We All Scream For Ice Cream! Marketing Mix Website Comparison

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Marketing Mix Comparison

1. Coke vs Pepsi
2. Selecta vs Magnolia
3. PAL vs Cebu Pacific
4. Samsung vs Iphone
5. Colgate vs Close-Up
6. Rafabels vs TCB
7. Villa Caceres vs Avenue
8. Jollibee vs McDo


For this project you will go to three websites and fill in the answers to the questions regarding the
Marketing Mix for each company. The websites are:

Blue Bell Mayfield Ben and Jerry’s

(describe packaging)

How many flavors
does each brand

Does the company
sell other products
besides ice cream? If
so list.
(not counting T-
shirts or anything
with the company
name on it)
What is the slogan?


Does the company

identify its top
flavors? If so, list the
most popular flavors.

Where are the dairies
that make the ice
cream located?

What stores are these
products sold in?


How is ice cream

transported to the

How much does each
product cost?
You may have to fill
in this question later
by researching prices
at a store.

Promotion Strengths Strengths Strengths

How did you like the
website? List
strengths and
weaknesses of each Weaknesses Weaknesses Weaknesses


Does the website

offer any coupons?


Does the company

provide a tour of its
facilities? Take one
tour of each
company. Rate the
tour from 1-10


Does the website

include recipes?


Does the company

support any causes
or charity?


Does the website

offer games? If yes,
List the types of
games offered- then
rate them on a scale
of 1-5 for amount of
fun. 1 being boring
5 being really fun!
We All Scream for Ice Cream! A Marketing Plan.
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  This lesson provided by:  
Author: Shelley Pewitt
System: Jefferson County
School: McAdory High School
  General Lesson Information  
Lesson Plan ID: 24824
Title: We All Scream for Ice Cream! A Marketing Plan.
This lesson is a an activity that allows students to analyze the Four
P's of the marketing mix and determine the target market for three
ice cram brands. This lesson is a Commerce and Information
Overview/Annotation: Technology lesson plan.
 Associated Standards and Objectives 
1. Interpret research results to analyze the purpose, definition,
concepts, benefits, and strategies of marketing for their
impact on individuals and businesses.
 Categorizing target markets
 Evaluating the marketing mix and segmentation and their
Content contribution to successful marketing
Standard MKT (9-12) Marketing  Differentiating between marketing and merchandising
(s): Principles  Differentiating between indirect and direct marketing
Local/Na Course of Study: Career and Technical Education Course: Marketing Principles
tional Grade Level 9-12 Content Standard 1: Interpret research results to analyze the
Standard purpose, definition, concepts, benefits, and strategies of marketing for their
s: impact on individuals and businesses.
(s): Explain the elements of the marketing mix. Identify target markets.
(s): Students will learn components of an effective website and how to evaluate them.
 Preparation Information 
Total Duration: 91 to 120 Minutes
Materials and Resources: Marketing Essentials Textbook Glencoe- McGraw Hill
(Chapter 2)http://www.glencoe.com/ Pick the Mix-Marketing
Strategies Mark ED Learning Activity Pack www.mark-ed.org/
If none of these resources is available refer to this website:
Technology Resources Computer Lab with Internet Access Individual student
Needed: computers Digital Projector
Be sure to look at the three websites before beginning the
lesson. This will help you assist the students and answer
questions that might not be included on the worksheet. If you
Background/Preparation: do not have a PowerPoint create one.
1.) Lecture on the marketing mix and target marketing using the text and materials that you
have. The Marketing Essentials Textbook and the LAP both have good PowerPoint
Presentations. If you do not have access to these resources refer to the URL below.

2.) Hand out the worksheet entitled "We All Scream for Ice Cream." (see attachment).
Explain that while all companies use the same Four P's to determine their marketing mix,
they have different strategies and target markets.

3.) Have students take the on-line virtual tours of the three companies first. Have the
students scroll down and answer the questions rating the companies. The reason I have the
students do this first is because the tours take the most time. The websites addresses are on
the "We All Scream For Ice Cream" worksheet.

4.) Hold a class discussion on their findings from the websites. Students will enjoy sharing
the strengths and the weaknesses of each website in relation to the information in the
marketing mix. Next, have the students journal on the target market the companies were
trying to reach after analyzing the games, activities, and the information provided on the

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Assessment *Class Discussion *Journaling *Answers from their project Worksheet
Strategies "We all Scream For Ice Cream"
Students can go to Thinkfinity Have students explore more websites of
competing companies. Have students analyze advertising strategies of each
Acceleration: of the companies
Websites could be pulled and minimized on the screen so students could
Intervention: access them faster. Peer tutors could assist students as they need help.
Each area below is a direct link to general teaching strategies/classroom accommodations
for students with identified learning and/or behavior problems such as: reading or math
performance below grade level; test or classroom assignments/quizzes at a failing level;
failure to complete assignments independently; difficulty with short-term memory,
abstract concepts, staying on task, or following directions; poor peer interaction or temper
tantrums, and other learning or behavior problems.
Presentation of Material Environment
Time Demands Materials
Attention Using Groups and Peers
Assisting the Reluctant Starter Dealing with Inappropriate Behavior
Be sure to check the student's IEP for specific accommodations.

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