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60s and 70s in Music: The way music during the 60s and 70s changed our


1. If you were asked about the relation

between music and history during the 1960s
and the 1970s, what would you say? Most
likely, it would be hard for you to give an
answer, especially considering that many say
the early 70s were just an extension of the
60s, making it harder to understand where to
put the line. However, we’ll see here how
different these eras were and how they
influenced everything that modernity is now.
The 60s

2. During the decade, there were many social

issues going around the world. For instance, the
Vietnam War took place during these years, so the
fear of suffering nuclear attacks was present
especially on young communities. That’s why Bob
Dylan (American folk singer) became the main
representation of youth and one of the decade’s
icons, considering his songs lyrics were filled up with
social critics to these problems. Additionally, the
strong desire of youth to escape from the tension felt
during this time led to the growth of drug
consumption which, at the same time, triggered the
Psychedelic Rock – Various artists
development of rock music as we know it now,
starting with the tackle of psychedelic rock as well as
other subgenres such as blues rock and folk rock.

3. The sounds of psychedelic rock invoked three core effects of LSD: depersonalization,
dechronicization, and dynamization; all of which detach the users from reality, letting them escape
from what they were living. Musically, the effects may be represented via novelty studio tricks,
electronic or non-Western instrumentation (usually Indian-originally instruments), disjunctive song
structures, and extended instrumental segments. Some of the first representors of the genre were The
Beatles, but the decade would bring along other renamed artists including Jimi Hendrix (often
considered the best guitarist in history); The Doors’ vocalist Jim Morrison (nicknamed the Lizard
King); Janis Joplin (the so called first rocker woman) and others.
4. Another genre that also developed during the decade (especially at the end of it and taking
advantage of the sudden drop of rock-based styles) was Pop music, eventually evolving through the
next decade to make it into new sounds. One of the subgenres that arose was Bubblegum pop, a
style for teenagers and preteens who - until then - had never been considered as the main audience
for musicians and performers. This musical style would be played as the background music of TV
commercials and ads. The most representative song for this music style was Sugar Sugar (1968) by
The Archies. However, other artists - such as the Jackson 5 - worked with this music style too. This
trend would continue through the 70s with different bands taking and introducing Bubblegum’s traits
into their own style.

5. The 60s had given artists the chance to criticize

the political spectrum; but ironically, it had also
shown how music could be used to develop
marketing strategies and consumerism. It had been
a long decade, full of transformations and changes
in culture. However, the end of the decade was
marked with the death of most of its major singers
as well as the disband of The Beatles, something
that brought real changes to how music had been
until then.

The Beatles – Abbey Road

The 70s

6. Since those who represented the hippie movement suddenly passed away, the psychedelic rock
era came to an end, leaving space for new forms of rock to come and take the stage. During this
decade, the world gave birth to many new rock subgenres such as progressive rock, glam rock, hard
rock, punk rock and heavy metal; but this was also the era of jazz, soul, disco and even reggae. All
the styles previously mentioned would bring along legendary artists that, even until now, have
changed the way we see the world.
7. In the U.S, rock would continue being the
main music trend. Some of the major
representatives were The Eagles, authors of
Hotel California (1976). Because they blended
rock with country music traits, they are
considered one of the best American bands in
history. Yet, other musicians who were in the
scope included Bob Dylan and Lynyrd
Skynyrd. Meanwhile, in Great Britain, glam
rock had taken the role of the most popular
musical style at the beginning of the decade.
Big representors included David Bowie and the
The Eagles Line-up change band T. Rex, although many bands would
create glam songs that are still played.
8. With the boom of glam rock, the LGTB community would have their first approach to music
development; and this trend would continue with the arrival of Disco music in the mid-70s. Several
artists who played a role on this tendency included Gloria Gaynor, Bee Gees and Village People (the
latter widely known as portraits of the Gay persona). Discotheques - or Discos - were the place where
people from all around (African Americans, Hispanic communities, and anyone wanting to dance)
could meet and be their own. This could be considered as the first step into the sexual liberation
movement that has led many to recognize LGBT rights - including the introduction of same-sex couple
marriage and adoption.

9. Although rock and disco were genres

which popularity was at its peak during this
decade, pop music was never far apart.
Indeed, this decade was the time for many
artists from all around the world whose songs
continue being played. Some of the most
known in the list include Elton John, Billy Joel,
ABBA and Michael Jackson; the latter
recognized as the King of Pop. At that time,
most musical productions were not aimed to
Village People reinforce social beliefs or movements - as it
was during the 60s - but were simply made for
being enjoyed.

10. However, this didn’t mean that music had

become just another money production industry. In
many other places around, artists continued
inputting their thought and critics on their lyrics. In
Jamaica, Bob Marley and the Wailers oversaw
reggae. Their lyrics usually supported Africa’s
freedom and power. Meanwhile; in Latin America,
the Nueva Canción along with Rock en Español
were the genres that served as a massive way of
exposing political and social issues lived on the

Bob Marley and the Wailers – Africa Unite

11. Music was not only a way of entertaining, but it was also part of everything in society now.
Nowadays, its influence can be observed through laws, social movements, changes, and more.
Despite being different, the music during the 60s and 70s did have effects that changed society and
that, right now, continue happening through the new music genres and styles we have. Therefore, it’s
important to be aware of how music is connected to everything and how, what we listen now, could
change the way our future will be.

1. According to the reading, match the corresponding music genre to the influence it had on society.

a. Psychedelic rock  The lyrics of this genre depicted the worry (especially
on young adults) about a possible nuclear war.
b. Nueva canción  This genre was mainly introduced on publicity that
showed products for the youngest.
c. Bubblegum pop  This genre was a representation of political issues and
oppression in most of the continent.
d. Glam rock and disco  The fashion style and rhythms used for producing this
musical genre were mainly attractive for minorities in
the U.S and U.K.
e. Folk & Folk rock  By introducing alternative instrumentation, the
performers on this genre aimed to give their listeners a
unique mental experience.

2. What do these words or phrases in the text refer to? Write the correct word.

a. these years… (par.2; line 3): ______________________________

b. this musical style… (par.4; line 5): ______________________________
c. that are… (par. 7; line 14): ______________________________
d. the most known … (par. 9; line 6): ______________________________
e. it was… (par. 11; line 1): ______________________________

3. Find the boldfaced words in the article. Then, choose the correct word to complete each sentence.

a. When something is filled up, it is full of / written on.

b. When something is made into; it is transformed / created.
c. If someone passes away; he or she stops doing something / dies.
d. Something that is inputted is introduced / organized.
e. If someone invokes something, he or she calls out / summons.

4. What did you learn from this reading?



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