bank
Wärtsilä manages the lifecycle Guidelines for
Thermal Power
of its products through product
2010 2010 2010 2006
design, the selection of suppliers, The volume of 500 MW scrubber Introduce wet tech- Compliance with
production methods, optimizing environmental seals retrofits niques for optimized upcoming US and
transportation, maintenance and to reach 50% of total (nothing today) NOx reduction and EU marine emission
seal sales fuel economy to the regulations
repair during the products’ opera- markets for 3 – 4
tional lifetime, and by training and engine power plants
advising customers. in operation
2010 2010 2010 2010
Collaboration with customers Improvement of pro- 5000 MW Actively promote Fuel consumption
pulsive performance connected to power plant tech- improvement of diesel
Wärtsilä has long collaborated with by better design Wärtsilä CBM nology based on and gas engine by 3%
different stakeholders. Co-opera- and other innovative (about 1,000 MW renewable fuels compared to 2005
tion with customers and the supply means for seagoing connected today) with target of 500 level
ships by 3% from MWth of sold power
chain creates added value for the 2005 level plants
entire supply chain as well as for
2010 2009
the end-customer. Identifying and 4500 MW installed Realize 15% reduced
achieving common goals succeeds power operated by fuel consumption and
best through co-operation with the WOM (2,440 MW emissions by waste
today) heat recovery on a
whole supply chain. Collaboration 2-stroke engine
with stakeholders is also extreme- 2008
ly important from the viewpoint of Introduce -20% NOx
sustainable development. A good option on all 2-stroke
RT-flex engine types
example is the Enviropax project,
in which the parties involved joint-
ly developed a concept for a vessel Last year Wärtsilä started col- distribution. Wärtsilä also started
that can improve the overall effi- laboration with Mitsubishi Heavy co-operation with Hyundai Heavy
ciency of ships by up to 10% com- Industry in the fields of product Industries for developing two new
pared to conventional solutions. development, manufacture and types of engines.

Target Environmental benefit Status at end of 2005 Wärtsilä’s environmental targets

At the beginning of 2006 Wärt-
To increase sales of gas and
biofuel plants by 1,000 MW Lower emissions compared Sales in 2005 totalled
silä’s Board of Management re-
a year. to the use of oil. 1,011 MW. viewed the company’s strategic en-
To increase number of O&M Efficient and planned opera- In 2005 O&M agreements vironmental targets. The results of
contracts to cover 20% of tion of power plants. covered 17% of new power the lifecycle assessments complet-
new installations. plants and 19% of all engine
deliveries. The intake of ed last year confirm Wärtsilä’s view
power plant orders was of the importance of environmen-
strong in the final quarter. tal impacts during the operation-
O&M agreements are gener-
ally signed after a delay. al life of its products. Consequent-
To offer a comprehensive Replaces the use of steam Engine deliveries for various
ly, the Board of Management set
gas engine product family in LNG carriers. Utilization vessel types. some very challenging targets for
for different engine room of blow-off gas. Good ef- both the company’s business op-
applications. ficiency and low emissions.
erations and its R&D. Wärtsilä’s
To offer a propulsion system Improved total efficiency Enviropax project com-
mission, vision and strategy are
with 10% higher efficiency of vessel. Lower fuel plete. This concept has
that at present. consumption and lower been applied in practice. presented in the Business Review
emissions. and the environmental targets in
To develop a fuel cell Development of alternative Fuel cell prototype ready. the table above.
prototype with extremely solutions for conserving Bio-oil engines in use in
low emissions and to offer the environment. various applications. Left: achievement of the environmental
the first bio-oil engines.
targets for 2005 set by Wärtsilä’s Board of
Management in 2002.

WÄ RT S I L Ä 2 0 0 5 9

Environmental aspect and product Component Environmental impact

Emissions into the air

Engines Carbon dioxide (CO2) Climate warming

Sulphur oxides (SOx) Acidification

Nitrogen oxides (NOx) Acidification, eutrophication,

lower atmosphere ozone formation

Particles, smoke (PM) Human health impacts, visual impact

Carbon monoxide (CO) Reduces oxygen uptake in the lungs

Hydrocarbons (THC, VOC) Climate warming (CH4), ozone formation in the lower
atmosphere, some carcinogenic compounds

Consumption of raw materials

Engines Cast iron, alloy and structural steel, aluminum alloys Depletion of natural resources
Main chemical elements of engines:
Fe 90.8%, Al 2.7%, C 2.2%

Propulsion systems, seals Metals, bronze, Depletion of natural resources

Main chemical elements of propulsion systems:
Cu 80.1%, Al 9.3%, Ni 4.9%

Power plants Several different materials such as steel, concrete, seals, Depletion of natural resources

Secondary cleaning technologies Alloy and structural steel, different types of catalyst mate- Depletion of natural resources
rials, reagents (e.g. ammonia, urea), water

Consumption of fuel and lubricating oils

Engines and power plants Liquid oil-based fuels (e.g. LFO, HFO, Orimulsion), Depletion of natural resources
gas fuels (e.g. LNG, NG, CNG) and biofuels
(e.g. rape seed and palm oil, biomass),
lubricating oil

Propulsion systems Lubricating oil Depletion of natural resources

Solid and liquid waste

Engines Lubricating oil used, filters and components, waste oil Increased waste at landfill sites

Power plants Construction waste, ash, waste water, waste oil, office Increased waste at landfill sites

Secondary cleaning systems End products and catalysts of flue gas decontamination Increased waste at landfill sites

Noise and vibration

Engines and power plants Structure-borne noise, flue gas noise, airborne noise Discomfort

Heat emissions
Engines Waste heat from exhaust gases Warming of the atmosphere

Electric and thermal energy

Engines and power plants Electric and thermal energy Increased well-being
10 WÄRT S IL Ä 2 0 0 5
The environmental aspects of Wärtsilä’s products are mainly related to their use. The most significant environmental aspects concern engines. In
order to produce mechanical and thermal energy engines use fuel and lubricants, which results in various kinds of exhaust emissions and waste.
Engine running also results in waste heat from the exhaust gases and cooling water. The main environmental aspects and impacts of Wärtsilä’s
products and applications, as well as Wärtsilä’s solutions to these, are explained in the table below and on Wärtsilä’s Sustainability internet pages.

Wärtsilä’s solution Customer’s options Indicator

Increasing engine efficiency, multifuel engines Using a different fuel Typical composition of the exhaust emis-
sions of a large diesel and gas engine
Increasing engine efficiency, several emission reduction Using a fuel with a lower sulphur content
technologies, multifuel engines
• Nitrogen 75.6%
Low NOx combustion, air humidification technologies, SCR,
multifuel engines
Using a different fuel • Oxygen 12.5%
• Carbon dioxide 6.2%
Optimizing the combustion process, common-rail fuel injec- Using a different fuel • Water 4.5%
tion, electrical filters • Argon 0.8%
Optimizing injection, compression, and the shape of the Planned or optimized maintenance and • NO , SO , CO,
x x

combustion space, oxidation catalysts (gas engines) correct operation THC, etc. less than
Oxidation catalysts in gas engines for VOC emissions, Planned or optimized maintenance and
optimizing the combustion process correct operation

Long product life, using recycled materials, material ef- Planned or optimized maintenance and Power-to-weight ratio of Wärtsilä’s medium-
ficiency, automated filters, modernizing engines, overhauling correct operation, personnel training, speed engines for 6-cylinder in-line engines
and recycling components overhauling and recycling components
Power-to-weight ratio
Long product life, using recycled materials, material ef- Planned or optimized maintenance and Large engine
ficiency correct use
Small engines
Medium-sized engines
Prefabricated modules, material efficiency Efficient and planned operation of power
plant, personnel training, recycling
catalysts Vasa 14T, 14TK, 24 TS
Vasa 22
WV32, W32
Developing primary technologies; developing secondary Proper operation and maintenance, W46
technologies in collaboration with equipment manufacturers optimizing process parameters 1960 1970 1980 1990 2000

Improving energy efficiency, reducing the consumption Planned and optimized maintenance and Development of the shaft efficiency of
of lubricating oil, multifuel engines, utilizing biofuels and correct operation, personnel training, using Wärtsilä’s best engines
alternative fuels in power production environmentally benign fuels %


Improving the total operating efficiency of ships, increasing Using environmentally favourable
the service life and reducing the consumption of lubricating lubricating oils, using environmentally
oil, preventing oil leakages favourable seals 42

1970 1975 1980 1985 1990 1995 2000 2005

Using recyclable materials and optimizing the use of materi- Planned and optimized maintenance and The material balance of a diesel-powered
als, automated filters, long service intervals, overhauling correct operation, personnel training, plant
390 t/h
components, reducing the consumption of fuel recycling Flue gas
325 t/h 10 t/h 30 kg/h
Combustion air HFO 3% S Lubrication oil
0.9 t/h
Prefabricated, ready-to-install modules Recycling, planned maintenance 0.1% ash BN50
Ammonia 25% 55 t/h 1.0 t/h
and correct operation, personnel in water Water Limestone
1.5 t/h Water
training Diesel engine
Spare parts and
50% red. 80% red. 80% red.
Evaluating the potential uses of end products, developing Proper waste disposal, recycling 1.5 t/h Water
Fly ash Used FGD end-production
dry primary technologies catalysts, evaluation of the potential Used
Replaced Oil 20 kg/h catalytic 2.0 t/h
uses of end products, optimizing lubrication
parts sludge material

process parameters 15 kg/h 55 kg/h

Efficient noise reduction solutions and damping systems, Planned maintenance and correct Image depicting the typical noise level of an
e.g. re-positioning wall structures and noise-generating operation of power plant engine-powered plant, created using noise
sources simulation software.
Warehouse and
workshops Other buildings

Exhaust stack


Heat recovery systems Optimizing process parameters

Energy-efficient solutions Correct operation More information available on Wärtsilä’s Sustainability internet pages.
WÄ RTS I L Ä 2 0 0 5 11

Wärtsilä’s engine room and propul- ments. Wärtsilä maintains a glo- – this despite the fact that trans-
sion solutions for marine applica- bal network of service professionals port by ship remains the most effi-
tions are reliable, economical and who are competent and equipped cient means of transportation. The
environmentally sound. Wärtsilä to carry out maintenance and re- marine industry therefore needs to
tailors its solutions to the precise pair tasks in a timely manner. look at new ways of reducing the
needs of its customers by optimiz- environmental impact from ships.
ing the entire ship machinery, pro- EFFICIENCY IMPROVEMENT Wärtsilä is continuously seek-
pulsion and control system. ing to find better propulsion ma-
This approach is encapsulat- Machinery solutions efficiency chinery solutions for ships. This in-
ed in Wärtsilä’s concept The Ship The marine business is facing new volves looking at the entire ship-
Power Supplier. Wärtsilä also pro- challenges as the public eye be- ping concept, not only the engines
vides lifetime support to ensure comes ever more focused on ship and propellers. Wärtsilä has gained
the high availability and reliabili- emissions. Since onshore industries promising experience working with
ty of the vessel throughout its serv- have been able to cut certain emis- its partners in the design of various
ice life. Wärtsilä’s service portfo- sions, the share of these pollutants vessel types. Examples include the
lio includes training, spare parts, contributed by shipping has grown LNG Carrier equipped with Wärt-
technical support, and continuous proportionally to become a very silä DF dual-fuel engines and the
technology upgrades and improve- significant part of total emissions environmentally advanced Envi-
ropax RoPax vessel, both of which
Solutions for: Product range Brand names were thoroughly described in the
2004 Sustainability Report. As part
• Containerships • Main and auxiliary • WÄRTSILÄ®,
• Bulk carriers engines in the output • SULZER® of its development work, Wärtsilä
• Tankers range 60 kW – • LIPS®, has developed new concepts for:
• Ferries 80,080 kW • AuxpacTM, Waste Heat Recovery, Delta Tuning
• RoRo vessels • Generating sets • PropacTM,
• Cruise ships • Reduction gears • Deep Sea Seals and an LNG cruise ferry.
• Car ferries • Propellers • JMT.
• Refrigeration vessels • Thrusters Waste Heat Recovery concept
• Naval vessels • Rudders
• Dredgers • Control systems Current interest in reducing emis-
• Fishing vessels • Seals and bearings sions and engine operating costs is
• Offshore vessels leading to the use of more effective
• Tugs, etc.
waste heat recovery. Adapting the

12 WÄRT S IL Ä 2 0 0 5
Enviropax tuning of the Wärtsilä low-speed
Enviropax is a joint project involving Wärtsilä, ABB and Kvaerner Masa-Yards (Aker 2-stroke marine engines to in-
Yards Finland) and set up with the purpose of designing a new concept for RoPax fer-
ries offering environmental and economic advantages. The vessel’s hull, machinery and
crease exhaust gas energy, and em-
propulsion system are optimized to meet the criteria set for this application. Compared ploying both steam and exhaust gas
to a conventional twin-shaft vessel, the Enviropax achieves a 6 –10% saving in fuel con- turbines in a Waste Heat Recovery
sumption depending on the power distribution of its pair of contra-rotating propellers.
Plant, has made possible an elec-
Features Benefits trical output of about 11% of en-
CODED – new combined diesel-electric • Lower power demand. gine power. Such savings can make
and diesel-mechanical machinery concept. • Optimal and flexible use of the engine a major contribution to improving
power and load. both plant efficiency and engine
• Lower lifecycle costs.
• Increased cargo space. emissions.
• Flexible use of the engine room. This Waste Heat Recovery Plant
is attracting much interest from
Wärtsilä EnviroEngine™, including • Minimum fuel consumption, smoke and
• Common-rail technology NOx emissions. shipowners interested in saving fuel
• Compact SCR units costs and reducing emissions. It
must be remembered that modern
The propulsion system featuring one • Improved propulsion efficiency.
contra-rotating propeller pair. • Allows hull form with lower resistance. large, low-speed marine engines are
• One conventional mechanically driven • Optimized dimensioning of the very highly developed and there is
Controllable pitch propeller (CPP) propellers. little potential for achieving signif-
• The other, mounted directly aft of the
CPP, is an electric pod (Azipod) with a icant reductions in CO2 emissions
smaller fixed pitch propeller rotating in by engine development alone. Thus
the opposite direction. the proposed Waste Heat Recovery
Plant represents a practical path
The engine is tuned for waste
LNG Carrier machinery concept heat recovery. In the engine’s ex-
Features Benefits haust gases about 25% of the input
energy is available at a fairly high
Multi-engine installation with Wärtsilä • Lower fuel consumption through use
dual-fuel (DF) engines of flexible engine load
temperature, which can be used for
• Higher efficiency compared to the steam heat recovery. The engine is adapt-
turbine ed for ambient suction air intake,
• Smaller fuel tanks can be used
instead of from the engine room.
Flexible engine room design • Reduces the overall volume of the engine A re-matched engine supercharg-
room, due to engines smaller size and ing system gives an increased ex-
• Freeing space for a larger payload haust gas temperature and allows
a good amount of exhaust gas to
Use of gas and 1% marine diesel oil • Lower exhaust emissions
be branched off before the turbo-
Flexible design of LNG carriers • Lower cost and emissions per charger, to drive a power turbine,
transported ton
thereby allowing a worthwhile heat
• Optimized vessel design with increased
cargo capacity and operating speed. recovery potential to be achieved.
Dual-fuel-electric machinery for LNG carriers is starting to get established as a standard
for LNG carrier propulsion and electric power generation. By end of September 2005,
Wärtsilä has received orders to supply the engines for 16 LNG carriers from 4 different
shipyards for 6 different shipowners. The 64 Wärtsilä 50DF engines that are required
to power these 16 ships have an aggregate output of 621 MW. The first three LNG
carriers are scheduled to enter commercial operation in 2006.
35ºC 35ºC


Left: engine room air section.

Right: ambient air suction.

WÄ RTS I L Ä 2 0 0 5 13
Schematic diagram of the Total Heat Recovery Plant figure at right. At 85% engine load,
the turbogenerator output is then
Exhaust gas
economizer Ship service steam
7,000 kWe, or 11% of the engine
power. The engine fuel saving rela-
tive to the engine without heat re-
covery tuning is therefore 10.5%.
Steam turbine
Ship service power
The comparison of the heat balanc-
es with and without waste heat re-
covery can be seen in the figure be-
Power turbine low centre.
Aux. engine
For a ship propulsion plant
Aux. engine
consisting of a Wärtsilä 12RT-
Main engine flex96C main engine with an MCR
Aux. engine of 68,640 kW and four Wärtsilä
8L32 diesel generating sets, each
Aux. engine rated at 3600 kW, the annual sav-
ings in fuel, maintenance and lu-
bricating oil costs represent a net
present value of US$ 4.6 million,
Comparison of heat balances for Wärtsilä 12RT-flex96C engines
assuming an interest rate of 6%
Shaft power
Overall efficiency
Shaft power
Electrical power
Overall efficiency
and a payback time of four years.
Gain = 12% It is very feasible to finance the ad-
ditional investments for the Waste
Heat Recovery Plant on this basis.
The first 12RT-flex96C engine with
Exhaust gas Exhaust gas
the Waste Heat Recovery Plant was
25.4% 12.6% delivered in June 2005.
Scavenge air Scavenge air
cooling water cooling water
14.1% 12.9% Delta Tuning – reducing
Jacket water Jacket water part-load fuel consumption
6.3% 6.2%
Lubricating oil
on the Wärtsilä RT-flex
Lubricating oil
4.3% 4.2% Delta Tuning has been introduced
in Wärtsilä RT-flex engines to pro-
vide lower fuel consumption in the
Fuel input 100% Fuel input 100% effective operating load range. It is
(171 g/kWh) (172 g/kWh)
offered as an alternative to the orig-
inal tuning, thereby allowing ship-
Without heat recovery (left) and with the Total Heat Recovery Plant (right) showing the 12% gain owners and operators to choose
in overall efficiency for the Total Heat Recovery Plant.
the BSFC (brake specific fuel con-
sumption) curve which best suits

The number of auxiliary die- • Benefits from a “green image” and

Recovered power from a Wärtsilä
sel generating sets can be reduced improved competitiveness in the
12RT-flex96C engine
by employing a heat recovery sys- freight market.
tem. The system offers considerable
flexibility in optimizing plant oper- The recoverable power depends 9,000
ation to minimize operating costs on engine conditions. In this case, 7,000
or maximize propulsion power. Im- normal operation is assumed to 6,000
proved utilization of fuel energy re- be between ISO conditions and 4,000
sults in both lower fuel costs and Tropical conditions for an average 2,000
lower emissions. The application aged engine. 1,000
of a waste heat recovery system is For a Wärtsilä 12RT-flex96C 55 60 65 70 75 80 90 95 100
therefore threefold. The operator: engine, as widely applied in today’s Engine load, %
• Profits from lower annual fuel large container liners, with a maxi- Steam turbine

costs mum continuous rating (MCR) of Power turbine

• Contributes to reduced emis- 68,640 kW, this results in a turbo- Average age of engine, average ISO/tropical
sions, such as CO2 and NOx generator output as shown in the conditions.

14 WÄRT S IL Ä 2 0 0 5
their ship’s operating pattern. This Delta Tuning, RT-flex60C cause there is a decreasing margin
is made possible by the flexibility 174 in NOx emissions against the IMO
in engine settings provided by the limit with greater derating.
computer-controlled common-rail

BSFC (g/kWh)
systems of the RT-flex engines. 170 LNG Cruise Ferry – a truly
The flexibility of the RT-flex 168 environmentally sound ship
system has been utilized to reduce Wärtsilä has developed a new con-
fuel consumption in the effective cept for a coastal cruise ferry using
operating range of most engines. At 164 liquefied natural gas (LNG) as fuel.
75% load, the fuel saving can be up 50% 60% 70% 80% 90% 100% Usage of LNG is a very efficient
Load (% R1)
to 2 g/kWh depending on the en- way of reducing emissions. All SOx
RT-flex standard tuning
gine model and the rating point se- RT-flex Delta Tuning
emissions are eliminated and the
lected. No changes in hardware are ISO conditions, tolerance +5% NOx and CO2 emissions are re-
involved; the development only re- duced by about 80% and 20% re-
quires changes in the RT-flex soft- Then it is reduced again for higher spectively. LNG is not only an en-
ware to adjust the respective engine loads. Below 75% load, the firing vironmentally sound solution, but
setting parameters. pressure is kept as high as is possible it is also becoming economically
Two fuel consumption curves within the limit of the allowable fir- interesting as oil prices continue to
are now available as standard for ing ratio (firing pressure/compres- rise.
RT-flex engines: the original and sion pressure). The new environmentally
the new alternative, which is a lower The result is that the BSFC is sound ferry is designed for cruis-
curve with reduced BSFC through- significantly lowered in the mid- ing along the Norwegian coast be-
out the load range up to 90%. It and low-load range, at all loads less tween small coastal communities
has been achieved by adapted en- than 90% load, but then increased in an environmentally sensitive re-
gine tuning – termed Delta Tun- at high engine loads (90 – 100% gion. The same ship and machinery
ing. In both the original tuning and load). This emphasis on mid-load concept could also be applied easily
Delta Tuning, the RT-flex engines reductions in BSFC brings a real to other passenger ship operations,
comply with the NOx regulation of benefit to engine users while allow- such as short route ferries and expe-
Annex VI of the MARPOL 73/78 ing a higher BSFC at full load to dition cruise vessels.
convention. enable the engines to comply with The ferry features a machin-
Delta Tuning involves tailoring the IMO NOx regulation. ery consisting of two Wärtsilä
the firing pressure to engine load by Delta Tuning, however, is only 6R32DF propulsion engines and
adapting injection timing, injection offered for Wärtsilä RT-flex engines two 9R32DF generating sets. These
pressure and exhaust valve timing. whose contracted maximum con- give a total installed power of 10.5
The firing pressure is kept as high tinuous rating (CMCR) is in the MW. The engines use LNG as pri-
as possible at 75% load to observe upper region of the engine model’s mary fuel and MDO as pilot and
a minimum required margin to the rating field, and it yields the great- back-up fuel.
NOx limit, and is increased above est benefit close to the R1 rating A conventional ferry propul-
75% load to reach the maximum point, i.e. nominal maximum con- sion setup with two open shaftlines
firing pressure at about 90% load. tinuous rating (MCR). This is be- has been used in this concept. The
two W6R32DF propulsion engines
drive controllable pitch propellers
(CPP) each via a reduction gear,
which constitutes the mechanical
propulsion power of the machin-
ery. Two 2 MW generator/motors
are connected to the PTO/PTIs on
the gears. Together with the two
large W9R32DF generating sets,
they form the ship’s electrical pow-
er plant. The electric generators/
motors can also drive the propellers
and are equipped with frequency-
converters for variable speed opera-
tion. The total propulsion efficien-
The first engine employing Delta Tuning is this 45,760 kW Sulzer 8RT-flex96C engine seen here
cy has been improved by applying
in the course of erection at HSD Engine Co Ltd., Korea.
Wärtsilä Efficiency Rudders. The

WÄ RTS I L Ä 2 0 0 5 15
partly fuelled by the increasing oil the propeller design tailored to the
prices. application.
Improving the performance of
PROPULSION SYSTEM propellers remains a major target
EFFICIENCY for Wärtsilä. The maximum effi-
ciency of a propeller depends on
The propulsive efficiency of a pro- the kinetic and frictional losses be-
LNG-fuelled cruise ferry.
peller is affected both by the open- hind the propeller. The flow close
water efficiency of the propeller to the tips is very important as the
and, on the other hand, by the in- formation of vortices introduces ki-
normal tunnel thruster in the stern teraction between the hull and the netic energy which is lost. For this
has been replaced with a new steer- propeller. Overall propulsion effi- reason the effect of changes in the
able thruster integrated into the ciency, therefore, can be enhanced blade tip geometry are subject to
skeg. by improving the efficiency of the detailed investigations. These inves-
This machinery combines the propeller, the hull, or both. tigations are not very easy as model
lower investment cost of mechan- tests do not give an accurate answer
ical propulsion with the good char- Solutions for improved and most calculations are based on
acteristics of diesel-electric machin- propulsion system efficiency methods which do not include vis-
ery. The machinery principle offers Wärtsilä is actively promoting cous drag and therefore do not give
extra flexibility and allows a smooth products which in themselves im- the complete answer.
switch between the different oper- prove the propulsive efficiency. The specially developed blade
ation modes. Furthermore, all en- These products are: the Efficiency tip geometry called tip-rake con-
gines can usually be run at constant Rudder, the HR nozzle, the E hub cerns a very local displacement of
speed, close to the optimum load Controllable Pitch Propeller, which blade sections close to the propeller
to achieve lower fuel consumption. was introduced in 2005, and con- tip. The effect resembles a blade tip
Low engine loads can be avoid- trol systems, without forgetting with a tip plate.
ed by switching between the vari-
ous power generation options. This Schematic machinery arrangement
machinery concept is ideal for fer- Primary
ries when designing the vessel for CP propeller 3800 kW
2000 kW Reduction
gear W 9R32DF 3150 kW
cost-effective operation in various Efficiency Rudder
W6R32 DF 2100 kW

operation modes.
LNG offers a new alternative B/5
Skeg Thruster
energy source for ships. The new Feathering CPP
1200 kW
ferry concept shows how LNG can LNG tank LNG tank

be efficiently integrated into the

ship design and the environmental B/5

benefits that it offers. Some extra CP propeller 3800 kW

space is required for LNG storage &
Efficiency Rudder
W6R32 DF 2100 kW
gear W 9R32DF 3150 kW
which has to be taken into account Primary
at the outset of the design process. 2000 kW

On the other hand, this is a small

price to pay when considering the
enormous reduction in emissions
that can be achieved with this con- Exhaust emissions
cept. 120%
Very few ships, other than LNG 100%
carriers, are currently using LNG
as fuel. Norway has been the fore-
runner for LNG-fuelled ships. The
country currently has two offshore 40%

supply vessels and one double-end 20%

ferry in operation, and a further five 0
double-end ferries are on order. HFO machinery DF engines: DF engines:
(1.5% S) MGO LNG
There is a clear rise in the interest
for LNG among ship operators, CO2 NOx SOx Propulsion arrangement with integrated skeg

16 WÄRT S IL Ä 2 0 0 5
Solutions for improving propulsion efficiency

Product Features Benefits Typical applications

The Efficiency Rudder Optimized design Optimum performance for both steering and Controllable pitch propeller
in combination with fuel consumption. installations.
the propeller Reduction of power required to obtain a cer- The installed base with efficiency
tain ship speed. The power reduction ranges rudders is gradually being
from 6 to 9% for single-screw vessels and extended.
from 3 to 5% for twin-screw vessels.

The HR nozzle Change in the Larger thrust and increased bollard pull: Fixed pitch propeller, steerable
behaviour of • Calculations have been validated with thrusters and controllable pitch
the trailing edge actual measurements. propeller installations.
flow compared Every year more than 100 nozzles for
to conventional inland vessels and a growing number
nozzles of steerable thrusters are fitted with
the HR nozzle.

The E-hub A better balance Minimum hub size can be selected. Container vessels, Ropax vessels
between the Improved efficiency of ice-strengthened and ice-strengthened tankers of
actuating forces controllable pitch propellers: various sizes.
and blade bearing • Conventional design normally leads to In 2005 several projects for controlla-
strength. reduction of efficiency compared to fixed ble pitch propellers were introduced.
pitch propellers For five vessels the E-hub was
• Model test results evaluated in a non- selected as the best hub (this adds
dimensional manner for these CPP projects up to nine hubs). The first deliveries
indicated that the efficiencies obtained will take place in 2006.
are comparable with a fixed pitch propeller
without ice class

Thrust loading versus open water efficiency

1.00 Ideal efficiency
Open water efficiency

B series model scale
B series full scale
0.80 115,000 dwt Aframax tanker
115,000 dwt Aframax tanker
46,000 dwt tanker
0.60 46,000 dwt tanker
162,000 dwt Suezmax tanker
0.50 16,400 dwt tanker
0.40 75,000 dwt Panamax tanker
0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5
19,000 dwt chemical tanker

Thrust loading coefficient

Achieved efficiency of ice-strengthened controllable pitch propeller in model tests

compared to B series (fixed pitch propeller with no ice strengthening).

HMS Endurance fitted with CoastGuard AC Enviroseals

HMS Endurance was retrofitted at In June 2005 she was the base from
Falmouth in July 2004 with 470 mm AC which Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II
Enviroseals and has since returned to reviewed ships from over 34 nations,
full operation. including the Royal Navy, International
HMS Endurance, a Class 1 Navies and Tall Ships, who were taking
Icebreaker, was built in Norway in part in the International Festival of the
1990 and her Mission is “to patrol and Sea.
survey the Antarctic and South Atlantic, The Ship’s motto, “Fortitudine Vin-
maintaining Sovereign presence and cimus” – “By Endurance We Conquer”
defence diplomacy and supporting the originates from Sir Ernest Shackleton,
global community of Antarctica”. This the Antarctic explorer, who made his-
By courtesy of the Ministry
involves close links with the Foreign tory in “Endurance” in his expedition in
of Defence, UK.
Office, United Kingdom Hydrographic 1914 –15.
Crown Copyright
Office and the British Antarctic Survey.
She deploys to the Antarctic for 7
months of the year.

WÄ RTS I L Ä 2 0 0 5 17
Advances in the design The application of tip-rake is COMPLIANCE WITH
of propellers seen as a positive contribution to a REGULATIONS
more efficient and quiet propulsion
system for shipowners. Tip-rake NOx emissions
has been applied in the last several The minimum environmental re-
years on about 40 demanding ap- quirement set by Wärtsilä for its
plications with fixed and control- Wärtsilä brand marine engines is
lable pitch propellers. In 2005 the compliance with the NOx emis-
application of tip-rake was expand- sions limits stipulated in MARPOL
ed for use in combination with a 73/78 Annex VI.
Example of tip-rake on a small fixed pitch
nozzle but with the focus on reduc-
ing vibration and noise. Sulphur content in fuel
A range of new regulations related
Suction side tip-rake
EMISSIONS REDUCTION to the sulphur content in fuel is
presently being prepared or at the
Emissions to the air implementation phase. Due to new
Most harbours in the world are lo- regulations, the shipping commu-
cated close to densely populated nity is faced with new challenges on
areas and for this reason the demand a large scale, especially those ships
No tip-rake MX for no visible smoke under any cir- that will operate both inside and
cumstances has become increasing- outside restricted areas, switching
ly important in recent years. Com- over from one fuel to another, in
mon-rail injection technology now some cases to a distillate fuel. For a
makes it possible to provide smoke- long time the traditional approach
MN less engines. Wärtsilä has the wid- to operation on heavy fuel oil
Pressure side tip-rake est range of products available with (HFO) has been “pier-to-pier”. The
common-rail technology for heavy recommendation is not to change
fuel operation. over between HFO and light fuel
The focus on reducing NOx oil, except in emergency or in prep-
emissions continues to be of impor- aration for maintenance.
tance within the marine business. MARPOL 73/78 Annex VI
Also existing Wärtsilä and Sulzer contains a global cap of 4.5%
Effect of tip-rake on the suction side tip-
vortex calculated by CFD. The strength of
engines can be modified with m/m on the sulphur content of fuel
the tip vortex can be seen to reduce from NOx reduction technologies i.e. oil and calls on the IMO to moni-
top to bottom. common-rail injection, WETPAC, tor the worldwide average sul-
DWI and SCR. phur content of fuel. It also con-
In order to gain more insight in- tains provisions allowing for special
to the physical behaviour it was de- Emissions to the water “SOx Emission Control Areas” (SE-
cided to calculate the viscous flow Any oil loss to the environment CAs) to be established with more
around different tip geometries. To from the ship’s sealing system is un- stringent controls on sulphur emis-
obtain a basic understanding sev- acceptable. Wärtsilä’s CoastGuard sions.
eral different propeller tips were EnviroSeal and Airguard 3AS envi- “Directive 2005/33/EC of the
modelled. A straight tip (no rake), ronmental sterntube sealing system European Parliament and Coun-
as well as bend tips both towards the offers an environmentally sound al- cil modifying Directive 1999/32/
pressure side and the suction side, ternative and is available in differ- EC as regards the sulphur content
were modelled. Systematic varia- ent designs for retrofitting to exist- of marine fuels”, entered into force
tions were studied of the shape of ing vessels or for use in new ton- 11th of August 2005. It provides
the tip-rake. This resulted in a clear nage. Both systems prevent the new sulphur limits in marine fuels
picture of the most effective local spilling of lube oil from the stern- for “fuels used” and for “fuels placed
tip shape. Tip-rake appeared to in- shaft into the sea. These sealing on the market” and permits emis-
fluence the drag as illustrated by systems prevent both the leakage sion abatement technology as an
the figure above where the tip vor- of bearing oil into the seaway and alternative. The directive provides
tex strength is reduced by the dif- the ingress of water into the bear- a special clause for warships and
ferent shape of the blade tip. Typ- ing system. They ensure contin- invites a new proposal to be sub-
ically the reduction in drag could uous operation between planned mitted by the EU Commission by
result in a 2 – 4% improvement in maintenance periods, with no un- 2008, possibly with a second stage
propeller efficiency. planned dry-dockings for emergen-
cy repairs.

18 WÄRT S IL Ä 2 0 0 5
In use or on order from
Emission reduction technologies Wärtsilä (January 2006)

Area of
concern Technology Principle Benefit Engines Output (MW)
Smoke Wärtsilä Keeping the fuel’s injection pressure high and stable Smokeless 52 457
common-rail throughout the load range. Optimal engine operation operation
engines has been achieved at all speeds and loads.

Wärtsilä RT- Precise control of the injection, high injection pressures Smokeless 242 9,957
flex engines at low engine speeds and the sequential shut-off of the operation
injectors combine to give steady running at very low Reduced
running speeds without smoking, down to 10 – 12% of operating
nominal speed. costs

NOx WETPAC Introduction of pressurized water into the combustion Reduction as 11 35

humidifica- process to dampen NOx formation. The pressurized much as 50%,
tion system water is added to the intake air after the turbocharger when the water
compressor. Due to the high temperature of the com- consumption is
pressed air the water evaporates instantly and enters approximately two
the cylinders as steam, reducing the combustion times the fuel oil
temperature and thus NOx formation. consumption.

DWI A DWI valve, through which the water and fuel is Reduction of 53 515
(Direct Wa- injected into the cylinder, typically in a water-to- fuel 50 – 60% without
ter Injection) ratio of 0.4 – 0.7. adversely affecting
power output

SCR A reducing agent, such as an aqueous solution of Reduction 88 441

(Selective urea, is injected into the exhaust gas at a temperature 85 – 95%
Catalytic of 290 – 350 °C. The urea in the exhaust gas decays
Reduction) into ammonia, which is then put through a catalysing
process that converts the NOx into harmless nitrogen
and water.

of sulphur limit values (possibly

down to 0.5%) and additional sul-
MARPOL Annex VI phur emissions control areas.
In SECA areas the sulphur content of the fuel oil is not permitted to
exceed 1.5% (m/m). Alternatively, vessels must be fitted with an exhaust
In the USA the Environmental
gas cleaning system or else some other technical method of reducing Protection Agency (EPA) and the
SOX emissions must be used. Californian Air Resources Board
Marpol Annex VI entry into force:
(CARB) are working on new leg-
• 19 May 2004: Ratified. islation for ships based on auto-
• 19 May 2005: Entry into force as such motive fuels with very low sulphur
- Sulphur cap 4.5% worldwide
- Bunker delivery notes required
content (15 ppm).
- Local supplier register Locally, ports and local authori-
- Statutory fuel sampling. ties may offer reductions in port
• 19 May 2006: Baltic Sea SECA effective.
• 2007: North Sea and English Channel SECA effective.
and fairway fees depending on the
sulphur content in the fuel. In Swe-
Annex VI prohibits deliberate ozone-depleting emissions of substances den new sulphur-related fairway
containing halons and freons (chlorfluorocarbons, CFCs). The Annex also
prohibits the onboard incineration of certain substances such as dirty
dues have been differentiated with
packaging materials and polychlorinated byphenyls (PCB). the following limits from 1 Janu-
ary 2005:
• 0.2 and 0.5% for passenger
• 0.2, 0.5 and 1.0% for other

WÄ RTS I L Ä 2 0 0 5 19
In the new directive 2005/33/EC the maximum permitted sulphur ing training related to the ship’s
content of marine fuels is: engine room and other ship han-
Fuels used dling and design needs. The curric-
ulum includes basic courses in sea
Ship type Area %S When
safety and load handling, as well as
All Baltic SECA 1.5 11 August 2006 search and rescue courses, and nav-
All North Sea + English Channel SECA 1.5 11 August 2007 igation and management courses
(resources, environment and safe-
All1,2 All EU ports3 0.1 1 January 2010
ty). The Academy also arranges ad-
Passenger ships All EU 1.5 11 August 2006 vanced or refresher courses as well
Inland waterway
All EU inland waterways 0.1 1 January 2010
as tailored training for specific cus-
vessels tomer needs. Participants can also
Except for ships due to be at berth less than 2 hours. attend accredited training pro-
Derogation for 16 Greek ships operating within Greece until 1 January 2012. grammes at the Academy to obtain
Not applicable in the outermost regions of the Community (French overseas departments,
Azores, Madeira, Canary Islands)
IMO/STCW-95 certification.

Fuels “placed on the market” Service network

Fuels %S When Wärtsilä provides professional serv-
Marine diesel oils 1.5 11 August 2006 ice assistance for both Wärtsilä’s
Marine gas oils 0.1 1 January 2010 products and other brands at more
than 130 centres in some 60 coun-
tries. Maintenance and repair are
All new Wärtsilä engines are al- OPERATION AND MAINTENANCE performed either onboard the ves-
ready designed and optimized to OF SHIP POWER APPLICATIONS sel or at the service centre, where
run on fuels with any sulphur con- entire engines or their most valu-
tent. For existing ships, Wärtsilä Wärtsilä supports the business op- able core components such as pis-
can offer engine checks and mod- erations of its customers by devel- ton crowns and cylinder heads are
ifications, as well as tank and sys- oping and optimizing the lifecycle reconditioned. Wärtsilä has devel-
tem modifications onboard ships performance of its technologies, so- oped safe component recondition-
expected to operate inside or out- lutions and products. ing methods for 2-stroke and 4-
side SECAs. stroke engines that can even double
For newbuildings expected to Operation and component lifetimes.
operate purely within SECAs, fuel maintenance training Propulsion systems need servic-
and lubricating oil filling, storage, To help customers maintain their ing as well because propeller blades
transfer, separation, and supply sys- installations at optimum perform- in good condition save fuel costs
tems can in principle be arranged as ance levels, Wärtsilä offers its cus- and help to reduce exhaust emis-
on a traditional HFO ship. How- tomers training in operation and sions. As a propeller’s average sur-
ever, to enhance the flexibility and maintenance specific to each prod- face roughness (0.1 µm) increases
second-hand value of the ship, con- uct type through the Wärtsilä Land by a factor of ten, the relative pow-
sideration could be given to design- & Sea Academy. Statistics show er loss also increases from 0.25% to
ing these systems also for alternat- that this sort of training can clearly about 3.3%. Hence propeller pol-
ing operation inside and outside reduce the incidence of operation- ishing can achieve tangible cost
SECAs. related problems. savings. Also propellers showing
Wärtsilä Land & Sea Acade- “heavy running” characteristics for
Smoke my also provides general seafar- other reasons, and which hamper
Alaska enforces regulations govern-
ing the permitted smoke levels from Services during the product lifecycle
ships. Wärtsilä has demonstrated
Training of users and Manuals, tools and Field service by any Upgradings,
its compliance with these regula- maintenance staff by supporting software service station modernizations and
tions in a number of projects. the WLSA products (in >60 countries) reconditioning

Delivery of a product or installation built and delivered according to contract

OEM spare parts for Technical support (bulletins,

Commissioning and
all Wärtsilä and 24h support, O&M, technical
related products surveys, CBM…)

20 WÄRT S IL Ä 2 0 0 5
the engine’s operation and increase component-specific IMO codes ing data. More than 130 marine en-
wear and service costs, can be mod- and includes them in the Techni- gines are currently covered by this
ified for each type of vessel without cal File on the engine that the man- form of agreement and the first off-
the need for drydocking, simply by ufacturer prepares. Wärtsilä has shore CBM agreement has been
trimming the propeller to the wa- precertified all its new engines since signed with an oil drilling compa-
ter surface. Wärtsilä’s Flying Squad 2000, well before Annex VI came ny. Units linked to the CBM sys-
teams can even repair or recondi- into effect. Precertification can sub- tem are not serviced at regular in-
tion damaged propellers in situ un- sequently be changed to EIAPP cer- tervals; instead service is based on
der water. tification without the need for new real need. Experts compare and as-
Technological development is emission measurements. sess reports and remotely measured
making it possible to apply new data on the installation and recom-
technical advances to old engines. Spare parts services mend specific service action based
Engine upgrades are made to im- The availability of high-quality on the results.
prove the economic and environ- spare parts and technical service is
mental performance, safety and essential to maintaining reliability Cost comparison of
reliability of the engine. Besides and operational safety. To optimize maintenance system
developing new engines, anoth- reliability and safety, parts made by Maintenance cost, parts and work for 50,000
er important priority in Wärtsilä’s the original engine manufacturer operating hours on different fuel qualities at
2002 price level.
research and development work is (OEM) are tested by the OEM in
to come up with modification and laboratory and field tests for com-
modernization solutions designed pliance with the OEM’s criteria.
to restore old engine types to al- Wärtsilä’s Parts Logistics is a glo-
most the same performance levels bal system designed to ensure the 80

typical of new engines. correct timing of parts deliveries to 60

customers. The system handles de- 40

IMO MARPOL Annex VI liveries of parts for more than 50 20
IMO MARPOL 73/78 Annex VI engine types covering both exist-
(Regulations for the Prevention of ing and former Wärtsilä and Sulzer Scheduled maintenance CBM
Air Pollution from Ships), which engines (including Nohab Diesel,
came into force in May 2005, re- GMT, Wichmann, SACM, Stork • Poor quality HFO

quires vessels built on or after 1 Jan- SW Diesel, Bolnes etc.). Since

• Normal quality HFO
• Diesel or light fuel oil
uary 2000, or whose engines have April 2005 Wärtsilä has also han-
Engine builder
undergone a major conversion on dled OEM service and spare parts
or after the same date, to have an deliveries for medium-sized and Supplying IMO
International Air Pollution Pre- large Deutz marine engines. coded parts

vention (IAPP) certificate. This,

in turn, requires an Engine Inter- Services based on service Wärtsilä

national Air Pollution Prevention agreements IMO code

Upgrading the engine inspection
(EIAPP) certificate specific to each A spare parts agreement guaran- by surveyor
engine. EIAPP certification makes tees the availability of parts at the
it mandatory for the engine man- right time, while maintenance
ufacturer to produce a Technical agreements ensure that service is Approved measuring
File on the engine that includes an performed at scheduled intervals. procedure and equipment.
by surveyor
Delivery of documentation.
emission measurement report on Support agreements include cus-
the engine verifying that the en- tomer service onboard vessels. An
gine’s emission levels are below the operations & maintenance agree- Engine builder
NOx emission limits stipulated in ment allows the shipowner to hand
Annex VI. over responsibility for operation Technical File & Applying for the EIAPP certificate

Most engine types can be mod- and maintenance of the full engine
ified and/or tuned to meet these room to Wärtsilä. society
NOx limits. The critical compo- Condition-Based Maintenance (Flag State
Marine Authority)
nents of all engines with respect to (CBM), which has been applied in
the production of NOx emissions many industrial sectors for years, Approve Technical File

must be listed with their codes, and is also gaining in popularity in the
the relevant spare parts must have marine business. CBM is a system
the same codes. The engine manu- that enables engine inspections Issue the Certificate
facturer determines these so-called and remote monitoring of operat-

WÄ RTS I L Ä 2 0 0 5 21

Wärtsilä’s power plant solutions are market segment is the oil and gas the fuels used differ widely in dif-
based on diesel, gas or dual-fuel en- industry, in which power is need- ferent market areas, this requires
gines that are designed to run on ed for drilling, transportation and a wide range of products as a ba-
various types of oil and gas. Wärt- refining. sis for packaging competitive solu-
silä BioPower offers boiler plants Wärtsilä’s global service net- tions for these varying needs.
designed primarily to burn solid work offers complete customer sup- Wärtsilä’s overriding aim is to
biomass fuels. Wärtsilä’s Power port covering the entire lifecycle of develop and offer its customers re-
Plants business focuses on the de- the plant for all of the power gen- liable, cost-efficient and environ-
centralized power generation mar- eration solutions it delivers. This is mentally sound power plant solu-
ket, supplying power plants mainly achieved through versatile and so- tions.
for baseload and peak shaving op- phisticated service products and
eration. agreements, including full plant Multifuel solutions
Wärtsilä supplies power plants operation and maintenance. Recent years have seen the devel-
to utilities or to independent pow- In addition to reducing emis- opment and commercialization of
er producers (IPPs) for convention- sions, Wärtsilä’s Power Plants busi- new types of power plant utilizing
al electricity generation. The com- ness places high priority on devel- various biofuels as well as heavy,
pany also has industrial customers oping diversity and flexibility in its high-viscosity fuels – a trend that
who want to safeguard their pro- emissions reduction techniques. will continue. Nonetheless, Wärt-
duction with a reliable source of Since emissions requirements and silä’s main products today are die-
power. An increasingly important
Types of fuel used in Wärtsilä’s
engine-driven power plant

* Including by-product gas from oil Biodiesel

Applications Customers Fuels fields (associated gas) and methane
from coal fields (coal bed gas) HFO water emulsion
Palm oil
High viscosity HFO*
Baseload Utility NG, LNG, CNG
Peaking Industry Special gases Rape seed oil
Standby IPP LFO, HFO Crude oil

Pumping Oil & Gas Orimulsion® Natural gas + special gases*

Heavy fuel oil (HFO)
Diesel and light fuel oil (LFO)
1970 1980 1990 2000 2010

22 WÄRT S IL Ä 2 0 0 5
sel engine power plants running Operating windows of fuel sharing concept
on heavy fuel oil (HFO) and gas
power plants fuelled by natural gas.
The market potential for gas pow- Fuel oil Gas
share % share %
er plants has increased significant- 0 100
Gas diesel
ly with the spread of gas pipeline 10 90
GD operation

networks and this trend is expected 20 80 22

to continue in the years ahead. The 30 70
40 60
proportion of power plants fuelled 50 50
Fuel sharing Fuel sharing
with light fuel oil (LFO) and bio- 33
60 40
fuels is still relatively minor. 70 30

Wärtsilä’s power plant solutions 80 20

Operating window
Transfer window 11
90 10
provide flexibility in the choice of Fuel
Fuel oil oil
100 0
fuel. Customers frequently choose 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100

a diesel power plant which for its Engine load %

first years of operation runs on fuel
oil. As natural gas becomes an op-
tion, the engines are converted for
operation on gas. A more flexible alternatively choose to run the en- Shaft efficiencies of gas turbine
alternative, however, is to choose at gine entirely on either natural gas and engine-driven power plant
the outset a multifuel engine, such or liquid fuel. versus power output
as the DF (dual-fuel) or GD (gas-
1. 2. 3. 4.
diesel), as these can be run either Energy efficiency Engine Engine Engine Engine
on gas or fuel oil depending on fuel Wärtsilä’s engine-driven power
4 x Wärtsilä 18V38
availability, price and other crite- plants offer certain benefits in en- Shaft efficiency (%)
ria. ergy economy compared to many Jet turbine

other types of plant. Energy effi- 35

Relative sales of different types ciency is an extremely important Typical range of
single unit
of Wärtsilä’s engine-driven aspect, not only in terms of ener- 30
gas turbine
power plants gy economy but also because it re- Industrial
(June 2004-May 2005) duces the use of limited natural re-
sources as well as the emissions pro- 5 10 20 30 40

duced per unit of energy. For exam- Plant output (MW)

ple, specific emissions of sulphur

and carbon dioxide per unit of en- efficiency in extreme conditions
ergy produced with the same fuel and at low loads. It is an advantage
depend purely on how efficiently from the perspective of total pow-
the plant operates. er plant efficiency that power plants
Wärtsilä’s multifuel power built around reciprocating engines
plants also ensure a high level of can consist of several smaller units
• LFO / BIO . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8% rather than just one large unit (as in
• HFO . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 56% the case of turbine-driven plants).
Typical plant electrical
• NG . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 37% efficiency
This concept improves the relia-
bility and availability of the plant
52% 52%
Also worth mentioning is the since maintenance needed on one
Fuel Sharing concept developed by 45%
engine generally does not prevent
42% 42%
Wärtsilä specifically for the oil in- the plant’s other units from oper-
dustry. Here, the Wärtsilä 32GD ating. Furthermore, the output of
Combined cycle diesel engine
Combined cycle gas turbine

engine can be run on various gas/ engine-driven power plants can be
Coal-fired power plant

fuel mixtures simultaneously, regulated by varying the number
Large diesel engine
Small diesel engine

Large gas turbine

Small gas turbine

which offers considerable benefits of units in operation and optimiz-

in applications where gas availabili- ing their individual outputs. This
ty, for example, can vary temporar- keeps the plant’s total efficiency
ily. The operator can freely change very high even at low turndown ra-
the setpoint of the fuel mix with- tios (loads).
in a specified operating window, or
• Wärtsilä product
• Non-Wärtsilä product

WÄ RTS I L Ä 2 0 0 5 23
Combined heat and Decentralized energy generation for them depend very much on the
power production Decentralized power generation location of the plant and local fuel
In combined heat and power means using small energy produc- availability and fuel prices. Wärtsilä
(CHP) generation, also called co- tion units that are located close to co-operates actively with different
generation, the residual heat from where the energy is consumed. To- equipment suppliers. An important
the engine cooling water and flue day’s deregulated electricity markets element of this development work
gas is used to produce thermal en- favour decentralized power genera- is to raise the efficiency of the clean-
ergy in the form of steam or hot wa- tion as opposed to centralized gen- ing equipment in terms of both
ter. This thermal energy is typically eration in large installations. The emissions reduction and cost.
used in a district heating network, short delivery times for small plants In developing its engines Wärt-
an industrial process or a chiller. combined with the ability to in- silä takes emissions reduction and
CHP typically achieves 75 – 90% crease their production capacity in regulatory requirements into con-
overall efficiency, thereby signifi- stages, and often to easily combine sideration also by anticipating fu-
cantly reducing emission levels per heat and power generation, are def- ture needs.
unit of energy. inite advantages compared to the In certain applications wet pri-
A concept that maximizes en- centralized model. Decentralized mary methods achieve the best over-
ergy efficiency and versatility in power generation also makes it pos- all result because the reduction effi-
many applications, notably air- sible to minimize problems such as ciencies achieved with dry methods
ports, is “trigeneration”. Here, the transmission losses caused by long are limited when fuel consumption
thermal energy produced in addi- transmission lines, and land reser- and other emissions are factored in.
vations for the lines. Wärtsilä pow- In the power plants business Wärt-
er plants are ideally suited to decen- silä considers the most potential
tralized power generation. wet reduction technologies to be
controlled humidification of the
Reducing emissions combustion air and the use of wa-
Methods of reducing emissions fall ter-in-fuel emulsions.
into two main categories: prima- Over the years Wärtsilä has sup-
ry and secondary. The purpose of plied emissions reduction equip-
primary methods is to prevent the ment for several hundred engines
emissions from arising in the first used in its power plants. SCR (Se-
place, whereas secondary methods lective Catalytic Reduction) sys-
remove the already formed emis- tems have traditionally been used
sion component from the engine’s in diesel power plants but now-
exhaust gas. One of the princi- adays these are being increasing-
The tri-generation concept. pal aims of Wärtsilä’s Power Plants
business is to maintain a high lev- Flue gas emission control
tion to electricity is used for either el of expertise in cleaning methods equipment delivered or currently
heating or cooling, depending on and to keep in its product range a on order January 2006
the need, or for both simultaneous- variety of tested emissions reduc- No of
ly in different proportions. tion technologies for different mar- engines Output (MW)
Regarding emissions reduction, ket needs. SCR 153 972
CHP comes into its own through The use of primary methods is Oxidation catalyst 253 1.124
its high energy generation efficien- often recommended as these are ef- ESP 10 160
cy. The emission levels of a CHP fective means of eliminating the FGD 59 683
plant with an overall efficiency of need for additional investments
90% are, in proportion to relative and possible additional environ- SCR equipment
energy output, less than half those mental loads. In Wärtsilä power
of a coal-fired power plant with an plants the first priority in emissions Measurement Chimney Reactor with Catalyst
efficiency of 35 – 40%, even though reduction is to use dry primary Ammonia
the emission content stays un- methods, which in practice means Injections

changed. Furthermore, even com- optimizing the engine, while at the Ammonia
Control Control Engine
pared to the same level of efficien- same time guiding the customer in Panel
cy, the CO2 emissions of a gas-fired choosing the right quality of fuel. Dosage
CHP plant are roughly 40% low- Secondary methods comprise
er than in the case of a coal-fired various types of flue gas cleaning Water
plant. methods. Their use and the need Storage Tank

24 WÄRT S IL Ä 2 0 0 5
Emission reduction technologies

Emission Typical
component Technology Classification Principle Advantage use
Reducing particle Choosing a Primary Using a fuel with a smaller ash and sulphur Fuel-specific. Diesel
emissions better fuel type content reduces the particle emissions engine /
(ash / sulphur) produced during combustion. heavy oil
Electrostatic Secondary In an electrostatic filter, the particles in the The particle content Diesel
filter flue gas are charged with an electric current of gas discharged engine /
and the charged particles are collected on the through the filter nor- heavy oil
surfaces of the filter’s collector plates. Typically, mally varies between
the electrostatic filter used with a diesel engine 20 – 50 mg/nm3 (dry,
is either a single- or double-field model. The 15% O2).
particle content achieved also depends on the
type of fuel used. A smallish amount of flue ash
is generated as an end product.
Reducing NOx WETPAC - H Primary The combustion air is humidified by injecting Typically emissions Diesel
emissions (humidity water into it, which lowers the combustion are reduced by ap- engine
control) temperature and reduces emissions of nitrogen prox. 15 – 20% at the
oxides. The amount of injected water required minimum air humidity
is determined according to air humidity, thus level.
minimizing water consumption.
SCR Secondary Nitrogen oxides (NOx) are deoxidized into Collection efficiency Diesel or
(Selective nitrogen (N2) and water vapour (H2O) using 80 – 90%. Larger gas engine
Catalytic ammonia or urea at a suitable temperature on collection efficiencies
Reduction) the surface of the catalyst. Process control are possible, but not
enables the amount of inactive ammonia in the cost-effective.
flue gas to be kept low.
Reducing SO2 Lower sulphur Primary The sulphur content of fuel is directly propor- Fuel-specific. Diesel
emissions content in fuel tional to the sulphur dioxide emissions gener- engine /
ated. Thus using a fuel with a lower sulphur heavy oil
content produces less SO2 emissions.
NaOH FGD Secondary Sulphur dioxide is removed from flue gas in a A typical collection Diesel
(flue gas desul- tower washer. Sodium hydroxide is used to efficiency for SO2 is engine /
phurization) neutralize the washing fluid. The plant produces approx. 90%. heavy oil
waste water as an end product, which should with low
be treated. As an investment, this cleaning sulphur
method is more economical than a limestone content
cleaner but its operating costs are higher due
to the higher price of sodium hydroxide.
Limestone Secondary The limestone cleaner is based on a wet tower A typical collection Diesel
FGD (flue gas washer in which sulphur dioxide is absorbed efficiency for SO2 is engine /
desulphuriza- from the flue gas. As an investment it is more approx. 80 – 90%. heavy oil
tion) expensive than a sodium hydroxide cleaner, but with high
its operating costs are lower even in the case of sulphur
high-sulphur fuels. Calcium, for which a disposal content
procedure should be determined, is produced
as an end product.
Reducing CO Oxidation Secondary Carbon monoxide is oxidized into carbon Depending on the Gas engine
emissions catalyst dioxide on the surface of the catalyst using the amount of catalyst
oxygen in the flue gas. used, discharge ef-
ficiency is 30 – 90%.
Reducing Oxidation Secondary Hydrocarbons are oxidized on the surface of Discharge efficiency Gas engine
hydrocarbon catalyst the catalyst into carbon dioxide and water depends on both the
emissions vapour using the oxygen in the flue gas. catalyst chosen and
the hydrocarbons
Emissions monitoring
Monitoring Secondary The secondary method is based on periodi- Reliable measuring, Diesel en-
of gaseous method – fuel cal flue gas measurements as well as on the minimal need for gine – typi-
emissions and process systematic monitoring and reporting of certain expertise at the plant, cally e.g.
parameters process and fuel parameters. The secondary suitable for different sulphur
method is often the most efficient means of market areas. dioxide
emissions monitoring. emissions
Constant Emissions levels can be monitored constantly Actual emissions Diesel or
emissions using automatic equipment. The operation and level is monitored gas engine
monitoring maintenance of equipment requires personnel constantly and any – typically
(CEMS / AMS) expertise to ensure reliable performance. The limits exceeded are e.g. NOx
results reported may be uncertain if the necessary registered automati- emissions
expertise is not available. cally.
Monitoring Secondary The secondary method is based on periodical Reliable measuring, Diesel
of particle method – fuel flue gas measurements as well as on system- minimal need for engine
emissions and process atic monitoring and reporting of certain process expertise at the plant,
parameters and fuel parameters. The secondary method suitable for different
is often the most efficient means of emissions markets.
Constant Constant particle measurement is usually The apparent emis- Diesel
emissions based on secondary monitoring, e.g. analysers sions level is moni- engine
monitoring monitoring opacity or light diffusion. Calibration tored constantly and
based on reference monitoring gives a correla- any limits exceeded
tion with the parameter monitored. If the fuel are registered auto-
and load conditions vary, the monitoring may matically.
not yield reliable results.
WÄ RTS I L Ä 2 0 0 5 25
ly applied in the largest gas power
plants in certain markets, an exam-
ple being the USA. Oxidation cata-
lysts are used primarily in gas pow-
er plants, whereas electrostatic fil-
ters and flue gas desulphurization
systems are normally used in HFO-
fired diesel plants.


Almost the only method able to re-
duce nitrogen oxides in the exhaust
SCR reactors at Barrick Western power plant.
gas is Selective Catalytic Reduction.
The other few methods available
today are not cost-competitive with performance measurements carried these substances the methods typ-
SCR. out in September 2005 showed that ically used in small diesel engines
SCR is an effective method. the NOx emissions using the new – particle traps, reactors based on
Wärtsilä’s power plant portfolio in- system were well below the guaran- particle oxidation, or a combina-
cludes SCR products for both die- tee levels. The effects of ageing of tion of the two – are not effective,
sel and gas power plants. A filter ele- the filter on emissions levels will be or else they require extremely high-
ment with a honeycomb structure monitored. quality fuel to be effective. The dis-
can be used when running on light advantages of alternative methods
or heavy fuel oil with a sulphur FGD of reducing particle emissions, such
content below 2%, which ensures The Flue Gas Desulphurization as bag filters, are their intolerance
a highly compact structure. With (FGD) method is used when the to high temperatures, large pressure
poorer-quality fuel oils, a less dense sulphur contents of the applicable losses or extremely high investment
filter element structure and efficient fuels are not sufficient to meet sul- costs.
dust blowing are required to mini- phur dioxide limits. Typically two Although using good-quali-
mize the impact of clogging. types of FGD systems are used in ty fuels (low-sulphur light fuel oil
In gas engine applications the Wärtsilä power plants: sodium hy- and bio-oil) can in itself achieve
density of the SCR element can be droxide (NaOH) and limestone substantially lower particle emis-
larger than for diesel engine appli- (CaCO3) FGD, both of which are sion levels compared with the use
cations and no dust blowing is re- wet systems. Where flue gas desul- of heavy fuel oils, there is still per-
quired. An oxidation catalyst is of- phurization is concerned, either the ceived to be a need for secondary
ten fitted to the SCR system in investment or operating costs gen- particle reduction in certain ap-
Wärtsilä gas engine applications, erally have a significant effect on the plications in the future. In 2004
in which case the overall system plant’s economy and for this reason Wärtsilä performed a study with a
is called a ULE (Ultra-Low-Emis- it is always important to first com- research institute to identify alter-
sions) concept. This system was in- pare fuel qualities and costs. Plants native techniques and their appli-
troduced several years ago with the with FGD systems are also chal- cability. The next stage will be to
aim of reducing NOx emissions to lenging with respect to the han- test the most potential of these.
< 10 ppm (15% O2) along with dling and disposal of the end prod-
significant reductions of CO and uct, and the spread and visibility of Oxidation catalysts
VOC emissions. Development and the flue smoke. Wärtsilä has devoted itself to mak-
monitoring of a next-generation ing smaller oxidation catalysts more
ULE concept is now under way. An ESP competitive by integrating them
example of such an installation is No competitive alternative to the into the exhaust gas system, thus
the Western 102 project in Nevada, electrostatic filter has yet been eliminating the need for a separate
USA, where each of fourteen Wärt- found for reducing particulate reactor and its support structure.
silä 20V34SG engines is fitted with emissions from an HFO-fuelled Methane is not normally clas-
an efficient ULE system. The pow- diesel engine. Burning HFO pro- sified as a VOC (volatile organic
er plant has been given a guaran- duces sulphur oxides, particles and, compound) and no air quality lim-
teed NOx value of approx. 5 ppm contained within these, certain its have been defined for it. Nor,
(15% O2). Preliminary control and hazardous components. Owing to with few exceptions, have legal

26 WÄRT S IL Ä 2 0 0 5
limits been set for methane levels cially at HFO-fuelled diesel plants. ly deteriorates as a result, and there-
in power plant flue gases. Methane, Testing of the system started in the fore carbon dioxide emissions in-
however, is considered to be a fac- autumn of 2005 and first experi- crease compared to the wet meth-
tor in global warming and there- ence has been positive. A condi- od. Another example is the remov-
fore the need for methane reduc- tion inspection will be performed al of sulphur dioxide from the flue
tion could increase in the near fu- on the components used in the first gas, which usually results in a sig-
ture. test period (> 500 hours). The ap- nificant increase in water consump-
Removing methane from flue proval tests for the equipment will tion. The typical water consump-
gases is a challenging task. Modern be continued during 2006. tion of a flue gas desulphurization
catalyst materials and flue gas tem- plant is 0.6 – 1.0 m3/kWh, whereas
peratures are not up to the task and Noise control the entire water volume needed in
help is needed, for example, from A central aspect in the design of an air-cooled engine-driven pow-
an expensive heat exchange solu- Wärtsilä power plants is noise con- er plant is in the order of 0.02 m3/
tion or an extra combustion process trol. Noise level criteria will depend kWh.
to raise the flue gas temperature on the plant’s location; the noise Minimizing the impact of
sufficiently. Moreover, maintaining limits set for a plant located close wastewater requires a combina-
the oxidation process of the cata- to a residential area, for example, tion of two factors: minimizing the
lyst often also requires a regener- will naturally be far stricter than for use of water, and treatment of the
ation process or even continuous a plant in an industrial area. Effi- wastewater produced. Wastewater
additional feeding of a support fuel cient noise suppression requires a treatment is an essential aspect of
into the catalyst. Wärtsilä is cur- combination of different noise re- diesel power plants whereas the
rently assessing the potential meth- duction methods. In 2005 Wärtsilä wastewater produced by gas power
ane reduction techniques available made a special study of the noise plants largely corresponds in qual-
and will decide on further develop- produced by radiators and the po- ity to domestic wastewater and is
ment when its assessment is com- tential for reducing this form of easily treated using existing small-
plete. noise as a means of reducing over- scale methods.
all noise levels. Treating the oily wastewater
Monitoring emissions produced by a diesel power plant
The legislation of some countries Minimizing water consumption has long been a challenging task.
requires the use of automatic emis- and treating waste water No reliable method is yet availa-
sion monitoring equipment for Water consumption is also an im- ble because the oil content of the
plants of a certain type or size. In portant environmental consider- wastewater varies considerably be-
India, for example, it is mandatory ation in energy production owing tween different power plants and
for large (> 50 MW) diesel power to the world’s limited reserves of even within the same plant at dif-
plants to use this type of equipment freshwater. Different energy gen- ferent times. The traditional answer
for monitoring NOx emissions. eration methods can display ex- has been to use space-consuming
Wärtsilä has developed an inno- tremely large differences in water multistage solutions that are often
vative emissions monitoring system consumption. Minimizing water a burden to use. Wärtsilä has been
that is aimed at improving the relia- consumption and the production
bility of emissions monitoring espe- of wastewater is an important as-
pect in the design of Wärtsilä pow- Water consumption of different
types of power plants
er plants. Compared to many oth-
er types of power plant, a closed cir- Water consumption [t/h]
cuit radiator-cooled engine-driven
Combined cycle gas turbine

power plant cooling tower

power plant is unrivalled in terms

Diesel and gas engine based

of low water consumption. 500

power plant cooling tower

Water consumption is an im-

Steam boiler power plant cooling tower

portant factor that should be con-
sidered when evaluating and choos-
Diesel and gas engine based
power plant radiator coded

ing emissions reduction tech-
niques. An example is the use of 200
dry and wet methods of reduc-
ing nitrogen oxide emissions. Dry 100
methods, i.e. those applying solely
to the engine itself, can prevent an 0
New time-shared emission measuring
increase in water consumption, but
equipment during testing.
the power plant’s efficiency general-

WÄ RTS I L Ä 2 0 0 5 27
ified by certain criteria as “moder-
ate” or “poor”, rather than “good”,
the Guidelines call for considera-
bly stricter flue gas emission limits.
It is the responsibility of the power
plant owner to establish the quali-
ty of the ambient air, and to assess
the spread of emissions from the
plant and their impact. Air quali-
ty, and changes in it, should be es-
tablished as exactly as possible us-
ing air quality studies and atmos-
pheric dispersion modelling, both
of which are central elements in the
New-generation portable automatic oily water treatment system. environmental impact assessment
of the plant.
Wärtsilä power plants are de-
collaborating in research and de- zations have committed themselves signed to enable the plant’s emis-
velopment with a couple of suppli- through their environmental poli- sion levels to be lower than the
ers for a number of years to develop cies and general agreements to com- World Bank limits using a suitable
a modular, reliable and automatic plying with the World Bank Guide- choice of fuel, assuming that the lo-
oily water treatment system. A key lines. An example of this trend is cal ambient air quality does not re-
aspect of this work has been the the Equator Principles document quire stricter limits. Secondary and
application of sensor technology. of leading financial institutions in wet primary emissions reduction
Since the form and content of the which the signatory parties confirm methods can be used either to per-
liquid needing treatment can vary their commitment to compliance mit the use of poorer-quality fuels,
over time from almost clean water with the World Bank Guidelines in or to enable lower emission levels,
to a highly viscous oil-water emul- their financing activities. or to reach better fuel economy.
sion, it is important that the meth-
od can recognize the amount of oil World Bank limits for NOx, SO2 European Union stipulations
in the water and ensure that process and particle emissions from for engine-driven power plants
control takes this into account. new power plants The general European guidelines
As a result of this work, Wärt- An important element in determin- governing the permitting of en-
silä had now introduced a compact, ing the air emission limits of the gine-driven power plants in the EU
reliable and automatic oily water World Bank Guidelines is assess- were introduced during 2005 in the
treatment system that is mount- ing the quality of the ambient air. BREF document (Reference Docu-
ed on a single skid-mounted base- If the air quality in the area is qual- ment on Best Available Techniques
frame and can be transported in a
normal container. Alternatively, the World Bank Guidelines and typical emissions of Wärtsilä diesel power
system can be a fixed installation in plants (shaded); good air quality, if not otherwise stated; emission unit
the container, which is suitable for mg/nm3 (dry, 15 % O2)
outdoor installation. Both options NOX / SO2

are fast and easy to install at a pow- 100

2.000 Emissions with
er plant. typical
HFO qualities
Legislative requirements
1.500 Emissions with
A core principle applied by Wärt- HFO
HFO ESP or good
quality HFO
HFO qualities
silä for years in the development of
its power plants and equipment is
1.000 50
to meet the guidelines of the World HFO HFO
Bank. In recent years compliance

> 50 MWe

< 50

> 50
< 50 MWe

with these guidelines has become

500 SCR
increasingly widespread in power LFO LFO

plant projects around the world be-


cause more and more financing in-
stitutions and export credit organi-
NOX emissions SO2 emissions PM emissions

28 WÄRT S IL Ä 2 0 0 5
for Large Combustion Plants). This EU BREF – BAT levels for diesel and gas engines1;
document sets recommended emis- (mg/nm3 (dry, 15% O2) as unit
sion limit values for various types NOX PM Hydro-
of power plant based on BAT (Best (as NO2) (dust) 2 SO2 2 CO carbons
Available Technique) thinking in Diesel engine No emis- < 30 (LFO/ No emis- No emis- No emis-
emissions control. BAT is based on sion level diesel) sion level sion level sion level
the idea of using the best technique defined < 50 (HFO) defined defined 5 defined 5
available while bearing in mind Gas engine 20 – 75 3 No emission No emis- 30 –100 4 < 23
cost feasibility. Wärtsilä considers level defined sion level formalde-
defined hyde 6
the values to be sensible in princi-
ple but goes along with the gener- 1
Degree of Consensus: Full consensus between Industry and Member States was not
al opinion in industrial circles on reached and hence split views in certain contexts are presented. In particular the deviations
involved BAT associated efficiency, certain emission levels as well as the use of SCR for
evaluating the need for using SCR, economical reasons.
for example. 2
The use of low-sulphur/low-ash fuel when available is regarded as the first choice BAT.
Industry claimed that these ranges are not according to the BAT approach but reflect a
LAER level (USA) that does not take into account cost aspects. The industry opinion about
Country-specific requirements the BAT emission levels is 90 –190 mg/nm3 (dry, 15% O2) and the local environment and air
quality must also be considered when setting the limitations.
German TA-Luft atmospheric emis- 4
Similarly there is a difference in the BAT level for CO emissions. Industry proposes a value
sions regulations have been wide- of 100 and 110 – 380 mg/nm3 (dry, 15% O2) as the BAT level due to fuel related issues.
(dry, 15% O2).
ly applied to engine-driven plants 5
Good maintenance of the engine is regarded as BAT with fuels containing sulphur for liquid-
in other European countries apart fired engines.
NMVOC emission depends on the composition of the natural gas and hence the possible
from Germany as a basis for regu- need for its reduction is case-dependent. The BAT emission level is defined only
lating emission levels from engine- for formaldehyde.
driven plants. Compliance with the
India’s emission limits for diesel power plants
TA-Luft requirements for nitrogen
oxide reduction is a minimum re- 1 July 2003 -
30 June 2005 1 July 2005 -
quirement in the design of Wärt-
silä’s gas engines. NOX (ppm)
970 710
Big cities ≤ 75 MW and other areas ≤ 150 MW
India has long been an impor-
tant market for Wärtsilä. Chang- NOX (ppm)
710 360
Big cities > 75 MW and other areas > 150 MW
es in Indian legislation on emis-
sion limits applying to diesel en- NMHC (as C, mg/nm3) 100 100
gines call for a new generation of PM (mg/nm3), light fuel oil 75 75
diesel engines that meet the 710 3
PM (mg/nm ), heavy fuel oil 100 100
ppm (dry, 15% O2) NOx require- 3
CO (mg/nm ) 150 150
ment with either no or a very minor
increase in fuel consumption. Tur- S content of fuel oil (%) big cities 2 2
bocharger technology in particular S content of fuel oil (%) other areas 4 4
has set limits on this development
Reference oxygen concentration 15% O2, nm3 25 °C / 101.3 kPa
work in the case of engines run-
ning on heavy fuel oil. Wärtsilä is
supplying a large number of power POWER PLANT LIFECYCLE provided for the customer’s power
plants to India incorporating Wärt- MAINTENANCE AND SUPPORT plant staff as required.
silä 20 and 32 engines that are well Although responsibility for the
within the new NOx limits. Correctly operated and main- plant’s operation and maintenance
In the USA, the Environmen- tained, any power generation unit is handed over to the owner after
tal Protection Agency (EPA) is cur- will perform best in terms of reli- commissioning, Wärtsilä neverthe-
rently drawing up country-wide ability, long service, energy effi- less guarantees basic service for its
emission norms for both diesel and ciency and low emissions. Wärt- products throughout their lifecy-
gas engines. These are scheduled to silä’s professional service personnel cle. In providing lifetime support
come into effect in 2005 for die- examine and test the power plant to its customers, Wärtsilä’s Service
sel engines and in 2006 for gas en- before commissioning and provide organization not only provides var-
gines. As yet, the country has no the customer with all the manuals, ious service products; more partic-
such guidelines and limits. documents and instructions nec- ularly, it aims to optimize the pow-
essary for its basic operation and er plant’s performance parameters,
maintenance. Training specific to operation and maintenance.
products and plant types is also

WÄ RTS I L Ä 2 0 0 5 29
Maintenance ensuring the plant meets its per- Wärtsilä provides a technical ex-
Wärtsilä has developed a broad formance, profitability and life- pert at the plant responsible for
range of diagnostic and control time criteria, freeing the oper- design, training, reporting and
software products to support the ator to concentrate on his core management in addition to ex-
plant’s operation and maintenance. business pert services.
When Wärtsilä takes responsibili- • Maintenance Agreement: Wärt- • Supply Agreement: guaranteed
ty for the plant’s maintenance and silä services the equipment at supply of parts and materials,
operation from the owner, it brings regular intervals and provides parts guarantees and informa-
the requisite professional compe- technical support including tion on available upgrades. An
tence to the task with a compre- parts inspection and service optional extra to the agreement
hensive range of service agreement recommendations. is monitoring of the plant’s
models: • Technical Support Agreement: parts stock with replenishment
• Operations & Service Agree- recommendations.
ment: Wärtsilä is responsible for

Pakistani paper mill benefits from power plant conversion:

A power plant owned by Century stabilized in every cylinder. The engines Wärtsilä Operator Interface System
Power Generation Ltd. (CPGL), which are designed for continuous operation (WOIS).
supplies power and heat to one of Pa- either on natural gas with LFO as pilot A WOIS workstation visualizes all
kistan’s largest paper and board mills, fuel or on LFO only. the general plant control functions. A
was converted from a heavy fuel oil Converting the diesel engines to second important feature of this system
(HFO) burning plant into a plant burning dual-fuel engines required replacing relates to its fault diagnostic capability.
light fuel oil (LFO) and gas in a dual-fuel many parts of the engine such as the The system handles alarm and event
(DF) specification. The HFO plant, built pistons, cylinder liners and cylinder lists, the plant’s historical trends, and
in 1996, now runs on natural gas with heads, injection valves and fuel pumps. printing of process data reports. The
LFO as the pilot and back-up fuel. Moreover, many new parts were converted engines were also fitted
CPGL benefits in both business and added such as gas valves, gas pumps with new monitoring equipment, which
operation terms through lower fuel and gas feed pipes. DF engines are is used by the updated control and
costs and lower emission levels. more technically advanced than the automation system for maintenance
The project scope included traditional diesel engines, particularly purposes.
the DF conversion of three Wärtsilä with respect to the control equipment. In this DF conversion, both the
12V32 HFO engines with an output of For this reason the existing basic customer and market benefited. Paki-
4050 kWe each, plus a maintenance control system was replaced with a stan is a booming market for gas and
contract for three years. In natural PLC (Programmable Logical Controller) dual-fuel engines as the availability of
gas mode the engine runs accord- based control and automation system gas is growing and its price is low com-
ing to the Lean Burn Otto principle, custom-made for the DF engines. The pared to HFO. Since gas is a cleaner
while in LFO mode the engine works PLC automation system is designed for fuel than fuel oil, the government of
according to the diesel process. The safe, reliable, efficient and easy opera- Pakistan is encouraging gas-based
engines can be started either in gas tion of the generating units plus their power generation. Power companies
mode or in diesel mode. In gas mode associated auxiliaries and electrical are either replacing HFO engines with
the engine is started only with LFO systems. The power plant is now oper- gas or DF engines or will be doing so
pilot fuel injection, and gas admission ated, managed and monitored largely in the future.
is activated only when combustion is from a central control panel using the

30 WÄRT S IL Ä 2 0 0 5
Condition-Based Mainte- R&D or technical advances in gen- silä’s technical support experts per-
nance (CBM) is a system based on eral before these solutions are taken form emission, noise and vibration
a unique combination of local in- into operation. Feasibility studies measurements, as well as chemical
spections and remote control of are carried out to establish if new and metallurgical analyses, to cor-
the plant’s mechanical condition technology can be used in old prod- rect any problems. If such problems
and operating data. The system ucts. Such “modification products” and their solutions are of benefit to
makes predictive maintenance pos- can help bring old power plants to other product users, technical sup-
sible with minimum interruptions almost the same level of perform- port will inform these users appro-
to operation, added safety and op- ance as plants equipped with the priately. Technical support also in-
timized plant performance. More latest technology. An example is forms customers of product en-
than 170 power plant engines have conversion of a power plant’s fuel hancements resulting from research
so far been connected to this expert system. Such changes are increas- and development.
reporting service. ingly being made in response to
Wärtsilä is continuously devel- changes in fuel availability and
oping new support products. Re- fuel prices, and to the introduction
cent examples include a system of ever stricter emission require-
for monitoring lubrication oil lev- ments. The reference on the oppo-
els in real time, and a wireless tem- site page is described in an article
perature monitoring and alert sys- published in Asian Power Magazine
tem for the big end bearing of the in conjunction with an award (Best
connecting rod. Both solutions in- Power Plant Project of the Year)
crease the plant’s operational relia- granted to the plant.
bility and safety. Also under devel-
opment is a predictive maintenance Technical support
system based on acoustic spectrum Technical product support, in ad-
changes in the engine. dition to providing diagnostic serv-
ices, is responsible for establishing
Modernizations and conversions any problems and their causes asso-
Exhaustive laboratory and field ciated with Wärtsilä products used
tests are carried out for new solu- in an installation, and for provid-
tions resulting from Wärtsilä’s own ing solutions to rectify them. Wärt-

Service agreements Engines connected to CBM

in force No. of engines
No. of agreements 350
350 300
300 250
250 200
200 150
150 100
100 50
50 0
0 2002 2003 2004 2005
1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005
• On order
• Connected

WÄ RTS I L Ä 2 0 0 5 31

Wärtsilä BioPower manufactures BioPower, BioEnergy and oil/gas BioPower 5 (BP5) products
and supplies heat and power plants boilers: deliveries completed or in In BP plants, electricity is gener-
that use biofuels, oil and gas for fuel. progress 2005 ated with a steam turbine genera-
Boiler plants operating on biofuels tor. The low-pressure exhaust steam
Products MWth MWe
have a capacity of 2 – 17 MWth. from the turbine is used to pro-
Boiler plants that operate on oil and BioEnergy 20 duce hot water in a steam condens-
gas have a unit size of 1 MWth –15 BioPower 54.8 16 er. This combined heat and power
MWth. With these fuels the plants Oil/gas 93.7 (CHP) generation process optimiz-
can produce hot water, steam and es production to the heat require-
electricity according to customer Energy production ments with electricity generated
needs. Wärtsilä’s bioboilers are designed as a by-product. Given what is fi-
BioPower focuses on biomass- for wood-based fuels that are typ- nancially and technically feasible in
fired heat and power plants, which ically generated as by-products each case, BP products are dimen-
it supplies to selected market areas. from forest industry processes. sioned for relatively low steam pres-
Deliveries are currently in progress sure and temperatures (23 – 52 bar
in Scandinavia – principally Swe- Biofuels have the following and 450 – 480 ºC), giving a total
den – as well as Central Europe distinctive characteristics: energy efficiency of 85 – 86%. If re-
and Russia. Wärtsilä’s patented • High and variable moisture quired, a BP plant can produce just
BioGrate technology enables the content, up to 65% m/m electricity, in which case the energy
power plants to use various wood- • Variable heat value on arrival efficiency in electricity generation
based biofuels such as bark, saw- at the plant, at its lowest only is 25%. The low-pressure exhaust
dust, wood chips and also peat as 5 MJ/kg steam from the turbine is then con-
their source of energy. The com- • Fairly low, variable energy densed using either air or water.
pany’s BioEnergy (BE) plants pro- density: 0.5 MWh/m3 The main operational values of the
duce hot water and steam, where- < q < 1.2 MWh/m3 BP5 plants either already delivered,
as BioPower (BP) plants produce • Low sulphur content or under delivery, are given in the
heat and electricity. At present 81 < 0.05% m/m dry table at the top of the next page.
BioEnergy and BioPower plants are • Low ash content
in operation around the world. 0.5–3% m/m dry
• Low chlorine content
< 0.05% m/m dry.

32 WÄRT S IL Ä 2 0 0 5
BIOPOWER 5 50 BAR(A), 480 °C (450) Boiler output 17 MW provided there is no steam con-
Power plant type MWe Thermal power Other data sumption in the process. Corre-
BioPower 5 DH 3.7 13.0 MW 90/50 °C DH water spondingly the calculated water
BioPower 5 HW 3.1 13.5 MW 115/90 °C hot water consumption in BE plants relates
BioPower 5 CEX 4.4 17 t/h steam up to 2 bar(a)
principally to ash treatment unless
BioPower 5 CEX 3.6-5.2 as required 460 °C steam temp.
water is consumed elsewhere in the
process. Consumption varies typi-
Flue gas emissions of bio-boilers Noise emissions cally in the range 3 –7 g/MJfuel de-
The flue gas emissions from bio- Noise disturbs those in the neigh- pending on the ash content of the
boilers consist mainly of NOx, bourhood, and increasing atten- fuel.
SO2, CO, CO2 and particle emis- tion is being paid to the problem In BP and BE plants lubrica-
sions. Since the sulphur content of of noise when designing struc- tion oil is used in the fuel handling
a clean biofuel is low, and the plant’s tures. Noise emissions within the systems and in the grate’s hydrau-
CO2 emissions are assumed to de- plant are for the most part below lic system. Roughly 500 l/a of oil
rive from the renewable carbon cy- 85 dB(A) at a distance of one metre is needed. BP plants also consume
cle, boiler plant decisions concen- from machinery, and outside below roughly 500 l/a of lubrication oil in
trate on emissions of dust, NOX, 50 dB(A) at a distance of 50 –100 the turbine.
and CO. The most typical values of metres from the wall of the plant.
these emissions in the BE and BP To meet the strictest noise emission Compliance with legislation
plants delivered are as follows: requirements, tailored solutions Wärtsilä’s BioEnergy and BioPow-
can be implemented that meet low- er plants are designed to meet all
NO2 70...90 ...1201 mg/MJfuel er noise level limits. local emission requirements. These
CO 100 ... 150 mg/MJfuel are usually set for:
Particles 15 , 50, 5002 mg/m3n Ash, water and lubricating oil • Non-combusted gases such as
O2 =6% Ash is a typical by-product of BE CO
Value depends on nitrogen content and BP plants. The solid matter in • Nitrogen oxides
of the fuel. biofuel includes 1– 3% of inorganic • Sulphur oxides
Value depends on local emissions substances. The fuel also often con- • Particle emissions
regulations. tains sand and soil and consequent- • Noise emissions
ly the amount of solid matter, ash, • Water separated by flue gas
remaining after combustion can condenser
Air emissions from oil- and actually total more than 5% of the • Condensate from the steam
gas-fired boilers dry solid matter in the fuel fed in- boiler.
Air emissions from oil and gas boil- to the boiler.
ers are reduced using efficient com- Ash is mainly recovered in two
bustion technology (a modern separate systems. Bottom ash is re-
burner with an appropriate boil- covered after it has been extin-
er structure) and with precise, ad- guished (wet) under the grate. Fly
vanced regulation of the combus- ash is recovered dry either from
tion air. The following are typical the multicyclone or the electrostat-
emission levels from boilers fired ic precipitator, depending on the
using light fuel oil and gas: cleaning method, and it can be kept
• CO < 20 mg/MJ separate from the grate ash.
• NOx emissions < 60 mg/MJ The calculated water consump-
• SOx < 10 mg/MJ tion varies in BP (CHP) applica-
• CxHx < 7 mg/MJ tions running on typical fuels be-
• Particle emissions < 10 mg/MJ. tween 15 g/MJfuel and 25 g/MJfuel

WÄ RTS I L Ä 2 0 0 5 33

Wärtsilä’s mission, vision and sus- Wärtsilä’s sustainable develop- pany’s stakeholders, economic per-
tainable development strategy cre- ment is based on three closely in- formance also calls for promoting
ate the framework for develop- terrelated pillars: economic, envi- well-being in the local communi-
ing the company’s activities and ronmental and social performance. ties where the company operates.
products. They are supplement- Wärtsilä has endeavoured to inte- Good economic performance es-
ed by Wärtsilä’s Operative Excel- grate responsible conduct into its tablishes a foundation for the oth-
lence System (OpExS), a tool for business processes. er aspects of sustainability as well as
continuous improvement of the safeguarding the company’s future
company’s operations and prod- Economic performance operating capabilities.
ucts. Wärtsilä harmonizes its oper- Economic performance involves
ations worldwide through its glo- meeting the expectations of share- Environmental performance
bal environment, quality and occu- holders and contributing towards Good environmental performance
pational health and safety policies the well-being of society. This re- means sound management of nat-
and the company’s operating prin- quires the company’s operations ural resources and operating on the
ciples (Corporate Manual, Code of to be efficient, profitable and com- environment’s own terms. Protect-
Conduct). petitive. Besides creating econom- ing the air, soil and water as well as
ic value-added direct to the com- combating climate change and us-

34 WÄRT S IL Ä 2 0 0 5
ing natural resources in a sustain- Wärtsilä continuously develops fined its operating principles (Code
able way are all important objec- and improves its operations with of Conduct) specifically to improve
tives, whether these apply to Wärt- the help of certified environmen- its social performance. The Code of
silä’s own operations or the use of its tal systems. Wärtsilä’s environmen- Conduct sets the boundaries for
products. Environmental perform- tal systems cover all the operations Wärstilä’s business operations and
ance also requires the company to of its subsidiaries, which means their development in line with the
identify the lifecycle environmental that the Group is able to promote Group’s strategy. Other important
impacts of its products and to re- environmental protection and re- aspects of good social perform-
duce these impacts through proac- duce negative impacts on a wide ance are creating a safe working en-
tive research and development. front. Wärtsilä has not set targets vironment and operating proce-
Most of the environmental im- for operational environmental as- dures, ensuring the well-being of
pacts from Wärtsilä’s operations re- pects at the corporate level because the company’s employees and the
late to manufacturing. The main the activities of its subsidiaries vary development of personal skills and
environmental aspects of manu- widely. For this reason the compa- competencies. These aspects main-
facturing concern the use of ener- ny does not consider it appropriate tain the ability of the employees to
gy and natural resources, and thus to set common objectives. None- do their work, as well as raise effi-
also the emissions that manufac- theless, achieving energy efficien- ciency and improve Wärtsilä’s posi-
turing produces. Product develop- cy and reducing emissions are cen- tion as a desirable employer. Prod-
ment also requires the testing of tral goals for all Wärtsilä companies uct safety means responsibility to-
products and individual compo- and factories. wards the company’s customers and
nents which, alongside manufac- its own personnel. Alongside com-
turing, also loads the environment. Social performance pliance with safety requirements,
However, the positive impacts of Social performance involves fol- essential aspects of product safe-
product improvements on the en- lowing good practices and proce- ty are product support and train-
vironment far outweigh the nega- dures in stakeholder relations. This ing. Promoting good social per-
tive impacts of testing when tak- requires continuous co-operation formance requires seamless collab-
ing the product’s entire lifecycle in- with suppliers, partners and lo- oration throughout the Group net-
to account. cal organizations. Wärtsilä has de- work.


Continuous improvement and reporting

Values Principles

Financial Environmental Social responsibility Operating

responsibility responsibility principles
• Responsible corpo-
• Profitable, com- • Sustainable use of rate citizenship
petitive and efficient natural resources • Well-being at work
business operations • Prevention of pollution and personnel Corporate
• Creation of financial • Environmentally development policies
value added to sound products and • Safe working
direct stakeholders services environment
• Greater well-being • Certified environ- • Product safety
in local communities mental management Corporate
systems manual

Wärtsilä’s sustainable development programme

Wärtsilä’s Vision, Mission, Strategy and Goals

WÄ RTS I L Ä 2 0 0 5 35

Economic performance involves tions depends on long-term collab- silä aims to deepen the partnerships
meeting the expectations of share- oration and continuous interaction with its suppliers in order to en-
holders and contributing towards with customers. Wärtsilä provides sure that both parties have a mutu-
the well-being of society. This re- its customers with service through- al understanding of Wärtsilä’s strict
quires that the company’s opera- out the product lifecycle, thus en- process and product requirements.
tions are efficient, profitable and suring optimal performance during Apart from financial benefits, part-
competitive. Good economic per- the product’s lifetime. The mod- nerships create added value for sup-
formance establishes a platform for pliers through the knowledge and
the other aspects of sustainability – development support Wärtsilä of-
Geographical breakdown
environmental and social responsi- of markets fers them. Successful partnership
bility. MEUR
can also assist a local supplier in ex-
panding internationally by becom-
Creating economic value-added ing a part of Wärtsilä’s global sup-
Wärtsilä’s purpose is to create value ply chain.
for its various stakeholders. The fo- In 2005 the value of goods, ma-
cus is on profitability and generat- 1,500 terials and services purchased by
ing a good long-term return on in- 1,000 Wärtsilä was EUR 1,791 million.
vestment for shareholders. Achiev- 500 Wärtsilä has more than 3700 ac-
ing this depends on Wärtsilä’s abil- 0
tive suppliers, most of whom are lo-
ity to satisfy the expectations of its 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 cated in Europe where Wärtsilä has
other stakeholders as well. This in- its main production units. Wärt-
cludes providing customers with • Europe silä also has a significant number of
high-quality products, solutions • Asia suppliers in Asia.
and services, building long-term • America
partnerships with suppliers, offer- • Africa
ing employees competitive com-
• Other Cost of all goods, materials and
services purchased
pensation and working conditions,
and contributing to the well-being ernization of installed products can 2,000
of the local communities in which also extend their service life. 1,800
Wärtsilä operates. Wärtsilä’s net sales totalled 1,600
EUR 2,638.8 million in 2005. Eu- 1,200
Customers rope contributed 42%, Asia 36%, 1,000
Wärtsilä creates value for its cus- the Americas 15% and Africa 6% 600
tomers by providing products, so- to Wärtsilä’s overall net sales. 400
lutions and services that fulfil their 200
needs and expectations. The devel- Suppliers 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005

opment of high-quality, reliable Suppliers play a significant role in

and environmentally sound solu- Wärtsilä’s delivery process. Wärt-

Value-added distributed to Wärtsilä’s shareholders IFRS

MEUR 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005
Customers Net sales 2,358.7 2,519.0 2,357.5 2,478.2 2,638.8
Cost of goods, materials and
Suppliers services purchased -1,227.1 -1,676.7 -1,666.4 -1,639.6 -1,791.4
Value-added 1,131.6 842.3 691.1 838.5 847.4
Distributed to stakeholders
Distribution of value-added
Employees Wages and salaries 382.5 434.2 447.7 456.6 434.3
Public sector Taxes and social dues 302.2 162.2 110.8 183.9 149.7
Creditors Interest on debt and borrowings 15.2 18.5 15.9 3.7 23.4
Shareholders Dividends 237.8 104.1 106.4 83.3 141.2
For business development 193.9 123.2 10.3 111.0 98.8

36 WÄRT S IL Ä 2 0 0 5
Employees rity and improve the quality of life Creditors and shareholders
At the end of 2005 Wärtsilä had for the company’s employees and In 2005 Wärtsilä’s net financial
12,008 employees worldwide. their families. items totalled EUR 23.4 million.
Wärtsilä also employed thousands Wärtsilä companies also receive Dividends totalling EUR 141.2
of people indirectly through its subsidies from the public sector. million were paid to the company’s
supply chain. In order to be able to The value of the subsidies received shareholders. Wärtsilä’s dividend
recruit competent and motivated in 2005 was EUR 3.7 million and policy is to pay a dividend equiva-
people, Wärtsilä endeavours to offer they were mainly related to R&D lent to 50% of its operational earn-
employees competitive salaries, op- projects. ings per share. In recent years the
portunities for continuous person- company has distributed an extra
al development and a good work- dividend based on the sales of cer-
Net sales/person
ing environment. Developing em- tain non-core business interests.
EUR 1,000
ployee skills and competences is of 250 The dividends paid per share are
critical importance both for Wärt- presented in notes to the financial
silä’s business performance and for statements.
the development of the company’s 150

employees. 100
Community support
Salaries totalled EUR 434.3 At the national level, Wärtsilä
million in 2005. This sum includes provides financial support for a
basic salaries as well as payments 0 number of national, cultural and
2001 2002 2003 2004 2005
based on various incentive schemes, social activities. The Board of Di-
which cover some 54% of the total rectors has supported activities fo-
personnel. Geographical breakdown of taxes cused on children and young peo-
and social dues
ple, national defence, disabled war
Public sector veterans, and medical and techni-
Wärtsilä pays various social dues 350
cal research. Wärtsilä’s Board of Di-
and taxes to the governments of rectors contributed altogether EUR
various countries. Income taxes 70,000 to these activities in 2005.
and social dues in the financial pe-
riod 2005 were EUR 149.6 mil- Donations to good causes by the
lion. The social costs for employees Board of Directors
that Wärtsilä pays in most coun- EUR 1,000 2003 2004 2005
tries contribute to the funding of 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005
Total 55 77 70

pensions, unemployment and oth-

er social benefits that provide secu- • Europe At the local level, Wärtsilä has
• Asia provided financial support to cul-
• America tural, educational, sports and oth-
Geographical breakdown of • Africa er activities as shown in the table
wages and salaries • Other countries below.
Subsidies received from Donations to local
400 public sector1
350 EUR 1,000
300 EUR 1,000 2003 2004 2005
250 Total 306.8 385.0 343.5
200 6,000
150 5,000
100 Wärtsilä in sustainable
50 4,000
development indexes
0 3,000
2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 Wärtsilä has been admitted to the
Kempen/SNS Smaller Europe SRI
• Europe 1,000
index and the Ethibel Investment
• Asia 0
• America 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 Register and the Ethibel Pioneer
• Africa 1
The 2002-2003 figures include the data from 10 major
Sustainability Index.
• Other countries Wärtsilä companies and the 2003-2005 figures from 12
major Wärtsilä companies.

WÄ RTS I L Ä 2 0 0 5 37

Continuous improvement of en- nance and sales units. The cover- Electricity
vironmental performance in the age of environmental reporting has Wärtsilä uses electricity in its man-
company’s operations require the changed since the 2002 Environ- ufacturing operations – for exam-
organization to work systemati- mental Report and 2004 Sustaina- ple, in machining components –
cally year on year. In developing bility Report. The figures for 2003, and in service workshops and offic-
its operations, processes and prod- 2004 and 2005 include a higher es. Both the electrical and the heat
ucts, Wärtsilä endeavours to use proportion of Wärtsilä companies energy generated during engine
the latest technology available for than in earlier years. For this rea- test runs can be utilized. Wärtsilä’s
improving efficiency in materials son certain indicators in this report aim is to use the electrical energy
and energy consumption, and for show an absolute increase in the for its own purposes while also sell-
reducing and managing emissions figures for those years. ing part of this electrical energy to
and wastes. a local power company. Due to the
Wärtsilä’s principle is to apply ENERGY nature of engine test runs, the pro-
certified Environmental Manage-
ment Systems based on ISO 14001 Total energy consumption Annual electricity consumption
in all Group companies. The com- The total energy consumption (in GWh
pany’s environmental system focus- terajoules, TJ) presented below 140 120

es especially on compliance with includes the electricity, heat and 120 100

legal requirements, identifying and fuels used in Wärtsilä companies in 100

reducing environmental aspects, recent years. 80
impacts and risks, training person- 60
nel and clearly defining their re- 40
sponsibilities, full documentation 20

of activities and procedures, ac- Annual energy consumption 0 0

2001 2002 2003 2004 2005
tion in emergencies, and continu- TJ
2,500 120
ous improvement of environmental
100 • Generated electricity
performance. At the end of 2005 2,000
• Purchased electricity
32 Wärtsilä companies had operat- 80
Electricity index (2001=100)
ed with a certified environment sys- 60
tem. These certified environmen- 1,000
Electricity balance 2005, GWh
tal systems cover roughly 75% of 500 20
Wärtsilä’s total workforce.
0 0
Wärtsilä’s main environmental 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005
aspects relate to the use of mate-
rials and natural resources, energy • Natural gas
consumption, and emissions and • Electricity
wastes generated by the company’s • Heating
operations. The company’s subsidi- • HFO (low ash)
aries set their own goals and targets • LFO
covering significant environmental • HFO (high ash) • Purchased electricity 112
aspects of their operations. • Orimulsion ®
• Generated electricity 12
The company’s environmental • Other • Sold electricity 49
Energy index (2001=100)
records cover production, mainte-

Wärtsilä’s targets to the end of 2005

Target Environmental benefit Status at end of 2005
To perform energy analyses and energy Reduced consumption of primary energy, Energy analyses and efficiency pro-
efficiency programmes in all factories. more efficient use of natural resources, grammes performed at all factories except
and reduced emissions. Trieste, where the target was not reached
for production reasons.
To perform a lifecycle assessment for one A deeper understanding of lifecycle The lifecycle assessments are completed.
Ship Power application and one Power environmental impacts.
Plant application.

38 WÄRT S IL Ä 2 0 0 5
duction of electricity and the com- and washing machines. Some fac- Annual particulate emissions
pany’s electricity demand are not tories also use domestic water to Tonnes
30 120
equivalent; this allows the surplus produce moulds.
energy to be sold to a local power Heat emissions into water sys- 25 100

company. tems arise from engine cooling 20 80

and process cooling water. Wärt- 15 60
Heat silä companies use water from the 10 40
Heating for factories and offices ac- local watercourse for their engine
5 20
counts for most of Wärtsilä’s con- and process cooling needs. In such
sumption of heat energy. In sever- cases, the cooling water system is 0
2001 2002 2003 2004 2005

al factories the heat generated in kept separate so that only heat is

engine test runs is used for heat- released into the natural water sys- • Particulate
ing. Some factories and offices are tem. Wastewater is sewered and Particulate index (2001=100)
connected to a local district heat- piped to the local wastewater treat-
ing network, some have their own ment plant. If effluent is not suita- Annual CO2 emissions
heating plant, and some use elec- ble for sewage treatment, it is tak- Tonnes
tricity for heating. en away for appropriate treatment, 120,000 120
for example to a special treatment 100,000 100
plant for hazardous wastes. 80,000 80
Annual heat consumption
60,000 60
GWh Emissions to the air
160 40,000 40
The primary source of manufac-
turing noise is engine test runs and 20,000 20
ventilation machinery on factory 0 0
2001 2002 2003 2004 2005
80 roofs. This noise is mostly low fre-
60 quency and is therefore not easily
40 detected by the human ear. Wärt- • CO 2

CO2 index (2001=100)

20 silä has specifically addressed the is-
2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 sue of noise protection using tech- Annual NOx emissions
nical means and we have succeeded Tonnes

• Generated heat in lowering noise levels considera- 1,400 120

• Purchased heat bly. However, noise abatement is a 1,200 100

continuous need and requires regu- 1,000
lar monitoring. 800
Water Air emissions are mainly caused 600
The water consumed by Wärtsilä by test runs and the painting of 400
can be divided into two catego- completed engines or other Wärt- 200 20

ries: domestic use and cooling use. silä products. Test run emissions 0 0
2001 2002 2003 2004 2005
Domestic water is used mainly for consist of nitrogen oxides, sulphur
sanitary purposes and by industri- dioxide, carbon dioxides and par-
al equipment such as machine tools ticles, as well as small amounts • NO X

NOX index (2001=100)

Annual water consumption Annual VOC emissions Annual SO2 emissions

1,000 m3 Tonnes Tonnes
12,000 120 70 120 400 120

60 350
10,000 100 100 100
50 80
8,000 80 80
6,000 60 60 200 60
4,000 40 40 40
20 100
2,000 20 20 20
10 50

0 0 0 0 0 0
2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005

• Domestic water • VOC • SO 2

• Cooling water VOC index (2001=100) SO2 index (2001=100)

Water index (2001=100)

WÄ RTS I L Ä 2 0 0 5 39
of other emission components. dents in which the Wärtsilä com- current reviewing the new environ-
The painting of engines and other pany concerned has usually been mental permit.
Wärtsilä products generates VOC obliged to report the disturbance The height of the flue stack at
(volatile organic compounds) emis- to the authorities. the Ciserv Europoort B.V. work-
sions. The following main environ- shop did not comply with the per-
mental disturbances occurred at mit conditions. The height was in-
Monitoring environmental impacts Wärtsilä’s business locations in creased in conjunction with other
Within Wärtsilä, environmental 2005: modifications, following which the
impacts caused by operational • 3 fires authorities approved the modifica-
activities are monitored as follows: • 5 fuel leaks tions and verified that the flue stack
• Participation in the monitoring • 4 lubricant leaks was in compliance with the permit
of air quality with other local • 3 oil water leaks conditions.
stakeholders • 1 chemical leak
• Measurement of air emissions • 2 ash emissions Non-compliance cases presented
• Charting of noise levels • Smoke emission into a test run in previous reports
• Periodical effluent analysis cell The previous cases of non-com-
• Soil analysis • Dust emission pliance in Wärtsilä France con-
• Dispersion analyses and • Explosion in an exhaust duct cerned its manufacturing activities.
bio-indicator surveys. • Unnecessary triggering of The company’s environmental per-
sprinkler system. mit conditions were reviewed ow-
Compliance ing the termination of manufactur-
The operations of Wärtsilä’s manu- All the above disturbances were ing at this site. The company will
facturing companies require a val- investigated and appropriate cor- undertake corrective action during
id environmental permit. Wärtsilä rective action was taken in each 2006 to meet the new permit con-
companies have the required en- case. ditions.
vironmental permits, the terms of The main reason for complaints Procedures have been intro-
which are generally met. Incidents made by occupants of neighbour- duced at Wärtsilä Propulsion Nor-
of non-compliance are described ing sites was noise. All complaints way AS for monitoring this compa-
below. were investigated and appropriate ny’s permit conditions.
corrective action was taken wher-
Environmental disturbances and ever necessary. Waste management
complaints Manufacturing activities cause var-
The number of disturbances, com- Cases of non-compliance ious wastes. These are divided into
plaints and incidents of non-com- Wärtsilä Finland Oy’s methane two main categories: hazardous and
pliance are presented in the figure. emissions exceeded the permit con- non-hazardous. Hazardous wastes
Reported disturbances cover inci- ditions in force. The authorities are include cutting fluids, various
types of waste oil, paints and sol-
vents, oily wastes and solid wastes,
Disturbances, complaints and Annual waste etc. Hazardous wastes are taken to a
non-compliance Tonnes hazardous waste disposal facility for
Number/year 35,000 120
appropriate treatment.
30,000 100
All Wärtsilä companies sort
80 their waste according to local mu-
60 nicipal regulations. However, gen-
erally speaking the main sorting
15 10,000
categories are: waste to be incin-
10 5,000 20
erated, crude waste for landfills,
5 0 0
2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 clean cardboard, and waste paper.
2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 Waste wood, scrap metal and metal
• Hazardous waste for incineration swarf are collected separately. On-
• Disturbances • Hazardous waste for recycling ly coarse waste and in some cases
• Complaints • Hazardous waste for landfills
• Non-compliance waste wood are removed for landfill
• Waste for incineration disposal. Other wastes are used ei-
• Waste for recycling
• Waste for landfills ther as raw materials or for energy.
Waste index (2001=100)

40 WÄRT S IL Ä 2 0 0 5
Environmental capital expenditures and operating expenses
MEUR 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005
Environmental capital expenditures 5.2 1.8 2.1 2.8 2.5
Environmental operating expenditures 2.3 4.0 4.9 2.8 3.0

Waste management in Wärtsilä Wärtsilä real estate and

has four aims: environmental responsibilities
• To reduce the amount of the The real estate that Wärtsilä owns
waste generated in Wärtsilä proc- or leases is mainly located in urban
esses areas. The company is not aware of
• To use the waste as a material any properties that are situated in
• To use the waste as energy areas where biodiversity could be
• To dispose of the waste in an en- endangered.
vironmentally sound way. Environmental risks and liabil-
ities are identified and reviewed as
ENVIRONMENTAL COSTS a part of overall risk management.
In Wärtsilä’s operations, potential
Environmental capital expendi- liabilities are primarily related to
ture and the operating costs relat- the company’s real estate. Environ-
ed to environmental protection mental liabilities are systematical-
are difficult to separate from nor- ly scrutinized in conjunction with
mal operating costs in our operat- every acquisition or sale of real es-
ing environment. It is equally dif- tate. Wärtsilä has recognized certain
ficult to define capital expenditure cases where potential environmen-
as an exclusively environmental in- tal liabilities may exist but these are
vestment or as a machine or equip- not expected to have a significant
ment investment in the production financial impact on Wärtsilä.
Concerning Wärtsilä’s oper-
ations, we have defined expendi-
tures as environmental expendi-
tures if they are related to soil, wa-
ter and air pollution control, waste
management, environmental man-
agement or noise control.

WÄ RTS I L Ä 2 0 0 5 41

Wärtsilä’s strategy defines the cen- The Ship Power business made Personnel
tral objectives for social perform- further investments in the growing Wärtsilä’s personnel mainly com-
ance in Wärtsilä’s operations. Wärt- Asian market. Wärtsilä’s thruster prises full-time employees with
silä’s intention is to act as a good factory in China, Wärtsilä Propul- permanent employment contracts.
corporate citizen, to offer interest- sion (Wuxi) Co. Ltd, began opera- The number of temporary and part-
ing, motivating and safe jobs to its tions. The factory, with more than
employees, and to develop its em- 40 employees at the end of 2005,
Geographical breakdown
ployees’ professional skills and to is Wärtsilä’s first wholly owned of personnel
improve supply chain manage- production unit in China. Wärt-
ment. Wärtsilä approved its Code silä started manufacturing in Chi-
of Conduct in 2004 and the Code na in 2004 with the establishment
is presented in the Business Review. of a joint venture called Wärtsilä-
Each Wärtsilä employee is required CME Zhenjiang Propeller Co. Ltd.
to act in compliance with the Code In 2005 construction work started
of Conduct and each Wärtsilä sub- on a new factory to produce aux-
sidiary must verify compliance lo- iliary engines. Called Wärtsilä Qi-
cally. yao Diesel Company Ltd, this • Europe .............................. 62% (68)
joint venture will start manufac- • Asia ................................... 26% (21)
Structural changes turing Wärtsilä Auxpac W20 die- • Americas ............................. 10% (8)
in the company during 2005 sel generating sets from early sum- • Africa .................................... 2% (2)
Wärtsilä concentrated engine man- mer 2006. Wärtsilä started produc- • Others ................................... 1% (1)
ufacturing at its factories in Vaasa, tion on new-generation reduction
Finland, and Trieste, Italy. Wärt- gears at its Khopol production unit
Personnel by country
silä’s manufacturing unit in France in India.
was sold to Mitsubishi Heavy In- Wärtsilä’s Service business has
dustries Ltd (MHI), and MHI took expanded strongly in recent years.
over the production machinery and In 2005 Wärtsilä acquired the ma-
roughly 70 Wärtsilä France employ- rine engine service business of the
ees. Wärtsilä also sold the Wärtsilä Germany company DEUTZ AG,
propulsion Heerlen B.V. business gaining in the process roughly 170
in the Netherlands to Smelt Heer- employees. Wärtsilä also acquired
len Beheer B.V. at the end of the the operations of US service com-
year and the company’s 49 employ- pany Gerhardt Holding Co. Inc., • Finland ............................. 21% (26)
ees were transferred to buyer at the gaining a further 128 employees in • Italy ..................................... 10% (9)
same time. this transaction. Several new Ciserv • Netherlands .......................... 9% (9)
In May Wärtsilä’s subsidiary units were established as well, for • India ..................................... 8% (7)
Imatra Steel was moved to a new example in the Baltics and China. • USA ...................................... 5% (3)
steel company called Oy Ovako • China & Hong Kong .............. 4% (3)
Ab, which became a Wärtsilä asso- • France .................................. 4% (5)
ciated company. • Norway ................................. 4% (4)
• Others ............................. 35% (34)

Implementation of social responsibility targets approved by Wärtsilä’s Board of Management:

Target Timetable Status
Ensuring compliance with Code of Conduct, 2005-2007 Training plan and timetable prepared and training material
formulation of control procedures and reporting produced in 2005.
Auditing and updating of supplier requirements in 2005 Supplier requirements were audited and updated in line with the
line with the Code of Conduct Code of Conduct. In particular, social responsibility requirements
were added to the supplier requirements.
Introduction of occupational health and safety Continuous At the end of 2005, 25 companies had an OHS system in opera-
systems in all subsidiaries tion, of which 17 were certified according to OHSAS 18001.

42 WÄRT S IL Ä 2 0 0 5
Change in number of employees ly 70% and 100%. In other coun- handles issues that affect the whole
per business tries the proportions vary so much Group. The EWC and its work-
that a Group-wide average would ing committee play an active role
• Service . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7,199 +821 not give a true picture. Matters af- in considering and pursuing corpo-
• Ship Power . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1,971 +161
• Power Plants . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 761 +20 fecting personnel are also reviewed rate level issues.
• Engine Division . . . . . . . . . . . . 1,792 -303 in the Business Review section of Dialogue at the individual level
• Others . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 285 +93 the Annual Report. is conducted through development
discussions, which are held annual-
Personnel in figures 2005 Consulting and informing ly. The subjects dealt with in these
in Group companies discussions range from the Group’s
• Number of employees at Wärtsilä’s procedures for consulting and business unit’s targets, to the
31 Dec. 2005: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12,008 and informing within the Group individual’s job description, com-
• Number of nationalities: . . . . . . . . . . . . 85 are arranged in each country ac- petence development, career alter-
• Change in number of employees
cording to local legislation. Wärt- natives, personal targets and feed-
(net employment creation): . . . . . . . + 197
silä’s Code of Conduct calls for on- back. Development discussions are
• Average age of employees: . . . 39.4 years
• Total payroll costs: . . . . . . . . MEUR 434.3
going and open dialogue between by definition held with all employ-
• Aggregate coverage of different
the company’s management and ees.
bonus schemes: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 54% employee representatives through Employees are able to have a di-
• Development discussions co-determination bodies, and em- rect impact on the company’s op-
held annually: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 66% ployees are kept informed of both erations and their development by
the Group’s situation and that of making suggestions. Each Wärt-
their particular company. Com- silä employee can offer sugges-
pany management and personnel tions for improvement in opera-
time employees is relatively low. The engage in open discussion also in tions through either the continu-
number of Wärtsilä’s employees has those countries where there are no ous improvement (CI) process or
remained fairly stable over the past formal co-determination bodies as by submitting private initiatives.
few years, despite restructuring. In such. Regular briefings for person- CI proposals are discussed jointly
addition to direct employment, nel are an integral part of the oper- and need a common decision to be
Wärtsilä also uses subcontractors ating procedures of Wärtsilä com- put into effect. Private initiatives
in its factories and units, account- panies. Employee participation are evaluated by experts within the
ing for altogether 1400 man-years in decision-making also extends company and, if found to be feasi-
of work in 2005. to occupational health and safety ble, are put into effect.
In many European countries (OHS). Most Wärtsilä units have Wärtsilä encourages its employ-
almost all employees fall with- an OHS committee with represent- ees to be innovative by granting an
in the scope of collective bargain- atives from all personnel groups. annual Technology Award, either
ing agreements, with the exception In addition to Wärtsilä’s proce- to an individual or to a team, for
of senior management. The pro- dures for consulting and inform- the best technical innovation of the
portion of employees belonging to ing employees at the local level, the year. The award criteria are that the
trade unions ranges between rough- European Works Council (EWC) invention must be innovative, en-

Personnel by business Permanent/temporary Full-time/part-time employees


100 100
96.6% 94.7% 94.9% 94.2% 96.1% 96.6% 97.1% 97.4%
80 80

60 60

40 40

20 20

• Ship Power ....................... 16% (15) 0 0

• Service .............................. 60% (51) 2002 2003 2004 2005 2002 2003 2004 2005

• Power Plants.......................... 6% (6)

• Engine Division .................. 15% (17) • Temporary contracts • Part-time employees
• Permanent contracts • Full-time employees

WÄ RTS I L Ä 2 0 0 5 43
vironmentally sound, representa- the manner required by local leg- ternal courses for personnel. Most
tive of leading technology, improve islation. Altogether 60% of Wärt- of these are tailored to the specific
a product or process, and offer po- silä companies have an occupation- needs of departments.
tential for cost savings. In 2005 al health and safety committee. Wärtsilä’s management train-
the award was given to an Swedish The indicators used to measure ing path offers supervisors and sen-
team who developed a new system occupational health and safety per- ior managers training at all levels of
for machining crankshafts. formance include the number of the organization. The training pro-
accidents, the amount of absence grammes also emphasize the im-
Occupational health and safety due to sickness and the frequency portance of Wärtsilä’s values in eve-
Wärtsilä’s occupational health and of accidents. During the review pe- ryday management. Wärtsilä ad-
safety principles are defined in the riod there was one fatal accident in ditionally uses the training pro-
company’s policy and directive one Wärtsilä unit, where a subcon- grammes and facilities offered by
on occupational health and safety tractor’s employee later died of in- universities and various profession-
(OHS). Wärtsilä’s subsidiaries must juries. al training institutions. Wärtsilä
have a management system in use also supports studies by individuals
that conforms to the OHS policy Training and personal aiming to gain a professional or ac-
and directive. The main aspects in development ademic qualification.
the management system relate to The aim of Wärtsilä’s training
compliance with legislation, identi- schemes and personal development Trainin days
fying and minimizing occupation- is to develop, maintain and update Days/employee 2003 2004 2005
al health and safety risks, personnel the skills and competences need- Managers 3.2 2.5 3.0
training, providing written instruc- ed to reach the company’s strate- Technical employees 3.5 3.4 3.5

tions, the use of protective equip- gic objectives. Critical success fac- Administrative employees 2.2 2.4 3.0
Blue-collar employees 2.6 3.3 2.3
ment, and continuous improve- tors for Wärtsilä are having the cor-
ment of OHS performance. rect competences at the right time
The objective of Wärtsilä’s occu- and the ability to adjust to continu- Human rights
pational health and safety policy is ous change in the business environ- In line with the Code of Conduct
to prevent and manage health and ment. Employees are given train- approved at the end of 2004, Wärt-
safety risks to personnel and stake- ing all the time at all organizational silä supports and respects basic hu-
holders. In addition to the man- levels: from induction training for man values as outlined in the UN’s
agement system, Wärtsilä compa- new employees, to training for the Universal Declaration of Human
nies apply OHS programmes re- company’s top executives. Wärt- Rights.
quired by local legislation, which silä employees attend on average 3 Wärtsilä’s employees represent
are normally implemented in OHS training days a year. The number of 85 different nationalities, and the
committees consisting of repre- training days, altogether 32,532, company supports equal treatment
sentatives of the companies’ man- indicates the broad scope of this of all its employees irrespective of
agement and personnel. Accidents function. Wärtsilä’s training or- race, colour, nationality, gender,
are recorded and investigated in ganization continuously holds in- age or religion. The company’s em-

Injuries Absence rate Training days

No./year % Days/employee

1,200 40 5 4
30 3
25 3
600 20 2
15 2
200 1 1
0 0 0
2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 0
2001 2002 2003 2004 2005

• Number of injuries total • Absence due to lost time injury

• Number of lost-time injuries • Absence due to illness
resulting in at least a 1 day absence
Lost-time injuries/million working hours

44 WÄRT S IL Ä 2 0 0 5
Mapping of working conditions – an example

The Wärtsilä CME Zhenjiang propel- sonnel facilities. The deficiencies related • Sufficient safety gear obtained and
ler factory is a joint venture set up by to the following matters: introduced
Wärtsilä and the Chinese company • In general, little awareness of occupa- • Sufficient lighting organized in the
CME:n (China Marine Equipment). It tional health and safety risks among production facilities
started operations in June 2004 on shop floor personnel • Change of fuel to cleaner fuel (LPG) in
CME’s own site where propellers had • Low-quality personal protective foundries, which improved the quality
been manufactured for 30 years. The equipment and safety equipment of the air in the foundries substantially
company’s main products are fixed pitch • Poor visibility and quality of air in • Office premises were renovated and
propellers, and integrated propulsion production premises office furniture replaced
packages comprising shaftlines, seals • Poor-quality office facilities • Personnel and sanitary premises
and bearings, stern tubes and fixed • Insufficient personnel and sanitary extended, renovated and equipped
pitch propellers. The factory currently facilities with modern sanitary conveniences.
has a workforce of approximately 330
people. After analysing the results of the Development at the factory is still ongo-
An internal assessment of the assessment, the parties planned ing. The aim is to reduce noise levels
factory was performed at its start-up. measures to rectify the shortcomings. and for this purpose new hand tools are
This assessment identified certain Measures already undertaken are: being tested. The complete programme
deficiencies in the working environment, • Assigning training responsibilities to is expected to be completed during the
occupational health and safety, and per- improve and monitor occupational first quarter of 2006.
health and safety

ployees are selected on their qual- Impacts on communities Code of Conduct. Social respon-
ification and competence for each The guiding principle of Wärt- sibility issues were added to the
specific job. Programmes and in- silä’s Code of Conduct is to pro- previous supplier requirements.
structions related to promoting mote openness and good interac- In 2005 Wärtsilä began develop-
equal rights are applied in different tion with its stakeholders locally. ment of a system for managing in-
subsidiaries. This applies as much to the families formation related to supplier selec-
Wärtsilä supports the work-re- of personnel, our neighbours, ed- tion, evaluation and performance.
lated rights defined by the Interna- ucational institutions and the me- This will improve supplier evalua-
tional Labour Organization (ILO) dia as to local authorities and of- tion and monitoring of their per-
and therefore works to ensure there ficials. The methods used towards formance. Wärtsilä regularly con-
is freedom of association and the this end include Open Door days, ducts supplier evaluations. These
right to collective bargaining in the press briefings and different modes are divided into three categories:
company. In those countries where of communication for different tar- initial examination, auditing, and
local legislation does not recognize get groups. Wärtsilä’s activities for inspection. An initial examination
these rights, Wärtsilä endeavours to charitable purposes are described in is made of potential new suppliers
give employees other channels for the Economic Performance section before the supplier relationship be-
expressing their opinions. Wärtsilä of this report. gins. Audits are conducted on new
does not accept the use of forced suppliers and on suppliers whose
labour or child labour in any form. Supply chain performance does not meet Wärt-
Wärtsilä is unaware of any cases Wärtsilä has defined its processes silä’s requirements. Inspections are
of breach of human rights, discrim- for choosing suppliers, determining performed to solve a single devia-
ination, infringements of rights at their requirements and developing tion from requirements. Altogeth-
work, or the use of forced or child the supply relationship. Wärtsilä er 9 supplier audits were performed
labour. offers its suppliers partnership that last year.
Since Wärtsilä expects its part- strengthens the competitiveness of The Supplier Days event in
ners and suppliers to act in com- both parties. A precondition of this 2005 was held in Trieste. The main
pliance with its Code of Conduct, partnership is open and continu- theme of the meeting was develop-
similar measures will also apply to ous dialogue. Partnership think- ment of the supplier relationship.
them. The company sets common ing is also applied in Wärtsilä’s re- Ten suppliers participated in the
requirements for its suppliers and search and development activities, event. The “Supplier of the Year”
regularly monitors conformance where the company often collabo- will be chosen in summer 2006.
with these requirements through rates with universities and key sup-
numerous performance indicators pliers. Preventing corruption and bribery
and audits. All the main suppliers Wärtsilä’s supplier require- Wärtsilä’s Code of Conduct express-
are required comply with Wärtsilä’s ments were updated in line with ly prohibits the company and its
requirements in order to gain Ap- the requirements of the company’s employees from accepting or offer-
proved Supplier status.

WÄ RTS I L Ä 2 0 0 5 45
ing any kind of benefit considered lating the programme and during atives attended events organized
to be a bribe. Only normal business the course of mergers and acquisi- by the service network companies
gifts of nominal value may be given tions. No infringements of compe- and technology units. In China
or accepted. The instructions make tition regulations were identified. the Ship Power business arranged
it compulsory to comply with local The programme documentation a product tour taking in shipyards
anti-bribery provisions and inter- includes a manual of competition and universities in 11 localities and
nationally recognized anti-corrup- law, which provides information attracting over 500 participants.
tion and anti-bribery principles, about competition regulations and Ship Power attended 45 interna-
and to report any cases of bribery. instructions for the company’s in- tional and national maritime con-
The company has organized exten- ternal procedures. Wärtsilä has al- ferences and exhibitions.
sive training for its personnel, par- so arranged training in competition In 2004 Wärtsilä introduced a
ticularly the sales organization, on law for key personnel. Customer Relationship On-Line
anti-corruption principles and on (CROL) system for measuring
the instructions contained in its Product liability the company’s sales, delivery and
Broker Directive. This directive was Wärtsilä’s occupational health and service performance in individual
updated during 2005. safety policy defines procedures for projects. Part of the system requires
The first decision was made on ensuring product safety. Further in- Wärtsilä to make a self-assessment,
the bribery court action, mentioned formation about issues relating to the results of which are compared
in last year’s report, brought against product safety is given in the Pol- with feedback from customers.
a Wärtsilä employee. The Vaasa Dis- icies and Management System sec- This enables action to be taken to
trict Court found the Wärtsilä em- tion of the Annual Report. rectify any issues while projects are
ployee not guilty on all counts. The still in progress. The management
prosecutor has appealed the deci- Customer satisfaction of the business units regularly mon-
sion in a higher court of appeal. Wärtsilä continuously develops and itor customer satisfaction and de-
deepens relations with its custom- cide on any development measures
Political lobbying ers. Wärtsilä supports its custom- necessary.
Wärtsilä’s policy is engage in open ers in the design, start-up and op- Wärtsilä’s performance is meas-
dialogue and discussion with both eration of the equipment and sys- ured using an online form in which
local and international public au- tems it delivers, as the requirements customers are asked to comment
thorities and officials. An impor- of each customer dictate. Dialogue on statements related to the qual-
tant area of co-operation in this fo- with customers is vital to develop- ity of Wärtsilä products and so-
rum is the reduction of emissions ing operations, products and serv- lutions, the organization and the
from energy production. Stake- ices. professional competence of Wärt-
holder co-operation with public In its most important market silä employees. The assessment has
bodies is a part of Wärtsilä’s busi- areas Wärtsilä arranges Customer a scale of 1– 10, the highest grade
ness operations and not a political Days for existing and potential cus- being 10.
activity. tomers. These days are used to re- Altogether 1,167 such ques-
view subjects of topical interest and tionnaires were received from cus-
Competition regulations to discuss existing and future needs tomers in 2005, compared to 780
Wärtsilä has a compliance pro- and challenges. In 2005 the Pow- in 2004.
gramme for managing risks relat- er Plants business held 16 customer
ing to competition law, and the events and seminars with a total of The average results for the
company’s corporate management more than 600 participants. Power customer satisfaction survey
are strongly committed to imple- Plants also participated in 18 inter- 2004 2005
menting this programme. Wärt- national conferences. A total of 30 Ship Power 7.5 7.2

silä’s various subsidiaries conducted customer seminars were organized Service 7.8 7.7
Power Plants 8.0 8.1
reviews of compliance with com- by the Ship Power business. Sev-
petition regulations when formu- eral hundred customer represent-

46 WÄRT S IL Ä 2 0 0 5

Performance indicators1 2001 20022 20033 20045 20054

R&D expenses [EUR million]2 82 88 70.2 73.4 70.1
Environmental investments [EUR million] 5.19 1.83 2.23 3.05 2.54
Environmental operating expenses [EUR million] 2.25 6.02 6.93 4.71 3.05
ENVIRONMENTAL: Power Businesses
Total energy consumption [TJ] 1,348 1,923 2,251 1,723 1,881
• Electricity consumption [MWh] 85,193 106,617 112,806 112,324 123,857
• Heat consumption [MWh] 130,179 126,294 134,944 117,684 102,265
• Light fuel oil [t] 4,872 4,866 4,862 4,474 5,323
• Heavy fuel oils [t] 8,571 13,552 20,146 7,169 10,743
• Natural gas [t] 1,365 7,611 6,785 9,625 10,079
• Other fuels [t] 242 146 188 135
• Orimulsion [t] 342 232 3,275 0 0
Total water consumption [1000 m3] 5,222 9,570 8,710 7,207 7,328
• Consumption of domestic water [1000 m3] 530 727 576 606 626
• Consumption of cooling water [1000 m3] 4,692 8,843 8,134 6,601 6,702
Emissions of nitrogen oxides [t] 947 1,287 1,174 696 859
Emissions of carbon dioxide [t] 49,155 83,232 98,419 66,586 70,771
Emissions of sulphur oxides [t] 252 348 310 117 260
Particulates 18 25 24 11 15
VOC [t] 31 55 62 47 57
Non-hazardous waste [t] 12,921 23,887 23,608 19,587 22,845
Hazardous waste [t] 3,533 3,644 5,835 3,913 4,296
Total energy consumption [TJ] 1,915 1,917 1,942 2,047
• Electricity consumption [MWh] 279,000 298,000 291,299 313,462
• Heat consumption [MWh] 24,600 24,000 23,256 22,643
• Light fuel oil [t] 100 320 364 247
• Natural gas [t] 16,715 15,118 16,522 17,442
• Liquified petroleum gas [t] 973 948 423 25
Total water consumption [1000 m3] 17,853 17,754 17,113 12,591
• Consumption of domestic water [1000 m3] 153 154 158 44
• Consumption of cooling water [1000 m3] 17,700 17,600 16,955 12,547
Emissions of nitrogen oxides [t] 150 139 139 133
Emissions of carbon dioxide [t] 62,900 58,900 57,558 62,309
Emissions of sulphur oxides [t] 43 48 49 31
Particulates 48 46 47 48
VOC [t] 21 24 16 31
Non-hazardous waste [t] 56,040 46,600 48,336 52,677
Hazardous waste [t] 2,790 2,960 3,686 3,645
Training days [days/employee] 3.0 3.0 2.9 3.1 2.86
Number of lost-time injuries 356 422 467 382 370
Lost-time injuries [number/million working hours] 35.8 21.4 21.5 16.6 16.8
Absence rate [% of total working hours] 4.14 2.92 3.04 3.13 2.57

The operational performance data in this report has been compiled from the economic, environmental and social records of the
Wärtsilä companies. Whilst every effort has been made to ensure that the information is neither incomplete nor misleading, it cannot
be considered as reliable as the financial information published in the annual report.
The 2002 figures include the second-phase companies, which are presented in the previous report.
The 2003 and 2004 figures include the third-phase companies, which are presented in the previous report. The third reporting phase
includes all Wärtsilä companies except those mentioned in the Report Scope section.
The data for 2005 include all Wärtsilä companies except those mentioned in the Report Scope section. Data on Imatra Steel in 2005
has not been collected except financial data for the consolidated financial statements.
The accounting principle for calculating research and development costs was changed in 2004.

WÄ RTS I L Ä 2 0 0 5 47

Wärtsilä’s Sustainability Reporting 2005 sidiaries. The report excludes Wärtsilä’s These companies will be included in Wärt-
is prepared according to the GRI (Global associated companies, joint ventures and silä’s sustainable development reporting
Reporting Initiative) Sustainability Report- supply chain companies. in 2006 and 2007. Wärtsilä’s Sustainability
ing Guidelines 2002. Wärtsilä’s Power Businesses com- Report is part of its Annual Report and
Wärtsilä reports those core indicators prise the Group’s Ship Power, Power therefore Wärtsilä publishes a Sustainabil-
which are of most relevance to its opera- Plants and Service businesses and its ity Report annually.
tions, products and stakeholders. The Engine division. The first three of these
product performance section describes generate external net sales while the Significant changes in Group structure
the environmental aspects and impacts of fourth is an internal function. The operations of Wärtsilä Finland Oy’s
Wärtsilä’s products, the measures taken The economic performance data Turku factory were terminated at the end
by Wärtsilä to reduce these impacts, and covers all Wärtsilä companies. The data of 2005 and these operations were trans-
the environmentally advanced solutions on environmental and social performance ferred to Wärtsilä Italy’s Trieste factory.
that Wärtsilä has developed. The Wärtsilä covers all Wärtsilä companies except the The other structural changes that apply
and Sustainable Development section following: to the Power Businesses are described
examines the company’s economic, en- • Ôu Ciserv BLRT Baltica, Ciserv China under Social Responsibility. They relate
vironmental and social performance. The Ltd, Ciserv CGL Industries Ltd. mainly to development of the Ship Power
core indicators chosen are of importance • Wärtsilä-CME Zhenjiang Propeller and Service businesses.
at the corporate level. Company Ltd., Wärtsilä Propulsion Wärtsilä Group’s subsidiary Imatra
(Wuxi) Co. Ltd. Steel became part of a new company,
Coverage of the report • Wärtsilä Qiyao Diesel Company Ltd Ovako, established in May 2005. Informa-
This report covers Wärtsilä’s Power Busi- • Wärtsilä Peru S.A. tion on Imatra Steel is not reported unless
nesses. At the company level the report mentioned to the contrary.
includes the parent company and its sub-

Coverage of operational data

Operational data % of Wärtsilä companies % of personnel % of product manufacturing
01 02 03-04 05 01 02 03-04 05 01 02 03-04 05
Economic 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100
Environmental 14 35 79 90 64 75 92 95 100 100 100 98
Social 12 45 79 90 53 85 92 95 100 100 100 98


Data collection system. The reported data is checked Sustainability Report Project Team
The data on product environmental at both local and Group levels before its Matti Kleimola: Group Vice President,
performance is based on measured test consolidation. Technology and Environment
results. Performance data on the environ- The content of this Sustainability Eeva Kainulainen: Vice President,
mental and social aspects of sustainability Report was reviewed and approved by Corporate Communications
has been collected from the Wärtsilä Wärtsilä’s Board of Management on Göran Hellén: Head of Emission Control
companies using a detailed questionnaire. 1 March 2006. and Combustion, Engine Division
Economic performance data is based KPMG Oy Ab has independently Ari Suominen: General Manager,
mainly on audited financial accounts. assessed the completeness, accuracy Environment, Power Plants
The sustainability data is collected and consistency of the data in the report. Peter Hanstén: General Manager,
and reported according to Wärtsilä’s Site audits were carried out in Drunen, the Quality, Ship Power
specific internal reporting guidelines that Netherlands, and in Singapore. Börje Smeds; Quality Manager, Servic
include all the definitions and instructions Tuija Lindroos; Publications Manager
necessary for this purpose. Environmental Additional sources of information
Marko Vainikka; General Manager:
expenditure and investments are reported Wärtsilä has previously published the fol-
applying the Eurostat instructions. lowing reports:
• Wärtsilä Environmental Report 2000 (contact person; sähköposti:
Each company has a nominated
individual responsible for collection and • Wärtsilä Sustainability Report 2002
consolidation of the data, and for its • Wärtsilä Sustainability Report 2004.
quality and reliability. The management
of each company approves the data These reports and their sustainability
before it is consolidated at Group level. data are available on Wärtsilä’s website:
The companies report their sustainability
data using Wärtsilä’s CR Profile reporting

48 WÄRT S IL Ä 2 0 0 5

At the request of Wärtsilä Corpora- The sustainability reporting pre-

tion, we have reviewed the sustain- sented in Business Review and Sus-
ability reporting of Wärtsilä Cor- tainability Report of the Annual
poration consisting of the econom- Report 2005 of Wärtsilä Corpora-
ic, environmental and social data. tion has been prepared in accord-
The data are presented according to ance with the 2002 GRI Guide-
the GRI content index in the Busi- lines. Based on our procedures un-
ness Review and Sustainability Re- dertaken, nothing has come to our
port of the Annual Report 2005 of attention that causes us to believe
Wärtsilä Corporation for the year that the data presented according
2005. We have also reviewed the to the GRI content index in the
systems and methodologies behind Business Review and Sustainability
the data. The presented data are the Report of the Annual Report 2005
responsibility of and have been ap- of Wärtsilä Corporation would not
proved by the Board of Manage- have been prepared according to
ment of Wärtsilä Corporation. The the internal reporting guidelines,
inherent limitations of complete- and would not describe the present
ness, consistency and accuracy of state and progress of the issues pre-
the data are set out in the Sustaina- sented in the Business Review and
bility Report of the Annual Report Sustainability Report of the Annu-
2005 of Wärtsilä Corporation. al Report 2005 of Wärtsilä Corpo-
The assurance work was under- ration.
taken in accordance with the Inter-
national Standards on Assurance Helsinki, 2 March 2006
Engagements (ISAE) 3000 princi-
ples. We planned and carried out KPMG OY AB
our work to provide moderate as-
surance on the reliability of pre- Mauri Palvi
sented data that were subject to as- Authorized Public Accountant
Our review has consisted of the Olli Miettinen
following procedures: Advisor, Sustainability Services
• a discussion with management
responsible for compiling the
• an examination of relevant sup-
porting information for data
• a more detailed review of the
systems for gathering and
processing data at operating
level at one site in the Nether-
lands and one site in Singapore,
selected by us.

WÄ RTS I L Ä 2 0 0 5 49
Design: Incognito Oy
Photos: Indav Oy and Wärtsilä photo archive
Printing house: Frenckell
March 2006

50 WÄRT S IL Ä 2 0 0 5
We provide lifecycle power solutions to
enhance the business of our customers,
whilst creating better technologies that
benefit both the customer and the

We will be the most valued business
partner of all our customers.

Wärtsilä Corporation
John Stenbergin ranta 2
P.O. Box 196
FI-00531 Helsinki, Finland
Tel. +358 10 709 0000
Fax +358 10 709 5700

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