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Arielle Gleicher


Module 7 Lesson Plan

Lesson Plan:​ Narrative Writing Padlet

Link to Padlet:​

Content Standards:
Write informative/explanatory texts to examine a topic and convey ideas, concepts, and
information through the selection, organization and analysis of relevant content.
Present claims and findings, sequencing ideas logically and using pertinent descriptions, facts,
and details to accentuate main ideas or themes; use appropriate eye contact, adequate volume,
and clear pronunciation.
Include multimedia components (e.g., graphics, images, music, sound) and visual displays in
presentations to clarify information.

Essential Question:​ How do we take an experience or memory and turn it into a narrative
writing piece?

Learning Objectives:
● SWBAT orally explain their memory or story via the recording feature in Padlet
● SWBAT use multimedia (such as a drawing) to create a visual representation of their
● SWBAT brainstorm descriptive words and feelings that relate to their memory

1. Assign link to Padlet in Google Classroom
2. Open the Padlet during a live Zoom call with students to go over the assignment
3. Complete the guided practice (I do, we do) to model how to voice record, draw a picture
and fill in the graphic organizer
4. Give students time to complete their independent work (completing the three components
of the Padlet)
5. Assess students by looking at their work and provide authentic feedback

Guided Practice:
For the guided practice component of this lesson, I am going to model how to use the different
Padlet tools when responding to the prompt. First, I will model how to use the voice recording
tool to record myself. I will model with my own memory so that students get a feel of how to
approach this component of the Padlet. Next, I will show my students my drawing example and
teach them how to get to the drawing tool. Lastly, I will show my students how to open the
graphic organizer in a new window so that it is editable. I will model how to fill in the graphic
organizer by using details from my own memory.

Independent Practice:
Once my students have a grasp on how to use the Padlet tools, I will give them time to
brainstorm and complete the three activities independently. I will utilize Zoom breakout rooms
so that each student can have a quiet space to record themselves and complete their work.

For the assessment component of this lesson, I will listen to my students’ voice recordings and
give feedback on areas that they may want to expand on. I will also give feedback on the graphic
organizer in order to push my students to use their senses to describe their experience. I will use
all three activities to assess if the memory that was selected by my students is a story that would
translate well into a narrative.

I selected Padlet as my technology tool for this lesson because I am incredibly impressed with
all of the multimedia components that it has to offer. Prior to this course, I had only contributed
to Padlets with text responses. I had never created my own Padlet or investigated the various
response tools. I didn’t realize that I could add images, voice recordings and drawings to my

I am so glad that I chose to use Padlet for this course. Not only do I feel significantly more
comfortable responding to Padlets, but I also feel equipped to create my own. I anticipate using
Padlets often as a means to teach new content and provide opportunities for students to reflect
on their learning.

I am a firm believer that in order to engage and empower students, we must give them a choice.
Once my students get comfortable with the various response tools within Padlet, I plan on giving
students the choice of responding using any of the tools. Although I know that some of my
students will still opt for the text response option, I am hopeful that they will become more
comfortable using the recording, drawing and uploading features. I want my students to take an
active role in their learning process, and I feel that Padlet provides students with the options and
choice to do so.

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