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Exercise 01

Career Path Management

Accomplishment, Success Hard work Self-Reliance

Accountability Harmony Service (to others)
Accuracy Honesty Simplicity
Adventure Honor Skill
All for one & one for all Independence Speed
Beauty Inner Peace/calm, quietude Standardization
Break the rules/be extreme Innovation Systemization
Calm, quietude, peace Integrity Status
Care/concern for others Justice Strength
Care for loved ones (family Knowledge Succeed; A will to
1st) Leadership Success, Achievement
Challenge Leaving a legacy Teamwork
Chance Love, Romance Timeliness
Cleanliness, orderliness Loyalty Tolerance
Collaboration Maximum utilization (of time, Tranquility
Commitment resources) Trust
Communication Meaning Truth
Community/humanity Merit Unity
Competence Openness Understanding others
Competition Obey the law/rules Variety
Continuous improvement Peace, Non-violence Value Creation
Cooperation Perfection (details) Wise
Coordination Personal Growth
Country, love of (patriotism) Pleasure ________________
Creativity Positive Attitude
Customer Satisfaction Power ________________
Decisiveness Practicality
Delight of being, joy Preservation ________________
Democracy Privacy
Discipline Problem Solving ________________
Discovery Progress
Ease of Use Prosperity, Wealth ________________
Efficiency Punctuality
Equality Purposefulness ________________
Excellence Quality of work
Fairness Regularity ________________
Faith Resourcefulness
Freedom/Liberty Respect for others
Friendship Responsibility
Fulfillment Result Orientation
God focused/Religious Safety
Goodwill, goodness Satisfying Others
Giving Security/stability
Gratitude Self-Sacrifice

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