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Sample code no.

 Demographic Variables

Introduction to participant

Dear participant,

Kindly write down the need information or place a thick mark for the most appropriate
answer in front of each item.

The information provided will be kept confidential. Do not leave any question without

1. Age in years.....

a) 17-18 years
b) 18-19 years
c) 19-20 years
d) 20-21 years

2. Religion.......

a) Hindu
b) Muslim
c) Christian
d) Sikh

3. Type of family.........

a) Joint

b) Nuclear

c) Extended

4. Diet...........

a) Non-vegetarian

b) Vegetarian
5. Previous knowledge..........

a) Yes

b) No

6. Family income.........

a) < 1 lakh

b) > 1 lakh
c) 1 lakh- 2 lakh
d) >2 lakh

7. Residence.........

a) Urban

b) Rural

8. Parent’s education..........

a) Illiterate

b) 10th

c) Intermediate

d) Graduate and above

9. Source of knowledge........

a) Newspaper

b) Internet

c) Television

d) Study centre



Dear participant,

Kindly tick the most appropriate answer in the front of each item. There will be
only one correct answer for each item and each correct answer is given one (1) score and
wrong answer will be given zero (o) score.

1. Iron absorbed in

a) Stomach ( )

b) Duodenum ( )

c) Jejunum ( )

d) Proximal ileum ( )

2. Vitamin B12 absorbed in

a) Stomach ( )

b) Duodenum ( )

c) Jejunum ( )

d) Distal ileum ( )

3. The most important determinant of iron endowment at birth.

a) Gestational ( )
b) The mother’s iron stores ( )
c) Race ( )
d) Gender ( )

4. The percentage of ferrous sulphate (by weight) is elemental iron

a) 0.06 ( )
b) 2% ( )
c) 20% ( )
d) 60% ( )
5. The following foods provides non- home iron

a) Eggs ( )
b) Milk ( )
c) Vegetables ( )
d) Meats ( )
e) All of above ( )

6. High intake of iron in certain people can lead to

a) Anaemia ( )
b) Liver damage ( )
c) Hypertension ( )
d) Nerve damage ( )

7. Iron deficiency anaemia affects teenagers

a) More trouble with written experia ( )

b) Can’t concentrate ( )

c) Hyperactivity ( )

d) A and B ( )

8. The most reliable food source of zink is

a) Meats and seafood ( )

b) Orange juice ( )
c) Dark green vegetables ( )
d) Iodized salt ( )

9. Iodine deficiency results in

a) Anaemia ( )

b) Scurvy ( )

c) Osteomalacia ( )

d) Goitre ( )
10. In the body iron is found

a) In the liver ( )
b) In the blood ( )
c) In mucus tissue ( )
d) In every living cell ( )

11. A clinical symptom of iron- deficiency anaemia

a) Fatigue ( )
b) Pale skin ( )
c) Intolerance to cold temperature ( )
d) All of above ( )

12. The most common cause of anaemia is

a) Too little sleep ( )

b) Too much sugar ( )
c) Too little iron in the blood ( )
d) Exposure to x- ray radiation ( )

13. Total R B C count for women is

a) 4.4-6 ( )
b) 4.2-5 ( )
c) 4.0-5.0 ( )
d) 4.2-5.2 ( )

14. The main cause of Iron deficiency anaemia

a) Bleeding from ulcers ( )

b) Inadequate intake of dietary iron ( )

c) Malnutrition ( )

d) Minor injuries ( )
15. The most type of anaemia

a) Thrombocytopenia ( )
b) Aplastic anaemia ( )
c) Sickle cell anaemia ( )
d) Nutritional anaemia ( )

16. Common sign and symptom of nutritional anaemia

a) Sore tongue ( )
b) Brittle and ridged nails ( )
c) Fever ( )
d) All of above ( )

17. The diagnosis of iron deficiency anaemia can be done by

a) Bone marrow aspiration ( )
b) Blood test ( )
c) Total RBC count ( )
d) Schilling test ( )

18. The common type of nutritional anaemia

a) Folic acid deficiency ( )

b) Iron deficiency ( )
c) Vitamin B12 deficiency ( )
d) All of the above ( )

19. Most of the iron in the red blood cell is located in

a) Ferritin ( )

b) Myoglobin ( )

c) Haemoglobin ( )

d) Cytocromes ( )
20. The group more likely to have anaemia is

a) Men ( )

b) Women ( )

c) Teenagers ( )

d) Older adults ( )

21. In anemia hemoglobin level is

a) 12 g/dl ( )
b) Above 12 g/dl ( )
c) Below 12 g/dl ( )
d) None of these ( )

22. In anemia, ___________ content is decreased in the blood

a) Iron ( )
b) Calcium ( )
c) Iodine ( )
d) Vitamin A ( )

23. Causes of anemia includes

a) Excessive blood loss ( )
b) Less intake of food ( )
c) Malabsorption ( )
d) Infection ( )

24. Anemia is common in

a) Men ( )
b) Children ( )
c) Women at reproductive age ( )
d) All of these ( )
25. Diagnosis of anemia are

a) Physical examination ( )
b) Blood investigations ( )
c) Stool examination ( )
d) None of these ( )

26. Effect of anemia on immunity causes

a) Frequent infection ( )
b) Infection very rarely ( )
c) No effects ( )
d) a and b ( )

27. Effects of anemia on pregnancy are

a) Abortion ( )
b) Hemorrhage ( )
c) Premature delivery ( )
d) None of these ( )
28. Effect of anemia on fetus leads to
a) Low birth weight ( )
b) Intra-uterine death ( )
c) Premature birth ( )
d) All of these ( )
29. Anemia is treated by
a) Administration of iron supplements ( )
b) Consuming iron rich content food ( )
c) Intravenous fluids ( )
d) All of these ( )
30. Severe anemia is treated by
a) Consuming iron rich diet ( )
b) Blood transfusion ( )
c) Adequate rest ( )
d) None of these ( )
1- vk;q ¼o’kZ esa½
¼d½ 17&18 o’kZ
¼[k½ 18&19 o’kZ
¼x½ 19&20 o’kZ
¼?k½ 20&21 o’kZ
2- /keZ
¼d½ fgUnw
¼[k½ eqfLye
¼x½ blkbZ
¼?k½ flD[k
3- ifjokj dk izdkj
¼d½ la;qDr
¼[k½ ,dy
4- vkgkj dk izdkj
¼d½ ekalkgkjh
¼[k½ “kkdkgkjh
5- ,uhfe;k dh HkwriwoZ tkudkjh
¼d½ gk¡
¼[k½ ugha
6- ifjokj dh vk;
¼d½ ,d yk[k ls de
¼[k½ ,d yk[k ls T;knk
¼x½ 1&2 yk[k
¼?k½ nks yk[k ls T;knk
7- fuokl LFkku
¼d½ “kgj
¼[k½ xk¡o
8- ekrk&firk dh f”k{kk
¼d½ vui<+
¼[k½ gkbZ Ldwy
¼x½ b.VjehfM,V
¼?k½ Lukrd vkSj T;knk
9- tkudkjh ds L=ksr
¼d½ lekpkj i=
¼[k½ b.VjusV
¼x½ Vsyhfotu
¼?k½ LVMh lsUVj
1- vkW;ju esa vo”kksf’kr
¼d½ isV
¼[k½ MqvksMhue
¼x½ tstque
¼?k½ lehiLFk bfy;e
2- foVkfeu ch12 esa vo”kksf’kr
¼d½ isV
¼[k½ MqvksMhue
¼x½ tstque
¼?k½ fMLVy bfy;e
3- tUe ds le; vkW;ju dh cankscLrh dk lcls egRoiw.kZ fu/kkZjd
¼d½ xHkkZof/k
¼[k½ ekW ds vkW;ju
¼x½ jsl
¼?k½ fyax
4- Qsjl lYQsV dk izfr”kr ¼otu ds fglkc ls½ esa vkW;ju rRo gksrk gS%
¼d½ 0-06 izfr”kr
¼[k½ 2 izfr”kr
¼x½ 20 izfr”kr
¼?k½ 60 izfr”kr
5- fuEufyf[kr [kk| inkFkZ ?kj ds vfrfjDr tks vkW;ju iznku djrs gS%
¼d½ vaMs
¼[k½ nw/k
¼x½ lfCt;k¡
¼?k½ ehV
6- dqN [kkl yksxksa esa vkW;ju ds vf/kd lsou ls ;g chekjh gks ldrh gS%
¼d½ ,uhfe;k
¼[k½ ftxj dh {kfr
¼x½ mPp jDrpki
¼?k½ raf=dk {kfr
7- vkW;ju dh deh ls ,uhfe;k fd”kksjksa dks izHkkfor djrk gS%
¼d½ fyf[kr vuqHko ds lkFk vf/kd ijs”kkuh
¼[k½ /;ku dsfUnzr ugha dj ldrk
¼x½ vfrlfØ;rk
¼?k½ d vkSj [k
8- ftad dk lcls fo”oluh; [kk| L=ksr gS%
¼d½ ehV vkSj lhQwM
¼[k½ larjs dk jl
¼x½ xgjh gjh lfCt;k¡
¼?k½ vk;ksMhu ;qDr ued
9- vk;ksMhu dh deh ls ifj.kke gksrk gS%
¼d½ ,uhfe;k
¼[k½ LdohZ
¼x½ vksfLV;kseysf”k;k
¼?k½ ?ksa?kk
10- “kjhj esa vkW;ju ik;k tkrk gS%
¼d½ fyoj esa
¼[k½ jDr esa
¼x½ cyxe Ård esa
¼?k½ izR;sd thfor dksf”kdk esa
11- ,uhfe;k ds uSnkfud y{k.k%%
¼d½ Fkdku
¼[k½ ihyh Ropk
¼x½ B.Ms rkieku ds fy, vlfg’.kqrk
¼?k½ mijksDr lHkh
12- ,uhfe;k dk lcls vke dkj.k gS%
¼d½ cgqr de uhan
¼[k½ cgqr vf/kd ehBk
¼x½ jDr esa cgqr de vkW;ju
¼?k½ ,Dl&js fofdj.k dk ,Dlikstj
13- efgykvksa ds fy, dqy vkj0ch0lh0 dkmaV gS%
¼d½ 4-4&6
¼[k½ 4-2&5
¼x½ 4-0&5-0
¼?k½ 4-2&5-2
14- vkW;ju dh deh ds ,uhfe;k dk eq[; dkj.k gS%
¼d½ vYlj ls jDrlzko
¼[k½ vkgkj vkW;ju dk vi;kZIr lsou
¼x½ dqiks’k.k
¼?k½ ekewyh pksVsa
15- ,uhfe;k dk lcls izdkj%
¼d½ FkzksEckslkbVksisfu;k
¼[k½ vIykfLVd ,uhfe;k
¼x½ fLdy lsy ,uhfe;k
¼?k½ iks’k.k lEcU/kh ,uhfe;k
16- iks’k.k lEcU/kh ,uhfe;k dk lkekU; ladsr vkSj y{k.k%
¼d½ thHk lw[kuk
¼[k½ Hkaxqj vkSj m[kM+s gq, uk[kwu
¼x½ cq[kkj
¼?k½ mijksDr lHkh
17- vkW;ju dh deh ls gksus okys ,uhfe;k dk funku fd;k tk ldrk gS%
¼d½ vfLFk eTtk vkdka{kk
¼[k½ jDr ijh{k.k
¼x½ dqy vkj0ch0lh0 x.kuk
¼?k½ f”kfyax ijh{k.k
18- iks’k.k lEcU/kh ,uhfe;k dk lkekU; izdkj%
¼d½ Qksfyd ,flM dh deh
¼[k½ vkW;ju dh deh
¼x½ foVkfeu ch 12 dh deh
¼?k½ mijksDr lHkh
19- yky jDr df.kdk dk vf/kdka”k vkW;ju fdlesa fLFkr gksrk gS%
¼d½ QsfjfVu
¼[k½ ek;ksXyksfcu
¼x½ gheksXyksfcu
¼?k½ lkbVksØksesl
20- lewg esa ,uhfe;k gksus dh vf/kd laHkkouk gS%
¼d½ iq:’k
¼[k½ efgyk,a
¼x½ fd”kksj
¼?k½ o`) O;Ld
21- ,uhfe;k esa gheksXyksfcu dk Lrj gksrk gS%
¼d½ 12 xzke@Mh,y
¼[k½ 12 xzke@Mh,y ls Åij
¼x½ 12 xzke@Mh,y ls uhps
¼?k½ buesa ls dksbZ ugha
22- ,uhfe;k esa jDr esa ------------------------------- lkexzh de gks tkrh gS
¼d½ vkW;ju
¼[k½ dSfY”k;e
¼x½ vk;ksMhu
¼?k½ foVkfeu ,
23- ,uhfe;k ds dkj.kksa esa “kkfey gS%
¼d½ vR;f/kd jDr dh gkfu
¼[k½ Hkkstu dk de lsou
¼x½ eky,clkWcz”ku
¼?k½ laØe.k
24- ,uhfe;k vke gS%
¼d½ iq:’k
¼[k½ cPps
¼x½ iztuu mez esa efgyk,a
¼?k½ ;g lHkh
25- ,uhfe;k ds funku gS%
¼d½ “kkjhfjd ijh{kk
¼[k½ jDr dh tk¡p
¼x½ ey ijh{kk
¼?k½ buesa ls dksbZ ugha
26- izfrj{kk ds dkj.kksa ij ,uhfe;k dk izHkko%
¼d½ ckj&ckj laØe.k
¼[k½ laØe.k cgqr de gh gksrh gS
¼x½ dksbZ izHkko ugha
¼?k½ d vkSj [k
27- xHkkZoLFkk ij ,uhfe;k ds izHkko gS%
¼d½ xHkZikr
¼[k½ jDrL=ko
¼x½ le; ls igys fMyhojh
¼?k½ buesa ls dksbZ ugha
28- Hkzw.k ij ,uhfe;k dk izHkko iM-rk gS%
¼d½ tUe ds le; de otu
¼[k½ bUVªk&xHkkZ”k; dh e`R;q
¼x½ le; ls igys tUe
¼?k½ mDr lHkh
29- ,uhfe;k dk bykt fd;k tkrk gS%
¼d½ vkW;ju dh [kqjkd dk iz”kklu
¼[k½ vkW;ju ls Hkjiwj [kk| lkexzh
¼x½ var%f”kjk rjy inkFkZ
¼?k½ mDr lHkh
30- xEHkhj ,uhfe;k dk bykt fd;k tkrk gS%
¼d½ vkW;ju ;qDr vkgkj dk lsou djuk
¼[k½ jDr vk/kku
¼x½ i;kZIr vkjke
¼?k½ buesa ls dksbZ ugha

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