Day November 15, 2017: Theme of The Day

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November 15, 2017

Theme of the Day:
GIS Day provides an international forum for users of geographic information systems (GIS) technology to
demonstrate real-world applications that are making a difference in our society.
GIS Day- GIS Day is one fun day to celebrate GIS with everyone. It is an opportunity to discover and
understand the benefits of GIS and showcase its uses to your community. GIS Day is a way to build and
nurture a GIS community, spreading their passion for GIS to users and non-users alike.
GIS Day is not just an event, it's a global movement. GIS day brings universities, government agencies,
schools, non-profits, and GIS professionals together to build knowledge of GIS in their communities, and
create understanding about the world we live in. GIS Day happens because you have a passion for
Geospatial thinking. Through your event a seed is planted that grows GIS understanding in your
community, and around the world. Each of us has the power to inspire and change the world through
GIS. Join the movement on GIS Day!

A Message about GIS Day:

For all of us involved in GIS, this day is a chance to showcase what we do as GIS professionals. For all of
us, it's a day to tell our stories to others. It's an opportunity to demonstrate the value of your work, and
the meaning of maps and their power. This is an opportunity to go into schools, to have open houses, to
teach kids—our next generation—what GIS and mapping technology is all about. It's an opportunity to
tell others what geography, the science of our world, is all about. And to demonstrate the application of
geography in very meaningful ways. We will support you in making your GIS Day a very special event. I
appreciate your volunteerism, and your enthusiasm to participate in GIS Day. It's important to us, and
also to those that will learn from what we do and show But it's also important to remember what
attracted us to geography and GIS in the first place, and how maps are a powerful and fun way to
communicate and share. 
So above all, let's have some fun on this GIS Day, and share that fun with the world.

Share with the World:

Engage your community, communicate with others, educate decision makers, and fire up your
supporters. Story Maps are easy to author, no programming is needed, and they're free for anyone to
GIS day function Ideas:
Our company often holds an open day, so spouses and family can come and see what we do and what
GIS/Spatial is all about. We also invite students from local GIS programs to come and check it out too to
get an idea of what real GIS work involves.
We host a poster contest where all of our GIS staff (although the contest is open to anyone) each make
one poster showcasing a GIS project they did in the past year that added value, solved a problem, etc.
within our company. Of course we do live demos of our web apps and use the event as an evangelistic
opportunity. The posters are voted on by all of the employees that come to marvel at our coolness and
gobble up cake and cookies.

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