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2  2020

The Official Newsletter of The National Students' Union of Belize


Our Work During COVID-19 Page 2
Union's Position on Tuition Increases Page 4
Educational Opportunities Page 5
Scholarship Opportunities Page 6
Humour Corner Page 8
Union Updates Page 9

While COVID-19 continues to wreck havoc in
many parts of the world, Belize continues to
do its best to prevent a colossal outbreak of
the pandemic that could rapidly trigger a
compiling their recommendations for the
collapse of our health system. Our new cases
education and economic sectors post
continue to remain under control thanks to
COVID-19. Those recommendations were
the measures implemented by the Ministry
presented to the National Oversight
of Health and the National Oversight
Committee and the Ministry of Education for
Committee. But despite having success in
curtailing the health ramifications of COVID-
The event was held over the course of two
19, Belize is undoubtedly struggling to
days and registered the attendance of over
address the social and economic hardships
100 Belizean students studying at home and
currently being endured by the masses of its
abroad. The event also registered the
attendance of CARICOM Youth
Ambassadors and other youth organisations.
Students are not exempted from facing
The official Outcomes document of that
such hardships and in fact, those hardships
forum can be viewed here. Media houses
have only gotten worse. The NSUB acting on
also aired the recommendations and those
its mission to "To represent, support and
stories can be viewed by clicking the names
empower tertiary level students of Belize ",
of the media houses below.
has been listening and providing assistance
7NEWS Breaking Belize News News 5
to all students during these unprecedented
times. The following are some of the work ENGAGING WITH MINISTRIES OVER
which your Executive Council has been STUDENT ISSUES
engaging in.

The Union also reached out to the Ministry

YOUTH CHAT ON COVID-19 of Foreign Affairs and Education over the
In May of 2020, the Student Affairs Director, issue with Belizean students stuck in
Ms Dominique Noralez , held the 'Youth Guyana. The Union wrote a letter calling the
Chat on COVID-19; Beyond the Horizon' Ministries' attention to the current political
forum which was primarily geared to climate in Guyana and we requested that all
listening to students and ... international students be given special
considerations in the repartiations process.

JULY 2020 PAGE | 02



The Union made available
resources on our website for
students taking the 2020 CAPE Council
and CSEC exams. These
resources came in the form of
past papers and links for videos
on topics etc. Kevin John Chen
+501 628-0461
The Union has processed many other students requests for
guidance during the past months under COVID-19. We have
helped students, who wished to leave Belize for studies abroad,
Nathan Lisbey
to dialogue with the Ministry of Foreign Affairs in order to receive
permission to leave Belize. The NSUB is also reaching out to the
Ministry of Education and Foreign Affairs over the issue of
Belizean students studying in Cuba.

Dominique Noralez


Oliver Torres


Ashley Longford

JULY 2020 PAGE | 03



During the month of June, members of the Executive Council received tips about
planned tuition increases at particular tertiary institutions across Belize. Those tips,
coupled with a confusion over increases at the University of Belize on social media,
prompted the EC to issue press release No. 2 of 2020 which reteriated the Union's
original position on tuition increases at all tertiary institutions.

In the release the Union noted that:

"It is counterproductive to further marginalise students from attaining what we
deem as an essential service that will only ultimately serve to develop the country
of Belize. It is imperative that tertiary institutions remains conscious of the many
challenges being experienced by students and their families."

The Press release was aired on

Krem's nightly news and
shared with our sister unions in
the NTUCB. Thereafter, those
insitutions removed tuition
increases from off the table of
possible considerations on how
to mitigate the financial
stresses of COVID-19.

JULY 2020 PAGE | 04


Looking to apply to one of Belize's tertiary institutions? Click on the image of your
preferred institution below.

Kindly Note: Institutions that are not present below have no online method of applying
or the NSUB was unable to receive the particular information. Also noted that some
institutions have ceased accepting applications.

JULY 2020 PAGE | 05


For more information or to apply, click on the image alongside the scholarship information.

The Helmut-Schmidt-Programme is
designed to academically qualify future
leaders in the fields of social & political
science, law, economics, public policy
and administration according to the
principles of Good Governance and to
prepare them in a praxis-oriented course
for their professional life. The programme
offers highly qualified graduates with a
first university degree the chance to
obtain a master’s degree in disciplines
that are of special relevance for the
social, political and economic
development of their home country.
Further information can be obtained

Study Online at the University for

International Cooperation in Costa Rica
- Master's in Project Managment

Tuition discounts ranging from 30%, 50%

and 90% to the top-ranked candidates.
Scholarship benefits are subject to the
academic performance of the
scholarship recipient and based on the
availability of funds. In order to receive
these benefits, the scholarship recipient
should not be reported with an
unsatisfactory academic performance
due to absences or failing courses.
Further information can be obtained

JULY 2020 PAGE | 06


OAS Scholarships with 60% tuition waiver

to pursue online Bachelor's & Master's
degrees at MIU - Marconi International
University in the United States. You have
until August 10 to apply!. Further
information can be obtained here.

The German Academic Exchange Service

(DAAD), the association of German
universities, is currently calling for
applications for full scholarships
programmes for master's and some
doctoral studies at German universities. The
Development-Related Postgraduate
Courses- Educating Professionals for
Sustainable Development – Program offers
the possibility of studies in various areas
relevant to development (economics,
natural resources, engineering,
international public health and others).

The digital brochure with the description of

each of the courses of study and how to
apply, as well as a list with the application
dates for each of the courses, can be
obtained here.

“If a man empties his purse into his head, no man can take it away
from him. An investment in knowledge always pays the best interest.”
Ben Franklin

If you are aware of any scholarship opportunities and would like to see it featured here, please
email the details to

JULY 2020 PAGE | 07


Albert was in a terrible accident at work. A man goes to the doctor with a swollen
He fell through the floor tile and ripped off foot. After a careful examination, the
both of his ears. Since he was permanently doctor gives the man a pill big enough to
disfigured, he settled with the company for choke a horse. “I’ll be right back with
a rather large sum of money and went on some water,” the doctor tells him.
his way. One day, Steve decided to invest
his money in a small, but growing telecom The doctor has been gone a while and the
business. Afterweeks of negotiations, he man loses patience. He hobbles out to
bought the company outright. But after the drinking fountain, forces the pill
signing on the dotted line, he realised that down his throat and gobbles down water
he knew nothing about running such a until the pill clears his throat. He hobbles
business and quickly set out to hire back into the examining room.
someone who could do that for him.
Just then the doctor comes back with a
The next day he had set up three bucket of warm water, “Okay, after the
interviews. The first guy was great. He tablet dissolves, soak that foot for about
knew everythin ghe needed to and was 20 minutes.”
very interesting. But at the end of the
interview, Steve asked him,"Do you notice
anything different about me?" The
A man on vacation in the Caribbean
gentleman answered, "Why yes, I couldn't
decides to go horseback riding. He visits
help but notice you have no ears". Steve
a local farm that rents horses to ride
got very angry and threw him out. The
around the countryside. The owner of the
second interview was with a woman, and
horse, a very religious man, explains to
she was even better than the first guy. But
the visitor that in order to make the horse
he asked her the same question,"Do you
go, he’ll have to say “Thank God,” and to
notice anything different about me? She
make the horse stop, he should say
replied, "Well, you have no ears." Steve
again was upset and tossed her out.

During his ride around the village, the

The third and last interview was the best of
horse is stung by a bee. In pain and
all three. It was with a very young man who
shock, the horse takes off running right
was fresh out of college. He was smart. He
toward a dangerous cliff. “Amen!” the
was handsome. And he seemed to be a
man shouts, hanging on to the horse for
better businessman than the first two put
dear life. The horse stops just a few
together. Steve was anxious, but went
inches short of the cliff’s edge. The man
ahead and asked the young man the same
catches his breath, looks over the cliff,
question: "Do you notice anything different
and mutters out loud, “Thank God.”
about me?" And to his surprise, the young
man answered, "Yes. You wear contact
lenses." Steve was shocked, and said, "What
an incredibly observant young man. How in
Q: What's another name for Santa's elves?
the world did you know that?" The young
A: Subordinate Clauses.
man fell off his chair laughing hysterically
and replied, "Well, it's pretty hard to wear
glasses with no ears!"
Q: Why is a math book always unhappy?
A: Because it always has lots of problems.

Q: How did the geography student drown?

A: His grades were below C-level

JULY 2020 PAGE | 08


In July, 15 had joined the Union as new members. We hope to launch a full
recruitment campaign in August that will attract even more students.

Our Union is in its final stages of joining the Commonwealth Students

Association, which is the largest student organisation in the world.

Our Union is working on building a closer relationship with sister student

organisations in the Caribbean.

Our Union is looking for persons who would like to volunteer to design an
official Union flag and t-shirt that would be used whenever the Union
partakes in activities like demonstrations. We are also looking to rename this
newsletter. Interested persons can contact the President via Whatsapp at
+501 628-0461 to talk about their ideas.

For Union members who would like to seek the advice of

the Union on certain issues that they may have or to request
Union intervention on certain cases.


JULY 2020 PAGE | 09

The National Student Union of Belize's 'The Issue' Newsletter. Volume 2. July 2020.
Created by Kevin J Chen, NSUB President | Reviewed by the Executive Council.

Copyright 2020. The National Students Union of Belize. All rights reserved.

If you would like to improve this newsletter or have an article featured, send
recommendations to the President using his contact info on page 3.


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