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The main factor is that Pakistan’s foreign policy isn’t on its right route.

Pakistan has been facing this

challenge from the day of its inception. Later, Pakistan couldn’t develop its foreign policy in such a way
through which Pakistan can get better repute and respect in the world. Our governments never took
foreign policy as their priority. (Nasir Khan)

DECEMBER 8, 2019

Kashmir Issue:
Pakistan couldn’t get success in Kashmir dispute just because of weak foreign policy. Pakistan is
politically, culturally and economically unstable just because of its foreign policy. Pakistan couldn’t
manage the good relations with its neighbor and even with the rest of the world due to loopholes in its
foreign policy.

Chaotic Condition after 9/11:

The blunder was made by the government after 9/11, when the regional peace was deteriorated due
the Afghan War and our policy was just to create the chaos in the region. After the support to the US
against Afghanistan, Pakistan became the soil of terrorists and the whole world started to call Muslims
‘terrorists’. It was the failure of the foreign policy and still the Pakistan’s passport has no worth in the

Indulgence in Others Wars:

The Muslims countries have been facing the conflicts among themselves. It is the most important thing
for the only Muslim atomic power Pakistan to constitute its foreign policy in such a way to get the
maximum benefit and work on the vested interest of Pakistan. It shouldn’t indulge itself in others war.
Here the best diplomatic method would be adopted to behave with the neighbors to secure the rights of
the country.

Diplomatic Pressure:
Pakistan has been facing the diplomatic pressure from the West and China to dismantle anti-Indian
militant groups. But India has a clear Policy to defeat Pakistan at every forum. Due to the weak and poor
foreign policy, Pakistan is considered as terrorist state and it lying on the grey list by FATF.

Not Clear Direction :

There is no clear direction towards the relationship with Saudia, Yemen, Iran, and Syria etc. Pakistani
passport has lost its value just because of its bad foreign policy. Our exports are very less just because of
the loopholes existed in foreign policy. Multinationals corporations have least interest to operate in
Pakistan so FDI is also an issue. This is just because of the pitiable foreign policy. Pakistan isn’t in the
position to get the looted money back to Pakistan. Bilateral trade and investments are never the
priorities of Pakistan’s foreign policy. CPEC has become controversial. Water crisis is a challenge that can
harm more than terrorism. All such issues existed due to bad foreign policy but still Pakistan is not
concentrating on the practical, pragmatic and national interest based foreign policy.

6. Security
Internal and external security is the most important factor in Pakistan’s foreign policy.

Historian Paul Kennedy named Pakistan as one of the nine pivotal states whose future evolution would
not only determine the fate of their region, but also affect international stability. Pakistan has developed
as a principal actor and a vital personality of its own. So, it is supposed to secure and protect its all vital
interests, at all costs.

7. Economic Compulsions
Pakistan as a developing country also needs to establish and maintain cordial relations with those states
with whom it can maximize its trade relations or from whom it can obtain maximum economic aid.
Pakistan’s position in the world is constrained by its weak economics and its dependence on foreign
finances. The main aim of Pakistan’s foreign policy is to boost economic trade

No country could change its geography nor choose its neighbours. So, in Pakistan, sole consideration has
been on safeguarding and preserving country’s independence and territorial integrity. Geography, thus,
placed on Pakistan the onerous responsibility of consistent vigilance and careful conduct of its relations
not only with its immediate neighbours but also with the rest of the world.

Relations with US:

Pakistan’s relations with the United States have also seen many ups and downs. They were probably
best during the early 1960s. Pakistan was a member of SEATO and CENTO. While Nehruvian India
pioneered the non-aligned movement, Pakistan aligned itself with the US against the Soviet Union.
Relation with Afghanistan
Official relations with Afghanistan have been poor since the founding of the state of Pakistan. When
Pakistan joined the UN, Afghanistan was the only country to vote against its membership, citing an
unwillingness to accept Pakistan’s dominion over lands of western Pakistan and the border which the
British Empire left behind called the ‘Durand Line’

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