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1. Increased job satisfaction and morale among employees.

2. Increased employee motivation.
3. Increased efficiencies in processes, resulting in financial gain and
4. Increased capacity to adopt new technologies and methods.
5. Increased innovation in strategies and products.
6. Reduced employee turnover and absenteeism.
7. Enhanced organizational image, e.g., conducting ethics training.
8. Risk management.


Evaluation of training effectiveness is a highly desirable step in total

training programmes so that one can judge the value or worth of the
training. It is very difficult to measure the effectiveness of training because
of its abstract nature and long-term impact on the trainees and the
organization. There cannot be any concrete quantitative proof of training
effectiveness; at best, there can be some qualitative measurements.
However, training evaluation can be more meaningful if the following
process is adopted: determination of training objectives, fixation of
evaluation criteria, collection of information relevant to training
evaluation and analysis.

1) Training Objectives: Training objectives should be fixed in clear terms

because all training programmes do not contribute in all areas. Hamblin
has classified training objectives into four categories: reaction objectives-
intended to stimulate a high level of involvement and interest; learning
objectives-concerned with acquiring knowledge, skills, and attitudes; job
behaviour objectives-learning to bring about desired changes in job
behaviour ;and organizational objectives-intended to promote over all
results. Since a particular training programme emphasizes on a particular
objective or multiple objectives, its selection will be governed by the
objectives of training. At the same time, these objectives can be used for
evaluation of training also.

2) Evaluation Criteria: Based on the objectives of training, criteria for

training evaluation can be fixed. Ideally speaking, training should meet its
objectives. Since training objectives can be defined either in terms of its
immediate objectives like learning, behaviour change, etc and in terms of
its ultimate objectives like achieving organizational objectives through
learning, training evaluation criteria can also be fixed in these two terms.

3) Collection of Information: After fixing the factors to be measured and

criteria fixed in respect of these, evaluator has to collect the relevant
information which may be helpful in arriving at certain conclusions.
Information can be collected on the basis of facts like production records,
cost controls etc. This may be used for measuring the achievement of
ultimate objectives of training.

4) Analysis: Collected information can be analyzed to interpret the impact

of training on various aspects, and consequently its effectiveness. Two
points are important in information collection and its analysis. First,
information to measure the immediate impact of training should be
collected immediately after training because employees may tend to
observe the old behaviours even after training if the new behaviour is not
gratifying due to various organizational constraints. Second, there would
be feedback of such evaluation to employees concerned so that they are
also able to know the results of their training.


Training and development programmes will be evaluated as effected if it

results in transfer of knowledge, skills and behaviours to the job as
depicted below:




The following things enhance training effectiveness:

• Match between ability level and programme difficulty.
• High need for achievement with mastery.
• High self-efficacy.
• Perceived instrumentality of training for getting positive rewards.
• Cue based feedback
• Deliberate practice/ attention to intensive practice.


Training methods

On- the- job Off- the- job

• Job rotation Vestibule training

• Coaching Role playing
• Job instruction Lecture methods
• Training through step by step Conference or discussion

On-the-job training method:

This type of training, also known as job instruction training, is

the most commonly used method. Under this method, the individual place
on regular job and taught the skills necessary to perform that job. The
trainee learns under the supervision and guidance of a qualified worker or

Job rotation:

This type of training involves the movement of the trainee from one job
to another. The trainee receives job knowledge and gains experience from
his supervisor or trainer in each of the different job assignments. This
method gives an opportunity to the trainee to understand the problems of
employees on others job and respect them.

The trainee is placed under a particular supervisor functions as a coach

in training the individual. The supervisor provides who feedback to the
trainee on the performance and offers him some suggestion for

Job instruction:

This method is also known as training step by step. Under this method,
trainer explains the trainee the way of doing the jobs, job knowledge and
skills and allows him to do the job.

Off-the-job methods:

Under this method of training, trainee is separated from the job

situation and his attention is focussed upon learning the material related to
his future job performances. Since the trainee is not distracted by job
requirements, he can place his entire concentration on learning the job
rather than spending his time in performing it. Off-the-job training
methods are as follows:

Vestibule training:

In this method, actual work condition is simulated in a classroom.

Material, files and equipment those are used in actual job performance
and are also used in training.

Role playing:

It is defined as a method of human interaction that involves realistic

behavior in imaginary situation. This method of training involves action,
doing and practice. The participants play the role of certain characters,
such as the production manager, mechanical engineers workers and the

Lecture method:

The lecture is a traditional and direct method of instruction. The

instructor organizes the material and gives it to a group of trainees in the
form of a talk. The major limitation of this method that it does not provide
for transfer of training effectively.

Conference or discussion:

It is a method in training the clerical, professional and supervisory

personnel. This method involves a group of people whose pose ideas
examine and share facts, ideas and data, test assumption, and draw
conclusion all of which contribute to the improvement of job performance.


• To identify the basic need of training and development for the

employees in BALCO.
• To identify the potential candidate for training and development.
• To study the skill/ expertise acquired by employees after training
and development programmes.
• To involves employees by initiating the process of participative
management in the training function.

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