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Reinforced Concrete Design (Part 1)

Structural Engineering Prep Course

© 2017 Professional Publications Inc.

Reinforced Concrete Design Part 1
Lesson Overview
Reinforced Concrete Design (Part 1)
• General Requirements • Shear in Beams
• Strength Design Principles • Deep Beams
• Strength Design of Reinforced Concrete • Corbels
• Beams in Torsion
• Serviceability Requirements for Beams

© 2017 Professional Publications Inc. 2

Reinforced Concrete Design Part 1
Learning Objectives
You will learn
• reinforced concrete design theory
• R/C beam design
• R/C corbel design
• efficient solution approaches
• common terminology and practice
• code nomenclature
• short-cuts and rules-of-thumb

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Reinforced Concrete Design Part 1
Prerequisite Knowledge
You should already be familiar with
• statics
• mechanics of materials
• structural analysis
• basic reinforced concrete terminology

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Reinforced Concrete Design Part 1
Referenced Codes and Standards
• International Building Code (IBC, 2012)
• Building Code Requirements for Structural Concrete (ACI 318, 2011)

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Reinforced Concrete Design Part 1
General Requirements
IBC adopts ACI by reference.
Sec. 1905 of IBC modifies some sections of ACI.

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Reinforced Concrete Design Part 1
General Requirements
2011 ACI follows strength design method
• apply factored loads
• determine required ultimate strength
• calculate nominal strength
• multiply by factor to get design strength
• design strength ≥ required ultimate strength

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Reinforced Concrete Design Part 1
Strength Design Principles
required strength
• service load × load factor
• check all load combinations
• most critical combination governs

U   Q
= service load
U = required strength
γ = load factor
Q = service load

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Reinforced Concrete Design Part 1
Strength Design Principles

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Reinforced Concrete Design Part 1
Strength Design Principles
load combinations (ACI Sec. 9.2.1)
STRM Sec. 1.2

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Reinforced Concrete Design Part 1
Example: Strength Design Principles
CSCO Example 2.1
dead load

live load or
roof live load

wind load

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Reinforced Concrete Design Part 1
Example: Strength Design Principles

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Reinforced Concrete Design Part 1
Example: Strength Design Principles

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Reinforced Concrete Design Part 1
Strength Design Principles
design strength
nominal strength (theoretical ultimate) × strength reduction factor
design strength   Rn

ϕ = reduction factor
Rn = nominal, or theoretical, strength

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Reinforced Concrete Design Part 1
Strength Design Principles
reduction factors
Multiply nominal strength by these values to get design strength.

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Reinforced Concrete Design Part 1
Strength Design of Reinforced Concrete Beams
reinforcement bar sizes

CSCO Table 1.1 Properties of Standard Reinforcing Bars (no. 14 and no. 18 omitted)

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Reinforced Concrete Design Part 1
Strength Design of Reinforced Concrete Beams
typical assumptions
• rectangular stress block
• tension reinforcement has yielded
• linear strain
• max concrete strain of 0.003
• neglect concrete in tension

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Reinforced Concrete Design Part 1
Strength Design of Reinforced Concrete Beams
Fig. 1.1 Rectangular Stress Block

Tu = Cu (assumes no axial force)

Mu = Tu (d – a/2) = Cu (d – a/2)
Cu = 0.85fc’(β1c)(b)

American Concrete Institute. Commentary on Building Code Requirements for Reinforced Concrete.
Farmington Hills, MI: American Concrete Institute, 1985.

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Reinforced Concrete Design Part 1
Strength Design of Reinforced Concrete Beams
nominal flexural strength
• two basic concrete strength equations to calculate nominal flexural strength
• very important concrete equations

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Reinforced Concrete Design Part 1
Strength Design of Reinforced Concrete Beams
depth of equivalent rectangular stress block
depth of portion of concrete that is effective in compression

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Reinforced Concrete Design Part 1
Strength Design of Reinforced Concrete Beams
required reinforcement ratio
amount of steel required when
• concrete dimensions given
• moment given

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Reinforced Concrete Design Part 1
Strength Design of Reinforced Concrete Beams
tension-controlled section
• strain in compression fiber (concrete) = 0.003
• strain in tension steel ≥ 0.005
• c/d ≤ 0.375

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Reinforced Concrete Design Part 1
Strength Design of Reinforced Concrete Beams
compression-controlled section
• strain in compression fiber (concrete) = 0.003
• strain in tension steel ≤ 0.002
• c/d ≥ 0.600

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Reinforced Concrete Design Part 1
Strength Design of Reinforced Concrete Beams
transition region between tension- and compression-controlled sections
• strain in compression fiber (concrete) = 0.003
• 0.002 < strain in tension steel < 0.005
• 0.375 < c/d < 0.600

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Reinforced Concrete Design Part 1
Poll Question
The reinforced concrete section below is
(A) tension-controlled
(B) compression-controlled

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Reinforced Concrete Design Part 1
Poll Question
The reinforced concrete section below is
(A) tension-controlled
(B) compression-controlled
The answer is (B).

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Reinforced Concrete Design Part 1
Strength Design of Reinforced Concrete Beams
maximum reinforcement
minimum reinforcement
• applies to non-prestressed bending
members • ACI Sec. 10.5.1

• tension steel strain = 0.004

• c/d = 0.429

• ACI Sec. 10.3.5

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Reinforced Concrete Design Part 1
Example: Strength Design of Reinforced Concrete Beams
CSCO Example 3.1

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Reinforced Concrete Design Part 1
Example: Strength Design of Reinforced Concrete Beams
CSCO Example 3.1

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Reinforced Concrete Design Part 1
Example: Strength Design of Reinforced Concrete Beams

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Reinforced Concrete Design Part 1
Strength Design of Reinforced Concrete Beams
beams with compression reinforcement
required when
• concrete strength and/or area cannot be increased
• factored moment exceeds design strength at steel strain = 0.005
•   t  0.3191 c

Beams with compression reinforcement, when used, also require additional tension

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Reinforced Concrete Design Part 1
Example: SD of Reinforced Concrete Beams
At what applied factored moment does
compression reinforcement become
fc’ = 4 ksi, fy = 60 ksi

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Reinforced Concrete Design Part 1
Example: SD of Reinforced Concrete Beams
f c
t  0.319  1
 kips 
 4 in 2 
  0.319  0.85 
kips 
 60 
 in 

 0.018

As   bd
  0.01812 in  20 in 
 4.32 in 2 fc’ = 4 ksi, fy = 60 ksi

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Reinforced Concrete Design Part 1
Example: SD of Reinforced Concrete Beams
 0.59  fy 
0.9 Mn  0.9 Asfyd  1  
 f c
 
 kips 
  0.9   4.32 in 2   60 2 
20 in 
 in 
  kips  
  0.59  0.018   60 
 in 2  
 1  
 kips 
 4 2 
 in 
 3922 in-kips
fc’ = 4 ksi, fy = 60 ksi
The answer is 3922 in-kips.

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Reinforced Concrete Design Part 1
Strength Design of Reinforced Concrete Beams
Fig. 1.3 Flanged Section with Tension

American Concrete Institute. Building Code Requirements for Structural Concrete and Commentary.
Farmington Hills, MI: American Concrete Institute, 2011.

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Reinforced Concrete Design Part 1
Strength Design of Reinforced Concrete Beams
procedure for flanged section with tension reinforcement
1. Calculate the steel required to balance the flange.

2. Determine the moment resisted by the flange.

3. Calculate the residual moment resisted by the web.

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Reinforced Concrete Design Part 1
Strength Design of Reinforced Concrete Beams
procedure for flanged section with tension reinforcement (continued)
4. Calculate the additional area of reinforcemen required to balance the web.

5. Superimpose the results.

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Reinforced Concrete Design Part 1
Serviceability Requirements for Beams
• control crack widths
• limit deflections
• service load conditions apply

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Reinforced Concrete Design Part 1
Serviceability Requirements for Beams
control of crack widths
Fig. 1.4 Tension Reinforcement Details
tension reinforcement

skin reinforcement
If h > 36 in, provide skin reinforcement Per ACI 10.6.7.

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Reinforced Concrete Design Part 1
Serviceability Requirements for Beams
deflection limits
• allowable immediate deflection (flexural members)
• l/180 for flat roofs
• l/360 for floors due to applied live load
• total deflection after attachment of nonsensitive elements limited to l/240
• total deflection after attachment of sensitive elements limited to l/480

© 2017 Professional Publications Inc. 40

Reinforced Concrete Design Part 1
Serviceability Requirements for Beams
service load conditions
• apply for the calculation of deflections
• rectangular stress block assumption is not made
• linearly varying stress distribution assumed

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Reinforced Concrete Design Part 1
Serviceability Requirements for Beams
Fig. 1.5 Service Load Conditions

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Reinforced Concrete Design Part 1
Serviceability Requirements for Beams
deflection calculation procedure
1. Calculate moment of inertia of cracked transformed section.

2. Calculate cracking moment.

3. Calculate effective moment of inertia.

ACI Eq. 9-8

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Reinforced Concrete Design Part 1
Serviceability Requirements for Beams
deflection calculation procedure (continued)
4. Calculate short-term deflections using
STRM Table 1.3 Values of ξ
effective moment of inertia.
5. Calculate additional long-term
deflections. ξ comes from STRM
Table 1.3.

ACI Eq. 9-11

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Reinforced Concrete Design Part 1
Serviceability Requirements for Beams
deflection calculation procedure (continued)

6. Calculate live load deflection

7. Calculate final deflection

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Reinforced Concrete Design Part 1
Example: Serviceability Requirements for Beams
Example 1.7

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Reinforced Concrete Design Part 1
Example: Serviceability Requirements for Beams
Example 1.7

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Reinforced Concrete Design Part 1
Example: Serviceability Requirements for Beams

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Reinforced Concrete Design Part 1
Example: Serviceability Requirements for Beams

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Reinforced Concrete Design Part 1
Example: Serviceability Requirements for Beams

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Reinforced Concrete Design Part 1
Example: Serviceability Requirements for Beams

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Reinforced Concrete Design Part 1
Elastic Design Method
elastic design method overview
• also known as the “alternate design method”
• allowed by 2011 ACI per Commentary R1.1
• covered in 1999 ACI
• service load conditions apply
• actual stresses checked against allowable stresses

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Reinforced Concrete Design Part 1
Elastic Design Method
1. Determine allowables.

2. Calculate service load condition coefficients.

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Reinforced Concrete Design Part 1
Elastic Design Method
procedure (continued)
3. Calculate actual stresses.



4. Check actual stresses against allowable stresses.

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Reinforced Concrete Design Part 1
Example: Elastic Design Method
CSCO Example 4.1

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Reinforced Concrete Design Part 1
Example: Elastic Design Method
CSCO Example 4.1

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Reinforced Concrete Design Part 1
Example: Elastic Design Method

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Reinforced Concrete Design Part 1
Example: Elastic Design Method

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Reinforced Concrete Design Part 1
Shear in Beams
critical section
Fig. 1.6 Critical Section for Shear
as shown in Fig. 1.6 when
• checking near support
• reaction produces compressive stress
• loads applied at or near top of beam
• no concentrated load between support
and section location shown
otherwise, taken at location of max shear

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Reinforced Concrete Design Part 1
Poll Question: Shear in Beams
The critical section for shear is at which location?

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Reinforced Concrete Design Part 1
Poll Question: Shear in Beams
 checking near support
 reaction produces compressive stress
 loads applied at or near top of beam
 no concentrated load between support and
section location shown

The critical section is located d away from the


The answer is (B).

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Reinforced Concrete Design Part 1
Shear in Beams
When is shear reinforcement required?
• For Vu  c , provide minimum reinforcement.

ACI Eq. 11-13

• For Vu  Vc , provide reinforcement with a capacity of Vs so that

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Reinforced Concrete Design Part 1
Shear in Beams
shear capacity of concrete
ACI Eq. 11-3


ACI Eq. 11-5

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Reinforced Concrete Design Part 1
Shear in Beams
shear capacity of stirrups
for inclined stirrups Fig. 1.7 Beam with Inclined Stirrups

ACI Eq. 11-16

for vertical stirrups

ACI Eq. 11-15

maximum allowed shear capacity from shear reinforcement

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Reinforced Concrete Design Part 1
Shear in Beams
spacing of stirrups
limited to maximum d/2 or 24 in when Fig. 1.7 Beam with Inclined Stirrups

limited to maximum d/4 or 12 in when

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Reinforced Concrete Design Part 1
Shear in Beams
SXST Vertical Breadth Problem 40

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Reinforced Concrete Design Part 1
Shear in Beams

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Reinforced Concrete Design Part 1
Shear in Beams
shear capacity of inclined bars
for single, bent-up bar or group of bars
Fig. 1.8 Beam with Inclined Bars
ACI Eq. 11-17

for series of equally spaced bent-up bars

ACI Eq. 11-16

Spacing = s, as shown in Fig. 1.8.

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Reinforced Concrete Design Part 1
Shear in Beams
spacing of inclined bars
typical condition
Fig. 1.8 Beam with Inclined Bars

When Vs  4 f cbw d , use ½ of typical value.

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Reinforced Concrete Design Part 1
Example: Shear in Beams
Example 1.10

Each U-stirrup has two vertical legs.

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Reinforced Concrete Design Part 1
Example: Shear in Beams
Example 1.10

Each U-stirrup has two vertical legs.

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Reinforced Concrete Design Part 1
Example: Shear in Beams

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Reinforced Concrete Design Part 1
Deep Beams
deep beam definition Fig. 1.9 Minimum Shear Reinforcement for a Deep Beam
clear span
• 4
• illustrated in Fig. 1.9

minimum reinforcement

• illustrated in Fig. 1.9

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Reinforced Concrete Design Part 1
Deep Beams
maximum shear strength
The maximum achievable shear strength for deep beams is limited.

deep beam action

also applies to beams with concentrated loads less than 2h from support

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Reinforced Concrete Design Part 1
Deep Beams
B- and D- regions (beam theory applies)
Fig 1.10 B- and D-Regions
split beam into D-regions and B-regions
• D (discontinuity)

• Region where traditional beam

theory is not applicable

• D-region extends distance h from

• B (beam)
• Treat this region like a typical beam

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Reinforced Concrete Design Part 1
Example: Deep Beams
Break the beam shown into D and B regions.

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Reinforced Concrete Design Part 1
Example: Deep Beams
Though this beam is not a deep beam, it still has D- and B-regions.

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Reinforced Concrete Design Part 1
Deep Beams
strut-and-tie model Fig. 1.11 Strut-and-Tie Model

• ACI App. A
• only applies if “compression struts can form”

load ≤ 2h from support

results θ ≥ 25 deg

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Reinforced Concrete Design Part 1
Deep Beams
strut nominal strength Fig. 1.12 Prism and
Bottle-Shaped Struts
• governed by transverse tension
• developed by lateral spread of
compression force
• ACI Eq. A-2

• ACI Eq. A-3

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Reinforced Concrete Design Part 1
Deep Beams
tie nominal strength
• strength of tension reinforcement

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Reinforced Concrete Design Part 1
Deep Beams
nodal zone nominal strength
Fig. 1.13 Nodal Zone
• ACI Eq. A-7

• ACI Eq. A-8

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Reinforced Concrete Design Part 1
Example: Deep Beams
Example 1.11

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Reinforced Concrete Design Part 1
Example: Deep Beams

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Reinforced Concrete Design Part 1
Example: Deep Beams

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Reinforced Concrete Design Part 1
Example: Deep Beams

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Reinforced Concrete Design Part 1
Example: Deep Beams

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Reinforced Concrete Design Part 1
Example: Deep Beams

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Reinforced Concrete Design Part 1
Example: Deep Beams

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Reinforced Concrete Design Part 1
introduction to corbels Fig. 1.14 Corbel Details

• cantilever bracket supporting a load-

bearing member
• shear span-to-depth ratio ≤ 1
• horizontal tension-to-vertical shear
ratio ≤ 1

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Reinforced Concrete Design Part 1
introduction to corbels (continued) Fig. 1.14 Corbel Details

• shear force (Vu) requires reinforcement

area Avf
• moment (Vua + Nuc(h − d)) requires
reinforcement area Af
• tensile force (Nuc) requires reinforcement
area An

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Reinforced Concrete Design Part 1
shear in corbels Fig. 1.14 Corbel Details

Avf = shear friction reinforcement

factored shear force

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Reinforced Concrete Design Part 1
tension in corbels Fig. 1.14 Corbel Details
Nuc (tension force) ≥ 0.2Vu
total tension reinforcement,
primary tension reinforcement

minimum closed ties over depth 2d/3

STRM Sec. 1.7

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Reinforced Concrete Design Part 1
Example: Corbels
CSCO Example 5.3

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Reinforced Concrete Design Part 1
Example: Corbels
CSCO Example 5.3

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Reinforced Concrete Design Part 1
Example: Corbels

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Reinforced Concrete Design Part 1
Example: Corbels

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Reinforced Concrete Design Part 1
Beams in Torsion
introduction to torsion
 Acp2 
Torsion may be neglected if Tu   f c   . Otherwise, provide torsion
reinforcement to resist Tu .
 pcp 
 
Fig. 1.15 Torsion in Rectangular Section Fig. 1.16 Torsion in Flanged Section

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Reinforced Concrete Design Part 1
Beams in Torsion
reinforcement requirements
• required area (per leg) of closed stirrup

ACI Eq. 11-21

• required area of longitudinal reinforcement

ACI Eq. 11-22

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Reinforced Concrete Design Part 1
Beams in Torsion
minimum and maximum reinforcement

minimum longitudinal area bar size

ACI Eq. 11-24

minimum transverse area max spacing

ACI Eq. 11-23

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Reinforced Concrete Design Part 1
Example: Beams in Torsion
CSCO Example 5.4

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Reinforced Concrete Design Part 1
Example: Beams in Torsion

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Reinforced Concrete Design Part 1
Example: Beams in Torsion

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Reinforced Concrete Design Part 1
Example: Beams in Torsion

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Reinforced Concrete Design Part 1
Example: Beams in Torsion
CSCO Example 5.5

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Reinforced Concrete Design Part 1
Example: Beams in Torsion

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Reinforced Concrete Design Part 1
Example: Beams in Torsion

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Reinforced Concrete Design Part 1
Example: Beams in Torsion

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Reinforced Concrete Design Part 1
Example: Beams in Torsion

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Reinforced Concrete Design Part 1
Example: Beams in Torsion

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Reinforced Concrete Design Part 1
Example: Beams in Torsion

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Reinforced Concrete Design Part 1
Learning Objectives
You have learned
• reinforced concrete design theory
• R/C beam design
• R/C corbel design
• how to avoid common exam pitfalls
• tricks to speed up problem solving on
the exam

© 2017 Professional Publications Inc. 111

Reinforced Concrete Design Part 1
Lesson Overview
Reinforced Concrete Design (Part 1)
• General Requirements • Shear in Beams
• Strength Design Principles • Deep Beams
• Strength Design of Reinforced Concrete • Corbels
• Beams in Torsion
• Serviceability Requirements for Beams

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