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YOUR, lot uOu NTI , DAWNWJEDI my A LY THO YOR Over 36,000 years before the Battle of Yavin and the destruction of the first Death Star, eight ancient pyramidal ships, called the Tho Yor, traveled throughout the galaxy, gathering those who were strong in the Force. Warriors, scientists, philosophers, priests, and artisans from many worlds were brought to the planet Tython, in the Deep Core. Once on Yor and, after a time, dispersed to various regions of the planet. The Force-sensitive sent from many different species who settled on Tython became known collectively as Tythans. Yython, the ships orbited a ninth, larger Tho THE DEEP CORE In the center of the galaxy, in a region seven thousand light years across, the galaxy’s oldest stars orbit a massive black. hole. The gravitational pull of the black hole on the stars—and their close proximity to one another—warps spac fhe Core, which causes hyperspace lanes to collapse, making hyperspace travel difficult and dangerous. with YTHON In this era, Tython is a wild and primordial world, rich with the Force. Breathtakingly beautiful, it can also be harsh and dangerous. Naturally occurring Force storms tear at the skies, and fantastic creatures roai the forest jungles. THE RIFT A massive, jagged tear in the ground, many kilometers wide and deep, this enormous canyon is wracked with ic activity, marked with jagged spires and dangerous quicksand pits. I's a wi voleanic and sei place, far from the cities. Difficult to reach and challenging {tis a place where many Je‘daii go to hone their survival skills. to navigate once there, the Within the Rift is the Abyss of Ruh, a mysterious region where pit-spawned beasts are found that are unique to this area, This is where the Je‘daii find the cr on which the scient ts of Anil Kesh experi THE OLD CITY The Old City was already abandoned when the ‘Tythans first showed up. Legend says that there is a working hypergate there, but it has never been found. THE SILENT DESERT All sound dies here because of some undiscovered element of the sand on the surface. Rocky strata under the sand insulates the caverns below from the effect. THE JE’DAIL Tythans who live on the planet Tython itself and are actively engaged in studying and un- derstanding the Force belong to the Je’dati Order. All Je’daii are Tythans, but not all de- scendants of the Tythans are Je‘daii. The word Je‘daii is an amalgam of two ancient Dai Bendu words—je, meaning “mystic,” and daii, meaning “center”—signifying that the Je’daii concentrate their study on balance within the mystical energy they call the Force. There are five levels of attainment for the Je‘daii: Padawan, Journeyer, Ranger, Master, and Temple Master. JE’DAIl CODE As with the later Jedi and Sith, the Je‘daii developed their own code: THERE IS NO IGNORANCE; THERE 1S KNOWLEDGE. THERE IS NO FEAR; THERE IS POWER. 1AM THE HEART OF THE FORCE. 1 AM THE REVEALING FIRE OF LIGHT. TAM THE MYSTERY OF DARKNESS IN BALANCE WITH CHAOS AND HARMONY, IMMORTAL IN THE FORCE. \. « JEDAII RANGER RORI FENN HAWK RYO'S HUNTER-CLASS FIGHTER JE’DALL TEMPLES Around every Tho Yor, a temple was founded—each one specializing in some aspect of the study of the Force. While the Je ii might begin their training in one temple, as Je’daii Journeyers, they were expected to travel to, and study the discipline of, every other temple.

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