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Students Innovation Award 2011

Author’s Guidelines

Submission consists of four files:

(1) The Abstract file (.doc file)
(2) Author Identity form file (.doc format)
(The submission deadline of both the Abstracts and the Author´s Identity files is
January 30, 2011)
(3) The Research Proposal file (pdf format)
(4) The Summary file (.doc format)
(The submission deadline of both the Research proposal and the summary files is February
10, 2011.)

(1) Abstract

- The abstract must be written both in Bahasa Indonesia and in English.

- The abstract should consists of maximum 300 words.
- The keywords should be approximately 10-15 words.

(2) Research proposal

- The research proposal must be written in Bahasa Indonesia with total number of words
between 2000 and 3000 words. Please use good Bahasa Indonesia properly.
- The research proposal should include abstract, introduction, research questions &
objective, research method, limitation, benefit, expected results, references, tables,
figures, equations, and other necessary points.
- Please make sure that author’s name is not included in the document/file properties.
- The proposal is formatted on A4 paper with 25mm margins in all sides. Font is Arial,
11 point, 1 spacing.
- Title written start from line 1, using bold type, centered, font size 14 point.
- abstract, keywords, biographical notes, figure
o Keywords: approximately 10-15 words (in Bahasa Indonesia).
o Figure : all illustrations either diagram or photographs are referred
to as figures. They should be black and white, not color, and
numbered sequentially. List the source of figure.
- Proposal will be reviewed based on the following parameters: originality of innovation
idea, research framework clarity, methodology, and benefit of the research output.
- References and notes :
References to other publications must be in Harvard Style. Please see below for further

- Citation in text
o References should be cited in the text as in the following examples:
o Single author: (Retno, 2006)
o Two authors: (Vero and Haryandi, 2009)
o Three authors: (Sidik, Aisar, and Zulkarnaen, 1999)
o Four or more authors: (Yoga et al., 2000). In Bahasa Indonesia: (Yoga, dkk. 2000)
o Authors names as part of sentence: Aji and Eko (2010) states …..
o Group of references should be listed first alphabetically and then chronologically, e.g.
(Ratih and Retno, 2009, 2011; Budi and Huda, 2001; Saiful and Fahmi, 2005).
o For more than one references from the same author(s) in the same year, references
should be identified by the letters ‘a’, ‘b’, ‘c’, etc., e.g. (Bayu, 2005a).
o For quoted material page number is required, e.g. (Permana, 2010, p.99).
o References to personal communication appear in parenthesis, e.g. (interview with the
Director of ISTECS Japan-2009)
o Footnotes or endnotes should not be used.

- Reference list
References should be gathered together at the end of main body of the research proposal.
Only references cited in the text should be listed in the references and all references listed
must be cited in the text.
References are presented in accordance with the journal’ style. Typical examples are shown

Journal articles
Antony, J. (2008), “What is the role of academic institutions for the future development of Six
Sigma?”, International Journal of Productivity and Performance Management. Vol.57 No.1,
Schroeder, R.G., Kevin L., Charles L., Adrian S. C. (2008), “Six Sigma: definition and
underlying theory”, Journal of Operations Management, Vol.26 pp.536-554.

Watson, G. H. (2007), Strategic Benchmarking Reloaded with Six Sigma: Improving your
company’s performance using global best practice, John Wiley, New York.
Deming Prize Committee (2007), “The Deming Prize Guide for Overseas”, Union of
Japanese Scientist and Engineers, JUSE, Tokyo.

Conference papers
Azis, Y. & Osada, H. (2009), “Six Sigma impact on innovation management system and its
comparison with TQM”, in Prosperity through Quality- The ANQ way, proceedings of the
ANQ Congress, 2009, Tokyo, Japan, pp. 998-1007.
Osada, H. (2005), “Building Best Practices for Business Excellence by TQM”, in Quality
evolution-way to sustainable growth, proceedings of the International Conference of Quality
(ICQ), 2005, Tokyo, Japan, Session I-10-0129, pp.1-11.

Books chapter
Watson, G. H. (2003), “Six Sigma: an evolving stage in the maturity of quality”. Watson G.H.,
Conti, T; and Kondo, Y. Quality into the 21st century: perspectives on quality and
competitiveness for sustained performance, ASQ, USA, pp.220-236.

Azis, Y. (2012), Innovation Management towards TQM and Six Sigma as Quality Initiatives.
PhD thesis. Tokyo Institute of Technology, Tokyo, Japan.

o Stephanie Albin (1997), “Building a system dynamics model, part 1:
conceptualization, available at (accessed 20
August 2009).

(3) Summary
- The Summary is a summary of the research proposal describing its critical points
including title, author name, department, faculty, and university, abstract, and main
- The summary must be written in English between 600 and 800 words.
- The summary is formatted on A4-size, 25mm margins in all sides, Arial font, 11 point
and 1 spacing, except for the title.
- The title written start from line 1, using bold type, centered, font size 14 point, with the
following order: Title, Author´s Full Name, Department, Faculty, University
- Abstract, keywords, biographical notes, figure
o Abstract : maximum 300 words
o Keywords: approximately 10-15 words (in English).
o Figure : all illustrations either diagram or photographs are referred to as
figures. They should be black and white, not colorful, and numbered sequentially.
- The Content format if the summary is not restricted.
- References and notes : please refer to reference guideline for the Research Proposal.
(3) Authors Identity form (template)
Author Identity Form

Title of
proposal: Photograph


Student ID:

Phone: Email:

Advisor: Email:

Co-Advisor: Email:

Department: Faculty:

(Governmental /Private)
* when it’s available

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