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DOI:10.1145/ 2602574
a rewards-and-training program that
How to use, and influence, consumer social encouraged its individual hotels to
connect with their guests through on-
communications to improve business line conversations. Within one year
performance, reputation, and profit. of contracting Synthesio, the Novotel
brand within the Accor group saw 55%
BY WEIGUO FAN AND MICHAEL D. GORDON growth in positive feedback in online
posts, along with a significant decrease

The Power of
in the number of negative comments.
Social media analytics “is con-
cerned with developing and evaluating
informatics tools and frameworks to

Social Media
collect, monitor, analyze, summarize,
and visualize social media data … to
facilit[ate] conversations and interac-
tions … to extract useful patterns and

intelligence…”28 Accor illustrates how
social media analytics can help busi-
nesses improve their reputations and
resulting business performance. Ubiq-
uitous smartphones and other mobile
devices, Facebook and YouTube chan-
nels devoted to companies and prod-
ucts, and hashtags that make it easy to
share experiences instantly combine to
create a social media landscape that is
quickly becoming part of the fabric of
everyday business operations. As the
WITH MORE THAN 4,100 properties in more than 90 number of users on social media sites
countries, Accor Hospitality was facing pressure from continues to grow, so does the need for
businesses to monitor and use them to
customers, as well as from shareholders, to increase their advantage.
customer satisfaction and quality of service during Through the rest of this article, we
explore how social media popularity
an economic downturn. It thus turned to Synthesio, necessitates use of social-media ana-
a global, multilingual social-media monitoring-and- lytics, the underlying stages of the ana-
research company, to examine the more than 5,000 lytics process, the most common social
media analytic techniques, and the
customer opinions posted each month on travel ways analytics creates business value.
websites worldwide concerning Accor’s various brands.
Accor saw its main challenge as how to quickly identify key insights
customer dissatisfaction and then correct problems  S ocial media analytics involves a three-
stage process: capture, understand,
at their source. Synthesio created a tool to track and present.
the online reputations of 12,000 hotels, including  K ey techniques go beyond text analytics to
include opinion mining, sentiment analysis,
those run by Accor and those run by its competitors. It topic modeling, social network analysis,
quickly revealed a number of problems Accor guests trend analysis, and visual analytics.

were having; for example, room keys were being  B usinesses can use them to realize
value in all phases of a product or
demagnetized unintentionally by their smartphones. service life cycle, including insight
into changing consumer interests and
Accor was then able to work with its room-key supplier tastes, influential users, ad-campaign
effectiveness, how to respond to crises,
to address the problem. Accor was also able to set up and competitive intelligence.

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The Need book alone has a worldwide market integrates social actions in its online
In the early days of social media—the penetration rate over 12% of the entire ads today by, for instance, allowing us-
mid-2000s—PR agencies would moni- online population; in North America ers to see if their friends have liked or
tor customers’ posts on a business’s it is 50%. These rates are growing voted on products being advertised.
own website to try to identify and man- quickly, with Facebook alone gain- Likewise, hashtags on Twitter (as well
age unhappy customers. With the ex- ing 170 million new users between as other social-media platforms) give
plosion in the number of social media the first quarter of 2011 and the first users another quick and easy way to
sites and volume of users on them, quarter of 2012, an increase of 25%. express their likes, dislikes, interests,
monitoring alone is not enough to ren- Facebook mobile use is growing even and concerns, presenting further op-
der a complete picture of how a compa- more quickly, at a 67% annual clip, as portunities (or challenges) to business-
ny is doing. Consider the pervasiveness of Summer 2013. es striving to use them.
of social mediaa: The amount of information seen by
˲˲ Social networking is the most pop- all these users on a typical day gives a The Process
ular online activity; clearer indication of the enormous in- Social media analytics involves a three-
˲˲ 91% of adults online are regular us- fluence of social media. As of October stage process: “capture,” “under-
ers of social media; and 2012, Facebook’s nearly one billion stand,” and “present” (see Figure 1),
˲˲ Facebook, YouTube, and Twitter active users collectively were spend- the CUP framework. Capture involves
are the second, third, and eighth most- ing approximately 20,000 years online obtaining relevant social media data
trafficked sites on the Internet, as of each day. In the same period, YouTube by monitoring, or “listening,” to vari-
April 2014. reported more than one billion views, ous social-media sources, archiving
However, even these statistics do or 500 years of video (spread among relevant data and extracting pertinent
not fully account for the influence 800 million unique users), and 140 information. It can be done by a com-
social media has on our lives. Users million active Twitter users sent more pany itself or through a third-party

spend more than 20% of their time than 340 million tweets. vendor. Not all captured data is useful,
online on social media sites. Face- These are not simply passive uses. however. Understand selects relevant
YouTube’s analysis of its videos indi- data for modeling while removing
a Throughout this article, we cite statistics from cates 100 million people take some noisy low-quality data, using various
a number of websites that closely track these is- sort of “social action” each week, by, advanced data analytic methods on the
sues, including, http://, http://www.internetworld-
say, liking, disliking, or comment- data and gain insight from them. And, and, as ing on what they see. These actions present deals with displaying findings
well as from social media sites themselves. doubled from 2012 to 2013. Facebook from the understand state in a mean-

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ingful way. We derived the CUP frame- Information about businesses, users,
work from familiar, broadly applied and events, as well as user comments
input-process-output models, making and feedback and other information,
it consistent with Zeng et al.,28 whose is also extracted for later analytical

Being tuned in
monitor-and-analyze activities were modeling and analysis.
subsumed by our understand stage The capture stage must balance the
and whose summarize-and-visualize
activities fall within our present stage.
to changing need to find information from all quar-
ters (inclusivity) with a focus on sourc-
There is also some overlap among customer tastes es that are most relevant and authori-
the stages; for instance, the understand
stage creates models that can help in
and behavior, tative (exclusivity) to assist in more
refined understanding.
the capture stage. Likewise, visual ana- businesses Understand. When a business col-
lytics supports human judgments that
complement the understand stage, as can anticipate lects the conversations related to
its products and operations, it must
well as assist in the present stage. The significant changes then assess their meaning and gener-
stages are conducted in an ongoing, it-
erative manner rather than strictly lin- in demand and ate metrics useful for decision mak-
ing—the understand stage. Since the
early. If the models in the understand
stage fail to reveal useful patterns, they
adjust accordingly capture stage gathers data from many
users and sources, a sizeable portion
may be improved by capturing addi- by ramping may be noisy and thus have to be re-
tional data to increase their predictive
power. Likewise, if presented results
production moved prior to meaningful analysis.
Simple, rule-based text classifiers or
are not interesting or lack predictive up or down. more sophisticated classifiers trained
power, it may be necessary to return on labeled data may be used for this
to the understand or capture stages to cleaning function. Assessing meaning
adjust the data or tune the parameters from the cleaned data can involve sta-
used in the analytics. A system sup- tistical methods and other techniques
porting social media analytics may go derived from text and data mining,
through several iterations before being natural language processing, ma-
truly useful. Data analysts and statisti- chine translation, and network analy-
cians help develop and test systems be- sis.9 The understand stage provides
fore others use them. information about user sentiment—
Capture. For a business using so- how customers feel about a business
cial media analytics, the capture stage and its products—and their behavior,
helps identify conversations on social including the likelihood of, say, pur-
media platforms related to its activi- chasing in response to an ad cam-
ties and interests. This is done by col- paign. Many useful metrics and trends
lecting enormous amounts of relevant about users can be produced in this
data across hundreds or thousands stage, covering their backgrounds,
of social media sources using news interests, concerns, and networks of
feeds and APIs or through crawling. relationships.
The capture phase covers popular Note the understand stage is the
platforms (such as Facebook, Four- core of the entire social media ana-
square, Google+, LinkedIn, Pinter- lytics process. Its results will have a
est, Twitter, Tumblr, and YouTube), significant effect on the information
as well as smaller, more specialized and metrics in the present stage, thus
sources (such as Internet forums, the success of future decisions or ac-
blogs, microblogs, wikis, news sites, tions a business might take. Depend-
picture-sharing sites, podcasts, and ing on techniques used and informa-
social-bookmarking sites). An enor- tion sought, certain analyses may be
mous amount of data is archived and preprocessed offline while others are
available to meet businesses’ needs. computed on the fly using data struc-
To prepare a dataset for the under- tures optimized for anticipated ad hoc
stand stage, various preprocessing uses. Analysts and business manag-
steps may be performed, including ers may participate directly in the un-
data modeling, data and record link- derstand stage when visual analytics
ing from different sources, stemming, allows them to see various types and
part-of-speech tagging, feature extrac- representations of data at once or cre-
tion, and other syntactic and seman- ate visual “slices” that make patterns
tic operations that support analysis. more apparent.

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contributed articles

Present. In this last stage, the re- (phrase) counts (the more a product is a text collection). Recent advances in
sults from different analytics are sum- mentioned, the more it is assumed to topic modeling also allow these algo-
marized, evaluated, and shown to us- be liked); “polarity lexicons,” or lists rithms to be used with streaming data
ers in an easy-to-understand format. of positive and negative terms that can from Twitter and other continuous
Visualization techniques may be used be counted when used, as in, say, text data feeds, making the technique an
to present useful information; one messages that mention a product by increasingly important analytic tool.
commonly used interface design is name;11 and semantic methods that Topic modeling uses a variety of ad-
the visual dashboard, which aggre- may compute lexical “distances” be- vanced statistics and machine-learn-
gates and displays information from tween a product’s name and each of ing techniques; for instance, a num-
multiple sources. Sophisticated visual two opposing terms (such as “poor” ber of models identify “latent” topics
analytics go beyond the simple display and “excellent”) to determine senti- through the co-occurrence frequencies
of information. By supporting custom- ment.25 More complicated approach- of words within a single communica-
ized views for different users, they help es distinguish the sentiments about tion14 or between topics and communi-
make sense of large amounts of infor- more than one item referenced in the ties of users.27 Information about the
mation, including patterns that are same text item (such as a sentence, position of words within messages can
more apparent to people than to ma- paragraph, or text message).10 also be considered;26 see Blei4 for a sur-
chines. Data analysts and statisticians All told, both sophisticated and vey of topic modeling.
may add extra support. simple methods of sentiment analysis Social network analysis is used on
can be effective or flawed, though most a social network graph to understand
Key Techniques research involving texts, tweets, and its underlying structure, connections,
Social media analytics encompasses other short messages involves simple and theoretical properties, as well as
a variety of modeling and analytical techniques. Though sentiment analy- to identify the relative importance of
techniques from different fields. Here, sis is increasingly common, sampling different nodes within the network. A
we highlight the most instrumental bias in the data can skew results—even social network graph consists of nodes
in understanding, analyzing, and pre- if large data samples are confused with (users) and associated relationships
senting large amounts of social media unbiased samples—especially in situ- (edges). Relationships are typically de-
data. Some techniques support several ations where satisfied customers are tected through user actions connect-
stages of social media analytics: Senti- silent while those with more extreme ing two people directly (such as accept-
ment analysis and trend analysis pri- positions loudly voice their opinions. ing another user as a “friend”), though
marily support the understand stage; Topic modeling is used to sift they may be inferred from indirect be-
topic modeling and social network through large bodies of captured text haviors creating relationships (such as
analysis have primarily application in to detect dominant themes or topics. voting, tagging, and commenting).
the understand stage but can support Themes can be used to provide consis- Social network analysis is used to
the capture and present stages as well; tent labels to explore the text collection model social network dynamics and
and visual analytics spans the under- or build effective navigational inter- growth (using such features as net-
stand and the present stages. faces. Themes can also be used to feed work density and locations of new
Opinion mining, or sentiment other analytical tasks (such as discover- node attachments) that help monitor
analysis, is the core technique behind ing user interests, detecting emerging business activity. Social network anal-
many social media monitoring sys- topics in forums or social media post- ysis is the primary technique for iden-
tems and trend-analysis applications.b ings, and summarizing parts, or all, of tifying key influencers in viral market-
It leverages computational linguis-
tics, natural language processing, and Figure 1. Social media analytics process.
other methods of text analytics to au-
tomatically extract user sentiment or
opinions from text sources at any level  Gather data from various sources
of granularity (words or phrases, up  Preprocess the data
 Extract pertinent information from the data
to entire documents). Such subjective Capture
information extracted about people,
products, and services supports pre-  Remove noisy data (optional)
dicting the movement of stock mar-  Perform advanced analytics: opinion mining and
sentiment analysis, topic modeling, social network
kets, identifying market trends, ana- analysis, and trend analysis
lyzing product defects, and managing
crises. Relatively simple methods
for sentiment analysis include word
 Summarize and evaluate the findings
from the understand stage
b We adopt the view of Pang and Lee15 who Present  Present the findings
described the terms “opinion mining” and
“sentiment analysis” as having multiple defi-
nitions, using them broadly and interchange-
ably to cover the subjective, textual evaluation
of source materials or their features.

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ing campaigns on Twitter and other ing movement in, say, a stock market. structure and detail. Computational
social media platforms. It is also used Trend analysis is based on long-stand- methods for data reduction, display-
to detect subcommunities within a ing statistical methods (such as time- ing correlations among disparate data
larger online community (such as series analysis and regression analy- sources, and letting users physically
discussion forums), allowing greater sis1) and other more recent modeling manipulate data displays all underlie
precision in tailoring products and techniques (such as neural networks12 visual analytics. Taking a more user-
marketing materials. It is also useful and support vector machines20). perceptual view, visual analytics can
in predictive modeling, as in market- Visual analytics is “the science of be understood as a collection of tech-
ing campaigns aimed at consumers analytical reasoning facilitated by in- niques that use graphical interfaces to
assumed most likely to buy a particu- teractive visual interfaces.”23 Spurred present summarized, heterogeneous
lar product.5 initially by U.S. defense needs, visu- information that helps users visually
Techniques used by social network alization works across different ap- inspect and understand the results of
analysis to understand the mathemati- plication areas to support synthesis, underlying computational processes.
cal structure of graphs18 range from exploration, discovery, and confirma- One commonly used interface design
the simple (such as counting the num- tion of insight from data that is typi- is the dashboard, where multiple met-
ber of edges a node has or computing cally voluminous and spread among rics and key performance indicators
path lengths) to the sophisticated algo- different sources. Visual analytics in- are portrayed in a way that mimics a
rithms that compute eigenvectors (as volves a range of activities, from data car’s dashboard design (see Figure 2).
in Google’s PageRank) to determine collection to data-supported deci- Displays typically allow users to inter-
key nodes in a network. This helps de- sion making. Though many statisti- actively interrogate the underlying data
termine whom, say, a business might cal methods underlie visual analytics and perform data transformations us-
look to on the basis of expertise and (such as reducing high-dimensional ing sliders or other types of controls.
reputation. The analysis of network data to fewer very salient dimensions), Crisis management and detecting
structure significantly predates the the human ability to perceive patterns breaking events from social media
advent of social media, having been and draw conclusions is a key factor chatter can both benefit from visual
developed mainly for analyzing static as well. Indeed, when a torrent of in- analytics. The challenge for visual ana-
mathematical graphs. Today’s large formation must be addressed quick- lytics is to remain responsive to, and
and continually changing network ly, combining machine and human create better visual representations for,
structures demand new technical ap- strengths is critical, in both making increasingly massive and complex data
proaches, especially when real-time decisions and being able to explain requiring speedier interpretation and
decision support is needed. and justify them. Visual analytics display on large numbers of devices,
Trend analysis is used to predict shares a focus with other visualization from handhelds to full-wall displays.
future outcomes and behaviors based techniques on creating economical,
on historical data collected over time. intuitive displays, but unlike the clas- Business Value
Applications include forecasting the sical work of Tufte,24 these displays Here, we consider the techniques be-
growth of customer or sales num- must support real-time decision mak- hind social media analytics in more
bers, predicting the effectiveness of ing where the stakes can be high. detail, adopting a life-cycle analysis
ad campaigns, staying ahead of shifts Visual analytic systems must be framework. Social media has changed
in consumer sentiment, and forecast- able to process data to reveal hidden our conversations about products and
services but not about the business ac-
Figure 2. Radian6 analysis dashboard. tivities behind them. A life-cycle analy-
sis considers the life of a product (or
service) from design to disposal, as well
as the supporting activities that take
place in parallel with these activities.
Although various authors describe the
product life cycle with different levels
of granularity, one that is quite typical
suffices for our purpose, having four
stages: design-development; produc-
tion; utilization; and disposal.2 Social
media is most relevant to the design-
development and utilization stages; in
addition, social media analytics helps
businesses gather competitive intelli-
gence and understand more complete-
ly their business environments, sup-
pliers, and competitors. Our use of a
life-cycle framework is consistent with
other social media analyses.5

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Product design-development. This to changing customer tastes and be-

first life-cycle stage covers the concep- havior, businesses can anticipate sig-
tual, preliminary, and detailed design nificant changes in demand and adjust
of a product during which a variety of accordingly by ramping production up
risks threaten success.3 Risks involv-
ing technology change may be due Over 50% or down. Visual analytics can be useful
in identifying correlations, outliers,
to misjudging the gaps in technol- of all online users geographic patterns, and other trends
ogy among different products or from
time-to-market pressures. Risks in- expect a response that support smoother functioning.
A business can also use social media
volving design may be due to poor se-
lection of product features, improper
to a complaint analytics to learn another business
with which it competes (or perhaps
differentiation with other products, the same day does not) is having trouble with a sup-
lack of modularity, or reliance on the
wrong parts.
they send it, plier, information useful in anticipat-
ing and avoiding the same problem.
Trend analysis and other social though less Close monitoring of social media can
media analytic tools help identify any
changes in taste, behavior, and senti-
than one-third even help in technical-administrative
tasks. For instance, inventory man-
ment affecting product design and receive one. agement is based on forecasts and
development. They let designers add production schedules. Social media
and adjust features and help create can give advance warning when situa-
sufficient lead time for creating next- tions that might affect the acquisition
generation products or even products of resources become less predictable,
in a completely new category. They also including political tensions overseas
promote product innovation by captur- that could disrupt the flow of metals,
ing and understanding conversations minerals, and other vital supplies for
involving either of two groups: loyal manufacturing.
customers and average customers. On Product utilization. The most com-
the one hand, a business’s most loyal mon use of social media analytics is in
customers can reveal important in- the product utilization life-cycle stage
sights, as Del Monte Foods, Inc. found and involves three key social media
in creating and launching a new dog- objectives: brand awareness, brand
food product in just six weeks. On the engagement, and word of mouth.13
other hand, conversations with “aver- Brand awareness introduces custom-
age” customers can also lead to prod- ers to a brand (or product) or increases
uct improvements; for instance, Dell customers’ familiarity with the brand.
Inc. created its IdeaStorm website in Brand engagement increases custom-
2007 to solicit users’ ideas about im- ers’ connections with a brand. Word
proving its computer products and of mouth encourages users’ efforts to
services. Dell takes these suggestions positively influence other users’ pur-
seriously, soliciting comments from chasing behavior.
others as (dis)confirmation and mak- A number of metrics have been pro-
ing changes to its products as needed. posed for assessing social media effec-
The software industry has taken tiveness in this stage;13 for example, for
the lead in social media-based prod- microblogging platforms like Twitter,
uct testing (leading to changes to soft- simple ones include number of tweets
ware) by releasing various versions of and followers (for brand awareness),
its products and soliciting reactions number of followers and replies (for
and, in the case of open source pro- brand engagement), and number of
grams, allowing user changes. Other retweets (for word of mouth). Although
industries have followed suit. The most they provide important information,
advanced use of social media-based they are no substitute for more power-
conversations is in the “co-creation” of ful techniques in social media. For in-
products, where online users and busi- stance, influencer profiling uses social
nesses function as informal partners media to develop a deep understand-
in generating new product ideas and ing of users’ backgrounds, tastes, and
even entirely new product categories.16 buying behavior to create better cus-
Product production. During prod- tomer segmentation. Segmentation
uct production, social media analyt- assists businesses in reaching various
ics can mitigate risk involving supply- groups, using the differences to guide
chain responsiveness.3 Being tuned in different strategies for increasing

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brand awareness and engagement for a complaint the same day they send it,
each group. Influencer profiling also though less than one-third receive one.
assists in identifying social-communi- Most top-50 brands worldwide never
ty leaders or experts whose opinions respond to customer comments on
are valuable in product development
and consumer-supported customer Unlike gathering their own websites, hurting brand im-
age and reputations.17 The viral spread
service. Techniques for influencer pro- business of user complaints through social me-

intelligence from
filing include social network analysis, dia can hurt business significantly.
topic modeling, and visual analytics. Real-time sentiment analysis, topic
Brand engagement suggests con-
sumers feel a personal connection to
other sources, modeling, and other tools allow busi-
nesses to know how their customers
a brand. Psychometric constructs sug- obtaining feel about their products and services
gesting brand engagement include
the terms “special bond,” “identify
information and respond quickly, before customer
complaints become an online torrent.
with,” and “part of myself.”19 Trying to from social media Trends in Twitter and other informal
create such relationships, businesses
create a variety of activities, includ- about suppliers data generated during the cholera out-
break in Haiti following the 2010 earth-
ing “liking” and “commenting” on or competitors quake were significantly correlated
product websites. Other activities aim
to generate a deeper sense of connec- (in all they do) with official data used by the Haitian
government and the World Health Or-
tion, often by enticing playful user ac-
tions. For instance, the German car
is almost as easy ganization to respond to the epidemic
but were available two weeks earlier.8
manufacturer Audi AG was the first to for a business Similarly, social media data provides
use a hashtag in its 2011 Super Bowl
ad, showing partying, good-look-
as monitoring early warnings that, ignored, can cre-
ate impressions of a business that are
ing vampires, and concluding with its own affairs. difficult to overcome.
#SoLongVampires. This memorable A 2010 study of 20 brand marketers
hashtag could be tweeted during the worldwide showed the top 1% of a web-
most-watched sporting event of the site’s audience shares up to one-fifth of
season. More important, Audi then all links to the site and influences up to
used social media tools to follow users one-third of the actions taken by other
who tweeted the hashtag to initiate a users.22 Social network analysis can be
real-time dialogue that was one step used to determine who these key users
among many in cultivating relation- are so they stay satisfied, engaged, and
ships with potential new customers. help a business market its products on
To the benefit of Audi and its brand, its own website and via word of mouth
by the end of the Super Bowl, the through these users’ social networks.
hashtag had become a trending topic Product disposal. Nearing the end
on Twitter. of a product’s life span, consum-
More broadly, social media analytics ers may have to decide how they will
allows businesses to judge online reac- dispose of and replace it. For many
tions to ad campaigns. The resulting consumers, being able to responsi-
metrics help link a campaign to subse- bly (ecologically) dispose of a prod-
quent sales, and thus the success of the uct (such as a computer) may influ-
campaign. Customers’ reactions can ence their overall impression of a
also help alter the campaign in accor- company and its products. Creating
dance with their likes and dislikes. convenient, responsible disposal and
Word of mouth extends consum- ensuring consumers are aware of it is
ers’ engagement beyond interactions important to the company, as well as
with products to other consumers. to the environment. Social media ana-
Businesses hope these interactions, lytics can be used to track consumer
through, say, retweets, reblogs, and concerns, and companies themselves
social tagging, are positive, though it can engage in online conversations
does not always mean they are. about disposal. Savvy companies that
Customers’ online complaints track these conversations can also in-
about products and services are com- fer that disposal may be accompanied
mon, with, for instance, nearly two- by the purchase of a replacement item
thirds of all customers worldwide using and leverage that knowledge in their
social media for this purpose. Over 50% marketing.
of all online users expect a response to Competitive intelligence. Our dis-

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