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Chapter 1


Olivier Coudert

Tsutomu Sasao

Abstract Two-level logic minimization is a central problem in logic synthesis, and

has applications in reliability analysis and automated reasoning. This
chapter presents both exact and heuristic two-level logic minimization.

Let f be a function from {0, 1}n into {0, 1, ∗}. The care set of f is
defined as f −1 (1), and will be noted f 1 . The don’t-care set of f , f −1 (∗),
will be noted f ∗ . It is the set on which the Boolean function f is not
defined. We note f 1∗ the union of the care set and the don’t care set. If
the don’t care set is empty, the Boolean function is completely specified or
total, else is incompletely specified. We will make no distinction between
a completely specified Boolean function and its on-set, since f is uniquely
represented by its on-set. Let g and f be Boolean functions. We say
that g covers f iff f 1 ⊆ g 1 ⊆ f 1∗ .
A sum-or-products (SOP), or disjunctive normal form, represents
a total Boolean function. For instance, x1 x̄2 x3 + x1 x3 x4 + x̄2 x̄4 is a
SOP. Two-level logic minimization consists of finding a minimum SOP
that covers a given Boolean function f . Minimization of multi-output
Boolean functions (i.e., function from {0, 1} into {0, 1, ∗}m ) can be re-
duced to single-output Boolean function minimization [70, 3, 24, 15].
Two-level logic minimization arises often in logic synthesis, where try-
ing to represent Boolean functions with a two-level NOT, AND and OR
netlist [35, 8, 67]. It has various application in reliability analysis [33, 17]
and automated reasoning [28, 40, 41, 61, 62]. Section 1 presents some
aspects of exact minimization. Section 2 discusses heuristic minimiza-



A product p is an implicant of f iff p ⊆ f 1∗ . It is a prime implicant
(PI) iff there is no other implicant of f that covers p. In other words,
the set of PIs of f , which we will note P I(f ), is the set of maximal
implicants w.r.t. ⊆. A PI that is the only one to cover some element
of f 1 is an essential prime implicant (EPI). A SOP P is irredundant iff
there does not exist any proper subset of P that covers f . A prime and
irredundant cover P of f is locally minimum (i.e, minimal) in the sense
that if we eliminate a literal or a product from P we no longer have a
cover of f . Conversely any minimum SOP of f is irredundant and prime,
and contains all the EPIs. Finding an irredundant prime cover is a good
minimization heuristics [8, 9, 16, 54, 69].
SOP minimization can be viewed as a set covering problem. Let Z
be a set, X a subset of Z, and Y a subset of 2Z . We say that y covers
x when x ∈ y. Let Cost be a cost function that applies on subsets of
Y . The set covering problem hX, Y i consists of finding a minimum cost
subset S ofS Y such that any x of X is covered by some element y of S,
i.e., X ⊆ y∈S y.
It is convenient to illustrate a set covering problem hX, Y i with a cov-
ering matrix. Its rows (respectively columns) are labeled with elements
of X (respectively Y ), and an element [x, y] of the matrix is equal to 1 iff
x ∈ y. Solving the set covering problem consists in finding a minimum
cost subset of columns that cover all the rows. For the sake of simplicity,
we will assume in the sequel that the cost of a column is 1.
Fig. 1.1 shows the covering matrix associated with the two-level min-
imization of x2 x̄4 + x2 x̄3 + x1 x4 + x̄2 x3 x4 . It has five PIs, as shown
in the columns. EPIs are the columns covering the unique “1” occur-
ring in some row. For instance, x2 x̄3 is essential because it is the only
prime that covers the minterm “0110”. Also x1 x2 is the only PI that is
not essential, since all elements it covers are also covered by some other
The two-level logic minimization of a Boolean function f consists in
solving the set covering problem hf 1 , P I(f 1∗ )i. The principle, often
called the Quine–McCluskey procedure [60, 46], is as follows:

(a) Compute P I(f 1∗ ), the set of all the prime implicants of f .

(b) Consider the covering matrix hf 1 , P I(f 1∗ )i, with rows labeled by
the minterms of f and columns labeled by the PIs of f .

(c) Using reduction techniques and branch-and-bound, solve the cov-

ering problem.
Two-Level Logic Minimization 3

x2 x̄4 x1 x2 x2 x̄3 x1 x4 x̄2 x3 x4

0100 1 1
1100 1 1 1
0101 1
1101 1 1 1
1001 1
0011 1
1111 1 1
1011 1 1
0110 1
1110 1 1
Figure 1.1. A covering matrix.

Task (a) has an exponential complexity

√ because of the number of prime
implicants: it is at most O(3n / n) and can be at least Ω(3n /n) [13].
There is no connection between the minimized SOP and the number
of prime implicants: there exists a function that has a minimum SOP
with n PIs, but 2n − 1 PIs [50]. Task (b) is also exponential, since all
minterms of f may have to be considered. Task (c) is NP-complete. We
address these different tasks in the following section.


Most of the techniques [3, 37, 63, 64, 6, 46, 60, 76, 77, 80] used to
compute explicitly all prime implicants of a Boolean function are incre-
mental improvements over Quine’s algorithm [58]. Tipically, a technique
proceeds by picking a minterm of f , considering it as a product, and of
trying to remove as many as possible literals from it while preserving the
implication of f by the product. Some enhancements compute essential
prime implicants [66]. See Section 1.3 for some of these techniques.
The methods cited above iteratively compute one prime implicant at a
time, which obviously limit their applications to Boolean functions with
few prime implicants (20,000 or less). A far more powerful procedure
is described in [14]. It uses a BDD/ZDD-based algorithm to implicitly
compute all prime implicants, and its complexity is not related to the
number of prime implicants [17]. It can handle functions that are out of
reach of explicit techniques, and is virtually the only method to address
functions with a very large set of prime implicants.

y1 y2 y3 y4 y5
x1 1 1 1 1 y1 y2 y3 y4
x2 1 1 1 1 x1 1 1 1 1
x3 1 1 → x2 1 1 1 1
x4 1 1 1 x3 1 1
x5 1 1 x5 1 1
x6 1

Figure 1.2. Reduction by essentiality.


This section presents methods to reduce the complexity of covering
problem. Partitioning. If the rows and the columns of a covering

matrix can be permuted to yield a covering matrix that is partitioned in
diagonal blocks Bk as follows, where 1’s occur only in these blocks, then
any minimum solution of the original problem is the union of minimum
solutions of the blocks Bk . The partitioning of a set covering matrix is
easily obtained by noting that two rows that cover a common column
are in the same block.

Bn Essentiality. An element y of Y is essential iff it is

the only one that covers an element x of X. Since essential columns
belong necessarily to any minimum solution, they can be removed from
the covering matrix as well as the rows they cover [59].
For instance consider the left-hand side covering matrix of Fig. 1.2.
The only element that covers x6 is y5 , so y5 is essential. Column y5 can
be removed from the matrix, as well as all rows it covers, i.e., x4 and x6 .
This generates the reduced set covering problem whose matrix is shown
on the right-hand side of Fig. 1.2. Dominance relations. An element x′ of X dominates

x iff all elements of Y that cover x also cover x. This means that once
x′ is covered, we no longer care about covering x. Thus the row labeled
with x can be removed from the matrix without affecting the set of
minimum solutions.
Two-Level Logic Minimization 5

y1 y2 y3 y4 y5
x1 1 1 1 1
x2 1 1 1 1 y1 y2 y3 y4 y5
x3 1 1 → x3 1 1
x4 1 1 1 x6 1
x5 1 1
x6 1

Figure 1.3. Reduction by dominance on X.

y1 y2 y3 y4 y5 y1 y5
x1 1 1 1 1 x1 1
x2 1 1 1 1 x2 1
x3 1 1 → x3 1
x4 1 1 1 x4 1 1
x5 1 1 x5 1
x6 1 x6 1

Figure 1.4. Reduction by dominance on Y .

In the example shown in Fig. 1.3 on the left, x3 dominates x1 , x2 , x4

and x5 , and x6 dominates x4 . This covering matrix can be then reduced
as showed in Fig. 1.3. After this reduction, y2 and y3 are trivially useless
for solving the set covering problem.
An element y ′ of Y dominates y iff all elements of X covered by y
are also covered by y ′ , and if Cost(y ′ ) ≤ Cost(y). Since y ′ covers all
elements covered by y without any cost penalty, y can be removed from
the matrix. Note that y-dominance removal is weaker than x-dominance
removal in the following sense: y-dominance removal does not change
the cost of the minimum solution, but it can preclude some minimum
solutions (namely those using y). In the example shown in Fig. 1.4 on
the left, y1 dominates y2 , y3 , and y4 . Transposing function. The covering problem ob-

tained by using dominance based removal and essentiality until satura-
tion is called the cyclic core. Explicit algorithms check for row and col-
umn removal by looking at them one per one. Using a clever data struc-
ture [69] to represent the matrix allows fast removal check and branch-
and-bound (Section 1.2.3). However, the size of the matrix severely
limits the range of functions that can be handled.
There exists a more abstract and powerful formulation of cyclic core
computation based on transposing functions. The idea is to map the
original problem onto a set covering problem hX, Y i, so that both X
and Y are subsets of a lattice (Z, ⊑), with the property that y covers

y1 = y2 = y3 = y4 = y5 =
{1, 2, 3, 4, 5} {1, 2, 3} {1, 2, 3, 7} {1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 7} {4, 6, 7}
x1 = {1} 1 1 1 1
x2 = {2} 1 1 1 1
x3 = {3, 4} 1 1
x4 = {4} 1 1 1
x5 = {5} 1 1
x6 = {6, 7} 1

τ (x1 ) = τ (x2 ) = y1 ∩ y2 ∩ y3 ∩ y4 = {1, 2, 3}

τ (x3 ) = τ (x5 ) = y1 ∩ y4 = {1, 2, 3, 4, 5}
τ (x4 ) = y1 ∩ y4 ∩ y5 = {4}
τ (x6 ) = y5 = {4, 6, 7}

τ (y1 ) = τ (y4 ) = x1 ∪ x2 ∪ x3 ∪ x4 ∪ x5 = {1, 2, 3, 4, 5}

τ (y2 ) = τ (y3 ) = x1 ∪ x2 = {1, 2}
τ (y5 ) = x4 ∪ x6 = {4, 6, 7}

{1, 2, 3, 4, 5} {4, 6, 7}
{1, 2, 3, 4, 5} 1
{4, 6, 7} 1

Figure 1.5. Transposing function based reduction.

x iff x ⊑ y. Also all minimum solutions of the original problem can be

obtained from the minimum solutions of the reduced problem (i.e., there
is not such a thing as y-dominance removal loosing some minimum solu-
tions). This formulation supports efficient BDD/ZDD based algorithms
to implicitly produce the cyclic core with a complexity independent from
the actual size of the matrix. A full presentation of the transposition
functions based reduction can be found in [20, 21].
Let us illustrate the idea with a simple example. For a set Z, the
structure (2Z , ⊆) is a lattice. Let X and Y be subsets of 2Z , and let
us consider the set covering problem hX, Y i where y covers x iff x ⊆ y.
Fig. 1.5 shows an instance of this problem with Z = {1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7}.
Two-Level Logic Minimization 7

Let us define the function τ on X and Y as follows:

τ (x) = y
τ (y) = x

Note that y ′ dominates y iff {x ∈ X | x ⊆ y} ⊆ {x ∈ X | x ⊆ y ′ }, which

turns out to be equivalent to τ (y) ⊆ τ (y ′ ). Similarly, x′ dominates x iff
{y ∈ Y | x′ ⊆ y} ⊆ {y ∈ Y | x ⊆ y}, which is equivalent to τ (x) ⊆ τ (x′ ).
Thanks to this nice property of τ , dominance removal reduces hX, Y i

hmax τ (X), max τ (Y )i.

⊆ ⊆

Moreover it can be shown that after dominance removal, the essential

elements are simply X ∩ Y [20].
Fig. 1.5 shows the values of τ on the elements of X and Y . In this case,
the maximum elements of τ (X) w.r.t. ⊆ are {1, 2, 3, 4, 5} and {4, 6, 7}.
They are also the maximal elements of τ (Y ). At that point X ∩ Y is
indeed the set of the two only essential elements of the reduced matrix. Gimpel’s reduction. Gimpel proposed a reduc-

tion that applies when some row x is only covered by two columns
y1 and y2 that moreover have the same cost [30]. Let {x, x11 , . . . , xn1 }
and {x, x12 , . . . , xm
2 } be the set of elements covered by y1 and y2 respec-
tively. Gimpel’s reduction consists in removing column y1 , removing the
n + m + 1 rows covered by y1 and y2 , and adding nm new rows xi,j
(1 ≤ i ≤ n and 1 ≤ j ≤ m) such that the row xi,j is covered by the set
of columns

{y ∈ Y | xi1 ∈ y ∨ xj2 ∈ y} − {y1 }.

Let S be a minimum solution of this new problem. Then a minimum

solution of the original set covering problem is derived as follows [65]. If
S is such that S ∩ {y ∈ Y | xi1 ∈ y} = 6 Ø for 1 ≤ i ≤ n, then add y2 to
S. Otherwise add y1 to S.
Consider the example shown in Fig. 1.6. The row x is only covered
by two columns that have the same cost, namely y1 and y2 . All rows
covered by y1 and y2 are removed, namely rows x up to x22 , and columns
y1 is removed from the matrix. Here we have n = m = 2, so we add
nm = 4 new rows as described above. For instance rows x2,1 is covered
by columns that cover either x21 or x12 beside y1 , i.e., y2 , y3 , y5 . Gimpel’s

y1 y2 y3 y4 y5
y2 y3 y4 y5
x 1 1
x1,1 1 1 1
x11 1 1
x1,2 1 1 1
x21 1 1 →
x2,1 1 1 1
x12 1 1 1
x2,2 1 1 1
x22 1 1
x6 1 1
x6 1 1

Figure 1.6. Gimpel’s reduction on x.

reduction produces the covering matrix shown on the right-hand side of

Fig. 1.6. One of its minimum solution is S = {y3 , y5 }, which intersects
both the sets {y ∈ Y | xi1 ∈ y} for 1 ≤ i ≤ 2, i.e., {y1 , y5 } and {y1 , y3 },
thus adding y2 to S produces {y2 , y3 , y5 } which is a minimum solution of
the original problem. Another minimum solution of the right-hand side
problem is S = {y2 , y5 }. The set S does not intersects the set {y1 , y3 },
and adding y1 to S produces {y1 , y2 , y5 } which is still a minimum solution
of the original problem.
Gimpel’s reduction yields a new set covering problem with one less
column but with nm − n − m − 1 more rows. Adding new rows can
produce new dominances between rows and columns, which can reduce
the covering matrix. However, from the practical point of view, it is bet-
ter to allow Gimpel’s reduction when it guarantees to produce a smaller
covering matrix, i.e., when nm − n − m − 1 ≤ 0.


When the reduction processes described above (essentiality, and dom-
inance relations on X and Y ) are iteratively applied, it eventually pro-
duces a covering matrix that can no longer be reduced. This fixpoint
is a cyclic core. If this cyclic core is empty, the set of all essential ele-
ments that have been found during the reduction process constitutes a
minimum solution of the original problem.
If the cyclic core is not empty, we choose an element of y and generates
two subproblems, one assuming that y belongs to the minimum solution,
the other one assuming that it does not. These two subproblems are then
simplified (i.e., their cyclic cores are computed), and recursively solved.
The minimum solution of the original problem is the minimum of both
of the minimum solutions of the two subproblems.
If we know a lower bound of the minimum solution of a subproblem
yielded at some point of the branching algorithm, we can prune the
recursion as soon as the lower bound is greater or equal to the best
solution found so far. It is critical to provide an accurate lower bound to
Two-Level Logic Minimization 9

terminate useless searches as early as possible. We will discuss several

lower bound computation techniques. Branching. Heuristics to properly choose an element

of Y as belonging to the minimum solution are discussed in [8, 46, 69].
A natural heuristics consists in choosing an element y that cover the
largest number of elements of X. However experimental results show
that it is not the best heuristics. A much better heuristics proposed
in [69] consists in, given a cyclic core hX, Y i, choosing an element y that
maximizes the following function:
X 1
|{y ∈ Y | x ∈ y}| − 1

This function increases with the number of elements that y cover, but
also with the “quality” of the elements it covers. The less an element x
is covered, the harder it is to cover it, the larger will be its contribution
to the function. Thus this function favors elements y’s that cover x’s
covered by few y’s. Pruning with an independent set. Let hX, Y i be a

set covering problem, and let X ′ be a subset of X such that for any two
different elements x1 and x2 of X ′ , all elements y that cover x1 do not
cover x2 and conversely. The set X ′ , which we will call an independent
subset of X, provides us with the lower bound
min Cost(y)
x∈X ′

since this is the minimum cost necessary to cover the elements of X ′ .

Though finding an independent subset that maximizes this lower bound
is an NP-complete problem, heuristics in practice yields a quite good
lower bound, except for examples that have a large number of y’s com-
pared to the number of x’s, or for ill-conditioned covering matrix [22]. Pruning with the left-hand side lower bound. Let

C = hX, Y i be a set covering problem. We note Cl = hX − y, Y − {y}i
the subproblem that assumes that y belongs to the minimum solution,
and Cr = hX, Y −{y}i the subproblem that assumes that y is not part of
the minimum solution. Let C.min be the cost of its minimum solution,
C.lower some lower bound on this cost, and C.path the cost of the path
that yields C, i.e., the sum of the costs of all y’s that have been assumed
to belong to the minimum solution before reaching C. We note C.upper

the global upper bound, i.e., the cost of the best global solution found
so far.
Obviously C.path + C.lower < C.upper must be enforced. If it is not
satisfied, the search tree rooted at C is pruned. This is the usual pruning
In case C.lower is the lower bound computed thanks to an indepen-
dent set (Section, a stronger result can be derived: if C.path +
Cl .lower ≥ C.upper, then both Cl and Cr can be pruned, and Cl .lower
is a strictly better lower bound for C [20, 22]. What is interesting is
that if the lower bound of Cl satisfies the given condition, we do not
even need to examine Cr . Pruning with the limit lower bound. Let C =

hX, Y i be a set covering ′
problem and let X be an independent set of C.
Let C.lower = x∈X ′ miny∋x Cost(y) the lower bound of C obtained
thanks to X ′ . Let

Y ′ = {y ∈ Y | y ∩ X ′ = Ø, C.path + C.lower + Cost(y) ≥ C.upper}

be the set of y’s that do not cover any element of X ′ , and whose cost
added to C.path + C.lower exceeds the upper bound. Then C can be
reduced to hX, Y − Y ′ i [20].
When the limit lower bound is reached for some y’s, reducing hX, Y i to
hX, Y − Y ′ i makes in practice the recursion terminate immediately, i.e.,
the lower bound of the latter nearly always exceeds the upper bound,
or a better solution is found. To illustrate the gain the limit lower
bound produces, assume that Cost(y) = 1 for all y. Then instead of
terminating the recursion when the global lower bound (i.e., C.path +
C.lower) reaches C.upper, it is nearly always pruned when the global
lower bound reaches C.upper−1. This gain of 1 in the depth of the search
can produce an exponential reduction of the space search and reduces
dramatically the exploration time. In practice this method dramatically
reduces the search space. An extension of the idea of limit lower bound,
negative thinking, is presented in [31]. Pruning with a log-approximation. This pruning

technique relies on an inequality relating the cost of the best solution,
and the cost of a solution obtained in a greedy way [23].
Let γ be some strictly positive weighting function defined on the set
of rows, and let us define
Γ(y) = γ(x)
Two-Level Logic Minimization 11

S ← Ø;
while X 6= Ø do {
y ← arg miny∈Y Γ(y∩X) ;
X ← X − y;
S ← S ∪ {y};
return S;
Figure 1.7. Greedy computation of a solution.

Fig. 1.7 shows a subquadratic time algorithm that build a solution in a

greedy way (note that the solution is not necessary irredundant). Let
C = hX, Y i be a set covering problem, C.min the cost of its minimum
cost solution, and S the greedy solution produces by the algorithm of
Fig. 1.7. Then
≤ C.min ≤ Cost(S)
maxy∈Y Γ(y)
r = 1/k

This log inequality holds for any function γ. Here, since we are looking
for the best lower bound, we are interested in minimizing r and max-
imizing Cost(S). Since γ(x) captures the difficulty of covering x (the
greater, the more difficult), we can reverse the criterion that would yield
a good upper bound in order to obtain a good lower bound. For instance,
we can take γ(x) = |x|. Pruning with a LPR. A covering problem can be

expressed as an Integer Linear Programming (ILP) problem. An integer
variable is associated with every column y, and a row is replaced with
the sum of the variables that cover it. The problem becomes:
minimize Cost(y) ∗ y, subject to
y ∈ {0, 1} for y ∈ Y,
δxy ∗ y ≥ 1 for x ∈ X,
with δxy = 1 if y covers x, else 0

The linear-programming relaxation of this ILP consists of replacing the

integer constraints y ∈ {0, 1} with the inequality 0 ≤ y ≤ 1, and allowing
the variable y to take any real value. Note that the optimum solution
of the linear-programming relaxation problem is a lower bound of the
original ILP.
The lower bound obtained using this principle [44] is of very high
quality. It is in theory equal or better to the one obtained with a maximal
independent set (Section, and its efficiency is often better than
the limit lower bound pruning method (based on a maximal independent
set, Section, or negative thinking [31].

Exact two-level logic minimization is a very hard problem, involving
non-polynomial and NP-complete subproblems.
Significant improvements on solving the set covering problem have
been done on the branch-and-bound procedure, thanks to better lower
bound procedures [20, 23, 31, 44].
The generation of the cyclic core expressing the two-level logic min-
imization problem has been dramatically improved thanks to a refor-
mulation of the problem in terms of transposing functions and efficient
BDD/ZDD based implicit algorithms. A full presentation can be found
in [20, 21].


Although the classical Quine–McCluskey method has been dramati-
cally improved with implicit technique and better lower bound computa-
tion, heuristic methods are more suitable for fast simplification of larger
problems. In many applications, exact solutions are not necessary, but
near minimum solutions are sufficient. Heuristic methods usually pro-
duce solutions that are near to the optimum in a relatively short time.
Many heuristic logic minimizers have been developed: PRESTO, MINI,
ESPRESSO is the most popular heuristic minimizer. Before describ-
ing its algorithm, we will explain some basic operations used in heuristic
logic minimizers, illustrated with examples and Karnaugh maps [39].


The following is a simple logic minimization algorithm.
Algorithm 1.3.1 (Simplification of SOPs).
Step 1: MERGE the adjacent products.
Two-Level Logic Minimization 13

x1 c1 x1

1 1 1 1 1 1
x3 1 1 1 x3 1 1 1
x2 x2
(a) (b)

Figure 1.8. MERGE operation.

Step 2: EXPAND each product into prime.

Step 3: DELETE redundant products.
MERGE uses the identity x + x̄ = 1: two products xc and x̄c that
differ only in one literal x can be merge into the single product c.
Example 1.3.1 Consider the following SOP:
F1 = x1 x2 x̄3 + x1 x̄2 x3 + x1 x̄2 x̄3 + x̄1 x2 x3 + x̄1 x2 x̄3 + x̄1 x̄2 x3 .
Fig. 1.8(a) shows the Karnaugh map of this SOP, with its 1st cube c1 =
x1 x2 x̄3 . The 2nd and 3rd products have different literals in x3 only, so
we can merge them: x1 x̄2 x3 +x1 x̄2 x̄3 = x1 x̄2 (x3 + x̄3 ) = x1 x̄2 . Similarly,
the 4th and 5th products have different literals only in x3 , producing the
simplified SOP (Fig. 1.8(b)) x1 x2 x̄3 + x1 x̄2 + x̄1 x2 + x̄1 x̄2 x3
EXPAND looks at each literal x of a product xc, and tries to remove
it without changing the Boolean function f . Let us write f as xc + G,
where G is a SOP that does not contain the product xc. If x̄c ⊆ f , then
f = x̄c + f = x̄c + (xc + G) = (x̄ + x)c + G = c + G. So when this
condition is met, a literal can be removed from a product. When literals
can no longer be removed, the resulting product is prime.
Example 1.3.2 Consider the following SOP (Fig 1.8.b):
F2 = x1 x2 x̄3 + x1 x̄2 + x̄1 x2 + x̄1 x̄2 x3 .
F2 can be written as F2 = c1 + G, with c1 = x1 x2 x̄3 and G = x1 x̄2 +
x̄1 x2 + x̄1 x̄2 x3 . First, let us check whether we can remove the literal x1
from c1 . Let c1 = x1 e1 with e1 = x2 x̄3 . Let c1 (1) be the product c1 ,
where the literal x1 is replaced with its complement. Fig. 1.9(a) shows
the cube c1 (1) = x̄1 e1 = x̄1 x2 x̄3 . Since c1 (1) ⊆ F2 , we can remove the
literal x1 from c1 , and have a simpler SOP:
F2 = e1 + G = x2 x̄3 + x1 x̄2 + x̄1 x2 + x̄1 x̄2 x3 .

c1(1) c1 x1 c2 x1

1 1 1 1 1 1
x3 1 1 1 x3 1 1 1
x2 x2
(a) (b)
x1 x1

1 1 1 1 1 1
x3 1 1 1 x3 1 1 1

x2 x2
(c) (d)

Figure 1.9. EXPAND operation.

In this operation, we obtained c2 by EXPAND’ing the product c1 into

the direction x̄1 as shown in Fig. 1.9(b).
Next, let us check whether c2 = x2 x̄3 can be expanded into the direction
x̄2 . Let F2 = c2 + G, with c2 = x2 e2 and e2 = x̄3 . Then c2 (2) = x̄2 e2 .
Since, c2 (2) 6⊆ F2 , we cannot expand c2 into the direction x̄2 . In order
to check whether c2 can be expanded into the direction x3 , let c2 = x̄3 e3
and e3 = x2 . Then c2 (3) = x2 x3 . Since c2 (3) 6⊆ F2 , c2 cannot be
expanded into the direction x3 either. Since c2 cannot be expanded into
any direction, it is a prime implicant of F2 .
Similarly, we can see that x1 x̄2 and x̄1 x2 are PIs of F2 . Finally,
by expanding x̄1 x̄2 x3 into the direction x2 as shown in Fig. 1.9(c), we
obtain the prime implicant x̄1 x3 . This produces a SOP made of prime
implicants only:
F2 = x2 x̄3 + x1 x̄2 + x̄1 x2 + x̄1 x3 ,
which is shown in Fig. 1.9(d).
Note that the resulting SOP depends on the ordering of the EXPAND
operations. In Fig. 1.10(a), if we EXPAND c1 and c2 into the direction
x2 and x̄2 respectively, then we have the ISOP shown in Fig. 1.10(b).
As shown in the sequel, the quality of the final solution depends on
the direction for expansion. Various heuristics helps ESPRESSSO to
determine a good ordering.
DELETE eliminates redundant products from an SOP. Let c + G be
a SOP. If c ⊆ G, then product c can be removed from the SOP without
Two-Level Logic Minimization 15

c2 x1 c2 x1

1 1 1 1 1 1
x3 1 1 1 x3 1 1 1
c1 x2 c1 x2
(a) (b)

Figure 1.10. EXPAND operation.

c1 x1 c1 x1 c1 c2 x1 c3
c3 c2 c2
1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
x3 1 1 1 x3 1 1 1 x3 1 1 1
c4 x2 c4 x2 x2
(a) (b) (c)

Figure 1.11. DELETE operation.

changing the Boolean function it represents. Once DELETE has deleted

all redundant products, the resulting SOP is irredundant.

Example 1.3.3 Fig. 1.11(a) shows the SOP F3 = x2 x̄3 + x1 x̄2 + x̄1 x2 +
x̄1 x3 , which consists of prime implicants only. F3 can be written as

F3 = c1 + G1 , where c1 = x2 x̄3 and

G1 = x1 x̄2 + x̄1 x2 + x̄1 x3 .

Since c1 6⊆ G1 , we cannot delete c1 from F3 . Similarly, we cannot delete

c2 = x1 x̄2 . Let c3 = x̄1 x2 , and we have G3 = x2 x̄3 + x1 x̄2 + x̄1 x3 . Since,
c3 ⊆ G3 , we can delete c3 . The last product c4 cannot be deleted. This
yields the ISOP F3 = x2 x̄3 + x1 x̄2 + x̄1 x3 shown in Fig. 1.11(b).

Note that the quality of the solutions depends on the order of the
DELETE operations. In Fig. 1.11(c), if we DELETE c2 first, then we
have an ISOP with four products. On the other hand, if we DELETE
c1 and then c3 , then we have a minimum SOP with only three products.

c1 x1 c3 x1

1 1 1 c2 1 1 1
x3 1 1 1 x3 1 1 1 c4
x2 x2
(a) (b)

Figure 1.12. REDUCE operation.

c3 x1 c6 x1
c5 c7
1 1 1 1 1 1
x3 1 1 1 x3 1 1 1
x2 x2
(a) (b)

Figure 1.13. RESHAPE operation.


Algorithm 1.3.1 produces an ISOP, a minimal (i.e., local minimum)
solution where neither literal nor a product can be deleted. In many
cases, the difference between the numbers of products in a non-minimal
ISOP and a mininum solution is not too large. However the difference
can be exponential for certain function [75].
Algorithm 1.3.1 can no longer improve the solution shown in Fig. 1.10(b).
The operations REDUCE and RESHAPE can be used to produce further
REDUCE is the reverse of EXPAND. REDUCE takes a product c and
reduces the set it represents by adding some literal to c. When doing so,
REDUCE makes sure that it does not change the Boolean function. For
example, the REDUCE operation changes c1 and c2 in Fig. 1.12(a), into
c3 and c4 in Fig. 1.12(b), respectively. REDUCE induces new MERGE
operations, which can help improving the solution.
RESHAPE replaces a pair of adjacent products into another pair with-
out changing the function represented by the pair. Let S be a subset of
B = {0, 1}. We will use the following notations to represent a two-valued
Two-Level Logic Minimization 17

function literal:

xS = x when S = {1},
= x̄ when S = {0},
= 1 when S = {0, 1}, and
= 0 when S = φ.

Using this notation, RESHAPE can be described as follows. Let c1 and

c2 be two products:
c1 = xS1 1 xS2 2 · · · xSi i · · · xj j · · · xSnn
c2 = xT1 1 xT2 2 · · · xTi i · · · xj j · · · xTnn

They are adjacent iff there exists an i and j such that Si ∩ Ti = φ,

Sj ⊆ Tj , and Sk = Tk for k 6= i, k 6= j. RESHAPE replaces the pair
(c1 , c2 ) with the pair (c3 , c4 ) defined as:
(Si ∪Ti ) S
c3 = xS1 1 xS2 2 ··· xi ··· xj j ··· xSnn
(Tj −Sj )
c4 = xT1 1 xT2 2 ··· xTi i ··· xj ··· xTnn

Example 1.3.4 In Fig. 1.13(a),

c3 = x̄1 x2 x̄3 , and

c5 = x1 1x̄3 .

Since (c3 , c5 ) satisfies the reshaping conditions, we can replace it by

(c6 , c7 ) defined as:

c6 = (x̄1 + x1 )x2 x̄3 = x2 x̄3

c7 = x1 x̄2 x̄3 .

We obtain the SOP shown in Fig. 1.13(b). Note that we can then reduce
the number of products by applying the EXPAND operation to c7 .


By applying the EXPAND, the REDUCE, and the RESHAPE oper-
ations repeatedly, we have an ISOP. An ISOP has no redundancy, but
it may not be a minimum SOP. However, by using EPIs, we can often
prove the optimality of an ISOP.
We say that a minterm covered by exactly one prime implicant (which
makes this prime an EPI) is a distinguished minterm.

v1 c1 v2 x1
1 1 1
c3 1
1 1 1 1

Figure 1.14. Detection of EPIs.

Example 1.3.5 Let us prove that the ISOP x̄1 x̄3 x̄4 +x1 x2 +x3 x4 shown
in Fig. 1.14 is minimum by showing that it consists only of EPIs. First,
consider c1 = x̄1 x̄3 x̄4 . It covers two minterms v1 and v2 . Note that c1 is
the only PI that covers v1 = x̄1 x̄2 x̄3 x̄4 . Thus, v1 is a distinguished
minterm. On the other hand, c1 and x2 x̄3 x̄4 cover v2 = x̄1 x2 x̄3 x̄4 .
Thus, v2 is not a distinguished minterm. Similarly, in c2 , x1 x2 x3 x̄4
and x1 x2 x̄3 x4 are distinguished minterms. In c3 , x̄1 x̄2 x3 x4 , x̄1 x2 x3 x4 ,
and x1 x̄2 x3 x4 are distinguished minterms. Since each of c1 , c2 , and
c3 covers distinguished minterm, they are all essential. Thus the ISOP
shown in Fig. 1.14 is made of prime implicants that are all essential,
which means it is a minimum SOP.

As illustrated in Example 1.3.5, if all the PIs in an ISOP are EPIs,

then the ISOP is the unique mimimum SOP, and consequently the EX-
PAND, the REDUCE, and the RESHAPE iteration can be discontinued.
If only a subset P of the products of an ISOP are essential, we can re-
move them from the ISOP and add P to the don’t care set. This will
produce more simplification and further reduce the SOP.
In the case of control circuits for microprocessors, about a half of
the PIs in the minimum SOP are EPIs. Thus, an early detection of
the EPIs will reduce the CPU time as well as improve the quality of
the solutions. Heuristic minimization algorithms, such as MINI2 and
ESPRESSO, detect all the EPIs.
We now describe a method to find the EPIs. In the sequel, a sum of
products c1 + c2 + · · · + cn is represented as the set {c1 , c2 , . . . , cn }.
Two-Level Logic Minimization 19

Definition 1.3.1 Given two products

c1 = xS1 1 · xS2 2 · · · · · xSnn and

c2 = xT1 1 · xT2 2 · · · · · xTnn .

That are distance 1 apart, the consensus of c1 and c2 is defined as

(S1 ∩T1 ) (S2 ∩T2 ) (Si ∪Ti )
cons(c1 , c2 ) = x1 · x2 · · · · · Xi · · · · · Xn(Sn ∩Tn ) .

We say two products are distance 1 apart if they share no minterms and
a minterm of one is adjacent to a minterm of the other. Let c be a
product and G be a set of products. Then,
cons(c, G) = cons(c, ck ).
ck ∈G

Algorithm 1.3.2 (Determine essential prime implicants for two-valued

input functions)
1) Let F be the given set of PIs. Let c be the PI that we want to
determine the essentiality of. Let G be the set of PIs in F other
than c, i.e., F = G ∪ {c}.
2) Partition the products in G into three sets:

G1 = set of products that have common minterms with c

G2 = set of products that are adjacent to c, that are not in G1
G3 = set of other products

3) H = cons(c, G2 ).
4) c is an EPI iff c 6⊆ (H ∪ G).

Example 1.3.6 Find the EPIs in Fig. 1.14. The set of PIs is F =
{c1 , c2 , c3 }, where c1 = x̄1 x̄3 x̄4 , c2 = x1 x2 , and c3 = x3 x4 .
First, let us decide whether c1 is essential or not.
1) Let c = c1 , G = {c2 , c3 }.
2) G1 = φ, G2 = {c2 }, G3 = {c3 }.
3) H = cons(c1 , c2 ) = (x̄1 + x1 )x2 x̄3 x̄4 = x2 x̄3 x̄4 .
4) Since c4 6⊆ (H ∪ G1 ), c1 is an EPI.
Next, let us look at c2 .

5) Let c = c2 , G = {c1 , c3 }.

6) G1 = {c3 }, G2 = {c1 }, G3 = φ.

7) H = cons(c2 , c1 ) = x2 x̄3 x̄4 .

8) Since c2 6⊆ (H ∪ G1 ), c2 is an EPI.
Then c3 .
9) Let c = c3 , G = {c2 , c3 }.

10) G1 = {c2 }, G2 = φ, G3 = {c1 }.

11) H = cons(c3 , 0) = 0.

12) Since c3 6⊆ (H ∪ G1 ), c3 is an EPI.

Thus c1 , c2 , and c3 are EPIs. On the other hand, c4 = x2 x̄3 x̄4 is a PI,
but not an EPI. This can be verified as follows:
13) Let c = c4 , G = {c1 , c2 , c3 }.

14) G1 = {c1 , c2 }, G2 = φ, G3 = {c3 }.

15) H = cons(c4 , 0) = 0.

16) Since c4 ⊆ (H ∪ G1 ), c4 is not an EPI.


The IRREDUNDANT procedure generates an ISOP with as few prod-
ucts as possible from the given set of PIs.

Algorithm 1.3.3 (IRREDUNDANT)

1 Let F = {c1 , c2 , . . . , ck } be the given set of PIs. Partition the PIs
of F into three sets:
a) Relatively essential set: ER = {ci | ci 6⊆ c∈F −{ci } c}.
b) Totally redundant set: RT = {ci | ci ⊆ ER}.
c) Partially redundant set: RP = F − (ER ∪ RT ).

2 Find a subset of RP that together with ER covers F . For each ci

in RP , find the set H(ci ) of minimum sets M S ⊆ RP , such that
ci 6≤ (RP − M S) ∪ ER.
Two-Level Logic Minimization 21

c2 c1 x1

c3 1 1 1

c4 1 1
1 1 1
x3 c7

c5 x2 c6

Figure 1.15. Given set of PIs.

3 Construct the logic function

^ ^ _
CV (f ) = ( ( gj )).
ci ∈RP M S∈H(ci ) cj ∈M S

4 Convert CV (f ) into an SOP, and find the product with the mini-
mum number of literals.
5 The set of PIs that corresponds to the above product together with
PIs in ER forms the minimal cover.
Example 1.3.7 Consider the SOP shown in Fig. 1.15.
1) F = {c1 , c2 , c3 , c4 , c5 , c6 , c7 } is a given set of PIs. Partition F into
three sets: ER = {c1 , c7 }. RT = φ. RP = {c2 , c3 , c4 , c5 , c6 }.
2) H(c2 ) = [{c2 , c3 }]; H(c3 ) = [{c2 , c3 }, {c3 , c4 }]; H(c4 ) = [{c3 , c4 }, {c4 , c5 }];
H(c5 ) = [{c4 , c5 }, {c5 , c6 }]; H(c6 ) = [{c5 , c6 }].
3-4) CV (f ) = (g2 + g3 )(g2 + g3 )(g3 + g4 )(g3 + g4 )
(g4 + g5 )(g4 + g5 )(g5 + g6 )(g5 + g6 )
= (g2 + g3 )(g3 + g4 )(g4 + g5 )(g5 + g6 )
= g2 g4 g5 + g2 g4 g6 + g3 g5 + g3 g4 g6 .
5) g3 g5 is the product with the fewest literals, and the corresponding
cover is {c3 , c5 }. Thus {c3 , c5 }∪ER = {c1 , c3 , c5 , c7 } is a minimum
Algorithm 1.3.3 and Example 1.3.7 show the principle of the method.
The actual procedure in ESPRESSO is more complicated, because steps

3—5 correspond to a minimum covering algorithm. In particular step 4

can be non-polynomial.
Note that F does not necessarily contain all the PIs. Thus, ER con-
tains all the EPIs, and possibly non-essential PIs. If F contains all the
PIs, then ER is equal to the set of all the EPIs for the function, and the
IRREDUNDANT operation produces an minimum SOP.

ESPRESSO is the most popular heuristic two-level logic minimizer.
First, it obtains the complement of the original cover, which will be used
in the EXPAND operation. Second, it applies the EXPAND and IRRE-
DUNDANT operation to obtain an ISOP. Third, it extracts the set of
EPIs, and it iterates the REDUCE, the EXPAND and the IRREDUN-
DANT operations until no product can be reduced any more. Fourth,
it attempts to REDUCE and EXPAND by using different heuristics.
Finally, ESPRESSO tries to reduce the number of connections in the
output part.

Two-level logic minimization, both exact and heuristics, have received
much of attentions, since they are critical in logic synthesis, as well as
other real-life applications. It is a very mature field, but due to the diffi-
culty of the problem, is still an active research domain. Beside improving
on the existing methods, with the most spectacular improvements being
implicit minimization and new efficient lower bound techniques during
branch-and-bound, there are attempts at identifying class of functions
for which logic minimization can be categorized in the polynomial space.

History and Related Topics

Exact Logic Minimization. Quine stated the two-level minimiza-
tion problem for a total Boolean function in 1952 [58]. Exact mini-
mization yielded the classic Quine–McCluskey procedure [60, 46], and a
number of papers improved on this minimization procedures, focusing
on cyclic core computation and branch-and-bound techniques [4, 35, 8,
68, 69, 50, 36, 9, 20, 22, 23].
After the introduction of BDDs [10, 11], implicit minimization proce-
dures were proposed to overcome the bottleneck of prime implicant com-
putation and cyclic core computation. A first implicit BDD-based cyclic
core computation procedure was proposed in [79]. Finally, a BDD/ZDD-
based implicit cyclic core computation using transposing functions was
introduced in [18, 20, 21].

ESPRESSO-EXACT [69] and SCHERZO [18] are the most well known,
respectively explicit and implicit/explicit, exact minimization proce-
dures. Textbooks that explain exact SOP minimization include [20, 34,
42, 48, 56].

Heuristic Logic Minimizers. MINI, a multiple-valued logic mini-

mizer to simplify PLA with decoders, is described in [35]. MINI uses
the complement of the given function to expand the implicant efficiently.
PRESTO [78] is a simple logic minimizer that uses only EXPAND and
REDUCE of the output part. It uses tautology to expand the implicant,
which is slower than the MINI and ESPRESSO strategy. PRESTO was
used in ABEL, a design system for programmable logic devices.
In the early 1980’s, PLAs started to be used in control parts of various
32-bit microprocessors, which triggered a strong interest in SOP mini-
mization. MINI2 [71], an improvement of MINI, detects essential prime
implicants (EPIs), and uses divide and conquer strategy for multiple-
valued logic. A straightforward method to detect EPIs using the set of
all the PIs [27] requires excessive memory. MINI2 detects EPIs without
using the set of all the PIs [43, 71].
ESPRESSO-IIC, an improvement of MINI, is described in [8]. It is a
two-valued logic minimizer. The important improvements are introduc-
tion of unate recursive paradigm and the IRREDUNDANT operation.
ESPRESSO-MV, a multi-valued version of ESPRESSO-IIC, is described
in [68]. It is widely used for two-level logic minimization. Implicit heuris-
tic minimizations are described in [16, 19, 53].

Various Topics. WSOP (ISOP that has the maximum number of

PIs) [75]; optimization of SOPs for multi-output functions using MVL
[3, 47, 35, 70]; special hardware for logic minimization [72, 78]; other logic
minimization algorithms [1, 2, 5, 7, 12, 25, 53, 63, 81, 83]; benchmark
functions [82]; prime implicant computation [46, 55, 59, 80, 26, 77, 14];
implicit PI computation algorithm [14, 45, 73]; logic functions with many
PIs [29]; average numbers of PIs for the functions with a given number
of minterms [52]; functions with maximal number of PIs [38]; a class
of functions whose SOPs are difficult to minimize [57, 75]; minimiza-
tion of SOPs by functional decomposition [74]. De Micheli’s book [51]
and Hachtel–Sommenzi’s book [32] have excellent chapters on two-level
optimization. Muroga’s book has a good survey of classic approach [56].

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