The City School: Class:10 (His) Section: T Total Marks: 22 Total Time:25 Min Obtained Marks: Remarks

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The City School

D.G.Khan Campus

Name Abdul Razzaq Class:10 (His) Section: T

Total marks: 22 Total time :25 min Obtained marks:

Q.NO.1 What were Delhi proposals /4

Jinnah called a conference in 1927 to discuss how Muslim interests

should be protected in the future. It demanded that Sindh should be
given full provincial status, Muslims should be given one-third of the
seats in the central legislative through joint electorates, all the British
reforms should be extended toward NWFP and Baluchistan and the
number of seats in Punjab and Bengal should be proportional to the
population living there.

Q.No.2 What was silk letter conspiracy? /4

The silk letter conspiracy was started by deobandhi leaders between

1913 and 1920.A letter was carried by ubaidullah sindh to Mahmud ul
Hassan aimed was to start general uprising by the
Muslims to free themselves from the British rule by seeking support
from turkey , Afghanistan and imperial Germany.

Q.NO.3 The reasons for partitioning of bengal in 1905 were more

important than those that caused its reversal in 1911. Do you agree ?
explain your answer.


In 1905 when Bengal was going to be partitioned, out of 54 million

people in Bengal, 42 million were Hindus and 12 million were Muslims.
It seemed sensible to divide up the province on religious grounds and
also because it was becoming very large and producing significant
administrative problems. By doing this it was felt that the province
would be easier to administer especially at the time of a new British
government in power.

The Muslims believed that partition would bring an end to Hindu

oppression and that they would enjoy true recognition in a province in
which they were in a majority. The Hindus believed that the partition
would come about as part of the British ‘divide and rule’ policy which
would weaken Hindu unity and its influence in the new East Bengal.

In 1911 the Hindus objection to Partition was so great that it caused the
British to reconsider it. The Hindus opposed it by holding meetings and
mass rallies which put pressure on the British government. They
thought it was a deliberate attempt to ‘divide and rule’ on the part of
the British.

The Hindus were so angry that they attempted to assassinate Lord

Minto and started their boycott of British goods under the ‘Swadeshi
Movement instead of buying British salt, cloth, or any other
manufactured goods the vowed to buy Indian produced goods. There
was also an outbreak of terrorist activities. At the same time many
Indian workers began a series of strikes to show their opposition.

To sum up all the points, the reason for the reversal of bengal was
important because British did not want to reversed bengal but they
were forced and pressurized by Hindus protests.

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