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Established 1879 | Columbus, Mississippi

Tuesday | July 21, 2020


‘No right answer’: Parents grapple LCSD offers

with education options for children virtual learning
option after
parents express
Allison: ‘We want to
serve our people (and)
meet their needs’

Lowndes Coun-
ty School District’s
decision Monday af-
ternoon to offer vir-
tual learning to all its
students, due to the
ongoing COVID-19
pandemic, came as
a big relief for Carli Hankey
The New Hope mother of two
would have otherwise chosen to
homeschool her second-grade
daughter instead of sending her
into LCSD’s traditional learning en-
vironment after two weeks of a “hy-
Claire Hassler/Dispatch Staff brid” environment next month. The
Christine Lawson helps her son Judah, 4, put on a cat costume while her other son Jonathan, 11, plays with his hamsters on district’s initial plan, released Fri-
Saturday in their home classroom in Columbus. Christine has decided to homeschool her kids this year because of COVID-19.
day, did not include online learning
She recently got her degree in teaching so she said she feels prepared to teach her kids, but she knows not all parents will
feel as well-equipped. after Aug. 20, except for students
with a doctor’s note confirming a
medical reason to stay home.
Safety, education, socialization all Students now have the option
of learning online without any spe-
factors as families decide between cial circumstances or permission if
their families do not feel comfort-
learning at home or school able sending them back into school
buildings. Families have until July
BY TESS VRBIN dren back into school build- 31 to sign their children up for a vir- ings next month. tual or an in-person option.
For some, like Lawson, Hankey and other parents told
Christine Lawson had the deciding factor is the The Dispatch they feel returning
“tossed around the idea of to a traditional school environment
physical health and safety of
homeschooling” her two is too risky while cases of the virus
both the children and adults.
sons in the past, but it is the continue to increase in Mississippi.
For others, it’s the children’s
continuing COVID-19 pan- Hankey said her daughter might
social and emotional health.
demic that has convinced have qualified for the medical ex-
Some families don’t have the
her to do it. emption, but LCSD did not appear
Lawson and her older son, option of staying home and Claire Hassler/Dispatch Staff
John Michael and Margaret Rollins pose for a portrait with their to view virtual learning as a viable
who is 11, both have health supervising children’s learn- option, stating in a survey admin-
children, Walker, 5, and Adeline, 3, on Saturday at their home
conditions that make her ing. Others believe online in Columbus. Walker will attend Heritage Academy in-person in istrators sent to parents that long-
wary of sending the boys learning does not provide the fall and Adeline will go to Main Street Christian School. term virtual learning did not mea-
back to Lowndes County sufficient education. sure up to face-to-face instruction.
School District in case they Lawson’s husband works sorry for parents, grandpar- hybrid method will separate Homeschooling materials are
unknowingly bring the vi- full-time, and she has both a ents and kids that are being students into two groups that expensive but seemed like a worthi-
rus home. Schools across part-time job and a teaching forced to make much tough- will alternate between in-per- er investment at the time, Hankey
the state and nation closed certificate, so she said she er decisions than me.” son and online learning. said.
their doors and implemented understands her family is in LCSD’s board of trust- Columbus Municipal “(It would be) a strain on our
online learning from March a privileged position. ees announced Friday the School District will imple- family financially, but it’s the safer
to May due to the pandemic, “I don’t know many peo- district will start the school ment a hybrid schedule — option because we have a newborn
and families throughout the ple that work part-time from year with a “hybrid” learn- with students splitting time as well,” she said.
Golden Triangle have much home, have a high-risk child ing method, then return to between in-person and vir- Parents and guardians’ con-
to consider when deciding and just got a (teaching) de- a fully in-person traditional tual learning — but allow cerns since Friday’s announcement
whether to send their chil- gree,” she said. “I feel very method by week three. The See EDUCATION, 3A See LCSD, 3A

Pritchard, MDEQ will work to secure FEMA funding for county lake dam
County also extends face mask mandate through Aug. 3 depend on
the number
have fewer than 10, said
William McKercher, chief
amount of it is guaranteed
for the dam, and the coun-
BY TESS VRBIN of the Oktibbeha County program will divide $10 of dam proj- of the MDEQ dam safety ty would have to authorize Lake Dam, county and million among dams in ects in each division. Of those 60 proj- several studies of the dam
MDEQ officials decided need of repair and re- state. ects, the Oktibbeha dam and put up 35 percent of
County Engineer Missis - is one of the top five most the cost in order to be con-
Clyde Pritchard will work at Monday’s board of su- placement nationwide in
sippi will necessary according to sidered.
more closely with the Mis- pervisors meeting. September. One-third receive “a MDEQ, and the funding “The cost-benefit ratio
The Federal Emergen- of the $10 million will be Pritchard
sissippi Department of large por- will contribute to construc- doesn’t really add up for
Environmental Quality to cy Management Agency’s distributed evenly among tion” of the federal fund- tion as well as assessment. the time and money we’d
find funding sources for Rehabilitation of High states that need it, and the ing because it has 60 proj- Neither the federal have to spend to possibly
the possible replacement Hazard Potential Dam remaining two-thirds will ects while some states funding nor any specific See OKTIBBEHA, 3A


1 What behavior do cats engage in that may
promote healing, even while resting? Today: Starkville Board
2 Which muscle car rolled off the assembly line of Aldermen meeting,
in March 1964, selling over 400,000 in the first 5:30 p.m., City Hall
year of production? Today: Starkville-Ok-
3 Which stewed vegetable dish originated in tibbeha Consolidated
Nice, France? School District Board
Tristan Fulton 4 In which movie did Sandra Bullock and Melissa
McCarthy team up as Special Agent Ashburn and of Trustees meeting, 6
Fifth grade, Annunciation p.m., 401 Greensboro
Detective Mullins?

93 Low 74
5 Who ruled as king of Albania from 1928 to St.
High 1939 —Zig, Zog or Zug? July 28: OCH Regional
Chance p.m. t-storm Medical Center Board of
Answers, 6B
Full forecast on Trustees, 4 p.m.
page 3A. July 31: Starkville
Board of Aldermen work
session, 10 a.m., City
Classifieds 6B Health 6A Aug. 3: Oktibbeha
Comics 3B Obituaries 4B County Board of Supervi-
Crossword 2B Opinions 4A sors meeting, Chancery
Dear Abby 3B Curtis Anderson lives in Starkville. Courthouse, 9 a.m.


2A TUESDAY, JULY 21, 2020 The Dispatch •

Advocate: Mississippi gov’s

veto is ‘roadblock to justice’
Reeves said when he vetoed the Mississippi about what they’re going to do for
prison reform.”
Correctional Safety and Rehabilitation Act of “When it’s time to step up, they
buckle at the knees and succumb
2020 he had received calls from law enforcement to outside pressure from those
who care nothing about lives and
officers and prosecutors concerned about the lives that are being lost in prisons,”
Bridges said.
release of inmates with violent histories Reeves, who became governor
in January, said when he vetoed the
BY EMILY WAGSTER PET TUS could become eligible for parole af- bill that he had received calls from
The Associated Press ter serving 25 percent of their sen- law enforcement officers and prose-
tence. Those convicted of violent of- cutors concerned about the release
JACKSON — People seeking fenses and sentenced between July
improvements in Mississippi’s trou- of inmates with violent histories.
1, 1995, and June 30, 2014, would “While the spirit of Senate Bill
bled prison system said Monday have become eligible for parole af-
that they want lawmakers to over- 2123 is well-intentioned, I believe
ter completing 50 percent of their the scope of its proposed expan-
turn the governor’s veto of a bill
sentence or after 20 years, whichev- sion of parole eligibility presents
that could make more inmates eli-
er comes first. problems that have not been fully
gible for parole.
The bill would have allowed considered by all stakeholders and
Mississippi has one of the high-
people convicted of most violent as drafted would threaten public
est incarceration rates in the U.S.,
and its prison system came under offenses after July 1, 2014, to be- safety,” Reeves wrote in his veto
investigation by the U.S. Justice come parole-eligible after serving message.
Department in February, weeks af- 50 percent of their sentence served The Senate passed the bill 25-
ter outbursts of violence led to the or after 30 years, whichever is less. 17, with 10 senators absent or not
death and injury of several inmates. The bill also would have allowed pa- voting. The House passed it 78-29,
More than 50 inmates have died in role hearings for those 65 and older with two members voting present,
Mississippi prisons since late De- who have served 10 years of their 10 absent or not voting and three
cember, and multiple lawsuits say sentences. seats vacant.
that prisons are crowded and filthy. The bill did not guarantee re- Overriding a veto takes a two-
“Gov. Tate Reeves has tried to lease, only the opportunity for in- thirds majority in the House and
create a roadblock to justice,” Rukia mates to apply to the state Parole Senate, which means several oppo-
Lumumba, co-chairwoman of the Board, which has members chosen nents would have to flip positions.
Mississippi Prison Reform Coali- by the governor. Habitual offend- Advocates said Monday that they
tion, said during an online news ers, sex offenders and inmates sen- are talking to legislators, but they
conference Monday. tenced for capital murder would not did not indicate whether they’ve
Republican Reeves on July 8 ve- have been eligible for parole. lined up enough support for an
toed Senate Bill 2123, known as the The Rev. Wesley Bridges of Law- override.
Mississippi Correctional Safety and rence County, executive director Legislators have been away from
Rehabilitation Act of 2020. of Clergy for Prison Reform, said the Capitol since July 1 and some
The bill — which passed with Monday that people seeking chang- have had COVID-19. Leaders have
bipartisan support — said people es are “tired of broken promises by not said when the House and Senate
convicted of nonviolent offenses incoming and outgoing governors might return.

2 more Mississippi boards vote to keep Confederate statues

‘Our public buildings, landmarks, and
institutions should not conceal the
Ole Miss leader sorry for handling
truth about our shared history, and of Confederate monument
THE ASSOCIATED PRESS statue moved but not
should not be used as a backdrop to JACKSON — The
turned into an attraction.
Chancellor Glenn Boyce
glorify traitors to the United States’ University of Mississip-
pi chancellor apologized
said Tuesday that head-
stones won’t be erected
Brandon Jones, Mississippi policy director for the
Southern Poverty Law Center Action Fund Friday for how he han- because a recent survey
dled the relocation of a with ground-penetrating
BY EMILY asking Neshoba County Confederate monument radar showed that bod-
WAGSTER PET TUS supervisors to remove that has been a divisive ies are buried close to
The Associated Press the Confederate soldier symbol on the Oxford the surface.
statue. The figure stands campus, including plans “I must acknowledge
JACKSON — Super- outside the courthouse that critics said could that some aspects of the
visors in two Mississippi where a jury in 2005 con- create a shrine to Old execution of this project
counties voted Monday victed a reputed former South. have not been handled
not to move Confederate Ku Klu Klan leader, Ed- Workers moved the as well as I would have
monuments that stand in gar Ray Killen, of man- monument Tuesday from liked,” Boyce said in a
front of courthouses. slaughter in the 1964 a prominent spot near statement Friday.
One vote happened in killings of the three civil the university’s main He said he has met
Neshoba County, where rights workers — Michael administrative building during the past two
three civil rights workers Schwerner, James Chaney to a Civil War cemetery weeks with faculty mem-
were killed and buried in and Andrew Goodman. in a remote corner of the bers and students who
an earthen dam in 1964 “Our public buildings, campus. expressed concerns
in what the FBI called the landmarks, and institu- A proposal released about plans to beautify
“Mississippi Burning” tions should not conceal last month showed head- the cemetery, and he
case. The other happened the truth about our shared stones being added to takes those seriously.
in Lauderdale County, history, and should not be unmarked graves of Con- “I take responsibili-
where those civil rights used as a backdrop to glo- federate soldiers, which ty and apologize for the
workers had been based. rify traitors to the United surprised students and concerns that resulted,”
Confederate monu- States,” Brandon Jones, faculty who wanted the Boyce said.
ments have come under Mississippi policy direc-
increased scrutiny re- tor for the Southern Pov- further the false narra- museum after it moves
cently amid widespread erty Law Center Action tive that the Civil War government operations to
protests over racial injus- Fund, said in a statement was fought for something a different building. Su-
tice. Monday. other than to keep Black pervisors’ President Kyle
Black Empowerment “Confederate mon- people enslaved.” Rutledge said the statue’s
Organization was sup- uments are symbols of Lauderdale County is current location is “a fit-
ported by the Southern white supremacy,” Jones going to turn its current ting place,” WTOK-TV
Poverty Law Center in said. “They continue to courthouse into a history reported.
The Dispatch • TUESDAY, JULY 21, 2020 3A

Continued from Page 1A
the option of entirely online tential effect on them as older up for virtual learning. She Rollins said. “We’re scared, feels she has no other choice
learning, while Starkville-Ok- adults, since both are raising would prefer they go to school we’re terrified of (COVID-19), but to bring her 8-year-old
tibbeha Consolidated School their grandchildren. in person but will not risk their but we’ve got to let her live, be- daughter into the hybrid learn-
District and West Point Consol- Clark and her husband’s health, especially since they al- cause then what was the point ing environment at Fairview.
idated School District will allow four grandchildren attend ready get sick multiple times a of us fighting so hard to keep “If you have younger kids,
families to choose the learning three CMSD schools, and Col- year, she said. her alive? We’re kind of going you really don’t have a choice,
environment they feel is best lier’s two grandchildren and “It’s hard to keep (schools) out on a limb of faith, and we’re and a lot of my teacher friends
for their children. WPCSD will two foster children attend sanitized, and kids are going just praying and hoping.” have said their kids are coming
offer only traditional and virtual three SOCSD schools. Both to be kids, period,” said House. Jennifer Harper’s two teen- back into the buildings even
learning for all students, while said the continuing increase in “You can’t expect, especially agers are old enough to stay though a lot of us don’t neces-
SOCSD also offers a hybrid op- COVID-19 cases and deaths led the younger ones, to not (be) home alone if need be, but they sarily agree,” Gray said.
tion for grades 10-12. them to continue with virtual coughing and sneezing and will both attend West Point If COVID-19 exposure in her
All four districts will imple- learning. putting their hands in their High School in person, she classroom forced her to stay
ment social distancing, both Clark said she believes on- mouths.” said. She homeschooled them home for 14 days, she wonders
in buildings and on buses, and line learning should be the only for two years in the past, and if her daughter would have to do
option, as it was from March to the same, and how it might af-
require protective face cover-
May when there were far fewer
What’s best for the kids was dissatisfied with virtual
fect her daughter’s classmates
ings and temperature checks Margaret Rollins, a moth- learning by comparison at the
for everyone who enters school cases and deaths. end of last school year, mostly and teachers. She also wonders
er of two in Columbus, works
buildings. “If we did it then, how come due to what she saw as a lack of if the district has enough sub-
from home two days a week and
Even so, parents and teach- we can’t go totally virtual now?” supervision from teachers. stitute teachers to step in for
she said. “I’ve signed (my could supervise online learning quarantined teachers, she said.
ers both have several unan- if schools have to close again, “I don’t think (my children)
swered questions about what grandchildren) up for virtual. got anything out of the last two Lawson said her worries
I have three of them that have she said, but she and her hus- about students and teachers
school will look like, especially band prefer in-person learning months of school,” Harper said.
since the number of students in underlying health conditions, keep her up at night. As a for-
and I don’t really trust sending for their children. mer assistant teacher at Cale-
each school and classroom is
them out there into an environ- Their 5-year-old son will Worries and uncertainties donia Elementary, she said
still to be determined. attend the private Heritage Anita Lindsey Bush, a bus
“The teacher will have to ment where they won’t be pro- she has “watched the flu rip
tected 100 percent. … They’re Academy, and their 3-year-old driver and teaching assistant through a classroom despite
be in the classroom monitor- daughter will attend day care at SOCSD, is helping raise her
still going to have to do stuff on- incredible sanitizing” and wor-
ing students pretty much the three days a week at Main three grandsons. She shares
line at home, so why put them at ries COVID-19 could be just as
whole time, but we’re only able Street Christian School. custody of one of them with his
risk two days a week?” bad, if not worse.
to monitor so much,” said Shar- Rollins said she did not want other grandmother, who said
All four of Clark’s grandchil- “If a kid drops a mask and
icka Gray, a third-grade teach- to send her daughter to day she wants him to learn online
dren will learn virtually, and it’s not monogrammed ... (what
er at Fairview Elementary in care five days a week but did only.
so will Collier’s eleventh-grade if) Suzy Q. picks it up and puts
CMSD. “We’re going to do the not want to keep her at home That would be an option if
granddaughter. But Collier is it on?” she said. “If a kid falls
best we can, but there’s a lot of either. Her daughter had a liv- Bush didn’t have to be at work
still deciding whether to sign down and a teacher needs to
uncertainty.” er transplant at 14 months old, in person. She won’t be able to
the other three children up for come to them, how does that
virtual learning despite her and “life’s been pretty normal leave a seventh-grader at home work (from six feet away)?”
Health and safety concerns misgivings about reopening since,” Rollins said. She said all day, so he will attend the Ultimately there is “no right
Statewide, there are nearly school buildings. children with liver transplants Partnership Middle School in answer” because only individu-
44,000 cases of COVID-19 in “I’m not a teacher, I can’t re- are not at a higher risk of person, she said. al families know what is best for
Mississippi and at least 1,358 place a teacher, (so) I just hav- COVID-19 symptoms than oth- The clashing of the custody them alone, Lawson said.
deaths, as of Mississippi State en’t made up my mind,” Collier er children, according to her agreement and her grandson’s “I’m not living in fear,” she
Department of Health’s records said. daughter’s doctors. safety puts Bush “between a said. “I’m just looking at the
Sunday. With the numbers Natasha House, of New “I can’t in good conscience rock and a hard place right inevitable train that’s approach-
still increasing, Lorine Clark Hope, and her two children all keep her home and keep her in now,” she said. ing us, waiting for the impact
and Mary Collier said they are have underlying health condi- a bubble because we fought so Similarly, Sharicka Gray is a and to see how much damage it
concerned about the virus’ po- tions, so House will sign them hard for her to be able to live,” single mother, and she said she does.”

Continued from Page 1A
prompted to principals and district four grandchildren has “How are you going to find a remote part-time
Superinten- staff, we want to serve our asthma and finds it diffi- make a kindergartener job since she does not
dent Sam people (and) meet their cult to breathe through keep a mask on?” Blanton have to homeschool, but
Allison to needs.” a protective face cover- said. “I have a hard time she will still be closely
take a sec- The board of trustees ing, which LCSD will re- making (my granddaugh- involved with her daugh-
ond look at will decide at the end of quire students to wear at ter) keep it on when we go ter’s virtual learning.
the district’s the fall semester if virtual school. to town, so how are they “I want her to have the
plans. He learning will still be an op- Blanton said she does going to keep it on all day best education possible,
met with Allison tion in the spring. Hankey House Blanton not believe virtual learn- at school?” but I also want her to be
other administrators and Natasha House, also a learning all the time and ing is the best option for Hankey said she might safe,” she said.
Monday morning and New Hope mother of two, they get the same certifi- all students, since some
then spoke with school both said the timeline was cate, diploma, education, need one-on-one inter-
principals before making their first question upon et cetera as the person action with teachers in
a new decision, he said. hearing the news. order to learn, but her
that is going to the cam-
“It’s not that we didn’t House shared Han- grandchildren will learn
want a virtual option,” he key’s distaste for LCSD’s pus school,” House said. online for their safety. She
said. “It was more that dismissal of virtual learn- Like Hankey, House believes the worst of the
we didn’t feel we could ing and said she sees it as also considered home- pandemic is yet to come
offer a virtual option that a legitimate form of edu- schooling, as did New and children should not
was comparable to the cation. Hope grandmother Fran- return to school in person
classroom, but in talking “People do virtual ces Blanton. One of her until at least September.

Continued from Page 1A
get a little bit of money,” question the certainty of the fact that they work
District 3 Supervisor Mar- Pritchard’s assessments, without having to have a
vell Howard told The Dis- and Pritchard said he has mandate, that would be
patch. done enough drilling to be the best thing,” she said.
Pritchard found mud- sure there are cavities in The board then voted
slides on the east side of the dam’s foundation. unanimously to extend
the dam levee in January “A lot of it’s intuition the mask mandate for an-
that indicated a potential and experience,” he said.
Howard Miller other two weeks and will
breach and would have “That dam’s telling you it’s
forced a mass evacuation revisit it again at the Aug.
rain in 24 hours could fill going to fail. We’ve done
of the nearby residential 3 meeting.
the dam past capacity, the boring, we know what
area. The county spent and twice that amount of the problem is, and the
more than $200,000 to rainfall is possible in Ok- only way to eliminate the
pump water over the levee tibbeha County. Addition- risk of this dam is to take
and relieve the pressure ally, MDEQ reports dating it out and replace it.”
on it, and the supervisors back to 1979 state that the Pritchard said he will
narrowly voted in March emergency spillways were provide McKercher with
to allow Pritchard to draw built too small, and the all the data he has collect-
up potential plans to re- slopes on both sides of the ed on the dam since Janu-
place the dam, a project levee have seen multiple ary so they can pursue po-
estimated to cost about $8 mudslides over the years. tential funding as a team.
million. Pritchard and Howard
Pritchard said the
county “dodged a major
said they both would pre- Renewed mask mandate
fer the county not proceed Mississippi reached
failure” and continues to
with additional studies of a new record high num-
believe the only way to
the dam, including one ber of positive COVID-19
avoid a similar or worse
McKercher mentioned coronavirus cases in one
situation in the future is
that would basically X-ray day — with 1,251 state-
to replace the entire dam
the spillways. wide — on Sunday, said
instead of fixing parts of it.
He and Howard, who lives “(I don’t know) why we Crystal Tate, regional pub-
just behind the levee, have would spend money on lic health officer for the
been searching for money an X-ray of something we Mississippi State Depart-
to replace the dam since know we need to tear out ment of Health’s northern
before the breach scare in and replace with some- region.
January. thing three times that However, Oktibbeha
The county owns the big,” Pritchard said. County saw a slight down-
dam, so if the supervisors District 4 Supervisor turn in positive cases over
choose to replace it and Bricklee Miller said she is the past week, she said.
provide plans that con- still skeptical that the dam District 1 Supervisor
form to MDEQ dam safety needs to be fully replaced and Board President John SOLUNAR TABLE
The solunar period indicates

standards, MDEQ will not instead of just repaired Montgomery asked Tate if peak-feeding times for fish and game.
Tues. Wed.
object to the replacement, and that she would need to the county’s requirement Major 1:37a 2:32a
Minor 7:17a 8:23a
McKercher said. see data proving the core for protective face cover- Major 2:05p 2:32a
All the analyses of of the dam is the problem. ings, enacted July 6, might Minor 8:57p 9:44p
Courtesy of Mississippi Department

Pritchard responded that have contributed to the

of Wildlife, Fisheries and Parks
the dam so far have been
fixing the dam’s known de- downturn. Tate said it was

The Dispatch
based on the assumption
that it is capable of re- ficiencies would “approach a possibility.
maining intact, Pritchard the money it takes to take “There’s a lot of push-
said, but his own evalu- it down to the core and re- back about (mask) man- The Commercial Dispatch (USPS 142-320)
Published daily except Saturday. Answers to common questions:
ations have shown that build it.” dates, but if we could get Entered at the post office at Columbus, Mississippi.
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Published by Commercial Dispatch Publishing Company Inc.,
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4A TUESDAY, JULY 21, 2020
PETER BIRNEY IMES Editor/Publisher
BIRNEY IMES III Editor/Publisher 1998-2018
BIRNEY IMES JR. Editor/Publisher 1947-2003

BIRNEY IMES SR. Editor/Publisher 1922-1947

ZACK PLAIR, Managing Editor

BETH PROFFITT Advertising Director
MICHAEL FLOYD Circulation/Production Manager

‘A sight to behold’: You can dance now, John Lewis
first met John Lewis generation of leaders. time within SNCC, a juncture of heated to do a good job. I witnessed a lot that
in 1966 at the Student One of the great rewards debate about the effectiveness of the year; the entire organization effectively
Nonviolent Coordinating is the opportunity to interact nonviolent movement. Malcolm X, dead disbanded the next year. But I had no
Committee (SNCC) office in with luminaries of the civil over a year, was being hailed by many idea the trouble facing John Lewis of
Atlanta; he was smiling and rights and political world young activists as much as Martin Lu- that moment would have such a lasting
joking. I last saw him two present, such as Rep. James ther King. Stokely Carmichael and H. legacy beyond what appeared to be
years ago in Tunica, Miss.; E. Clyburn, Rep. Maxine Rap Brown were emerging as the lead- the demise of the peaceful change he
he was dancing. Waters and, of course, the ers of black activist youth. Out west, the championed.
The night I saw him danc- icon of icons, John Lewis. Black Panther Party was preaching a Yet I do remember noticing some-
ing, Rep. Bennie Thompson, His generation of Civil doctrine of gun-carrying self-defense. thing unique about his humility and
D-Miss., and I were leaning Rights Giants, slightly older Sit-in nonviolent types like John Lew- personality in that moment that stuck
into each other talking than mine, had served in is were going out of fashion. with me. And yes, the warm smile that
but struggling to hear one Wilbur Colom larger-than-life roles in a To the best of my recollection, John became his trademark.
another over the music when seminal struggle of U.S. his- Lewis (not an icon yet) was dropping It was the same personality and hu-
his eyes darted to the dance tory. They led the marches by the SNCC office to pick up some mility I saw on the dance floor in Tunica
floor. “Oh! goodness,” he said, turning and protests that created much of the personal items he had left in the office in 2018, more than 50 years later. John
our conversation on a dime. “John is American narrative after World War II. after having departed as chairman Lewis had marched with Martin Luther
going to start dancing.” None of his generation played a key role of SNCC — with a little push. I was a King Jr. and risen to the stature as close
“What?” I responded. for as long and as impactfully as John. volunteer, age 16, over in a corner oper- to sainthood as you can in America
“John is going to dance. You’ve never Bennie turned to the floor with a ating a mimeograph machine, a round without an ounce of pretentiousness.
seen him dance?” grin on his face as John Lewis worked tube used to copy things with a stencil Bennie said to me as the music volume
“No.” his way to the floor. John shook every before copiers became common. I was went up, “He loves to dance.”
“Oh, it’s a sight to behold,” Bennie hand that reached for him and posed having trouble when John walked over. With enviable enthusiasm John Lew-
said. for everyone who wanted a photo. He “Let me show you,” John said. is started making jerky-out un-rhyth-
Congressman Thompson annually stopped, not in the center, but on the “Thank you,” I responded. mic motions. Bennie Thompson bent
organizes a four-day public-policy insti- edge of the dance floor. I thought it was Then, despite being the former over laughing. “No one has the heart to
tute for the Congressional Black Caucus his wife with him at the time, but I later chairman of SNCC, he explained to tell him he can’t dance; we just let him,”
Institute in Tunica to address important learned that he just loved to dance with me all his tricks in operating what was the congressman said.
issues of the day. It has also evolved anyone who would go to the floor with essentially a hand-turned copying ma- John Lewis is dancing now, in perfect
into an enclave where young leaders are him. chine, not like he had been the chair- rhythm.
identified and nurtured. The conference Back when I first met John Lewis man of SNCC, but like he had been a Wilbur Colom is an attorney and busi-
is, in part, a boot camp for the next in the summer 1966, it was a turbulent low-level volunteer who only wanted nessman who lives in Columbus.


Governor’s veto Voice of the people
hurts education Further thoughts on plans for the monument
Birney Imes’s July 19 column about our
courthouse monument made some good points
I have, local facilities are taking all required
precautions plus some and there are new cases
popping up. My question is, are the required

at critical time and cited some good points in Billy Hairston’s

earlier letter. Their comments show why the
quarantines working? I have not seen my
102-year-old mom since March; now she has
tested positive for COVID-19. My worry in all of

best place for the monument is near the Civil
hat does Gov. Tate War and Memorial Day markers in the south- this is the government has the power to control
Reeves have against west corner of Friendship Cemetery. our constitutional and God-given rights based on
deaf and blind chil- People who know point out that installing the some bureaucrat’s doctor’s opinion?
dren? Nothing, one assumes. So monument there would be a giant mechanical This whole thing has taken a political life of
why did he veto the appropria- challenge. But putting it there connects it to it’s own. Power-hungry mayors and governors
tion to operate the state schools those two other monuments. It becomes part of are having a field day, church services forbidden,
for the deaf and blind? a museum. As Mr. Hairston said, putting it near beauty shops closed, fitness centers closed and
For that matter, what does he low gravestones elsewhere creates an out-of- I could go on. Just look at California and New
have against school children in place eyesore, a puzzlement. York. Folks had better wake up or we will be
general? Nothing, one assumes. As some have suggested, let’s consider sep- like the frog in the pot of cold water and the heat
So why did he veto the $2 billion arating the figures from their three-step base is turned up gradually. The frog is cooked and
appropriation to fund every pub- whose first step is 15 feet by 12 feet and leaving thinks he is having a warm bath.
Hob Bryan
lic school in Mississippi? But I have been trying to get public support
the base where it is. This would reduce the
It’s odd. Because Gov. Reeves in local government for years and get “atta boy”
mechanical challenge and respond to the tower-
was upset that the legislature didn’t fund a salary supple- here and there for my letters, but no public active
ing-eyesore warning, especially if we can’t use
ment for certain teachers, he vetoed the funds which pay vocal support. If change is going to be made and
that southwest corner of the cemetery. And the
the base salaries for all teachers. The veto didn’t get one control is given back to the public, you are going
blank base would be a place for a future tribute
red cent to the program he’s concerned about, but it did to have to take a stand or our rights are going
that everyone can support - like the two at the
cut off all state money for every school in the state. to be taken away. Think about it! Get involved
east end of the courthouse lawn and the one flag
We’re three weeks into the fiscal year, districts have to or sit back and not complain. We need to band
flying above them. (Getting consensus on that
pay teachers, and, you know, pay things like utility bills. together, this is serious if you love our way of life
tribute would of course be a monumental task.)
There’s no word from Gov. Reeves about when, if ever, and freedom. When the government comes to
To date, we are indeed moving toward Mr.
they will get their state funds. He did, however, make get your gun and denies your freedom of speech
certain that the bureaucrats at the state department of ed- Imes’s hope that Lowndes County is “a rare
example of a community willing to grapple with it’ll be too late. Stand up for your constitutional
ucation would get paid. Make sense now? Of course not. rights.
Here’s what happened: The legislature failed to pro- and resolve a perplexing moral issue.” We will
fulfill that hope when everything at the court- God Bless America!
vide specific funds for $25 million in salary supplements Lee Roy Lollar
that certain teachers had earned. I think the legislature house has the allegiance of every citizen.
George Hazard Columbus
made a mistake. It’s fine for Gov. Reeves to point that out
and to take the legislature to task. But after the issue Columbus
was raised, legislative leaders agreed to fund the supple-
In response to White House turns on Fauci
ments as soon as they could get back in session, and Gov. Points out state law protects monument Trump retweeted Woolery’s tweet that every-
Reeves was informed of that. I read the opinion piece in The Commercial body is lying about the coronavirus.
Instead of claiming victory — as he was entitled to Dispatch Sunday penned by Birney Imes. I know Game show host retweeted by Trump deletes
do — Gov. Reeves inexplicitly vetoed all state funds better than to read liberal opinion pieces, but I his account after announcing his son has corona-
for local school districts. Out of five specific programs, did it anyway. It seems that Mr. Imes is against virus.
Gov. Reeves chose to veto three. He vetoed funds for the moving the Confederate Monument to Friend- After announcing his son had the coronavi-
schools for the deaf and blind. He vetoed the Chickasaw ship Cemetery. He prefers to just destroy it. It rus, Woolery said it’s real and it’s here.
Cession funds (a program for some school districts in makes you wonder if he is ignorant of the law My son tested positive for the virus, and I feel
North Mississippi who, unlike other districts, don’t have or just does not care about the law. Either way for of those suffering and especially for those
revenue from sixteenth section lands). And he vetoed the the monument is protected by state law. Isn’t who have lost love ones, Woolery tweeted before
entire Mississippi Adequate Education Program — the it amazing how liberalism and lawlessness go his account disappeared.
$2 billion in state funds which is the state’s basic funding hand in hand? You see it on the news every day Trump said Fauci had made a lot of mistakes,
program for public education. and you’ll continue to see it until good people one of them not wearing a face mask.
However, he approved two other items: funds for the take a stand. I don’t think it’s proper for the When Fauci said this was around the time
state department of education and funds for vocational editor of our local newspaper to be advocating Trump said only 15 Americans had the virus
programs at the state department. In other words, he for lawlessness, but it is what it is. I do, however, now, and it would soon be zero.
kept money flowing to Jackson bureaucrats, but cut off all agree with him that the monument does not Fauci went on to say, after the face mask deal,
money for local districts. need to be moved to Friendship Cemetery. That it would have to be watched very closely, that it
The fiscal year began July 1. Schools are struggling to would be an egregious waste of taxpayer money. could change fast.
decide how to educate children. They must try to deter- It needs to stay where it has been for 108 years! Only Trump could blame someone else after
mine how many teachers will actually be able to teach; Joe Young his colossal mistake he made.
how many students will actually attend classes — if they Fauci is just one more person of many that
Lowndes County
are offered; how to teach remotely; and what to do about Trump will probably fire for telling the truth.
Editor’s note: Birney Imes is the former editor
students without internet access and without home com- The truth exposes his lies. The media expos-
and publisher of The Dispatch but still writes a
puters. es his lies, and he calls them the enemy of the
weekly column.
Now, they don’t even know whether they will receive people.
state funds, and, if so, in what amount. Does the governor And our religious leaders think he is the cho-
plan to end the Chickasaw Cession program? If not, why
Concerned about erosion sen one. If you don’t vote for Trump, you’re not a
on earth did he choose to veto it? of rights during pandemic Christian, coming from, of all people, Jim Baker.
Some say the governor plans to send some funds to Now that face masks are part of our wardrobe, James Hodges
some districts by executive order. Even if this is possible, if we want to participate in any activity outside Steens
so far (I’m writing this Saturday morning) there has been your personal home, like shopping, going to
no direct word from the governor about his plans, and church or out in the general public, I have a ques- A letter to the editor is an excellent way to
the legal basis for doing so is not certain. But this would tion for you Dispatch readers. If they will prevent participate in your community. We request the tone
only be an attempt to mitigate the damage the governor the virus spreading, why were so many criminals of your letters be constructive and respectful and
caused by his intemperate veto. released from jail in New York, California and the length be limited to 450 words. We reserve the
There’s a remedy for this mess. As soon as the legis- other places? Wouldn’t it be safer to issue mask, right to edit letters for clarity, grammar and length.
lature can get back into session, we need to fund the $25 if they are the answer to the virus spread? What While commentary on national issues is always
million program and we need to override this senseless or who are we to believe? Are we, the gullible welcome, we limit candidate endorsements to one
veto. That would give some stability to the schools — citizens being given some information that is not per letter-writer. We welcome all letters emailed to
including the schools for the deaf and the blind. true or we just misinformed? or mailed to The Dispatch,
Hob Bryan is a member of the Mississippi State Senate There are area nursing homes dealing with Attn: Letters to the Editor, PO Box 511, Columbus,
from Amory. the new upsurge in cases. From information MS 39703-0511.
The Dispatch • TUESDAY, JULY 21, 2020 5A

Trump, Congress square off

over virus aid as crisis worsens
Senate Majority Leader’s aid package expected to Pence, Treasury Secretary Steven
Mnuchin and acting chief of staff
include $75B to help schools reopen and will likely Mark Meadows.
Mnuchin vowed passage by
replace an expiring $600 weekly unemployment month’s end, as a $600 boost in job-
less aid is set to expire, and said he
benefits boost with a smaller amount expected a fresh $1 trillion jolt of
business tax breaks and other aid
BY LISA MASCARO tunately, this is something that’s would have a “big impact” on the
AP Congressional Correspondent very tough.” struggling economy.
Lawmakers returned to a Capitol On Capitol Hill, McConnell faces
WA S H I N G T O N still off-limits to tourists, another
— President Don- not just pressure from the White
sign of the nation’s difficulty con- House but also splits within his
ald Trump acknowl- taining the coronavirus. Rather
edged a “big flareup” ranks, which have chiseled away at
than easing, the pandemic’s dev- his majority power and left him re-
of COVID-19 cases,
astating cycle is churning again, lying on Democrats for votes.
but divisions between
leaving Congress little choice but Mnuchin and Meadows will
the White House and
to engineer another costly rescue. meet privately Tuesday with Pelo-
Senate Republicans
Businesses are shutting down si and Senate Democratic leader
and differences with Trump
Democrats posed again, many schools will not fully Chuck Schumer.
fresh challenges for reopen and jobs are disappearing, The package from McConnell,
a new federal aid all while federal aid will expire in being crafted behind closed doors,
package with the days. is expected to include $75 billion to
U.S. crisis worsening Without a successful federal help schools reopen. It will likely
and emergency relief strategy, lawmakers are trying to replace an expiring $600 weekly
about to expire. draft one. unemployment benefits boost with
Trump convened “We have to end this virus,” a smaller amount. The cut in unem-
GOP leaders at the McConnell House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, D-Ca- ployment assistance is designed to
White House on Monday as Senate lif., said Monday on MSNBC. ensure that jobless people do not re-
Majority Leader Mitch McConnell She said any attempt by the ceive a greater benefit than if they
prepared to roll out his $1 trillion White House to block money for were working. Regular state ben-
package in days. But the adminis- testing “goes beyond ignorance.” efits vary widely and the measure
tration criticized the legislation’s The political stakes are high for would peg the federal bonus pay-
money for more virus testing and both parties before the November ment to a percentage of the state
insisted on a full payroll tax re- election, and even more so for the benefit.
peal that could complicate quick nation, which now has registered McConnell’s package may also
passage. The timeline appeared to more coronavirus infections and a send a fresh round of direct $1,200
quickly shift. higher death count — 140,800 — cash payments to Americans be-
“We’ve made a lot of progress,” than any other country. low a certain income level, likely
Trump said as the meeting got un- McConnell and House GOP $75,000, and create a sweeping five-
derway. leader Kevin McCarthy huddled year liability shield against corona-
But the president added, “Unfor- with Trump, Vice President Mike virus lawsuits.

Head of the line: Big companies got coronavirus loans first

‘The program was structured to take advantage of “When we heard the
funds were exhausted, I
existing banking relationships that favored established said, ‘Are you serious?’,
we tried to do everything
businesses. It was not designed for very small businesses.’ we could — we submit-
John Arensmeyer, CEO of the advocacy group Small Business Majority ted papers, contacted the
bank, and then nothing,’”
BY JOYCE M. ROSENBERG would be forgiven if most signed for very small says Cao, co-owner of
AP Business Writer of the money was used to businesses.” Motoza, based in Austin,
keep employees on pay- It’s not clear how many Texas.
NEW YORK — Ever roll. small companies have
since the U.S. govern- Larger companies with failed because of the
ment launched its emer- connections to major na- pandemic. A survey con-
gency lending program tional or regional banks ducted for the National
for small businesses on
got priority treatment Bureau of Economic Re-
April 3, there have been
in the program’s initial search by researchers at
complaints that bigger
phase, the data show, Harvard University, the
companies had their loans
while many smaller busi- University of Chicago and
approved and disbursed
nesses said they were the University of Illinois
more quickly.
turned away because the found 2 percent of small
There is now evidence
banks required them to businesses surveyed had
to back up those com-
plaints. have a checking account, shut down permanently
An Associated Press a credit card and a previ- in March, just after the
analysis of Small Business ous loan to be considered. pandemic hit the U.S.
Administration’s $659 Some small businesses In theory, that means
billion Paycheck Protec- submitted an application 100,000 of U.S. small busi-
tion Program shows that but then heard nothing. nesses closed their doors
nearly a third of the loans Small restaurants, retail- before the PPP was even
approved in the program’s ers and other companies launched.
first week ranged from most in need were left Andrew Cao applied
$150,000 to $10 million, waiting and unable to pay for a $72,500 loan for his
the maximum allowed. In their employees, land- digital marketing compa-
a second round of funding lords or vendors. Many ny with 10 full-time and
that began April 27, such learned not from their part-time employees the
loans made up just 7.4 per- bank but via news reports day after the first round
cent of the total. that the initial $349 billion opened.
The average loan size in funding had run out in Cao submitted his
fell from $257,240 on April less than two weeks. application to Bank of
10 to nearly $105,000 as of “The program was America, where his com-
July 17, according to the structured to take advan- pany had been a customer
SBA. tage of existing banking for 10 years. Cao got two
The PPP made very relationships that favored phone calls telling him he
low-interest loans avail- established businesses,” should submit his docu-
able to any business — or said John Arensmeyer, mentation, which he al-
any franchisee of a busi- the CEO of the advoca- ready had done, but could
ness — with under 500 cy group Small Business get no information on his
employees. The loans Majority. “It was not de- loan.

Workers protest racial inequality on day of national strike

Organizers: At least 20,000 workers try,” said the Rev. William
Barber II, co-chairman
in 160 cities walked off the job of the Poor People’s Cam-
paign, one of the organi-
BY AARON MORRISON women at the hands of po- zations that partnered to
The Associated Press lice. Visible support came support the strike.
largely in protests that Barber told The As-
NEW YORK — Work- drew people whose jobs in sociated Press that Mon-
ers from the service in-
health care, transportation day’s turnout showed the
dustry, fast-food chains
and construction do not importance of the issue to
and the gig economy
allow them to work from the people willing to come
rallied with organized
labor Monday to protest home during the coronavi- out during a pandemic to
systemic racism and eco- rus pandemic. make their voices heard.
nomic inequality, staging “What the protesters “Sadly, if they’re not in
demonstrations across the are saying, that if we want the streets, the political
U.S. and around the world to be concerned — and we systems don’t move, be-
seeking better treatment should be — about police cause when you just send
of Black Americans in the violence and people get- an email or a tweet, they
workplace. ting killed by the police ignore it,” he said.
Organizers said at least ... we have to also be con- The Strike for Black
20,000 workers in 160 cities cerned about the people Lives was organized or
walked off the job, inspired who are dying and being supported by more than
by the racial reckoning put into lethal situations 60 labor unions and social
that followed the deaths through economic ex- and racial justice organiza-
of several Black men and ploitation all over the coun- tions.
6A TUESDAY, JULY 21, 2020 The Dispatch •

n Take omega-3 and vitamin d supplements: A surprising number of people around the world are deficient in vitamin
D, including 42 percent of the US population. Vitamin D is a fat-soluble vitamin that is very important for bone health and
the proper function of your immune system. Vitamin D is found in very few foods, but fatty seafood generally contains
the highest amounts. Omega-3 fatty acids are another commonly lacking nutrient found in fatty seafood. They have many
important roles in the body, including reducing inflammation, maintaining heart health and promoting brain function.

Health tips from Dr. Oz and Dr. Roizen

Your diet choices can help who studied the MIND — or week; fish once a week; and the MIND diet reduced partic- detailed info, check out “Dr.
Mediterranean-DASH Inter- for snacks, go nuts (an ounce a ipants’ risk of developing Alz- Oz Explains the MIND Diet”
prevent Alzheimer’s vention for Neurodegenerative day). The diet guidelines also heimer’s by 53 percent. It fell at and follow the
Leonardo da Vinci, Mohan- Delay — diet. say it’s equally important to by 35 percent if they followed same basic advice in our book
das Gandhi, George Bernard The MIND diet calls for avoid butter, cheese, fried or guidelines moderately well. “YOU on a Diet.”
Shaw and the Nobel Prize-win- eating at least three servings fast food, and red meat. The MIND reduces oxidative Mehmet Oz, M.D. is host of
ning mathematician Norbert of whole grains and at least one diet allows less than a serv- stress and inflammation, and “The Dr. Oz Show,” and Mike
Wiener all were vegetarians. dark green leafy salad and one ing a week for them. We say the phytochemicals it contains Roizen, M.D. is Chief Wellness
Their genius was powered by other vegetable daily, along NONE. may help prevent the buildup of Officer and Chair of Wellness
plants! If you want to keep your with a glass of wine. Beans and The researchers tracked al- beta-amyloid plaques, associ- Institute at Cleveland Clinic.
brain sharp and avoid demen- legumes should be eaten at most 1,000 people ages 58 to 98 ated with Alzheimer’s. So if To live your healthiest, tune
tia, yours should be too. That’s least every other day; poultry for four and a half years. They you mind developing demen- into “The Dr. Oz Show” or visit
the conclusion of researchers and berries, at least twice a found that reliably sticking to tia, adopt the MIND diet. For


Courtesy photo

Courtesy photo
Students enrolled in East Mississippi Community College’s Division of Nursing
Baptist Memorial Hospital-Golden Triangle took the hospital system’s mission far and Allied Health participate in a March medical emergency simulation prior to the
beyond the walls of the hospital, especially during a pandemic by providing more than outbreak of the coronavirus. A drive-by graduation for students in the Paramedic,
80 electric fans to the Helping Hands fan drive. Through its annual employee ‘Fan Practical Nursing and Surgical Technology programs will take place July 25.
Drive’ in the month of June and into the first week of July this year, employees donat-
ed 11 new box fans and $1,272 to the United Way agency in Columbus. The cash will
be used to purchase roughly 70 additional fans for a total of about 81 new fans that
will be distributed to the needy in Lowndes County who do not have air conditioning or
must choose between running their air conditioning and buying food and/or medicine
each month. The cash was raised through a series of ‘fire sales’ by the Marketing
Department of surplus and some new hospital promotional items, vendor samples
and vendor donated items. If you are in need of a fan, please contact Helping Hands
at 662-328-8301. You must live in Lowndes County and present a current electric bill
to receive a fan. Helping Hands Director Nancy Guerry receives the cash and donated
fans from hospital Community Relations Coordinator Alden McGee on July 13.

Courtesy photo
Surgeon Dr. Woodrow Brand, left, performs robotic-assisted surgery at NMMC-West
Point. North Mississippi Medical Center-West Point now offers robotic-assisted
surgery with significant benefits, particularly for more challenging procedures.
NMMC-West Point recently acquired its first da Vinci surgical robot, which provides
surgeons like Dr. Brand with high-definition images, giving him a three-dimensional
view of the operating field and the ability to perform more complex tasks. The robot-
ic instruments offer surgeons flexibility beyond the limitations of their own hands.

Courtesy photo
Obstetrician-gynecologists Drs. Pranjal Desai and Sneha Desai, front row, also use
a da Vinci surgical robot to perform robotic-assisted hysterectomies, as well as use
the technology to treat uterine fibroids, endometriosis and infertility.

The Dispatch
of our customers receive their paper on time. (Believe us. We track these things.)

If you are unhappy with your delivery please let us know. Our goal is 100%
customer satisfaction. Call customer support at: 662-328-2424


BY BEN PORTNOY things aren’t headed in a the Southeastern Confer- Dispatch, $14.2 million “What could be on season ticket holders pre- positive direction. ence. of the nearly $17 million pause is the actual con- viously received.
“We hope that things Having met with MSU in ticket revenue MSU struction and it’s going Cohen said the proj-
STARKVILLE — De- get better President Mark E. Kee- reported to the NCAA to depend largely on ect, spearheaded by Ex-
cision day is looming at instead of num on Monday morning, during the 2017-18 school whether we have a foot- ecutive Senior Associate
Mississippi State. worse,” Cohen also said he and year came from the Bull- ball season or not, quite Athletic Director of the
While fans were alert- he said re- the university president dog football program frankly,” he said. “That’s Bulldog Club & Ticket
ed to a new mobile ticket- garding the have remained in contact -- equating to almost 14 something we’re all wait- Operations Mike Richey
ing service for sporting and Deputy Athletic Di-
ongoing with local legislators on percent of the school’s ing on. That’s something
events beginning this fall rector of Development
C OV I D -1 9 the subject and that he total athletic department we all anticipate. As soon
with the 2020 football sea- Bo Hemphill, has been in
pa ndemic. expects schools will have revenue. Thus, if Davis as we, a), know if we’re go-
son in recent days, MSU the works for a while and
“For right Cohen to make a decision on Wade Stadium is limited ing to have a football sea-
Athletic Director John
now, it’s fan attendance on their to between 50 and 25 per- son and, b), to what level will allow patrons more
Cohen told The Dispatch
not trend- own rather than a confer- cent capacity this fall, the we’re going to be able to flexibility in their game
Monday any decision re-
ing the way we want it to ence-wide mandate. MSU athletic department have a football season, I day experiences. As part
garding whether those
trend and we’re hopeful “I wouldn’t anticipate could take a hit of up to think there’s no question of the new efforts, ticket
fans will have the oppor-
that trend can change.” that capacity is something $10.6 million. that’s going to affect our holders were also offered
tunity to use those tickets
With MSU’s scheduled that the league is going to Other potential issues construction schedule.” the chance to opt out of
could come in the next
football season opener be extremely, heavily in- brought on by a limited In an effort to get their 2020 season tickets
few weeks.
Cohen, who previous- against New Mexico on volved in,” he said. football season includes ahead of the curve and in exchange for a credit
ly told The Dispatch in Sept. 5 just more than a Should MSU’s atten- the scheduled renovations to help eliminate hand- toward 2021 tickets or a
June that a decision re- month away, Cohen not- dance be drastically af- on Humphrey Coliseum. to-hand touching amidst refund.
garding fan attendance ed it’s most likely going fected by legislators or Cohen said Monday the coronavirus concerns, “The touchless entry
would have to be made to be up to the Starkville the ongoing pandemic, project, which was esti- MSU did introduce the we have now in all walks
somewhere around Aug. city government on what there stands to be a major mated to cost in the $50 aforementioned contact- of life,” he said. “Any-
1, doubled-down on that kind of crowds are po- financial hit to the athletic million range, could see less ticketing system on one who’s ever used air
sentiment, though cur- tentially allowed at Davis department. According to delays in its construction Monday as a new alter- travel is fully aware of
rent numbers suggest Wade Stadium and not records obtained by The schedule. native to physical stubs See COHEN, 2B


Hoping to build on historic year, New Hope volleyball knows expectations have changed
BY THEO DEROSA have leadership’ — which, that, and so we’ve got to that was totally false,” prepare for that as well.”
she said. “They looked Since starting work-
NEW HOPE — Last at those younger girls outs June 1, New Hope
fall, New Hope High and thought, ‘Oh, well, if has been doing just that,
School head volleyball they’re playing an eighth caught up in the long pro-
coach Allison Woolbright grader as their setter, we cess of getting ready for
and assistant Becky don’t have really anything the season to start in Au-
Hudgins took the Trojans’ to worry about.’” gust.
starters to watch poten- But the Trojans used Woolbright said the
tial playoff opponents and their talent to subvert fact that her team couldn’t
take note of what they did expectations all the way get together after spring
best. to the final four, where a break because of the
The advance scout- straight-set loss to Long COVID-19 pandemic
ing gave New Hope the Beach — a team from the meant the acclimation
preparation it needed to Mississippi Gulf Coast period was harder than
reach the MHSAA Class that New Hope had never normal.
5A semifinals — marking seen play — ended their “I feel like we’re all
the Trojans’ first final four dream season. kind of getting back in
appearance in state histo- “We did things that shape, working off not be-
ry. But it was that same nobody thought we would ing able to go to the gym
preparation that Wool- do,” sophomore Kensley or anything and getting
bright knew other schools Woolbright said. ready to play a killer sea-
hadn’t made for her own Now, a month from son,” senior middle block-
squad. the start of the 2020 cam- er Micaela Hudgins said.
New Hope’s roster last paign, coach Woolbright To help overcome that,
year featured no seniors, knows her team is getting Woolbright organized vir-
and several eighth grad- more respect — and, con- tual workouts, distributed
ers and freshmen saw sequently, more pressure, checklists for her players
significant playing time. as other schools have and sent younger Trojans
Consequently, Woolbright surely taken note. video examples of the ex-
said, several teams under- “I think this year they ercises she wanted them
estimated the Trojans. know that we actually to complete.
“I think when people have ability, and so I think Though helpful, Austin Frayser/Dispatch file photo
Hudgins said, it couldn’t Sophomore Madyson McBrayer was one of the younger players who saw significant
first looked at our roster they’re going to probably time on the court for New Hope volleyball last year. The Trojans didn’t have a single
and saw so many young prepare a little differently beat getting in shape as a
senior last year, but despite that, they still reached the MHSAA Class 5A semifinals. This
players, no seniors, they for us this season,” Wool- team. year will be about following that up with increased awareness on New Hope from other
thought, ‘Oh, they don’t bright said. “We know See TROJANS, 2B schools.


When is a slump worse than a slump? When there are 60 games
THE ASSOCIATED PRESS Series champion Washington the 2018 NL MVP. “You don’t 60 games, they’re going to said Mattingly, a career .307
Nationals host the New York have that large sample size almost feel the same way but hitter as a player for the New
Just as sure as someone Yankees in an opener Thurs- for everything to even out, so almost worse.” York Yankees. “The fact ev-
could take advantage of this day. “Now? ... You could go for if you get off to a tough start In all seasons, players talk erybody is in a pennant race,
year’s pandemic-truncat- a slump for, what, 20 games, or a bad start, you’re really about not wanting to try too your stats become less im-
ed, 60 -game Major League and then you only have 40 to behind the eight ball.” hard to get out of a rut, be- portant. You have a tenden-
Baseball schedule to hit .400, pull yourself together.” For pitchers, bounces cause that makes the task
cy to forget yourself and be
there are bound to be players Think of it this way: In a could be more dramatic. harder.
who end up with much worse more about the team.”
typical season, a full-time po- If a pitcher with a 3.75 With poor performances
stats than they’d like. sition player might get about ER A over 60 innings were to carrying extra weight, the Perhaps.
A fter all, it’s harder for a 500 at-bats, so he would need add one five-run inning, that mental strain could increase. Either way, Nationals
batter to make up for a bad 150 hits for a .300 average. ER A balloons to 4.43. Miami Marlins manag- manager Dave Martinez de-
week or a pitcher to mask a Add a 0 -for-15 stretch — that Texas Rangers manager er Don Mattingly hopes the livered a simple message to
rough inning when there are batter is now 150 for 515 — Chris Woodward spoke to his shortened season has the op- his players: Do not fret about
only about two months to and the average drops to relievers about just that very posite effect. stats.
play instead of six. .291. thing. His thinking: With so few “I hear guys rumble about,
And that could be trouble- A loose comparison: Some- “They have one bad outing games, every club can feel ‘If I have one bad outing, my
some in 2020, particularly for one with 180 at-bats in 2020 in the beginning of the year as if it is in contention for ER A’s going to blow up and (it
those who can become free would need 54 hits for a .300 and they feel like their year the postseason, and that will will) be tough to get it down.’
agents next offseason. average. Tack on a 0 -for-15 is over — and that’s in a 162- dominate players’ minds. Or: ‘If I go 0 -for-15, you
“It definitely is going to go patch — that batter becomes game setting. ... If they give “Guys that can really hit, know, my batting average is
through people’s heads. It’s 54 for 195 — and a .300 hitter up four or five — you know, they know it, and they don’t
going to be ...’. You can’t wor-
going to affect some guys. transforms into a .277 hitter. it could be three jam-shot panic. Guys who have never
In a regular season, 162 ry about those things,” Mar-
“You’re going to see really hits, a weak ground ball, and really hit, they may hit early,
games, you’re going to have good players that have really they’ve given up five runs. but usually if you have a cou- tinez said. “You’ve really got
hot streaks, you’re going to bad years. It’s going to hap- You know, they feel like it ple of bad games, they panic to focus on the task at hand
have extra-cold streaks, and pen, not only position play- takes them two months to and start making changes and go from there. That’s the
in the end, it’s all going to er-wise, but pitcher-wise,” get those stats back to where and things go bad. The same way I’m going to approach
balance out,” said catcher said Milwaukee Brewers they want to,” Woodward with pitching. And I think the this year: Worry about the
Kurt Suzuki, whose World outfielder Christian Yelich, said. “So in this setting, in pennant race changes that,” moment.”
2B TUESDAY, JULY 21, 2020 The Dispatch •

Lakers’ James: ‘Nothing is normal in 2020

THE ASSOCIATED PRESS star died along with his that come playoff time, was a lot of conversation
13-year-old daughter Gi- we’ll see that all being about, you know, ‘LeBron
LAKE BUENA VIS- anna and seven others on done at an enhanced lev- can do those things in the
TA, Fla. — LeBron James the morning of Jan. 26 — el.” East but if he ever came to
keeps hearing the same particularly hard. James will have a big the West, what can he do?’
questions. How’s it going? “A day doesn’t go by say in whether the Lakers I heard all of that, and to
How’s the bubble? when I don’t think about win that title. By the time have our team at the top of
He now has a one-size- him,” James said. “A day the season resumes July the Western Conference
fits-all answer. doesn’t go by where our 30, the ballots will be cast and playing the way that
“I just say it’s 2020,” organization does not re- to determine whether he we were playing at that
James said. “Nothing is member him and think or Milwaukee’s Giannis time and the way I was
normal in 2020.” about not only Kob, but Antetokounmpo — the playing, you know, that’s
That’s not entirely true. Gigi, (his wife) Vanessa two frontrunners — wins definitely a good feeling.”
The NBA is a few weeks and their girls. They are a the NBA MVP award. NOTES: The league
from playoff mode, and part of this family.” James is almost mathe- said 346 players had been
James -- just like normal Lakers coach Frank matically assured of win- tested on the NBA cam-
— has himself and the Los
Angeles Lakers squarely
Vogel has seen play-
off-season James three
ning his first assist title;
he cannot be caught by
pus since last leaguewide
coronavirus results were

in the mix to compete for

championship. It is a rare
times before — never
liking how those expe-
second-place Trae Young
of Atlanta no matter what
announced July 13, with
no positives. ... Houston
Sudoku is a number-
placing puzzle based on
Yesterday’s answer
bit of normalcy for a play- Sudoku
a 9x9 gridis witha several
num- 7 4 9 5 1 8 6 3 2
riences went. Vogel was happens at Disney. And coach Mike D’Antoni said
er who appeared in eight coaching Indiana and his the Lakers, barring all- guard Russell Westbrook, ber-placing
given numbers.puzzleThe object 1 5 8 3 2 6 4 7 9

2020 Conceptis Puzzles, Dist. by King Features Syndicate, Inc.

consecutive NBA Finals three best seasons there out collapse, will be the who revealed last week based onthe
is to place a 9x9
numbers 2 6 3 7 9 4 1 8 5
from 2011 through and saw the Pacers matched No. 1 seed in the Western that he tested positive for grid
1 to 9with
in theseveral
empty spaces 6 1 2 9 7 3 8 5 4
including 2018, and for a up with James and the Mi- Conference. coronavirus, was flying given
so that numbers.
each row, eachThe 4 8 7 2 6 5 3 9 1
franchise that has won 16 ami Heat in the Eastern By any measure, it’s in Monday and rejoining object
column and each 3x3 the
is to place box
numbers 3 9 5 4 8 1 7 2 6
championships. Conference playoffs. been a good year on the the team. “I know he’ll be contains the1same to 9 number
8 2 4 6 5 7 9 1 3
Everything else about the empty spaces so
Heat in 6 in 2012. Heat court for James. ready,” D’Antoni said. ... only once. The difficulty 9 7 6 1 3 2 5 4 8
this year has been most that each row, each
in 7 in 2013. Heat in 6 in A weird year, but a Sacramento announced level increases from
column and each 5 3 1 8 4 9 2 6 7
abnormal. A pandemic 2014. good year. Time will tell that Marvin Bagley III Monday
3x3 boxtocontains
Sunday. Difficulty Level 7/20

suspended play. David This time, Vogel is gen- if it’s a great year. He was having an MRI to de-
the same number only once. The difficulty level
Stern, the NBA’s com- uinely and understand- believes the bubble will termine how badly he in- increases from Monday to Sunday.
missioner emeritus, died. ably eager to see James at work and sees no reason jured his right foot in prac-
Kobe Bryant, who was playoff time. yet why this NBA exper- tice Sunday. The Kings
the third-leading scor- “Obviously, it’s been iment would fail. And will be without De’Aaron
er in NBA history until great having LeBron on while he detests being Fox (ankle), Richaun
James passed him on Jan. our side after years of go- away from his family and Holmes (extended quar-
25, died in a helicopter ing against him,” Vogel his inner circle, he’s using antine for rules violation)
crash the following day. said. “But in particular, this chance to be locked and Alex Len (coronavi-
And now James, the Lak- when we get to the play- in to focus on the oppor- rus, returned to practice
ers and 21 other teams off environment, I’ve just tunity. Monday) for their exhi-
are at Walt Disney World, seen how he is this year “As far as the MVP bition opener against Mi-
separated from the rest of in some of the bigger reg- race, I think I’ve shown ami on Wednesday. Harri-
the world, trying to sal- ular season games, how what I’m capable of doing, son Barnes (coronavirus)
vage a season and decide he’s more mentally locked not only individually but is also still away from the
a champion. in, more vocal, more mak- from a team’s perspec- team and Bagley’s status
James took Bryant’s ing sure everybody else is tive, us being No. 1 in the seems most unclear now
death — the Lakers’ locked in. And I anticipate West,” James said. “There as well.

Freeman prayed ‘Please don’t take me’ during COVID-19 fight

THE ASSOCIATED PRESS also included body aches, The Braves posted video tested positive for the
chills and a temporary on the team’s Twitter ac- coronavirus after agree-
ATLANTA — Freddie loss of his senses of taste count of Freeman, carry- ing to sign with Atlanta.
Freeman doesn’t know if and smell. He said two ing his bat and glove, say- The positive test voided
he has time to be ready other members of his ing “This is wonderful” as the deal.
for the Atlanta Braves’ household, his wife and he walked out of the dug- Puig had been seen as
opener. aunt, are recovering after out and looked out at the a replacement for Nick
Following a scary positive tests. field on Friday. Markakis, who opted
journey in his battle with “I feel great,” he said. “I feel like I’m a kid in out for the seaso n after
COVID-19, Freeman is “I only lost one pound. ... I a candy store again,” he talking on the telephone
grateful to even have a didn’t lose any strength.” said Saturday. “You forget with Freeman.
chance. Freeman reported to sometimes how much you “Unfortunately that
On Saturday, the four- Truist Park for a workout love this game. I did truly was my worst day,” Free-
time All-Star revealed he on Friday only about an miss it. I was so excited man said, adding he
had a high temperature hour after receiving his when I got to the yard.” didn’t try to influence
of 104.5 degrees early in second negative test for The Braves are thrilled the decision by Markakis
his battle with the disease the coronavirus, which Freeman is back. when the two spoke again
and prayed for his life. earned him medical clear- “Obviously when you days later.
“I said a little prayer ance to play. get your best player back “He just wasn’t into it
that night,” Freeman said The Braves plan to it’s a positive thing and a and I totally, totally get it,”
in a video conference call. give Freeman as many good thing,” manager Bri- Freeman said.
“I’ve never been that hot ACROSS
at-bats as possible be- an Snitker said. “I’m excit- Asked what he’s look-
before. My body was re- fore the season. He had ed for him and us, too.” ing to see from Freeman,
1 News article
ally, really hot. ... I said a run-scoring triple over Freeman set career Snitker said, “I don’t 5 End table
‘Please don’t take me’ be- the head of right fielder highs with 38 home runs think I have to look for lights
cause I wasn’t ready.” Ronald Acuña Jr. in Sat- and 121 RBIs last season anything. If he’s out there 10 Copenhagen
Freeman said the fe- urday night’s intrasquad to help Atlanta win its sec- he’s going to be ready.” natives
ver was down to 101 the game and also caught a ond straight NL East title. Freeman said his legs 12 Find darling
following morning and foul popup over his shoul- He placed fourth in the were sore on Saturday 13 1969 Bobby
broke two days later. He der. MVP voting in 2018. after his workout on Fri- Sherman hit
said Saturday was his Freeman’s apprecia- Freeman’s return was day. The Braves open the 15 Yale student
ninth consecutive day tion of being back with well timed. Free agent season next Friday at the 16 Hosp. hook-
without symptoms, which the team was obvious. outfielder Yasiel Puig New York Mets. ups
17 Farrow of film
18 Money, in

20 Days gone by
21 Whoop it up
22 Words of 42 Full of info 19 Happening
Continued from Page 1B understanding 43 Fencing 20 Wine grape
a similar type of system. So we but Cohen preached patience made sooner than later,” he said. 23 Astronomer sword 24 How corn is
thought it’s the right time.” as there is still time, albeit not “... It’s getting closer, there’s no Hubble planted
At present, circumstances much, before any major motions question about it. More informa- 25 Hamlet DOWN 25 New Zealand
for a normal football season must be made at MSU and in the tion is better and we’re gonna 28 Kind of switch 1 Loafed around discoverer
have become increasingly bleak SEC. use all the information at our 31 Quarreling 2 Suit worker 26 Peter of “The
in recent weeks as the Big Ten “I think it’s still a little too ear- disposal to make the best deci- 32 “The Wind 3 Whole Stunt Man”
and Pac-12 have already shifted ly to tell, although we know some sion we can for the Southeastern in the Willows” 4 Got together 27 Sash setting
to conference only schedules, decisions are going to have to be Conference.” character 5 Statutes 29 Get a big
34 Pop’s boy 6 Commotion head

35 Eastern “way” 7 Poppas’ wives 30 Fake front
36 Top card 8 Commend 33 Tightly
37 1986 Billy 9 Capitol group packed
Continued from Page 1B Joel hit 35 Low card
11 Like Bill Mur-
40 Unaccompa- ray in “Ghost- 38 Print units
“Working out on your own is fun, but team workouts just pick them up because that could be you the next
nied busters” 39 Unclose, to
together — it’s easier with the community,” Hudgins play,” Kensley said. “You just want to keep everyone in
41 Taters 14 1975 ELO hit poets
a good spirit, good attitude, because it helps you keep
She and outside hitter Daylyn Nettles are New going on the court.”
Hope’s two returning seniors from last season. Especially with everybody returning, Kensley said,
“I’m really excited to have both of them back,” Wool- keeping up New Hope’s great chemistry from last sea-
bright said. “I hate that this is going to be their last son to this one will be critical.
year.” “We just loved one another so much, and we just
Fellow senior Maci Coleman will return to the team had a really special bond,” she said. “To be able to keep
after sitting out last year. She will play along the back that, I definitely think we can make it back and possibly
row, Woolbright said. go even further.”
“We’re hoping that we can utilize her some as well,”
Hudgins echoed her coach in noting that the Trojans’
Woolbright said.
success depends on how they adjust to the increased
One of the Trojans’ strengths in 2019 was youth, as
preparation New Hope will see from its opponents after
freshmen Madyson McBrayer and Kensley and eighth
grader Annie Woolbright — among others — played catching them by surprise last fall.
big parts on the varsity team. This year, their coach “I think we showed them what we can be and what
said, they’ll have to continue to step up. we’re made of, and this year, hopefully, they’ll be ready,”
“A lot of young talent, but I like that, because that Hudgins said. “We still have the momentum. We’re still
means we have some talent for the next few years com- ready. We still want to win, and we want to get further
ing up, so that’s a good thing,” coach Woolbright said. than last year.”
She complimented the leadership shown by older If the Trojans can do that — and Hudgins expects
and younger players alike, including Nettles, Hudgins they will — it would be a second straight dream season
and Kensley — who stressed the importance of com- and the ideal way to close out her high school volleyball
munication among teammates after good and bad career.
points alike. “We got to make a lot of memories last season, and
“When someone messes up or makes a bad play, we I’m hoping we get to make some more,” Hudgins said.
The Dispatch • TUESDAY, JULY 21, 2020 3B

NHL goalies scrambling to regain groove after 4-month break

THE ASSOCIATED PRESS ally would just stick-han- as a goalie, you definitely ly compete hard.” whenever I’m cleared to “I like the options that
dle around, and they need someone to shoot at Reese was referring to play, here we go.” we have.” Bednar said.
With no ice time avail- would chase me around you.” starter Ben Bishop, who Some coaches may “I think both guys are
able during the NHL’s and try to grab the ball.” Skaters could practice was able to hit the ice al- lean more on their goal- potential starters for us,
four-month pandem- The dog days are most their shots in driveways, most daily in Dallas, and ie tandems. That will be and we’ll make our deci-
ic-forced break, Pitts- certainly over for Jarry patios or basements. backup Anton Khudobin, especially true for each sion as we enter Game
burgh Penguins goalie and his counterparts. The Goalies had no way to who had limited ice time conference’s top four 1 of the playoffs and not
Tristan Jarry had little Penguins are among the replicate facing a 100 mph while spending most of teams, who can ease in before then.”
choice but to let his game 24 teams entering their slapshot, the speed of the the break in his native their goalies during a Columbus coach John
go to the dogs. second week of training game, angles and dealing Russia. three-game round-rob- Tortorella doesn’t have
Diesel and Kitty, his camp in preparation for with the jostle of bodies in Khudobin worked out in series to determine the luxury of time, giv-
two English mastiffs, to the league’s expanded front of a net. regularly instead of tak- first-round playoff seed- en the Blue Jackets open
be specific. playoff format that will be “It’s probably all of the ing time off to rest as he ing. their best-of-five series
“That was something I played in Toronto and Ed- above, but I think the one would during a normal Assured a first-round against the Maple Leafs
did almost every day, take monton, Alberta, starting major thing obviously is offseason. spot is a plus for Ava- in Toronto.
the dogs downstairs and on Aug. 1. speed and traffic, people “To me, it was like I lanche coach Jared Bed- “I don’t profess to
play street hockey with And goalies, with vary- in front of you, the ability would be on injury and nar, who will take his know or want to know
them,” Jarry said. ing degrees of on- and to find the puck,” Dallas the guys would be playing time choosing between about goalies. I just want
“We didn’t really have off-ice preparation, are Stars goalie coach Jeff hockey,” said Khudobin, Philipp Grubauer, who them to stop the puck,”
anyone to shoot on us playing catch-up to regain Reese said. “Would we who managed to get some hasn’t played since be- Tortorella said of hav-
over the break and I was their groove. like them to be in mid- ice time with former ing sidelined by a lower ing to decide between
just playing catch with “As a shooter, you season form? That would NHL player Alexander body injury in mid-Feb- Joonas Korpisalo and El-
my girlfriend at home and don’t really need a goal- be great. But compete is Semin. “And I would ruary, and Pavel Fran- vis Merzlikins, who have
playing with the dogs. ie to work on your shot,” going to make up a lot for just be getting back into couz, who went 7-2-2 in both missed time due
... That was all we could Toronto’s Frederik An- that. And we’ve got two shape and keep working, taking over the starting to injury this season.
mimic” he added. “I usu- dersen said. “But I think veteran guys that certain- working, working, and job. “We’re going to wing it.”

Comics & Puzzles

Dear Abby
EAR ABBY: I is satisfied with telling her anything you don’t
have come the status quo, it want broadcast. It’s easier than
into contact doesn’t necessar- trying to muzzle her. You might
with my first and ily mean these en- also consider seeing your moth-
forever love again counters will end, er less often, which could save
after 30 years. but at least you your walls and the wear and tear
We have had a will know them for on the bat you’re tempted to
few encounters what they are. use after those encounters.
throughout the DEAR ABBY: DEAR ABBY: I would like to
years. When they My mother has propose a new word for general
happened, we fell no faith in me, use. It’s “wasband.” Definition:
right back into our mostly because I male to whom I am no longer
comfort zone. have a disability. married. Reason: “Ex” seems a
ZITS We both Even though it’s pejorative term. I didn’t want to
have current not that bad, she add that burden to the baggage
relationships with still doesn’t think our kids may have picked up.
others that are I can do anything I have used it since the mid-
not satisfying. We Dear Abby hard. Although 1990s. I began to think of a new
have both had I’m almost 40, term when I was in a social situ-
failed relationships as well. No she still tells me what to do and ation with my wasband, his wife
relationship I have ever been criticizes me in any way she can, and mutual friends. I bumped
in compares to the one I have including my parenting. I can’t into a colleague and wasn’t
with this man. He’s successful spend a day with her without quick enough to think of a polite
and buries himself in his work. wanting to come home and take term for my former husband,
Even though he never says it, I a bat to the walls. so I could only introduce him
know in my heart he has hidden I have a lot of anger inside, as “the father of my children.” I
feelings toward me as well. and I don’t trust her because think “wasband” is a less awk-
This man has held my heart she tends to tell her friends ward term. What do you think,
GARFIELD my entire life. I never stopped or family things I would rather Abby? — LOVER OF LANGUAGE
loving him. Do I finally tell him were kept private. What can I IN WASHINGTON
how I feel and risk possibly do about this? — IRRITATED IN DEAR L.O.L.: I think it is
losing him forever, or should ILLINOIS clever. The term is listed in
I remain silent and enjoy the DEAR IRRITATED: If this is the Urban Dictionary, and
encounters we have when they any comfort, I receive letters because you started using it so
happen? — WANTS IT ALL IN with the same complaint as early shows you are one smart
PENNSYLVANIA yours from readers who don’t cookie.
DEAR WANTS IT ALL: I think have disabilities. If your children Dear Abby is written by
you should finally let this man are healthy and doing well and Abigail Van Buren, also known
know how you feel about him. If your mother’s criticisms are as Jeanne Phillips, and was
you do, it will either enable him baseless, my advice is to tune founded by her mother, Pauline
to tell you he feels the same your probably well-meaning but Phillips. Contact Dear Abby
as you do, or stop you from overbearing mother out. Be- at or P.O.
fantasizing about a relationship cause she discusses things you Box 69440, Los Angeles, CA
CANDORVILLE that will never happen. If he confide in her with others, quit 90069.

TODAY’S BIRTHDAY (July beauty investment anyone could CANCER (June 22-July 22).
21). There’s nothing you have make. Tonight, you’ll add spe- Avoid making a case for what
to do this year. It’s all on your cialness to the lives of others. you can’t do. You have no idea,
plate because you want to taste TAURUS (April 20-May 20). really, what you are capable of
it. Your power is on the rise It’s your week to get straight in and will not know until after you
through the next three months, your own mind what value you have already accomplished it.
and you’ll use it very well. bring. Once you do this, it’s not LEO (July 23-Aug. 22). The
The commitments you make long before the rest of the world winds of responsibility blow
will cement your place in an pays you accordingly. First, the you along the sea of life. You
BABY BLUES organization, and you’ll be very payment comes in energy. Then, move as long as you put up your
important to your group. Virgo it comes in dollars. sail and let them push you. If
and Capricorn adore you. Your GEMINI (May 21-June 21). you want to switch directions,
lucky numbers are: 9, 3, 33, 14 Brevity flatters almost anything you’re going to need something
and 28. you pick up today. Make different: a motor.
ARIES (March 21-April quick work of your tasks and VIRGO (Aug. 23-Sept. 22).
19). Since a person is only as conversations and you’ll breeze You’re becoming profoundly
beautiful as the mind he or she through without getting en- aware of what you really want. In
inhabits, education is the best snarled in a farrago of details. fact, it’s hard to avoid. Reason
has taken a back seat, and
your desire is running the whole
show today.
LIBRA (Sept. 23-Oct. 23).
It would be very easy to become
indulgent today, so ward off this
BEETLE BAILEY potential. If you give something
away for everything you bring in,
you’ll be organized and efficient.
SCORPIO (Oct. 24-Nov.
21). You have values you don’t
even know about. The way that
you find them is by noticing
and wondering about your own
behavior, some of which will
surprise you today.
21). If someone perceives you
as being above them, it is only
human nature to want to bring
you down a notch. This is why
MALLARD FILLMORE the best leaders are always
humble and as hardworking as
those being led.
CAPRICORN (Dec. 22-Jan.
19). Even though you feel very
good when you’re productive,
it’s important to note that your
worth doesn’t come from your
productivity. Do it for the joy it
brings you and others.
AQUARIUS (Jan. 20-Feb.
18). “I can resist anything but
temptation,” said Oscar Wilde,
and even though you have
strong power of resistance, you
FAMILY CIRCUS will be tested by the delicious
things on offer today.
PISCES (Feb. 19-March
20). Deferred dreams are
submarines, invisible below
the water’s surface with the
power to torpedo anything that’s
sailing smoothly. Surface your
aspirations. They are safer that

Short and sweet

4B TUESDAY, JULY 21, 2020 The Dispatch •

With tears, Congress honors Lewis, ‘conscience of the House’

Georgia Rep. John Lewis, 80, died Friday, several months vanced pancreatic cancer.
The son of sharecroppers,
losi said of their conversa-
tion Thursday. “We never
to pay their respects. The
Capitol is closed to the
after he was diagnosed with advanced pancreatic cancer Lewis survived a brutal
police beating during a
talked about his dying un-
til that day.”
public during the corona-
virus pandemic.
THE ASSOCIATED PRESS Speaker Nancy Pelosi ered interrupted with sus- 1965 civil rights march She recalled on “CBS
gaveled the House to or- tained applause. in Selma, Alabama. He This Morning” how the
WA S H - der, calling on “all who “Our hero, our col- represented Georgia in civil rights icon also
INGTON — loved John Lewis, wher- league, our brother, our the House since 1987, and threw his clout to wom-
The House was known for his kind- en’s rights, LGBTQ rights
ever you are, rise in a mo- friend received and an-
on Monday ness and humility. and many other causes.
ment of silence in remem- swered his final summons
stood for an “Our nation has indeed “He always worked on
emotional brance of the conscience from God almighty,” said
lost a giant,” said Rep. the side of the angels, and
moment of of the Congress.” Rep. Sanford Bishop, the Tom Graves, R-Ga. now he is with them,” Pe-
silence for Several people on the dean of the Georgia dele- Earlier, Pelosi choked losi said.
Georgia Rep. Lewis dais wept as the House gation. up recalling their last con- It was not yet clear
John Lewis, the civil rights stood in silence, heads Lewis, 80, died Friday, versation the day before whether Lewis’s casket
icon who died last week bowed. When Pelosi tried several months after he he died. would lie in the Capitol
from pancreatic cancer. to move on, those gath- was diagnosed with ad- “It was a sad one,” Pe- Rotunda to allow people


COMMERCIAL DISPATCH Mr. Lewis is sur- Mrs. Stewart was Charlie Holmes Sr. her husband, Darrell College St. Location
OBITUARY POLICY vived by his son, Mi- born Dec. 19, 1956, in Pritchett; and siblings,
Obituaries with basic informa- COLUMBUS —
tion including visitation and
chael Lewis; and sister, Sulligent, to the late Charles David Homes Carolyn Hulett, Joe
service times, are provided Tracy Carson. Hyde Hackman and Vir- Sr., died July 20, 2020, Ross and Gaylon Ross.
free of charge. Extended Pallbearers were ginia Mae Jackson. She at Baptist Memorial She is survived by
obituaries with a photograph, Taylor Carson, Scott was formerly employed Hospital-Golden Trian- her children, Carla
detailed biographical informa- Oglesby, Michael with Detroit Slacks, NA- gle. Pritchett and Anthony
tion and other details families Hayes, Aubrey Bigham, CCO and Jack Rabbit Pritchett; siblings,
may wish to include, are avail- Arrangements are
Chris Stockman and Slims. She was a mem- Charles Ross, Ron
able for a fee. Obituaries must incomplete and will be
Todd Jenkins. ber of Greater Victory Ross and Terry Ross;
be submitted through funeral announced by Memori-
homes unless the deceased’s Church of God. six grandchildren; and
al Gunter Peel Funeral
body has been donated to Willie Harris Jr. In addition to her
Home and Crematory
11 great-grandchil-
science. If the deceased’s COLUMBUS — Wil- parents, she was pre- dren.
College Street location.
body was donated to science,
lie B. Harris Jr., 60, died ceded in death by her

Mary Perkins
the family must provide official siblings, Trinidell Jack-
July 13,
proof of death. Please submit
all obituaries on the form pro- 2020, at son Christian, Curly Linda Pritchett
his resi- B. Jackson and Dennis HAMILTON — Lin-
vided by The Commercial Dis-
patch. Free notices must be dence. Hackman. da Ross Pritchett, 79, Mrs. Mary Frances Perkins, age 76 of
submitted to the newspaper Ser- She is survived by died July 19, 2020, at Caledonia, MS, passed away Friday, July 17,
no later than 3 p.m. the day vices her children, Toya Baptist Memorial Hos- 2020, at Baptist Memorial Hospital in Columbus.
prior for publication Tuesday
will be Stewart and Genevalyn pital-Golden Triangle. Mrs. Perkins was born March 10, 1944, in
through Friday; no later than 4 Services will be at
at 1 p.m. Stewart; siblings, El- Vernon, AL, to the late Lester and Della Collins.
p.m. Saturday for the Sunday
edition; and no later than 7:30 Wednes- Harris Jr. bert Charles Hackman, 11 a.m. Wednesday, at She was a loving housewife, and her greatest
a.m. for the Monday edition. day, at Beck Hackman, and Tisdale-Lann Memori- hobby was watching her grandson, Bryant, grow
Incomplete notices must be re- Vibrant Church, with Opal Fail Hackman; al Chapel, with Robert up. Mrs. Perkins was very much a family woman,
ceived no later than 7:30 a.m. the Rev. Clifford Reyn- eight grandchildren; Moore officiating. and was loved by all that met her.
for the Monday through Friday
olds officiating. Burial and two great-grand- Burial will follow in In addition to her parents, Mrs. Perkins
editions. Paid notices must be children. Center Hill Cemetery.
will follow in Memorial was also preceded in death by her son, Bryan
finalized by 3 p.m. for inclusion
the next day Monday through Gardens. Visitation is Visitation will be one Perkins; her granddaughter, Ashley McCool; and
Thursday; and on Friday by 3 from 2-5 p.m. today, at Henry Black hour prior to services, her brother-in-law, Billy Perkins.
p.m. for Sunday and Monday Carter’s Funeral Ser- MILLPORT, Ala. — at the funeral home. There was a private family graveside service
publication. For more informa- vices. Carter’s Funeral Henry Black, 68, died Mrs. Pritchett was held Sunday, July 19, at 2 PM, at Furnace Hill,
tion, call 662-328-2471. Services of Columbus July 19, 2020, at DCH of born Feb. 16, 2020, in with Don Harding officiating.
is in charge of arrange- Tuscaloosa, Alabama. Carruth, Missouri, to Survivors include her husband of 56 years,
Wanda Powers ments. Memorial services the late Raymond Ross Wilburn “Doc” Perkins; one daughter and son-
STARKVILLE — Mr. Harris was born will be at 10 a.m. Fri- and Viola Thompson in-law, Tammy and Mike McCool; one grandson,
Wanda Powers, 63, died July 15, 1959, to the late day, at Millport Baptist Ross. She was formerly Bryant McCool; her brother-in-law, Randy
July 6, 2020. Woodrow McBride and Church. Burial will fol- employed as an interi- (Kathy) Perkins; her sister-in-law, Martha
Graveside funeral Thelma Harris. He was low in Bethlehem Meth- or designer and was a Spencer; and a host of nieces and nephews.
services are at 1 p.m. a member of Vibrant odist Church cemetery member of Hamilton Paid Obituary - Chandler Funeral Home
today, in Boyd Cem- Church. of Fayette, Alabama. Baptist Church.
etery. Visitation was He is survived by his Dowdle Funeral Home In addition to her
from 1-6 p.m. Monday
at West Memorial Fu-
wife, Tangiel Harris;
children, Latesha
of Millport is in charge
of arrangements.
parents, she was
preceded in death by Hilda Ratliff
neral Home. West Me- Harris Short, Willie Hilda Pearl Ratliff, 95, of Columbus, MS, left
morial Funeral Home of B. Harris Jr., Brittany this life for her Heavenly home on July 16, 2020
Starkville is in charge Harris, Brandi Harris at Baptist Memorial Hospital.
of arrangements. and Latasha Gordon A private, family graveside service was held
She is survived by Brown; siblings, Bennie Monday, July 20, 2020, at Memorial Gardens
her siblings, Dorothy L. Harris, Jacqueline Cemetery with Rev. Byron Benson officiating.
Rogers, Lillie A. John- Turner, Johnny Harris, Arrangements were entrusted to Memorial
son, Elizabeth Powers, Diane Thomas, Marcus Gunter Peel Funeral Home & Crematory, 2nd
Margie C. Stoney and Harris, Bettie Walker Avenue North location.
Jesse Y. Powers. and Hiyon Harris; and Mrs. Ratliff was born August 14, 1924, in
four grandchildren. Sunflower County, MS, to the late Jeff and
Roy Lewis Alma Jennings Whitten. She was a graduate of
COLUMBUS — Roy Gwen Stewart Linn High School where she was honored as
Mitchell “Mitch” Lewis, SULLIGENT, Ala. — the Valedictorian of her senior class. Hilda was
Gwen Jackson Stewart,

James Kitchens
54, died July 13, 2020, married to James E. Ratliff, who passed in 2016.
at Bapist Memorial Hos- 63, died July 15, 2020, During their 72 years of marriage, they traveled
pital-Golden Triangle. at DCH of Tuscaloosa. the world as he served in the United States Air
Funeral Services Funeral services Force, living in 16 different places, including
were held Thursday at are at 1 p.m. today, at Mr. James Walsie Kitchens, 88, passed away Bermuda and Japan. Mrs. Ratliff was the
Oliver Funeral Home Otts Funeral Home on Friday, July 17, 2020, at Oktibbeha County Secretary and Treasurer of Ratliff Air Services
Chapel, with Chris Chapel, with the Rev. Hospital in Starkville, MS. until her retirement in 1988.
Ray officiating. Burial Andre Evans officiat- Graveside services were held at 10:00 A.M. While in Japan she found a love and
followed at Mt. Moriah ing. Visitation is one on Monday, July 20 th , at Sunrise Cemetery in appreciation for Japanese culture and art. Hilda
Cemetery in Webster hour prior to services Noxapater, MS, with Rev. Brian James Thrasher was featured in the Commercial Dispatch in 2017
County. Oliver Funeral at the funeral home. and Rev. Brandon Frazier officiating. Interment for her collection of Japanese furniture, art and
Home of Eupora is in Otts Funeral Home of was in Sunrise Cemetery. Porter Funeral Home porcelain Geisha dolls that she made by hand
charge of arrange- Sulligent is in charge of was in charge of arrangements. during her time there. Hilda enjoyed playing
ments. arrangements. Mr. Kitchens was born December 21, 1931, bridge, bowling and spending time with her
in Noxubee County, MS, to Velia and Bennie friends and family. She was a proud member of
Kitchens. He worked for many years for Taylor East End Baptist Church. She listed her greatest
Machine Works as a welder and in the research accomplishments in life as being a mother and
and development department. He was a member grandmother.
of the United Pentecostal Church in Starkville. In addition to her parents and her husband,
UK coronavirus vaccine prompts He was a proud veteran of the United States
Marine Corp. He was a member of the United
Mrs. Ratliff was preceded in death by three
sisters, Wilna, Mavis and Joyce and one brother
immune response in early test Steel Workers Union, and he loved hunting,
fishing, and his time spent at Taylor Machine
Survivors include her sister, Jean Norrell
BY MARIA CHENG they found their experi- Works. He and his wife, Lila, lost their home in of Jackson, MS; sons, Bobby Gerald Ratliff of
AP Medical Writer mental COVID-19 vaccine the tornado that passed through Louisville in Jackson, MS, Michael James Ratliff of Columbus,
produced a dual immune 2014, and then moved to Starkville to be near MS; granddaughters, Shannon Ratliff Russell
LONDON — Scientists response in people aged their children.
at Oxford University say and her husband Ted of Walkertown, NC,
18 to 55 that lasted at least He was preceded in death by his parents; and Hilary Ratliff Delling and her husband Trevor
their experimental coro- two months after they a brother, Joseph L. Kitchens.
navirus vaccine has been were immunized.
of Austin, TX, Hannah Ratliff of Cleveland, OH,
He is survived by his wife, Lila Quinn and Stephanie Ratliff of Jackson, MS; and great-
shown in an early trial to “We are seeing good Kitchens of Starkville; two daughters, Debra
prompt a protective im- immune response in al- grandsons, Luke Russell and Matthew Russell.
Kitchens (Boyd) Thrasher and Anita Kitchens Memorials may be made to East End Baptist
mune response in hun- most everybody,” said Dr. Howard, both of Starkville, MS; two sisters, Church, P.O. Box 8480, Columbus, MS, 39705.
dreds of people who got Adrian Hill, director of the Doris Hindman of Louisville and Allegra Condolences and memories can be sent to the
the shot. Jenner Institute at Oxford
British researchers
Kitchens of Palatka, FL; four grandchildren, family at
University. “What this vac- William (Michelle) Thrasher, Jr., Brian (Kristy)
first began testing the cine does particularly well or P.O. Box 1061 Columbus, MS, 39703.
vaccine in April in about Thrasher, Toni Howard and Michelle Starns; five The family would like to express their heartfelt
is trigger both arms of the
1,000 people, half of whom great-grandchildren; one great-great-grandchild; gratitude to Sarah Sanders for her endless love
immune system,” he said.
got the experimental vac- Hill said that neu-
and a host of nieces and nephews. and support.
cine. Such early trials tralizing antibodies are Pallbearers were William Thrasher, Brian
are designed to evaluate produced — molecules Thrasher, Joseph Thrasher, Austin Thrasher,
safety and see what kind which are key to blocking Conner Thrasher and Dale Dickerson.
of immune response was infection. In addition, the Memorials may be made to the Wounded
provoked, but can’t tell if vaccine also causes a reac- Warrior Project.
the vaccine truly protects. tion in the body’s T-cells, To sign the guest register, go to www. Sign the online guest book at
In research published which help by destroying
Monday in the journal cells that have been taken 716 Second Avenue North • Columbus, MS
Paid Obituary - Porter Funeral Home
Lancet, scientists said that over by the virus.
The Dispatch • TUESDAY, JULY 21, 2020 5B

Biden, lawmakers warn ‘Men’s rights’ lawyer eyed in

shooting of NJ judge’s family
of foreign interference in election THE ASSOCIATED PRESS

A self-described “anti-feminist” lawyer found

‘... There’s not much I can do about it doubts in the American
electoral process.
the threats, though they
describe them as serious dead in the Catskills of an apparent self-inflicted
now except talk about it, and expose During an online fund-
raiser Monday night,
and specific.
“We are gravely con-
gunshot wound is the prime suspect in the shooting
of a federal judge’s family in New Jersey, the FBI said
it, but it is a serious concern. It is Biden added: “It’s going to cerned, in particular, that Monday.
Roy Den Hollander, who received media attention
be tough, there’s not much Congress appears to be
truly a violation of our sovereignty.’ I can do about it now ex- the target of a concert- including appearances on Fox News and Comedy
Central for lawsuits challenging perceived infringe-
Democratic presidential candidate Joe Biden cept talk about it, and ex- ed foreign interference
pose it, but it is a serious campaign, which seeks ments of “men’s rights,” was found dead Monday in
THE ASSOCIATED PRESS U.S. intelligence agencies’ concern. It is truly a viola- to launder and amplify Sullivan County, New York, two officials with knowl-
assessment that Russia in- tion of our sovereignty.” disinformation in order to edge of the investigation told The Associated Press.
WASHINGTON — terfered in the 2016 presi- And in an interview on influence congressional The FBI said Den Hollander was the “primary
Democratic presidential dential election. MSNBC, Biden said Rus- activity, public debate, subject in the attack” and confirmed he had been
candidate Joe Biden said “If any foreign power sian President Vladimir and the presidential elec- pronounced dead but provided no other details.
he is putting Russia and recklessly chooses to in- Putin “knows I mean what tion in November,” wrote Found among his personal effects was information
other foreign govern- terfere in our democracy, I say.” Pelosi, Schumer, House about another judge, New York Chief Judge Janet Di-
ments “on notice” that he I will not hesitate to re- The Democratic lead- Intelligence Committee Fiore, a state court spokesperson said.
would act aggressively as spond as president to im- ers said in a letter to FBI Chairman Adam Schiff, A day earlier, a gunman posing as a FedEx deliv-
president to counter any pose substantial and last- Director Christopher D-Calif., and Virginia ery person went to the North Brunswick, New Jersey,
interference in U.S. elec- ing costs,” Biden said. Wray on Monday that Sen. Mark Warner, the top home of U.S. District Judge Esther Salas, and started
tions. The statement came The new alarms give a they are concerned that Democrat on the Senate shooting, wounding her husband, the defense lawyer
hours after Democratic renewed urgency to con- Congress appears to be Intelligence panel. Mark Anderl, and killing her son, Daniel Anderl.
leaders issued a new warn- cerns that foreign actors the target of a “concerted
ing that Congress appears could be trying to influ- foreign interference cam-
to be the target of a foreign ence the vote or sow dis- paign” to influence the
interference campaign. information. Biden said 2020 presidential election.
Biden said in a state- last week that he had be- They asked Wray for an
ment Monday that he gun receiving intelligence all-members, classified
would treat foreign inter- briefings and warned that briefing on the matter be-
ference as “an adversar- Russia, China and other fore the August recess.
ial act that significantly adversaries were attempt- The letter from House
affects the relationship ing to undermine the pres- Speaker Nancy Pelosi,
between the United States idential election. Biden Senate Democratic lead-
and the interfering na- gave no evidence, but he er Chuck Schumer and
tion’s government.” He said that Russia was “still the top Democrats on
criticized President Don- engaged” after 2016 and the House and Senate
ald Trump for not doing that China was also in- intelligence committees
enough in response to volved in efforts to sow contains no details about

Fauci to throw 1st pitch at Yankees-Nationals opener

THE ASSOCIATED PRESS lar season. nally was scheduled to be-
The Washington gin. Spring training was
WA S H - Nationals announced halted in March because
INGTON — Monday that Fauci — a of the COVID-19 outbreak
Dr. Anthony
self-described fan of the and teams resumed pre-
Fauci, the
reigning World Series paring to play this month.
c ou nt r y ’s
top infec- champions — accepted In their new release
tious dis- the team’s invitation to about Fauci’s role at the
ease expert, have the pregame honor opener, the Nationals
will throw Fauci Thursday night. refer to him as “a true
out the ceremonial first The Nationals host champion for our coun-
pitch at the first game of the New York Yankees to try” during the pandemic
Major League Baseball’s open the season nearly “and throughout his dis-
pandemic-delayed regu- four months after it origi- tinguished career.”

Is it safe to go to the gym during the coronavirus pandemic?

THE ASSOCIATED PRESS says Dr. Marybeth Sex- coverings should be worn
ton, an assistant professor at the gym whenever pos-
Is it safe to go to the of infectious diseases at sible.
gym during the coronavi- Emory University. Sexton also suggests
rus pandemic? Avoiding the locker bringing a backup mask.
It depends on where room, bringing your own If the one you’re wearing
you live and the precau- water bottle and using gets really damp with
tions you and the gym hand sanitizer also helps sweat, she says it might
take. reduce risk, Sexton says. not be as effective.
If cases of COVID-19 The U.S. Centers for Even for those being
are poorly controlled Disease Control and Pre- careful, gyms pose a risk.
where you live, experts vention also suggests Many are indoors, where
say it’s best to stay away. checking in online, rather ventilation is limited and
But if you live in an area than in person, and seek- social distancing can be
where the spread is being ing activities that are out- challenging. In an ongo-
contained, there are ways doors instead of indoors ing pandemic, if you can
to minimize risk when go- when possible. manage to break a sweat
ing for a workout. Gym staff should be without returning to the
To ensure everyone cleaning exercise ma- gym just yet, that’s the
stays at least 6 feet apart, chines between uses and best option, according to
gyms should take steps regularly wiping down Sexton.
such as moving ma- other frequently touched “If you can exercise by
chines, blocking off areas areas with products that yourself outside, that’s
and limiting the number kill viruses. safer than being at the
of people allowed inside, And experts say face gym,” she said.
Ads appear in The Commercial Dispatch,
CLAY, DECEASED The Starkville Dispatch and Online
CAUSE NO. 44CH1:19-pr-
Letters Testamentary have 00212-RPF To place ads starting at only $12,
been granted and issued to
James Earl Cunningham, Ex- KIMBLER GEAN DAVIS PETI- call 662-328-2424 or visit
ecutor of the Estate of Johnnie TIONER
Will Cunningham, deceased, by
County, Mississippi, on the 9th
day of June, 2020. This is to THE STATE OF MISSISSIPPI
give notice to all persons hav-
ing claims against the estate TO: All Unknown Heirs at law of
toLegal Noticesand Register same
Probate Legal Notices
Rosie Mae Lewis Clay, De- General Help Wanted Apts For Rent: Other

LEGALS Garage Sales Vehicles

with the Chancery Clerk of ceased
Lowndes County, Mississippi, SERVICE TECHNICIAN for
within ninety (90) days from the
date of first publication of this
You have been made a Defend-
ant in the suit filed in this
local pest control company.
Applicant must be organ-
Call us: 662-328-2424 Notice. A failure to so Probate Court by Kimbler Gean Davis, RENTALS Two free signs Ads starting at $12
and Register the claim will Petitioner, seeking to determ- ized, dependable, work well TOWNHOUSES & APARTMENTS
forever bar the same. ine the heirs of Rosie Mae with the public, and have
Legal Notices Lewis Clay, close the estate good driving record with 1 BEDROOM Estate Sales Motorcycles & ATVs
THIS the 10th day of June, and disburse proceeds in the valid driver's license.
INVITATION FOR BIDS FOR 2020. above-referenced cause. Other Drug test required. 2 BEDROOMS 2005 HONDA 250 REBEL
Defendants in this action are
Estate of Johnnie Will Cunning- the unknown heirs at law of
Apply at 107 Gardner Blvd. 3 BEDROOMS 36 Honeysuckle Lane. Black, red, and gray.
ON STATE LANDS No phone calls. Chairs, recliners, bar 1,428 miles. $1500.
ham Rosie Mae Lewis Clay, De-

© The Dispatch
ceased. stools, dishware, sizes 662−364−0120.
Bids will be received by the 14−18 womens shoes
Mississippi Department of By: /s/ James Earl Cunning-
ham You are summoned to appear DEPOSIT & clothing, antique
Wildlife, Fisheries, and Parks at
James Earl Cunningham, Ex- and defend against the peti- glassware, antique

3319 Lake Lowndes Road,
ecutor tion filed in this action at 9:00 dolls, music boxes and
Columbus, Mississippi 39702,
up to and not later than 11:00 a.m. on August 27, 2020 in CREDIT CHECK decorative items. You
A.M., August 6, 2020 for the OF COUNSEL: the Courtroom of the Chickas- won’t want to miss this
purchase on a per ton, pay-as-
cut basis of all timber, stand-
John W. Crowell (MSB 7906)
Crowell Gillis & Cooper, PLLC
aw County Chancery Building
located 330 West Main,
Ads starting at $25 662-329-2323 one! Sat, 8:30−2:30pm
662−364−3259 Ads starting at $12
ing or down, designated for cut- Post Office Box 1827 Okolona, Mississippi, and in
ting at Lake Lowndes State Columbus, MS 39703 case of your failure to appear Apts For Rent: North 2411 HWY 45 N Good Things To Eat
Park, Sections 3 and 10, Town- PHONE: (662) 243-7308 and defend, a judgment will be entered against you for relief COLUMBUS, MS
One person’s junk,
ship 19 South, Range 17 West, FOX RUN APARTMENTS
demanded in the petition.

Lowndes County, Mississippi. CANNING TOMATOES,
is another person’s
Each bidder is expected to $15/box, gone soon. Peas

07/21/20 You are not required to file an 1 & 2 BR near hospital. Houses For Rent: North
make his own cruise and to bid $595−$645 monthly. & okra coming soon. 662−
accordingly. 07/28/20 answer or other pleading, but 251−1000 or 662−855−
08/04/20 you may do so if you desire. Military discount, pet area, HOUSE FOR RENT
pet friendly, and furnished 0085.
Before bids are submitted, full 2−3 Bedroom w/ 1.5 Bath
information concerning the tim- Issued under my hand and the corporate apts.
The following vehicles have seal of said Court, this the
Fenced in yard. $675.
Travel & Entertainment
ber, the conditions of sale and been abandoned at 24−HOUR PROFESSIONAL 662−549−9555.
the submission of bids should 15th day of July, 2020. GYM. ON SITE SECURITY. Ask for Glenn or text.
be obtained from Carl Branson, Auto Mart LLC ON SITE MAINTENANCE.
1009 Gardner Blvd LOWNDES COUNTY, MS ON SITE MANAGEMENT. The Columbus, MS 39702 24−HOUR CAMERA @ 130 Hillcrest Drive.
right to reject any and all bids HOUSE FOR RENT. Open Tues−Sat, 7a−5p
or BY: Shantrell W. Granderson SURVEILLANCE. Benji & 56 Mason Dr. No HUD. No
is reserved. Jim’s Towing and Recovery LLC 662−386−8591
(SEAL) Deputy Clerk Ashleigh, 662−386−4446. pets. 3BR/1.5BA. Asking
1020 ½ Gardner Blvd Call for pricing.
PUBLISH: 7/14, 7/21, 7/28 & Columbus, MS 39702 $760/ per month. Dep.
8/4/2020 Publication Dates: 7/21, 7/28 $760. 662−549−9298.
& 8/4/2020
2005 Acur RL
State of Mississippi
VIN # JH4KB16585C015300 Very large, very nice 2bd, Houses For Rent: West FIND YOUR
County Of Lowndes
2ba apartment. Lots of
GOLDEN DEAL WITH It’s a classified
2013 GMC Yukon closets, washer dryer
VIN # 1GKS1KE04DR109660 1187 MOTLEY Rd.
included. Fenced, covered
NOTICE OF SALE LIQUIDATION 2b/1ba. Nice quiet area. 8
parking. Perfect for two
2005 Nissan Sentra −10 min from downtown.
WHEREAS, the following ten- VIN #3N1CB51D05L496369
Call us: 662-328-2424
roommates, or a couple
References required. Call We tell readers
ants entered into leases with with kids. $675.00 662−
The Grove Mini Warehouses for 364−1610 662−497−4428 or 662−
storage space in which to store
personal property and
If not claimed they will be sold
on JuLY 29, 2020, at 10 AM at General Help Wanted
361−1483. what they need
1020 1/2 Gardner Blvd.,
WHEREAS, default has been
Columbus, MS by Auto Mart
LLC or Jim’s Towing. They will
Clean Up and Mowing Crew Apts For Rent: South Mobile Homes for Rent to know to buy
made in the payment for rent Taking applications for job
be sold for monies owed for
what they need.
and The Grove Mini Ware- opening in Columbus, MS Two large, very nice, 2br, 3BR/2BA Trailer, New
the tow bill, storage fees, and Hope school dist. $650/
houses pursuant to said all other expenses incurred to & Pickensville, AL, for 1ba apartments in
leases is authorized to sell the process the claims. Ground Maintenance downtown Columbus. First mo & $650 dep. No pets,
personal property to satisfy the
Five Questions:
Laborer, to work on Tenn- floor with washer/dryers no drugs, no partying. Call
past due rent and other
charges owed to it by the fol-
Witnessed this the 16th day of Tom Waterway Project, and private parking. One of b/w 10a−9p. 662−386− Ads starting at $12
July, 2020. maintaining parks, picnic the best locations in 4292. NO TEXT MGS.
lowing tenants:
areas & playgrounds. Must downtown. $875.00 662− Appliances
Auto Mart LLC

1 Purring
Apryl Sherrod be 18 years or older, pass 364−1610
Jim’s Towing & Recovery LLC RV/MOBILE HOME SITE
A16 pre-employment drug CENTRAL AC UNIT. Only
$165.00 East or West Columbus or
Publish: 7/21 and 7/28/2020 screen & have valid driver’s Apts For Rent: West near CAFB, Caledonia used 1 day, too small for
license with good driving re- space. Revolv brand, 2.5
Lonnie Sander cord. EOE. Send resume’ schools. 601−940−1397.

A32 STATE OF MISSISSIPPI btu, 208−230 voltage.
2 Ford
$483.80 COUNTY OF LOWNDES or apply at following: $900. Crawford, MS.
For Columbus: 662−497−2754.

Rentals Real Estate

R&D Maintenance Services
Eldwyien Donald NOTICE OF SALE
A33 3600 West Plymouth Road
$176.95 WHEREAS, the following ten- Columbus, Ms. 39701 General Merchandise
ants entered into leases with J For Pickenville: Apartments & Houses
Tammy Crimm & J Mini Storage for storage R&D Maintenance Services Ads starting at $25 2018 40FT Gooseneck
space in which to store person- 1623 Lock & Dam Road
1 Bedrooms
3 Ratatouille
A38 Trailer w/ 5ft dovetail, 12
$261.95 al property and
Carrollton, AL. 35447 Houses For Sale: New Hope ton axles, 10−4inch straps
Cyretha Ball WHEREAS, default has been 2 Bedroooms & tarps. $7,000.
3 Bedrooms
A40 made in the payment of rent HILLCREST SUBDIVISION 662−251−3001.
$236.95 and J & J Mini Storage pursu- AREA BUSINESS NEW HOPE SCHOOLS
4 “The Heat”
ant to said Leases is author- is seeking a mature,
Marissa Perkins ized to sell the personal prop- motivated person who Furnished & Unfurnished Brand new & move−in

ready! 4 Bed, 2 Baths,
erty to satisfy the past due and enjoys interacting with
1, 2, & 3 Baths
B25 Granite, tile hardwood &
$296.95 any other charges owed to it by people, being outdoors
Lease, Deposit
the following tenants. more. Historically low

Classifieds 5 Zog
and multitasking. Skills interest rates. Call Emily C.
Renise Lyshon
B35 NOW THEREFORE, notice is related to maintaining
equipment and/or farm
& Credit Check Moody, 662−574−3903,
$296.95 hereby given that J & J Mini 662−328−0770.
Storage will confiscate after Ju- work are desired but not Long & Long Real Estate
Cheryl Ferghson
ly 31st, 2020 & sell for cash
all personal property in stor-
age units leased by the follow-
required. Person needs to
be flexible enough to pitch 327-8555 Builder/Broker/Owner
in where ever needed but

ing tenants at J & J Mini Stor- Lots & Acreage
also keep their core
NOW, THEREFORE, notice is age: Apts For Rent: Other
hereby given that The Grove
responsibilities in mind.
If you enjoy a different ex- 1.75 ACRE LOTS. Good/
Mini Warehouses liquidation Candie Diggs Bad Credit Options. Good

sale will take place at 510 Unit A24 perience on the regular, credit as low as 20% down,
Lehmberg Road, Columbus, MS meeting new people and $499/mo. Eaton Land,
39702 on July 24, 2020 at Michael Murphy believe in customer 662−361−7711.
10:00 A.M. Unit C3 satisfaction this job might
be for you.
PUBLISH: 7/7, 7/14 & Wanda Hamby
7/21/2020 Unit C5 Please submit resume to:
Blind Box 675 c/o The
Sandra Lipsey Commercial Dispatch
Notice to Bidders Unit D5 PO Box 511
Columbus, MS 39703
Sealed bids will be received in Mark Frady
the office of the General Man- Unit D12
ager, City of Columbus, Missis- MOUNT TRUCKING is hir-
sippi, Light and Water Depart- WITNESS MY SIGNATURE on ing a flatbed driver in the
ment, until 10:00 a.m. on Au- this the 17th day of July, 2020.
gust 6, 2020, for “58’ ROW Columbus area. Family-
Aerial Device & Chassis.” J & J Mini Storage owned. Get more out your
By: A.D. check & more home time. You’ll find the best deals
Specifications may be ob- We work for you! when you advertise
tained by dialing (662) 328- PUBLISH: 7/21 & 7/24/2020 *Home every weekend
7192 ext. 121. Any questions and shop here!
*50 cent a mile *1099
regarding bid should be direc- Tyrone Washington
ted to Marcus Rushing at (662) IN THE CHANCERY COURT OF
243-7440. LOWNDES COUNTY, MISSIS- 901-230-4659
Bids should be signed by an
authorized agent of the com- IN THE MATTER OF THE ES-
pany and delivered to 420 4th TATE OF ROSIE MAE LEWIS THE COMMERCIAL
Avenue South, Columbus, MS CLAY, DECEASED DISPATCH seeks a motiv-
or mailed to General Manager’s
CAUSE NO. 44CH1:19-pr-
ated, contracted carrier for
office, P.O. Box 949, Colum- the Brooksville & Macon


bus, MS 39703 and should be area. Excellent opportunity
clearly marked on the outside to earn money for college.
of the envelope “58’ ROW Aeri- KIMBLER GEAN DAVIS PETI-
al Device & Chassis.” TIONER Must have good transporta-

Columbus Light & Water re-

serves the right to reject any
tion, valid driver's license
& insurance. Delivers on
Sunday morning and Mon-

Service Directory
and/or all Proposals and to THE STATE OF MISSISSIPPI
Fri afternoons. Apply at The
hold proposal for a period of
30 days or until after the TO: All Unknown Heirs at law of Commercial Dispatch, 516
Rosie Mae Lewis Clay, De- Main Street in Columbus.
monthly Board of
Commission’s meeting before ceased No phone calls please.
award or rejection.
You have been made a Defend-
ant Helpsuit
in the Wanted
filed in this
No bidder may withdraw a pro-
posal for a period of thirty (30) Court by Kimbler Gean Davis,
Petitioner, seeking to determ- Promote your small business starting at only $25
days after the date set for
opening of proposals. ine the heirs of Rosie Mae
Lewis Clay, close the estate Carpet & Flooring General Services Lawn Care / Landscaping Tree Services
City of Columbus, Mississippi and disburse proceeds in the
Light and Water Department above-referenced cause. Other
Defendants in this action are HILL’S PRESSURE JESSE & BEVERLY’S A & T TREE SERVICES
the unknown heirs at law of WASHING. Commercial/ LAWN SERVICE Bucket truck & stump
Todd Gale Residential. House, Mowing, cleanup, removal. Free est.
General Manager Rosie Mae Lewis Clay, De-
ceased. concrete, sidewalks & landscaping, sodding, Serving Columbus
Publish: July 21, 2020 mobile washing. Free est. & tree cutting. since 1987. Senior
July 22, 2020 You are summoned to appear 662−386−8925. 662−356−6525 citizen disc. Call Alvin @
and defend against the peti- 242−0324/241−4447
tion filed in this action at 9:00 Painting & Papering "We’ll go out on a limb for
IN THE CHANCERY COURT OF a.m. on August 27, 2020 in
the Courtroom of the Chickas- you!"
SIPPI aw County Chancery Building
located 330 West Main, DAVID’S CARPET & Ext/Int Painting. Tree Services
IN THE MATTER OF THE ES- Okolona, Mississippi, and in UPHOLSTERY Sheet Rock Hang, Finish &
TATE OF JOHNNIE WILL CUN- case of your failure to appear CLEANING Repair. Pressure Washing. J&A TREE REMOVAL
NINGHAM, DECEASED and defend, a judgment will be 1 Room − $50 Free Estimates. Ask for Work from a bucket truck.
entered against you for relief 2 Rooms − $70 specials! Larry Webber, Insured/bonded.
JAMES EARL CUNNINGHAM, demanded in the petition. 3+ Rooms − $30 EA 662−242−4932. Call Jimmy Prescott for free
EXECUTOR Rugs−Must Be Seen estimate, 662−386−6286.
You are not required to file an
answer or other pleading, but
Car Upholstery Cleaning SULLIVAN’S PAINT
NO. 2020-0113-RPF Available SERVICE
you may do so if you desire.
662−722−1758 Special Prices.
Issued under my hand and the Interior & Exterior Painting.
Letters Testamentary have seal of said Court, this the 662−435−6528
been granted and issued to 15th day of July, 2020. General Services
James Earl Cunningham, Ex-
ecutor of the Estate of Johnnie CHANCERY CLERK OF WORK WANTED: Licensed
Will Cunningham, deceased, by LOWNDES COUNTY, MS
& Bonded. Carpentry, minor
the Chancery Court of Lowndes electrical, minor plumbing,
BY: Shantrell W. Granderson
Grow your
County, Mississippi, on the 9th
day of June, 2020. This is to (SEAL) Deputy Clerk insulation, painting, Got leaky pipes?
business in the
give notice to all persons hav- demolition, gutters
Publication Dates: 7/21, 7/28 cleaned, pressure washing, Find a plumber in the
ing claims against the estate Are you a painter?
service directory.
to Probate and Register same & 8/4/2020 landscaping, cleanup work. classifieds.
with the Chancery Clerk of 662−242−3608. Advertise here!
Lowndes County, Mississippi,
within ninety (90) days from the

One call will bring you results. 662-328-2424

date of first publication of this
Notice. A failure to so Probate
and Register the claim will
forever bar the same.

THIS the 10th day of June,


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