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Abdullah A.

Bentala Piranti Global, Inc
 Introduction to computer security
 Physical Security
 Software/OS Security
 Network Security
 Software Attack: Virus, Worm, etc
 Internet Attack: Attack to TCP, DNS, DDOS,
 The concepts, techniques, technical
measures, and administrative measures used
to protect information assets from deliberate
or inadvertent unauthorized acquisition,
damage, disclosure, manipulation,
modification,loss, or use
 Computer networks have grown in both size
and importance in a very short time.
 If the security of the network is
compromised, there could be serious
consequences, such as loss of privacy, theft of
information, and even legal liability.
 To make the situation even more challenging,
the types of potential threats to network
security are always evolving.
 It refers to any activities designed to protect
your network.
 Specifically, these activities protect the
usability, reliability, integrity, and safety of
your network and data. Effective network
security targets a variety of threats and stops
them from entering or spreading on your
 Threat - an action or event that might compromise
security. It represents a potential risk to a computer or
 Vulnerability - the existence of a weakness in a
design or configuration that can lead to an
exploitation or some other unwanted and unexpected
event that can compromise the security of a system.
 Target of Evaluation - this is the system that needs to
be tested, or evaluated to see if it has vulnerabilities.
 Attack - An actual assault on a system.
 Exploit - A way to compromise the security of a
system, usually a proof of concept about a
 Hacker – A general term that has historically
been used to describe a computer programming
expert. More recently, this term is often used in
a negative way to describe an individual that
attempts to gain unauthorized access to
network resources with malicious intent.
 Cracker – A more accurate term to describe
someone who tries to gain unauthorized access
to network resources with malicious intent.
 White hat – an individual who looks for vulnerabilities
in systems or networks and then reports these
vulnerabilities to the owners of the system so that
they can be fixed. They are ethically opposed to the
abuse of computer systems.
 Black hat – Another term for individuals who use their
knowledge of computer systems to break into
systems or networks that they are not authorized to
use, usually for personal or financial gain. A cracker is
an example of a black hat.
 Gray hat – individual who works both offensively and
defensively at various time
 Integrity: guaranteeing that the data are
those that they are believed to be.
 Confidentiality: ensuring that only
authorised individuals have access to the
resources being exchanged.
 Availability: guaranteeing the information
system's proper operation.
 Authentication: ensuring that only
authorized individuals have access to the
 Denial of Service (DoS) Attacks
 Website Defacement
 Viruses and Worms
 Data sniffing and Spoofing
 Unauthorized Access
 Malicious Code and Trojans
 Port-scanning and Probing
 Wireless Attacks
 Tindakan atau cara yang dilakukan untuk
mencegah atau menanggulangi dan menjaga
hardware, program, jaringan dan data dari
bahaya fisik dan kejadian yang dapat
menyebabkan kehilangan yang besar atau
kehancuran. Keamanan fisik termasuk
perlindungan terhadap kebakaran, bencana
alam, pencurian, vandalism dan teroris
 What do you need to protect:
- Building
- Computer Room
- Computer/Server
- Storage Media
 Dilindungi terhadap apa?
- Lingkungan
- Kebakaran
- Iklim
- Gempa Bumi dan Getaran
- Air
- Listrik
- Petir
- Orang
 Faktor Manusia
 Sering kali eksploitasi dilakukan oleh orang dalam
 Digunakan teknologi biometric
 Biasanya digunakan sebagai otentikasi untuk masuk ke
ruangan khusus, seperti ruang server, ruang komputer
atau untuk mengakses suatu sistem
 Dapat berupa:
 sidik jari, telapak tangan, pola retina, pola suara, tanda
tangan dan pola mengetik.

Iris Handwriting
 Biasanya operating system seperti windows,
linux, mac os mudah diserang
 Harus ada user authentication pada sistem
operasi tersebut
 Struktur OS juga menentukan lemah
tidaknya suatu sistem dilihat dari segi
 Cara menanggulanginya: Backup dan Harus
ada password
 At least 8 alphanumeric and special symbol characters
in length. Avoid all number and all letters
 The maximum number of times any single character
can be repeated in a password should be restricted to
 Avoid using personal data such as birthday, telephone
number, numberplate
 System controls should be configured to limit a time
of a password (ex.36 week) and also cannot re-use old
password unless after 8 to 10 new password be used
 Should be selected by the end user and easy to
 Biasanya mengandung logic-bomb yang
diprogram untuk beraksi waktu-waktu
 Biasanya tersembunyi
 Virus: Hindari software bajakan. Karena virus
ini dapat menduplikasikan dan menularkan
lewat media bajakan
 Lainnya: Hindari menggunakan USB
 Pasang antivirus spt Mcafee, Norton AV, dll
 There are so many things need to be read and
 Wanna Discussion?

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