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NURSE : ok ms dhea, im ns Syifa, im one of the discharge planner team.

Im here you to ask you

some question about what you might need or to help care for yourself at home.

Patient : yes ns

Nurse : is this your husband?

Husband “ yes ns

Nurse : ok sir, its good to meet you, im glad that you here to have this conversation

Nurse : were gonna talk around 20 minutes, it is okay?

Patient : okay ns

Nurse : before we start< do you have a question?

Patient : no ns

Nurse : ms dhea come here yesterday for hypertension. And the doctor already prescribe
lisinopril 20 mg. this medicine is given to help hypertension, to lower ms dhea’s blood pressure sir. And
this given three times a day after eating. after taking this medicine, maybe ms dea will feel a headache
or dizziness but its okay, its a normal side effect of this medicine

Patient : what about another effect that could be dangerous ns?

Nurse : the effect that we don’t what this happen are l ittle or no urination, swelling
in your feet or ankles, feeling tired or short of breath. If you feeling this, you must
report that to the medical team as soon as possible.

Husband : ok ns
Nurse : ok ms, you lived with you husband, will you need any assistance to help you when you
go home or hell help you?

Patient : yes he will help me, and also my daughter wiill help my husband to taking care of me

Nurse : ok, when you get discharge from the hospital, with what transportation do you go

Husband : we use a car to comeback to our home.

Nurse : ok

Nurse : and I want to talk a few about hypertension, hypertension is a condition where our
blood pressure higher than a normal range. The normal range is 120 over 80. Uncontrolled Hypertension
can lead to dangerous condition, for example for heart failure, stroke, and kidney failure. So its
important to maintain a healt condion. But we can prevent that with take medication regularly,
maintain a good diet, avoid stress and doing some exercise for example walking at the neighborhood.

Husband : okay ns I will do that

Nurse : and like I said before, ms dhea you need maintain a good diet to prevent unctrolled
hypetension, you must avoid thing that contain so much salt, kaffein. And you must often eating some
fruit and vegetables. For further information what the food that you can and cant eat and also Plan
kinds of menu which are appropriate to your diet. , I am going to order a consult with dietitian, so we
can discuss more.
Patient : ok ns
Nurse : do you have any question abut what weve discussed so far?
Patient : not right now, thank you
Husband : i do, how do I know when my wife is comeback to home? And what do I do when she
gets there>
Nurse : well, the best way to know is to attend this discharge round like this one, and if you
want more detailed information about the discharge, about the next appointment with hospital when
once you go home, the information about appointment, who to call for treatment. Its already listed on
this discharge planner folder, its in this red box folder. This checklist will help you to know what youre
going to do to take care your wife at home. When the pharmacist, dietitian, and physician visits , they
also pu their infomartion on this checklist

Husband : ok ns

Nurse : ok, thank you ms dhea, and sir, thank you for your time sir. I will comeback in 30
minutes with dietian to discuss for more diet planning. If you need any help or information you can
press the bells besides of your bed or sir you can call me at the nurse station

Husband : okey

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