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With examples discuss the contribution of science, technology and innovation towards a
sustainable development process.

1. Improved learning system through e-learning

2. Good and fast improvement in trade and market sector through fast transactions
3. Improved productivity in agriculture
4. Helped to promote industrialization
5. Has made easy of transport and communication network, easy transfer of news and info.
6. Proper utilization of natural resources through protection from poaching.
7. Improved living standards of people through creation of jobs and employment
8. Political and democratic maturity through creation of platforms which allow criticism.

2. What is ‘technology transfer’? Discuss the challenges of successful technology transfer

facing developing countries such as Tanzania.

Scientific Transfer of Technology is the transfer of findings and information between

organizations for development and commercialization. It can be either horizontal (one
operational environment and another like different countries) or vertical (between research
institutions and universities and also private and public sectors).
1. Highly costly and expensive especially for developing countries. (Capital oriented)
2. Global market dominated and monopolized by few developed countries having multinational
3. Lack of pool of scientists, experts and researchers in specified domains.
4. Small markets sizes available in developing countries
5. Inability of Governments to allocate and invest in infrastructure and research to support the
technology/ wrong allocations of national budget.
6. Selling of outdated tech by some of countries.
7. Political instability and Civil Wars causing failure of transfer.
3. “Forward and backward linkages between agriculture and other sectors of the economy
are pivotal for Africa’s structural transformation.” Discuss.

Definition: Forward linkage is when Agriculture provides the necessary utilities for production
while the back ward linkage aims at promoting the Agricultural sector.

1. Agriculture-industry
Agriculture may provide raw materials for industry while industries provide finished products
like pesticides, fertilizers, farm machines and seeds.

2. Agriculture-education
There are a lot of education institution teaching agricultural programs like Sokoine University of
Agriculture (SUA) that provides experts, research and consultation in several issues on
agriculture. Other institutions are like Ministry of agriculture training institutes (MATI),
Fisheries Education Training Agency (FETA), Livestock Training Agency (LITA) and others
that produces technicians at certificate and diploma level who are extension officers.

3. Agriculture-Health sector
Agriculture provides the herbs and medicine for treatment while through good health citizens
end up being strong for better productivity especially in Agriculture.

4. Agriculture-Transport
Agriculture requires good roads and transport to reach market early while at the same time the
roads transport the processed Agricultural materials back to the farm or rearing zone.

5. Agriculture-Natural Resources.
Natural Resources provide good and large land for Agriculture, rivers and lakes for irrigation
schemes and provision of fuels to help in Agricultural apparatus while Agriculture may in return
produce manure which helps plant growth and also through Agriculture good soil structure is
built majorly by Availability of Nutrients from plants and crops.

6. Agriculture-trade sector.
Agriculture provides a basis of trade and business in the sense of commercial farming of both
crops, livestock and fishes with their products. This link between agriculture and trade sector is
achieved through agribusiness which merge together between agricultural production, business
and economics.

7. Agriculture-Financial sector.
Many financial institutions including banks, NGOs finance various agricultural programs and
activities. For example Tanzania Agricultural Development Bank TADB has been established
purposely to provide financial support in agricultural sector.

8. Agriculture-labour sector.
Agriculture in Tanzania as an agrarian country has employed more than 80% of the labour force.
Therefore the sector is a major absorber of labour force especially citizens living in rural areas.
9. Agriculture-Research sector
There are several research institutes involved in different researches so as to improve agricultural
productivity. Few examples include, Tanzania Livestock Research Institute (TALIRI), Tanzania
Fisheries Research Institute (TAFIRI), Agricultural Research Institute (ARI), Tanzania
Pesticides Research Institute (TPRI) and many more.
Conclusion: Agriculture plays a Pivotal role along with other sectors to bring structural change.

4. With reference to any African country of your choice, critically evaluate the linkages
between four dimensions of food security and sustainable development.

Food security : refers when all people at all times have physical, social and economic access to
sufficient, safe and nutritious foods that meet their daily dietary needs and food preferences for
an active healthy life.
The question asking if we could explain the linkages between the 4 food dimensions of food
security and sustainable development. (To meet goals without damaging environment or
The first dimension where by taking Tanzania as a country of choice, we have seen the
transportation ways are poor hence food deterioration is high while also there are no stores for
keeping the foods. Hence food is not available at required place in the required time, losing its
nutritious value. This can't lead to sustainable development.
Food preparation is not good especially in many areas where hygiene is not considered much.
People are not eating healthy wise. Water in rural areas is not much safe for use as drinking.
Most cooking is done and is unfriendly environment (done by charcoal).

This involves stability in food availability where even if natural and man-made disasters occur it
should still be available. This is not so secured in Tanzania.
Involve having food purchasing power and ability despite of seasonal variation in jobs and
income for example to farmers.

Involve access to health care and clean safe drinking water and sanitation.
All these 4 food dimensions when interlinked properly bring sustainable development.

NB: Hatutahusika kwa lolote juu ya ubora au uduni wa haya majibu. Tunaamini katika kauli
isemayo “ZA KUAMBIWA CHANGANYA NA KWAKO”. Jitahidi kueleza na kutoa mifano
halisi ili uweze kupata alama za juu, hii ni kurahisisha tu mambo ila sio majibu kamili. Hadi
tunakwenda mitamboni swali la 5 lilikuwa halijatufikia. Tunakuakia kila la heri ndugu yetu
mwanafunzi wa mwaka wa kwanza. By WATU WA KAWAIDA.

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