Ficha de Ingles 2 - 12 Classe - Abril 2020

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Rua da Educação nº1600 Fax 2178103 e-mail secundá

2ª Ficha de Apoio p/ o período de interrupção – Abril/ Maio de 2020

Disciplina: Inglês
Classe: 12ª Classe – Cursos Diurno & Nocturno

A. Read the text and check the meaning of all the new vocabulary

Methods of communication
People communicate in many ways, both orally and in writing. Methods of oral communication
include talking either face to face or over the telephone. Methods of written communication
include letters, e-mails, faxes and reports. All methods of communication, however, depend on a
sender, a message and a receiver. The sender must choose the method of sending the message that
the receiver will understand and act upon. This involves selecting an appropriate medium for the
message such as voice, letter, e-mail or fax.
When selecting the appropriate communication method, four questions must be asked: what is to
be communicated? Why is it to be communicated? Who needs to know? How urgent is the
message? For example, if overall sales targets are to be communicated urgently to a sales manager
in another country, the best method may be to telephone the sales manager, In that way the figures
can be read out over the phone and the sales manager will receive the message instantly.
A comprehensive and detailed analysis of markets research findings, including recommendations
on actions that the business should take, should be communicated in the form of a written report
which may be studied by the receiver. If the receiver is not in the same building as the sender, the
report may be sent by post or if it is required urgently by fax or mail.

B. Read the story again and answer these questions

1. Mention the different methods of communication stated in the text.
2. What do the methods of communication depend on?
3. What questions are considered when selecting an appropriate communication method?

4. Is there any method taken as the best in communication? Give reasons for your answer.


be used to + noun or –ing form

We use be used to + noun or –ing form to say that a thing or an activity that once unfamiliar to
us is now familiar. It can be used in different tenses by changing be.
E.g.: 1. Ruth isn’t used to driving on the right.
2. When Ruth first moved to Maputo, she wasn’t used to driving on the right, she nearly
had an accident.

Get used to + noun or –ing form

Get used to + noun or –ing form refers to a thing or an action that is becoming more and more
familiar. We change the form of get to make different tenses.
E.g.: 1. My younger sister Amanda doesn’t like animals, but she’s getting used to having my pet
dog around.

A. Complete the sentences bellow with the following verbs:
aren’t /get /got / am/ was getting/ wasn’t

1. I don’t mind living in a city now because I _______________ used to the noise of the traffic.
2. I thought everyone was unfriendly at first because I _____________ used to their ways.
3. Did it take you long to ____________ used to the food in this country?
4. We’ve never _____________ used to the way that people kiss you on both cheeks.
5. A lot of Northern Europeans burn in the sun because they ____________ used to it.
6. Just as I _____________ used to the idea, she changed her mind.

B. Write the phrases in the email.

get used to(× 𝟐)/ got used to/ ‘m used to/ ‘m getting used to/ ‘m not used to

Hi Zac!
How’s it going? I’ve just finished my first week at university. It’s different from school, but I
__________ (1) it bit by bit. I haven’t had my lectures yet- I __________ (2) having so much
free time! We’re expected to study independently though and I haven’t ___________ (3) doing
that yet. Things are more I formal than school. I _____________ (4) calling teachers “Sir” or
“Miss” and I can’t ____________ (5) using their first names. It’s really strange.
I have to give a presentation tomorrow. I’m really nervous. I don’t think I’ll ever_________ (6)
speaking in public. Wish me luck!


A. Write the phrasal verbs in the box under the correct definitions.
take to/ take out on/ take on / take in / take through / take after/ take over/ take
up/ take for

consider, view understand, learn start doing a new gain control of sth.

1___________________ 2_____________________ 3______________________ 4___________________

resemble a begin to like blame sb explain employ

parent; similar sb or sth for everything or hire

5_________________ 6_______________ 7______________ 8_______________ 9______________

B. Match the beginnings (1-9) with the endings (A-I).

1) Mary has taken A) to his brother Nick.

2) Your daughter doesn’t take B) out on me.
3) I like Tom but I don’t really take C) for an Englishman.
4) Before you begin to work, I’ll take you D) on extra workers to pick fruit.
5) In summer, many farmers take E) after you at all.
6) Alarm will take F) in everything that’s in a text.
7) When the teacher reads quickly Ann can’t take G) up a job as a teacher.
8) I know you’ve had a bad day – but there’s no H) through what has to be done.
need to take it I) over as managing director when Bill
9) We’re sure that our neighbour will take you retires.

C. Replace the words in italics in 1-9 with a phrasal verb with TAKE in the correct form.

1 Jane’s parents have decided they don’t like her new boyfriend. _____________________________
2 Our firm will be employing new staff next month.________________________________________
3 Jack has started his judo lessons.______________________________________________________
4 It wasn’t Adam’s fault we lost the match, so don’t blame him for it.__________________________
5 Mrs. Brown explained to us all about the test. ___________________________________________
6 They say that John resembles his father. He looks a lot like him.____________________________
7 Mr. Smith gained control of the family business when his elder brother died.__________________
8 Don’t considerAMark
a fool; LETTER
he is actually an intelligent young man._________________________
9 The professor spoke so quickly that Sam couldn’t understand what he said.___________________

2) Your daughter doesn’t take


A. Present Perfect
Use the present perfect for past experiences, when we don’t say exactly when they happened. We
often use the ever and never when we ask or talk about past experiences. They go before the
main verb.
Have you ever lost your phone?
Marta has never eaten an apple.

We use the present perfect for recent past actions, often with just. (just goes before the main
We also use the present perfect with yet and already.
Already is used in positive sentences and goes before the main verb.
Yet is used with negative sentences and questions. It goes at the end of the phrase.

It is too late! Our school bus has just left!
We have already seen this film twice. Can’t we watch another one?
My brother hasn’t found a new job yet. He’s still looking for it.
Have you finished your homework yet? No, not yet.

B. Past simple
Use the past simple for finished past actions (when we say, ask or know when they happened).
They played football yesterday.
What time did you wake up this morning?
I didn’t have time to do my homework.

Compare the use of the present perfect and the past simple
Present Perfect Simple Past Simple
Unfinished actions that started in the past
Finished actions:
and continue to the present:
 I knew Marta for ten years (but then she
 I've known Marta for ten years (and I
moved away and we lost touch).
still know her).
A finished action in someone's life (when A finished action in someone's life (when the
the person is still alive: life experience): person is dead):
 My brother has been to Nampula three  My great-grandmother went to Nampula
times. three times.
A finished action with a result in the A finished action with no result in the present:
present:  I lost my keys yesterday. It was terrible!
 I've lost my keys! (The result is that I (Now there is no result. I got new keys
can't get into my house now). yesterday).
With an unfinished time word (this week, With a finished time word (last week, last month,
this month, today): yesterday):
 I've seen John this week.  I saw John last week.

The Present Perfect Simple Tense
To make the positive present perfect The negative is really simple too. Just put 'not'
tense, use: after 'have' or 'has':
'have' / 'has' + the past participle I have not eaten breakfast today / I haven't eaten
He has not seen the new film / he hasn't seen
Positive Form To make a question, put 'have' or 'has' in front
I have played / I've played of the subject:
she has walked / she's walked Have I missed the bus?
Has he worked as a waiter before?
'Wh' Questions
what have you done today?

Make sentences in the present perfect with the words below:
1. She / not / leave / her phone in a taxi
2. She / work / in this company for fifteen years?
3. I / not / know / him for three months
4. They / not / be / in London for six months
5. How long / she / live in London?
6. I / have / breakfast this morning
7. How long / you study English?
8. Lucy / not / do / her homework
9. We / not / find / the book yet
10. What / you / do today?
11. We / read / that book
12. He / drink / too much coffee
13. How many books / you / read this week?

Complete the gaps with the correct present perfect tense of the verbs given
1. I have already written the book. (write)
2. He_______________________________here for three months. (work)
3. They ________________________________ to Australia many times. (go)
4. __________________ you ever________________ to Paris? (be)
5. My family __________________________________me recently. (visit)
6. My parents ________________________________yet. (not arrive)

Complete the sentences with the past simple or the present perfect tense:
1. I ___________________(never/go) to Bazaruto.
2. He _______________________ (live) in Manila for a year when he was a student.
3. Oh no! I ___________________(lose) my wallet!
4. At the weekend, they _________________(play) football, then they
___________________(go) to a restaurant.
5. Amy ____________________(live) in Portugal when she was young.
6. She_____________________(visit) her grandmother last month.
7. She ___________________(live) in seven different countries, so she knows a lot about
different cultures.
8. I ____________________ (go) to the cinema last night.
9. John ___________________(never/understand) the present perfect.
10. She ____________________(break) her leg the day before her exam.



Sandra Mateus
Head of Department
Shoprite Customer Service
PO Box 908
Matola April 17 th 2020

1. Dear Ms Adams,

Last month, 25 April I ordered a coffee machine from your online store (order 2
_______________ #CE437184). Before placing the order I read the conditions carefully,
and the item was 3______________. Your Website says that items in stock are
4_____________ in 48 hours.
Two weeks passed, and nothing arrived. 5_______________, I noticed that the payment had
been taken from my credit card. I phoned your customer service line, and the person that I
spoke to, Martha, was rude and 6_______________. She said that the item was not in stock,
and that she did not know when they would arrive. She could not explain why the money
had been taken from my card.
I have bought many things from you over the years, both from your Matola shop and your
online store, and I have always had good 7________________. I can only imagine that this
is a departure from your usual high standards, and I am sure you will be able to resolve the
situation in a satisfactory way.
I look 8_____________ to hearing from you.
9_____________ sincerely

Sandra Mateus
Sandra Mateus

A. Read the letter of complaint and complete the gaps with a word from the list.

Dear/ delivered/ forward/ however/ in stock/ Reference/ service/ unhelpful/ yours

B. Read it again and answer these questions.

1. Who is Chris Mason complaining to?
2. What item is he complaining about? Why?
3. Who did he contact first?
4. What problem did he have when he phoned to complain?
5. In which paragraph does Chris use flattery? How

Important notes about writing a formal letter or email

Useful language:
If you don’t know the person’s name
Start with: Dear Sir / Madam,
Finish with: Yours faithfully,

If you know the person’s name

Start with: Dear +Mr / Ms / Mrs Nhantumbo,
Finish with: yours sincerely,

• Do not use contractions
• Write I look forward to hearing from you, as the final sentence
• Write your full name under your signature

Note: a formal letter email is exactly the same as a formal letter, except that in an email we don’t write
the address or date.

C. Write a letter of complaint about something you bought online. Use the useful language above
to help you.

The end!

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