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Volume 30, Number 2, 2018

# Mary Ann Liebert, Inc.
DOI: 10.1089/acu.2018.29078.cpl

How Do You Treat Asthma in Your Practice?

A sthma, from the Greek word Aazein, means ‘‘to

pant.’’ Corpus Hippocraticum (460 – 360 bc) is the
earliest text where asthma is found as a medical term.1
normally ascends and the upward direction of the Liver Qi
and downward direction of Lung Qi are usually coordinated.
When the descending of the Lung Qi is defective, due to
In 2015, 358 million people globally had asthma.2 About Lung Qi Deficiency or Kidney Deficiency (failure to receive
25 million Americans have asthma. This is 7.6% of adults the descending Lung Qi), or obstructed by the ascending
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and 8.4% of children.3 It is more common in boys than in Excessive Liver Qi (Liver Yang Rising) or obstructed by
girls.3 Prevalence of asthma is more common among Puerto Phlegm (Spleen Deficiency) or Wind, asthma results. In
Rican patients than among any other ethnic group.4 Xiao Chuan, Phlegm is central to its pathology. In atopic
Asthma is characterized by recurrent shortness of breath, asthma (extrinsic) Phlegm is not a factor and the wheezing
wheezing, or coughing caused by reversible bronchocon- is caused by bronchoconstriction produced by the Wind.
striction. Thickening of air passages and blockage by mucus This is not the usual external or internal Wind; it is a Wind
also contribute. Although asthma is classified as intrinsic that is persistently lodged in the air passages and produces
(nonallergic) and extrinsic (allergic), the treatment is very bronchospasms when the patient is exposed to allergens,
similar in both varieties. cold weather, or emotional stress. Deficiencies of both
Mild cases have normal respiratory function between Lungs and Kidneys are involved.
Investigations include a chest X-ray to rule out other
pulmonary disorders; measurements of ventilatory functions— Treatment. In acute attacks, the aim is to relieve symp-
forced expiratory volume in 1 second(FEV1) and peak expi- toms. When the symptoms are relieved, the pathology can be
ratory flow rate (PEFR)—several times per day; and the targeted.
patient’s response to bronchodilators. Variability through the In very severe attacks of asthma, Western medicine
day with a morning dip in PEFR is diagnostic. Skin allergy treatment is recommended.
testing can help avoid aggravating factors in some cases. A basic combination for all types of asthma would be CV
22 (the most important point), Ding Chuan (Extra Point 0.5
Asthma in Chinese Medicine cun lateral to GV 14), CV 17 (Influential Point for respiratory
system), BL 13 (Back Shu Point of the Lung), LU 6 (Xi-
Chinese Medicine uses the term Xiao-Chuan to describe
Cleft Point of the Lung), PC 6 (Distal Point for chest dis-
asthma. Xiao is wheezing, Chuan is breathlessness, and they
orders), ST 40 (point for Phlegm)—all are reduced, and KI 3
often go together. In the healthy state, the Lung Qi moves
(Source Point for Kidney)—which is reinforced. One should
downward and the Kidneys holds it down. Lungs control
acquire proficiency in the technique of needle insertion at
inhalation and the Kidneys control exhalation. Liver Qi
CV 22.
KI 7 is the Tonification Point of the Kidney. In Excess
Medical Acupuncture is pleased to continue this regular fea- conditions of the Lung (see Table 1) reinforcing KI 7 will
ture, Clinical Pearls, which we have found to be very useful for,
and practical to the readership, and very popular. All of us are reinforce the Kidney, which is often Deficient in asthma.
confronted with clinical challenges, especially when dealing with Because of the fact that Lung is the Mother of Kidney in the
therapeutic strategies. We hope this ongoing collection of Clinical Five Element Cycle, such a stimulation will cause the Excess
Pearls will be easily accessible and ready to put into action for the of the Lung being sucked by the Son Kidney—a win–win
benefit of our patients, and even ourselves. How often do we ask situation. That is, the Deficient Kidney is reinforced and the
our colleagues: ‘‘How do you treat. ?’’ This time, we posed the
question: ‘‘How do you treat Asthma in your practice?’’ Herein Lung Excess is reduced. So too, stimulation of LU 7 and KI 6,
lie your contributions. We trust that our readership will continue in that order, by the reduction method will open the CV
to participate in this section by either asking the questions or channel and that would help in normalizing the Kidney and
supplying the ‘‘Pearls.’’ If you have a ‘‘question’’ you would like Lung.
to see answered, please send it to our managing editor, Yael Ben- Some patients might feel tired with the above combina-
Porat, at: We encourage and welcome
your input and participation. Please address your answers to tion of points; in such cases, BL 13 may be omitted. The
‘‘Pearls’’ to our managing editor, Yael Ben-Porat, at: yaelben- same combination can be used in late summer as a pre- ventative for expected asthma in autumn and winter.

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Table 1. Signs, Symptoms, Diagnosis and Treatment of Chinese Syndromes Associated with Asthma

Excess patterns

Pathology Symptoms Tongue/pulse Points Herbs

Invasion of Lungs by Wind Cold Rapid breathing, aversion to cold, T—Thin white coating Reduce LU 5, LU 7, BL 12, Ma Huang Tang—Ephedra Decoction
lack of perspiration & white phlegm P—Floating BL 13 & Ding Chuan
Phlegm Heat in Lungs Rapid breathing, aversion to heat, T—Yellow coat Reduce BL 13, LU 5, ST 40, Qing Qi Hua Tang—Clearing
perspiration & yellow phlegm P—Slippery, rapid LI 4, CV 22 Ding Chuan, Qi and resolving Phlegm Decoction
LI 11& LU 7
Deficiency patterns
Lung Qi Deficiency Shortness of breath, cough, daytime T—Pale Reinforce Ding Chuan, BL 13, Ren Shen Bu Fei Tan—Ginseng
sweating, catch colds easily & P—Empty Rt front position BL 47, ST 36, LU 9, LU 7, Tonifying the Lungs Decoction
aversion to cold DU 12 & CV 15 & Moxa.
Lung Yin Deficiency Scanty sputum, dry mouth and throat, T—Red, peeling coat Reinforce Ding Chuan, BL 13, Yang Yin Quing Fei Tang—
night sweating & dry cough P—Rapid, thread BL 43, LU 9, KI 6, BL 38, Nourishing Yin and Clearing

CV 4, SP 6 & LU 10. the Lung Decoction
Spleen Qi Deficiency Slight abdominal distension, tiredness, T—Pale Reinforce CV 12, SP 6, SP 3, Liu Jun Zi Tang—Six Gentleman
weakness of limbs, loose stools & P—Empty ST 36, BL 20, BL 21 & Decoction
tending toward obesity Ding Chuan
Kidney Yang Deficiency Lower back pain, coldness, lassitude, T—Pale, wet Reinforce BL 23, KI 3, You Gui Wan—Restoring the
edema in the legs & impotence P—Deep, weak Kidney pulse GV 4 & CV 4 Right Kidney Pill
Combined Excess and Deficiency patterns
Liver Yang Rising due to Liver Throbbing headache, dizziness, T—No coating & red in Reduce TB 5, PC 6, LI 4, Tian Ma Gou Teng
Yin/Blood Deficiency numbness of limbs, blurred vision, Yin Deficiency, Pale in GB 43, GB 38 Yin—Gastrodia
muscular weakness, cramps & Blood Deficiency uncaria Decoction
withered nails P—Wiry Reinforce SP 6, LR 8,
ST 36 & KI 3.
Signs and Symptoms shown in bold indicate the diagnosis.
P, Pulse; T, Tongue; Rt, right.

Medical acupuncturists who prefer to use the same group A 4-year-old girl had a recurring wheeze (about once per
of points in all cases can use the above combination. week as recorded by her mother) for *3 years. She was
If the Chinese Disharmony Patterns are treated with a prescribed a salbutamol inhaler to use when needed, bude-
view toward reducing recurrences—and this is the preferred sonide twice daily, and, on occasion, oral prednisolone. This
method for the current author—the details given in Table 1 patient had a tendency to catch colds and was treated in the
can be followed. emergency department (ED) of a public hospital on several
occasions for recurrent wheezing. Between these episodes,
Auricular points. These are generally used during the her chest examination results were clear. Her tongue was
asthma attack. pale and her pulse was empty, especially in the right front
The most important points are Lung 1, Lung 2, Kidney C, position (Lung). There was no family history of asthma.
Adrenal Gland C, Sympathetic Autonomic Point, and Stop This was a case of recurrent wheezing caused by Lung Qi
Wheezing point. Deficiency. A slight shortness of breath and an empty Lung
Other points include Antihistamine, Bronchi, Point Zero, pulse were sufficient to make this diagnosis.
Shen Men, Allergy Point, Apex of the Ear, Tranquilizer Point, The following points were used:
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Master Cerebral, Spleen C, Occiput, Spleen E and Psychoso-

 LU 9—Source point
matic Reactions 1. Select 3–4 points for each treatment using
 LU 7—Connecting point
point locator or tenderness.
 BL 13—Back Shu point
 CV 6—to tonify Qi
Evidence for acupuncture. The evidence for acu-
 GV 12—to tonify Lung Qi
puncture in the treatment of asthma includes the following
 ST 36 and CV 12—to tonify Stomach and Spleen, re-
spectively (thus tonifying Earth to nourish Metal).
(1) In patients with acute bronchospasm, acupuncture
resulted in increase of PEFR and FEV1.5 It is the author’s practice to support acupuncture treat-
(2) Acupuncture stimulation resulted in reduction of ments with homeopathic dilutions of mineral salts, calcium
immunoglobulin E levels in patients with asthma.6 phosphate, and natrum sulfate (30 c) at twice-weekly in-
(3) Acupuncture stimulation was followed by increased tervals in all cases of wheezing. This helps reduce the
levels of cluster of differentiation (CD) 4 + and in- number and duration of acupuncture treatments. In severe
terleukin (IL) 8, and reduced levels of IL 6, IL 10, and cases acupuncture treatments are used on alternate days.
eosinophils.7 This patient was treated twice weekly with acupuncture
(4) Jobst et al. reviewed 16 reports on the efficacy of for 2 months and then monthly for 1 year. The inhalers were
acupuncture in asthma. In 10 studies, acupuncture gradually withdrawn and she had no further wheezing epi-
was found to be better than placebo and sham acu- sodes. During the first 2 months of treatment, she had one
puncture, whereas 6 studies showed no difference.8 additional ED visit.
(5) In another review by Lewith and Watkins, 9 of the 10 It has been the experience of the author that, while most
trials showed positive short-term improvement of patients respond favorably, children respond far better than
lung function and subsequent reduction in the use of adults do as far as long-term improvements are concerned; and
medication after acupuncture.9 this is especially so when acupuncture was supported by nu-
(6) A Cochrane database review did not find enough tritional supplements as described. It is often said that many
evidence to recommend acupuncture treatment for children will outgrow asthma. This is an optimistic statement:
asthma, due to the inadequate quality in the studies.10 Children with severe asthma are very unlikely to outgrow it.
(7) Patients with chronic obstructive asthma experienced Many cases labeled as asthma in children are actually asth-
clinically significant improvement in quality of life malike syndromes (bronchitis, bronchiolitis, etc.) and these are
when their standard care was supplemented by acu- the patients who tend to outgrow these conditions.14
puncture or acupressure. 11 The positive effects of those nutritional supplements to
(8) A double-blinded randomized study in 23 nonsmoking acupuncture in children cannot be overemphasized; these
asthmatics found that there was significant improvement beneficial effects have not been observed in adults.
in the patient’s quality of life and reduction in the use of
bronchodilators after acupuncture, but these benefits were
not supported by improvement in respiratory function.12 REFERENCES

Case 1. Asthma History Through Ages.

Online document at: Accessed
Three illustrative cases were published by the current November 15, 2018.
author in an earlier issue of this journal.13 One of them is 2. GBD 2015 Disease and Injury Incidence and Prevalence Col-
included here for the reader’s convenience. laborators. Global, regional and national incidence, prevalence

and years lived with a disability for 310 diseases and in- ted as acting on the respiratory system. I was amazed to find
juries, 1990–2015: A systematic analysis for the Global more than 80! My textbooks showed that all points on the
Burden of Disease Study 2015. Lancet. 2016;388(10053): Lung meridian were included, but also most of the Kidney,
1545–1602. Stomach, and Spleen points on the anterior chest wall, to-
3. Asthma and Allergy Foundation of America. Asthma Facts and gether with Bladder points on the posterior wall and a couple
Figures. Online document at:>asthma-
each of Gall Bladder, Liver, Pericardium, and Small Intes-
facts.aspx Accessed November 18, 2017.
4. United States Environmental Protection Agency. Asthma.
tine points laterally. All the thoracic Conception Vessel,
Online document at: Accessed Novem- Governing Vessel, and Huatuojiaji points have a respiratory
ber 18, 2017. relationship, as do the Extra point Dingchuan and a few
5. Virsik KP, Kristulek P, Bangha O, Urban Š. The effect of distant points, such as KI 3 and KI 4, and ST 36 and 40.
acupuncture on pulmonary function in bronchial asthma. In: This offered such a wide choice of points that I needed
Herzog H, Empey DW, Matthys H, Perruchoud A, Widdi- some method of narrowing the field. I therefore searched
combe JG, eds. Progress in Respiration Research, vol. 14 1980; PubMed for trials of acupuncture for respiratory disease. I
14:271–275. [from Asthma: International Congress on Re- inspected each report and noted which acupuncture points
Downloaded by RMIT UNIV (ROYAL MELB INST TECH) from at 12/10/18. For personal use only.

spiratory Diseases, Basel, October 1979; 6th General Meeting were used, paying particular attention to trials that had re-
of the European Society for Clinical Respiratory Physiology corded positive outcomes for patients who had received
acupuncture. This gave a clear consensus for points regu-
6. Christensen PA, Laursen LC, Taudorf E, Sørensen SC, Weeke
B. Acupuncture and bronchial asthma. Allergy. 1984;39(5):
larly and effectively used in the treatment of asthma.
379–385. Included in the protocol of almost every research group
7. Joos S, Schott C, Zou H, Daniel V, Martin E. Im- were: the Lung Back-Shu point BL 13; CV 17; and Ding-
munomodulatory effect of acupuncture in the treatment of chuan, occasionally with GV 14. Generally, a Lung point
allergic asthma: A randomized controlled study. J Altern was used, of which LU 7 was popular, and often a distant
Complement Med. 2000;6(6);519–525. point, such as KI 3 or ST 36. The general anti-inflammatory
8. Jobst KA. A critical analysis of acupuncture in pulmonary point LI 4, sometimes with LI 11, was commonly used, and
disease, efficacy and safety of the acupuncture needle. J Al- also SP 6. Other points featured included ST 40, BL 17, GV
tern Complement Med. 1995;1(1):57–85. 20, and various Conception Vessel points.
9. Lewith GT, Watkins AD. Unconventional therapies in asth- Starting with the frequently used points, my approach,
ma: An overview. Allergy. 1996;51(11);761–769.
after history and examination, is to find the prominent—and
10. McCarney RW, Brinkaus B, Lasserson TJ, Linde K. Acu-
usually easily identified—spine of C-7. I insert a needle at
puncture for chronic asthma. Cochrane Database Syst Rev.
2004;1:CD000008. GV 14, just inferior to this bony prominence. This acts as a
11. Maa SH, Sun MF, Hsu KH, et al. Effect of acupuncture or marker to place needles 0.5 cun on each side, at Dingchuan.
acupressure on quality of life of patients with chronic ob- I then run a finger down the back, counting spines to the
structive asthma: A pilot study. J Altern Complement Med. lower border of the spinous process of T-3. I insert needles
2003;9(5):659–670. on both sides of this at BL 13.
12. Biernacki W, Peake MD. Acupuncture in treatment of stable Anteriorly, CV 17 is the Qi Influential Point. It is also
asthma. Respir Med. 1998;92(9):1143–1145 where a sternal anomaly occurs in roughly 6% of the pop-
13. Sudhakaran P. Preschool wheezing: An acupuncture ap- ulation. This is a foramen in the midline, directly over the
proach. Med Acupunct. 2015;27(6):447–452. heart. It is essential, therefore, to needle horizontally under
14. Will My Child Outgrow Asthma? Online
the skin, given that fatal cardiac tamponade has been re-
document at:
ported from inadvertently traversing the foramen and
Accessed on November 21, 2017. puncturing the heart.1 To avoid puncturing the lung, needles
of 2 cm or less should be used at all chest points.
Address correspondence to: These points I use as standard, adding points related to the
Poovadan Sudhakaran, MBBS, PhD type or cause of the asthma. During acute exacerbation, or
MastACU, MastTCM exercise induced asthma, I add LU 7 unilaterally, especially
26 Tuckers Road if there is associated coughing. If the acute attack has been
Templestowe 3106 caused by—or results in—chest infection, I use LU 7 on one
Australia side and LI 4 on the other. When the asthma has a significant
allergic element, I use both LI 4 and 11. In obese and late-
onset patients, ST 36 may be of benefit, particularly as these
patients often have comorbid knee osteoarthritis.
Anxiety and stress is a feature for some patients, so the

S ome years ago, while working with the respiratory de-

partment of a university hospital in the East of England, I
investigated which acupuncture points are traditionally no-
antianxiety point GV 20 may help. Some patients develop
abdominal breathing. I use the diaphragm points BL 17, but
try to teach these patients better breathing habits. It is worth

checking the accessory muscles of respiration for trigger

points, notably the sternocleidomastoid, scalene, and pec-
toralis muscles.2
I n Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM), acute asthma
is associated with physiologic hyperactive Qi energy.
Excess Qi energy causes bronchial spams, leading to ob-
I start a treatment course with manual stimulation, but structed airways, causing shorter breath and acute disorder of
may progress to using electroacupuncture at 2/100 Hz to the the respiratory tract. Asthma attacks are also associated with
BL 13 pair, and LI 4 and LI 11. Sessions are twice per week, acute sadness and severe emotional disturbance. Acute sad-
reducing to weekly, and then maintenance once a month, if ness causes accumulation of Phlegm in the windpipe ob-
the patient feels this is beneficial. However, standard med- structing the airway, causing shortness of breath. In Western
ical treatment must remain the appropriate basic care for medicine, asthma attacks can be caused by severe allergies
both acute and chronic asthma, although the addition of and blockage of the bronchus due to mucus and allergens.
acupuncture may provide some improvement in symptoms In order to treat acute asthma, LU 6 · 2 and CV 17 can be
and quality of life, with possibly reduced hospital admis- used. LU 6 · 2 is used for acute disorder of the lung. CV 17
sions. The Cochrane review did not recommend acupunc- is useful for treating and balancing the hyperactivity of the
ture for asthma, as the trials available were too small and Lung, as well as easing the asthma attack. Cupping CV 17
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unreliable.3 Thus, I offer acupuncture only to patients who and BL 13 · 2 in combination with LU 6 is very helpful. In
are poorly stabilized on conventional medication. order to calm the asthma attack immediately, it is important
Asthma is notoriously placebo-responsive, so this could to cup LU 1 · 2, this eases asthma attacks. If you add BL
be part of the mechanism, but the calming effects of acu- 13 · 2, this will enhance the response tremendously and
puncture’s general boost of serotonin, endorphins and oxy- settle the Lung allowing proper breathing.
tocin is likely to help. Of particular relevance to asthma, It is important to treat mental components, as they can cause
there is increased production of adrenocorticotropic hor- emotional sadness, which leads to asthma attacks. Cupping
mone and catecholamines, together with inhibition of his- CV 17 is very useful for treating acute sadness; using BL 15
tamine release.4 More specifically: the point BL 13 is over with cupping on the back will also release anxiety and tension.
the sympathetic ganglion at T-3, so this should have a If the patient has a history of depression it is wise to use PC 6
bronchodilatory effect, and ‘‘asthmatic’’ rat experiments and TE 5, for ventilation of emotional pollution. HT 7 · 2 is
have shown reductions in the inflammatory cytokines inter- also very useful for addressing anxiety, tension, and stress.
leukin (IL) 6 and IL 10, together with inducing lymphocyte For patients with asthma, you can use CV 17, BL 13 · 2, and
proliferation and reduced eosinophil counts, all of which is LU 1 · 2 to prevent asthma attacks. For patients who have a
suggestive of autonomic modulation of the immune system.5 great deal of Phlegm in the chest it is important to used ST
8 · 2 and ST 40 · 2 needles to reduce Phlegm accumulation in
the windpipe. It is also important to treat the patient’s immune
REFERENCES system to prevent infection and strengthen the immune system.
The following points are very useful for immune protection:
1. Ernst E, Zhang J. Cardiac tamponade caused by acupuncture:  GV 14
A review of the literature. Int J Cardiol. 2011;149(3):287–289.
2. Simons DG, Travell JG, Simons LS. Travell & Simons’ Myo-
 LI 11 · 2
 SP 6 · 2
fascial Pain and Dysfunction: The Trigger Point Manual, vol.
1: Upper Half of Body, 2nd ed. Baltimore: Lippincott Williams  SP 10 · 2
& Wilkins; 1998.  ST 36 · 2.
3. McCarney RW, Brinkhaus B, Lasserson TJ, Linde K. Acu-
Apart from giving the immune system therapy, you
puncture for chronic asthma. Cochrane Database Syst Rev.
2004;1:CD000008. should also balance a patient’s body, mind, and spirit. For
4. Hayhoe S. Effects of acupuncture in bronchial asthma. J R Soc balancing the body, you should use SP 21 · 2. As a physi-
Med. 1982;75(11):917. ologic barometer, it is also wise to use LI 11 · 2. For mental
5. White A. Acupuncture for respiratory conditions. In: Filshie J, components of balancing, you should use Ex-HN 1 · 4. For
White A, Cummings M, eds. Medical Acupuncture: A Western spiritual balancing, GB 41 is useful. If it is pertinent to the
Scientific Approach, 2nd ed. Edinburgh: Elsevier; 2016:489– therapy, you should add GV 9 with BL 17 x 2 and BL 46 · 2.
502. Chakra imbalance can be a root cause of asthma, espe-
cially after physical and/or emotional trauma. This imbal-
Address correspondence to:
ance can cause Stagnant Throat chakra energy, which can
Simon Hayhoe, MSc, MBBS, MRCA
lead to Phlegm accumulation, causing an asthma attack. To
Pain Management Department
treat Phlegm accumulation, use ST 40 · 2 and ST 8 · 2 as
University Hospital, Turner Road
well as LU 7 · 2 and SI 3 · 2. To open the flow of energy in
Colchester CO4 5JL
the Throat chakra, use CV 22 and CV 23.
United Kingdom
Other causes of asthma in TCM are Deficiencies of the
E-mail: Kidney and Spleen. Given that asthma can be genetic,

treating KI 6 · 2 for prevention can produce a great re-

sponse. KI 3 · 2, KI 7 · 2, KI 10 · 2, BL 23 · 2, and GV 4
can enhance the Kidney Qi and prevent Kidney Deficiency.
A sthma can be caused by Deficiencies in Lung and/or
Defensive Kidney Qi, and by pathogenic exposure to
Wind. Acute attacks, therefore, would require treatment to
Spleen Deficiency can also cause asthma attacks. Enhancing expel Wind, in addition to inhalers and evidence-based
Spleen energy with SP 6 · 2, SP 9 · 2, and SP 10 · 2 can Western approaches. Prevention of asthma then focuses on
increase the immune response and prevent asthma attacks. nourishing Kidney and Lung QI. Strengthening Kidney and
To maintain a patient’s health, use LR 3 · 2; this point Lung Qi, using the Super Ming Men with BL 13 (the Lung
allows the constant smooth flow of Qi. Use SP 10 · 2 for the meridian Shu point) with gentle electrical stimulation at 2 Hz
constant smooth flow of Blood circulation. You should see is the foundation of treatments when the symptoms are well-
the patient twice for the first week, then once every 2 weeks controlled.
four times, and then once per month four times. Poor control can be a challenge for some patients. My
In order to maintain good health and responses in patients asthma and allergy colleagues say: ‘‘If you want to con-
with asthma, auricular acupuncture is also very effective for trol asthma, then control the nose.’’1 Likewise, patients
supporting their health. Needle the following points: with asthma who receive acupuncture respond well to
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opening the nose. LI 20 is a powerful point to open the nose
Shen Men for relaxation

and sinuses, as well as BL 2 and ST 2 for sinus disease.
Lung for asthma
 Adrenal Gland for immune system
When symptoms are exacerbated by allergies or other
 Occiput for healing.
exposures, patients respond well to treating the nose as well
as the Lung with the following method:
Ask the patient to perform ear presses four times a day for  LI 20 and ST 2 crossed with the black electrode to BL 2
1 minute.
with the red electrode bilaterally at 10 Hz for 15 minutes
Other techniques can also be successful. Ask the patient  LI 4, if there are significant nasal symptoms, or LI 10 if
to practice Qigong exercises, especially breathing exercises.
the symptoms are primarily Lung-related
I have found that asthma has one of the best responses to  KI 3 to tonify Kidney Qi
acupuncture and Qigong.  SP 4 to dispel Damp.
Other TCM approaches that may be used are:
The Four Gates (LI 4 and LR 3) herbal formulae may be
(1) Medical Qigong Breathing Exercise—The patient used in addition to the above to improve resilience and re-
should breathe in while visualizing blue colors and duce the risk of poor control.
breathe out slowly while visualizing white colors, for
20 minutes every morning and every evening.
(2) Herbal medicine is also very useful to prevent asthma REFERENCE
attacks and maintain the Lung. I recommend the Ping
Chuan pill for asthma attack, the Crocodile Bile pill 1. Scadding G, Walker S. Poor asthma control?—then look up the
for Phlegm, and the Zehn Zhu An Shen Yang Xin Pill nose. The importance of co-morbid rhinitis in patients with
for relaxation and anxiety. asthma. Prim Care Respir J. 2012;21(2):222–228.
(3) Dietary therapy that involves increasing the intake of Address correspondence to:
white food with pungent smells is wise. The patient Mary Ann Barnes, MD
should be advised to avoid eating shellfish and red meat. St. Elizabeth Family Medicine Residency Program
Overall, the TCM approach to asthma generally has a slower 413 South Loop Drive
response than Western medicine; however, the TCM approach Edgewood, KY 41017
is holistic, natural and produces little-to-no side-effects. E-mail:
Address correspondence to:
Steven K.H. Aung, CM, AOE, MD, PhD, FAAFP
Faculty of Medicine and Dentistry
Faculties of Extension, Pharmacy & Pharmaceutical Sciences
A sthma is a chronic inflammatory disease of the
airways in the lung. Coughing, shortness of breath,
chest tightness, and wheezing are common symptoms of
and Rehabilitation Medicine
patients with asthma. It does not affect only children but also
and School of Public Health
adults. An asthma attack can be life-threatening. Asthma
University of Alberta
causes considerable burden to patients and reduces their
9904-106 Street
quality of life. Asthma is not curable, and management of it
Edmonton, Alberta T5K 1C4
is complicated. Usage of daily long-term medication dis-
comforts patients with asthma. For this reason, patients seek
E-mail: complementary medicine modalities. The World Health

Organization recommends practicing acupuncture to relieve weeks. Patients with asthma need at least 20 sessions. I give
symptoms of asthma.1 treatment three times per week for the first 10 sessions. After
that, I suggest 1 session per week for 5 sessions and 1
Asthma in Traditional Chinese Medicine session every 15 days for the remaining 5 sessions.

Asthma occurs as a respiratory disorder when pathology

exists in the Lung (LU), Large Intestine (LI), and Concep- Illustrative Case
tion Vessel (CV) channels, according to the acupuncture
A 35-year-old female complained of having asthma for
perspective.2 Regulation and balancing the obstructive Qi
more than 7 years. The points used to treat her were LU 1, LU 2,
helps resolve asthma symptoms. The best time to treat
LU 9, LI 4, BL 13, CV 22, GV 14, GV 20, and Ex-HN 3. She
asthma with acupuncture is between attacks. However,
was treated three times per week for 10 sessions. Then she
acupuncture may be used to treat acute asthma attacks.
received one session per week for five sessions, and one session
every 15 days for the remaining five sessions. She presented
Acupuncture Treatment Protocol with an asthma attack after the second session of treatment. She
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I use classical acupuncture points without a formal Tra- was treated during the attack with acupoints LU-5 (sedative
ditional Chinese Medicine diagnosis. Combining local and points of lung), CV-22 (emergency point for acute asthma
distal points is essential in every session. Acupuncture attack), GV-20 (important point for descending the Yang), LI-4
points that are close to the lungs on the anteroposterior chest (homeostatic and anti-inflammatory point), and Ear ACTH
wall may be considered as local points for treating asthma. point (anti-inflammatory point, has bronchodilator effect). She
The body acupuncture points for asthma are shown in did not have another asthma attack during the treatment ses-
Table 1.3,4 The needles are left in place for 30 minutes. I sions. Her sleeping quality improved after four sessions.
use body and auricular points together in every session. Symptoms decreased after 10 sessions. She received a total of
Auricular points are selected according to an electrical point 20 sessions.
finder. Ear Shen Men, ear Lung Point, and ear ACTH point
must be needled, if I cannot detect these points with the
electrical point finder. An ear semipermanent needle is used REFERENCES
for 2–3 weeks. The ear needles are changed every 2–3
1. Acupuncture: Review and Analysis of Reports on Controlled
Table 1. Body Acupuncture Points for Asthma Clinical Trials. Online document at:
OtherArticles/acupuncture_WHO_full_report.pdf Accessed No-
Points Special points Actions vember 19, 2017.
2. Jin GY, Jin JJX, Jin LL. Contemporary Medical Acupuncture.
LU 1 Front-Mu point of Lung Regulates the Lung Qi New York: Higher Education Press/Springer; 2007.
LU 2 — Clears Lung Heat 3. Ellis A, Wiseman N, Boss K. Fundamentals of Chinese Acu-
LU 9 Yuan Source Point of Strengthens the Lung & puncture. Brookline, MA: Paradigm; 2004.
the Lung channel transforms Phlegm 4. Liu Z, Liu L, Fun W, Zhang Z. Essentials of Chinese Medicine.
LI 4 Yuan Source point of Causes homeostasis & London, UK: Foundation of Chinese Medicine/Springer; 2010.
the Large Intestine regulates Qi & Blood
channel strongly Address correspondence to:
BL 13 Back-Shu point Tonifies the Lung Qi & Yasemin Cayir, MD
of Lung clears Heat from the Ataturk University Research
Lung and Practice Center for Acupuncture
CV 17 Front-Mu point of the Regulates Qi and
and Complementary Therapy Modalities
Pericardium descends counterflow
University Street, 25040
Lung Qi
CV 22 Meeting point with Descends counterflow Erzurum
yinwei mai Lung Qi & alleviates Turkey
coughing and dyspnea E-mail:
GV 14 Meeting point with all Calms internal Wind,
Yang channels strengthens Qi
GV 20 Meeting point with Calms Wind & calms

Ex-HN 3
Harmonizing effect Opens the channels,
A sthma is a chronic condition with an ever-
increasing global incidence. It is estimated that *300
million people are currently affected by asthma.1 Western
(Yintang) calms Shen & medicine defines asthma as a condition that causes chronic
inflammation in the airways, leading to a state of hyperre-
internal Wind
sponsiveness and resulting in bronchospasm and an increase

in mucous production that causes a mechanical limitation to difference between the tested groups, we did find a decrease
air flow. Usual symptoms are wheezing, coughing, chest in eosinophils (P = 0.035) and neutrophils (P = 0.047), an
tightness, and shortness of breath. Western medicine relies increase in macrophages (P = 0.001), and an improvement in
on a pharmacologic approach to treatment, based on ß-2 peak flow (P = 0.01) after verum acupuncture, which were
agonists, glucocorticoids, leukotriene modifiers, and the- not seen in the group receiving the sham procedure. This
ophylline, among other agents.1 Even with such a broad points to the possible inflammation-reducing effect of this
arsenal of allopathic medicines available, many patients still ‘‘Phlegm draining and Lung Qi harmonizing’’ set of acu-
seek nonconventional healing techniques. points.
Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) uses syndrome dif- Thus, in conclusion, we find it very useful to use this set
ferentiation of the disease nature, mostly with four main of acupoints as add-on therapy for patients with asthma who
characteristics (Cold/Heat, Excess/Deficiency) and recogni- are struggling to maintain stable clinical conditions while on
tion of specific patterns related to the affected organs in order optimized pharmacologic regimens.
to determine a diagnosis. The resulting disease nature, con-
cluded through syndrome differentiation, promotes a com-
Downloaded by RMIT UNIV (ROYAL MELB INST TECH) from at 12/10/18. For personal use only.

prehensive understanding of the relationship between REFERENCES

pathogenic factors and the individual affected by such illness.2
Interestingly enough, there is a classical TCM scenario 1. Global Initiative for Asthma. The Global Strategy for Asthma
described as ‘‘[t]he pattern of Cold-Phlegm obstructing the Management and Prevention, 2017. Online document at: http://
Lung’’ that could represent what Western medicine defines Accessed December 27, 2017.
as asthma, once the scenario refers to the condition of the 2. Yiqin W, chief ed. Diagnostics of Traditional Chinese Medi-
cine. National Planned University Textbooks for International
Lung failing to disperse and descend due to the retention of
Traditional Chinese Medicine Education. Beijing, China:
mixed Cold and turbid Phlegm. The etiology of this con-
Higher Education Press; 2006:416–417.
dition would be Lung impairment due to Phlegm retention 3. Pai H, Azevedo RS, Braga ALF, et al. A randomized, con-
plus pathogenic Cold attack, direct attack of pathogenic trolled, crossover study in patients with mild and moderate
Cold-Dampness, or even upward transmission of Phlegm asthma undergoing treatment with traditional Chinese acu-
from the middle Jiao due to Spleen and Stomach Yang puncture. Clinics (São Paulo). 2015;70(10):663–669.
Eduardo G. D’Alessandro, MD1
With that TCM rationale in mind, Hong Jin Pai, MD, PhD,
Chin An Lin, MD, PhD2
from our acupuncture service at the São Paulo University 3
and Hong Jin Pai, MD, PhD
Clinics Hospital, in São Paulo, Brazil, developed a standard
acupuncture treatment to treat patients with asthma. The Instituto do Câncer do Estado de São Paulo
treatment is comprised of two stages in the same session: Sao Paulo University Clinics Hospital–Faculdade
The first stage involves 30 minutes of resting with needles de Medicina da Universidade de São Paulo
placed at: GV 17 and GV 22; LU 1 and LU 6; and ST 36 and Centro de Estudo Integrado de Medicina Chinesa
SP 9. Cupping is performed with cups placed between LU 1 São Paulo, Brazil
and the sternum bilaterally
Address correspondence to:
The second stage involves another 30 minutes resting
Eduardo G. D’Alessandro, MD
with needles placed at: BL 12 and BL 13. Then the Extra
Instituto do Câncer do Estado de São Paulo
point Dingchuan (0.5 cun lateral to C-7) is needled. Finally,
Avenida Dr. Arnaldo, 251–Térreo–Reabilitação
cupping is performed with cups placed just lateral to the
São Paulo–SP–01246-000
spine between the T-2 and T-4 bilaterally.
This protocol was submitted to testing in a randomized,
controlled crossover study in patients with mild and mod- E-mail:
erate asthma conducted at our hospital.3 We were able to
analyze the response to 10 sessions of acupuncture in 74
patients who were evaluated with spirometry, induced
sputum-cell count, exhaled nitric oxide, daily peak flow,
A cupuncture has been used in patients with chronic
obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) and asthma.1–3
There was a clinical opportunity for acupuncture treatment
symptom diaries, use of medication, Short Form–36 and in a patient with asthma at the Teikyo Ikebukuro Acu-
Questionnaire on Quality of Life—Asthma. The sham pro- puncture and Moxibustion Clinic at Teikyoheisei Uni-
cedure consisted of minimally puncturing nonacupoints; versity. This report presents the details of this clinical
patients were permitted to maintain their usual regimen of experience to show the improvement of respiratory function
pharmacologic agents and rescue medication. and easing of clinical symptoms in this patient, who had
Although the results showed that symptoms were eased undergone the acupuncture treatment every week for 8
with either verum or sham acupuncture, with no significant weeks.

A 46-year-old male patient, at 5 feet 7 inches tall and 187 Kenji Imai, PhD, LAc1
pounds weight, was diagnosed with asthma. He had a high Motoyuki Imai, PhD, CE/ME2
level of immunoglobulin E at 183 IU/mL, a persistent de- and Tatsuya Hisajima, PhD LAc1
crease of pulmonary function, and a low value of forced ex- Teikyo Ikebukuro Acupuncture and Moxibustion Clinic
piratory volume in 1 second (FEV1) at 3.33L (FEV1% was Department of Acupuncture and Moxibustion
68.8%). He also had some clinical complaints that included Faculty of Health Care, Teikyoheisei University,
stuffiness and muscle stiffness in his back and chest. The Toshimaku
Western medications he used were 10 mg/day of montelukast Department of Electrical Engineering
sodium, 15 mg 3 times/day of dextromethorphan hydro- Faculty of Engineering, Tokyo University of Science
bromide hydrate, 200 mg 2 times/day of clarithromycin Tokyo, Japan
orally. An aerosol of salmeterol xinafoate—with fluticasone
propionate—had also been administered 14 days after the date Address correspondence to:
of his diagnosis. Kenji Imai, PhD, LAc
On the day after he started the medications, acupuncture Department of Acupuncture and Moxibustion
Faculty of Health Care
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was performed at bilateral acupoints (LU 1, LI 18, BL 13, BL

42, SI 11, SI 12, SI 13, SI4, and SI 15—eighteen points in all) Teikyoheisei University
that corresponded to tender points on the following respira- 2-51-4, Higashiikebukuro
tory muscles.* These included the: pectoralis major; pector- Toshimaku, Tokyo 170-8445
alis minor; sternocleidomastoid; trapezius; erector spinae; Japan
rhomboid muscle; levator scapulae; infraspinatus; and su- E-mail:
praspinatus. Disposable needles, 0.16-mm diameter, were
used to provide 20 minutes of stimulation. He received acu-
puncture 8 times over 2 months.
After each acupuncture session, a pulmonary function test
showed immediate improvement, compared with before A sthma is one of the most commonly observed
chronic inflammatory diseases in current society, with
more than 300 million people affected worldwide.1 The
acupuncture, at 4.0% of FEV1%. Evaluation at the eighth
week showed increases of FEV1 at 4.03 L and FEV1% at disease is characterized by wheezing, breathlessness, and
111%. Moreover, reduction of this patient’s clinical symp- airway limitation.2 Pharmacotherapy is typically used to
toms, such as dyspnea and wheezing, was evaluated by a treat asthma, but the efficacy of conventional pharmaco-
categorical face scale. The symptoms’ mean value had de- therapy is variable. Although pharmacogenomic approaches
creased from 4.8 to 1.6 points. have been considered as a potential treatment for this con-
These findings suggest that acupuncture treatment on the dition, their translation into clinical practice is difficult.3,4
tender points on the parts of respiratory muscles might be an Considering these issues, complementary and alternative
effective alternative treatment method for a patient with medicine (CAM) is often used for asthma treatment, espe-
asthma. cially in the United States and Europe.5–7 Surveys in these
countries have revealed that more than 40% of individuals
with asthma had used CAM. One of the most common forms
of CAM used for asthma is herbal medicine.8 This Clinical
REFERENCES Pearl introduces briefly our clinical experiences and the
current literature on the treatment of asthma with herbal
1. Li M, Zhang X, Bao H, Li C, Zhang P. Acupuncture for medicine.
asthma: Protocol for a systematic review. Medicine (Balti-
more). 2017;96(26):e7296.
2. Suzuki M, Muro S, Ando Y, et al. A randomized, placebo- Clinical Experiences and the Literature
controlled trial of acupuncture in patients with chronic ob-
on Chronic Asthma
structive pulmonary disease (COPD): The COPD-Acupuncture
Trial (CAT). Arch Intern Med. 2012;172(11):878–886. In our experience, TJ-96 (Saiboku-to) at a dosage of 7.5 g/
3. Suzuki M, Namura K, Ohno Y, et al. The effect of acupuncture day is sometimes effective in reducing patients’ subjective
in the treatment of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease. J symptoms of asthma. This observation is supported by a
Altern Complement Med. 2008;14(9):1097–1105. randomized controlled study of 33 patients conducted by
Urata et al.9 Eucalyptol is another herbal medicine used to
treat asthma, and its use is also supported by a randomized
*Locations of acupoints on the respiratory muscles are: LU 1, clinical trial.10 According to Schäfer, approximately half of
pectoralis major and pectoralis minor; LI 18, sternocleidomastoid;
BL 13 and BL 42, trapezius, erector spinae, and rhomboid muscle; patients with asthma are satisfied with these complementary
and SI 11, SI 12, SI 13, SI 14, and SI 15, levator scapulae muscle, herbal therapies.7 In addition to these clinical experiences,
infraspinatus muscle and supraspinatus muscle. we have summarized the current literature below.

In 2008, Arnold et al. published a Cochrane review ana- REFERENCES

lyzing 27 studies (total N = 1925) of 21 different herbal
preparations.11 Among the reviewed studies, the following 1. Olin JT, Wechsler ME. Asthma: Pathogenesis and novel
preparations were reported to ease the patients’ symptoms: drugs for treatment. BMJ. 2014;349:g5517.
boswellia, eucalyptol, ginger, PulmoFlex, propolis, Tylo- 2. Krishnan JA, Lemanske RF Jr, Canino GJ, et al. Asthma
phora indica, TJ-96 (Saiboku-to), Liu-Wei-Huang-Wan, outcomes: symptoms. J Allergy Clin Immunol. 2012;
Shen-Ling-Bia-Shu-San, and Jai-Wei-Si-Jun-Zi-Tang. How- 129(3[suppl]):S124–S135.
3. Park HW, Tantisira KG, Weiss ST. Pharmacogenomics in
ever, as mentioned by the researchers, the quality of many of
asthma therapy: Where are we and where do we go? Annu Rev
the studies under review was relatively low. For example, Pharmacol Toxicol. 2015;55:129–147.
although all of the studies were designed to be randomized 4. Davis JS, Weiss ST, Tantisira KG. Asthma pharmacoge-
controlled studies, only 4 reported the implemented ran- nomics: 2015 update. Curr Allergy Asthma Rep. 2015;
domization and blinding methods. Moreover, assessment 15(7):42.
methods for objective outcomes, such as forced expiratory 5. Ernst E. Complementary therapies for asthma: What patients
volume in 1 second (FEV1) varied, and mean sample size use. J Asthma. 1998;35(8):667–671.
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was not justified (mean [minimum, maximum]; 69 [8, 6. Blanc PD, Trupin L, Earnest G, et al. Alternative therapies
334]). Considering these issues, the reviewers concluded among adults with a reported diagnosis of asthma or rhino-
that additional qualified studies in accordance with the sinusitis: Data from a population-based survey. Chest. 2001;
Consolidated Standards of Reporting Trials guidelines 120(5):1461–1467.
7. Schäfer T. Epidemiology of complementary alternative
were necessary.
medicine for asthma and allergy in Europe and Germany. Ann
Allergy Asthma Immunol. 2004;93(2[suppl1]):S5–S10.
Update on Adult Asthma 8. Eisenberg DM, Davis RB, Ettner SL, et al. Trends in alter-
native medicine use in the United States, 1990–1997: Results
Since the review by Arnold et al.,12 several individual of a follow-up national survey. JAMA. 1998;280(18):1569–
reports and systematic reviews have been published.13,14 In 1575.
the most recent review on adult asthma, Shergis et al. fo- 9. Urata Y, Yoshida S, Irie Y, et al. Treatment of asthma patients
cused their analysis on a combined therapy consisting of with herbal medicine TJ-96: A randomized controlled trial.
herbal medicine in conjunction with routine pharmaco- Respir Med. 2002;96(6):469–474.
therapy.14 In their examination, the researchers used 9 da- 10. Juergens UR, Dethlefsen U, Steinkamp G, et al. Anti-
tabases, including PubMed, Embase, and Allied Health and inflammatory activity of 1.8-cineol (eucalyptol) in bronchial
asthma: A double-blind placebo-controlled trial. Respir Med.
Complementary Medicine. In total, 29 studies (total
N = 3001) were included in the review. Multi-ingredient 11. Arnold E, Clark CE, Lasserson TJ, Wu T. Herbal interven-
herbal preparations used in the studies consisted of lico- tions for chronic asthma in adults and children. Cochrane
rice root, crow-dipper, astragali, and angelica. The results Database Syst Rev. 20081:CD005989.
from a pooled analysis demonstrated that the combined 12. Clark CE, Arnold E, Lasserson TJ, Wu T. Herbal interven-
therapy improved lung function (FEV1, mean difference tions for chronic asthma in adults and children: A systematic
[MD] 95% confidence interval [CI]: 7.81% [5.79, 9.83]; review and meta-analysis. Prim Care Respir J. 2010;19(4):
peak expiratory flow rate, MD 95% CI: 65.14 [58.87, 307–314.
71.41] L/minutes); asthma control (MD of asthma score 13. Li X-M. Treatment of asthma and food allergy with herbal in-
95% CI: 2.47 [1.64, 3.29] points); and salbutamol usage terventions from Traditional Chinese Medicine. Mt Sinai J Med.
(MD 95% CI: -1.14 [-2.20, -0.09] puffs/day), compared 2011;78(5):697–716.
14. Shergis JL, Wu L, Zhang AL, et al. Herbal medicine for
with the use of routine pharmacotherapy alone. However,
adults with asthma: A systematic review. J Asthma. 2016;
the quality of the studies evaluated using the Cochrane 53(6):650–659.
Risk of Bias Tool and the Grading of Recommendations 15. Blanc PD, Kuschner WG, Katz PP, et al. Use of herbal products,
Assessment, Development, and Evaluation system was coffee or black tea, and over-the-counter medications as self-
low-to-moderate. treatments among adults with asthma. J Allergy Clin Immunol.
Herbal medicine could be effective as a complementary 1997;100(6[pt1]):789–791.
therapy to routine pharmacotherapy for the treatment of
asthma. However, herbal medicine should be used carefully,
as the use of herbal medicine has been associated with an Kazuki Ide, PhD
increase in hospital admissions.15 Herbal medicines can and Koji Kawakami, MD, PhD
cause problems due to drug interactions and inappropriate Department of Pharmacoepidemiology
dosages. Well-designed studies are needed to clarify the Graduate School of Medicine and Public Health
efficacy and safety of herbal medicines before they can be Kyoto University
used actively in clinical practice. Sakyo-ku, Kyoto, Japan

Address correspondence to: (Ding Chuan) and ST 36 (Zu San Li) is based on the theory
Kazuki Ide, PhD of TCM for treating asthma.7 After the needle insertion, the
Department of Pharmacoepidemiology De Qi sensation is induced. The twisting and lifting–
Graduate School of Medicine and Public Health thrusting manipulations are performed evenly for 30 sec-
Kyoto University onds every 10 minutes and the needles are withdrawn after
Yoshidakonoe-cho 30 minutes. The 0.30-mm · 40-mm disposable needle is
Sakyo-ku, Kyoto 606-8501 used for DU 14 and ST 36, and the 0.25-mm · 25-mm dis-
Japan posable needle is used for BL12, BL13, and Ex-B 1.
The effects of treatment are as follows:
 DU 14 (Da Zhui): Clears Wind; firms and regulates the
surface; dispels pathogenic factors; calms Wind; and
strengthens Qi and Yang in Deficiency conditions.
A sthma is one of the most widespread chronic re-
spiratory diseases, affecting *300 million sufferers
worldwide and is continually increasing. It is usually char-
 BL 12 (Feng Men): Expels Wind and releases the Ex-
terior; spreads and descends the Lung Qi; and tonifies
Downloaded by RMIT UNIV (ROYAL MELB INST TECH) from at 12/10/18. For personal use only.

acterized by chronic airway inflammation. The most com- the Defensive Qi (Wei Qi).
mon symptoms of asthma are wheezing, shortness of breath,  BL 13 (Fei Shu): Tonifies, spreads and descends the
dyspnea, chest tightness, and coughing. These symptoms Lung Qi; nourishes the Lung Yin; and clears Heat from
vary over time and in intensity. There can be an increase in the Lung.
mucous production and variable expiratory airflow limita-  EX-B1 (Ding Chuan): Harmonizes Lung Qi.
tion.1,2 Pharmacologic treatment includes short-acting or  ST 36 (Zu San Li): Tonifies Qi and Yang, nourished the
long-acting b-2 agonists, glucocorticoids, a leukotriene Blood and Yin.
modifier, and theophylline, among others. Various ap-
Acupuncture is very effective for treating asthma and is
proaches, particularly nonconventional healing techniques,3 also effective for treating airway inflammation. It is also
have been studied with respect to their ability to help patients
important to use a combination of acupuncture with herbal
with asthma achieve both symptom control and improve-
medicine and other related complementary therapies.
ment in their quality of life.

Asthma in Traditional Chinese Medicine

In Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) theory, asthma is REFERENCES
differentiated clearly between the actual attacks and the
1. Su L, Meng L, Chen R, et al. Acupoint application for asthma
periods between attacks. When the attacks happen, it is
therapy in adults: A systematic review and meta-analysis of
considered to be an acute, Excess condition, and the ob- randomized controlled trails. Forsch Komplementmed. 2016;
jective is to disperse the Excess and stop the attack. Wind, a 23(1):16–21.
nonsubstantial pathogenic factor, lodges in the bronchi and 2. GBD 2015 Chronic Respiratory Disease Collaborators. Global,
combines with Cold or Heat pathogenic factors to cause regional, and national deaths, prevalence, disability-adjusted
bronchospasms. The Lungs and Kidneys work together to life years, and years lived with disability for chronic obstruc-
produce ‘‘Wei Qi’’ or Defensive Qi. It is a Yang energy that tive pulmonary disease and asthma, 1990–2015: A systematic
is manufactured from the food the patient ingests. The analysis for the Global Burden of Disease Study 2015. Lancet
Kidneys have the ability to produce Defensive Qi, and Respir Med. 2017;5(9):691–706.
the Lungs spread Defensive Qi near the outer surface of 3. Yin LM, Wang Y, Xu YD, et al. Efficacy of acupuncture for
the whole body to ward off pathogenic factors, such as Wind, chronic asthma: Study protocol for a randomized controlled
trial. Trials. 2015;16:424
Cold, and Heat. When the Lungs or Kidneys are weak,
4. Jiao Y, Wu Z, Zhou W, et al. Explanation of evidence-based
there is often a Deficiency of Defensive Qi, making the guidelines of clinical practice with acupuncture and moxibus-
patient more vulnerable to colds, infections, asthma at- tion: Adult bronchial asthma [in Chinese]. Zhongguo Zhen Jiu.
tacks, etc.4 2016;36(5):529–531.
Some acupuncture treatments, based on TCM meridian 5. Wang Z, Li J, Xie Y, et al. Traditional Chinese Medicine
theory, comprise a system of noninvasive therapeutic pro- ZHENG identification of bronchial asthma: Clinical investi-
cedures of applying processed Chinese herbal medicine gation of 2500 adult cases. Complement Ther Med. 2017;30:
formulations to acupoints.5,6 32–101.
6. Chen YZ. Recent status of prevention and treatment of asthma in
Acupuncture Treatment China [in Chinese]. Zhonghua Er Ke Za Zhi. 2004;42(2):81–82.
7. Shao JM, Ding YD. Clinical observation on 111 cases of
My clinical experience with using the acupoints is DU14 asthma treated by acupuncture and moxibustion. J Tradit Chin
(Da Zhui), BL12 (Feng Men), BL 13 (Fei Shu), Ex-B 1 Med. 1985;5(1):23–25.

Address correspondence to: College of Acupuncture–Moxibustion and Orthopedics,

Yun Jin Kim, PhD Anhui University of Chinese Medicine, observed the effect
School of Medicine of moxibustion at Feishu (BL 13) and Shenshu (BL 23) on
Xiamen University Malaysia peripheral blood T-cells and serum interleukin (IL) in rats
Jalan Sunsuria Bandar Sunsuria with asthma to explore moxibustion’s immunologic mech-
Sepang, Selangor 43900 anisms in relieving asthma. The researchers concluded that
Malaysia moxibustion could reduce the levels of serum immuno-
globulin (Ig)E and IL-1b, and increase the level of serum
IL-1 Ra, which could play an important role in the treatment
of asthma.5
A multicenter study in Germany found that, in patients

A sthma is a common disease that is slightly more

common in male children and in female adults who
have a genetic predisposition to develop the condition. It is a
with allergic asthma, adding acupuncture treatment to rou-
tine care was associated with increased improvement in
disease-specific and health-related quality of life factors,
Downloaded by RMIT UNIV (ROYAL MELB INST TECH) from at 12/10/18. For personal use only.

chronic inflammatory disorder of the airways, and this un- compared to treatment with routine care alone.6 Another
derlies disease chronicity and contributes to airway hy- multicenter study in China concluded that acupoint appli-
perresponsiveness and airflow limitation. cation might be a valid complementary and alternative
The strongest identifiable predisposing factor for the de- therapy for asthma in adults. This application contributed
velopment of asthma is atopy, but obesity is increasingly especially to improving pulmonary function and reducing
recognized as a risk factor. Exposure of sensitive patients to the patients’ levels of IL and IgE. However, more studies
inhaled allergens increases airway inflammation, airway with longer follow-ups are warranted to confirm the current
hyperresponsiveness, and symptoms. Reducing exposure findings.7
reduces pathologic findings and clinical symptoms. Symp- However, a review from the Discipline of Chinese
toms are episodic wheezing, difficulty in breathing, chest Medicine, School of Health and Biomedical Sciences, at
tightness, and cough. Excess sputum production is common. RMIT University, in Melbourne, Victoria, Australia, con-
The frequency of asthma symptoms is highly variable. cluded that no reliable conclusions regarding the effects of
Some patients have infrequent, brief attacks of asthma, acupressure on allergic rhinitis (AR) and asthma could be
while other patients can suffer nearly continuous symptoms. drawn, due to the small number of available trials, which
Asthma symptoms can occur spontaneously or be precipi- had significant heterogeneity of study designs and high or
tated or exacerbated by many different triggers. Asthma unclear risks of bias. Further, more rigorously designed
symptoms are frequently worse at night; circadian varia- randomized controlled trials are needed. Acupressure seems
tions in bronchomotor tone and bronchial reactivity reach to be safe for symptomatic relief of AR and asthma, al-
their nadir between 3 am and 4 am, increasing symptoms of though larger studies are required to be able to robustly
bronchoconstriction. Wheezing or a prolonged expiratory confirm its safety.8
phase during normal breathing correlates well with the Researchers from São Paulo University Medical School
presence of airflow obstruction. Chest examination can concluded that verum and sham acupuncture have different
yield normal results between exacerbations in patients with effects and outcomes on asthma control. The study’s
mild asthma.1 crossover approach was not effective because both inter-
In modern Western scientific literature, information ventions led to easing of asthma symptoms, and improve-
about treating asthma with acupuncture is still widely ments in quality of life and inflammatory cell counts. Thus,
based on animal models. Researchers from the College of sham acupuncture cannot serve as a placebo in trials with
Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM), North China Uni- acupuncture as the main intervention for asthma.9
versity of Science and Technology, stated that acupuncture According to Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM), asth-
could reduce the expression of protein kinase B (PKB/ ma may be caused by internal or external pathogenic factors.
AKT) in lung tissues of rats with asthma, leading to re- Internal dysfunction affects the internal organs Lung, Spleen,
lieved inflammation reaction and airway remodeling,2 and and Kidney. External factors are Wind, Cold, and Phlegm.
also could improve airway inflammatory response and re- Initial symptoms start as the Excess type, but they usually
molding of asthma by inhibiting transforming growth evolve to Deficiency or mixed syndromes. For Excess syn-
factor b1 (TGF-b1) expression in the lung tissues of rats dromes, the Lung meridian must be treated for Cold Wind,
with bronchial asthma.3 and Stomach and Spleen must be treated for Heat and
Researchers from the Affiliated Hospital of Nanjing, Phlegm. Suggested points are: Dingchuan, Tiantu (CV 22),
University of Chinese Medicine, found that acupoint ap- Xuanji (CV 21), and Shanzhong (CV 17); plus Feishu
plication could improve airway remodeling by down- (BL 13), Lieque (LU 7), and Hegu (LI 4) for Cold Wind;
regulating the expression of TGF-b1/Smad 3 in the airway and Chize (LU 5), Fenglong (ST 40) and Dazui (GV 14)
of mice with chronic asthma.4 Researchers from the Clinical for Phlegm and Heat.10

For Deficiency syndromes, the Lung and Kidney must be 6. Brinkhaus B, Roll S, Jena S, et al. Acupuncture in patients
tonified, and moxibustion is a good option. Suggested points with allergic asthma: A randomized pragmatic trial. J Altern
are Dingchuan, Taiyuan (LU 9), Feishu, and Shanzhong; for Complement Med. 2017;23(4):268–277.
Lung Deficiency Zusanli (ST 36) may be added; and for 7. Su L, Meng L, Chen R, et al. Acupoint application for asthma
Kidney Deficiency, Shenshu (BL 23), Mingmen (GV 4), therapy in adults: A systematic review and meta-analysis of
randomized controlled trials. Forsch Komplementmed. 2016;
Qihai (CV 6), and Guanyuan (CV 4) may be used.10
8. Liang Y, Lenon GB, Yang AWH. Acupressure for respira-
REFERENCES tory allergic diseases: A systematic review of randomized
controlled trials. Acupunct Med. 2017;35(6):413–420.
1. Chesnutt AN, Chesnutt MS, Prendergast TJ. Pulmonary dis- 9. Pai HJ, Azevedo RS, Braga AL, Martins LC, Saraiva-
orders. In: Papadakos MA, McPhee SJ, Rabow MW, eds. Romanholo BM, Martins M de A, Lin CA. A randomized,
Current Medical Diagnosis & Treatment 2018. New York: controlled, crossover study in patients with mild and
McGraw-Hill. Online document at: http://accessmedicine. moderate asthma undergoing treatment with traditional Chinese acupuncture. Clinics (São Paulo). 2015;70(10):
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