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The aim of this report is to outline my experience working in this international hotel
chain for a month, exposing it with detail and suggesting some improvements for
future programmes.
The activities performed
Along the whole experience, almost all the positions have been developed, switching
the roles with my partners. Firstly, I began being one of the waitresses in the
restaurant, having to develop different roles as for instance serving the meals or
cleaning and setting the tables. These roles used to be the hardest ones, so then I was
in charge of some administration tasks. In this position, my roles were welcoming the
new hosts and answering the telephone. Finally, as for my training in teaching, I was
responsible of the educative and playful activities organised every evening in the hotel.
Problems during the experience
In my opinion, the main weakness of this hotel chain is to rotate all its staff, having to
change until three times in only a week. After my experience, get used to a position
and to the best on it if you do not have enough time to improve. Furthermore, there is
not much training, so you must learn to develop the job along the working time, which
is a pressure added to the performance.
As a first measure, I would recommend maintaining the employees longer in the same
position, giving them the opportunity to improve and do their best. According to that,
another suggestion is to train the employees better on their position to obtain the best
results. Having this into account, the satisfaction of the employees, as well as the
hosts’ one, will be guaranteed.

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