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1. Stabiliți care propoziție este corectă.

Autistic children start with…


‘For Kathryn Bowers, a teacher of autistic children at the Puzzle Centre in Buckinghamshire, “there is nothing more
wonderful than seeing children achieve and progress. Many of our children start with limited interaction skills and often
with virtually no methods to communicate.’

certain communication skills

limited interaction at school

their own communication methods

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2. Stabiliți care propoziție este corectă.

According to a teacher, ‘young people are great to work with’, because they are:

‘“Young people are great to work with,” agrees Dougal Hand, head of sixth form at Emmanuel School in London. “They
have humour, intelligence and generally want to make the world a better place.”’

smart and funny



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3. Stabiliți care propoziție este corectă.

What ‘the happiest’ jobs have in common is the fact that both teaching and nursing…

Teachers: “The lightbulb moments – watching children make leaps in learning,” says Karina Thompson, a reception
teacher at Greenleaf School….’’I like to think I am making a difference to their education and I enjoy seeing them achieve
their potential.”
Nurse: “Every day, you go home and you know you’ve helped a sick child and their family – you’ve made a difference.”

have a positive impact on others

include working with children

include working with young people

 Valoarea întrebării: 4 | Puncte obţinute: 4Raportaţi întrebare pentru verificare »

4. Stabiliți dacă următoarele afirmații sunt adevărate (TRUE) sau false (FALSE).
Sentence: ‘It is practically impossible to teach autistic children to communicate. ’
‘For Kathryn Bowers, a teacher of autistic children at the Puzzle Centre in Buckinghamshire, “there is nothing more
wonderful than seeing children achieve and progress. Many of our children start with limited interaction skills and often
with virtually no methods to communicate.
“Knowing that you’ve helped make a difference to that child and that family is tremendously rewarding.”’
Sentence: ‘Working as a nurse can be tiresome because you get to meet so many unhappy people. ‘
‘“When you feel you have made a real positive impact on the patient,” says Joanne Upton, a skin cancer nurse at the
Clatterbridge Cancer Centre in Merseyside. “I meet some fantastic people every day and as cliched as it may sound, they
really are inspirational people.”’
Sentence: ’According to the text, nurses feel like they have a positive influence on their patients.’

‘ “When you feel you have made a real positive impact on the patient,” says Joanne Upton, a skin cancer nurse at the
Clatterbridge Cancer Centre in Merseyside.’
Sentence: ’Most patients who are unhappy about their looks come back to the clinic with a smile on their face.’
‘“For so many different reasons people are desperately unhappy with a physical feature and it’s so rewarding to see them
happy, looking great and feeling confident when they come back to the clinic for their follow up consultation,” she says.’
Sentence: ‘Making a difference to a sick child’s life and their family is something which makes nursing one of the most enjoyed
‘Jessica Carrodeguas, a nurse at the children’s hospice charity Shooting Star Chase, says: “Every day, you go home and
you know you’ve helped a sick child and their family – you’ve made a difference.”’
Sentence: ’Nurses often come across uninspirational people of all walks of life but they still enjoy what they do.’
‘“I meet some fantastic people every day and as cliched as it may sound, they really are inspirational people.”’
Sentence: ‘According to a survey carried out by the Guardian, teaching is the happiest occupation in the world.’’’ 
‘Engineers have the happiest job in the world, closely followed by teachers and nurses, according to analysis carried out
by the Guardian.’

It is practically impossible to teach autistic children to communicate.FALSE

Working as a nurse can be tiresome because you get to meet so many unhappy people.FALSE

According to the text, nurses feel like they have a positive influence on their patients. TRUE

Most patients who are unhappy about their looks come back to the clinic with a smile on their face.TRUE

Making a difference to a sick child’s life and their family is something which makes nursing one of the most enjoyed


Nurses often come across uninspirational people of all walks of life but they still enjoy what they do.FALSE

According to the survey carried out by the Guardian, teaching is the happiest occupation in the worldFALSE
 Valoarea întrebării: 7 | Puncte obţinute: 7Raportaţi întrebare pentru verificare »

5. Stabiliți care propoziție este corectă.

Martine Monksfield, a teacher of the deaf at Whitehall Primary School understands deaf children
so well because she is ……

‘’Meanwhile, Martine Monksfield, a teacher of the deaf at Whitehall Primary School, sees teaching as an opportunity to change
society for the better. “As a deaf person myself, I can empathise with deaf children easily, as I have been through ‘the system’

a deaf person herself

very intuitive

A great teacher
 Valoarea întrebării: 4 | Puncte obţinute: 4Raportaţi întrebare pentru verificare »

6. Stabiliți care propoziție este corectă.

One of the advantages of the teaching profession is:

‘“The lightbulb moments – watching children make leaps in learning,” says Karina Thompson, a reception teacher at
Greenleaf School. Plus, she says, working with children keeps you young: “There are many laugh out loud moments
during your day, and I love the variety and creativity of the job – you can be doing drama in the morning, pretending you
are a superhero, then demonstrating gymnastics jumps, then the next lesson is life in Roman Britain.”’

watching children learn and staying forever young

maintaining discipline in class

getting to know the children

 Valoarea întrebării: 4 | Puncte obţinute: 4Raportaţi întrebare pentru verificare »

7. Stabiliți dacă următoarele afirmații sunt adevărate (TRUE) sau false (FALSE).

Sentence: ‘According to the text, engineers, teachers and nurses have the happiest jobs.’

‘Engineers have the happiest job in the world, closely followed by teachers and nurses, according to analysis carried out
by the Guardian.’

Sentence: ‘Watching children make progress in learning is one of the advantages of the teaching profession.’

‘“The lightbulb moments – watching children make leaps in learning,” says Karina Thompson, a reception teacher at
Greenleaf School.’

 Sentence: ‘Teachers sometimes have ‘laugh out loud’ moments in the classroom. ‘

‘Plus, she says, working with children keeps you young: “There are many laugh out loud moments during your day, and I
love the variety and creativity of the job – you can be doing drama in the morning, pretending you are a superhero, then
demonstrating gymnastics jumps, then the next lesson is life in Roman Britain.”’

Sentence: ‘Most teachers enjoy their job because it is stress-free.’

‘I like to think I am making a difference to their education and I enjoy seeing them achieve their potential.”’

Sentence: ‘Empathy is one of the most important teachers’ qualities.’

‘Meanwhile, Martine Monksfield, a teacher of the deaf at Whitehall Primary School, sees teaching as an opportunity to
change society for the better. “As a deaf person myself, I can empathise with deaf children easily, as I have been through
‘the system’ myself.’

Sentence: ‘Sadly, disabled children cannot make learning progress and most teachers can attest to this.’

‘Vanessa Correia, a special education tutor for Action for Kids, agrees: “Showing the future generations that just because
you have a disability doesn’t mean you can’t live a normal life like anyone else – that’s what makes me happy. Every day, I
go home with a permanent smile on my face.”

According to the text, engineers, teachers and nurses have the happiest jobs.TRUE

Watching children make progress in learning is one of the advantages of the teaching profession.TRUE

Teachers sometimes have ‘laugh out loud’ moments in the classroom.TRUE

Most teachers enjoy their job because it is stress-free. FALSE

Empathy is one of the most important teachers’ qualities.TRUE

Sadly, children with learning disabilities cannot make learning progress and most teachers can attest to this.FALSE

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