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OPINION How does stress, depression and anxiety affect
patients undergoing treatment?
Jacky Boivin

Purpose of review
To review latest findings about the impact of fertility care on emotional distress and effect of distress on
treatment outcome.
Recent findings
Treatment failure and long agonist protocols are associated with increased emotional distress during
treatment. Screening tools can be used to identify men and women at risk of emotional maladjustment at
the start of fertility treatment and people unlikely to need emotional support during or after treatment. There
are inconclusive results about the association between emotional distress and outcome of fertility treatment.
Systematic review of studies evaluating the effect of psychological and educational interventions on
anxiety, depression and live birth (or ongoing pregnancy) are uninformative because of clinical
heterogeneity and risk of bias.
ART is emotionally demanding, patients that adapt more poorly can be identified in advance. Fertility staff
should follow good practice guidelines to provide patients with support during treatment.
anxiety, depression, infertility, psychological intervention, screening

INTRODUCTION treatment failure [5]. Avoidance, catastrophizing

Managing emotional distress [anxiety, depression, and poor partner support was associated with poor
perceived (infertility) stress] is an important aspect adjustment in men [5]. Depression and anxiety
of fertility care. Increasingly, this type of psychoso- lessened over time [4] with a return to baseline
cial care is expected to be evidence-based, and pro- probably occurring between 6 [5] and 12 months
vided by fertility clinic staff through patient-centred [4] after fertility care. Toftager et al. [6] reported
care, and not just referral to specialized counsellors physical (feeling bloated, abdominal pain), emo-
& &
[1 ,2 ]. This selective review will examine recent tional (e.g. unexpected crying) and behavioural
psychological studies that inform on provision of (e.g. poor quality sleep) symptoms were more likely
psychosocial care. and intense in women randomly assigned to long
gonadotrophin agonist (LGA) protocols than short
antagonist protocols. This extra burden could
INFERTILITY, INFERTILITY TREATMENT explain why patients having up to three natural-
AND EMOTIONAL DISTRESS cycle ART reported more satisfaction with treatment
Emotional distress in infertility patients has been and less depression after treatment than patients
attributed to the unfulfilled wish for a child, stigma having undergone a single cycle with LGA [7].
of underlying conditions (e.g. hirsutism), limiting
physical aspects (e.g. severe pelvic pain), treatment
Cardiff Fertility Studies Research Group, School of Psychology, College
procedures (e.g. ovarian stimulation) and treatment
of Biomedical and Life Sciences, Cardiff University, Cardiff, Wales,
events (waiting for pregnancy test) [3 ]. Two system- United Kingdom
atic reviews confirm past research in showing the Correspondence to Jacky Boivin, Cardiff Fertility Studies Research
effect of treatment failure on wellbeing of men and Group, School of Psychology, College of Biomedical and Life Sciences,
women ([4,5], both 12 studies). In addition to show- Cardiff University, 70 Park Place, Cardiff, Wales CF10 3AT, United
ing effects in women, these also showed that men’s Kingdom. Tel: +44 2920 875 289; e-mail:
psychological adjustment could deteriorate during Curr Opin Obstet Gynecol 2019, 31:195–199
fertility treatment [5] especially in response to DOI:10.1097/GCO.0000000000000539

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Fertility, IVF and reproductive genetics

beliefs are congruent with stress theories and non-

KEY POINTS human animal research, evidence in humans is
 ART treatment failure is emotionally demanding for not compelling.
women and men, and long gonadotrophin agonist is Two recent systematic reviews and meta-analyses
physical and emotionally demanding for women. in ART samples (with overlapping studies) examined
prospective studies on this association in ART. Nic-
 Patients experiencing distressed at the start of treatment &
oloro-SantaBarbara et al. [15 ] included 20 studies
and those unlikely to need additional support resources
can be identified pretreatment. evaluating the association between anxiety, depres-
sion or perceived stress and verified pregnancy (blood
 There is no compelling evidence for an association test, ultrasound scan, live birth) in women undergo-
between emotional distress (anxiety, depression, ing in vitro fertilization (IVF) or intracytoplasmic
infertility stress) and treatment failure in ART.
sperm injection (ICSI). Pooled effect sizes for anxiety
 The RCTs evaluating the benefits of psychological and or depression measured before or during treatment
educational interventions in fertility care are (four separate analyses) revealed nonsignificant
uninformative due to clinical heterogeneity and too high effect sizes between outcome groups. A similar non-
risk of bias (blinding, attrition, attentional controls). significant pooled effect size was obtained for per-
ceived stress. None of the moderators were significant
in explaining heterogeneity which ranged from 35 to

One important source of heterogeneity in studies 78%. In contrast, Purewal et al. [16,17 ] reported
on the impact of infertility treatment is measurement significant associations between treatment outcome
inconsistency. A recent Cochrane review reported the and anxiety and depression measured pretreatment
use of more than 30 different measures in the psycho- and during treatment in women undergoing ART.
logical literature aimed at improving wellbeing [8]. Meta-analysis of pretreatment data (22 studies)
Using the same measure consistently could address showed a small significant negative effect size
this problem. Recently, a review [9 ] and an empirical (SMD) for depression and anxiety. Meta-analysis of
study [10] examined the psychometric properties of emotional distress during treatment (from pretreat-
the most frequently used measures of infertility-spe- ment to embryo transfer) (11 studies) also showed
cific patient-reported outcomes (i.e. Fertility Quality significant, negatively pooled effect sizes with effects
of Life, FertiQoL [11], Fertility Problem Inventory, FPI being smaller when only IVF patients (not ICSI) and
[12], Copenhagen Multicentre Psychosocial Infertil- recent studies (since 2010) were considered. The
ity-Fertility Problem Stress Scale, COMPI-FPSS [13]). difference in results requires explanation especially
Both studies concluded that the three measures had for distress during treatment where Purewal et al.
satisfactory psychometric properties [9 ,10]. There [17 ] reported effect sizes double those reported in

were advantages specific to each measure but equally Nicolo-SantaBarbara et al. [15 ] despite similar study
there were gaps in psychometric testing for all mea- selection criteria.

sures, for example, lack of a clinically important dif- Purewal et al. [17 ] included six additional stud-
ference [9 ]. Choice of tool should match the ies and these generally had higher effect sizes than
situation [9 ,10]. FertiQoL (24 items) is best for over- the other studies overlapping with that of Nicolo-
all quality-of-life measurement, especially in treat- SantaBarbara, making this a likely explanation for
ment, is sensitive to the effects of interventions, the difference in results. However, there were inex-

and potentially useful for prediction of anxiety and plicable choices in Purewal [17 ] too that could have
depression. The Fertility Problem Inventory (34 items) produced larger effect sizes during treatment (e.g.
is best for decision-making and longer term adjust- allocation of a large ‘pretreatment’ effect size to
ment as it assesses beliefs known to be relevant to ‘during treatment’ analysis). Even if effect sizes do
adapting to childlessness [14 ]. The COMPI-FPSS (14 prove to be of that size during treatment, it is
items) is a coherent measure of perceived infertility unlikely that these would indicate that being
stress and its brevity and link to the concept of stress stressed or distressed during treatment reduced
make it useful for studies on stress, coping and clinical the chance of pregnancy because of confounding.
outcomes (e.g. pregnancy rate). Ratings taken at oocyte retrieval or embryo transfer
(i.e. during treatment) will strongly reflect knowl-
edge about the quantity and quality of oocytes and
EMOTIONAL DISTRESS AND ITS embryos produced, which highly predict treatment
Many people think that emotional distress because A lack of consistent association between meta-
of fertility problems or other stressors interferes with analyses could be because of the poor explanatory
the success of fertility treatment. Although these power of the simple associative model used, where

196 Volume 31  Number 3  June 2019

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The impact of fertility care on emotional distress Boivin

emotional distress is the only risk factor considered. specificity but this finding was based on using over-
More complex models that take into account bio- lapping items in the detection and outcome tools, a
medical (e.g. prognostic indicators) and behavioural limitation that could inflate predictive validity. The
risk factors (e.g. smoking, caffeine) that vary with concurrent and predictive validity of the SCREEN-
emotional distress could probably improve its pre- IVF was recently tested using different items in 913
diction for treatment outcome. However, if complex Dutch men and women undergoing ART. SCREEN-
models are developed, these should focus on risks IVF and emotional maladjustment (self-reported
that benefit ART outcomes when modified. A recent Hospital Anxiety and Depression Scale, HADS) were
systematic review and meta-analysis [18 ] demon- measured at the start of stimulation before the first
strated that preconception lifestyle interventions scan [21 ]. The HADS was completed again 10 days
based on caloric restriction and exercise were effec- and 6 weeks after embryo transfer (corresponding to
tive in stimulating weight loss (about 3.5 kg) and waiting period for pregnancy test and postresults,
BMI status change (about one-point change) but respectively). Results showed that concurrent valid-
these losses only produced a higher pregnancy rate ity (cross-sectional prediction from SCREENIVF to
in people achieving pregnancy without ART and not HADS) was better than predictive validity (prospec-
in those undergoing ART [18 ]. tive prediction from SCREENIVF at start to HADS-
It has been argued that, in any case, supraphy- day 10 or HADS-week 6). Furthermore, SCREENIVF
siologic effects of stimulation and mechanical pro- was better at predicting those not at risk then those
cedures of oocyte retrieval and embryo transfer at risk of emotional maladjustment. These results
would compensate for any effects of emotional dis- mean that staff using SCREENIVF could feel confi-
tress on ART treatment outcome obscuring any true dent that if patients were categorized as ‘not at risk’
association between stress and fertility. However, at the start of treatment then it would be very
even among infertile people in the general popula- unlikely that they would have emotional maladjust-
tion (i.e. nonclinical sample) emotional distress is ment later. However, staff should have less confi-
not associated with eventual pregnancy [19 ]. In a dence that those rated as ‘at risk’ would have
Norwegian registry study, infertile women from the emotional maladjustment during those later peri-
general population with and without clinical levels ods. Poor prediction was attributed to low base rate
of emotional distress were followed up to determine for maladjustment in infertile populations. It was
whether they would achieve pregnancy [19 ]. The also attributed to the problem of missing predictors,
results showed that 20.1% of women scored above namely pregnancy status at the predicted time of
the clinical cut-off for anxiety, 7.7% for depression, risk (e.g. 6 weeks after treatment outcome). To
and 22.2% for either. Follow-up was complete improve positive predictive values it was suggested
(0% attrition because of register). The live birth rate that the SCREENIVF algorithm be adjusted to
was overall 28.7% and was not significantly different include prognostic indicators (e.g. age) [21 ].
in women with clinical levels of emotional distress:
32.7% live birth in women with high anxiety, 33.0%
high depression, 27.6% both high anxiety and IMPACT OF INTERVENTION STUDIES ON
depression). Authors counter-argued alternative EMOTIONAL DISTRESS IN PEOPLE WITH
explanations on the grounds of controlling con- INFERTILITY
founders and power. Supporting patients during treatment could
The two new meta-analyses do not provide clar- improve wellbeing during treatment and counter
ity on the association between anxiety and depres- any negative effects of emotional distress on treat-
sion in women undergoing ART. ment outcome and trajectory (if these exist). Several
reviews have sought to synthesize this research but
only recently was a Cochrane review carried out
EARLY DETECTION OF EMOTIONAL (Verkuijlen et al. [8]). The review examined psycho-
DISTRESS logical and educational interventions in infertility
Early detection of emotional distress could help (39 RCTs, 4925 participants). The set of primary
clinics provide preventive support at the start of outcomes were anxiety, depression, live birth and
treatment. The SCREENIVF was developed to iden- ongoing pregnancy (20 weeks). Psychological inter-
tify people with emotional maladjustment before ventions were named therapies (e.g. mind–body
treatment and later during or after treatment program) and therapies focused on changing behav-
outcome [20]. It detects risk based on ratings of iour, cognitions or emotional impact of infertility
depression, anxiety, helplessness, acceptance of and fertility care. Educational interventions were
infertility and social support. Past research showed geared toward improving self-management and
that SCREENIVF had satisfactory sensitivity and self-efficacy (e.g. better coping) through education

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Fertility, IVF and reproductive genetics

about infertility and its treatment and relevant psy- that ART could involve so they can integrate these in
chosocial strategies (e.g. coping skills training, psy- decision-making about treatment. Men should not
choeducation). The review concluded that data be neglected in discussions of psychosocial impli-
could not be pooled across intervention studies cations of treatment. Finally, staff should screen
because of too high risk of bias (especially from lack people at the start of treatment (e.g. using SCREEN-
of blinding and high attrition) and too high clinical IVF) to identify not only those already distressed at
heterogeneity in participant characteristics, nature the start but also those unlikely to need additional
of interventions and delivery characteristics. support later on so psychosocial resources are
Indeed, all studies had high risk of bias on at least directed to those that need it the most. The evidence
one domain, and 50% had risk of bias for blinding base for effective interventions is not yet informa-
and attrition. Further, the included studies evalu- tive but psychosocial guidelines for fertility staff not
ated more than 25 different interventions (e.g. hyp- specialized in psychosocial care exist [1 ] and these
nosis, music therapy, cognitive behaviour therapy, could be used to guide good practice until better
stress management, informative leaflets) delivered quality evidence is published.
in many ways. Summary data was presented for the
primary outcomes but the authors warned that Acknowledgements
effects, especially benefits, should be considered None.
with extreme caution as the biases ‘resulted in exag-
gerated and implausible odds ratios’ (Verkuijlen Financial support and sponsorship
et al. [8], p. 26). Consequently, the evidence was None.
generally downgraded to very low-quality evidence,
and a plea made for more rigorous designs. Conflicts of interest
J.B. (Cardiff University) has received funding from Merck
CONCLUSION Norway (Merck AB NUF) for the Norwegian translation
of the Fertility Quality of Life (FertiQoL) tool and funding
Increasingly, fertility clinic staff will be called upon
from Ferring International Center S.A. for the Czech
to provide evidence-based psychosocial care. To do
translation of the FertiQoL scale. The employer of J.B.
so, they will require knowledge of the emotional
(Cardiff University) could one day receive royalties from
impact of treatment, the effect emotional distress
the commercial use of Fertility Quality of Life (FertiQoL).
can have on treatment trajectories and outcomes,
J.B. could one day receive royalties from the commercial
and the interventions staff can use to deliver psy-
use of Fertility Quality of Life (FertiQoL). However, both
chosocial care within the constraints of their clinical
of these are unlikely because FertiQoL is freely available
duties. Three main themes emerged from this
for practice and research.
review. First, more rigorous and homogenous exper-
imental designs are needed to improve quality of
psychological research. Consistently using one of REFERENCES AND RECOMMENDED
the infertility patient-reported outcomes (FertiQoL, READING
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