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‘Schoo! building has parsed through the years {ind tyan of ung to fly treo tal the ‘Sonewsints of bubdag in sore catia wry. {feneone for eduestion, to change and Besiilty don pwororors thet the buings are simply sshotien er ste ry from the prdaid community inatttons ofthe surly 10008, But Srethey indeed ao for rom engraded school ehoote, ond « host of seltsnititive plane’? “Tha techoologicl nd communiction racee ee and utpen popes perormance and ieee ‘on inresing oration, Lanning ‘Sorase widnm, profesor se and ‘Only pet of the objective should be wall Sereda coating: heeat teas to ‘Shangeabe nd sompatiie eth chiaren {tnd te wm community af unar. Buldings do (Si ats of cid ope bu of don sbucleesonee ‘Sroverindlgenes, The wahtect wana should {be regulary challenged to conceive ways In ‘wh ecteo! tones may be Sockgned not ‘nly to bo practinl, alent reaponte Ye the Sie Commbutes «very petal vironment [PHILIP WILL, JR. and RAYMOND C. OVRESAT TAM BRUGARER, MORTON HARTMAN, Aor tarning. “Enveonmert for tearing” oon ‘ment—thoss eaatng Progam inahenent ofthe community or neighbor te people "2. The character of the maighborhood ur reagan, ag aera mt 2 rhe projected vate of mnie Seiopng ae an nestor of waned ‘eaponse t0 the anticipated eduction es arr ar sn sae the sre tempting communities Wo extend the typi! Educational ELEMENTARY AND SECONDARY SCHOOLS General Ings and pork recreation project, and we Reve Inatructionalprogrem Fzhoolwithin school “Kouwe pion faring methods ow techy ‘be luntrated. to opting Educational ELEMENTARY AND SECONDARY SCHOOLS xii an Chan Povey ‘hae heal 2 STANTON LEGOETT, Eatione utina of Educational Progam Document (onera!davription of preventing the mie wary af ware people ‘Si srgeinsthemetres en the ltoas yo ‘esate atiovoting many soos planing "Srectant advantage ca some by designating 1 paming cote who it wltineily tae over ‘twit be used, thal atatlonahip to sech sehr tina hr Pre ARCTECURAL PROGRAMMING (otinlote tat nat aeconanrily shor hore ets sna cauipmant tor each; Bata te to daining and analyle of physes! meee. Tt be Educational ELEMENTARY AND SECONDARY SCHOOLS General Semmary tion collectes atthe outset, ana property Mseessta the planing tion, and advance the project In an orderly é ‘aponcumpur sith darts fom oars the mance tien a scat tata ne ht "Basie concoper of toaching/sémiai Uroush agencies ot the Gopartmart ot Hea m Educational PRIMARY AND SECONDARY SCHOOLS iar Timaginatonta urea “iat te hearing to evan roe Ahitacual Functions hargenbe to the capital funds avaiable. ® righ nae Be Sey tie mrege Clay preety ce cme pigepet S ie ator more any nea com w ELEMENTARY AND SECONDARY SCHOOLS Site Selection SITE seLEcTON SHE PLANING Analyse of Site and Surouning row om if oe 3 ws Educational ELEMENTARY AND SECONDARY SCHOOLS Site Planning; Busing; Parking seem sevice rewnre STUDENT AUTO TABLE 1) Auto Mambor and Space Requirement Elementary (ne or clssoon + 3 snr ah One gt clsson + & ih stot One gerlssom © 18 rs Oe 0 pate. io a Tho ate ie nee we “atin 2hOin s5t0in Bho eto role ar foie Educational ELEMENTARY AND SECONDARY SCHOOLS Busing; Parking; Recreation Facilities 1.100 sa t1/00S REQUIRES 1,164 09 11/805 Tor 31 neous 520 set5 Sd el ae Pg TSzavenace | REQUIRES 1800.0 1/618 ¢—— 2 (inst 8US MUST LEAE FIRST REQUIRES 1,440 sa 11/8US (inst aus must LEAVE FiRst, REQUIRES 1.984 ve /0US > STUDENT TRAFFIC FLOW “ 0 susc1REcToN oF TRAVEL, Fe 4 Foal os pig satan. 4__ REQUIRES 1.320 «a 11/@uS Fin 6 48° bs paiog ston, (o) PEEL-OFF system (o) FREE-acceSS SySTEM [FRONT EUS MUST LEAVE FIRST, THEN ——— NEXT BUS, ETC. Fa. 7 60° bes puting stom REQUIRES 1572 69 f1/ BUS a ig Ea x ne of the bert appronchor ie 10 construct 1. Optimum orientation for sun and wind termites (he = 80 Mt wont le conta” fn ste pion to dor 6 Acoaaa hom sommonity where malives sign t saviour wie wants ‘yarns shen property dented od oeaas Dept. of Health, Kdueation, and ‘of parking lanes should minimize conttict enters. Seok rye pone ne ha i ; ? é i ; Te ye 2 3 eeneaTio sacumes ee ii 3 4 wee Fe 2 USED GE | 2236 @ 2 2 2 Comme : e joe i, eowdush, cottonmenl, rubber, astice and vinyl, ambentonccement vs Educational ELEMENTARY AND SECONDARY SCHOOLS 1% oy fume Fin Aen a ae Gage nt SJ om = vencutan = (7 PEDESTRIAN = hips Injury to aurtce or players: Reprading. reseed ing ring etn ayn oon, PLANTING BUILDING SCREEN SHADE TREE service ARES. ScrEEN ‘ky GLARE “sua SCREEN, PLAY AREA SIT ‘QuTOOOR CLASSROOM Educational ELEMENTARY AND SECONDARY SCHOOLS Satety i code thon give sn undesteble porapcdion wr Educational ELEMENTARY AND SECONDARY SCHOOLS Sofety; Kinds of Schools Oigsiation of Students and Facies lon betwee lamer ad ar ‘being recaraigored, th the Pupil Capacity non Sees Retore any selelation of "indergarten’ Usual type of introduction to Educational ELEMENTARY AND SECONDARY SCHOOLS Kinds of Schools TABLE 4 Classroom Capacity fr High Schools 27 sa Sienna: comms Sere eS | emma 3 3 8 Serco cece Comacleartn ‘ os 0 i : ee Hs * 3 sx @ hedew 2 as ” aa ' is & Soman ' ve ” een aes ean he tas tion laboratory or study hall x35 Maximum copay: 998 Optimum capacity at 80 pe en ization: 798 Vavoy in Pan Concopt “The plane shown have been chosen tor Faxblty andthe Open Pan naring ot tool apace by Inge gros ot ‘Siow ony peck once tor being. anor pi cong ay ben atthe ‘yeni wm concept peta ‘tha suarplon shown ealectvely Seater tena in sabeo! tonaogs, e sat het sine st abe roils) eile) ‘eoris) ~ Fats 79 Educational ELEMENTARY AND SECONDARY SCHOOLS Kinds of Schools ae Peay re (Ce iL morro” Ref. CRECR. PURP.; >| 3 Educational ELEMENTARY AND SECONDARY SCHOOLS Kinds of Schools pe Educational ELEMENTARY AND SECONDARY SCHOOLS Kinds of Schools Educational ELEMENTARY AND SECONDARY SCHOOLS Kinds of Schools 26, in compact plan on a esicid cy sie, onneced by se through cena, aslo ‘ot cotati, study nd ley and balcony 5 oe Worry othe saeone ng of te cw academic ‘orm ariesaton ‘develops @ sale compatible tthe neighbor hood opertmans Fiowe 27 0 achool that ho alopscrundcouryords and resales sl ino our nrc, or Rooses, of 1,300 simar aca ‘omic fain, ily shored foci expended to'sere the flo. Each “howe” of 1,500 hos oom ee caer and in ‘looong the student better sene of ide and sele fr learning. icmlormemers eee aera eco eons flecksron | Soe eee ene oteete Sion aetna ee rotator Soo oe ee GYMNASIUM: The perabe or prefavicated dosioam (Fa. 20} good ond vet dea that hos developed {somewhat bod reptation Designed to be fer porary 100 aldo hos been remove fled or relished. W remains, however, © lod ideo fo serve temporary peok enainen! (Goss. ony such foc ually i improving ae a] Larany Fn 28 me Educational ELEMENTARY AND SECONDARY SCHOOLS Ki ls COUNTER coRRIDOR Educational ELEMENTARY AND SECONDARY SCHOOLS ‘Administration Suites ‘ADMIMSTRATION SUITES [COUNTER GEN. OFFICE aq ee) cE OOO O- E =I eis oe, Je TLIC acl od (2,2 52-5 RESOURCE CENTER Educational ELEMENTARY AND SECONDARY SCHOOLS Administration Suites SECTION THROUGH FACULTY WAIL BOXES o » € FACULTY OFFICES js e[P el = T ATTENDANCE pit 1 os 0 w Fa34 186 Educational ELEMENTARY AND PUBLIC SCHOOLS Aden CORRIDOR THE CLASSROOM THE LABORATORY THE SHOP: THE HoMe THE TEACHER'S STUDIO ‘THE LARGE GROUP SPACE THE SMALL GROUP SPRCE THE INDIVIDUAL STUDY SPACE sives: Fiuwx MICROFILM FILMSTRIP VIDEOTAPE WiLL BE STORED BS camnioce ite BTA CENTRAL ve BuTOMATIC bac The STUDENT WiLL CoWSULT A DIRECTORY SELECT MATERIAL NEEDED, AND DIAL RECOROS: cans. THe AUDIO aNo/oR visuaL. MATERIAL WILL APPEAR 3 BNO BE HEARO Via ere. TW 'SEREEN AND SPEAKER Fo. 38 7 Educational LEARNING RESOURCE CENTERS. ELEMENTARY AND SECONDARY SCHOOLS Educational ELEMENTARY AND SECONDARY SCHOOLS Leaming Rerource Centers I EXISTING BUILDING EXHIBIT PERIODICALS DESK o 9 in “ef (MES all pe Na vd litt 'soc, scl] oi rie Cont To. PARKING FACULTY i= SPACES J Salts by le abies [[oaRRELS TYPICAL BOOK SHELVING SHELF DEPTHS AVAILABLE: ae 8", 10", 12" RECOMMENDED SPACING FACE-TO-FACE: 3'-0' a] APPROXIMATE BOOK CAPACITY PER 3' SINGLE-FACE SECTION HIGH SHELF UNIT: 150; MEDIUM SHELF UNIT: 105; LOW SHELF UNIT: 65 Educational ELEMENTARY AND SECONDARY SCHOOLS Learning Resource Centers; Classrooms a {thatypiclrasouree cone’ by pr Educational ELEMENTARY AND SECONDARY SCHOOLS Classrooms ‘nora Requromons for Al Classrooms Oe °C Caings and/or walla should be acous- tg TABLE 5 Beak Stang apc gr aetee octes ater Tait Mean esi Com | amt ae San Tome tome Same [rime Soon Same moe 1 ww | mao > om om om | a mt 0 ote | om mot ¢ oe | ake oF a ra = sw wm | 10 m ee ee On es oo + Yet si eb " wa wo | 3am ok 4 sass sn0 wag 8 (a od imo a (an ie ‘mS " tre im img ae ti ie 8 " 10 smo 30am " en Si ifm dm o tee tom iho i tee im iw n ioe 20 é 191 Educational ELEMENTARY AND SECONDARY SCHOOLS Classroom ch SUL ge ig gai SIL oO oOo oO 70 lo Q mooooo0 moooogd mooooo moo0on0 a 0 Perking and Wil Architects Educational ELEMENTARY AND SECONDARY SCHOOLS Classrooms FEE om on sues ene rcs 2 scone sce erove racnires HEBD cance cnovr racruries Fig 1 Worron H, Ashley, Archie TrDICAL ASSEMBLY: + -PIECE BLATFORY eens ok “nay, cour aia © Educational ELEMENTARY AND SECONDARY SCHOOLS Classrooms LLP Tete a 4: comnue TAY CuaLK Romo DeraW [5 Catton and Talbot ord wil wary om subject 194 DETAIL OF TYPICAL, AQIUSTABLE STRIP Educational ELEMENTARY AND SECONDARY SCHOOLS ‘Classrooms; Multipurpese Rooms ‘TABLE 5 Working Weights in Inches for Elamertary and Secondary Schoo Chiron Tota Tererhoh |_Sarah in hay an hon hein eo Son nlR won |= mop ain nx # viz ain nw x ols 8 # 0 @ 2 Boh Rh oD » eu |e S 2 on & tt sei doe s & ° & ° tian abr e “ % s n n tonetor Boron | Bon ule wow bo wo |b @ woz nls n sie 4 © 2 «© w ln a @ Bona lk ue XR & Soo Rela oR & ae eo ae eu Pe Somer we Bos RS) em & bln ® Sin 2 ® » 2 # x » s Romie Bowie How we Roo ly om 2 Bmx hk S x [hoe wt Bow |B OM ow 3% Ed = = 3 “ou 2 2 aoa ge rad Bop wo |e Row SB wo ow le ew foam | 3 sy we ae | ae amecng wow ww | OW ee |e “ew ted) 1 toe | os te | te te | etn te | tty Bs Window eae » % x # 4 Recessed at bnaeboard height 20 Fes? Educational ELEMENTARY AND SECONDARY SCHOOLS ‘Multipurpose Rooms Pecsssnooy yp STAGE rH CAFETERIA 8 KITCHEN GENERAL ASSEMBLY = = music ROOM \ Fs 69 Chopman and Lefer, Archit MULTI-PURPOSE ROOM sau. mir comblaution (Fig. 1) or an Fa Chopiman and Lol Educational ELEMENTARY AND SECONDARY SCHOOLS Multipurpose Rooms; Student Lockers Educational ELEMENTARY AND SECONDARY Student Lockers SCHOOLS AG. Odell J ond Asacoter, Architects Fa. 08 SECTION Fi. 68 Chopmon ond Lfir, Architects _ I CLASSROOM | a EVATION Ler Educational ELEMENTARY AND SECONDARY SCHOOLS Student Locke SORRIDOR CLASSROOM Fi. 69 Educational ELEMENTARY AND SECONDARY SCHOOLS Student Lockers; Language Laboratory; Science Facilities fucred downto siminate the accumulation ot SCKENCE FACILITIES deaiabe.tntrsctar's dar sin an ah ofp he lsh, These memos b ety th eta LANGUAGE LABORATORY | sane room and loy bor ttelon ct whieh should be rola: Toare i Shout ve » aap rai over everthing except sty eis oveied ln sooner Storage and Preparation Rooms vos na. Plant snd Rail Room Educational ELEMENTARY AND SECONDARY SCHOOLS 4 CHEMISTRY @ PHYSICS LAB yy, rate shutent Rabies Scionce Facilities 201 Educational ELEMENTARY AND SECONDARY SCHOOLS touching table; developing: anlarging ane per eter! hot pte tte gh fiugs tor all appliances, conveniently placed lndvidua Research and Projet Rooms for eer a work positions {Choisy and Physics AURILARY SCIENCE FACILITIES study ond eepermnreany taircaons md ‘erenrch (See Fg 89) ‘Scionce Shop Prpaation and Storage Roos for Chen ‘nd Pies aortas vn Darkroom Th dar could ced nck bck Sy om Seon an morcwooneys previton Fin 78 Educational ELEMENTARY AND SECONDARY SCHOOLS Science Facilities FREE-STANQING POO TABLES: SEPARATE eENE, PHYS, lO, EARTH SC Fi. 83 Fa 203 Educational ELEMENTARY AND SECONDARY SCHOOLS Selence Facilites Educational ELEMENTARY AND SECONDARY SCHOOLS Scionce Fecilities; Arts Educational ELEMENTARY AND SECONDARY SCHOOLS ‘Arts; Music Facilities E m ty RPPLIEDARTS. CORRIDOR ae Se (Pine ants Educational ELEMENTARY AND SECONDARY SCHOOLS Music Facilities Fa. 108 Educational ELEMENTARY AND SECONDARY SCHOOLS ‘Muse Facilities Music fics and Lbrry secre pe F106 CHORAL ROOM MusiC GR Educational ELEMENTARY AND SECONDARY SCHOOLS Music Facilities INDIVIDUAL SMALL INSTRUMENT Educational ELEMENTARY AND SECONDARY SCHOOLS Industriel and Vocational Facilities INsuLaTioN SECTIONB THROUGH ROOF secrowa vera fete Fi. 116 INDUSTRIAL AND VOCATIONAL FACILITIES 33g Gee! 1 thoB fase }—— 1, BUILDING TRADES «, Educational ELEMENTARY AND SECONDARY SCHOOLS Industriel ond Vocational Facilities; Home Arts Sadie ail ‘Ombda000 “0000 of 12m i aml = | F118 dd SECTION THROUGH VOCATIONAL ARTS BUILDING cn. s' MIN, cconRiDoR uu os Lockers [J] crassnoows, Ti 1 Y | Le 2 3 tte rt we 0 am Educational ELEMENTARY AND SECONDARY SCHOOLS Home Arts: Food Service PIT skeet nee a ston a rage acs remanent .| coanicor Su oa + Corridor exhibit ara for splay my ing, orou ceo pane es esses aa Educational ELEMENTARY AND SECONDARY SCHOOLS Home Arts; Food Service ao FH Scher [ =| ome a The Comemion! Kishen A 0 ia Fa. 128 me eh eS, 1. coRno0R MILD EVEL Educational ELEMENTARY AND SECONDARY SCHOOLS Food Service conrioR ceecee ceeece ecrece PLaysROUN Couer eesti tA 2 a RECEIVING Bock Fi. 129° en and sain 4 Educational ELEMENTARY AND SECONDARY SCHOOLS Food Service Fg 131 ach atest alta. ° m5 Educational ELEMENTARY AND SECONDARY SCHOOLS Food Service for arc nh cleroom 1 Rndrgren Anatomy of a Kitchon ‘ncn cen aight trough om TABLE 7 Kitchen Spaces in Square Feet ese 1.000 2.000 cig 0180-200 Dy strae 00-500 ent: 1000, oun reton Favors tage 130360 ‘0 oes Disha 20-480 820-720 780-700 Fe 126 Ramat sn sation Tish oem ‘0-180 100-200 260-320 Enon ockos ad ts wo-11s 790-250 990-380 Mages tice oo 10 ‘yan hs nts ey of oan {The ean shige se ete ope che eet 107 oy a i Te net sein Educational ELEMENTARY AND SECONDARY SCHOOLS Food Service ‘ha potoe to ship certain sections: Thi ayout {ABLE 8 aod Sri yt reson lat Selo, iin Reig Po ts and Commercial Luach Programs Schoo! dining roams most often double os ie ome oer] fein. aa See ie pedro = ae womamoe 3 ot ee iso oo eee uo Stee etna tise Set cen coronene oat Hon a tn eos 2 Senos Sere st po eee ios eS Se oe oe a a 0 30 30 tis ae tos See ee es ae een om San og pond rcpt ‘oo tn oe. « ie As wot S0 et ee on im Men im otis te ce Sm tao er of e tgs a So = a Sy ee one gu te wt 28 eet 3,800 1,500, 6.900 a x so" seas 1 Cooma =35 to 20 Tete ol vr ope 27 Educational ELEMENTARY AND SECONDARY SCHOOLS Food Service; Physical Education: Gymnasiums PRYSICAL EDUCATION Gymnasions Edveational ELEMENTARY AND SECONDARY SCHOOLS Physical Education: Gymnasiums tind 1 510 2 © 40 Fe 142 bivied go, sang oe sid. Two lacing stato.) | ACCESS FROM LOCKER ROOMS 8.5 MIN, DIMENSIONS RECOMMENOED-FACE OF BLEACHER ‘OR WALL FRON END O® SIDE LINE OF COURT. ©. FOLDING BLEACHERS EXTENDED. VARIES DEPENDING ON REQUIREMENTS. FOR BEST SPECTATOR VIEW. RESTRICT BACRBOARDS. olin. “10” RECOMMENDED, SCORERS’ TABLE MAY Be LOCATED IN BLEACHERS, PROVIDE ELECTRICAL OUTLETS, MICROPHONE JACK, ANO SCOREBOARD CONTROLS F.COURTSIZE" JR HIGH-4 X 78, HIGH SCHOOL 50" X 8 ‘SOME HicH SCHOOLS Use COLLEGE SIZE COURT, Sox 94, Fon VARSITY TOURNAMENT COURT. 6G. HiGH SCHOOL BACKBOARD, GLASS OR METAL, 64° FAN SHAPED (PER 1900-1970 NIFSHS.AA, RULESI KEEP WALLS BEHIND BACKBOAROS FREE OF DOORS AND OHSTRUCTIONS. HL EGRESS TO PLAYING FlELOS 10" RECOMMENDED CLEARANCE FOR TOURNAMENT cour. JLACCESS FOR SPECTATORS. LOCATE TO MIN. TRAFFIC ON GYM FLOOR (POSSIBLE USE OF CARPET RUNNERS) K. PRACTICE COURTS. MAY BE SHORTER AND MORE NARROW ‘THAN STANDARD COUNT. L STRUCTURE HUNG WD, FOL. PART. HORIZONTAL PULL OR VERTICAL ROLL NET CURTAIN WITH CANVAS BOTTOM VISUAL BARRIER MAY BE USED, IM. SPAN~AGHOSS SEATS IUP TO 6) TO ACCOMMODATE FOLD. PART. OPENING. 29 Educational ELEMENTARY AND SECONDARY SCHOOLS Physicol Education: Gymnasiums Fn, 10h ym, stint sie. cig station) Educational ELEMENTARY AND SECONDARY SCHOOLS Physica! Education: Gymnosiums, Locker Rooms = Gr THT in HI} ANIA te HAL ‘STOR. v pinot I TOURNAMENT COURT: 60" x 84 TWO PARALLEL PRACTICE COURTS: 80° x Bt Forint a earhrAs vA FLOOR RECESSED: 1-14" 418 SEC.—4 HOMES -BI2S64TS Degen sie BALCONY” REVERSE FOLD: S18 SEC.—15 ROWS” 900 St CAPACITY, 3424 SEATS AY 16 GYM FLOOR: 108" x 120 F147 ied gm wth toy sella gms, sian wo sides. Fut ec statons.) Selopnent, sai high sehoalEnlewand, Col, (ans & Vil Weslo 8 Lows, Fa 188 Fal foe Ag 18,1987) Educational ELEMENTARY AND SECONDARY SCHOOLS iat tenes Ojememy taa tooee wc aT vite ara aaeltat | : pa ses aurea estes repre cm maces noe er ernie fh 8 tony ses dh ae Educational ELEMENTARY AND SECONDARY SCHOOLS Physical Education: Gymnasiums, Locker Rooms outooor TOWEL AND: wepnemaeay cree QUIPMENT tupogR UNIFORM ater ase STORAGE EQUIPMENT STORAGE / /" STORAGE STAGE STOR. TOC ay rca atte \cHair INDOOR \ ouToooR ‘STORAGE “EQUIPMENT EQUIPMENT STORAGE STORAGE Fi. 160 23 Educational ELEMENTARY AND SECONDARY SCHOOLS Physical Education: Locker Room Educational ELEMENTARY AND SECONDARY SCHOOLS Physical Education: Locker Rooms Do nasacansessal xf. pau aaa :| ei [fe 4 = Lu & = STORAGE S'PART SOAPAREA i? Ssossronoswsssocsscesl | Lisgar Gintuenersouites conRDGR East ‘i Fig. 157 Wabetengh shown oF elie tas PLAYGROUND | 1%. a, 158 Jair tinh locker room (600), oo: 8 * : cavemen rome pple aac = Fig. 158 Recommended shower head eight. Sanson [Pn “tous toay Mesuronet foveal Age ch Boe OP op th Ec, We : Fi 160 Migh sehen eka rum (150), oe) [ROLL one | Brower | awenc SecTOR Fig. 161 eye physel eduction ond tem locas roms with dal use showers and tit between CORRIDOR Educational ELEMENTARY AND SECONDARY SCHOOLS Physical Education: Locker Rooms ® Fi. 162k. Unite dina ck.) Ur din and sane wom Educational ELEMENTARY AND SECONDARY SCHOOLS Physical Education: Locker Rooms, Swimming Pools | Me" DIA. > T 4 al agen ] om mae mittee ‘. est | * l\ Fa 164 (eno yng cb Tk ae. [Union pig nd soa so Samed pools or develop ving “acove” ans ArwereR | 10) min wan anor 6 ‘SMETER | 12 DESIRABLE WIDTH: 20, 25,90 7 DESIRABLE LENGTH: 60 75 querer mension counts wowace 3METER | MIN 4m. an Seno. iemmaseentie SETS sereey ie on i, METER Desinanee SENIOR HIGH ScHOOL eck: DESIRABLE: 78-9 bey. gerne ella “Fasten srecos ane rossmLENS OF Fi 168, Raconmaned minima pel deson immions ("NCAA 170; FMA, 1968) Educational ELEMENTARY AND SECONDARY SCHOOLS Physical Education: Swimming Pools : er Physical Education : iene SP ee STH eee / im i =| aupitoRiuM + | at lls pupuic access DIAGRAMMATIC SCHEME | Ft The waiting ora is provided asa recepton ate, ‘am inlomatonl resource ore, and a ploce for sudert an ster to wat forth appoint treat withthe couslor This room shoud be ‘Rfcionly large fo provide space fora secretory {tio avolbl a odin, ere shoud be spoce rolble for three or four addonal pens, ‘ech es paans or tachae who might be accom fponing the shdent Thus, Tor 9 choo! which the counselors, waiting space shold be Drovided for shout seven or sight peton. In oder to provide o moather flow of cond ais To minimize posible mbarosimant 12 thous students who oppeat fo hove experienced ‘on smotonl dirbance during the counseling IMervow, Wie deteable thot ext other thor through the wailing area be provided fr sedans leoving covmeling fies (See Fig 1) outa fens ‘The coun’ office the sting for the inter. stew. Thar shold beanie for sock couse. The inlervew wusly vere ony the counselor ‘od the student However tines ater parsons Schoo teocher, the c's porns nother protenianal worker, such 0% the vung Ieocher, Sr called ino conference, Since the intervie ‘Edvconon Dept of Hea, socom, ond Wel, GUIDANCE AREA is regarded 01 confidential the room shoud fer Privcy, ond shouldbe reasonably soundpreat. Fhe ute of patil partons snot satisfactory Seal Conference Ram The small canferanés room wil be ied for cose {onlrences were os many 23.10 persons may te presen, alee moy be ved by th pots. ol peri ot the sing teacher, schoo! sy ‘halogit,helth ond medical services penne ‘ttendance ofcer, elege adrision perionnal Sn the ichoelpaychomatist or chagrin fr ‘naidal tenting or Tor amall group Oost tha 10) testa. Monipupese Guidance Room This room wil have many uses. Those ses wil very hem shes to thes! depending upon the [uidonce sence: ofered and upon the concept Sf group procedures in guidance which preva The room shoud be about the same ste oF © ‘oom, Utes may ine ng, and inerce Woining texans fncer Some schools may use ot centr for Information serces. (See Fi. 2) Storage aces deiroble in several of the areas. ‘hin could be one rea oF several smaller ere Educational GUIDANCE SERVICES SOME OTHER Access visuaw DIAGRAMMATICG SCHEME 2 depending onthe sie of he guidance otea ond the ingen of the orchiect. SUMMARY OF LOCATION ANO SPACE ‘Guionines The guidance anit should bes 1. "Seperate fom but pear te adminsative fics far convenient acco fo prion records fd certin cecal serces. (Se Fig. 2) "2. Acceble by @ dee! entrance fom con or "9, Lacaled to provide exit from counseling reg separate trom enrones, f pss “D Readly accrue To students ond near the main flow of sade! Wai faite conte, ‘Scheduling, ond communication "Realy occeble rom a main etonce for the benef port and epretontives a cam Imo agence 8. Reatontly neo to related personne sr vices, sch on ppl ecourting, hols, ond sy halogiea series 7: Reoronoly near to the ibrar for cone: range in ue of Suploy and reference moter Spee The guidance ui shoud peovies *."Atwocive ond comfotobe reception oreo wit Qpproprate mater to encourage Prot (hie ote of wating tine 72. Private couneling rooms or ofice. Educational GUIDANCE SERVICES “4 Muliparpose room odjcent Yo cousaling ofces for grup tsing, group procedures, ond ‘Pitiasan her's, US Dopsan a Fea ecto oe cuassroons Mejor focors to be comidered in designing 2 ‘datroam are the flowing 1 2 3 ‘Sect cmd wig soca ‘Space and forihinge forthe lecturer The ve of wall space, including chalboords, toons, ze ted locaton of windows, fe Foals Yor pojchon ond teavion Coat rks, storage, and ether conveniences ‘eos ne iting Heating ond condoning ‘asthe considerations ‘Goureom Seating The seating srongement the moat rmportont feature im determining the Sit ond shape of dowsom. Sealing oonge- menin a ntiematies deswoom haul pone ‘Gt vdonts nitra good view f the ont chalk Boards ready accom both to the seat ond to halboords on ther was on odequote, wel Iuminated writing xrtace eoch sea, 0 place tet books and paper, reasonable comfort c pvcy in foling examinations no ass of 30 fr fewes stadent, where long tort chaiboord Serrabig, tours betor To have the Font ‘roll anger than the tide wall Tht presuppose Tot the thon the re more student in 9 ow of Saas re roe for example, vay bat. {avin sinc hnving ve rows a even sets fina one hoving even row of ve seas ‘orcommecnoing 36°20 (hg, wth separate {able emmchairsfor 35 shen the seven sats imo vow mht have 0 spocig af 3 between ‘eat conor laterally ond 46° behewen the = rd wide wal (6 = 38" + 9 30}, Spocng trom font Yo bok in 2 ealuan ‘might be 3 (hind the boc iat ctor nd 10 Between 0! centers wih 4 fet ater the thane centr and the front choiboord rn ‘2°34 = 26), Ti pottern allows for Sith jst are the 72nch "oni can ed ‘restondordin estimating the mumbo of persone ‘tho con wak threo ina corr or thal Ths avongemen!repites bout 22 square feet Gt apace par student acure has whose sete Toldng tablet rms mey alow 13 square feet or lst pe sade. ‘loe-pached se ig trangeman's emo he most Gravee, bet scmalines re necessary be ‘have longer rooms ore nof vaio. Laws Ia Some stots provide that no perion shal have te'poss more thom tix ster fo reach on ie hance 14 pecion t@ row betwaen ses isan ‘hackle rnin 110 a aden neat fo soch offer nero behind o ang tip table tog ledge, the ledge shou be ot lost 12 Inches wide ond shoud provide ot let 2 ‘ol long per penon” An evongemen! ‘chery the near hal of the ing srtoce ‘ron oh soch paron con fold vp and emay from the iter ghes more rom for stunts to pon A sparing between vows of 2 inches be relat he talent Stan Ceres SeSUST ke ata rces Wanigon, OS COLLEGE AND UNIVERSITY FACILITIES teen sat center is adequate for mt! seating Crongements that ove sp fabs Tor wing. “Tablet archos are commonly used for set ing in clege dooms in the United Stes ‘and permit rows fo be spaced every 3 Feet. They ‘re stacory Formos cloies Hat donot make ‘Sto of pec uipment [uch on dese cleats ‘raid nes), provided they hove a lrge writing face and 2 abl underoath for books and popes. Tabla armehaie moy be found ster Feed to the foo, fstened together n sets of fea to in tho can be moved 8 group, of Indwidally movable. When choirs 16 fae Yo the forthe oangement shoud be one tho permits goed vty and ready access. Good ‘aly may be achveed i then ways by slop ing the Poot, by soggering seat in comsecutve “Ki rrengement permiting © class of 30 to spead out fr examination purpose in a 26) > 36" casroom seating 40 students wou be the folowing (fig. 2k im ach af ve rows, spaced 3 fet apart fam tran to bock between tet Fig: 2 Clstsom for 40, with 10 side sete movable Classrooms canter, lat two pes of seats be ploced with Scat centers 2 feat part laterally and with © ‘Troot cant il rom tant to Bock between Aiples In’ foot oes of the side, lt movable {oblet amcor be paced nex! othe Peed sats for lectures end rections (keeping the oot ‘ile by the wal ut at hese chs be moved Geer neat fo he walk dung examinations the canter chor in each ed ple wee lft fern involves int achty by two insur, ‘those djining dasvooms are seporated by © Folding portion, ond com be combined ino @ lorger room for 80 for appropriate portions of the inaction Fi 3) [Afron Pater inant of the student! seating ‘rc hare thould be enough space Yor the le {reo wait bock ond forth before along he tard: naom wih mae than five rows sat thor is om advantage im hoving platform, pos {By 8 inches above the Ror ond extending the Educational COLLEGE AND UNIVERSITY FACILITIES Lecture Rooms {ul vith ofthe oom, on which he teacher may ‘lh the length of the board without danger of faling ff the nod. The chaknoord shoud then berated coresponainghy ger ore hw con ‘oom for for beverly. The mathematic, teacher need able on whch he hel con pce his her etre notes and popers, but beer to hove this table cher movable on covers 0 Fed ot the side ofthe poten where does fat block the vw ofthe chabboord fom the Frat wo rom of sade an overhead projector istolbe ued, there mat ther bea placa where i con be mounted permoretiy ofthe front of the room, oF thete mast be provon fr vling 1n'on'@ eat and connecting it sncrcay. ‘he te ase, the on patorm might be ght lower and be accesible by 2 romp. The mothe motes teacher seldom sit during lece but ‘may wish to'st-down during on examination. ‘There should beach by hs [hr be odo ‘A ecture rom shouldbe placed in bling ‘hot itis occult tent without overcrowd Ing of comdors oe stairways Coot tacks ode {vote bulatin boerds ining Yhe corridor, and ‘mpl ot octias shou be provided natby The room tlt should be orranged 0 tht the tudience cn ee wel her wal, ond be comfort. ‘bln pat his depends on Yemperotre, hum iy, bockround of igh nd sound, and tecting Frejacton Systems Thelorge lace room should Sr ttare teconmedate vty of proecion Systems tat ay be vied nmediey orn the See tee eel pricier ‘over on acc vet scr he ese cl, ‘loced vo that he lace wil na ip over he {ord ond ao 2 seen properly moved oo fre thot the ete clos hat good vty with ‘mnumum dutarion Nore sreurr ors wide sen tay be needed to enable the lecrer fo we to fen, otis ore pijeced fom the reer of the room ond reeced fom a font screen, the room shui have pjeton both, eat {sll stnd end slacricl eva for th po inctor Remote conto for operating the profcor tre irae. Sher oy be vequed for dork toured in he ont wal orn. projecio ‘Srodiacen room beyond he from wal ebuild Ing pans must dude adequate proven for {his projection rom ‘room 2 apace forthe preparation of tron spores or ater ails wcrc ofthe ie, Motel canbe prepared on erinary pope ‘ond copied quly onto. rensparency by her. tral dupicator or sion squipmert Such copies Can be potted after the lace Tor inspection ‘Stooge for ich moter met lee wal a for omy matris dsi. ‘ede studens fo supplement thei lecture ales. Provion for receiving ond ronuning een sion eon impotent consderation in plonnag lecture room To large group instruction Secting ond Vailty Good iilty depends rat only on he vangementofchokboor ond GF projection screens and equipment, but ao to & large degre pon sahng avangemant. Fectrt to be comidered ere avoidance af ob eee “a tinal Sete “Conerence Us structions, dope of the floor and height of the ‘Speakers plotter, viewing stance, od he ‘ame verte ond horaattl wewrag angle “Geo tht © good lecture room wal rat have {alums or sports s placed os To block the front sctoen ond chalkboard from ony sot i {hy room: omeets han 6 hips densedaion fable stands on platform between the chal board ond the oudianc, the lower 12 to 1Binches oF tn boned often comme? ke ten by panple in th fifo ome thi cone, erty hing ‘haltboords are meded so th! the wig moy be roued te keel whore con be seen by ‘A sloping oro lecur room wil gerarly ‘24d somewhat to the east of conschon, but mony iatnces il be worth he ext cost {m proving good viability fora. The abject of 12 loping Roar isto make it easier for @ parson to ae over or around the head of thot infront him ond to give the inpreson af smaller {Somme sete eacente rows oe soggered 4a that the line of ght fom one sea fe he Incuer goes drecty between the cates of fo ‘soft inthe net row, thee reuied pet om Speaker's plttrm The use of ried platform forthe tacher hos advantages in eased vi by i ony room seating more Than about 40 Peron, provid tha he table o oes frre fn the platform doas not block the chatboard for howe Inthe font rows [A possible plon i town Be. 3 ‘Sludiay of dvionce ond angles for saialctory viewing indicate that seats shoud be ploced { dsonce fom a tren not les thon twice nor Educational COLLEGE AND UNIVERSITY FACILITIES Lecture Rooms snare thon sit ines the witha he screen imoge {De viewed ond tht the dtonce om a peter the as of the amas ter er dig beng it: fan. Thu, the bock row af sudan Toe ‘owoy, the lcuer should make hi letters cd digit ot Taos! two Inches high. Similar stds indole thot he ongie of elevation from the eye to the spper port of on ober onthe screen Chalkboard should no exceed 30 degraes (0 Fig.) lectre rooms oe bl in fon shops Insead of 9 rectangular shape, the mini a ‘le betwes line of sight and the Blackboard Should te ot leas! 30" degrees and preferably more thn 43 degeat. TheneUmitation of iw ing dtonce and enge impose restrtons onthe ‘ocoment of rots fr dequate vowing Educational COLLEGE AND UNIVERSITY FACILITIES Gymnasioms SSyMMASIUMS Basie Considerations ‘The type and ae sf gymnesio tees canna stn i wil rn comatuction trom, a aity planned 1 aenee ing te Indesit, however, the structure should be planed se that aa Aone to the bulding are fone, Most univar= SSS: Sigen aot lan fro bu or ‘planned tote car of enrolments for w leet ‘sing am are ofthe campus ted ie pao he feat education, Many questions nena’ to anning. begine Some of university tn forthe phyatcl auction, rc: ‘eaion, sd tnaas of ie acy? Indoor flies for apart ‘lenned ao that al pois actin ing Ries toy te ‘tie permanent ag mien wwe ny orb wreyear phyica! educntion re {he tulting nother thay toay aor at setty 7 Uetty storage rooms located ad ‘aymnasime so that bulky quipment may be Tima ithelty” Overnend doors or double ‘SSore shou bs trgeonough to permit os spectators (3 qf pe person. Porta foding enchers which con be sily mowed ae re ‘ommended for senting, Portable hnoek town Scioge commun and te sch bninty site ta the apcteors. tthe one, Ter notity arene Th height shoud bea minim of 22 to tm rope chim basta, vay ie Apr brn eemenae cna {haut be made Yor tslphone snd telegraph “rein open ee tw he pss where th tractor wl A tocking, ing ‘the storge of tha pe ta phonograph, tere ‘ther uate sds can ioe stand mone projctare, aopughepeecian vere ‘ran nn neoomernasaton oye ‘inert tormaniyaneaees tne so Soogal of aye in apts Loy ne er se cv sape Maps tongueanagroove le the most in eaggsied tet «gree wainoot be ioc Shot te pained wns igestred ‘ne anger favored by physic! sauce. ‘he erace shld pone gos Wacom an Te Laboy_The purpose of the lobby 10 fur. paced edjacent the direct tinea rat, but {te Rocka permanently number tor checking Conference abe targe enough ‘hyeion! education faculty, H pombe, oF the In'atrectve colors of vinyl materials ve thoy Siena inant, aration etary ee Educational COLLEGE AND UNIVERSITY FACILITIES Gymnasivms ‘etc sdvenion, recreation, and sotety wl ‘Sires mere sendy to seelnare, ontarenaes ‘cueatmentadeuatsahiing ond tar \caA speakare ptettorm or postr le re: ‘ey Satin rome Seige fr ager ‘avipped with «projection booth. resange Isr reom iz more satitactory for fim projec: Including closedireult programe, should be considered schon planning aden physic! tm loosing. room sree upped with nunbared tablet or dank ohare ‘naitay Gymaasions + Gyrmesicn Educational COLLEGE AND UNIVERSITY FACILITIES Gymnasiome stato, high Educational COLLEGE AND UNIVERSITY FACILITIES nts tare (hac tae) shawl be oe Dance Property Construction and Storage Handball courts may be conatucted of hard {esema in the planned structure ofthe room: "Front wa Tectnoarde, watetn beards, and Tochable, map Tarai conaicton iste ley tape om edge cert trode placed on the corridor Spc cain al ens Sin i a oe eee ee oats nape See eee ee rabeeral room of minimum of 40 sq enc Educational COLLEGE AND UNIVERSITY FACILITIES Gymnasiums; Physical Education and Sports Facilities ‘The oficial ute ofthe Unites Staten Squash room of 200 49 Mt be used for & saitca Roving Pract Feline In carn colleges an Ite Yr ado Sm pnt Calan tind apace. This plan to aervice nd cepa eel ughted and vented 130" robe found in opammatar Grup Stuy anes the gymnasium eto serve Seing tte shout be eshaiaiy the end of sant i aor Bo PRYSICAL EDUCATION ANO ‘SPORTS FACILITIES lage end ‘university tacts tor physical Section "irameral wore, nereaegiate Indo AcryRaage Av indoor archery range ‘dstanoe of 60 tor tne Chisago Ro Rasench Labonte College and univer ing: Sport ide of al type (aa many "diferent types: Some clloges, bad Cnivratioe mphasize one’ ar mare Siologie, testa and. mecsurementa, orgie Educational COLLEGE AND UNIVERSITY FACILITIES Field House Type CSpot Fle and Buin Tamla opr Orfene Retin Kae ‘boon provided in FELD MOUSE Freon te tere purposes other than pysea pereent ot ype © space) ‘Type E-Off. Campus Dutdor Education, (Cmpig, and Recreation Areas ‘rlveraty neranses in sin, theue standards roe ne noses cenving and outdoor w™ ehPletbi rgardinns of sorclinant “ied patent ron Educational COLLEGE AND UNIVERSITY FACILITIES should wscommodete» 50yd trightaway tor rss, Radio, and Scout Recommodations SSotc ona events eatehd bo rier the rohing Fountains pises supplemansey tet, tin at she mat toby First Aid and Tring Rooms the purpose of «taining Foam for emargeney npr Lounge en opty Hoon Seardboards and Tining Devens Soran an ing devin ei Lighting, Heating, and Ventilation Avon Requirements fr Student Room Furniture Use Space Te 22 wat és == = a 9 1 Desk Fin? Panning Studios Single ané Double Rooms 2 a J imi: etna) Wardrobe I a L 2 a 1 a4 1 sonense $]]P¢ 8 | J 1b Optimem recommended aret—280 44 fae Sle Rooms Educational COLLEGE AND UNIVERSITY FACILITIES Educational COLLEGE AND UNIVERSITY FACILITIES Dormitories Crh) is eT Coy Pos J Fan FP aie FA AQ AS oie eee ees, — . al ram utr out epee tone sss anangements vad the nnay of th saat Educational COLLEGE AND UNIVERSITY FACILITIES Dormitories ‘ ja roms, ed tweens armen ee Educational COLLEGE AND UNIVERSITY FACILITIES Dormitories ound bee sorbunked ed Wo sort teen a 3 El |. of) pa = ieo"30 ns bane bed sn w i} ow w - w Pa { 5 » qe} enerout s : or Educational COLLEGE AND UNIVERSITY FACILITIES Dormitories ‘ands cust thar evela: Objections nibs en'and i ie necenary to pave thu the ests supply of groseron. The apartment ‘lee The ce not mann Sompacerolingleh- ‘iy bat ater me more positive recognition a spot Wendahge, Apes he sy bo accomplished guikly. Thi wil Sone Heaton by preventing an exprnuive control by at Educational COLLEGE AND UNIVERSITY FACILITIES Dormitories COMMON LIVING ROOM, TWO DOUBLE ROOMS. COMBINED SOCIAL AND STUDY ROOMS, SEPARATE SLEEPING. SEPARATE ROOMS FOR STUDY, SLEEPING AND SOCIAL. ra 8 se oanaaten ley. ration onl he quay fat proce by TABLE 1 Recommended Space Standards pr Studont frm Group of Racent Studies ase 06st wert ‘Soe Deal ——‘No dog Wh de ‘aio Calvo 109 100 m0 28 {alti State Coleg! eens 64-81 2is8 mos ‘avery of Gua us na 20 Ueto! Pemeyvn” 108 m ms 20 wire wo 0 a8 agen United Sis ‘Mer 07 ant m7 Wena 1035 4 a4 Agni sano al 1 Ot snr tse Gath anes Ue Sout Coons Res Hats, Maing of Agus 28a 30,1068, an sn fen eta oa tne ae Can og, Cella Sota Calas J 1968, Tae Suman of Pri am * Gry of oh Set nan Say un Weer, Se Meu anit. Yorn 83, 86-6. + dy st Pumas Sh Urea Me's Houg Stam, Cstes, ch aus on Cinnabon. ‘Sean assets esas of Techanoy A Rogan fe Undrpeduate Mors Mog, MIT Pie Oe, Aut i, Ld Wi, Rane Hal Pais A, esr OF 109-3, Cla ‘eowinet an isan so aren ot facta, Wes, Educational COLLEGE AND UNIVERSITY FACILITIES Dormitories SEPARATE ACCESS TO STUDENT Rooms STUDENT ROOMS ON DIFFERENT LEVEL FROM COMMON SPACE. coraon Fa, 8 Ste omaniztin 2. 250 Educational COLLEGE AND UNIVERSITY FACILITIES Dormitories yo th ental ding room Sento eb ‘scans simian Mee fr mas elagommodted ty ame weting m GANG BATHROOMS Educational COLLEGE AND UNIVERSITY FACILITIES Dormitories EB) srupy aeoroom NO. oF 24-32 | BATHROOM 7 64 | Lounce er ay cea epee es y tanse: ha butding, but these are oer a LipRaRY eaable Thi sition coud be ralleved by Babe 256 | HeAao RESIDENT Eeoalen Seana Rete Gh eens BEER ER Pecan aovioses - DINING: ceedstien! ona “|S facia ica a oma aa 5i2_| seminar = Pa RECORD ROOMS = i cosage Han bahing ‘ vENoINe Spo Polipepoloaeeadnpptonere| HIERARCHY DIAGRAM. ‘Sota tat cist Leabee CORMDOR, MGM RISE BUILDING Fett 8 i Cosa To : 3 gi Educational COLLEGE AND UNIVERSITY FACILITIES Dormitories RATIOS OF CIRCULATION TO GROSS AREA ‘Sleping and Sty Quarter (Fg 1) Seco thors ont bec minum dear Noor space in such areas of & [183 em by 6 (189 {¢m enabing@ 360" tum by a whedleha Working Aree Space dearonce under courte, table, and desk tops fo be ved by 9 wheelchair {hedent shal be © mii of 2705" [698 cn In height ond 32° (81.3 em] in wih ede Bedt shal hove minimum dimamsions of 3° [92.cnl by 6 [189 cm] and between 19" 48.3 fm and 22" (389 em] in matress eight rom ‘oor love. Miners Mirors should be actly hang (2 ‘minimom of 2-0" [610 cn in length) 20 hat the Bolom i 30° [782 em) above for les ‘Where this lower height nt feos, mire of greater beight shal be tle Tram the top to accel Outlats Eecicol outs shall be ‘mounted no lower thon 20" [508 cn] above Foot Wea Mandir end Switches Protuding desk ond Gener Grover hordes shal be ital ‘Switches Tor elecicl fxtvres ond. equipment shall be of toggle or pushbutton type or ‘avieped with pu choi of mnimum length oe Te Choate Where one clot provided for sch ‘ccopont, the dethes bor shold provide wo Gitorent heights Thee quariers of the tot length should be ot 2" (132 em) ond. the remaining quarter 262 [157.3 em] To achieve thin th lower bor, hee qvoners of the total langth con be suspended fom the higher bar. ‘Wlhooksshotbe sald win a height ange of AO" [1018 em] to 58° [1422 em) Shaves St voraus height interval shel be installed on 45" [1143 en] in height. Shelves ove the ‘oes bare shal be provided for long-term ‘storage. (See Fig. 2) Windows, Heating, end Ai Conditioning Windows shel dose and open easly sing hora swore flees, cron, shes =bich ore wii the acessbilty range lis of 20” (50.8 em) {048° [1219 em above for level. Heating ond Sincondioning cons ond hemos shel be ‘mounted within the 1ome height Yonge. foc show be fooled in route exceed by the physically hondcopped. All corres should te plated whan on, cecmaalhy Keak ponte oF 20" [508 em] to 48" [121.9 em PERFORMING ARTS ‘Altes Where pouibla all_new shooter Consrucion shall hove romped oes (no grecter sce ei eel lg Sree aa hem thon 1 in 12] wih mo steps (ight fines shod te considered) thi snot poste, ccenible tnd level cots cider between tating sections Shall be provided wth minimum win of 7-6" [228.6 em) (See Fig. 3) The plocomen’ of seating areas for the physically hondeapped shold not back egret Fouke vied te ae of entergeey. Sting Seating space shall be se! aside for thowe in hess cho min reroin in Ht sthelchais and cannat wander To ie regular Seoting. The numberof level Root spaces ot ot Ion 36" [2 cr) width ond 4" [132 cm im length to be provided shal be os allows Cy of einen eta a cently poe seating ose eve 200 24 Vb onh coser te? Educational COLLEGE AND UNIVERSITY FACILITIES Hondicepped Students 4-4" (132m) 36” [92m] 255 COLLEGE AND UNIVERSITY FACILITIES Handicapped Students (92 cn] a with for posage os measured frm the outer edge ofthe Way tide, (See Fg. 3) Seen eee en ae aie renee Goveoge dapemes went rocks, ond ster Great sol be pore or flows theau where mivsrice vequed who provide ee re Stceus wihio the anteal vertical teach rnge 8F20" 1508 em wo 48" [120.9 ml ir oes Diing Ares Tables sl be provided within the —— Licata dining oreo which provide o knee clearance of 7 Srea.rictse Sri hired 301603 ae ayo es ; santos Saat iy ae este ler = fal come en "8 ee rat sale nae eee odie Felines abtciailulenciy, “ae ice micas maed arial Tyne dtngatel Saat rue pes wr be oe 0 wege, Cee ees Caaeaee (iat ey say wosaeies = iow ot AA” rrcW ol tele he oro scl be stent 26° ther Pig 7 and 8) a eae, | 2 swe ase ke ed = ae 3 a a ee incited 3 Lema oucnee [5 3 [nem MANUAL WHEELCHAIR Invi RIM PROJECTIONS MAIN TRAFFIC REACH AT 1-0" FROM. WHEELCHAIR, Foe ues wee A rome shall be ot leat 41122 em = enat_Th nine section of romp thal nat ceed 20 [9-14 m] in langih At both end af S50" [9.14 ml raat secon and at each Tees peat shal be level ora of ot loot [°71e8 Emin length andthe wid of the rome, Grete ln moctying exiting spaces: Mon Sts to be romped hot 0 vera drop of 3° 17 cm) x eo ond uated ther non open peso ata door with no dang device presse, SS Seaton of not grater than 14 (237) sa in Medkying Exiting Spaces Mon area '0 te tamped how © vera drop of 2" [5.1m ew ond’ ued at @ doo wih @ dosing ovie pressure, then @ rodent of not greater ee Te6 2 sal be wed ln New Contraction Any vies drop over 15° (1.37 en] shal be romped wing & groin? St greater than 1:12 (830%) ond petercbly Pad az che twee ne Fae 7) awe | caseensamace ed ae so ure iatato® 8 cam 2 eee | fee By KEYES 0. METCALF LUBRARIES, ACADEMIC AND RESEARCH Formos and Talos 1 Coan Spacing ‘A Suck Ase one sees peteet tr column Educational COLLEGE AND UNIVERSITY FACILITIES Libraries Jmportance. (See Fig 10.) ‘commonly woos modu ne “ihe folowing” comme F spacing 39m 149 in. mba Src las, anges to Range saci ond 3h 3b ema ah 4110; bh bin ahen, Site 31 7h in ans Stixin Bhoyin an oxin 40g e ano shen 19h WIR Th Bin ty NB Whoa HOM, iB ONE “eas htt ht ee, 4B ew 18 en ‘TABLE. Square Modules with Colon Spding Mutipe of 2 f° Sezione secwnen clues Ramis) Rage spain Ber sie dud aby ‘conta amb 30K ie anew oh ahem nz Sua erie at anole aH 3 ay 3 105 ahem Stayin Bhan. “Gaus not wr an ep a Be we 1832 ww a mat s 5 6 6 ranma anwar Educational COLLEGE AND UNIVERSITY FACILITIES with ranger up 10 30 4 long. tangas aye 18, 104 621M 24 1, 254 up Yo 60 H tong have 27 Ry and 26} H in one svecion eon doops 4 tor 4 I'm on centers other sirecauchasS Wi in. 3 2 in. 3 "E Specing 4 6 ln. to 81 le generous even tor nanvity used opanecceas undorgradon Sek W ranges ote 16h tang ond 4 8 se on ‘generous for any regular stack shelving nad snowapeper shiving sad generous tr parade Wing Highs an Flt Ans (at aepty oases Misimum and maximum eeiing heights and ‘Square boys are more feible than those that A Cating Hoes Table 6 tages Functional minimums ond man 8. lor Anas Both the number af Hones in a vase tone ke an porta fonetonaly ont i Rage sac Bay se toy encentr Bien wen + new 2nem yn 54k MNsinwOhi0em § — 4nze, Bnem nee § aha 2HOm mh at 22n8in 25H 5 thn 2060 9264 6 tha, 22N6 i 27h 5 ania A yo ie love ran ios 3H cnn ato he Seton tthe ca iio i ce nnd he? we ale Deseo til se Bey se Ont stapes ——_cised5_—__onelg ian ‘ ' ‘ a Wat ‘ ‘ 4 3 ah 5 “ ‘ ye 5 5 5 ‘ uh 5 5 5 ‘ Bute 5 5 5 5 ah é i : : “Aca eat a ns mh 9 ete ot Hm raha de ae 36 ar a at acdc nods Th au nee ho at sapere ar meting atace a7 ND wu te (u'a/3 trans pann a's ube mea nar eau Saye oe Meum Seth esd 220 "Fuocs set ocr shod Se teste 3 un Yoo ang a ec aed mln, whch st toca can nbd 4 aes eth, veo TABLES Fecaty Stein an Set Matiurpove Room ‘Seat ‘Sal ania faeaty aon of anes ay se sui ‘nea str ion a 2 Wyte 3 2 ah a 2 yk 3 2 uh ‘ a Bit “ a ne ‘ 3 it on ie i ek, si. “Ther cnn no, a i ee acta ane ‘itt or 730 ‘nant oe i se config #8 window, ise now's gee onan Senet st ede ‘A. Foes for Pocono Sten for Whom ‘SuniagRecomnocaton Kr Reed Te format 8 Sunetons fr Toto Satan Acoenedons td the Poets af Ea Tae «Inia cerendatong, Up te a8 ‘om immeciatly aejacent eignoare, TARLE 7 Sugotsed Feralas for Parcentogs of ‘Gras Square Footage FenlanallyDsiable oo Conta Sorvies Love” Weimar ecenuses ‘ous ‘ota. Goes bung Seo aeons sewers, tea inset inves ent Under 20,000 oie 100,000 60-50 2.000-45, 000 100,00-280.000 384-40 40.00-80 00 250,000-500.00028-¥2 ‘a00-150,000 $00,00-1,00,000 20-20 135000 1.000.000" 184-25 a ce wd ewe enn ca ‘eda nay a ‘os ae iducational COLLEGE AND UNIVERSITY FACILITIES Ubrarios ‘TAMLE 4 Formales for Percentage of Stoents ad {er Whom Setog Ascmmacations Are Suopsed func aeons sina? natinunt Type af nstacion ‘Percent Thea new. Snore rsdn coviucaion tlt loge al eno hein Onin sal tne 0 Sper reser Srl os loge ormen or wren tla 8 ohm, ans al tv Them ORB, Sit itl bo one nom, Spr eden nvr. Toca! een aes ‘oct conmueng worst hee, 10h Shon 10KEe. tion a both rections, See Fi ons 1onee. 3 Agree improvement ver able When KE forfour witout potion (4) Pinwheel arongement for fou. See in dtferent direction. See Fg 36 etsloctory ot (6) be both aden of ocean, See Fig. 78 (0) Trplestoggered comes In ploce of thee stock range tna latge rod ing ores (9) Rows of singe carl ot ht anges (10) Single corals in place of lst stock ‘ection of he end af @ bind stock ide See Fig. 1b (1) Typing coals simon Yo (10) shove, Lo eth speci “acoste protec (Gh tabee Yor one. These ‘an be (12) Rows of double cael in eacing trea or i place of hv sock on Seog. & Closed cartels oe rarely recommended for wrseraredevon, Shaor ty we toed eo TABLE? Sagested Working Surface Are fr Each Parton Weim Toe of econ ue cute ate Tete fr nae sei Be wile? 30m 2m att ate en ‘al rendre 38m by 20+ 380 22 Oper care for gaat tet witout ok she owt 28 W260 Ce, apn rnd tr trode sea wig ‘anan, wth eth Sat Sh 27in§ 48m by 30'8, Feet st Wn main Sin 308 thr shal *facannan do ree tana lee ene +pHtann 3 0 pur ers diel ammoann ta ap al Because br do ti "Pau strecnnento on cos bcos thr woke i ent f unease to monentze SA stows eal ae wees bos dg becuse ate ih ig ne caso lay ‘ser wn sth od mate scree ao om eo stupa a Educational COLLEGE AND UNIVERSITY FACILITIES Ubrories Po Siow Soren ecesseo Je 4“ CARRELS AT MINIMUM SPACING 33 mwa SERIE Cneous lL. 54" GeNERous C 33" “wiNiMUM 39° GENEROUS fen ronnrone NORMAL BY 42" GENEROUS 277% 46" FoR GRADUATE STUDENTS: IWtTH oR ORSSERTATION ‘spacing ON CENTERS sa" winnie 87 weoiuM | Sor CeNerous i 4 — ht at ine engin aah cae ee here eee oe Bere oe ear ace oe mea SRG Se eS Sse Sse aaa rd caree: Soe 6 {ctory ging ana vention. Unis Sorking turtace dimensions snd squareoot ©. Dinamo of Waning Suc lo Ech Tow of Suaing ReconaadatonTabia'9 ives swogeated 2ara42" MINIMUM Berra" Genenous, SHELF ‘SPACING ON CENTERS Si: MINiMW Se Mebrun 60" GENEROUS SHELF MAY BE ON WALL Stoe ie TERE fe NO. WINOOW INTERFERENCE LINE OF. tay SIRES runmtrune Book HELPP ioe o . Aweaoe Square Faoteye Reid for iter Tome of Reenmotstan "Tow squaretootage Spprontmations, but may be helpful in pre Adlon Soace Reged or Sania w Randers suction, maps, menue Educational COLLEGE AND UNIVERSITY FACILITIES bra J wna Aecedatans As an 8 in planning srori Thewr roy iheds medivinad wenn'=t' Geta auaas'ty soca tug sovela ohwuad Savous tee broteray fe atl aor , ‘Stat ing quarter ome way ao a not to get out of position. (Se MIN. FoR 91-0° LENGTH Nonassignabe Areas a2TMINI MUM. ‘Se°GeneRous spacine 5a MIRON. 86 "Genenous, wrens 3-0" AISLE BOOKCASE with {OGRE Coons AIsLe wioTH 3s Mumm Skea FOR MAIN AISLE 42 avequare ae CeNenoUS SE AT SIDE Fa. 2 (emt) Coma wih shaves the door Ligh trom am cutee window wi veo scooaron nl enmame e "PTs cas ui sb ee TABLE 10. Approxinete Squar-fstege Requirements or Divan, Types of Seting Accommodation Toro wznaodatans co Sen age chu 0 Lae konge chi 5 Indie tte 8 Teta ef 2 Tle er wre thon foe! 2 ns 2s nd ae Fy 2 8 ni als 24 2% m% Dabidsteggeed care! 2% ro 2% Tipestgprd cals 2m 28 Dy Dab ro of eames ‘wth prions Senate, local n 9 resi abn in pice of ro sta anes 24 28 24 ne ewes ede ae arin ac a) oe ac ait) ned dt cas theme rs aed tc tl he on we ie ba sal ae 0 svn canstan ad ld ks tin or casey a "nt sone ee, Tay il od ig wal, acet ne ha mat 9 sfoaged come ov aaron of pce ables a ito more and ace vin dation ‘Dou wo fcr oe sstomal space we on ess vel Sacbon Sx Educational COLLEGE AND UNIVERSITY FACILITIES Libraries hp. Fig. 4b shows closed camel wih o Sage cost in porn sit ‘ ay st the ond ofa back range (Se Fig. 1) At sdincantsutedn winx, al fu! boo ata sconamical way o provide o eating accommo: Vin, ond gives great dea f selon, which mony readers wont I prevents four problems, Nowarer, or follows 72 Th specs Fo font Yo bath is ied to ‘he ditonce between ronge centers, which tore exis fs abana. 1S Unies the tblefop is specially designed to oceopy the fll depin of the. dou foced tongs shown a Pp. 2 H oy be — WINIMUM 3a, Mebiuwe 86 Gencrous = MIN, SPACING ausve WiThOur sears | Ne oF rmx | une oF wate stacn windows RECOMMENDED oy o satan pital and tating idee by adja seks: Absence Educational COLLEGE AND UNIVERSITY FACILITIES Ubraries if, Onan cal sar wal rs parton tna $2 ih (0) are lon «wal ol fc the some vey (teommande (6) Cara, ne ‘Sling (Ponte: Cr they back Gp tesa oar unplenamly) (0) Cals facings wel (Mat vcommanded there oe ide portion rede’ bot indo han bc hi mae ove rnd a leven he sors hah opto pret sen cin aa ‘ned cael shows eunded pe of eansrcan end the Hghchond one 8 aque ) Tr Douatestoggerad sarah th the adie Educational COLLEGE AND UNIVERSITY FACILITIES Libraries T asic aisue Fi: 6 eble rs of ens in estat or roding er in place of two 1, Book Stack Capacity ".inctuse 90 percent ofthe Books ine ypical ‘A The Numba of Yelumes Shed is Standard Suck actor “The mumter efter the ea Ieaheived na standard wach ection depends Educational COLLEGE AND UNIVERSITY FACILITIES Libraries se 8 %0 oe ” TTA oe Re Ema a, Sh ‘Ns Knit so he hap Das i se Stevia fer ok in Dire Sobjecs® Younes pot Vous tot nel ces sac ut scion {ei rn) a We Face a 188 8 168 > ra 1 ‘a Tels 7 ur Tees! am scenic | 8 8 ea 5 105 Pb documents 5 105 Bound seo 5 105 lo 4 a Tae come oe yack RCT 8. The Decision on Whan » Section te Fu Educational COLLEGE AND UNIVERSITY FACILITIES Ubraties — aie + wee, te ] - — te = a E +t ff Sj + Z | et i, A A a ) | 4 oe ae Ky or _ thor WW ss — — —— z E = 4 +++ | WW u \| Bl = | e c | = aa al wu UW u ‘ol a e te od ze BoM ES of Fac TYPICAL ALCOVES TERE hone Bele, gc Xin, ate m+ Orr 10 a eaeate ena fiom wil rowie or procinly any book that ‘doesnot have tobe segregated because 0 hgh, and Ban. seta! dopth shelves (they denote by a mania ta rb acta abelvee whieh et st te me nthe amount ot vse by individual and by ‘termined by the aun ot the Sepum at's osbintnced range and the with (Scent oswelats ores iw rood Educational COLLEGE AND UNIVERSITY FACILITIES I Tal we loess so ‘ck ™ 0 » %0 niacin tek fe ve 100,000 velar 1s a *” a an tes oe ace ick fr 100,000 veties Fa 28 a 38 Vey had ope sca sack ith as tan 100,00 vies oo « 6 0 Newsoe sack w 18 een shies 38 “6 6 0 Faferece and crest, Swot oom ses oe o 2 2 ‘anor! io stats a » 2 2 sek ja. a dist ‘eta Suck ant pe han stared sat ts, abe bye ut The msm og sows inate no pray eae ny whe etna se we eee TABLE 1S. Seggeste Crouse Withe"t ‘Sian sin ste cross i's peal ue of sta wn on win ax. ‘emt aces sone an ane THe ane. Lutes sak an corny an an6e Meaviy eed opr acess ok an sh an an Meaviy ued opr aces ste for ge clacton te gn 30 mare ton ane en angie nem in ws, apd oh ew Dol et nl os nis sal lb mconpned by amen Ct wis mie one ke tot ye tb sc te pots nec ch wre oa nears oe sae "sieges conc a «ays, mle Dns et ttt wl eo cane ae ind con ops tom + iis, hay nl ml ses ga. TABLE 14 SquraFastaps Ragute for One Single-fcedStndord Section Se ee Sao fet See fot ecules one miu wth gems sine cts ui tous aes" toss aseet ‘wih ea Show 225 900 oa anB i 125 a1 180 A830 70125 185 128 ano 880 iz] 875 {ted itd 6 ct el ied by EN eke a ‘ide eta chansons cals, bl ern on 5A canre caves cy oly 25 90M a 267 Educational COLLEGE AND UNIVERSITY FACILITIES Libraries ‘nd toh atck ranges are on the oer. my TABLE 17 Value Capecy per 1,00 og of Stak Are with Difrent Number of Square Feet ond senna Yolunes pe 000s wth ent. 100" as! 10 100 10.000 2.500, 1s.000 m 1,100 13095 19850 10 12.000 15.00 1.000 13 14,300 7895 7450 . tin af te 18. 961 Sd pi ting a lo asin ced on lm rn ae aa i rod ned mcd fs coe roan cn in thy ta or ehers show son “ii an Ra aed Wf ‘ie or tae a Fare ph steer cil wen ct ‘Sonedary las han at Y. Card Catalog Capaciy “x mmaiy op) aeanage osm nme est od Dn recone tht ate eb uae 1, Seu Fesage of For once Resid to Fle {ala Cats Comiaaly The space requirements depend on viable Teter avendy ted '2:"Tha height othe bine ays vols: Pee so Fr TABLE 1 Card Capecty for Sondard Card bei Cabinets Si Trays We Seo ——— een PAAR ime Wad We ne es 10 ‘51,000 60,000 59,000 mis eee ane AE ia fom oe me ee eee tae flee Perea re Mone vous men sat ‘osc hay nl at {he rae moka suet svn, Roe ZT eas eh sete as see eer ad ins et siete iss Maire esgie Sores ermine _ co Sats Us Educational COLLEGE AND UNIVERSITY FACILITIES Ubraries a s3iot | sot 4 thot sta! — t } 4 = = E i | Sto" SPACING 33° x S' = 165 SQ.FT. FOR 2800 VOLS + 15:1 + VOLS. PER SOFT aig axe aPeied « "2500 + = eet eH ese asin afeisod " " * 2800 * sires so te aoe ayaa rae 8 8 R800 + # I80- noe ig. 10 Stok copay with dierent ronge spacing and minimum com i. Cows alle = are. 269 Educational COLLEGE AND UNIVERSITY FACILITIES Ubrories [tr e8 aracx rose SHELF t~sraek‘stcrion tl ast wine To omen case se en cS teases San eer Sisko Ss eee Se SES Educational COLLEGE AND UNIVERSITY FACILITIES Libraries ay ssyrcase | sotcase. “ \FoR 129" SPACING 40" case et 40" case cases FoR UunTic FUTURE cases: SRE abbeD! 2 one raron fs hone i] ‘ | : : ag ‘ * 2 : | rw + Pe i ci 0 } Loo] Cor mi ise 5 nat ee eno FRONT am Educational COLLEGE AND UNIVERSITY FACILITIES Libraries Fig 1 Conan tbls clang wale sight ona octoog coms Wit his erngemat xen ‘hie led dover gates ot aye mus be cries comisroiy tarred here wae Tasso) {Sie com cnds woot roving rea: Congestion na demoge ecards may rn Waele sree sal rary With 3-ftwide snes ot ond of wach som Fo a0 card can be howred im 40 qin 1.300 to amy LP ies] FO] Lee] fa tae ad ann ss — El onl BADE nes il Be el ee, | ee = eae | 65 ee 8 RBS Educational COLLEGE AND UNIVERSITY FACILITIES Individvel Study Carrols 7 tght Sheed +8 ent Adpustatle glides Fig. 3 Cove wih pone! divider 26 Individvel Study Carrels Se Educational Individual Study Carrels Educa COLLEGE AND UNIVERSITY FACILITIES Individval Study Carrels PLAN V agit top __ NT sat open str gindhcid pase will prutable tvetearnien _— adj. shelf 3 umit strage with ay jambows dors Fig. 8 Corals for fur side places ung eeogona able, 279 Fie 9 Hexagon bed corel with mechanic! com peep te prt, pet corte. panels ——— — See Educational COLLEGE AND UNIVERSITY FACILITIES Individual Study Correl Educational COLLEGE AND UNIVERSITY FACILITIES Individual Study Carrels Educational COLLEGE AND UNIVERSITY FACILITIES ae TT i AT Educational COLLEGE AND UNIVERSITY FACILITIES Individual Study Carrels Fig. 15 Vetiaus serge nit: (1) pan (2) levtian, (2 ambour deer, and (4) sliding doors opening Ye oppes Educational COLLEGE AND UNIVERSITY FACILITIES Student Unions STUDENT UMIONS Organization “he wlan, though mech Swe the folowing. stanaing ‘with the wut thet py {Sorta be nomea conmronnd wea oper Cae in Bug, Tocca Calon ear Pomng rat Nee or ‘tow aren Mosh of tha auplcetion of funeion Educational COLLEGE AND UNIVERSITY FACILITIES ‘Student Unions ices (heh and cont om Inman centr ore Neosmonoices Tidat fee uber sho Seat 08 toffee Maetnonce stop ey Wet Union ote Sto eat fond Foot ‘Side oui ane Caleta Pate nin eons Seve ig rons Feet dang eon Fuching The reclvng tities of the Commute haven tres nead wot be seperate trom those forthe Women's ig to wet ‘Metin eons Loares Mese listen son on Guat one Darna Chae! ‘ter acu sce Gane tovicedepertivent. "abd emis rom atioon Bia 00m oy teenie tuo 1 sop Crt soe Tate: stom Soe Deng ame Stone Lote Frjtion bot outseor Caan sb San dcks Pane weet Mises ‘alioon mare rca! 08 bing tera ee “Te propared food in larger union bulinge iol Canto hao: anos neuspape: Cale rearook Sule gone Stet Cassio Faiitis Table “amiiswae,Soie, ond Mase Dupes wes ex ane ‘Baten bonds ask Otay 08 Ties mene Ben Sone Enaoye' chr nd et oom Pay eeatoes cadre Pa yt Beat oo fees Keehn sharing 00m Fegan rom Trash a Connie aches Bore aes Conmutr sepa ons lear ene Boning ates ‘oe ot ution ci adoats Aster annie: ending at iar ‘ge hoe (Coste sop Cosme sre Radars rom Teva tee fies Gone Pag minnie al vee sae ‘aopertve voce ‘aa Stet ante rai at eigous serena arg ct Oe ety guinerng plese rapa nang and thay furthor the wnitying concepts: Sranion and ero teity i and Informa tining: with br mathout sole tore lated meal or coaual entertaining’ the efor iene piece for ® Shing ome eater anchan (ie reas ‘rene subaivge quite ously by neti (mule sloeping voome should be separated ‘Sparaton, supervision, end houeehemping. tur Sennett arene (coome with deen and tor permanemiy avaipned) and. student Educational COLLEGE AND UNIVERSITY FACILITIES Student Unions Faading eam While ait cotope Drone, they em to Be oneldared primarily ‘condaioningfrploces, doen by mot numbering the ‘he periphery of the roam, and this are should bo capereed trom turnings end expert booth atthe and of = meeting reer simples "They may be playing tha records hem ‘puso te meting 20m by wal {much ofthe fond normaly placed on » theatre, Lauges A verity of tounges men's, wom Educational COLLEGE AND UNIVERSITY FACILITIES Student Unions telnet batre’ the bulling te loomed, counter, equipment fritre, sete ue vanere ear Picture maulement to achieve Ate and rats Shope S300. The Sw of the ton sod te eniversty, ‘musts room oe broweing Waray, van though at" by “proving beipiced on the top Mlowr becnuse there lane Educational COLLEGE AND UNIVERSITY FACILITIES ‘Student Unions (st hott The quiet areas logialy noua the oor pane eat 70000 54, at a "aes — elves and The a ig. 5 Map tunge_Uved te expand TV viewing are daring speci ‘mt broaden sh flding panion open MEETING ROOM A (am) MEETING ROOM & oa) 6 Infomation dent—Requran fine ot Fig. 7 vate dln or meeting room FACILITIES ‘COMBINED. DiREcTOR'S 4——— RECEPTION AND CLERICAL OFFICE Sept wes ‘ce sto o fears 7054 ‘cHECKROOM INFORMATION DESK Fig. 4, Seperate TV lounge—At minimum sine inate fer opocal event broaden Fe. 8 Combined facies Educational COLLEGE AND UNIVERSITY FACILITIES ‘Student Unions darn A os (sh wi Fig: 9 Nera main-Reor foi (0) conference roms (b) coat decom, ‘CAFETERIA SNACK BAR. tance. MepIUM size PARTY - BANQUET ROOM ‘MEETING ROOM MEETING ROOM | Fi ara see 75 COUPLE 300 COUPLE BALLROOM + PARTY ROOM 21 Educational COLLEGE AND UNIVERSITY FACILITIES Student Unions 4 meg et is Apc suger va OD 98 8) Ho ful an oe te i gg ee CN, 2 TABLE TENNIS Fes 16 Game fetes PaRTy ROOM Shen ee (tot 0 ot 9) It 1) Fp 5 Separate bidge-chens room Fig Meeting room pus storage) (gone paring et? FACULTY LOUNGE COFFEE BREAK CentER iq denen) Pee ta ménon cee Educational COLLEGE AND UNIVERSITY FACILITIES Student Unions; Computation Centers FACULTY DINING ROOM PRIVATE MEETING - DINING ROOM + fiw tome | | eee se ioenmose | aban shyt GYMNASIUM soot cost 2 ey —_ UNION BALLROOM ot bo a tn 6 ig. 20 Gymnasiom. Fig 21 Union batraom. COMPUTATION CENTERS. Educational COLLEGE AND UNIVERSITY FACILITIES ‘Computation Centers prosram | CONFERENCE MECHANICAL EQUIPMENT binecton a roo encrine oe EERE ay Om Y Fig. Plan of computation enter, Univaraty of Toxo peg pw Educational COLLEGE AND UNIVERSITY FACILITIES ‘Computation Centers Educational COLLEGE AND UNIVERSITY FACILITIES Computation Centers; Communications Centers COMMUNICATIONS CENTERS Student circulation Lecture rooms Fear projection areas Preparation ond storage. Lecture toms: Seminar rooms —>| Technicions offiee SPACE RELATIONSHIPS Administration and research Inctructional moteril distribution Graphic and olds proavetion General services —— Film and television production Fat ig. 2 Commnicions tse hall cae, State Univerny of rw ark, Goma, Sibeare Owings ise Aenoan Lecture (480) Lecture (240) Lecture (120) Lecture (60 sembly 0 Fear projection Preparation ane storage Ottice one TV studies Graphic arts Photo orea Production Storage Mechanica Und Sooge Educational COLLEGE AND UNIVERSITY FACILITIES Communications Centers Educational COLLEGE AND UNIVERSITY FACILITIES ‘Communications Centers; Regional Education Center 1, Lecture (480) 2 Lecture (240), 3 Lecture (120) 3 Lecture (60) 5 Assembly area 6 on 7 a fond storage Otfice ana Conference 9 "1 2 3 TV stuaios Photo area Production Storoge Mechanica! fd Storage ‘ho. 3 Communications letra hal cena, State Univenity of New York, Onsen, RY. Tole & ‘Anaerame, rane [REGIONAL EDUCATION CENTER (SUPPLEMEN. services can be nocomplianed in outing a TARY) the ature points town sey panty some Regional research and onterance {ie gops atwaye present between projects Educational COLLEGE AND UNIVERSITY FACILITIES Regional Education Center Leorning Curriculum | ee siiortien Compe A 7 Te ” Support oreo aalens pa services tory L— Circulation LL Resource Lecture hal Curriculum office ‘and development ——— Adjunct stott Demonstration ‘ne training Shops and storage Conference cree —— Professional brary —f ‘Search and bibliographic Resources office ———— | ote processing Shipping eeceiving —— ects Centra cllection Loa oraine Ho ~~ Receiving orea LOWER LEVEL mete toratory wil rain ene. 1 wil | Resionat r | Peinting and ‘deministration ‘mane ~up Baministrative Regiona research — Production research — Publications Graphics production Flim ond TV ‘xigination Photographic upPER LEVEL Santernee seas 0? Educational COLLEGE AND UNIVERSITY FACILITIES Regional Education Center; Resource Facilities ‘Concepts and pilosop ‘county nat ot Ove toot i ert hw We Feauired bythe advcrtions phitoaophy ofthe on (Soe Figs. Yond 2) nin the svesionalpilosony and the wey ir eon’ oy Nistews theeuptow the sri sehen! pont the sytem of wivcabon whi wheat pant amber of siferent ways Figure’3 nantes Stott o 9 i Instruetiona! Spaces, mock-up ‘ond demonstration ‘Seminar Aaminstrotive Dissemination ores Workshop — Evaluation center Data processing qs ne SPACE RELATIONSHIPS fet Oftice ond conterence— Set ond property toroae’ Stott ond ces Lorge tim stad Small tlm stutio Storage Graphics Centra control ‘ond Gist on nimation — orge TY studio Film processing — tice and contorence ‘eceiving and shop MEDIA COMPLEX Pe 2 Little schoo To electronic won the rnmrennthaneian, These storage te revourens centers may te s Resources tele canters Srvreschoal Notonywoulsstusentscomete Fa: Educational COLLEGE AND UNIVERSITY FACILITIES Resource Facilities Educational COLLEGE AND UNIVERSITY FACILITIES Resource Facilities Resource Facility Study—1 Resource Facility tudy—3 (checkout desk Independent study uns serounding 2 common conference ond work are ‘ee stants moy come on appointment 0 08 Soop bane, ond cont wih thei nse Ssn'o8 modi on they cos con fe ‘Sher reoureat contained in the center. Tis Pe SF faclty wold be most oppepte for 3 now ‘goaded or coninwourprogres type of edoco onelphlowophy It might seve ther oto free subcenter ing "chock within choo! ‘ecept or an the boxe resources center in 0 School which fs moving foward conlinovs prog fern but which fil desgned for 2 gi ‘Sn progr item planing ord teching. (See clades sccoblity toe vority of resur ‘Sich may be used indvidvly ond in na eves itatrecton may. beaome Waly factve by ce "mugntying and daployng formation, Information in «more demenatrativaly etfee- 12 So Sen faring separ Seton en for many oui ronan to designing tering ning at targegroup focitien with medi Te ecto" particularly because” the aenign ‘rare "and planning conaerotione la torge mp teliies with media are probly the sgelites etiise netoctenalnde ewe Ecc) Suppers by arg Wome Eau inirengument Seating tye ran the gemot anny tomaton Itnage coven by nbn! ih "3 Complete slimate ondiioning is neces righty nesunlnly ‘aoiaved orn ntrtring Fite ning foo tan Educational COLLEGE AND UNIVERSITY FACILITIES Rerource Facilities; Large-Group Facilites tous adlunet wpacor muy include project functions cer than th simple presentation ot Information. Menipeatve nd aorotryfypoe ISheretry” permit the experimental and itor ‘evag ‘st pert st te testy. Te student rng on three platostna wih ame "or wneating im spain! squipment Exch teboretory sation sonarete of 8 49nd Sronby movable pertitons (See Fig.) tobe projected nattaneouly and tether ne trapre td sup om te mica wo ‘wil probaby be magnited by closed Sirois TV and projected or the our projetion Predcton Support Facies ‘him, nde te tape atari nd othe Itey'be produced and whieh nowwe the sa! TT achetons met sport th toaching tu in the ‘esign ona pan ‘urn thir feition vary i comply nd see ‘imple tees shold be Edveational COLLEGE AND UNIVERSITY FACILITIES Lerge-Group Facilities ‘Stond-up/sit-down laboratory work stetions Demonstration table with overneed projection. Candon Jaacag Recor projection oreo reparation, storage ond contra — Small-graup demonstration areas PLAN Scale: Vie"= 1-0" Earess Rear proton rea SECTION suport tociy which ove all nee otal level Thre ore mony, many flere yan ofp diction and sepa! hich ean be cogramed, figure" inca: 2 region! err meh mo ports number of abeamtrs within tchooke Foughout the ye. rom he scene, fret, production and wpport ctvies ae provided fo individucl astooms, resources cont, in pendent shady folie, ond pedal room ould be note thot within the esurces center ‘here the smal singled production ore for teacher ne, The some diogrom might ilar the octites wihin collage or ein comps ‘whore, rom & canal location, moor production Uni support leeds ou! flo schoo ond depart” mene and thn nto aia fecties and aeos. igure 2b thnwotes @ centr within a large central choo wich nt en supports hal choo! but feed nto ote imal schol hrooghout (choc! such Th might be the oppropriote ‘iogrom to utate production suppor Toe ‘rin om “educatinel pork.” PredecionSupped—1 This production support inter moght reve @ highschool, © couple of ‘idle school, several slomentary schol, or 8 Conbinaton ci she Bgve shows fh bone {cline Yo topper ues of Teenon, rope ft and projected media while providing the ‘Sdninttive and nsuctonal support och ‘eceiar for cha vation. The mul ute tudo Con be vied foc ive and yecarded Televison pro. ‘Seton, fim preducton, il photography. ond, omit, cus recording. Conol ofa ofthese Froduchon aces would come from the cna ent ond dition room ‘The gopher room includes drafting space, copying, machines, fim ediing ond copying cwipment cstembly ond work tbls, ond thet SGuipment aniacated wih Mose types et pe {iichon, The preportion and storoge reo oe ent fo the sts sed for buling ond tring Sth ond models next fi maintenance ‘repair are for AV equipment used both within {his production fact and throughout the choos Invern The edie fois ices wal ing and exhibit orcs, preview ond conerence ‘oon, ond ofa, FretucionSuppen—2 Fgue 4 usrates 0 ener prodocing bac inattutional aid ond me in on emphans on tn proton. The fpredacion proces i illoled by a conference Between foculty and preducon sa ot which fie the nur ond isrcionl requirements of the moti ate defined end a production che te set up, Ale production the fished mater ‘lore isbutd tothe faculty concomed Even to cooperating inslitons ProducionSuppen—3 Figure 3 iusates ever designed for originating televised. ne Scion for dbuion toa) number of iving points on the campos oto coepert- ing imtoo. This center moy TAA @ mmber {Fraoted fumcons such oF recephon ond. di Inbuion of "oR the oi” proproms, recording SF elevaed insvetion (videotape 2 Kneseopel ‘atibtin of fim mata, ond coornaing lated functions “affect space considerations Sty ot Taras Tegument. ot engineering Edycational COLLEGE AND UNIVERSITY FACILITIES Lerge-Grovp Facilities Circo Mutti-uee studio Maintenance ond repair Sound lock ‘hudio contol and distribution ‘Seminar Reception area Grophics production ee ottice Conference ond review Dark room Educational COLLEGE AND UNIVERSITY FACILITIES Lorge-Group Facilities projction equipment and acreene Font ad Raa Prin Betore considering amy 4 | FILM STUDIO SHOPS ADMINISTRATION = PRODUCTION AREA 5 18 SOUND FILM STUDIOS en ot to tr Soa oe Fat Educational COLLEGE AND UNIVERSITY FACILITIES Large-Group Facilities STUDIOS - ENGINEERING ADMINISTRATION ~ PRODUCTION AREA 2. pmdtion vo tins 1 que a ae -pationo tw 1. zaman tn ie pst Educational COLLEGE AND UNIVERSITY FACILITIES Lerge-Group Facilities SHOPS AND STORAGE TELEVISION PRODUCTION Le] aS ILM RODUCTION ADMINISTRATION a Fee oF ony projection system ‘a played legal dope ty. The projection sore is ‘Ovemnand” Projector. The overhead prom Jeoton aloes ts cvereeme Eoce ed epee a is A ‘mouringe and treedam Irom jrmming. Lenses ‘iby tin Side Projector. Moet Sicby sat ptr nuove any of ‘our seraan projection Educational COLLEGE AND UNIVERSITY FACILITIES Large-Group Facil Motion Picture Projectors. Current the frojecion. Simple Wm erp prevewers may aquntay aerve the student staying inde In bueweon are projectors pore ‘want projection with mal rou sive intormetion on projection equipment the ‘maximum bond tnglee 60. Figure Bo shows '2'w tnrow aiacance end a masimury band high omen outpet on Educational COLLEGE AND UNIVERSITY FACILITIES Lorge-Group Facilities a i rm me Se een Te Veniog Aes Viewing Ares Not river! et Mininwm sad Maximum TV Viewing Distncos Sas ot Me vena wax ven Whbe distance, ¢W tas, 12W Wie teil tena in sili Tsttzin, —prablom may be reverand, requiring © deter ‘ect tomate nt it Shot in 180 ination ofthe oti mucins and eating he mage with 23 Bnei Ta etn 2 Tes i 25m Die aha in hsm Mima istace ww heer) ncn dice BR TOW 12W Stn: 310 cw 7 s ew NRA 1K Ox IY ‘se c so" ee Fig 11 Viewing ares for Brigheess Rao 26:1 —Gaod iaility of printed characters 5.1 White laters on black background et cleteed by haber to Educational COLLEGE AND UNIVERSITY FACILITIES Lerge-Group Facilities readily adapta to new and improved The accompanying igure fig. 12] shows one pty surtnnecouid:bwihar ted oF mob, Varo yan af tito ca projection an the rear projection ‘controls operate the equine Gnd the oar tarsen ot tho Hebe type Faniawe Pinning Fornitare an Integral Prt Sana "an important an secon, ‘he planning process when energien, funds, pece. OF the thoes baste types of wean ined; mova, rd sombinaa) fed fee he {hie te partly important in socorary Mirror Flexible screen ‘emm projector Prism DETAILS OF MEDIA MODULE Educational COLLEGE AND UNIVERSITY FACILITIES Lerge-Group Facilities tie; audovinul equipment, small amongst: Songer ome toning acne ‘inn soda reeponse aytaos, raving the ee o's eaponae pane! ech sation eto simi lard rr nt jn nopmned) techn ar ower open th swf Yu Inion. This typ of seating dows require more chines” Partcunriy” with” movable. seating, In sallage leture hale or smphithestare {oor ran "par unit than most other typee of seting should be scaled and designed wath not iwaye nacetenry. Theve, slopes, heve {ited seating, but hin may be compenaated tr {tually eon dltated by « functional rogue boy tn proviion of eons ices beowasn ech ‘meet ther avery student beable to one te 107 Importance of Good Sight Lines trom All ett Cartity In romehre aca Were 40 or more students are neal, tha (Lied Suing” Thnr Tres Thre we ay swomadton onan Sroloying «sont mith» ‘Sir wn Seed sees: Now, the tase ‘naividua wring eurtecs. Untortnatay, my ‘the inlet arma provided with tie type ot ontinertal saating in arge voumne, Theme ‘leting inve the dnavantape of being too companying diagram (Fg 3) shows savers ‘all to mecommodate writing and relerenes the fixed and combinad typet of seating thet ‘materite. Lael, ome improvements. in are avelabia, together withthe average aw of ‘ating have rovutodin folding eat am thet_ writing surtacas andthe floor tren roeir, ‘sraadequnte In sae, Genaraly, aed voting of "A Mix f Santing Ir Ottan the Answer. In {hie hind require lose oor ar than the Sent many inetaneae, nevrat typer of wating In Seam com, sn cvs 0 hn Oh toc ay et neta ate, Soin ayn igh ae ‘ary moving pats fous ma tower ta tablet toot are ‘onan create maintananes and wphanp prt Sa be ued fo en ‘Secee maitananes prose tating roe of aaating may shevnete etree ‘MovahieSenting” Movable seuting sieo rinar-mountad and oor mounted typee Partie Introduces a varity of alternatives, and agen larly in medium group spaces, vain tyPer Toose seting may mact the varying requ. tonal arvangemant. Esch ach aston mast a "jodgea tm seerdanes with the applets 312 Educational COLLEGE AND UNIVERSITY FACILITIES Audiovisual ses HO loi | Recon ea eee PLAYER, SPEAKER Go: pisk, MORAGE Educational COLLEGE AND UNIVERSITY FACILITIES ‘Audiovisual 315 os pes ig 7 ‘Sides and tps: pojecar. i. 9 Mutipreacte onl, Educational COLLEGE AND UNIVERSITY FACILITIES fl 8. - wenei etace. Fi 18 Micoprejcers, Fe 11 oF PROJECTOR, KT DESK Pe 12 Ovahoed poi, a7 COLLEGE AND UNIVERSITY FACILITIES Audiovisual Educational Fig: 13 Som nd Iemm motion pire projctn. Educational COLLEGE AND UNIVERSITY FACILITIES lovisual; Language Laboratory Educational COLLEGE AND UNIVERSITY FACILITIES Theater-Arts-Leboratory Teaching Station Sanne There are many types of space fly which moy te employed fro Theater Ate roarom, The Theater Art-aboratey Teaching Station is pr marly © dsr whi i designed food ‘pacify olcated Yo, the aching of tree ffs subjects in presumed ot this oom wl probebly be astigned to single fache, o° fo 2 amol group of ocho, employed In tem however, I might serve in some intone a» @ very comfortable ond pleason place for puble Performances ti no designed priory of © Feplocement for 2 conventional school etoriom Int exitence, lower, wil empnice he foe thot the wall appined audieriam no exenl (rom, Under idel cicimtoncen ocho focty |S omployed on 8 day today bor by the teacher in he normal progress of istucton, ond there foce may be cnsdered 9 tpplaert to he oh forum employed for the large pub peor tances. in odation Yo the nonmel daly close Fonction is ene appropriate to employ the teaching stolen on acca, for pc preset Vion of materi adapfed thie space, the teoting wil occommodate 2 sal ied or een ‘Although sm dimensional data re provide, is hou be rembered hat ey repent ony ¢ sopgeted teokeant nd cl tect Stones, a room might change ts shope percep bly and be Incmosed or dscresad ti. The funciona tht of ¢ danwrcom, ond a conor nlrgement of his fociy apprsacing small Sedtarm woul be endatrali. The. tem teaching sation” i employed rather thon "It {ts or “uo heck" fon atop! fo empho thas dnroan ercom Soporte Serie Facies the schoo! has separate cuditoriom faites, nearby in order that sme of the service areat Imight be employed by bo af here hese unis IRnvon cwomple it ould be posite forthe feoching ston and the 0 tome dressing rooms, the tame loby specs, the ‘hop ares, and some of the same sorage area {sea Fg 1. Allough it ise thot on coon Botha hase prodoing units might bein parfor trace simconsety, ot probe Mots Sul occr tequeriy enough fo worant om Bete dopication of all ese Service oros. He fever, such support spacer absshely esentl ‘Sad al reviled a cormecion wth rome ‘thar function a the bldg, il be ncenony to plon tin connection with tb teaching ston. inthe descptan hich Tolls, 1 wit be eppar tnt thot there ors @ number of odvontoge to ving the teacing tation accesible trom fut Sides The dimensional data suggest the posi Iya do no demand tot The Teaching ‘ccupy spoce equivalent in ize ond shope to fo dondond dormoome, The recometnded ple includes space for nomel easstoom futon, ‘pace for oreno-ype presentation, space for pro ‘teniom ond thst stage presentations, ond a loon of thin sce to be covered a ater wliclethecht popes The oreo deigcted at the teaching ston vides roughly ito tee pars (ee Fig. 2. Port tne: seme fixed seting om on inclined Root ‘ommodating about 30" sets, with. chit ‘auipped wih movable tablet arms. Within some Indiial Teachng proce: the orea might be trefared wth o Bol Boor with movable choirs Fort hos n elevated stage, presumably ot the ‘opposite end fom the fucd. seating (os! de ‘ond, ond with the wal physica ond chic STAGE = mi | 14 Educational COLLEGE AND UNIVERSITY FACILITIES ‘Theater-Arts-Leboratory Teaching Station qvipmen When employed 01 0 proscenium fo serve os sound roam ond @ listening room, larged, the space beneath these walkways may ‘ogo, tare wold be space Tor tating appront” orwell asf occommodete projection equipment. be employed fr sore or seating or oer the ‘mately 80 the red seating descibes com Tha caing of is room should be approx abil euipment ines with the temporary seoting nthe space motey Tat bove the stoge level ond thocld "No attempt wil be made hare Yo speci 0 mes sbied. Pan tees Ral Boor sree be grove, in addin to stondord rm lighting, minimum of equipment for this teaching ston ‘con pat coe Gnd por we for tahears dem Sher erangeman fr the honping of specel but iis cbvius tat must Rave the ual com ‘Smivofon emt srne sogig, a playing mea of stoge lighting insruments and het hanging plement of Won! wavea, yeorame,vwtchbord, Grlest 1 by 18, and withthe unl iiing mite These supporting members con be exposed and ing equipment Gnd mechonical equipment: When ths crea ts concnaled above 0 fle ceiing.phing con- Although 1 no! plone thot ‘ll tives of Siployed fr arene stoging, ond leer arear tral may be located sharin the oflstoge oreo these areas wil be used simtaneoul ino cls Sitpied toseating icon ccconmedete pares. on the fixed sage for orm the projection room room teaching tation, if pose to have on froely 140. The minimum width of ths toom Is deverbed above ‘Mage the Raed stage scene Hohting, ond prop. 2A tn ihe up 36M would prove oddonly A wakwoy at eat 42 n wide should be po- ery laments Yo be used for pc preveration Sarable The tol length of the toon, the vided on the two lng sides of Whe toom which of for the ue of anther clas while the Yeocher rece dota are lid end tome about 70. connec the age level atone end withthe en leclres or conducts a demonstation inthe canta f tance level atthe appcie end For clatrcom rea without having Yo cer this maori. in the the fice seating pam is employed for some Use, hese level willbe amplayed or dinloy ond some way oset-op conromoinin he arena econ 30\t0 50 seas, ond if they ere om staked fm. work oreor a ow foble eight. When the room ond the leocher wil sil havea lecture ea ond ‘ined or tac fcr, it rconmanded tho! ivemployed for orenastogin. they serve os ele- a dle rehearalorea unencumbered there be af east a Sm difereniol nthe Bright voted rows of seating onthe two sides For end The exten fects ofthis clotroom teach Ol the roms, Backo-bock spacing of 36 iis aging, they serve o:oddonal tide stoges or ing station ove designed specially to serve the ‘commanded for rows and 20-22 n for indid. for walinays approaching the stoge for errance, _purpotes of theater isrcion, but fin chad Col iecr wile Otter seating to be provided) fobleau, ot pracesionl parpores fsighly en’ logit eppears hat the ram wl ot ben conn ‘foal be of padded metal faiing cows wth ‘am reas. Linkble chai ave some advantages ‘of movement, fr repfouing. he cnr ona ofthe rom is recommended {or generat demonstration, clasroom spac, and ‘1 on arena paying are for productions fo be wad rom four side Its suggested Hat the STAGING: osied space might be twenty-one Yo teeny {our inchet below that ofthe weroundingereor, Incuding the sie hols Th provides ode [rened ares for the arena Hoge with ame seat Wig ot thot lve, with other rise seating on ‘ids, ond tan cllowe forthe slovoed pro: ‘Seniom ond tt tage Yo be above the sna Four cree Ataugh the ied stoge ofthe {ofthe room may be employed os proscenium toge, should hot be though a as that exch they, ls design lends tel to other, Rexble treatment There tno Reed proscenium —he bounding edges of the opening are established by movable sections of wal or by a simple erain froming This stage spoce should beth al width oth room ot that rd, and shouldbe of fost 14 deep. Athough more thon viel casroom teght desirable over tho sloge oreo, ts aot Iecetary fo provide the ual stoge house ot Sy sbece. WE suggested hot two Teva (ooch 374 dep) runing the fll width of the soge te prided in front ofthe xed ploform oreo ‘th ona thd stoge height diferent for each, omely 7 oF 8 in Thea level can be coated By separate, cals, or nesting boxes and ‘employed os taroced eating spaces for the ‘rene concep, or at variable forestoge space ‘tuggeed by the accompanying daprams oe Fg. “A preleton room may be povided ot he end cf the room oppose het of the Raed sage PUBLIC AREA STAGING FIXED SEAT CLASSROOM MEETING ROOM A STORAGE PERFORMING AREA FOR CENTRAL STAGING Dp — FOR PUBLIC AREA) = REHEARSAL AREA pispiay pispLay PROSCENIUM AND THRUST STAGE REHEARSAL AREA SEATING ADDITIONAL SEATING FOR CENTRAL STAGING c Educational COLLEGE AND UNIVERSITY FACILITIES ‘Theater-Arts-Laboratory Teaching Station al we, it may be employed quite fective in ‘he a ipl uncon i A nT =F HULU Stitepincran rote et the fate tet Educational COLLEGE AND UNIVERSITY FACILITIES Programs and Programming 18y JAMES A. PADDOCK, Dober, Paddock, pion and Auaselaes, Ine PROGRAMS AND PROGRAMMING 2. Projection. Antepation ot numbers and ‘ao vin! wa TY The Ado Vinal wt Telson Corts, atch fours tot. at Indounert oprntaes. Tha Ai Vs Coma ince y the Colne, the Tain Cantar emnend ye Edenton Depies, ‘Th Aad Val Ctr conte Cama ete to Eston mss ad ‘epee wl tas all is and a ai ve ih dis of ‘wots woe ie be Telison Cans, wd pve Deon ad The Telit amar papoe leon test fe atin mens, Facer ing sce a rampat an apron oth funon se (Tet ‘elo oa cama meni! seme on craig seed oct a wes 100" ange sama ects ome cine Tha twa! ita eprtions il big he wo cnn ctr ‘eo recites: Aon i Vial nd Tn Cntr wa och grim en eae ll, ele up ses ny Be Ss enn ta Loca crt to wece sei wei 9 orm reser Porn asurgics (chews nd ehotpogy fats wil be oid forte Baio Vil tar nd Cale Raton nd xis. WO 2 Sm en a ear ee = = sae = Soe i +). # a Saeetian = 1 ) ®t = i | 8 8 bug Popa oo ; 3 3 wf ‘The building yram i concerned with de (Prcheesiet eaaty rea = See ee Sessa | Snawain ss « See | Soe & & a ne Soe | TE — Socios | ee 1 3 seater te, Me im = s eae he 1 ot eee: te oe a, eer ener ,* « & Se eee a ee oe ee aeaayt Tema sorte 1 rn ne) ‘of instructions end criter ‘Higher adueaten officers z 2 o 100 5S ‘1. Policy. The organization's goals and ob- Contd 00 ' o - Ae 1 8 8 See i

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