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ROLL NO : 35415602816
Q1. Discuss professional responsibility and engineering ethics?
Professional responsibility surrounds the duties of person to act in a professional
manner,obey the law,avoid conflicts of interest, and put the interest of clients ahead of their
own interest. Engineering has emerged as a strong profession with governing bodies helping
to set it up. Ethics in engineering is the ability as well as responsibility of an engineer to
judge his decision from the context of general well being of the society.
Professional responsibilities are of two types:

 Self-Employed professional responsibility:

Self-employed professional responsibilities are more clear and there is no contractual
agreement. Person can take independent decision but has to remain committed to the
profession. Professional has to create his/her’s norms for professional conduct.

 Employed professional conduct

In Employed professional responsibility there is proper contractual agree and
responsibilities are not much clear. Person can’t take independent decision nor he can create
his/her norms for professional conduct.
It is the study of moral issues that confronts engineers and engineering organization when
some crucial decision are taken. Professional engineering bodies like IEEE, ASME, etc have
evolved experience of their members. Professional topics includes topic such as: safety and
welfare of the public and of clients, professional ethics, legal liabilities of engineers,
environmental responsibilities, quality etc. Independent organisation like NSPE have
prepared value based ethical codes applicable to all engineering professions.


1. Engineering as an experimentation for the good of mankind is a notable factor
involving far reach consequence.
2. Ethical dilemmas makes engineering decisions relatively difficult to make.
3. Risk and safety of citizens as a social responsibility is a prime concern of an engineer.
4. Technological advancement can be very demanding on the engineering skill in the
global context.
5. Moral values and responsible conduct will play a crucial role in decision making.
1. Attaining standard of achievement in education, job performance or creativity in
engineering that distinguish engineers from technicians and technologists
2. Accepting as part of their professional obligations as least the most basic moral
responsibilities to the public as well as to their employers, client, colleagues and
Engineering is transforming science into useful products for human comforts,
Engineering is something that engineers do, and what they do has profound effect on
others. Ethics in engineering is the ability as well as responsibility of an engineer to judge
his decisions from the context of the general wellbeing of the society. Engineering
research requires that the task being performed considers all the pros and cons of certain
actions and implementations
Scope of engineering ethics envelopes diverse activities like engineering as a social
experimentation, engineers responsibility for safety, role of
engineers/managers/consultants etc., rights of engineers, moral reasoning and ethical
theories, global issues and concerns.


1. To reject bribery in all its forms.
2. To be honest and realistic in stating claims or estimates based on available data.
3. To improve the understanding of technology, its appropriate applications and
potential consequences.
4. To equally treat all people regardless of factors such as religion, gender, disability,
national origin etc.
5. To avoid injuring others, their reputations, or employment by false or malicious


1. Engineers shall perform services only in the area of their competence.
2. Engineers shall issue a public statement only in objective and truthful manner.
3. Engineers shall act in professional matters for each employer or client as faithful
agent or trustees, and shall avoid conflicts of interest.
4. Engineers shall act in a manner as to uphold and enhance the honor, integrity, and
dignity of the profession.
5. Engineers shall continue their professional development throughout their career.


1. Engineering ethics in college/education:
The main engineering ethics problems that college student face is academic integrity.
Academic integrity can show itself in form of cheating by someone’s work, cheating,
plagiarism etc.
2. Engineering ethics in the professional world
In the professional world, ethical engineering problems came up in many cases. one
of these includes the case of a professional using someone else’s work that is
published in the widespread market of publication. Engineers having good ethics have
a good sense of the value of life.

3. Engineering ethics in companies

Not only do individual engineer have to be conscious of engineering ethics but also
companies. Companies have to be aware of their corporate social responsibility and
environmental responsibility.

Q2. What are the ethical issues or questions that arises in environmental
protection?(reference to covid-19)
Environmental ethics is a philosophical discipline that considers the moral and ethical
relationship of human beings to the environment in other words: what if any moral obligation
does man have to preservation and care of the non-human world. While ethical issues
concerning the environment has been debated over the centuries, environmental ethics did
not emerge as philosophical discipline until 1970’s. Its emergence was the result of increased
awareness of how the rapidly growing population was impacting the environment as well as
environmental consequences that came with the growing use of the pesticides, technology
and the industry.Environmental ethics helps define man’s moral and ethical obligation
towards the environment. Environmental ethics along with human values, makes for
challenging philosophical debates about man’s interaction with the environment
Coronavirus disease (COVID-19) is an infectious disease caused by a new virus.The disease
causes respiratory illness (like the flu) with symptoms such as a cough, fever, and in more
severe cases, difficulty breathing. You can protect yourself by washing your hands
frequently, avoiding touching your face, and avoiding close contact (1 meter or 3 feet) with
people who are unwell.Coronavirus disease spreads primarily through contact with an
infected person when they cough or sneeze. It also spreads when a person touches a surface
or object that has the virus on it, then touches their eyes, nose, or mouth.


 The temporary restraint of air and car travel could lead to cleaner air.
 The quarantine time could lead to more use of single-use plastics, which could
find a their way into our bodies of water
 A benefit of limiting travel is we will spend some time rethinking how we use
Air pollution makes people sick and kills people. The environmental news website.Earther
has an interactive map that shows how air pollution has changed the last couple of months. It
shows the air quality from back in December until March. Furthermore, with more and more
consumers isolated at home, there has been an increasing number of online purchases and
meal deliveries made. This has not only caused the disposal of more single-use plastic
packaging, but has further required more fossil fuels to be burned for the individual
transportation and distribution of goods. There has also been an increase in medical waste -
much of the personal protective equipment that healthcare professionals are using can only
be worn once before being disposed of. Hospitals in Wuhan(china), for example, produced
over 200 tons of waste per day during the peak of their outbreak, compared to an average of
less than 50 tons prior. 

The effects of economic downturn and quarantine have hit the poor the hardest - those that
do not have access to unemployment insurance, those who live paycheck to paycheck, and
those who do not have social safety nets bear the economic brunt of the crisis.
Unemployment is reaching record highs and trillions have been pledged by governments to
help restore their economies.


Healthy ecosystems can support economic growth, societal wellbeing and climate
stabilization. As such, while encroachment and the misuse of nature is increasingly being
thought of as a source of future pandemics, nature also offers solutions that we desperately
need to recover from this crisis and to build our resilience to face others. The practical
purpose of environmental ethics is to maintain and provide moral grounds for social policies
aimed at protecting the earth’s environment and remedying the environmental
degradation .Many traditional western perspective ,however are anthropocentric or human
centered in that either they assign intrinsic value to human beings alone or they assign a
significantly greater amount of intrinsic value to human beings than to any non-human things
such that protection or promotion of human interest turns out to be nearly always justified.
Environmental ethics along with human values makes for a challenging philosophical
debates about man’s interaction with the environment.


If one disease can provide wisdom beyond our comprehension of how fragile, interconnected
and precious life is, the COVID-19 offers a excess of lessons on a personal, regional and
planetary level. Crises like COVID-19 show the urgency to promote necessary
transformations for our society to survive in the 21st century. It can be a good reminder that
in any breakdown, there is always a chance for breakthrough.

 Coronavirus is showing us that we really can unite our actions to solve global
problems and do it quite quickly in spite of many obstacles and in the face of
economic difficulties. The lockdowns we see around the world are forcing us to slow
down, take stock and start thinking about our future – what kind of world do we want
to see in a decade, or even earlier? 

 The virus has given us a good lesson: if we reduce our impact on nature, she will
return the favour with fresh air, clean water and bounteous ecosystem services. Nature
is enjoying this small break from us, our daily grind and environmental footprint.

 This outbreak has definitely force consumers and businesses to go digital. We can see
transformation and innovation it brings on all fronts, pushing us to leave outdated
modes of doing things. 

 Think twice before buying something. Do you really need it? Try and choose reusable
and low carbon footprint consumables.

 Mother nature has given us a strong signal through this pandemic:  we must change
our habits and slow down if we are going to continue living on this planet. It is a
perfect time to make people realize on a global level that flattening the curve of
climate change and environmental destruction is just as important as flattening the
curve for COVID-19. It’s a perfect time to formulate and refine your ideas and put the
planning and strategy in place to make them happen.

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