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Strategy Proposal


Case title:KODAK
Group number:19
Date: 13/07/20
Type of strategy: THE APPROACH
Strategy description:

The most common mistake companies make is to focus on themselves and forget about
consumers. "Regularly communication ends up being about the new things that are in the
organization and they put aside everything that really matters to people

This value proposition will position the brand. The key is to offer products or services that
people really need and cannot get anywhere else, although you should always
underestimate the competition, because even so creating innovative products does not
ensure permanence

You have to understand that the consumer buys from those who offer solutions, regardless
of the name of the business. "It is not about investing for investment, but knowing how to
exploit the new tool in favor of users". Kodak must pursue the conviction of maintaining a
long-lasting customer relationship that can adapt to the medium that best suits the customer.
This will help improve the customer experience, which will be highly beneficial for any

For this, it is necessary to work to coordinate all parties involved, so that the response to the
client is one, although behind there are several areas of the company interacting. In short,
omnichannel could be summed up in the intention of unifying all the channels in which a
brand or business is present in such a way that the customer does not appreciate differences
between all of them.

Improve employee performance and ensure that,the quality of the human capital of the
company, focus also its efforts to satisfy the client is what defines the success of the
company, so it is important to recruit the most qualified personnel. If the idea is to enter the
digital world, hiring professionals trained in the use of technological tools, with high
knowledge in the industry and a taste for customer service should be the priority.

kodak must focus all its efforts on creating innovative products that satisfy a niche in the
market, specialize and fulfill customers with the expected quality, this will be a success for
the company according to the strategy of the porter approach the technology market,
photographic equipment, computing, cell phones and everything that digitalization brought
with it, are created for everyone, some with improved specifications and operations, to meet
the need for very exclusive customers, but they are technological tools that specialize in
providing a certain type of luxury to people and their true function is distorted a little, meet
needs, and provide a good experience to their buyer.
If kodak focused its efforts on a smaller market, such as the disabled population, or those
with learning problems, it would provide not only a tool but also a more sensitive vision of
technology as a means of learning for people with difficulties, which are only 2,624 in
Colombia. .898 equivalent to (6.1%) of the total population, and increases every year as a
consequence of the distorted society in which we live

This kodak initiative for people with disabilities can be supported by government entities
and go from being just a strategy to becoming a mass movement, thousands of people
supporting the cause, this strategy would be based on the creation of technological tools,
devices for people with hearing problems, glasses for opticians to improve vision problems,
and make improved versions of existing devices but focused to facilitate their use by people
with disabilities.

Another strategy to increase the sales of the company may be technological campaigns
where people are motivated to acquire the equipment not only to earn their own profit but
also that with their purchase they are supporting foundations or funds so that these
vulnerable populations gain access to specialized and personalized technology.

good afternoon I share contribution number 7.2 of the guide, thank you

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