Rizal Experimental Station and Pilot School of Cottage Industries

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Jenny’s Avenue, Maybunga, Pasig City


Contemporary Philippines Arts from the Regions

Name:__________________________________________________ Grade& Section:________________

TEST I: Instructions: Write T if the statement is TRUE and F if the statement is FALSE.

1. Contemporary Art is the art of the present, which is continuously in process and in flux.
2. The styles of Modern Art is not a part of Art School curricula and has not become academic.
3. Pottery, carving, and woodwork, metalwork and expression are examples of Architectures.
4. The Neoclassic style depicts reality as closely as possible and idealizes it.
5. National Artists Fernando Amorsolo and Guillermo Tolentino, were the most influential in Neoclassicism.
6. Junk/Scrap, Duchampian, arte covera, neo-indigenous, site-specific, performance art, and hybrid are examples
of Postmodern Art in Sculptures.
7. The Tinikling, is a popular Tagalog folk dance often showcased for tourists, is evocative of the movements of the
crane, balancing itself on stile-legs or flitting away from the clutches of bamboo traps.
8. The Cultural Center of the Philippines, is the premier bureaucratic entity through which art acquisition,
exhibition making, workshops, grants, and awards were implemented.
9. Social Realism, is a form of protest art that exposed the socio-political issues and struggles of the times
regarding the oppressed and underrepresented masses.
10. The Oblation, 1935, depicting a male nude with arms outstretched as a gesture of sacrifice and freedom.
11. A festival is a mode of exhibition that is transitory and participatory and is closely related to religion, ritual,
culture and tourism.
12. Television, radio, social media and print media like magazines and newspapers are platforms that disseminate
artistic efforts and shape people’s attitude towards art.
13. Art comes from the word “ars” which means create.
14. Hybridity refers to the mixing of unlikely materials (sand, mud, coffee and the likes) to produce an artwork.
15. Vegetable or fruit sculptures used as table decorations exemplify integrative art.

TEST II- Match items from column A with their corresponding definitions in column B. Write the letter that corresponds
to the correct answer.

Column A Column B

16. Mayvanuvanua a. Lake Lanao

17. Cañao or Kanyaw b.Sulu
18. Kashawing c. Ifugaos
19. Tagbanwa d. Batanes
20. Pangalay e. Cordillera Autonomous Region
21. Banog-banog f. Laguna and Pampanga
22. Man-manok g. Palawan
23. Hagabi h. Higaonon
24. Santos i. Vigan
25. Manunggul jar j. Bagobos, Mindanao
26. Pagbuburnay k. Community of Believers
27. Lankit l. Manuscript
28. Boxer Codex m. Lipuun Point, Palawan
29. Tawhid n. Maranao
30. Ummah o. Unity of God

TEST III. Identification. Choose from the box the correct answer.

Visual Art Audio-Visual Art Architect Theater Artists Photographer Practical Arts

Graphic Art Literary Art Printmaker Dancer Musical Arts Narrative

Plastic Art Sculptor Painter Musician Filmmaker Environmental Arts

Pictorial Works Technique

31. They are those presented in the written mode and intended to be read.
32. They are those forms perceived by the eyes.
33. They are those forms perceived by the ears and eyes.
34. They are those visual arts that have length and width; thus, they are also called two-dimensional arts.
35. They are those visual arts that have length, width, and volume; thus, they are also called three-dimensional arts.
36. Uses metal, wood, stone, clay and glass. It falls within the category of “three-dimensional” arts.
37. They uses wood, bamboo, bricks, stone, concrete and various building materials. It added the elements of time.
38. Uses pigments, (e.g. watercolour, oil, tempra, textile paint, acrylic, ink, etc.) on usually flat ground (wood, canvas,
paper, stone wall such as in cave).
39. Uses ink printed or transferred on a surface (wood, metal, plates, or silk screen) that is in keeping with duplicating or
reproducing process.
40. Uses sound and instruments including the human voice, tell stories and abstract ideas.
41. Uses body and its movements, accompanied by music, tell stories, and convey abstract ideas that do not rely on
42. Integrates all the arts and uses the stage, production design, performance elements, and script to enable the visual,
musical, dance and other aspects to come together as a whole work.

43. Uses the camera to record the outside world.

44. Uses the cinematographic camera to record and put together production design, sound engineering, performance,
and screenplay.

45. Include music, poetry, those that have perceptible rhythm and can be sung or danced accompanied by music.

46. Have immediate use for everyday and business life such as design, architecture, and furniture.

47. Occupy space and change in its meaning and function depending on their categories including architecture,
sculpture, and site-specific works such as installations and public art.

48. Include painting, drawing, graphics, and stage and production design (lighting, dress, props, and set).

49. Include drama, novel, fiction, nonfiction, music and dance and are based on stories.

50. Is the manner in which artists use and manipulate materials to achieve the desired formal effect, and communicate
the desired concept, or meaning, according to his or her personal style.

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