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The following report will give us an insight of the social network at least some of
them, how they first initiated and how they can help us in our daily life but also
how they can affect us in a negative way. Today there are many different social
networks so I will try to provide the most relevant information about the ones we
used the most.

The social media refers to any website or application that allows people to
connect quickly through the internet, thanks to social media and advanced
technology people is also able to connect internationally, the social media first
appeared around the late 1990s, a lot of people says that social media is
destroying traditional relationships but as everything is life it has its birght and
down side, the benefits that social media offers us are many, thanks to them we
are now able to communicate with friends and family all across the globe in an
easy, free and fast way, most of the social media are also used for businesses,
the down side of it is that some people are getting themselves isolated from the
real world and there is also people that use it as a weapon, there are many
predators using social media. As we know to this day there are way too many
social medias to be able to name them all so we are going to choose three of
them. First we have Facebook which is one of the biggest and main ones, it was
launched back in 2004 by its creator Mark Zuckerberg by 2018 facebook had
2200 millions of active subscibers, Facebook is one the social media that
beside helping you stay connected with friends, family and the news it allows
you to use it as an opportunity to start a business with the option for
Marketplace many people and companies are selling their products throgh it,
another social media is WhatsApp which is now owned by Facebook, this app
allows you to post status that are removed after a certain time automatically,
you can send messages and also make video calls through this app and it’s
free, the last one that we are going to talk about is Instagram this is an app to
share photos and videos it is also owned by Facebok but it was created by
Kevin Systrom and Mike Krieger, many people are using Instagram as a work
tool specially for influencers since they job consist on them constantly posting
and promoting different brands, however as in the Marketplace for Facebook
people are also using it to sell diferente items and it works just fine since they
can get to different types of consumers throught it.

So in conclusion the social media can be a very good tool and help you in many
different ways we just have to know our boundaries and be really careful as to
who we talk to on social media and be also very careful with sharing our
personal information.

Social media can be specially good for those who are trying to start a business
without having to make a really big investment.

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