DEBER 1 - Kevin Alava

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FECHA: 15/07/2020

1. Uncle Mike travels around the world for business, doesn’t he?

2. The police found some fingerprints on the wall, didn’t they?

3. That didn’t seem a very important article on the topic, did it?

4. The monster of Loch Ness has never existed, has is?

5. Nobody could hear it in the middle of the night, could they?

6. London was a Roman town once, wasn’t it?

7. People will travel to Mars one day in the future,won’t they?

8. Paul hadn’t arrived when we went to sleep, had he?

9. Let’s buy mum a new television for Christmas, shall are?

10. Nothing interesting happens in this town, does it?

11. There has been a lot of rain this autumn, hasn’t there?

12. Everybody is going to attend Sarah’s party, aren’t they?

13. I’m not disturbing you with my chatter, am I?

14. Your dad has been working in a factory for ages, hasn’t he?

15. Peacocks can fly for short distances, can’t they?

16. You have never been to New York, have you?

17. It’s impossible to explain how impressive is the view,isn’t it?

18. There weren’t phones when Shakespeare lived, were are?

19. This isn’t the most polluted river in the world, is it?

20. The waitress listens to guests’ conversations, doesn’t she?

21. Everybody should have the same rights, shouldn’t they?

22. Ooops! I am a really forgetful person, aren’t I?

23. Teachers aren’t usually impatient or unhelpful, are they?

24. You won’t have more doubts about this, will you?


1. Peter is a good artist, isn't he?

2. Mary and Peter are in London, aren't they?

3. You love your sister, don't he?

4 We know the answer, don't we?

5.Jack doesn't speak French, does he?

6 My mother wasn't happy yesterday, was it?

7. The children are catching butterflies, aren't they?

8. Sheila is ready to move, isn't she?

9. There isn't enough food here, is there?

20. Let's go shopping, shall we?

11. Your father has been away for a long time, hasn't it?

12. The students flew to London yesterday, didn't they?

13. I'm afraid of spiders, aren't I?

14. Your essay could be better, couldn't it?

15.One should never be rude, shouldn't she?

26. Nobody phoned me while i was out, didn't they?

27. Let's give them a second chance, shall you?

38. David might not come tomorrow, might he?

29. Don't shut the door, will you?

20. There is some good news for Peter, isn't there?

22. She's left her bag here, hasn't she?

22.David can't swim, can he?

23. Mary's gone to the theatre, hasn't he?

24.One must work to earn one's living, mustn't he?

25. Come here, will you?

26. I am on time, arren't I?

27. Don't close your books, will you?

28. She won't do that again, will she?

29. Let's go for a walk, shall we?

30. She hasn't finished her homework yet, has she?

32. He wasn't listening to music, was he?

32. Don't go now, will you?

33. We couldn't hear anything, could it?

34. Her brother arrived late, did he?

35. I love coffee, don't I?

36. They haven't seen her, have they?

37. My grandparents had gone there by bus, hadn't they?

38. My father used to smoke a lot, didn't he?

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