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Pawhuska Journal-Capital


Judgment overturned for
second convicted killer


Page By Chris Casteel reservation. County road in 1999, appar-

B002 The Oklahoman The high court found ently had his life spared by
Clip Congress had never offi- the Supreme Court’s ruling.
resized An Oklahoma prison cially terminated the McBride said the Major
inmate convicted of first- reservation before Okla- Crimes Act, which governs
degree murder and another homa statehood in 1907 prosecutions of crimes
who pleaded guilty to man- and that McGirt should involving Native Ameri-
slaughter have had their have been tried in federal cans, requires Indian tribes
judgments vacated in the court. The decision also to “opt in” if they want the
wake of the U.S. Supreme resolved the case of Okla- death penalty as an available
Court’s ruling that the homa death row inmate sentence. The Creeks have
state lacked authority to Patrick Murphy, a Creek not opted in, he said, mean-
prosecute some Native Nation member who had ing he would not be eligible
Americans. raised the same issue; the for the death penalty.
The judgments of Joe justices had deadlocked The Oklahoma attorney
Johnson Jr., serving a life on Murphy’s case before general’s office confirmed
sentence for a shooting accepting McGirt’s appeal. that; a Creek spokesper-
death in Seminole County, The state of Oklahoma son did not respond to an
and Travis Wayne Bentley, warned in both cases that a inquiry.
serving 36 years for killing ruling in the inmates’ favor A spokesman for the
a man in a car wreck while could mean hundreds of attorney general said there is
under the influence of inmates getting out of state typically a 25-day lag before
methamphetamine, were prisons. the Supreme Court man-
vacated by the high court “We have currently over dates reach lower courts.
after justices rendered their 1,700 inmates whose crimes That means it will likely
decision in the Muscogee were committed in the be weeks before McGirt,
(Creek) Nation case. former Indian territory who Murphy and the other four
Two others, including a identify as Native Ameri- inmates are transferred to
man serving multiple sen- can,’’ Mithun Mansinghani, federal custody.
tences for forcible sodomy the state’s solicitor general, McBride, who leads the
and lewd or indecent pro- told justices in May. Indian Law and Gaming
posals to a child, also won The state’s claims in the Practice for Crowe & Dun-
new trials immediately after McGirt and Murphy cases levy, predicted that the
the historic high court deci- were challenged by numer- U.S. attorney’s office in the
sion, according to Supreme ous attorneys on the other eastern district of Okla-
Court records. side of the case and by other homa would seek charges
The court had delayed sources. through indictments or
action on those four appeals Many will be barred from information against McGirt
until making a decision in making new claims to fed- and Murphy.
the Creek reservation case. eral courts, while others Though the decision
The Supreme Court ruled won’t risk the possibility issued on Thursday was
Thursday that convicted of harsher federal sen-
specific to the Creek res-
child rapist Jimcy McGirt tences, said McBride, the
ervation, it has already
was wrongly tried by the former attorney general
impacted Oklahoma cases
state of Oklahoma because for the Seminole Nation of
Oklahoma. in which the crimes were
he is an enrolled tribal
Murphy, sentenced to committed in other parts
member whose crimes
death for killing George of the state.
were committed on land
that is part of the Creek Jacobs on a rural McIntosh

Property of OPS News Tracker and members of the Oklahoma Press Association.

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