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Lecturer : Norzaidah Ngali
No NAME I/C Student ID
1 Mohd Norul Haziq bin Muzaffar 011023-01-1903 2019206244
2 Nur Syafiqah binti Mohd Yunus 010215-02-0164 2019212014
3 Nur Syafiqah binti Ja’it 010503-01-0390 2019213804
4 Farith bin ridzduan 011020-10-60311 2019289454

Definition Of Stock

Syafiqah DA: In French word we call a fond, the meaning is “foundation” or

“base”. This “foundation” indicates the importance of stocks. The
ability to prepare good stocks is most basic of all culinary skills.
Other than that, the definition of stock is a clear, unthickened
liquid flavoured by soluble substances extracted from meat,
poultry and fish, and their bones, and from vegetables and

Type Of Stock

Syafiqah DB: There are 3 types of stock we do. It is white stock, brown stock
and fish stock. First, white stock. White stock has a rich, full
flavour, good body, clarity, and little or no color. But for
chicken stock may have a light yellow color.There are 4
variations of white stock, namely chicken stock, white lamb
stock, turkey stock and ham stock.
Next is Brown stock. Brown stock is when the bones and
mirepoix are browned. There are 2 type variation of brown stock.
It is brown lamb stock and game stock.
Last one is Fish stock, fish stock is made the same way as a
white stock. This type of stock is useful for soups and similar
seafood preparations. This stock also can make a product like fish
fumet. Fish fumet is made by sweating the fish and the bones and
mirepoix in fat of fish stock.
Other than 3 type of this stock, we also have vegetable stock.
Vegetable stock is made with out any anima product, an important
role in vegetarian cooking. The basic ingredient for vegetables
stock are vegetable, herbs and spices and water.


Farith DB: First cut onions, carrots and celery to make mirepoix. Add the or
other for more flavour. For fish stocks, fillet the fish and remove the
flesh. The fish bones will be used in makin stock, meanwhile the
flesh are saved for later on. Add the tomato product to the mirepoix.
Continue to brown until the tomato product turns a rusty brown color.
The stock ingredients are simmered starting with cold water. Stock
are simmered gently, with bubbles just breaking the surface and not
boiled, it will be cloudy. Usually salt is not added or only minimally
added to the stock, since most stocks are reduced to make sauces, and
excessive salt will make the final dish too salty. Meat is added to a
stock before vegetables, and the ‘scum’ that rises to the surface is
skimmed off. If wanted to remove the fat, after the stock is finished it
is cooled and the fat which floats, can be removed with ease. Stock
can be frozen and kept (indi-finit-ly) but are better fresh.

Nhaziq : Stock also can be store with many kind of way. For example, you can
store the stock by using a containers and jars or you can put the stock
in the freezer bags . For your information, homemade stock can be
stored in the refrigerator for 4-5 days, while frozen stock can be kept
for 6-9 month and the pressure canned stock for 1 years. The proper
step for storing the stock is first cool down the soup or stock to room
temperature. To hurry up the process, you can place the pot of stock in a
big bowl filled with ice cubes or water. Stirring the soup every minutes
will help cool everything down evenly. Once cool place the stock in a
plastic container, or in a freezer bags. Seal the containers or freezer bag
and place it in the refrigerator or freezer. If you use the containers and
jars to store the stock, you should not filled it to the top so the liquid has
an inch of space to expand. For storing stock in the freezer bags . You
should remove as much air as possible before sealing. To prevent the
bags from sliding into lumps , placed the filled bags flat on a rimmed
baking sheet. Once frozen, stack the bags more efficiently in a plastic
magazine file or organizer tub. Its important to not over fill the bags. If
you want to defrost the stock, you can defrost it in a rimmed pan to
catch leaks and resist the urge to defrost in a bowl of water unless you
want your stock to watered down .Freezing the stock may dull the
flavour , So you may want to add a bit more seasoning t make up for
the flavour loss .The stock should be store properly if you were using it
later to preserve the stock.

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