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‫جامعة الكوفة‬

‫كلية الهندسة‬

‫قسم \ اتصاالت والكترونية‬

‫مرحلة ثالثة‬


‫‪Hussein Abbas Haider‬‬
1. How does β of a low-loss dielectric medium
compare to that of a lossless medium?

When an alternating electric field is added to the

dielectric, the phenomenon in which part of the
energy of the electric field is dissipated as heat in
the dielectric. The polarization of the dielectric
cannot keep up with the change in the electric field,
while the electric flux density stage is lagging
behind the electric field. Loss of electrical insulation
is not desirable for high-frequency insulators, but it
can be used for insulating heating
2. In a good conductor, does the phase of H lead or lag
that of E and by how much?

I simulated HFSS for the rectangular waveguide and

here is the vector diagram of E and H fields.
I think the E and H fields are in phase one with the
But why are the E fields not in loops as shown in
Guass law for EM waves (for J C = ρ V = 0). E
fields are sinusoidal in nature and H fields in loops.
3. Compare the flow of current through a wire in the
dc and ac cases. Compare the corresponding dc and
ac resistances of the wire.

When the alternating current passes through a wire

(resistor, inductor, and capacitor), the current
produces a magnetic field through that wire that
opposes the flow of the alternating current in it
along with the resistance of that wire. This reason
the interception is called the inductance or induction
is the property of the coil (or wire) that opposes any
increase or decrease in the current or flow through
it. Also, we know that induction is only present in
alternating current because the size of the constantly
changing current

As we know that the frequency in the DC supply is

zero, so there is no skin effect (alternating current
behavior to flow across the surface i.e. the outer
layer of the conductor rather than the core of the
wire). In circuits of constant current. Due to the
effect of the skin, the AC resistance is more in the
AC circuits than the DC supplies in DC circuits

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