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GUÍA 3 – FECHA: 15-07-2020 NOMBRE: Danna Ledesma__

Topic: use to and used to

Learning Objective Standard DBA EVALUATION
Elaborar un texto escrito Escribo diferentes Produce mensajes Los estudiantes
de recomendaciones tipos de textos de escritos, tales como deben escribir una
sobre temas académicos mediana longitud y con cartas y correos carta diciendo las
una estructura
de interés sencilla electrónicos, claros y actividades que
bien estructurados solían hacer
teniendo en cuenta el cuando eran niños
contexto en el que
tienen lugar
Previous Knowledge:
1- Fill in the blanks with use to or used to (Completa los espacios con use to o used to).
A) I use to play basketball
B) You use to make breakfast every morning
C) He did used to study French
D) We didn’t used to workout
Introduction: El use to y used to se utilizan para exclamar cosas que tu solías hacer, o que solían
pasar pero que ya no suceden. Por ejemplo, cuando quiero decir que yo solía estar enfermo, lo diría
Pronombre Personal + Used to/use to + verbo + predicado

Reading and Writing

Read the following letter and respond the questions with used to and use to (Lee la siguiente
carta y responda las preguntas con used to y use to).

My summer vacation has been a really exciting one! It’s been a long while ever since I’ve left school
that I’ve had this much fun. I used to read and write a lot, but classes have kept me busy. It’s good to
finally go back to doing so. A small secret of mine, but I did use to draw! I wasn’t any good, but I
wasn’t bad either. Had to stop due to class. Hmm, talking about it reminds me of other things that I
used to do, so I’ll just quickly list them. I used to like chocolate but then I began to like Vanilla more,

Docente Marta Lasprilla

so I stopped buying chocolate. I did use to play soccer but I stopped after I sprained my ankle. I also
used to cook with a lot of oil, but one time my hand was dripping with water and oil sprinkled on my
bare body, burning me. Now I cook without oil. And that was this small summary of what I did! I’ll
be keeping in contact. Take care!

1. Write down each use of used to or use to in the text. You can list them. (Escribe cada
uso del used to o use to en el texto. Puedes hacerlo en forma de lista)
* I used to read and write a lot.
* I used to draw.
* I used to like chocolate.
* I used to play soccer.
* I used to cook with a lot of oil.
2. Write down the reasons for why she stopped doing each one of those activities. (Escribe
las razones por las que ella ha dejado de hacer cada una de esas actividades.)
The main reason was the classes, and before he liked chocolate after vanilla, he likes soccer but he
bent his ankle, he liked to cook with oil but he burned himself and now he cooks without oil.

3. According to the text, what do you think is one of the main reasons for not doing
activities anymore? (De acuerdo al texto, ¿Cuál crees que es una de las principales razones
para no hacer más alguna actividad?)
The main reason was the classes, for this reason he had no time to do them.

Complete the text

Fill in the missing words of the texts with either used to or use to (Complete las palabras
faltantes en los textos con used to o use to).
A) I _used to__ swim a lot when I lived near the beach. My dad _used to__ take me and my little
sister there every afternoon and we would spend hours playing in the water, and making sand castles,
it was so fun. But now that we've moved, we just go on the weekends, and we still have a great time,
but I miss going there every day, it was the best part of my day. I didn’t _use to__ go out during that
time, though.
B) When I was 10, I _use to play in the ground with my mother and my siblings. In the
afternoons, we _used to_ go to the park and play with a ball. When the evening came, we _use to_
have dinner at home with my dad and my grandparents. That time was great! and finally I _used to_
watch cartoons when I was 5 years old

Docente Marta Lasprilla

C) My best friend has changed a lot ever since I last saw him. I remember that he _used to_ play
a lot of games and now he doesn’t. He didn’t _use to_ eat vegetables but now he does. He also _used
to play soccer as well as basketball but now all he does is play volleyball. He still does exercise,
though. Anyway, as for something else, he _used to_ be a slacker but now he isn’t. Now he works
really hard. In the end, my friend has really changed.
D) When I first arrived to this country, things were so different. There were a lot of things that I
_used to_ do before I came. For example, I _used to__ eat a lot but now I eat less. I also did _used to_
be a troublemaker. I too did _use to__ have pets but now I don’t. This country is still amazing, though,
because I can do things that I didn’t _use to_ do before. Such as, well, I didn’t _use to__ take the bus
to school, for one.

Evaluation (Evaluación)
Writing Write a letter which details what you used to do as a kid that you now either do or
don’t do. (Escriba una carta que detalle lo que solías hacer cuando eras un niñ@ y si lo sigues
haciendo o no)
RESPUESTA: I am going to tell you a few things about me from when I was a child, the things I
used to do, when I was little I used to ride a bicycle, I really liked it and enjoyed it, because I rode
with my family, now that change I no longer like and I think that bicycles are not to my liking and I
can say that I hate them, another thing I used to do was read a lot the truth that was my favorite part
of spending my time, I loved it, now I lost interest and I know that it is very good to read but now I
don't like it that much anymore, another thing is that when I was a girl I didn't like songs in English
and I didn't like pop, now that has changed and I'm a fan of music in English and I love pop,
something I've shared since childhood is that I love to sing and dance that is something that myself
from the past and my present me can continue to share, I also still like cartoons and animated dolls,
more specifically the children's programs, before I liked clothes of light and striking colors now only
I like you see throw me in dark colored clothes, preferably black, when I was a girl I used to like
meat, fish, and now I don't, and I think that's what I remember most now I don't like them anymore
and yes, that's everything.

Answer the questions according to what you read from the text (Responde las preguntas de
acuerdo a lo que lees en el texto).
The Mathematician
Stephen William Hawking, a well-known scientist from Oxford, studied physics at Oxford University.
When he was 21 and was doing studies on the universe at Cambridge University, the doctors found
he had a neuro motor problem. Later, his problem got worse but he wanted to finish his studies. He
thought he was going to live only a few months because most people like him only live for 18 months
after diagnosis. In 1985, he had an operation and lost his ability to speak. At first, he could talk by
spelling words moving his eyes when someone showed him a letter. Then, he was able to choose
words from a computer screen with a switch.
In 1998, his first book, which was about the universe, was very popular, but many people did not
finish it because it was difficult to understand. In 2005, he wrote a simple version called A brief
History of Time.
“Before I got ill, my life was boring,” he said. But then he had dreams about giving something good
to the world, so he began to improve his work and now we can understand the universe better. He said

Docente Marta Lasprilla

his success came from the help of his wife and children, other people, and government organizations.
Hawking worked as a Lucasian Professor of mathematics at the University of
Cambridge, a job that Newton also had had in 1663. C) Get better at numbers

1. Stephen Hawking became a sick person
A) He was a student
B) He was born
C) He was popular
2. After his 21st birthday, he believed he was going
A) Die soon
B) Study more
C) Discover new things
3. Before he died, he could talk using
A) His face
B) A machine
C) Some letters

4. His second book was

A) Easier to read
B) For famous people
C) Very advanced
5) ¿When did he start needing help to communicate?

A) In 1985

B) In 1988
C) In 2015
6) Being sick, he decided to
A) Help the planet
B) Be interesting

Docente Marta Lasprilla

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