Digital Advertising As A Way of Entertainment To The Public

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Digital advertising as a way of entertainment to the public

One of the classic elements of digital advertising in public spaces are the giant screens, the green
screens, the music or the images that are displayed. These are formats that generate high visibility
for brands and sellers of high-quality products, because when more money is invested, the ad will be
much better. The stops of public transport also favor the powerful impact of the messages that
surround the piece because they are crowded places.

To start talking about the digital advertising campaigns that we can see daily in public places, it is
necessary to keep in mind that the advertising ads are made with the aim of persuading and more
especially, inviting the person to buy the product. Advertising can be seen wherever we go,
however, they are much more in places where there is more movement of people for their ease of sale.
In addition to this, many globally recognized brands such as Mcdonals or Coca Cola, use striking
colors and images to get more out of it and money according of what they are showing.

On the contrary, many people are upset when they see advertisements on the streets because they
think it is deceptive advertising, but removing advertising is the same as stopping buying a product
that may be useful to us. Also, you have to take into account all the effort that sellers made to
publish a product. In other words, to remove the ads that annoy people, we must stop buying the
products so that the sellers stop promoting them.

To conclude, the digital advertisements that we see on the streets are a mutual benefit for sellers
and buyers, they make money and we, whatever we want and that is important to us. The existence
of digital advertisements is essential because they are technological advances and I think that public
roads are a good place for people to see them.

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