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Formerly Siemens Enterprise Communications

OpenScape 4000 - V7 UC
Unified Communic. Linux vServer (OS4k)

HiPath 4000 - V6
Linux Communic. Server (HP4k)

Recovery Hard Disk = " Clone HD "

- Mandatory Secure & Bootable Physical Image HD Back Up.


2. HW
3. Insert new HD2
4. Start Sync. = RAID
5. Completed
6. Stop RAID
7. Remove HD2 ("Clone")
8. Keep in Safe place
9. Action Plan in case of Disaster Recover.

Total of 07 pages
Repository: =>Large Platform => HiPath4000 V6

1.Published = September,20 2011
2.Rev.=March, 6 2012 =minor correction, remov. Backup inf as V6_backup.doc is released.
3.Rev.=July25 = v6r1 PLT HF 7.
4.Rev.=Dec.5 = Use HD Toshiba MK2561GSYB
5.Rev. = 10 April 2013 = used HD, V6R1.10 => # dd if=/dev/zero of=/dev/sdb bs=512 count=255
6.Rev. = Apr.26 = added Prerequisite.
7.Rev. = July 30 = warning; do not open running hd. Extra Security
GCS-Gobal Customer Support
Irving - TX 75038
1. Prerequisite:

- Do this procedure " Clone HD " only after DSCXL2 "a" reload/reboot;
"a" =sys1=where CCA runs= first processor card on slot 1= e.g.below :OM-dp2A.
In this doc., addopted "a" to avoid confusion with A from Active SWU (CCA or CCB)
After reload, you know for sure the current HD "a" is ok and will bring the system up ...
- We had incidents where the Clone HD backup was done (without reload) in running systems, those
up for long time and when the Clone HD was put in place, the system did not come up.

- If you don't have the recovery hd done right after DSCXL2 "a" reload and wants to do in duplex
running system; the Portal should previously show /forced to below status and do a reboot
on DSCXL2 "a" (e.g. OM-dp2A) before start the recov.hd process:


a) If CCA is running as swu Active on DSCXL2 "a" (e.g.: A on CCA of OM-dp2A); force rmx
switchover to CCB be as Active on DSCXL2 "b" (as above fig.) & do linux-reboot on DSCXL2 "a"

b) If adp ( - . ) is running on dscxl2 "a"; Linux reload/reboot/shutdown on "a" will send adp to "b".

c) The DSCXL2 "a" will do a reload. After reload you can proceede as you know
the HD booted and brought Linux, Sync.Status ok and CCA as Standby ....

d) More details on Reload/Shutdown you find on doc. "Accessibility ComWin Shutdown "
located on: Repository: =>Large Platform => HiPath4000 V6

Assistant -> Expert Mode -> Platform Portal => Maintenance -> Recovery HD

Fig.2 from V6R2; pay attention to the field Bad Blocks....

2.1. V6R1 HW parts #:
DSCLX2 without HD = S30122-X8004-X35 with HD = S30122-K7732-X
HDTR ay = C39117-A7006-A008
Hard Disk Seagate 250GB ST9250410AS (Momentus 7200.4) SATA3GB
Siemens Parts = S30122-X8014-X18 SAP-Matnr. : 11852125
From December, 2012 only the TOSHIBA MK2561GSYB should be used in case of HD
The above Seagate model is outdated (I saw some of them with bad blocks, noise, etc..)

2.2. V6R2 HW parts # duplex system, for SAP no hifen ( e.g. S30122X8004X039):
2 processor card = DSCXL2+ = S30122-X8004-X039 = Module DSCXL2+(080) /4GByte DRAM/HD Tray
1 Hard Disk Tray model -2 = HDTR2 = S30122-X8007-X004 = Module HDTR2
1 eSATAp-Cable ( front cable between DSCXL2 "a" on slot 1 and HDTR2 ) = C39195-A7985-B332
lenght=30cm, p=power
3 Hard Disk TOSHIBA MK2561GSYB = S30122- X8014-X018 = 250GB HDD with Universal Mounting Kit

V6 R2 can run on previous V6 R1 HW (hw down level compatible);

also V6R1 can run on new HW V6R2 above (hw up level compatible)...

DON'T OPEN the Hdd Bay located on DSCXL2+ card if processor is running ..!!!!
cause restarts and linux out sync.... If you did as mistake; unplug the dscxl2 processor first; put
back the HD, wait the dscxl2 "b" to stabilize (apd = .- & ccb=A ) and plug the processor dscxl2 "a"
card back...
Same if you open on V6R1 HW the HDTR SLOT 1; the running HD for DSCXL2 "a"....
V6R1 HW => Replace the HD Adapters; see details on Tac->V6-> Alert = 2012 Info...

3. Insert a brand new or used HD on HDTRay slot 2;

. on V6R2-HW, insert on HDTR2

Used / resync. (second time) HD on V6R1.10 & V6R1.12.PLT HF 0 or 1:
Do the linux command below on DSCXL2 "a" linux-host every time, after Item 3. Inserted used HD
and before the Item 4. Start Sync...; avoid possible system crash on recovery hd process......
# dd if=/dev/zero of=/dev/sdb bs=512 count=255
More details on Tac Intranet V6 -> Alerts -> SEN SERVICE ALERT 2012-10-15 092615

- If system is on V6R1.12 PLT HF 2 / up, or V6R2; then does NOT need above linux-host "A" command...

4.Click on Start Synchronization = start RAID =>

RAID = parallel operation in case of one hd goes bad the other will assume control automaticaly ;
but if corruption occurs, both hd’s will be afected/corrupted.
-Don't leave Raid running on duplex syst. as hd redundacy is already running between 2 x dscxl2;
The item 6 Stops the Raid....
This item 4 operation is NOT service affecting if Item 1. Prerequisite was done successfully...

The progress 8/9 takes about 8 hours if HD2 is brand new, first sync. and
about 2 hours if HD2 was synchronized before:

5. When finished, V6 R1.10 shows:

If HD2 was already running on RAID, the display is the same as above.
Note on both HD's the state activesync !!!
If faultyspare in V6R1.10, shutdown dscxl2 "a"; remove bad hd; insert new and reinstall.
If fautyspare in upper versions, click Remove to the related bad HD, and reinstall the node "a"

6. Click on Create Recovery HD Button = stop the RAID on hd2 / sdb.

From V6R1.10 PLT-7 & V6 R1.12 the HD1/sda will show a button REMOVE (see below
figure). Do NOT click Remove as this is only to be used when HD goes defect....

V6R2 shows ->

7. Wait a few minutes until display shows as below....

Now you can remove the HD 2 ("Clone") from the tray.
Note the 2.HD / sdb on SoftRAID display is gone and the led2 is not more flashing..
On V6R2 with Toshiba HD, the led2 will flash sporadically every 5 seconds; you can remove it
unless if it's flashing equal/parallel/same pace to the led1 (hd1 sda).....

- The Portal will display as on fig.2, after HD removed.

8. Leave the HD2 ("Clone") in a safe place.

The Recovery ( "Clone" ) HD is MANDATORY; keep saved for peace of mind.

It’s fastest way to recovery dialtone/system in case of disaster !!!!!
Do NOT leave "Clone HD" inside the HDTRay; it's not protected against power surge or Fire !!!!

Extra Security: Have 1 Clone HD outside the HDTRay in a safest place and
+ 1 extra HD inside HDTR2 (or on slot2 of HDTR V6R1) doing e.g.:montlhy
recovery "clone" hd (this procedure; remotely); leaving this extra 2.HD inside the HDTR;
but not in RAID ( do the item 6 stop raid ; do not do the item 7 remove hd2 from hdtr)......

We don't recommend leave HD in RAID (without item 6. done; 02 hd on

HDTRay running simmultaneously) in duplex systems as the hds from
dscxl2 “a” & “b” also are always running in parallel – sync. / redundant.

For mono processor system RAID is recommended; besides having the Recovery "Clone" HD
done and left in safe place.
Clone is left outside the cPCI shelf/HDTR, protected against power surge, fire, disaster ...
Customer needs to buy another HD for RAID on mono processor (simplex) system.

 Recovery (Clone) HD should only be used in case of total system (all nodes down) failure!
 Recovery (Clone) HD should not be used In case only one node (in a multinode
deployment i.e Duplex or separated duplex) is broken. In this case the broken node
should be reinstalled using the deployment “Duplex-replacement”.

9. Action Plan in case of HD crash:

1. If system does not come up from DSCXL2 "a" and "b".

2. Shutdown both processors. Take out the current HD from the HDTRay.
3. Unplug (disconnect) the processor DSCXL2 "b"
4. Put the Recovery Image ("Clone") HD backup on HDTray and reload the processor "a".
5. You know that this hd will come up as you did recovery hd after reload…
6. After reload "a", restore the latest DB from the Assistant Backup ….
7. Reinstall the "b" side with USB using the deployment "Duplex-replacement"..

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Availability and technical specifications are subject to change without notice.
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