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1. All players should be registered participants.
2. The players shall provide their own materials needed in every game.
3. There will be an addition of five (5) counts per mistake.
4. Only Patrol/Crew Leaders (or the last player) shall be given the right to question rules or
fraction of the rules and to file protest to any judgment by the games administrators.
5. The Patrol/Crew with any Adult Leaders participation in the discussion will be subject to
disqualification. No other player except the Patrol/Crew flag in the area while the judging is
being conducted.
6. The decision of the Friendly Game Chairman is FINAL.
Number of Participants 8 Scouts
Materials needed 16 pcs. 2”x6” board with direction in words e.g (north)
or in symbol (e.g N,W,E,S), the activity officer will
place the inverted cards on the ground
1 pcs.1/4” diameter rope (pencil size), 1.5 meters long
Rules on how to play the game.
1. The eight (8) players are assigned in a starting line patrol/crew flag is at distance. With the
flag is a rope forming a circle on the ground with end lines with a square knot. The square
knot is the indicator of the North direction, thus, the north should be placed where the square
knot is found.
2. Midway between starting line and the patrol/crew flag, the Activity officer will place the inverted
cards on the ground with the compass direction marked on each.
3. The last Scout will put his neckerchief on the head to identify that he is the last elements to
4. At the sound “GO” by the game Chairman, the first Scout runs to the box, pick up the
cardboard runs to the flagpole, placed the card based on the direction printed on the card. The
process goes on until the last direction is placed around the circle rope.
5. The last element after placing the last direction card, picks up and raised the patrol/crew flag to
signify that the patrol has completed the games. Each Scout will place a card twice to
complete the game.
NOTE: Senior Scout Section
For SENIOR SCOUT – each Scout participant will pick two(2) cardboard’s and place these to the two
(2) different directions and returns to where the next runner stands and pass the neckerchief to the
next runner before the next runners run to where the cards place on the ground. The participant runs
only once.
Number of participants 8 Scouts
Materials 8 pcs. 3”x6” card uses of the knots
I pc.1/4” diameter ropes 1.5 meters long
A stand anything that will hold the unspecified size of pole
horizontally, where knot will be placed.

Rules on how to play the game:

1. The eight (8) players are assigned in a starting line. The Patrol/Crew flag will be placed at a
distance with the flag is any measurement of horizontally pole with stand.
2. Midway between starting line and the patrol flag the activity officer will placed the inverted card
on the ground the eight (8) pcs. of ropes with the marked cards showing the knots to be
3. The last player should put his neckerchief on the head to identify that he is the last element to
4. At the sound “GO” by the Chairman, the first Scout runs to the middle, pick up a rope, runs to
the flagpole and perform the knot written on the card, then, goes back to the starting line and
tags the hands of the second player. The process goes on until the last knot is performed.
5. The last element after performing the last knot picks up and raised the patrol/crew flag to
signify that the patrol has completed the game.
Knots to be performed:
Square knot, Sheet Bend, Bowline, Sheep Shank. Knots to be hanged on the horizontal pole
Timber Hitch, Clove Hitch, Two Half Hitches and Draw Hitch.( SENIOR)

For SENIOR SCOUTS the use of the knot shall be the one to be printed on the card attached to the
rope. Uses of knots.
BOWLINE - Rescue Knots
SQUARE KNOT - Joining the ends of two (2) ropes with the same sizes
SHEEP SHANK - To shorten the rope
CLOVE HITCH - To tie end of animal rope to a peg.
SHEET BEND - Joining end of ropes with different sizes
DRAW HITCH - Life Saving Knot in case of emergencies
TWO (2) HALF HITCHES - Use in tying ends of ropes in the eyes of the flag, or tie tent pegs
TIMBER HITCH - Use in pulling a timber
Note: Sheet bend Knot (1pc. 1/4” diameter ropes 1.5 meters long knot and 1pc1/4” diameter ropes
1meter long knot)
Number of participants’ Five (5) Scouts all in Type “A” Uniform
Materials Two (2) pcs. 1 ½ “diameter Five(5) or Six(6) ft.
Wooden poles, 6 necherchief, 1 official belt
Rules on how to play the game:
1. The four (4) players are assigned to a starting line. The patrol flag will place at a distance.
The Fifth (5th) player, a patient is place midway between starting line and the patrol.
2. At the sound “GO” by the Chairman, four (4) Scouts runs to the patient. Two (2) Scouts
prepare the stretcher while the other perform bandaging to the patient.
Preparing the Stretcher:
1. Both scout will unbutton their shirts except last button.
2. The first scouts hold the ends of the poles while the others pulls the shirts of the first scout
toward the middle part of the pole.
3. The 2nd Scout then holds the other end of the poles and the first Scout pulls shirts of the
second towards the middle part of the pole.
4. Turn the stretcher upside down so that the buttons of the shirts is on top and button of the
5. Placed the official belt in the middle of the stretcher between collard of the shirts and two
neckerchief at both ends of the stretcher (enough to support the head and feet)
Bandages to applied on the patient.
a. Open pace head bandage, arm sling, knee-bend bandage and sprain ankle bandage with shoe.
b. The first two bandages are open face bandage while rest is with narrow cravat pick bandage
including the neckerchief use at the stretcher.
c. The patient is brought to where the patrol flag is placed (taking consideration on the proper
position for transporting patient on the stretcher), lays down the patient slowly in the group.
d. The patrol/crew leader picks up and raises the patrol/crew flag to signify that the patrol/crew has
completed the game.
Number of participants 8 scouts
Materials 4 wooden poles not less than 1” diameter, 4 feet long
5 feet long patrol/crew flag
8 pcs. ”diameter and at least 2.5 meter rope for Shear
3 pcs. ¼ “diameter rope for bunting length to be
determine by the patrol. 3 Timber hitch knot.3
tautline below, 3 pcs ¼ “diameter rope 1.5 meter
(Clove Hitch end with overhand knot)
3 pcs. Pegs (no specific size),
3 pcs. Pegs (no specific size)
Rules on how to play the game
1. All materials shall be placed on assigned area. Players are asked to form the patrol besides
the materials.
2. Upon the “GO” signal from the chairman, the players will start to assemble and raise the
flagpole. Placed the assembled flag pole on upright position at the center of buntings.
3. Use 2 Shear Lashing on each joint (total of 8 Shear Lashing) with-out stopper. Overlap
between poles shall not exceed one foot, start with overhand knot (working end) clove hitch
on wooden poles and end with clove hitch with lock over hand knot.
4. Start with timber hitch in bunting and end of the rope ties on the peg shall be tautline with lock
(Overhand knot).
5. Seniors will do the Suspended Flag pole raising using Clove Hitch in the pole and 3 pegs with
lock overhand knots.
6. Upon completion the Scout shall form the patrol, execute the Scout Salute and report the
game administration to signify completion of the game.
Participants -8 Scouts
Materials - 5 feet long (vertical poles), 2 poles at least 1 ½ “ diameter
5 feet long (horizontal poles)
5 feet long (diagonal poles) 2 poles at least 1 ½ diameter
9 pcs. ¼ “ diameter & at least 3 meters long ropes for square &
diagonal lashing.
-1 pc.1/4 “diameter, 2 meter long rope for handle.
Rules on how to play the game:
1. Players will form a patrol/crew at the starting line, the patrol/crew flag will placed in a distance.
Materials are placed midway between the flag and the starting line.
2. Upon “GO” signal from the Chairman, the players run towards the material and assemble the
Chariot. Upon completion of the Chariot, a scout rides on the Chariot while (2) Scouts pull the
chariot towards the patrol/crew flag.
3. The Scout riding the Chariot raises the patrol/crew flag to signify the completion of the game.
4. Four (4) Square Lashing shall be used to join the main and horizontal poles together, Five (5)
Diagonal lashing shall be used to join the Diagonal poles together attached to the main poles;
starts with timber hitch and end with clove hitch with lock overhand knot .
5. The two (2) meters rope is ties to the main pole with a Clove Hitch and Overhand knot lock to
make a handle.
Number of Participants 8 Scouts
Materials needed 12 pcs. 3”x12” clean cardboard
1 pc marker pen
Rules and how to play the game:
1. The 8 players are assigned in a starting line. The patrol Flag is placed with the marker pen
at a distance. Midway between starting line and the patrol flag the activity officer will place
the cards on the ground the 12 pcs. 3”x12” cardboard with numbers 1-12 marked on each.
2. The 4th Scout will wear his neckerchief on the head to identify that he is the last element to
3. At the end the sound “GO” by the game Chairman, the first Scouts run in the middle, picks
up a cardboard, runs to the flag pole, writes the Law indicated by the card number and
goes back to the starting line and tags the hands of the second player.
4. The last element after writing at last law indicated by the card number picks and raises the
patrol flag to signify that the patrol completed the game.
5. Four (4) Scouts will run and answer twice to complete 12 points. Words spelled correctly.
6. The number 1 shall contain the phrase.” A Scout is Trustworthy” all the rest will only
contain the Law indicated by the card(e,.g.10 “clean”)


Players 3 scouts
Materials One empty can of condense milk with tie wire, half-filled with water.
1.5 meters seasoned dried bamboo (it must be whole, no cut or any
scratch made around the body)
3 pcs firewood
1 Bolo

At signal “GO” by the chairman players produced a fire through friction Then they set on the fire the
condense milk Can with tie wire hang on the wooden stick forming a tri pod with water until it boils.
First to out pour the boiling water on CAN raised the Crew Flag and Execute the hand salute.
(A 30 minutes time limit to produce fire and boils the water)

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