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A Friis-based Calibrated Model for WiFi Terminal Positioning

Conference Paper · June 2005

DOI: 10.1109/WOWMOM.2005.2 · Source: IEEE Xplore


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5 authors, including:

Frederic Lassabe Philippe Canalda

Université de Technologie de Belfort-Montbéliard Institut FEMTO-ST


Pascal Chatonnay Oumaya Baala

University of Franche-Comté Université de Technologie de Belfort-Montbéliard


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A Friis-based calibrated model for WiFi terminals
Frédéric Lassabe∗ , Oumaya Baala† , Philippe Canalda∗ , Pascal Chatonnay∗ , François Spies∗
∗ LIFC - Laboratoire d’Informatique de l’Université de Franche-Comté
Numérica - Multimedia Developpement Center
Cours Louis Leprince Ringuet, BP 21126
25201 Montbéliard Cedex, France
Email: {frederic.lassabe,philippe.canalda,pascal.chatonnay,francois.spies}
† SeT - Laboratoire Système et Transports
UTBM - Université de Technologie de Belfort-Montbéliard
Rue Thierry Mieg
90010 Belfort cedex, France

Abstract— Two types of applications use indoor posi- eration we need to know the coordinates of at least
tioning: services linked with mobility, such as guided three points and their distance to the mobile which
tour or meeting systems, and the active security of wire- position must be determined. With the spreading of
less network which locates intrusive unauthorized mobile mobile networks, the interest in location-aware services
terminals. Indoor positioning cannot be managed by a
has grown significantly. WiFi networks are commonly
geostationnary system like GPS. In fact, current researches
are conducted to conceive indoor positioning using wireless
implanted indoors, which raises new problems with
networks such as WiFi. In this paper, we study such a positioning. GPS [3] makes mobile terminal positioning
mechanism and compare our accuracy results to other easy outdoors, whereas indoor positioning is seriously
solutions. This positioning function is combined to a limited.
mobility prediction mechanism and constitute the mobility In this article, we address the indoor positioning of
service in a Video on Demand system called MoVie (Mobile WiFi terminals. Indeed, positioning is the first and most
Video). important step in mobility management. To obtain the
Keywords: positioning, mobility, wireless LAN. position of a mobile terminal, we use trilateration. It
is therefore necessary to compute the distance between
each access point and the mobile terminal. The main
With the spreading of WiFi networks [1], that enables topic of our article is the indoor distance determina-
mobility and high data rate transfer, new problems arise. tion within a heterogeneous environment for which we
Service continuity is a recurring problem related to choose to use an alternative to the Friis equation [4].
mobility. Indeed, mobile clients may want to change their We will focus on a comparison of our technique with
access point. In this case, the services provided would the existing ones through precision tests.
be interrupted if nothing was done. A technique called Our work comes within the scope of the MoVie [5]
handover is used to prevent the services from being project. MoVie is a streaming platform for multimedia
interrupted. It is a mechanism allowing a mobile client contents. MoVie is structured into interoperable modules
to change his access point transparently. The handover (see fig. 1) where the following characteristics are gath-
needs to be planned in advance. Mobility prediction is a ered:
good means to anticipate the handover. • NetMoVie integrates the RTP/RTCP protocol. It
Mobility prediction aims at determining where a mo- receives a few video sequence qualities and selects
bile terminal is more likely to be in the near future. To the most adapted one depending on the current
do so, the terminal location is required. It is obtained situation.
through a process called positioning. Several ways of • SysMoVie gathers ORB components and integrates
positioning exist including trilateration [2]. For trilat- the hierarchy of video caches. The strategy of
Database / Frontend
In this section, we present the major positioning
techniques. All of them use signal strength from the WiFi
Mixers Caches / mandataries
peripherals to determine the geographic location of a


NetMoVie SysMoVie mobile terminal. Positioning techniques can be classified
into two main categories.
Clients video The first one is based on a signal strength cartography
which can be done in two ways. One uses physical
SERVER measurement and the other uses a mathematical wave

GeoMoVie propagation model to compute the signal strength values

Positioning and Mobility Prediction of the map.
The second category of positioning techniques aims
Fig. 1. The MoVie modules structure. at determining a relation between signal strength and
distance. Several approaches to obtain such a model
have been developed. It makes the location computation
video cache management is specific to the particular possible using trilateration.
temporal data. Firstly, we present the cartography-based category of
• WebMoVie represents a query interface of the positioning techniques. The work [8] deals with both
MoVie platform. It is the entry point of clients measurement and calculation-based generation of the
where they are identified. A trader is created for signal strength map. Secondly, we present two tech-
each query in order to localize one or more required niques from the wave propagation family. The first one
video sequences in SysMoVie. [9] uses polynomial regression to obtain a model. The
• GeoMoVie tracks the mobile clients and antici- second one [10] is based on distance calculation through
pates their future moves. It contains positioning and the use of an alternative to the Friis equation which is a
prediction modules. It also provides the handover free-space radio wave propagation basis.
management. A. Cartography-based positioning
In SysMoVie, a handover cache policy [6] ensures the
Within the RADAR system [8], the mobile terminal
continuity of the multimedia flow. The defined cache
positioning uses a signal strength map of the covered
management aims at transferring parts of the video
area. The signal strength map technique is split into
sequences to the nearby caches. Thus it makes it possible
two steps. The first step is the generation of a signal
to avoid transmission interruptions. SysMoVie retrieves
strength database. It can be created by measuring or by
information from GeoMoVie to determine which caches
computation. The second step uses this database to locate
the video sequences parts will be transferred to.
mobile terminals.
GeoMoVie is split into two components. The posi-
1) Data collection: The first step in the signal
tioning component allows to determine a mobile current
strength cartography-based method is data collection. It
position. The mobility prediction component then uses
requires all the computers (laptop or access points) to
the position to guess at the future positions of the mobile
be synchronized. At each point of the grid, the mobile
terminal. Setting up GeoMoVie requires a learning pe-
terminal broadcasts packets including its position and a
riod. The mobility prediction part is based on the hidden
timestamp. Then, the geographic coordinates, the signal
Markov model [7].
strength space coordinates and the mobile orientation are
The remainder of this article is organized as follows.
stored in a database. The signal strength space is a N -
In section II, we present the work related to mobile
dimensional space where N is the number of access
positioning. In section III, we expound the context of
points used for positioning. The signal strength space
our work with the related problems and their potential
coordinates are N -uples. These N -uples elements are
solutions. Section IV describes the tests of both the
signal strength measurements from each access point,
related work and ours. In section V, we discuss the
expressed in dBm1 .
possible uses of positioning in mobility prediction. In
section VI, we analyze the results of the tests and present 1
The dBm is a unit used to quantify the power. It is expressed with
our conclusions. the following formula : PdBm = 10 log10 (PmW )
2) Calculation-based signal strength map: The Floor collection. The test bed can be considered compact
Attenuation Factor model from Seidel and Rappaport (22.5 meters by 43.5 meters) and its layout is quite
[11] is used to compute the signal strength map. This homogeneous. It is composed of many offices separated
model is flexible enough to fit every building topology by walls. The precision is fairly good with this tech-
while taking into account many sources of signal strength nique. However, there is a critical drawback: the lack
loss. However, in [8] the model is modified by replacing of dynamism. Indeed, the measurement-based database
ground-related losses with obstacle-related losses. They generation, which leads to the best performances, is
particularly address the signal strength absorption by the compromised when the topology or the access points
walls. layout changes. In such cases, the database must be
The calculation database generation leads to a signal completely re-generated.
strength map similar to the measurement-based one.
Thus, it is unnecessary to take measurements at each B. A polynomial regression-based propagation model
point of the grid to obtain the database.
3) Database exploitation: When the signal strength Wang, Jia and Lee [9] present a positioning technique
database is generated, it is used to locate mobile termi- based on a radio wave propagation model. This model
nals. A mobile requiring its location broadcasts a packet aims at expressing the mathematical relation between
to the access points within range. Each access point the distance from transmitter to receiver and the signal
then measures the signal strength. The signal sent by the strength.
mobile terminal contains a timestamp so that the access First of all, the authors prove the possible use of signal
points compute the position of the mobile terminal at the strength for mobile terminal positioning by measuring
same time. signal strength for 24 hours. Measurements are taken
Then, the signal strength measurement from each every 0.5 second. The result analysis shows that signal
access point is compared with the reference points stored strength is more stable at night. It is due to people’s
in the database. Points selected in the database approx- interferences at daytime. When working time fluctuations
imately match the measure because of the variability are considered, the signal strength shows a standard
of signal propagation. The closest measurement sets are deviation of only 2.26 dBm, proving the possibility of
returned. Selected reference points are ordered by Eu- exploiting the signal strength in mobile positioning.
clidian distance2 in the signal strength space. The closest Then the authors take a series of measurements. The
point is more likely to be the solution. Neighbors of this results are placed in a graph where X-coordinate is the
solution are considered to be potential solutions. The signal strength and Y-coordinate is the distance. The
geographic location of the mobile device corresponds to graph shows a group of points which can be math-
the geographic coordinates of the chosen reference point. ematically expressed. The mathematical expression is
Storing reference measures, builds a signal strength obtained by polynomial regression of a degree of 1 to
cartography. This is an application from R2 to RN where 6. It appears that third degree polynomial regression is
N is the number of access points used to locate the the best in terms of precision computation ratio. Then,
mobile terminal. For each point defined by its geographic the authors proceed with measurements to compare the
coordinates (x, y), this application admits an image model to reality. At a point of unknown coordinates,
(p1 , p2 , ..., pN ) where pi is the measured signal strength the signal strengths from the access points within range
from the access point i. are measured. The third-degree polynomial expression
The access points used in this project were PC running is applied to the obtained values. The results are the
FreeBSD, equipped with WiFi cards configured as access respective distances from the access points to the mobile
points. A two-dimensional positioning is considered. terminal. The distances allow to calculate the position of
The cartography-based positioning technique has a 2- the mobile terminal by using trilateration.
to-3-meter precision with a database generated by data The advantage of this technique is the speed of posi-
tioning. All we need to do is apply the formula obtained
The Euclidian distance between two points A (xa0 , ..., xai ) and by regression. Then, a simple trilateration returns the
B (xb0 , ..., xbi ) is calculated following this formula : mobile terminal coordinates. However, there is a main
q drawback. A lot of data are required for the regression to
D = (xa0 − xb0 )2 + ... + (xai − xbi )2
be accurate, which involves a high cost in measurement
time. On top of that, it is possible to be confronted
with singularities in the buildings where the positioning The precision observed is close to 2 meters. The main
technique is implemented. advantage of this technique is its setup speed. In fact,
it is only necessary to supply the program with the
C. Security and positioning
coordinates of the access points. Simply running the
The article [10] deals with security issues. Its first program is enough to position a mobile terminal. How-
objective is to locate rogue mobile terminals and ac- ever, some singular geographic points were observed
cess points which try to infiltrate a network through where the precision was worse than 8 meters. The main
its wireless part. Indeed, WiFi networks are subject to drawback of this technique is the unique exponent used
severe security flaws. An access point can be set behind in the Friis equation.
the firewall of an Ethernet network, thus allowing client
terminals to connect to any machine without being fil- D. Related work analysis
tered by the firewall. Unauthorized clients may then gain
access to an enterprise network and steal confidential We focus on 5 criteria : setup time, positioning time,
data from it. resources used, precision and reactivity. All are summed
The authors take signal strength measurements at up in the table I.
many locations of many buildings. The results of these
measurements are used to establish a radio wave prop- RADAR [8] Interlink SNAP
Networks [10] WPS [9]
agation model. This model is based on the Friis rela- Setup time Very long None Long
tion. The Friis relation expresses the signal strength in Positioning time Medium Short short
function of distance, in a free space environment. The Resources used Many Few Few
Friis-based model is adapted to fit the conditions of Precision Very good Medium Good
Reactivity None Total None
The Friis equation can be written as follows: TABLE I
10 log10 (GR )+10 log10 (GT )+20 log10 ( )−20 log10 (d)

where PR and PT are respectively the received signal The best precision is obtained by the signal strength
strength and the transmission power. λ is the wavelength, cartography-based technique. The other two techniques,
d is the transmitter-receiver distance and GR and GT are based on radio wave propagation, are precise but they
respectively the receiver and transmitter antenna gains. sometimes lead to singular points. However, it costs lot
The authors consider the 20 coefficient, multiplied by of resources and computing time to use a signal strength
log10 (d). The value 20 is obtained by the conversion to map. On top of that, it requires a long setup time and it
dBm. It was decided to change this 20 into a greater has no reactivity when topologic changes occur. These
value which takes into account the greater loss from drawbacks partially affect the polynomial regression-
indoor environment. Indeed, the signal strength is in- based technique because of the need for data in order
versely proportional to square distance. The increase of to obtain the polynomial expression of the distance.
the exponent applied to the distance implies that the Although its precision is less accurate than that of the
signal strength is more reduced for a given distance. It is previous technique, the technique based on an alternative
exactly what happens in radio wave indoor propagation. to the Friis equation has a main advantage, which is to
Increasing the exponent in the Friis equation allows the be very quick to setup and use. Thus, it is well adapted
computation of a more precise signal strength according to topologic changes.
to the distance. The reciprocal formula is then Singular points are intrinsic with the topologic het-
erogeneity. Buildings are composed of obstacles which
10 log10 (GR ) + 10 log10 (GT ) + 20 log10 ( 4π ) interfere with the radio wave propagation. The obstacles
log10 (d) =
10i can be of various natures [12] and their layout can be
−10 log10 (PR ) + 10 log10 (PT ) irregular. By regular we mean that the distance between
10i the obstacles is approximately constant in the whole
where i is the new floating point coefficient replacing 2 building and the nature of the obstacles is similar. When
(included in 20 when expressed in dBm as before) in the facing such unfavorable cases, the signal strength car-
Friis equation. tography shows better results because it fits the building
Initial Measurements strength loss through atmosphere, and an extension of

Indoors Friis
this phenomenon to every object gone through by the



1) Free-space propagation loss: The first source of
signal strength loss is related to the distance covered by
the signal. The signal strength loses power when going
through the atmosphere. In a free-space environment,
like our atmosphere, the loss can be determined by the
Real Time Measurements Friis equation:
PR λ 2
= GR GT ( )

PT 4πd

Trilateration where:
• PR and PT are respectively the power available at
the receiving antenna and the power supplied to the
Position source antenna;
• GR and GT are respectively the receiver antenna
gain and the transmitter antenna gain;
Mobility Prediction • λ is the carrier wavelength;
• d is the transmitter-receiver distance.

Handover Cache Policy The Friis equation expresses the signal strength loss
in function of the distance d. This loss depends on the
signal frequency f = λc . The carrier wave speed c in the
Fig. 2. Positioning techniques in the MoVie project. atmosphere is approximately c = 3.108 m.s−1 .
2) Radio wave absorption: The radio wave absorption
by the environment is due to the conversion of part
whereas the propagation model-based techniques con- of electro-magnetic wave energy into kinetics energy,
sider the topology uniformly. involving a warming of the environment concerned. This
The figure 2 shows the dependances between the absorption is generally greater than the one bound to the
positioning techniques, the mobility prediction and the atmosphere.
handover cache policy within the MoVie project. It 3) Radio wave distortion sources: The radio waves
presents the steps followed by each positioning technique are affected by the presence of topologic components
from the setup to the positioning and its application. altering the radio waves trajectory and therefore modify
III. C ONTRIBUTIONS the signal strength. The phenomenon we are more likely
to observe is wave reflection.
The Interlink Networks [10] approach is chosen to
The most common sources of wave trajectory are
implement our positioning system. It has indeed the
metal equipment that induces huge signal reflections,
advantages of speed and simplicity. It is interesting with
preventing it from reaching areas theoretically within
mobile terminals which have little computation power.
range. Devices functioning at frequencies close to WiFi
We explain the drawbacks of a uniform computation
frequencies also distort the signal by covering it with
in order to determine the distance according to the
great noise. This is for example a potential problem when
signal strength. We first describe the common sources
using a microwave between two WiFi peripherals.
of radio wave distortion and their predominance within
4) Context: Our experiments take place in the context
a heterogeneous environment. Second, we highlight the
of the Numérica building (figure 3). The Numérica3
radio wave distortion in indoor environment with the
building topology is heterogeneous. When studying the
help of our experiments and we test the model of [10],
first-floor map, it is possible to distinguish two homo-
to reveal its limits in a heterogeneous environment.
geneous areas. First comes the corridor which runs all
A. Common phenomena in radio wave propagation 3
The Numérica center is the building where ISTI and LIFC
Radio waves are mainly subject to two phenomena (Laboratoire d’Informatique de l’Université de Franche-Comté) are
affecting their signal strength or trajectory: the signal located.
along the floor and has no obstacle. Second there is the going through a door can involve the mobile being
area composed of offices, separated by partition walls hidden by a wall, therefore having the signal strength
which alter signal strength. A load-bearing wall and a received fall greatly with just a few steps.
partition wall separate both defined areas. Between these On the map (see fig. 3), the triangles are the access
two walls, there are electrical components and water points. The dots are the calibration measurement points
pipes. Together, they considerably weaken the signal and the crosses are the testing points. The origin of the
strength when the radio wave goes through them. coordinates is the bottom left corner on the map. The
last access point is not represented because it is in a
near building which is not on the map.
In this section, we present various phenomena inter-
fering with radio wave propagation. These phenomena
are free-space propagation loss, absorption by physical
obstacles and radio wave trajectory distortion. Then, we
describe the topology of the Numérica building, which
includes all the types of obstacles and signal strength
losses previously exposed which makes a radio wave
propagation model hard to establish.

B. Conducted experiments
Two series of experiments were conducted. The first
one aimed at showing radio wave attenuation in function
of distance. The second one aimed at testing some of the
models of the literature previously mentioned in section
1) Attenuation check: The first series of experiments
was conducted on the ground floor corridor of the ISTI4
32,6 m

area in Numérica. An access point was placed at the end

of the corridor. A laptop equipped with a WiFi PCMCIA
card was used to measure the signal strength at various
distances between the access point and the laptop. A
sample of the results is given in graph 4.

Signal Strength in function of Distance

-40 Front

Signal Strength (dBm)




(0,0) 10.5 m -65

0 500 1000 1500 2000 2500
Fig. 3. Numérica center first floor (ISTI area) map. Distance (cm)

Fig. 4. Signal strength in function of distance.

This characteristic of the building is recurrent on all 3
floors. It makes signal strength loss more complex than At each point, four measurements were made, one for
a simple distance-bound loss. A little move can indeed
drastically modify received signal strength. For example, Institut des Sciences et Technologies de l’Information
(x;y) Signal strength Real Computed
each cardinal point. It allows us to study the orientation Coordinates AP facing North distance distance
impact on the measured signal strength. (dBm) (m) (m)
Other measurements took place in the corridor of (4;5,4) 1 -61.4 20.6 18.56
the ground floor. Tests were carried out, placing the (4;5,4) 2 -54.6 4 8.54
(4;5,4) 3 -59.6 30.6 11.87
access point at the other end of the corridor. Various (5;9,1) 1 -56.2 16.6 13.18
access points and various PCMCIA cards were used. All (5;9,1) 2 -42.4 2.2 3.83
measurements produced about the same results. (5;9,1) 3 -59.8 31.8 12.02
The examination of the resulting curve underlines (3,8;12,6) 1 -55.6 13.2 12.67
(3,8;12,6) 2 -42.4 2 3.83
globally decreasing signal strength when the distance
(3,8;12,6) 3 -58.6 31 11.11
between the transmitter (access point) and the receiver
(laptop) increases. However, the decrease is not regular. TABLE II
Many singularities show up. Examining the map of A SAMPLE OF MEASUREMENTS AND DISTANCE COMPUTATION .
Numérica enables us to explain these phenomena.
It appears that the singularities are located at the
same distance from the access point as the building
components likely to distort the signal. It confirms the the first floor of a close building.
impact of the metal devices on the radio wave trajectory. The miscalculation of the distance is significant. It
Although the overall attenuation of the signal is can reach 20 meters in this example. Measurements at
checked, many singularities in the wave propagation are the other points produce similar errors. The experiments
observed. They even exist in free space propagation show that the indoor Friis equation [10] is not adapted
between the transmitter and the receiver. The topology to all types of construction work.
has a significant impact on the wave and taking it into
account is of primary concern in the realization of a C. Distance determination
positioning model. The first step in mobile positioning is to determine the
Moreover, the impact of the orientation is checked. It distance between the known points and the point to be
is however variable and difficult to quantify. Measure- located. To achieve this, a valuable approach is based on
ments from various points reveal that the variation of the Friis equation. An alternative to the Friis equation is
measurement is not the same for a given direction. In- used in function of the nature of the area crossed. This
deed, the study of the results shows that the measurement alternative is based on the partitioning of the territory
taken in front of the access point can be higher as it can into homogeneous zones. The calibration of the model
be lower than the one taken when turning back from the is performed for each homogeneous zone. At last, we
access point. This example is repeated for all the tested propose to calculate the distance by an expression linked
orientations, either presented to the right or the left, in with the access point.
the front or at the back. 1) Choice of the indoor Friis equation: The variation
2) Test of the alternative to the Friis equation [10]: of the propagation indice in the Friis equation makes
From now on, we call the alternative to the Friis equation it possible to express the impact of the topology on
the indoor Friis equation. The impact of the distance and the attenuation of the signal. The propagation index,
topology being checked, a series of tests for validation when applied to the distance, explicitly materializes the
of the positioning technique previously presented in [10] difference in the absorption of the signal according to the
was carried out. To perform the test, the alternative to medium it goes through. However, the alternative to the
the Friis equation is implemented in a C program. The Friis equation presented in [10] has drawbacks because
program makes signal strength measurements on the the medium varies from one building to another: the
available access points and calculates their distance to number of walls, spacing between the walls, the building
the laptop by applying the indoor Friis equation. material and other parameters have to be taken into
The measurements are taken according to 4 directions. consideration to determine the new propagation index.
There are 12 points of measurement : 6 in the offices and Indeed, when the propagation index, replacing the 2
6 in the corridor. The results are presented in table II. in the Friis equation, is calculated, it includes to some
There are 3 access points. Number 1 is the Netgear extent an average of the media which can be encountered
access point, the other two are from the Cisco vendor. within the building.
One of the Cisco access points, number 3, is located on Thus, the walls and all the other fixed obstacles in the
building are taken into account during the calibration of • K is a fixed value for each access point, where
the system. K = −37 − PT , and PT is the access point current
2) Calibration of the Friis equation: The model pre- output power ;
sented in [9] is calibrated before use to put it in adequacy • dj is the real distance to the access point j , known
with the building where it is implemented. According to when processing the measurements.
the authors of the indoor Friis equation, a coefficient From now on, it is considered that p points are mea-
of 3.5 in the indoor Friis equation is applicable to any sured to calibrate a zone. We also consider that there are
environment of offices. However, a series of tests led N available access points to locate the mobile terminal.
in Numérica prove that this assertion is not accurate pN propagation indices can be calculated, with p indices
(see table II). The model has to be calibrated so that for each access point. The index associated with an
its precision allows the use of the results in mobile posi- access point j for a given homogeneous zone z is the
tioning. Moreover, this calibration has to be made after average of propagation indices cjk calculated from signal
the partitioning of the building into homogeneous zones. strength measurements in zone z . These propagation
Afterwards, each zone has to be calibrated independently indices are used in the indoor Friis equation which makes
of the others to obtain a suitable propagation index. it possible to estimate the distance between an access
The calibration of the model induces a new cost point and a mobile terminal. We name calibrated model
in time in the implementation of mobile positioning. a model being based on the calibration from a concrete
Several criteria of calibration have to be considered. The set of measurements.
first one is the calibration by a homogeneous zone. The
second one depends on the access point to which the IV. C ASE STUDY
measurements are related. We study the precision of the calibrated model within
Indeed, the medium surrounding the access points is the Numérica building. We have implemented a Java
not always homogeneous. For example, an access point applet which allows the display of points and circles
can be in a nearby building and thus the transmitted materializing the access points and the distances between
waves go through a street. In this case, the major part these points and the mobile terminal.
of the medium they go through will be air, which means
A. Analysis of the results
a free-space medium. Consequently, its signal strength
will be different from the one transmitted by the in- The measurements and calculations carried out allow
building access points at the same distance. Then, a to analyse the precision of the studied models ( [9] and
single propagation index for all the access points causes [10]) and that of the calibrated model (part III-C.2).
a miscalculation of the distance according to the power 1) Testing of the calibrated model: To study the
of the signal. precision profit of the calibrated model, the alternatives
To calculate the applicable propagation indices in to the Friis equation were confronted with a new set
the Friis equation, it is necessary to conduct measure- of measurements. Six new points were measured in
ments. For each homogeneous zone, we have to measure random directions. For the 6 points, calculations of the
the power at several regularly distributed points. These distance and position were processed. Six points were
measurements allow the calculation of coefficients. The also measured on the ground floor in order to study the
calculation of the propagation index is done by reversing impact of a change of topology within the same building.
the Friis equation in order to obtain an expression of The real coordinates and the measured power are
the propagation index in function of the parameters of provided to the Java applet which computes the dis-
distance and power. The coefficient cjk is the coefficient tances with the methods presented in [10] and [9] and
at the point k for the access point j . This coefficient is according to the calibrated model. Then, the position of
calculated according to this relation: the mobile terminal is calculated by trilateration. The
error made during the positioning process is calculated
−SSjk − K and displayed too. We use these results to analyze the
cjk =
10. log10 (dj ) models.
2) Precision analysis: The measurement of the pre-
where: cision is done by computing the distance between the
• SSjk is the signal strength at the point k related to calculated position and the real position where the
the access point j ; measurement was made. The first set of measurements
was carried out on the ground floor of Numérica. The in calculations and not to distribute them on the whole
measurements obtained are shown in table III. building by using an average.

Real (x;y) Error for the indoor Error for the V. A PPLICATION TO THE MOBILITY PREDICTION
coordinates Friis equation [10] (m) calibrated model (m)
(3,6 ; 12,3) 37,43 33,68
Once the distances between the access points and the
(9,5 ; 13) 44,06 30,05 mobile terminal are determined, it is possible to proceed
(1,6 ; 2) 30,79 43,48 to the mobility prediction. First of all, the geographical
(4,4 ; 19,7) 36 27,4 position of the terminal is calculated using trilateration.
(8,1 ; 23,8) 37,17 21,87
Then the computed data are exploited by the mobility
(3,4 ; 26,9) 27,9 23,44
prediction system. We briefly describe the trilateration
TABLE III technique. Finally, we quickly expound the mobility
P RECISION OF THE POSITIONING MODELS , GROUND FLOOR OF prediction system and its use within the MoVie project.
A. Determination of the position
The calculation of the terminal position is done by
In most cases, the calibrated model precision is better trilateration. Indeed, the distances between the access
than the indoor Friis equation one. The point, where points and the mobile terminal are known. Moreover,
the precision of the indoor Friis equation is better, is the access points are positioned at known coordinates.
placed in a stairwell behind a load-bearing wall. This One can thus deduce the position of the mobile terminal.
wall is not considered in the same homogeous zone for To do so, it is necessary to solve a system of equations
the use of the propagation index of two of the available whose solution is the mobile terminal position. In prac-
access points. It explains the highest degree of accuracy tice, because of the approximate distance, the solution
of the indoor Friis equation compared to the calibrated obtained is not unique. However, the position can be
model. In other cases, the calibrated model shows better approximated.
precision than the indoor Friis equation. B. Mobility prediction
The lack of precision of our model in the absolute is
Once we know the position of a mobile terminal at
explained by the use of the model calibration on the first
different periods, it is possible to predict its movements.
floor, with access points placed in different positions.
The prediction is split up into two stages. The first
The measurements on the ground floor do not correspond
stage is the installation of the prediction system after
to the model established for the first floor.
learning it from the peregrinations of various users on
The second set of measurements was taken on the first
the network.
floor and produced the results presented in table IV.
Our mobility prediction system is based on the hidden
Markov model [7]. Indeed, the position of the mobile
Real (x;y) Error [10] (m) Calibrated Error [9] (m)
coordinates model error (m) terminals is known with a degree of uncertainty. The
(1,6 ; 2,2) 15,7 2,72 20,44 observations are different from the physical states. We
(7 ; 3) 20,08 7,62 19,62 are confronted with a double stochastic process, to which
(8,6 ; 14,5) 24,08 16,86 23,89 the use of the hidden Markov model is well adapted.
(7,6 ; 25,2) 48,87 26,32 17.29
(3,6 ; 24,8) 30,6 25,06 6,58
The cells of the network are partitioned into under-
(12,4 ; 11) 36,95 16,56 48,86 cells corresponding to the zones bordering on the close
cells. Each of these under-cells is then broken up into
TABLE IV 4 states, each one being a direction (North, South,
P OSITIONING MODELS PRECISION , FIRST FLOOR OF N UMÉRICA . East, and West). Therefore, it is possible to increase
the precision of the model by taking its direction into
account without having to use several former states.
This series of measurements underlines the influence The training is done regularly to overcome the changes
of the building heterogeneity in Numérica on the pre- of the user’s mobility patterns. It is done from time
cision of positioning. All the methods used, even when to time. In the graph representing the states of the
calibrated for Numérica, have such bad precision that it is hidden Markov model, the training makes it possible to
clearly necessary to include precisely the fixed obstacles determine the probabilities of transition from one state to
another. When the probabilities are calculated, it is possi- Compared to a method which completely loads caches to
ble to exploit the prediction model. Various possibilities avoid cache miss, we have a low bandwidth usage and
exist to obtain a succession of states corresponding to compared to a method which does nothing to prevent
a succession of observations but we kept the Viterbi handover, we have good reactivity and we avoid stream-
algorithm. ing failure. In figure 5, a is the threshold determining
partial prefetching and T is the threshold determining
C. Handover cache policy
the complete prefetching of the video sequence.
As we said in the introduction, this work comes within
the scope of the MoVie project. In this project, the VI. C ONCLUSIONS AND PROSPECTS

strategy of video cache management is specific in the The experiments we carried out led us to several con-
way that it considers mobility. To load caches with video clusions. The observations also opened up new prospects
sequence MoVie tries to predict which video will be seen for us within the framework of mobile-terminal position-
in the near future. In fact, we rely on a prediction of the ing.
users position to prefetch the video they are watching in
A. Prospects
the cache they will depend on in a near future. We name
this technique "handover prediction". We describe it in The analysis of the calibrated model tests shows that
detail in [6]. the topology should be considered more precisely. On
In this technique, we determine the position of a user. top of that, the calibrated Friis equation is too sensitive
Using this position and the history of the system, we to the distance variation from the transmitter.
calculate the probability of the user’s presence in each 1) Taking into account the topology more precisely:
cache zone of the neighborhood. According to these The relative inaccuracy of the topology in the places
probabilities, we decide to load the cache serving the where positioning is practiced is observed especially
zone or not. When we decide to load a cache with a when the signal strength is either very weak or very
video sequence, we determine the amount of data to be strong. It is necessary to address the empiricism of
loaded. We have the choice between the base layer only the calibration when the peregrinations of a mobile
or the base layer and the enhancement layer (see [6] for terminal have to be tracked, especially in a hetero-
details). geneous environment. This is possible by determining
the signal strength along a way for which the effects
of the obstacles are taken into account. The effects
Complete document
Partial document must be expressed mathematically and integrated into
0.4 0.1 the computation of the signal strength loss. Limited
.4 T = (1) measurements could be taken in ideal conditions in order
0.1 0.2 0.07 to evaluate the various phenomena separately.
.6 T
= 0.7 2) Variable indices in the Friis equation: Even when
0.07 0.06
calibrating the alternative to the Friis equation, the results
(2) can still include great errors. These errors come from
the determination of the index in the formula giving the
Hit rate Hit rate distance according to the signal strength:
Quality rate weighted by the quality
Bandwidth gain −SS − K
log10 (d) =
where K is a value depending on the hardware proper-
We consider the possibility of determining the value of
the index used in the mathematical expression according
to the received signal strength. The phenomena radio
Fig. 5. User in a corridor.
wave propagation is subject to are complex. Not all of
them can be taken into account because the generated
According to the simulations we made (see fig. 5), computations take too much time and are too frequent:
the handover prediction to prefetch caches gives good the positioning has to be almost instantaneous in the
results balanced between bandwidth usage and reactivity. perspectives of mobility prediction.
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test the positioning system. A case study allowed us to
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We would like to thank Damien C HARLET for his
work on the handover cache policy.

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