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Experiment no- 5

Analog Motor Control

1. To control teh speed of DC Motor using P, PI, PD, and PID control action.
2. To control the position of DC Motor using P, PI, PD, and PID control action.
3. To analyze the transient response and steady-state performance for PID control
4. To study the robustness of PID control action towards change in load on motor.

Equipment: Oscilloscope,PS4 System Module, Function generator, DC motor control

module, PID controller module, power supply unit and connecting cables


1) Integral speed control:

Integral controller is best known for the reducing the steady state error to zero value.
As we keep on increasing the integral gain the output oscillation and peak overshoot
keeps on increasing leading the system to instability. Output of the integral controller
is given as
u(t) = Ki∫e(t)

2) Proportional Integral Control:

The overshoot and damping characteristics of high integral gain is reduced by
introducing a
proportional controller in addition to already existing integral controller. Output of
proportional controller is given as
u(t) = KPe(t)
Combined output of PI is given by
u(t) = KPe(t) + Ki ∫ e(t) dt
3)Proportional Integral Derivative Control:
Observation and Figures:-

1) Integral Control :-

1. At Ki=6 and 0.1 Hz as input signal. The peak overshoot is 0.96 V, peak time 800ms
which is 0.8s. For waveform refer to Fig a for peak overshoot and peak time..
2. For second part where Ki is set on 12 and with same frequency we observe an
increase in overshoot and oscillations. The peak overshoot is 1.481V and peak time
is 640ms = 0.64s For waveform refer to Fig b.
3. The response is overdamped for Ki=1.For waveform refer to Fig c.
4. In the next part when Ki = 6 and input frequency is set on zero so thand frequency
is 100 rpm.We apply breaks suddenly and we get the output as shown in figure d.
5. Value of Ki is increased, we observe that as Ki increases the overshoot voltage
increases and decreases as brakes are applied. Fig d part 2 shows waveform when
breaks are applied.
6. At Ki = 10,ramp input is applied at frequency 0.1Hz.We observe that error tends to
zero. This can be seen from Fig e.
2)Proportional and Integral Control :-

1. When we keep Ki to 12 and freq. to 0.1 Hz and increase the proportional

gain from 0.1 to 1 we observe that overshoot and rise tie gets decreased
as shown in figure below.
2. Another thing, as we increase proportional gain we found out that
oscillations are damped out and rise time is very fast.Can be seen from
Fig f.
3)Proportional, Integral and Derivative Control

1. As we know that derivative cannot function in presence of noise, low pass filter
is used. For this frequency is set to 34 Hz to filter out noise generated. For
Kp=2, Ki=1 with derivative control not included. We observe that the response
is underdamped without much oscillations. As we increase Ki with Kp to be
constant oscillations increases. At Ki=8 we found that’s system is oscillatory.
(Fig g)
2. Also at Ki = 10 system is unstable.(Fig h )
3. For Ki to be somewhere between 9 and 10 system is stable.
4. The system is stiffer, stable and oscillatory for values of Ki=10 and Kp = 11. (Fig i)
5. So for Kp to be equal to 11 ,Ki = 10 and changing Kd from 0.11 to 0.12 we observe
that as value of Kd increases we observe a significant reduction in damping. (Fig j)
4)Finding the transfer function of the DC Motor :-

 We will used values obtained form Ki = 6 when the response was

 We assume that the transfer function of the tachogenerator is “K” and DC
Analog motor is a single order system.
To find value of K we should make frequency to be zero

Speed(rpm) Voltage(V) K(V/rpm)
130 2.05 0.015
190 3.05 0.016

So k = is 0.015 V/rpm.
Conclusion and Discussion:
We know that any steady state error is eliminated by Integral controller.
We verified this and can be seen from waveforms. Adding to this
overshoot and oscillation increases as we increase integra gain.
Response increases as speed decreased and oscillation damped out as we
applied sudden brakes.
In next exercise we introduced proportional controller in addition to
integral control so hence we have PI controller here.This leads to decrees
in overshoot.
In last part derivative control was introduced as derivative control can’t
work in presence of noise so low pass filter is used.PID Controller gives
the best output in terms of rise time and settling time. As we increase Ki,
after some value the system becomes unstable. For us system becomes
unstable in Range of Ki = 9 to 10.
In next part proportional gain was increased which makes system stiffer. The
system damp out faster as we had applied full load.
As value of Kd increases we observe a significant reduction in damping.

Submitted By : -
1) Jayesh Karwande – 2017EE10455
2) Pamarthi Mohan Harsh – 2017EE10467
3) Devesh Kumar Meena – 2017EE10447
4) Akash Anand – 2017EE10435

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