An Overview of The Cell Cycle Arrest Protein, p21WAF1

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Oral Oncology 36 (2000) 3±7


An overview of the cell cycle arrest protein, p21WAF1

K. Harada*, G.R. Ogden
Oral Diseases Group, Unit of Oral Surgery and Medicine, Dundee Dental Hospital and School, Park Place, Dundee DD1 4HN, UK

Received 16 June 1999; accepted 22 June 1999

p21, also known as WAF1, Cip1, Sdi1, Mda 6 and Cap20 is a cell cycle protein that regulates and can arrest the cell cycle in G1
or S phase (either dependent or independent of p53). Its role may be pivotal in many cell processes including di€erentiation and
apoptosis. This brief overview provides a summary of its presently known functions and indicates areas for further research, par-
ticularly in relation to oral malignant disease. Greater understanding of its role may lead to therapeutic advances in the manage-
ment of malignant disease. # 2000 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.
Keywords: p21WAF1; Cell cycle; Arrest protein; Functions

1. Introduction ®broblasts associated tightly with a 20 K ptrotein) was

found as an ubiquitous inhibitor of cyclin kinase and an
p21WAF1 is a 21-kDa cell cycle regulatory protein integral component of cell cycle control [6].
encoded by the p21WAF1 gene which is located on chro- WAF1 attracted a great deal of attention because it
mosome 6p21.2 [1]. p21WAF1 is also known as Cip1, was expected to shed further light on the function of p53.
Sdi1, Mda6 and Cap20 according to the di€erent func- However, p21WAF1 is synthesized in order to arrest the
tions assigned to it by various groups since it has been cell cycle (G1 or S phase) through both p53-dependent
cloned independently by a number of di€erent routes. and -independent pathways when both normal and can-
These are outlined below. WAF1 (wild-type p53- cerous cells are stressed, e.g. following serum starvation,
activated fragment 1) was cloned by subtractive hybridi- exposure to DNA-damaging agents and di€erentiation-
zation for genes activated by wild-type p53 [1]. Cip1 inducing agents [7±9]. Moreover, the p53-related pro-
[cyclin-dependent kinase (CDK) interacting protein] teins p73 [10] and p51 [11] were recently found to be
was found to encode a protein that interacted with the capable of inducing p21WAF1. It is believed that the
cyclin/cdk2 complex and inhibited CDK that drove inhibitory e€ects on cell division by p21WAF1 are closely
the cell division cycle [2]. p21 was discovered by two- related to cell di€erentiation, senescence, cancerous
hybrid screening in yeast for human proteins that inter- change of normal cells, regulation and induction of
acted with Cdk2, or on peptide sequencing and subse- apoptosis involving p53 and Rb [12].
quent cloning of a protein co-immunoprecipitating with
cyclin D [3]. Sdi1 (senescent cell-derived inhibitor-1) was
found to encode an inhibitory factor of DNA synthesis 2. Cell cycle arrest
in human senescent cells [4]. Mda6 (melanoma dif-
ferentiation-associated gene 6) was identi®ed using Overexpression of p21WAF1 induces cell cycle arrest
subtraction hybridization by virtue of its enhanced [1,2]. Also, expression levels of p21WAF1 are elevated in
expression in human melanoma cells induced to dif- cells which are induced to arrest in G0±G1 phase by
ferentiate terminally by treatment with human ®bro- factors such as serum starvation, di€erentiation and
blast interferon and the anti-leukaemic compound senescence [8,13,14]. Moreover, p21WAF1 mRNA
mezerein [5]. Cap20 (CDK2/cyclin complexes in mouse and protein levels are rapidly induced in response to X-
ray, UV or DNA-damaging agents, which induce a
* Corresponding author. Tel.: +44-1382-635989; fax: +44-1382-
transient G1 arrest [15±17]. Furthermore, cell cycle
635989. arrest is not induced by radiation in p21WAF1 (ÿ/ÿ)
E-mail address: (K. Harada) cells [18]. It would, therefore, appear that p21WAF1
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PII: S1368-8375(99)00049-4
4 K. Harada, G.R. Ogden / Oral Oncology 36 (2000) 3±7

plays an important role in inhibiting the progress of a trimeric toroid structure that serves as a sliding clamp for
cell through the G1 checkpoint in response to various DNA polymerase delta and DNA polymerase epsilon
exogenous and endogenous factors. holoenzymes on DNA. This binding of p21WAF1 to
It is thought that p21WAF1 mediates cell cycle arrest PCNA can inhibit DNA synthesis by blocking associa-
by inhibiting the CDKs that are required to drive the tion of DNA polymerase with PCNA [44]. Binding of
cell cycle [1±3]. p21WAF1 may also promote cyclin-cdk p21WAF1 to PCNA can also interfere with replication by
assembly [19,20]. p21WAF1 is localised in the nucleus, preventing binding of the Fenl 50 ±30 replicative exonu-
and forms a quaternary complex with cyclin A (or B, D clease to the replicative complex [43,45]. It is possible
or E), cdk2 (or 4) and proliferating cell nuclear antigen that the p21±PCNA interaction is important for ecient
(PCNA) [13,19,21]. DNA repair, and indeed it has been suggested that
A quaternary complex seems to be important for p21WAF1 is involved in the disassembly of PCNA from
restraining the cell cycle in normal cells. When CDKs DNA repair sites in cells [46]. However, the mechanismes
complex with p21WAF1, their kinase activity is inhibited of DNA repair and replication involved are still unclear.
[22]. It is thought that the proliferating signal which
drives the cell cycle, such as phosphorylation of Rb,
activation of E2F, synthesis of DNA polymerase and 3. Di€erentiation
CDKs are not induced [22]. Interestingly, the qua-
ternary complexes have not always been detected in Expression of p21WAF1 protein would seem to be
cancer cells [23]. Their loss may contribute to progres- related to terminal di€erentiation because cell cycle
sion of cancer cells. arrest is a ®rst step towards this state. In monocytic
p21WAF1 expression can be increased by serum star- di€entiation from HL-60 cells and in hepatoma cell
vation, contact inhibition and senescence without being lines treated by di€erentiation inducers, expression of
accompanied by an increase in p53 expression [8], and p21WAF1 mRNA is detected [14]. Also, it has been
p21WAF1 can be expressed in cells which come from p53- found that the Mda6 gene product is identical to
de®cient transgenic mice [24]. These observations sug- p21WAF1, and plays a role in the di€erentiation of nor-
gest that there are other pathways which induce mal melanocytes [47]. It is also thought that p21WAF1 is
p21WAF1 independently of p53 [25,26]. Recent evidence involved in the di€erentiation of muscle cells because
has shown that p21WAF1 can be induced through p53- induction of p21WAF1 by the myogenic basic helix±
independent pathways by such various factors as TGF- loop±helix factor MyoD leads to cell cycle arrest [34]. It
b [24,27], TNF-a [28,29], IFN-g [30,31], vitamin D [32], seems that p21WAF1 is also involved in the di€erentia-
TPA [33], MyoD [34], nerve growth factor [35] and tion of peripheral nervous system neurones in response
okadaic acid [8]. to nerve growth factor mediated by protein p300 [35].
Since p21WAF1 plays an important role in arresting Expression of p21WAF1 has also been detected in nor-
the cell cycle, loss of function in p21WAF1 may favour mal oral epithelium and epithelial dysplasia as well as in
tumour growth. Mutations in the p21WAF1 gene have oral cancer [48±54]. Recently, it has been reported that
been detected in lung cancer [36], bladder cancer [37] p21WAF1 was frequently expressed in oral squamous cell
and Burkitt's lymphoma [38], although not in oral can- carcinoma (about 70±80%), in oral epithelial dysplasia
cer. We have failed to detect such mutations in several (about 60±90%), and in normal oral epithelium (below
oral squamous cell carcinoma cell lines examined (data 60%) as determined by immunohistochemistry [48,51,
not shown). 52,56]. p21WAF1 expression was detected in the di€er-
The very low frequency of p21WAF1 gene mutations in entiating layers of normal oral epithelium and was not
human neoplastic disease was originally thought to detected in the proliferating cells [48]. This may suggest
re¯ect the essential role for the gene product in cell divi- that p21WAF1 expression is associated with the initiation
sion and the maintenance of essential cellular activities. of di€erentiation in normal oral mucosa.
However, mice null for p21WAF1 gene develop normally In oral cancer, some researchers have reported that
with no increased incidence of neoplasia, although they p21WAF1 expression is associated with tumour di€er-
are de®cient in G1 cell cycle arrest in response to DNA entiation [48,54], while others have failed to show such a
damage or nucleotide pool disruption [39]. Cells lacking link [53,56]. Further studies are indicated since the rela-
the p21WAF1 gene are defective in DNA repair, and this tionship between p21WAF1 expression and tumour dif-
defect can be compensated for by transfection of an ferentiation remains unclear in oral cancer.
exogenous full-length p21WAF1 gene, or fragments
encoding the PCNA binding domain [40]. This suggests
that p21WAF1, when complexed with PCNA, plays an 4. Apoptosis
important modulatory role in DNA repair [41±43]. It is
thought that the binding of p21WAF1 to PCNA can p21WAF1 is induced in a p53-dependent manner in the
directly inhibit DNA synthesis [21]. PCNA forms a pathway by which p53 promotes apoptosis and cell arrest
K. Harada, G.R. Ogden / Oral Oncology 36 (2000) 3±7 5

[57]. However, p53-dependent apoptosis occurs nor- tumours is higher compared to those with other combi-
mally in cells lacking p21WAF1 and cells null for p21WAF1 nations of p53 and p21WAF1 status, though p21WAF1
gene show very high apoptosis after g-irradiation [39, expression did not correlate with p53 status [51]. Inter-
58]. Therefore, p21WAF1 may not be essential for estingly, patients with p21WAF1 expression tend to have
apoptosis. a better prognosis than those without in endometrial
In p21WAF1-de®cient cells, apoptosis can be induced carcinoma [81].
by the chemotherapeutic agent doxorubicin [59], Levels of p21WAF1 expression are dependent upon the
p21WAF1-de®cient colon tumours are signi®cantly more form of malignancy. It has been reported that p21WAF1
sensitive to radiation [60], and induction of p21WAF1 expression is increased in non-small cell lung carcinoma
renders glioma cells resistant to cisplatin-dependent cell [72], hepato-cellular carcinoma [82], cutaneous squa-
death [61]. These ®ndings suggest that p21WAF1 may mous cell carcinoma [83] and head and neck cancer [84]
protect cells from apoptosis induced by radiation and but decreased in colorectal carcinoma [85] and ovarian
chemotherapy through imposing a cell cycle arrest. carcinoma [79,86].
Interestingly, it has been recently reported that the The ®nding of elevated p21WAF1 expression in some
cleavage of p21WAF1 by caspase-3-like proteases is cancers may be discordant with initial observations that
observed in endothelial cell apoptosis [62], and caspase- p21WAF1 can arrest cell cycle. p21WAF1 alone may not
mediated cleavage of p21WAF1 converts cancer cells be sucient to arrest cell cycle and inhibit tumour cell
from growth arrest to undergoing apoptosis [63]. As growth.
caspase-3 may overcome the apoptosis-inhibiting func- In the future, p21WAF1 may be a useful prognostic
tion of p21WAF1, therapies aimed at activating caspase-3 marker when combined with other markers such as p53,
might be e€ective against growth-arrested cancer cells PCNA, LeY and apoptosis index by TUNEL method
[64]. [87], because p21WAF1 is closely related to all of these.
The p53 gene is one of the most frequently altered Since p21WAF1 can arrest the cell cycle in G1 phase, in
genes in oral cancers [64,65], so apoptosis may not order to allow repair of damaged DNA, it may have a
always be induced in a p53-dependent manner. Inter- valuable role to play in increasing an understanding of
estingly, it has been reported that 5-¯uorouracil and the induction of terminal di€erentiation and inhibition
radiation induce apoptosis of squamous cell carcinoma of carcinogenesis. Furthermore, p21WAF1 may have
cells in a p53- and p21-independent manner, in S and potential applications in gene therapy because it plays a
G2/M, respectively [55]. Though the relationship key role in regulating the progression of the cell cycle,
between p21WAF1 and apoptosis is unclear in oral can- either in inducing arrest or possibly abrogating normal
cer, p21WAF1 does not seem to play an essential role. function. It would appear that p21WAF1 is yet another
marker within the team that cannot be ignored.

5. Role in malignant disease

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