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Planning phase:-

 Project Development team Formation:-

We want a team of 8-10 person which
have ability to create an online ticketing of Bus. All these persons have different skills too
solve different kind of problems. So that we can built a successful program of online
reservation of Bus System…….

 Feasibility study:-
Our website has various kinds of information that helps regarding
booking of tickets via Buss Users will be able to search the Bus availability, the exact fare,
the arrival and departure time of the Bus and they can also book the ticket by using the debit,
credit or master card and after booking the ticket if the user want to cancel it then they can
easily do it.

The Cost factor for this type of Software is about 20000-30000 approximately

 Requirement gathered:-
Online Bus ticket reservation is an online ticket booking
website, which is capable of booking ticket and search the Bus availability. This website is
mainly created to fulfil the following requirements, it comprises of the following properties:-
1. A central database that will store all information.
2. An online website that will provide real- time information about the availability of tickets
their prices.
3. Every registered user is able to view his booking id that has been made in his/her name.
4. Every registered user can change his password any time he wants to change.
5. Every guest user can search Bus availability, price of the ticket, arrival and departure
time, distance between source and destination etc.
6. Every registered user has the facilities to print his ticket any time he wishes.
Administration logic
7. In admin mode the administrator can make changes in Bus details.
8. He can also view all booking that has been made by different users.
9. The booking window contains all the facilities at one place, the user can simply login to
his account and can book his ticket.

1|ICT (Assignment#2

 Requirements grouped into modules:-

The requirements to create online

reservation of tickets we can divide main Objectives in Important Modules which are
as follow:-
1. To create a database of the buss.
2. To search the buss it’s arrival and departure time,
Distance between source and destination.
3. To check the availability of the ticket.
4. To calculate fare.
5. To book the ticket.
6. To cancel the ticket if necessary.

 Hardware And Software Requirement:-

Hardware Requirement of this
Software is Intel Pentium 3 1.00 GHz with 512MB RAM, 1 GB hard disk space and
other Standard accessories.
Software Requirement of this Software is the system is connected to network
physically and proper driver is install in that system.


Technology/ language used:-

We can used C, Java, C++ to design this software but we use
C language as it is easy and have fast execution…..

User busing or manual created/done:-

We use Manual documentation or proper
guideless to user for reservation of tickets we also have free call service which Provide
guideless too user in any case…..

Any Installation/ deployment:-

No need of any installation is required because
everything is online but you may download a free app which make it easy to reserve ticket at
any time……

Any scenarios Tested:-

GUI interface is tested Account number Balance and all previous
record is tested of Customer….

2|ICT (Assignment#2
Operation, Security and Support:-

 Maintenance:-
The problem usually people face is traffic in a network as a lot of
customers are reserving tickets at the same time which can affect the speed of network
some measure should maintain to solve this issues….


3|ICT (Assignment#2

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